提交 c93e4e96 编写于 作者: C Calvin Miao 提交者: Jiangtao Hu

Docs: Added apollo software installation guide and updated quickstart

上级 3dd12e55
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ See the following instructions on how to set up the docker environment and build
bash docker/scripts/install_docker.sh
# logout and login the computer to make sure to run docker command without sudo
# logout and login back in the system to make sure to run docker command without sudo
docker ps # to verify docker works without sudo
# in case you forgot to logout and login back, do so, remove ~/.docker/config.json
# and check again with `docker ps`
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
-- John F. Kennedy (约翰 F. 肯尼迪), 1962
......@@ -14,6 +13,8 @@ not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
**我们非常骄傲地宣布,[Apollo 2.0](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/releases/tag/v2.0.0)如约而至。**
## 安装
......@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
* [Description of the Vehicle Environment](#description-of-the-vehicle-environment)
* [Hardware Installation](#hardware-installation)
* [Apollo Software Installation](#apollo-software-installation)
* [Download Apollo Source](#download-apollo-source)
* [Set up Docker Support](#set-up-docker-support)
* [Set up Apollo Release Docker Image](#set-up-apollo-release-docker)
* [Customize Your Release Container](#customize-your-release-container)
* [Run the Demo on Vehicle](#run-the-demo-on-vehicle)
* [Launch the Local Release Docker Image](#launch-the-local-release-env-docker-image)
* [Record the Driving Trajectory](#record-driving-trajectory)
......@@ -35,9 +31,7 @@ The following table lists the conventions that are used in this document:
| ![online](images/online_icon.png) | **Online**. Provides a link to a particular web site where you can get more information. |
| ![warning](images/warning_icon.png) | **Warning**. Contains information that must **not** be ignored or you risk failure when you perform a certain task or step. |
# Overview of Apollo
Apollo has been initiated to provide an open, comprehensive, and reliable software platform for its partners in the automotive and autonomous-driving industries. Partners can use the Apollo software platform and the reference hardware that Apollo has certified as a template to customize in the development of their own autonomous vehicles.
# About Apollo 1.0
Apollo 1.0, also referred to as the _Automatic GPS Waypoint Following_, works in an enclosed venue such as a test track or parking lot. It accurately replays a trajectory and the speed of that trajectory that a human driver has traveled in an enclosed, flat area on solid ground.
......@@ -63,128 +57,7 @@ for the steps to install the hardware components and the system software.
# Apollo Software Installation
This section includes:
- Download the Apollo Release Package
- Set up Docker Support
- Customize Your Release Container
Before getting started, please make sure you have installed the Ubuntu Linux 14.04.3 and the Apollo Kernel following the steps in the
[Apollo 1.0 Hardware and System Installation Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_hardware_system_installation_guide.md).
## Download Apollo Source
1. Download Apollo source code from the [github source](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/):
git clone git@github.com:ApolloAuto/apollo.git
cd apollo
git checkout [release_branch_name]
2. Set up environment variable `APOLLO_HOME` by the following command:
echo "export APOLLO_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
3. Open a new terminal or run `source ~/.bashrc` in an existing terminal.
![tip](images/tip_icon.png) In the following sections, it is assumed that the Apollo directory is located in `$APOLLO_HOME`.
## Set up Docker Support
The Docker container is the simplest way to set up the build environment for Apollo.
For more information, see the detailed Docker tutorial [here](https://docs.docker.com/).
1. Run the following command to install Docker:
bash docker/scripts/install_docker.sh
2. After the script completes, log out and then log back into the system to enable Docker.
3. (Optional) If you already have Docker installed (before you installed the Apollo Kernel), add the following line in `/etc/default/docker`:
DOCKER_OPTS = "-s overlay"
## Customize Your Release Container
1. Download and start the Apollo Release docker image by running the following commands:
bash docker/scripts/release_start.sh
2. Login into the Apollo Release docker image by running the following commands:
bash docker/scripts/release_into.sh
3. Set up the zone number for the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Driver by modifying the following line in file `./ros/share/gnss_driver/launch/gnss_driver.launch`.
<arg name="proj4_text" default="+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs " />
You only have to modify the value `+zone=10` in the above line.
Please refer to the
[Apollo's Coordinate System](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/specs/coordination.pdf) to find your local zone number.
For example, if you are in Beijing, China, you have to set `+zone=50`.
