# Copyright (c) <2015-Present> Tzutalin # Copyright (C) 2013 MIT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Bryan Russell, Antonio Torralba, # William T. Freeman. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and # associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without # limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the # Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of # the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT # NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF # CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pyrcc5 -o libs/resources.py resources.qrc import argparse import ast import codecs import json import os.path import platform import subprocess import sys import xlrd from functools import partial from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize, Qt, QPoint, QByteArray, QTimer, QFileInfo, QPointF, QProcess from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QCursor, QPixmap, QImageReader from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QListWidget, QVBoxLayout, QToolButton, QHBoxLayout, QDockWidget, QWidget, \ QSlider, QGraphicsOpacityEffect, QMessageBox, QListView, QScrollArea, QWidgetAction, QApplication, QLabel, QGridLayout, \ QFileDialog, QListWidgetItem, QComboBox, QDialog __dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.append(__dir__) sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__dir__, '../..'))) sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__dir__, '../PaddleOCR'))) sys.path.append("..") from paddleocr import PaddleOCR, PPStructure from libs.constants import * from libs.utils import * from libs.labelColor import label_colormap from libs.settings import Settings from libs.shape import Shape, DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR, DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR, DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR from libs.stringBundle import StringBundle from libs.canvas import Canvas from libs.zoomWidget import ZoomWidget from libs.autoDialog import AutoDialog from libs.labelDialog import LabelDialog from libs.colorDialog import ColorDialog from libs.ustr import ustr from libs.hashableQListWidgetItem import HashableQListWidgetItem from libs.editinlist import EditInList from libs.unique_label_qlist_widget import UniqueLabelQListWidget from libs.keyDialog import KeyDialog __appname__ = 'PPOCRLabel' LABEL_COLORMAP = label_colormap() class MainWindow(QMainWindow): FIT_WINDOW, FIT_WIDTH, MANUAL_ZOOM = list(range(3)) def __init__(self, lang="ch", gpu=False, kie_mode=False, default_filename=None, default_predefined_class_file=None, default_save_dir=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.setWindowTitle(__appname__) self.setWindowState(Qt.WindowMaximized) # set window max self.activateWindow() # PPOCRLabel goes to the front when activate # Load setting in the main thread self.settings = Settings() self.settings.load() settings = self.settings self.lang = lang # Load string bundle for i18n if lang not in ['ch', 'en']: lang = 'en' self.stringBundle = StringBundle.getBundle(localeStr='zh-CN' if lang == 'ch' else 'en') # 'en' getStr = lambda strId: self.stringBundle.getString(strId) # KIE setting self.kie_mode = kie_mode self.key_previous_text = "" self.existed_key_cls_set = set() self.key_dialog_tip = getStr('keyDialogTip') self.defaultSaveDir = default_save_dir self.ocr = PaddleOCR(use_pdserving=False, use_angle_cls=True, det=True, cls=True, use_gpu=gpu, lang=lang, show_log=False) self.table_ocr = PPStructure(use_pdserving=False, use_gpu=gpu, lang=lang, layout=False, show_log=False) if os.path.exists('./data/paddle.png'): result = self.ocr.ocr('./data/paddle.png', cls=True, det=True) result = self.table_ocr('./data/paddle.png', return_ocr_result_in_table=True) # For loading all image under a directory self.mImgList = [] self.mImgList5 = [] self.dirname = None self.labelHist = [] self.lastOpenDir = None self.result_dic = [] self.result_dic_locked = [] self.changeFileFolder = False self.haveAutoReced = False self.labelFile = None