#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################### # Copyright 2017 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################### APOLLO_ROOT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../.." && pwd -P)" source "${APOLLO_ROOT_DIR}/scripts/apollo.bashrc" # CACHE_ROOT_DIR="${APOLLO_ROOT_DIR}/.cache" VERSION_X86_64="cyber-x86_64-18.04-20200926_0654" # ARMV8 # VERSION_AARCH64="cyber-aarch64-18.04-20200717_0327" # L4T VERSION_AARCH64="cyber-aarch64-18.04-20200929_0922" CYBER_CONTAINER="apollo_cyber_${USER}" CYBER_INSIDE="in-cyber-docker" DOCKER_REPO="apolloauto/apollo" DOCKER_RUN_CMD="docker run" DOCKER_PULL_CMD="docker pull" SHM_SIZE="2G" SUPPORTED_ARCHS=" x86_64 aarch64 " HOST_ARCH="$(uname -m)" TARGET_ARCH="" USE_GPU_HOST=0 USE_LOCAL_IMAGE=0 CUSTOM_VERSION= GEOLOC= GEO_REGISTRY= # Check whether user has agreed license agreement function check_agreement() { local agreement_record="${HOME}/.apollo_agreement.txt" if [[ -e "${agreement_record}" ]]; then return 0 fi local agreement_file agreement_file="$APOLLO_ROOT_DIR/scripts/AGREEMENT.txt" if [[ ! -f "${agreement_file}" ]]; then error "AGREEMENT ${agreement_file} does not exist." exit 1 fi cat "${agreement_file}" local tip="Type 'y' or 'Y' to agree to the license agreement above, \ or type any other key to exit:" echo -n "${tip}" read -r -n 1 user_agreed echo if [[ "${user_agreed}" == "y" || "${user_agreed}" == "Y" ]]; then cp -f "${agreement_file}" "${agreement_record}" echo echo "${tip}" >> "${agreement_record}" echo "${user_agreed}" >> "${agreement_record}" else exit 1 fi } function check_host_environment() { echo "Done checking host environment." } function _optarg_check_for_opt() { local opt="$1" local optarg="$2" if [[ -z "${optarg}" || "${optarg}" =~ ^-.* ]]; then error "Missing parameter for ${opt}. Exiting..." exit 2 fi } function _target_arch_check() { local arch="$1" if [[ "${SUPPORTED_ARCHS}" != *" ${arch} "* ]]; then error "Unsupported target architecture: ${arch}. Allowed values:${SUPPORTED_ARCHS}" exit 1 fi } function show_usage() { cat < Pull docker image from mirror registry based on geolocation. -h, --help Display this help and exit. -t, --tag Specify which version of a docker image to pull. -l, --local Use local docker image. -m Specify docker image for a different CPU arch. --shm-size Size of /dev/shm . Passed directly to "docker run" stop [-f|--force] Stop all running Apollo containers. Use "-f" to force removal. EOF } function stop_all_apollo_containers_for_user() { local force="$1" local running_containers running_containers="$(docker ps -a --format '{{.Names}}')" for container in ${running_containers[*]} ; do if [[ "${container}" =~ apollo_.*_${USER} ]] ; then #printf %-*s 70 "Now stop container: ${container} ..." #printf "\033[32m[DONE]\033[0m\n" #printf "\033[31m[FAILED]\033[0m\n" info "Now stop container ${container} ..." if docker stop "${container}" >/dev/null; then if [[ "${force}" == "-f" || "${force}" == "--force" ]]; then docker rm -f "${container}" >/dev/null fi info "Done." else warning "Failed." fi fi done if [[ "${force}" == "-f" || "${force}" == "--force" ]]; then info "OK. Done stop and removal" else info "OK. Done stop." fi } function parse_arguments() { local use_local_image=0 local custom_version="" local target_arch="" local shm_size="" local geo="" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do local opt="$1"; shift case "${opt}" in -g|--geo) geo="$1"; shift _optarg_check_for_opt "${opt}" "${geo}" ;; -t|--tag) if [[ ! -z "${custom_version}" ]]; then warning "Multiple option ${opt} specified, only the last one will take effect." fi custom_version="$1"; shift _optarg_check_for_opt "${opt}" "${custom_version}" ;; -h|--help) show_usage exit 1 ;; -l|--local) use_local_image=1 ;; -m) target_arch="$1"; shift _optarg_check_for_opt "${opt}" "${target_arch}" _target_arch_check "${target_arch}" ;; --shm-size) shm_size="$1"; shift _optarg_check_for_opt "${opt}" "${shm_size}" ;; stop) local force="$1"; shift info "Now, stop all apollo containers created by ${USER} ..." stop_all_apollo_containers_for_user "${force}" exit 0 ;; *) warning "Unknown option: $1" exit 2 ;; esac done # End while loop [[ ! -z "${geo}" ]] && GEOLOC="${geo}" USE_LOCAL_IMAGE="${use_local_image}" [[ -n "${target_arch}" ]] && TARGET_ARCH="${target_arch}" [[ -n "${custom_version}" ]] && CUSTOM_VERSION="${custom_version}" [[ -n "${shm_size}" ]] && SHM_SIZE="${shm_size}" } # TODO(storypku): What does these do with apollo inside container # if [ ! -e /apollo ]; then # sudo ln -sf "${APOLLO_ROOT_DIR}" /apollo # fi # if [ -e /proc/sys/kernel ]; then # echo "/apollo/data/core/core_%e.