4. Set up the Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Base Station for the GNSS Driver by modifying the file: `./ros/share/gnss_driver/conf/gnss_conf_mkz.txt`
Refer to the following example for a typical RTK setup:
rtk_from {
format: RTCM_V3
ntrip {
address: <provide your own value>
port: <provide your own value>
mount_point: <provide your own value>
user: <provide your own username>
password: <provide your own password>
timeout_s: <provide your own value, e.g., 5>
rtk_to {
format: RTCM_V3
serial {
device: <provide your own value, e.g., "/dev/ttyUSB1">
baud_rate: <provide your own value, e.g., 115200>
The `rtk_from` is used for RTK base station information.
The `rtk_to` is used to send the RTK differential data to the receiver.
5. Add ESD CAN Support
Please refer to [ESD CAN README](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/third_party/can_card_library/esd_can/README.md)
to setup the ESD CAN library.
6. Follow these steps to persist your local changes:
# commit your docker local changes to local docker image.
exit # exit from docker environment
bash docker/scripts/release_commit.sh
Please refer to [Apollo Software Installation Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_software_installation_guide.md).
# Run Demo on Vehicle
......@@ -244,7 +117,7 @@ Follow these steps to perform autonomous driving:
3. After arriving at your destination, click the **Stop** button to stop replaying the recorded trajectory.
## Shut Down
## Shutdown
1. Shut down the system from a terminal:
```sudo shutdown now```
......@@ -255,5 +128,3 @@ Follow these steps to perform autonomous driving:
4. Turn off the car.
# Run Offline Demo
Refer to [Offline Demo Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/demo_guide/README.md)
......@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
* [车辆环境描述](#车辆环境描述)
* [硬件安装](#硬件安装)
* [软件安装](#软件安装)
* [下载Apollo源代码](#下载Apollo源代码)
* [设置Docker支持](#设置Docker支持)
* [设置Apollo发布的Docker映像(image)](#设置Apollo发布的Docker映像(image))
* [自定义你的发布容器](#自定义你的发布容器)
* [在车辆上运行示例](#在车辆上运行示例)
* [启动本地版本Docker映像](#启动本地版本Docker映像)
* [记录驾驶轨迹](#记录驾驶轨迹)
......@@ -37,8 +33,6 @@ _Apollo 快速入门指南 1.0_ 提供了所有关于了解、安装以及构建
# 概览
Apollo 1.0, 也被称为 _Automatic GPS Waypoint Following(自动GPS跟随)_, 使用在封闭的区域内,如测试轨道或停车场。它可以准确地以人类驾驶员在封闭的平坦区域的速度复现一个驾驶轨迹。
在这个开发阶段, Apollo 1.0 **无法** 察觉到邻近的障碍物, **不要**在公共道路或没有GPS信号的区域行驶。
......@@ -63,126 +57,7 @@ The Lincoln MKZ, enhanced by Autonomous Stuff, 为用户提供了一个无障碍
# 软件安装
- 下载Apollo发行包
- 设置Docker支持
- 自定义你的发布容器
[Apollo 1.0 Hardware and System Installation Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_hardware_system_installation_guide.md)中的步骤
安装了Ubuntu Linux 14.04.3和Apollo Kernel。
## 下载Apollo源代码
1.[github source](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/)下载Apollo的源代码:
git clone git@github.com:ApolloAuto/apollo.git
cd apollo
2. 参考以下命令设置环境变量 `APOLLO_HOME`:
echo "export APOLLO_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
3. 在一个新的终端或者已有的终端中输入`source ~/.bashrc`
![tip](images/tip_icon.png) 在以下部分中,假设Apollo目录位于 `$APOLLO_HOME`.
## 设置Docker支持
有关更多信息,请参阅Docker详细教程 [here](https://docs.docker.com/).
1. 运行以下命令来安装Docker:
bash docker/scripts/install_docker.sh
2. 脚本完成后,注销并重新登录系统以启用Docker。
3. (可选)如果您已经安装了Docker(在安装Apollo内核之前),请在其中添加以下行 `/etc/default/docker`:
DOCKER_OPTS = "-s overlay"
## 自定义你的发布容器
1. 通过运行以下命令下载并启动Apollo 发布的 Docker映像:
bash docker/scripts/release_start.sh
2. 通过运行以下命令登录Apollo 发布的 Docker映像:
bash docker/scripts/release_into.sh
3. 通过修改文件中的以下行来设置全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)驱动程序的区域编号 `./ros/share/gnss_driver/launch/gnss_driver.launch`.