self.currIndex = 0 # Whether we need to save or not. self.dirty = False self._noSelectionSlot = False self._beginner = True self.screencastViewer = self.getAvailableScreencastViewer() self.screencast = "https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR" # Load predefined classes to the list self.loadPredefinedClasses(default_predefined_class_file) # Main widgets and related state. self.labelDialog = LabelDialog(parent=self, listItem=self.labelHist) self.autoDialog = AutoDialog(parent=self) self.itemsToShapes = {} self.shapesToItems = {} self.itemsToShapesbox = {} self.shapesToItemsbox = {} self.prevLabelText = getStr('tempLabel') self.noLabelText = getStr('nullLabel') self.model = 'paddle' self.PPreader = None self.autoSaveNum = 5 # ================== File List ================== filelistLayout = QVBoxLayout() filelistLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.fileListWidget = QListWidget() self.fileListWidget.itemClicked.connect(self.fileitemDoubleClicked) self.fileListWidget.setIconSize(QSize(25, 25)) filelistLayout.addWidget(self.fileListWidget) fileListContainer = QWidget() fileListContainer.setLayout(filelistLayout) self.fileListName = getStr('fileList') self.fileDock = QDockWidget(self.fileListName, self) self.fileDock.setObjectName(getStr('files')) self.fileDock.setWidget(fileListContainer) self.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.fileDock) # ================== Key List ================== if self.kie_mode: self.keyList = UniqueLabelQListWidget() # set key list height key_list_height = int(QApplication.desktop().height() // 4) if key_list_height < 50: key_list_height = 50 self.keyList.setMaximumHeight(key_list_height) self.keyListDockName = getStr('keyListTitle') self.keyListDock = QDockWidget(self.keyListDockName, self) self.keyListDock.setWidget(self.keyList) self.keyListDock.setFeatures(QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures) filelistLayout.addWidget(self.keyListDock) self.AutoRecognition = QToolButton() self.AutoRecognition.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.AutoRecognition.setIcon(newIcon('Auto')) autoRecLayout = QHBoxLayout() autoRecLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) autoRecLayout.addWidget(self.AutoRecognition) autoRecContainer = QWidget() autoRecContainer.setLayout(autoRecLayout) filelistLayout.addWidget(autoRecContainer) # ================== Right Area ================== listLayout = QVBoxLayout() listLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Buttons self.editButton = QToolButton() self.reRecogButton = QToolButton() self.reRecogButton.setIcon(newIcon('reRec', 30)) self.reRecogButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.tableRecButton = QToolButton() self.tableRecButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.newButton = QToolButton() self.newButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.createpolyButton = QToolButton() self.createpolyButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.SaveButton = QToolButton() self.SaveButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.DelButton = QToolButton() self.DelButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) leftTopToolBox = QGridLayout() leftTopToolBox.addWidget(self.newButton, 0, 0, 1, 1) leftTopToolBox.addWidget(self.createpolyButton, 0, 1, 1, 1) leftTopToolBox.addWidget(self.reRecogButton, 1, 0, 1, 1) leftTopToolBox.addWidget(self.tableRecButton, 1, 1, 1, 1) leftTopToolBoxContainer = QWidget() leftTopToolBoxContainer.setLayout(leftTopToolBox) listLayout.addWidget(leftTopToolBoxContainer) # ================== Label List ================== # Create and add a widget for showing current label items self.labelList = EditInList() labelListContainer = QWidget() labelListContainer.setLayout(listLayout) self.labelList.