%p" | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern > /dev/null # fi # --- function guess_arch_from_tag() { local tag="$1" local __result="$2" local arch IFS='-' read -ra __arr <<< "${tag}" IFS=' ' # restore if [[ ${#__arr[@]} -lt 3 ]]; then warning "Unexpected image: ${tag}" arch="" else arch="${__arr[1]}" fi eval "${__result}='${arch}'" } function determine_target_version_and_arch() { local version="$1" # If no custom version specified if [[ -z "${version}" ]]; then # if target arch not set, assume it is equal to host arch. if [[ -z "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]]; then TARGET_ARCH="${HOST_ARCH}" fi _target_arch_check "${TARGET_ARCH}" if [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ]]; then version="${VERSION_X86_64}" elif [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]]; then version="${VERSION_AARCH64}" else error "CAN'T REACH HERE" exit 1 fi elif [[ "${version}" =~ local* ]]; then if [[ -z "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]]; then TARGET_ARCH="${HOST_ARCH}" fi _target_arch_check "${TARGET_ARCH}" info "Local image ${version} specified, indicating USE_LOCAL_IMAGE=1" USE_LOCAL_IMAGE=1 else # CUSTOM_VERSION specified local supposed_arch guess_arch_from_tag "${version}" supposed_arch if [[ -z "${supposed_arch}" ]]; then error "Can't guess target arch from image tag: ${version}" error " Expected format ---" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]]; then _target_arch_check "${supposed_arch}" TARGET_ARCH="${supposed_arch}" elif [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" != "${supposed_arch}" ]]; then error "Target arch (${TARGET_ARCH}) doesn't match supposed arch"\ "(${supposed_arch}) from ${version}" exit 1 fi fi CUSTOM_VERSION="${version}" } function geo_specific_config() { local geo="$1" if [[ -z "${geo}" ]]; then return fi info "Setup geolocation specific configurations for ${geo}" if [[ "${geo}" == "cn" ]]; then GEO_REGISTRY="registry.baidubce.com" fi } function determine_gpu_use_aarch64() { local use_gpu=0 if lsmod | grep -q nvgpu ; then use_gpu=1 fi if [[ "${use_gpu}" -eq 1 ]]; then local docker_version docker_version="$(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}')" if dpkg --compare-versions "${docker_version}" "ge" "19.03"; then DOCKER_RUN_CMD="docker run --gpus all" else warning "You must upgrade to Docker-CE 19.03+ to access GPU from container!" use_gpu=0 fi fi USE_GPU_HOST="${use_gpu}" } function determine_gpu_use_amd64() { # Check nvidia-driver and GPU device local nv_driver="nvidia-smi" if [ ! -x "$(command -v ${nv_driver} )" ]; then warning "No nvidia-driver found. CPU will be used" elif [ -z "$(eval ${nv_driver} )" ]; then warning "No GPU device found. CPU will be used." else USE_GPU_HOST=1 fi # Try to use GPU inside container local nv_docker_doc="https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker/blob/master/README.md" if [[ "${USE_GPU_HOST}" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -x "$(which nvidia-container-toolkit)" ]]; then local docker_version docker_version="$(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}')" if dpkg --compare-versions "${docker_version}" "ge" "19.03"; then DOCKER_RUN_CMD="docker run --gpus all" else warning "You must upgrade to docker-ce 19.03+ to access GPU from container!" USE_GPU_HOST=0 fi elif [[ -x "$(which nvidia-docker)" ]]; then DOCKER_RUN_CMD="nvidia-docker run" else USE_GPU_HOST=0 warning "Cannot access GPU from within container. Please install latest Docker" \ "and NVIDIA Container Toolkit as described by: " warning " ${nv_docker_doc}" fi fi } function determine_gpu_use_host() { if [[ "${HOST_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ]]; then determine_gpu_use_amd64 else determine_gpu_use_aarch64 fi } function setup_devices_and_mount_volumes() { local __retval="$1" if [[ "${HOST_ARCH}" == "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]]; then source "${APOLLO_ROOT_DIR}/scripts/apollo_base.sh" CYBER_ONLY setup_device fi local volumes volumes="-v ${APOLLO_ROOT_DIR}:/apollo" local kernel="$(uname -s)" if [[ "${kernel}" != "Linux" ]]; then warning "Running Apollo cyber container on ${kernel} is UNTESTED, exiting..." exit 1 fi local os_release="$(lsb_release -rs)" case "${os_release}" in 16.04) warning "[Deprecated] Support for Ubuntu 16.04 will be removed" \ "in the near future. Please upgrade to ubuntu 18.04+." ;; 18.04|20.04|*) ## Question(storypku): Any special considerations here ? if [[ "${HOST_ARCH}" == "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]]; then volumes="${volumes} -v /dev:/dev" fi ;; esac