<arg name="proj4_text" default="+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs " />
[Apollo's Coordinate System](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/specs/coordination.pdf) 找到您当地的区号。例如,如果你在北京,中国,你必须设置`+zone=50`
5. 通过修改以下文件,为GNSS驱动程序设置实时运动(RTK)基站:
rtk_from {
format: RTCM_V3
ntrip {
address: <provide your own value>
port: <provide your own value>
mount_point: <provide your own value>
user: <provide your own username>
password: <provide your own password>
timeout_s: <provide your own value, e.g., 5>
rtk_to {
format: RTCM_V3
serial {
device: <provide your own value, e.g., "/dev/ttyUSB1">
baud_rate: <provide your own value, e.g., 115200>
`rtk_from` 用于RTK基站信息。
`rtk_to` 用于将RTK差分数据发送到接收器。
6. 添加ESD CAN支持
请参考 [ESD CAN README](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/third_party/can_card_library/esd_can/README.md)
来设置ESD CAN库。
7. 按照以下步骤继续更改你的本地环境:
# commit your docker local changes to local docker image.
exit # exit from docker environment
bash docker/scripts/release_commit.sh
# 在车辆上运行示例
# Apollo 1.5 Quick Start Guide
This quick start focuses on Apollo 1.5 new features. For general Apollo concepts, please refer to [Apollo 1.0 Quick Start](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_quick_start.md).
This quick start focuses on Apollo 1.5 new features. For general Apollo concepts, please refer to [Apollo 1.0 Quick Start](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_quick_start.md) and [Apollo Software Installation Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_software_installation_guide.md).
Before doing the following steps, make sure you have calibrated the extrinsic parameters between the LiDAR and the GNSS/INS. For sensor calibration, please refer to [Apollo 1.5 LiDAR calibration guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_5_lidar_calibration_guide.md).
# Onboard Test
## Launch release env Docker Image
1. For vehicle onboard test, make sure you have calibrated the extrinsic parameters between the LiDAR and the GNSS/INS. For sensor calibration, please refer to [Apollo 1.5 LiDAR calibration guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_5_lidar_calibration_guide.md) before you proceed.
Run the following commands:
2. Launch Docker Release Container
bash docker/scripts/release_start.sh
3. Launch HMI
When Docker starts, it creates a port mapping, which maps the Docker internal port 8887 to the host port 8887. You can then visit the HMI web service in your host machine browser:
Use your favorite browser to access HMI web service in your host machine browser with URL http://localhost:8887
Open the Chrome browser and start the Apollo HMI by going to **localhost:8887**.
You'll be required to setup profile before doing anything else. Click the
dropdown menu to select your HDMap and vehicle in use. The list are defined in
[HMI config file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/master/modules/hmi/conf/config.pb.txt).
4. Select Vehicle and Map
Then your HMI comes to live!
You'll be required to setup profile before doing anything else. Click the dropdown menu to select your HDMap and vehicle in use. The list are defined in [HMI config file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/master/modules/hmi/conf/config.pb.txt).
*Note: It's also possible to change profile on the right panel of HMI, but just
remember to click "Reset All" on the top-right corner to restart the system.*
*Note: It's also possible to change profile on the right panel of HMI, but just remember to click "Reset All" on the top-right corner to restart the system.*
## (*New!*) Start Auto
5. Start Modules
In Apollo 1.5, we released the new feature, auto following the traffic until destination.
1. To make it work, you need setup the system by clicking the "Setup"
button on left panel.
Set up the system by clicking the "Setup" button on left panel.
2. Make sure all modules are on and hardware is ready, and the vehicle is in a
good state which is safe to enter auto mode to follow the traffic to destination.
6. (*New!*) Be Cautious When Starting Autonomous Driving
Click the "Start Auto" button, then it will drive you there!
Make sure all modules are on and hardware is ready, and the vehicle is in a good state which is safe to enter auto mode to follow the traffic to destination.
Click the "Start Auto" button, then it will drive you there!
# Apollo 1.5 快速入门指南
这个快速入门指南专注于Apollo 1.5新功能的介绍。对于Apollo的一般概念,请参考 [Apollo 1.0 快速入门指南](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_quick_start_cn.md).
这个快速入门指南专注于Apollo 1.5新功能的介绍。对于Apollo的一般概念,请参考 [Apollo 1.0 快速入门指南](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_quick_start_cn.md)[Apollo软件安装指南](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_software_installation_guide_cn.md)
在做以下步骤时,请确认你已经调试了LiDAR与GNSS/INS之间的外部参数。关于传感器标定,请参考[Apollo 1.5 LiDAR calibration guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_5_lidar_calibration_guide.md).