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.labelSelectionChanged) self.labelList.clicked.connect(self.labelList.item_clicked) # Connect to itemChanged to detect checkbox changes. self.labelList.itemChanged.connect(self.labelItemChanged) self.labelListDockName = getStr('recognitionResult') self.labelListDock = QDockWidget(self.labelListDockName, self) self.labelListDock.setWidget(self.labelList) self.labelListDock.setFeatures(QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures) listLayout.addWidget(self.labelListDock) # ================== Detection Box ================== self.BoxList = QListWidget() # self.BoxList.itemActivated.connect(self.boxSelectionChanged) self.BoxList.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.boxSelectionChanged) self.BoxList.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.editBox) # Connect to itemChanged to detect checkbox changes. self.BoxList.itemChanged.connect(self.boxItemChanged) self.BoxListDockName = getStr('detectionBoxposition') self.BoxListDock = QDockWidget(self.BoxListDockName, self) self.BoxListDock.setWidget(self.BoxList) self.BoxListDock.setFeatures(QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures) listLayout.addWidget(self.BoxListDock) # ================== Lower Right Area ================== leftbtmtoolbox = QHBoxLayout() leftbtmtoolbox.addWidget(self.SaveButton) leftbtmtoolbox.addWidget(self.DelButton) leftbtmtoolboxcontainer = QWidget() leftbtmtoolboxcontainer.setLayout(leftbtmtoolbox) listLayout.addWidget(leftbtmtoolboxcontainer) self.dock = QDockWidget(getStr('boxLabelText'), self) self.dock.setObjectName(getStr('labels')) self.dock.setWidget(labelListContainer) # ================== Zoom Bar ================== self.imageSlider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.imageSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.CanvasSizeChange) self.imageSlider.setMinimum(-9) self.imageSlider.setMaximum(510) self.imageSlider.setSingleStep(1) self.imageSlider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) self.imageSlider.setTickInterval(1) op = QGraphicsOpacityEffect() op.setOpacity(0.2) self.imageSlider.setGraphicsEffect(op) self.imageSlider.setStyleSheet("background-color:transparent") self.imageSliderDock = QDockWidget(getStr('ImageResize'), self) self.imageSliderDock.setObjectName(getStr('IR')) self.imageSliderDock.setWidget(self.imageSlider) self.imageSliderDock.setFeatures(QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable) self.imageSliderDock.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.imageSliderDock) self.zoomWidget = ZoomWidget() self.colorDialog = ColorDialog(parent=self) self.zoomWidgetValue = self.zoomWidget.value() self.msgBox = QMessageBox() # ================== Thumbnail ================== hlayout = QHBoxLayout() m = (0, 0, 0, 0) hlayout.setSpacing(0) hlayout.setContentsMargins(*m) self.preButton = QToolButton() self.preButton.setIcon(newIcon("prev", 40)) self.preButton.setIconSize(QSize(40, 100)) self.preButton.clicked.connect(self.openPrevImg) self.preButton.setStyleSheet('border: none;') self.preButton.setShortcut('a') self.iconlist = QListWidget() self.iconlist.setViewMode(QListView.IconMode) self.iconlist.setFlow(QListView.TopToBottom) self.iconlist.setSpacing(10) self.iconlist.setIconSize(QSize(50, 50)) self.iconlist.setMovement(QListView.Static) self.iconlist.setResizeMode(QListView.Adjust) self.iconlist.itemClicked.connect(self.iconitemDoubleClicked) self.iconlist.setStyleSheet("QListWidget{ background-color:transparent; border: none;}") self.iconlist.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.nextButton = QToolButton() self.nextButton.setIcon(newIcon("next", 40)) self.nextButton.setIconSize(QSize(40, 100)) self.nextButton.setStyleSheet('border: none;') self.nextButton.clicked.connect(self.openNextImg) self.nextButton.setShortcut('d') hlayout.addWidget(self.preButton) hlayout.addWidget(self.iconlist) hlayout.addWidget(self.nextButton) iconListContainer = QWidget() iconListContainer.setLayout(hlayout) iconListContainer.setFixedHeight(100) # ================== Canvas ================== self.canvas = Canvas(parent=self) self.canvas.zoomRequest.connect(self.zoomRequest) self.canvas.setDrawingShapeToSquare(settings.get(SETTING_DRAW_SQUARE, False)) scroll = QScrollArea() scroll.setWidget(self.canvas) scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scrollBars = { Qt.Vertical: scroll.verticalScrollBar(), Qt.Horizontal: scroll.horizontalScrollBar() } self.scrollArea = scroll self.canvas.scrollRequest.connect(self.scrollRequest) self.canvas.newShape.connect(partial(self.newShape, False)) self.canvas.shapeMoved.connect(self.updateBoxlist) # self.setDirty self.canvas.selectionChanged.connect(self.shapeSelectionChanged) self.canvas.drawingPolygon.connect(self.toggleDrawingSensitive) centerLayout = QVBoxLayout() centerLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) centerLayout.addWidget(scroll) centerLayout.addWidget(iconListContainer, 0, Qt.AlignCenter) centerContainer = QWidget() centerContainer.setLayout(centerLayout) self.setCentralWidget(centerContainer) self.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.dock) self.dock.setFeatures(QDockWidget.DockWidgetClosable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable) self.fileDock.setFeatures(QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures) # ================== Actions ================== action = partial(newAction, self) quit = action(getStr('quit'), self.close, 'Ctrl+Q', 'quit', getStr('quitApp')) opendir = action(getStr('openDir'), self.openDirDialog, 'Ctrl+u', 'open', getStr('openDir')) open_dataset_dir = action(getStr('openDatasetDir'), self.openDatasetDirDialog, 'Ctrl+p', 'open', getStr('openDatasetDir'), enabled=False) save = action(getStr('save'), self.saveFile, 'Ctrl+V', 'verify', getStr('saveDetail'), enabled=False) alcm = action(getStr('choosemodel'), self.autolcm, 'Ctrl+M', 'next', getStr('tipchoosemodel')) deleteImg = action(getStr('deleteImg'), self.deleteImg, 'Ctrl+Shift+D', 'close', getStr('deleteImgDetail'), enabled=True) resetAll = action(getStr('resetAll'), self.resetAll, None, 'resetall', getStr('resetAllDetail')) color1 = action(getStr('boxLineColor'), self.chooseColor, 'Ctrl+L', 'color_line', getStr('boxLineColorDetail')) createMode = action(getStr('crtBox'), self.setCreateMode, 'w', 'new', getStr('crtBoxDetail'), enabled=False) editMode = action('&Edit\nRectBox', self.setEditMode, 'Ctrl+J', 'edit', u'Move and edit Boxs', enabled=False) create = action(getStr('crtBox'), self.createShape, 'w', 'objects', getStr('crtBoxDetail'), enabled=False) delete = action(getStr('delBox'), self.deleteSelectedShape, 'backspace', 'delete', getStr('delBoxDetail'), enabled=False) copy = action(getStr('dupBox'), self.copySelectedShape, 'Ctrl+C', 'copy', getStr('dupBoxDetail'), enabled=False) hideAll = action(getStr('hideBox'), partial(self.togglePolygons, False), 'Ctrl+H', 'hide', getStr('hideAllBoxDetail'), enabled=False) showAll = action(getStr('showBox'), partial(self.togglePolygons, True), 'Ctrl+A', 'hide', getStr('showAllBoxDetail'), enabled=False) help = action(getStr('tutorial'), self.showTutorialDialog, None, 'help', getStr('tutorialDetail')) showInfo = action(getStr('info'), self.showInfoDialog, None, 'help', getStr('info')) showSteps = action(getStr('steps'), self.showStepsDialog, None, 'help', getStr('steps')) showKeys = action(getStr('keys'), self.showKeysDialog, None, 'help', getStr('keys')) zoom = QWidgetAction(self) zoom.setDefaultWidget(self.zoomWidget) self.zoomWidget.setWhatsThis( u"Zoom in or out of the image. Also accessible with" " %s and %s from the canvas." % (fmtShortcut("Ctrl+[-+]"), fmtShortcut("Ctrl+Wheel"))) self.zoomWidget.setEnabled(False) zoomIn = action(getStr('zoomin'), partial(self.addZoom, 10), 'Ctrl++', 'zoom-in', getStr('zoominDetail'), enabled=False) zoomOut = action(getStr('zoomout'), partial(self.addZoom, -10), 'Ctrl+-', 'zoom-out', getStr('zoomoutDetail'), enabled=False) zoomOrg = action(getStr('originalsize'), partial(self.setZoom, 100), 'Ctrl+=', 'zoom', getStr('originalsizeDetail'), enabled=False) fitWindow = action(getStr('fitWin'), self.setFitWindow, 'Ctrl+F', 'fit-window', getStr('fitWinDetail'), checkable=True, enabled=False) fitWidth = action(getStr('fitWidth'), self.setFitWidth, 'Ctrl+Shift+F', 'fit-width', getStr('fitWidthDetail'), checkable=True, enabled=False) # Group zoom controls into a list for easier toggling. zoomActions = (self.zoomWidget, zoomIn, zoomOut, zoomOrg, fitWindow, fitWidth) self.zoomMode = self.MANUAL_ZOOM self.scalers = { self.FIT_WINDOW: self.scaleFitWindow, self.FIT_WIDTH: self.scaleFitWidth, # Set to one to scale to 100% when loading files. self.MANUAL_ZOOM: lambda: 1, } # ================== New Actions ================== edit = action(getStr('editLabel'), self.editLabel, 'Ctrl+E', 'edit', getStr('editLabelDetail'), enabled=False) AutoRec = action(getStr('autoRecognition'), self.autoRecognition, '', 'Auto', getStr('autoRecognition'), enabled=False) reRec = action(getStr('reRecognition'), self.reRecognition, 'Ctrl+Shift+R', 'reRec', getStr('reRecognition'), enabled=False) singleRere = action(getStr('singleRe'), self.singleRerecognition, 'Ctrl+R', 'reRec', getStr('singleRe'), enabled=False) createpoly = action(getStr('creatPolygon'), self.createPolygon, 'q', 'new', getStr('creatPolygon'), enabled=False) tableRec = action(getStr('TableRecognition'), self.TableRecognition, '', 'Auto', getStr('TableRecognition'), enabled=False) cellreRec = action(getStr('cellreRecognition'), self.cellreRecognition, '', 'reRec', getStr('cellreRecognition'), enabled=False) saveRec = action(getStr('saveRec'), self.saveRecResult, '', 'save', getStr('saveRec'), enabled=False) saveLabel = action(getStr('saveLabel'), self.saveLabelFile, # 'Ctrl+S', 'save', getStr('saveLabel'), enabled=False) exportJSON = action(getStr('exportJSON'), self.exportJSON, '', 'save', getStr('exportJSON'), enabled=False) undoLastPoint = action(getStr("undoLastPoint"), self.canvas.undoLastPoint, 'Ctrl+Z', "undo", getStr("undoLastPoint"), enabled=False) rotateLeft = action(getStr("rotateLeft"), partial(self.rotateImgAction, 1), 'Ctrl+Alt+L', "rotateLeft", getStr("rotateLeft"), enabled=False) rotateRight = action(getStr("rotateRight"), partial(self.rotateImgAction, -1), 'Ctrl+Alt+R', "rotateRight", getStr("rotateRight"), enabled=False) undo = action(getStr("undo"), self.undoShapeEdit, 'Ctrl+Z', "undo", getStr("undo"), enabled=False) change_cls = action(getStr("keyChange"), self.change_box_key, 'Ctrl+X', "edit", getStr("keyChange"), enabled=False) lock = action(getStr("lockBox"), self.lockSelectedShape, None, "lock", getStr("lockBoxDetail"), enabled=False) self.editButton.setDefaultAction(edit) self.newButton.setDefaultAction(create) self.createpolyButton.setDefaultAction(createpoly) self.DelButton.setDefaultAction(deleteImg) self.SaveButton.setDefaultAction(save) self.AutoRecognition.setDefaultAction(AutoRec) self.reRecogButton.setDefaultAction(reRec) self.tableRecButton.setDefaultAction(tableRec) # self.preButton.setDefaultAction(openPrevImg) # self.nextButton.setDefaultAction(openNextImg) # ================== Zoom layout ================== zoomLayout = QHBoxLayout() zoomLayout.addStretch() self.zoominButton = QToolButton() self.zoominButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.zoominButton.setDefaultAction(zoomIn) self.zoomoutButton = QToolButton() self.zoomoutButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.zoomoutButton.setDefaultAction(zoomOut) self.zoomorgButton = QToolButton() self.zoomorgButton.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) self.zoomorgButton.setDefaultAction(zoomOrg) zoomLayout.addWidget(self.zoominButton) zoomLayout.addWidget(self.zoomorgButton) zoomLayout.addWidget(self.zoomoutButton) zoomContainer = QWidget() zoomContainer.setLayout(zoomLayout) zoomContainer.setGeometry(0, 0, 30, 150) shapeLineColor = action(getStr('shapeLineColor'), self.chshapeLineColor, icon='color_line', tip=getStr('shapeLineColorDetail'), enabled=False) shapeFillColor = action(getStr('shapeFillColor'), self.chshapeFillColor, icon='color', tip=getStr('shapeFillColorDetail'), enabled=False) # Label list context menu. labelMenu = QMenu() addActions(labelMenu, (edit, delete)) self.labelList.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.labelList.