volumes="${volumes} -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" # volumes="${volumes} -v /usr/src:/usr/src" if [[ "${HOST_ARCH}" == "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]]; then volumes="${volumes} -v /dev/null:/dev/raw1394 \ -v /media:/media \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \ -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \ " fi volumes="$(tr -s " " <<< "${volumes}")" eval "${__retval}='${volumes}'" } function remove_existing_cyber_container() { if docker ps -a --format '{{.Names}}' | grep -q "${CYBER_CONTAINER}"; then info "Removing existing cyber container ${CYBER_CONTAINER}" docker stop "${CYBER_CONTAINER}" >/dev/null docker rm -v -f "${CYBER_CONTAINER}" >/dev/null fi } function docker_pull_if_needed() { local image="$1" local use_local_image="$2" if [[ ${use_local_image} -eq 1 ]]; then info "Start cyber container based on local image: ${image}" elif docker images -a --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' \ | grep -q "${image}"; then info "Image ${image} found locally, will be used." use_local_image=1 fi if [[ ${use_local_image} -eq 1 ]]; then return fi image="${DOCKER_REPO}:${image##*:}" echo "Start pulling docker image: ${image}" if [[ -n "${GEO_REGISTRY}" ]]; then image="${GEO_REGISTRY}/${image}" fi if ! ${DOCKER_PULL_CMD} "${image}"; then error "Failed to pull docker image: ${image}" exit 1 fi } function check_multi_arch_support() { if [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" == "${HOST_ARCH}" ]]; then return fi info "Cyber ${TARGET_ARCH} container running on ${HOST_ARCH} host." # Note(storypku): # ubuntu 18.04: apt-get -y install qemu-user-static # with sudo-no-suid problem local qemu="multiarch/qemu-user-static" local refer="https://github.com/multiarch/qemu-user-static" local qemu_cmd="docker run --rm --privileged ${qemu} --reset -p yes" if docker images --format "{{.Repository}}" |grep -q "${qemu}" ; then info "Run: ${qemu_cmd}" ## docker run --rm --privileged "${qemu}" --reset -p yes >/dev/null eval "${qemu_cmd}" >/dev/null info "Multiarch support has been enabled. Ref: ${refer}" else warning "Multiarch support hasn't been enabled. Please make sure the" warning "following command has been executed before continuing:" warning " ${qemu_cmd}" warning "Refer to ${refer} for more." exit 1 fi } function start_cyber_container() { local image="$1" # if [ ! -d "${CACHE_ROOT_DIR}" ]; then # mkdir "${CACHE_ROOT_DIR}" # fi info "Starting docker container \"${CYBER_CONTAINER}\" ..." local user="${USER}" local uid="$(id -u)" local group=$(id -g -n) local gid=$(id -g) local local_host="$(hostname)" local local_volumes setup_devices_and_mount_volumes local_volumes local display="${DISPLAY:-:0}" set -x ${DOCKER_RUN_CMD} -it \ -d \ --privileged \ --name "${CYBER_CONTAINER}" \ -e DISPLAY="${display}" \ -e DOCKER_USER="${user}" \ -e USER="${user}" \ -e DOCKER_USER_ID="${uid}" \ -e DOCKER_GRP="${group}" \ -e DOCKER_GRP_ID="${gid}" \ -e DOCKER_IMG="${image}" \ -e USE_GPU_HOST="${USE_GPU_HOST}" \ -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all \ -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,video,graphics,utility \ -e OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 \ ${local_volumes} \ --net host \ -w /apollo \ --add-host "${CYBER_INSIDE}:" \ --add-host "${local_host}:" \ --hostname "${CYBER_INSIDE}" \ --shm-size "${SHM_SIZE}" \ --pid=host \ "${image}" \ /bin/bash if [ $? -ne 0 ];then error "Failed to start docker container \"${CYBER_CONTAINER}\" based on image: ${image}" exit 1 fi set +x } function after_run_setup() { if [[ "${USER}" != "root" ]]; then docker exec -u root "${CYBER_CONTAINER}" \ bash -c '/apollo/scripts/docker_start_user.sh' fi # if [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]]; then # warning "!!! Due to problem with 'docker exec' on Drive PX2 platform," \ # "please run '/apollo/scripts/docker_start_user.sh' the first" \ # "time you login into cyber docker !!!" # fi } function main() { check_agreement check_host_environment parse_arguments "$@" determine_target_version_and_arch "${CUSTOM_VERSION}" check_multi_arch_support local image="${DOCKER_REPO}:${CUSTOM_VERSION}" geo_specific_config "${GEOLOC}" docker_pull_if_needed "${image}" "${USE_LOCAL_IMAGE}" remove_existing_cyber_container determine_gpu_use_host info "DOCKER_RUN_CMD evaluated to: ${DOCKER_RUN_CMD}" start_cyber_container "${image}" after_run_setup ok "Congrats, you have successfully finished setting up Apollo cyber docker environment." \ "To login into cyber container, please run the following command:" ok " bash docker/scripts/cyber_into.sh" ok "Enjoy!" } main "$@"