# 上车测试
## 启动发布的环境的Docker镜像
1. 上车测试,请确认你已经调试了LiDAR与GNSS/INS之间的外部参数。关于传感器标定,请参考[Apollo 1.5 LiDAR calibration guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_5_lidar_calibration_guide_cn.md)
2. 启动发布的环境的Docker镜像
bash docker/scripts/release_start.sh
3. 启动HMI
你会被要求先设置个人信息。单击下拉菜单来选择你的高精地图和所用的车辆。这个列表是在[HMI config file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/master/modules/hmi/conf/config.pb.txt)中定义的.
4. 选择车辆和地图
单击右上角下拉菜单选择车辆和地图。这个列表是在[HMI config file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/master/modules/hmi/conf/config.pb.txt)中定义的。
*注意:你也可以在HMI的右侧界面来更改个人配置。只要记得点击右上角的“Reset All”来重启系统就好*
*注意:你也可以在HMI的右侧界面来更改个人配置。只要记得点击右上角的“Reset All”来重启系统就好*
## (*新增!*) Start Auto -- 开始自动模式
5. 启动所有模块
在Apollo 1.5中,我们开放了新的功能--自动跟随前方车辆直到目的地。
1. 要让这个可以用,你需要先点击左侧的"Setup"按钮来设置。
2. 确定硬件已经齐备,所有模块已经打开并且汽车状态良好,可以安全进入自动模式自动跟车到达目的地。
3. 点击"Start Auto"按钮,然后它就会自动带你走!
6. 谨慎启动自动驾驶模式
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,48 +2,38 @@
This quick start focuses on Apollo 2.0 new features. For general Apollo
concepts, please refer to
[Apollo 1.0 Quick Start](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_quick_start.md).
[Apollo 1.0 Quick Start](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_quick_start.md) and [Apollo Software Installation Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_software_installation_guide.md).
Before doing the following steps, make sure you have calibrated the extrinsic
parameters between the LiDAR and the GNSS/INS. For sensor calibration, please
refer to
[Apollo 1.5 LiDAR calibration guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_5_lidar_calibration_guide.md).
# Onboard Test
1. For vehicle onboard test make sure you have calibrated the all sensors. For sensor calibration, please refer to [Apollo 2.0 Sensor Calibration Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_2_0_sensor_calibration_guide.md) before you proceed.
## Launch release env Docker Image
2. Launch Docker Release Container
Run the following commands:
3. Launch DreamView
bash docker/scripts/release_start.sh
Use your favorite browser to access HMI web service in your host machine browser with URL http://localhost:8888
When Docker starts, it creates a port mapping, which maps the Docker internal
port 8888 to the host port 8888. You can then visit the Dreamview web service in
your host machine browser:
Open the Chrome browser and start the Apollo Dreamview by going to
You'll be required to setup profile before doing anything else. Click the
dropdown menu on top right to select your HDMap and vehicle in use. The list are
defined in
[HMI config file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/master/modules/dreamview/conf/hmi.conf).
4. Select Vehicle and Map
You'll be required to setup profile before doing anything else. Click the dropdown menu to select your HDMap and vehicle in use. The list are defined in [HMI config file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/master/modules/dreamview/conf/hmi.conf).
*Note: It's also possible to change profile on the right panel of HMI, but just remember to click "Reset All" on the top-right corner to restart the system.*
## (*New!*) Start Auto
5. Start Modules
In Apollo 2.0, we released the new feature, auto driving on simple urban road.
Click the "Setup" button.
1. To make it work, you need setup the system by clicking the "Setup" button.
2. Go to **Module Controller** tab, check if all modules and hardware are ready.
(Note that in virtual environment, like on your personal PC, the hardwares as
well as some corresponding modules cannot be brought up.)
Go to **Module Controller** tab, check if all modules and hardware are ready. (Note: in your offline envionrment, the hardware modules such as GPS, CANBus, Velodyne, Camera and Radar cannot be brought up.)
3. Go back to **Tasks** tab. Make sure the vehicle is in a good state which is
safe to enter auto mode. Click the "Start Auto" button, then it will drive you there!
6. Be Cautious When Starting Autonomous Driving
Go back to **Tasks** tab. Make sure the vehicle is in a good state which is safe to enter auto mode. Click the "Start Auto" button, then it will drive you there!
# Apollo 2.0 快速入门指南
这个快速入门指南专注于Apollo 2.0新功能的介绍。对于Apollo的一般概念,请参考 [Apollo 1.0 快速入门指南](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_quick_start_cn.md).
