#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################### # Copyright 2017 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################### CURR_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd -P)" source "${CURR_DIR}/docker_base.sh" CACHE_ROOT_DIR="${APOLLO_ROOT_DIR}/.cache" DOCKER_REPO="apolloauto/apollo" DEV_CONTAINER="apollo_dev_${USER}" DEV_INSIDE="in-dev-docker" SUPPORTED_ARCHS=(x86_64 aarch64) TARGET_ARCH="$(uname -m)" VERSION_X86_64="dev-x86_64-18.04-20210315_2158" TESTING_VERSION_X86_64="dev-x86_64-18.04-testing-20210112_0008" VERSION_AARCH64="dev-aarch64-18.04-20201218_0030" USER_VERSION_OPT= FAST_MODE="no" GEOLOC= USE_LOCAL_IMAGE=0 CUSTOM_DIST= USER_AGREED="no" VOLUME_VERSION="latest" SHM_SIZE="2G" USER_SPECIFIED_MAPS= MAP_VOLUMES_CONF= OTHER_VOLUMES_CONF= DEFAULT_MAPS=( sunnyvale_big_loop sunnyvale_loop sunnyvale_with_two_offices san_mateo ) DEFAULT_TEST_MAPS=( sunnyvale_big_loop sunnyvale_loop ) function show_usage() { cat < Pull docker image from geolocation specific registry mirror. -l, --local Use local docker image. -t, --tag Specify docker image with tag to start. -d, --dist Specify Apollo distribution(stable/testing) --shm-size Size of /dev/shm . Passed directly to "docker run" -y Agree to Apollo License Agreement non-interactively. stop Stop all running Apollo containers. EOF } function parse_arguments() { local custom_version="" local custom_dist="" local shm_size="" local geo="" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do local opt="$1" shift case "${opt}" in -t | --tag) if [ -n "${custom_version}" ]; then warning "Multiple option ${opt} specified, only the last one will take effect." fi custom_version="$1" shift optarg_check_for_opt "${opt}" "${custom_version}" ;; -d | --dist) custom_dist="$1" shift optarg_check_for_opt "${opt}" "${custom_dist}" ;; -h | --help) show_usage exit 1 ;; -f | --fast) FAST_MODE="yes" ;; -g | --geo) geo="$1" shift optarg_check_for_opt "${opt}" "${geo}" ;; -l | --local) USE_LOCAL_IMAGE=1 ;; --shm-size) shm_size="$1" shift optarg_check_for_opt "${opt}" "${shm_size}" ;; --map) map_name="$1" shift USER_SPECIFIED_MAPS="${USER_SPECIFIED_MAPS} ${map_name}" ;; -y) USER_AGREED="yes" ;; stop) info "Now, stop all Apollo containers created by ${USER} ..." stop_all_apollo_containers "-f" exit 0 ;; *) warning "Unknown option: ${opt}" exit 2 ;; esac done # End while loop [[ -n "${geo}" ]] && GEOLOC="${geo}" [[ -n "${custom_version}" ]] && USER_VERSION_OPT="${custom_version}" [[ -n "${custom_dist}" ]] && CUSTOM_DIST="${custom_dist}" [[ -n "${shm_size}" ]] && SHM_SIZE="${shm_size}" } function determine_dev_image() { local version="$1" # If no custom version specified if [[ -z "${version}" ]]; then if [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ]]; then if [[ "${CUSTOM_DIST}" == "testing" ]]; then version="${TESTING_VERSION_X86_64}" else version="${VERSION_X86_64}" fi elif [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" == "aarch64" ]]; then version="${VERSION_AARCH64}" else error "Logic can't reach here! Please report this issue to Apollo@GitHub." exit 3 fi fi DEV_IMAGE="${DOCKER_REPO}:${version}" } function check_host_environment() { if [[ "${HOST_OS}" != "Linux" ]]; then warning "Running Apollo dev container on ${HOST_OS} is UNTESTED, exiting..." exit 1 fi } function check_target_arch() { local arch="${TARGET_ARCH}" for ent in "${SUPPORTED_ARCHS[@]}"; do if [[ "${ent}" == "${TARGET_ARCH}" ]]; then return 0 fi done error "Unsupported target architecture: ${TARGET_ARCH}." exit 1 } function