提交 5b6c3939 编写于 作者: 泰斯特Test's avatar 泰斯特Test

[fix](interfaceTest/tester.py) 修复「请求参数」中部分全局变量未替换成功

上级 898fbe69
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import time
import datetime
import re
from utils import common
import ast
from bson import ObjectId
from threading import Thread
......@@ -151,10 +151,16 @@ class tester:
url = url[0:(len(url) - 1)]
elif 'presendParams' in test_case and isinstance(test_case['presendParams'], dict):
for key, value in test_case['presendParams'].items():
test_case['presendParams'][key] = \
common.resolve_global_var(pre_resolve_var=value, global_var_dic=self.global_vars) \
if isinstance(value, str) else test_case['presendParams'][key]
# dict 先转 str,方便全局变量替换
test_case['presendParams'] = str(test_case['presendParams'])
# 全局替换
test_case['presendParams'] = common.resolve_global_var(pre_resolve_var=test_case['presendParams'],
# 转回 dict
test_case['presendParams'] = ast.literal_eval(test_case['presendParams'])
json_data = test_case['presendParams']
if 'headers' in test_case and not test_case['headers'] in ["", None, {}, {'': ''}]:
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