这个快速入门指南专注于Apollo 2.0新功能的介绍。对于Apollo的一般概念,请参考 [Apollo 1.0 快速入门指南](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_quick_start_cn.md)[Apollo软件安装指南](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_software_installation_guide_cn.md)
在做以下步骤时,请确认你已经调试了LiDAR与GNSS/INS之间的外部参数。关于传感器标定,请参考[Apollo 1.5 LiDAR calibration guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_5_lidar_calibration_guide.md).
# 上车测试
## 启动发布的环境的Docker镜像
1. 上车测试,请确认你已经调试了所有传感器之间的外部参数。关于传感器标定,请参考[Apollo 2.0 Sensor Calibration Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_2_0_sensor_calibration_guide_cn.md).
2. 启动发布的环境的Docker镜像
bash docker/scripts/release_start.sh
3. 启动DreamView
你会被要求先设置个人信息。在右上角单击下拉菜单来选择你的高精地图和所用的车辆。这个列表是在[HMI config file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/master/modules/dreamview/conf/hmi.conf)中定义的.
4. 选择车辆和地图
单击右上角下拉菜单选择车辆和地图。这个列表是在[HMI config file](ttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/master/modules/dreamview/conf/hmi.conf)中定义的。
## (*新增!*) Start Auto -- 开始自动模式
5. 启动所有模块
在Apollo 2.0中,我们开放了新的功能--简单城市道路上的自动驾驶
1. 要让这个可以用,你需要先点击左侧的"Setup"按钮来设置。
2. 跳转到*Module Controller*页面,检查所有的软硬件都已正常工作。
跳转到*Module Controller*页面,检查所有的软硬件都已正常工作。
3. 确保汽车状态良好,环境安全,点击"Start Auto"按钮,然后它就会自动带你走!
6. 谨慎启动自动驾驶模式
确定硬件已经齐备,所有模块已经打开并且汽车状态良好,环境安全,点击"Start Auto"按钮,然后它就会自动带你走!
# Overview of Apollo
Apollo has been initiated to provide an open, comprehensive, and reliable software platform for its partners in the automotive and autonomous-driving industries. Partners can use the Apollo software platform and the reference hardware that Apollo has certified as a template to customize in the development of their own autonomous vehicles.
# Apollo Software Installation
This section includes:
- Download the Apollo Release Package
- Set up Docker Support
- Customize Your Release Container
Before getting started, please make sure you have installed the Ubuntu Linux 14.04.3 and the Apollo Kernel following the steps in the [Apollo 1.0 Hardware and System Installation Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_hardware_system_installation_guide.md#installing-the-software-for-the-ipc).
## Download Apollo Source
1. Download Apollo source code from the [github source](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/) and check out the correct branch:
git clone git@github.com:ApolloAuto/apollo.git
cd apollo
git checkout [release_branch_name]
2. Set up environment variable `APOLLO_HOME` by the following command:
echo "export APOLLO_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
3. Open a new terminal or run `source ~/.bashrc` in an existing terminal.
![tip](images/tip_icon.png) In the following sections, it is assumed that the Apollo directory is located in `$APOLLO_HOME`.
## Set Up Docker Support
The Docker container is the simplest way to set up the build environment for Apollo.
For more information, see the detailed Docker tutorial [here](https://docs.docker.com/).
1. Run the following command to install Docker:
bash docker/scripts/install_docker.sh
2. After the script completes, log out and then log back into the system to enable Docker.
3. (Optional) If you already have Docker installed (before you installed the Apollo Kernel), add the following line in `/etc/default/docker`:
DOCKER_OPTS = "-s overlay"
## Use Your Release Container
1. Download and start the Apollo Release docker image by running the following commands:
bash docker/scripts/release_start.sh
2. (Optional) If you want to customize your release container, login into the Apollo Release docker image by running the following commands:
bash docker/scripts/release_into.sh
3. (Skip this if you only want to do the offline simulation in release docker container) Set up the zone number for the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Driver by modifying the following line in file `./ros/share/gnss_driver/launch/gnss_driver.launch`.
<arg name="proj4_text" default="+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs " />
You only have to modify the value `+zone=10` in the above line. Please refer to the [Apollo's Coordinate System](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/specs/coordination.pdf) to find your local zone number. For example, if you are in Beijing, China, you have to set `+zone=50`.