setup_devices_and_mount_local_volumes() { local __retval="$1" [ -d "${CACHE_ROOT_DIR}" ] || mkdir -p "${CACHE_ROOT_DIR}" source "${APOLLO_ROOT_DIR}/scripts/apollo_base.sh" setup_device local volumes="-v $APOLLO_ROOT_DIR:/apollo" local teleop="${APOLLO_ROOT_DIR}/../apollo-teleop" if [ -d "${teleop}" ]; then volumes="-v ${teleop}:/apollo/modules/teleop ${volumes}" fi local os_release="$(lsb_release -rs)" case "${os_release}" in 16.04) warning "[Deprecated] Support for Ubuntu 16.04 will be removed" \ "in the near future. Please upgrade to ubuntu 18.04+." volumes="${volumes} -v /dev:/dev" ;; 18.04 | 20.04 | *) volumes="${volumes} -v /dev:/dev" ;; esac # local tegra_dir="/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/tegra" # if [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" == "aarch64" && -d "${tegra_dir}" ]]; then # volumes="${volumes} -v ${tegra_dir}:${tegra_dir}:ro" # fi volumes="${volumes} -v /media:/media \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -v /usr/src:/usr/src \ -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules" volumes="$(tr -s " " <<<"${volumes}")" eval "${__retval}='${volumes}'" } function docker_pull() { local img="$1" if [[ "${USE_LOCAL_IMAGE}" -gt 0 ]]; then if docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | grep -q "${img}"; then info "Local image ${img} found and will be used." return fi warning "Image ${img} not found locally although local mode enabled. Trying to pull from remote registry." fi if [[ -n "${GEO_REGISTRY}" ]]; then img="${GEO_REGISTRY}/${img}" fi info "Start pulling docker image ${img} ..." if ! docker pull "${img}"; then error "Failed to pull docker image : ${img}" exit 1 fi } function docker_restart_volume() { local volume="$1" local image="$2" local path="$3" info "Create volume ${volume} from image: ${image}" docker_pull "${image}" docker volume rm "${volume}" >/dev/null 2>&1 docker run -v "${volume}":"${path}" --rm "${image}" true } function restart_map_volume_if_needed() { local map_name="$1" local map_version="$2" local map_volume="apollo_map_volume-${map_name}_${USER}" local map_path="/apollo/modules/map/data/${map_name}" if [[ ${MAP_VOLUMES_CONF} == *"${map_volume}"* ]]; then info "Map ${map_name} has already been included." else local map_image= if [ "${TARGET_ARCH}" = "aarch64" ]; then map_image="${DOCKER_REPO}:map_volume-${map_name}-${TARGET_ARCH}-${map_version}" else map_image="${DOCKER_REPO}:map_volume-${map_name}-${map_version}" fi info "Load map ${map_name} from image: ${map_image}" docker_restart_volume "${map_volume}" "${map_image}" "${map_path}" MAP_VOLUMES_CONF="${MAP_VOLUMES_CONF} --volume ${map_volume}:${map_path}" fi } function mount_map_volumes() { info "Starting mounting map volumes ..." if [ -n "${USER_SPECIFIED_MAPS}" ]; then for map_name in ${USER_SPECIFIED_MAPS}; do restart_map_volume_if_needed "${map_name}" "${VOLUME_VERSION}" done fi if [[ "$FAST_MODE" == "no" ]]; then for map_name in ${DEFAULT_MAPS[@]}; do restart_map_volume_if_needed "${map_name}" "${VOLUME_VERSION}" done else for map_name in ${DEFAULT_TEST_MAPS[@]}; do restart_map_volume_if_needed "${map_name}" "${VOLUME_VERSION}" done fi } function mount_other_volumes() { info "Mount other volumes ..." local volume_conf= # AUDIO local audio_volume="apollo_audio_volume_${USER}" local audio_image="${DOCKER_REPO}:data_volume-audio_model-${TARGET_ARCH}-latest" local audio_path="/apollo/modules/audio/data/" docker_restart_volume "${audio_volume}" "${audio_image}" "${audio_path}" volume_conf="${volume_conf} --volume ${audio_volume}:${audio_path}" # YOLOV4 local yolov4_volume="apollo_yolov4_volume_${USER}" local yolov4_image="${DOCKER_REPO}:yolov4_volume-emergency_detection_model-${TARGET_ARCH}-latest" local yolov4_path="/apollo/modules/perception/camera/lib/obstacle/detector/yolov4/model/" docker_restart_volume "${yolov4_volume}" "${yolov4_image}" "${yolov4_path}" volume_conf="${volume_conf} --volume ${yolov4_volume}:${yolov4_path}" # FASTER_RCNN local faster_rcnn_volume="apollo_faster_rcnn_volume_${USER}" local faster_rcnn_image="${DOCKER_REPO}:faster_rcnn_volume-traffic_light_detection_model-${TARGET_ARCH}-latest" local faster_rcnn_path="/apollo/modules/perception/production/data/perception/camera/models/traffic_light_detection/faster_rcnn_model" docker_restart_volume "${faster_rcnn_volume}" "${faster_rcnn_image}" "${faster_rcnn_path}" volume_conf="${volume_conf} --volume ${faster_rcnn_volume}:${faster_rcnn_path}" # SMOKE if [[ "${TARGET_ARCH}" == "x86_64" ]]; then local smoke_volume="apollo_smoke_volume_${USER}" local smoke_image="${DOCKER_REPO}:smoke_volume-yolo_obstacle_detection_model-${TARGET_ARCH}-latest" local smoke_path="/apollo/modules/perception/production/data/perception/camera/models/yolo_obstacle_detector/smoke_libtorch_model" docker_restart_volume "${smoke_volume}" "${smoke_image}" "${smoke_path}" volume_conf="${volume_conf} --volume ${smoke_volume}:${smoke_path}" fi OTHER_VOLUMES_CONF="${volume_conf}" } function main() { check_host_environment check_target_arch parse_arguments "$@" if [[ "${USER_AGREED}" != "yes" ]]; then check_agreement fi determine_dev_image "${USER_VERSION_OPT}" geo_specific_config "${GEOLOC}" if [[ "${USE_LOCAL_IMAGE}" -gt 0 ]]; then info "Start docker container based on local image : ${DEV_IMAGE}" fi if ! docker_pull "${DEV_IMAGE}"; then error "Failed to pull docker image ${DEV_IMAGE}" exit 1 fi info "Remove existing Apollo Development container ..." remove_container_if_exists ${DEV_CONTAINER} info "Determine whether host GPU is available ..." determine_gpu_use_host info "USE_GPU_HOST: ${USE_GPU_HOST}" local local_volumes= setup_devices_and_mount_local_volumes local_volumes mount_map_volumes mount_other_volumes info "Starting Docker container \"${DEV_CONTAINER}\" ..." local local_host="$(hostname)" local display="${DISPLAY:-:0}" local user="${USER}" local uid="$(id -u)" local group="$(id -g -n)" local gid="$(id -g)" set -x ${DOCKER_RUN_CMD} -itd \ --privileged \ --name "${DEV_CONTAINER}" \ -e DISPLAY="${display}" \ -e DOCKER_USER="${user}" \ -e USER="${user}" \ -e DOCKER_USER_ID="${uid}" \ -e DOCKER_GRP="${group}" \ -e DOCKER_GRP_ID="${gid}" \ -e DOCKER_IMG="${DEV_IMAGE}" \ -e USE_GPU_HOST="${USE_GPU_HOST}" \ -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all \ -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,video,graphics,utility \ ${MAP_VOLUMES_CONF} \ ${OTHER_VOLUMES_CONF} \ ${local_volumes} \ --net host \ -w /apollo \ --add-host "${DEV_INSIDE}:" \ --add-host "${local_host}:" \ --hostname "${DEV_INSIDE}" \ --shm-size "${SHM_SIZE}" \ --pid=host \ -v /dev/null:/dev/raw1394 \ "${DEV_IMAGE}" \ /bin/bash if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "Failed to start docker container \"${DEV_CONTAINER}\" based on image: ${DEV_IMAGE}" exit 1 fi set +x postrun_start_user "${DEV_CONTAINER}" ok "Congratulations! You have successfully finished setting up Apollo Dev Environment." ok "To login into the newly created ${DEV_CONTAINER} container, please run the following command:" ok " bash docker/scripts/dev_into.sh" ok "Enjoy!" } main "$@"