/****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2018 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************/ #include "modules/perception/common/perception_gflags.h" #include namespace apollo { namespace perception { // sensor_manager DEFINE_string(obs_sensor_intrinsic_path, "/apollo/modules/perception/data/params", "The intrinsics/extrinsics dir."); DEFINE_string(obs_sensor_meta_path, "/apollo/modules/perception/production" "/data/perception/common/sensor_meta.pt", "The SensorManager config file."); DEFINE_bool(enable_base_object_pool, false, "Enable base object pool."); // config_manager DEFINE_string(config_manager_path, "./conf", "The ModelConfig config paths."); DEFINE_string(work_root, "", "Project work root direcotry."); // lidar_point_pillars DEFINE_int32(gpu_id, 0, "The id of gpu used for inference."); DEFINE_string(pfe_onnx_file, "/apollo/modules/perception/production/data/perception/lidar/" "models/detection/point_pillars/pfe.onnx", "The path of pillars feature extractor onnx file."); DEFINE_string(rpn_onnx_file, "/apollo/modules/perception/production/data/perception/lidar/" "models/detection/point_pillars/rpn.onnx", "The path of RPN onnx file."); DEFINE_double(normalizing_factor, 255, "Normalize intensity range to [0, 1] by this factor."); DEFINE_int32(num_point_feature, 5, "Length of raw point feature. Features include x, y, z," "intensity and delta of time."); DEFINE_bool(enable_downsample_beams, false, "Enable down sampling point cloud beams with a factor."); DEFINE_int32(downsample_beams_factor, 4, "Down sample point cloud beams with this factor."); DEFINE_bool(enable_downsample_pointcloud, false, "Enable down sampling point cloud into centroids of voxel grid."); DEFINE_double(downsample_voxel_size_x, 0.01, "X-axis size of voxels used for down sampling point cloud."); DEFINE_double(downsample_voxel_size_y, 0.01, "Y-axis size of voxels used for down sampling point cloud."); DEFINE_double(downsample_voxel_size_z, 0.01, "Z-axis size of voxels used for down sampling point cloud."); DEFINE_bool(enable_fuse_frames, false, "Enable fusing preceding frames' point cloud into current frame."); DEFINE_int32(num_fuse_frames, 5, "Number of frames to fuse, including current frame."); DEFINE_double(fuse_time_interval, 0.5, "Time interval in seconds of frames to fuse."); DEFINE_bool(enable_shuffle_points, false, "Enable shuffling points before preprocessing."); DEFINE_int32(max_num_points, INT_MAX, "Max number of points to preprocess."); DEFINE_bool(reproduce_result_mode, false, "True if preprocess in CPU mode."); DEFINE_double(score_threshold, 0.5, "Classification score threshold."); DEFINE_double(nms_overlap_threshold, 0.5, "Nms overlap threshold."); DEFINE_int32(num_output_box_feature, 7, "Length of output box feature."); } // namespace perception } // namespace apollo