4. (Skip this if you only want to do the offline simulation in release docker container) Set up the Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Base Station for the GNSS Driver by modifying the file: `./ros/share/gnss_driver/conf/gnss_conf_mkz.txt`
Refer to the following example for a typical RTK setup:
rtk_from {
format: RTCM_V3
ntrip {
address: <provide your own value>
port: <provide your own value>
mount_point: <provide your own value>
user: <provide your own username>
password: <provide your own password>
timeout_s: <provide your own value, e.g., 5>
rtk_to {
format: RTCM_V3
serial {
device: <provide your own value, e.g., "/dev/ttyUSB1">
baud_rate: <provide your own value, e.g., 115200>
The `rtk_from` is used for RTK base station information. The `rtk_to` is used to send the RTK differential data to the receiver.
5. (Skip this if you only want to do the offline simulation in release docker container) Add ESD CAN Support
Please refer to [ESD CAN README](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/third_party/can_card_library/esd_can/README.md) to install the ESD CAN library.
6. (Skip this if you have NOT customized your release docker container) Follow these steps to persist your local changes:
# commit your docker local changes to local docker image.
exit # exit from docker environment
bash docker/scripts/release_commit.sh
7. Start your favorite browser (i.e. Chrome) and with URL: http://localhost:8888
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# Apollo简介
# Apollo软件安装指南
- 下载Apollo发行包
- 设置Docker支持
- 自定义你的发布容器
在开始之前,请确保您已经按照[Apollo 1.0 Hardware and System Installation Guide](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/quickstart/apollo_1_0_hardware_system_installation_guide.md#installing-the-software-for-the-ipc)中的步骤安装了Ubuntu Linux 14.04.3和Apollo Kernel。
## 下载Apollo源代码
1.[github source](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/)下载Apollo的源代码:
git clone git@github.com:ApolloAuto/apollo.git
cd apollo
git checkout [release_branch_name]
2. 参考以下命令设置环境变量 `APOLLO_HOME`:
echo "export APOLLO_HOME=$(pwd)" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
3. 在一个新的终端或者已有的终端中输入`source ~/.bashrc`
![tip](images/tip_icon.png) 在以下部分中,假设Apollo目录位于 `$APOLLO_HOME`.
## 设置Docker支持
有关更多信息,请参阅Docker详细教程 [here](https://docs.docker.com/).
1. 运行以下命令来安装Docker:
bash docker/scripts/install_docker.sh
2. 脚本完成后,注销并重新登录系统以启用Docker。
3. (可选)如果您已经安装了Docker(在安装Apollo内核之前),请在其中添加以下行 `/etc/default/docker`:
DOCKER_OPTS = "-s overlay"
## 使用你的Release Container
1. 通过运行以下命令下载并启动Apollo 发布的 Docker映像:
bash docker/scripts/release_start.sh
2. (可选)如果你需要定制化你的Docker映像,通过运行以下命令登录你已下载的 Docker映像:
bash docker/scripts/release_into.sh
3. (该步骤只用于车上设置。如果是在docker release container里线下实验,请跳过此布)通过修改文件中的以下行来设置全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)驱动程序的区域编号 `./ros/share/gnss_driver/launch/gnss_driver.launch`.
<arg name="proj4_text" default="+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs " />
你只需修改上面一行的`+zone=10`的值即可。请参考[Apollo's Coordinate System](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/specs/coordination.pdf) 找到您当地的区号。例如,如果你在北京,中国,你必须设置`+zone=50`。
5. (该步骤只用于车上设置。如果是在docker release container里线下实验,请跳过此布)通过修改以下文件,为GNSS驱动程序设置实时运动(RTK)基站:
rtk_from {
format: RTCM_V3
ntrip {
address: <provide your own value>
port: <provide your own value>
mount_point: <provide your own value>
user: <provide your own username>
password: <provide your own password>
timeout_s: <provide your own value, e.g., 5>
rtk_to {
format: RTCM_V3
serial {
device: <provide your own value, e.g., "/dev/ttyUSB1">
baud_rate: <provide your own value, e.g., 115200>
`rtk_from` 用于RTK基站信息。
`rtk_to` 用于将RTK差分数据发送到接收器。
6. (该步骤只用于车上设置。如果是在docker release container里线下实验,请跳过此布)添加ESD CAN支持
请参考 [ESD CAN README](https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/third_party/can_card_library/esd_can/README.md)来设置ESD CAN库。
7. (如果你没有修改过本地的Docker release container里的配置,可跳过此布)按照以下步骤保存你的本地环境:
# commit your docker local changes to local docker image.
exit # exit from docker environment
bash docker/scripts/release_commit.sh
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