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.popLabelListMenu) # Draw squares/rectangles self.drawSquaresOption = QAction(getStr('drawSquares'), self) self.drawSquaresOption.setCheckable(True) self.drawSquaresOption.setChecked(settings.get(SETTING_DRAW_SQUARE, False)) self.drawSquaresOption.triggered.connect(self.toogleDrawSquare) # Store actions for further handling. self.actions = struct(save=save, resetAll=resetAll, deleteImg=deleteImg, lineColor=color1, create=create, createpoly=createpoly, tableRec=tableRec, delete=delete, edit=edit, copy=copy, saveRec=saveRec, singleRere=singleRere, AutoRec=AutoRec, reRec=reRec, cellreRec=cellreRec, createMode=createMode, editMode=editMode, shapeLineColor=shapeLineColor, shapeFillColor=shapeFillColor, zoom=zoom, zoomIn=zoomIn, zoomOut=zoomOut, zoomOrg=zoomOrg, fitWindow=fitWindow, fitWidth=fitWidth, zoomActions=zoomActions, saveLabel=saveLabel, change_cls=change_cls, undo=undo, undoLastPoint=undoLastPoint, open_dataset_dir=open_dataset_dir, rotateLeft=rotateLeft, rotateRight=rotateRight, lock=lock, exportJSON=exportJSON, fileMenuActions=(opendir, open_dataset_dir, saveLabel, exportJSON, resetAll, quit), beginner=(), advanced=(), editMenu=(createpoly, edit, copy, delete, singleRere, cellreRec, None, undo, undoLastPoint, None, rotateLeft, rotateRight, None, color1, self.drawSquaresOption, lock, None, change_cls), beginnerContext=( create, createpoly, edit, copy, delete, singleRere, cellreRec, rotateLeft, rotateRight, lock, change_cls), advancedContext=(createMode, editMode, edit, copy, delete, shapeLineColor, shapeFillColor), onLoadActive=(create, createpoly, createMode, editMode), onShapesPresent=(hideAll, showAll)) # menus self.menus = struct( file=self.menu('&' + getStr('mfile')), edit=self.menu('&' + getStr('medit')), view=self.menu('&' + getStr('mview')), autolabel=self.menu('&PaddleOCR'), help=self.menu('&' + getStr('mhelp')), recentFiles=QMenu('Open &Recent'), labelList=labelMenu) self.lastLabel = None # Add option to enable/disable labels being displayed at the top of bounding boxes self.displayLabelOption = QAction(getStr('displayLabel'), self) self.displayLabelOption.setShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+P") self.displayLabelOption.setCheckable(True) self.displayLabelOption.setChecked(settings.get(SETTING_PAINT_LABEL, False)) self.displayLabelOption.triggered.connect(self.togglePaintLabelsOption) self.labelDialogOption = QAction(getStr('labelDialogOption'), self) self.labelDialogOption.setShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+L") self.labelDialogOption.setCheckable(True) self.labelDialogOption.setChecked(settings.get(SETTING_PAINT_LABEL, False)) self.labelDialogOption.triggered.connect(self.speedChoose) self.autoSaveOption = QAction(getStr('autoSaveMode'), self) self.autoSaveOption.setCheckable(True) self.autoSaveOption.setChecked(settings.get(SETTING_PAINT_LABEL, False)) self.autoSaveOption.triggered.connect(self.autoSaveFunc) addActions(self.menus.file, (opendir, open_dataset_dir, None, saveLabel, saveRec, exportJSON, self.autoSaveOption, None, resetAll, deleteImg, quit)) addActions(self.menus.help, (showKeys, showSteps, showInfo)) addActions(self.menus.view, ( self.displayLabelOption, self.labelDialogOption, None, hideAll, showAll, None, zoomIn, zoomOut, zoomOrg, None, fitWindow, fitWidth)) addActions(self.menus.autolabel, (AutoRec, reRec, cellreRec, alcm, None, help)) self.menus.file.aboutToShow.connect(self.updateFileMenu) # Custom context menu for the canvas widget: addActions(self.canvas.menus[0], self.actions.beginnerContext) self.statusBar().showMessage('%s started.' % __appname__) self.statusBar().show() # Application state. self.image = QImage() self.filePath = ustr(default_filename) self.lastOpenDir = None self.recentFiles = [] self.maxRecent = 7 self.lineColor = None self.fillColor = None self.zoom_level = 100 self.fit_window = False # Add Chris self.difficult = False # Fix the compatible issue for qt4 and qt5. Convert the QStringList to python list if settings.get(SETTING_RECENT_FILES): if have_qstring(): recentFileQStringList = settings.get(SETTING_RECENT_FILES) self.recentFiles = [ustr(i) for i in recentFileQStringList] else: self.recentFiles = recentFileQStringList = settings.get(SETTING_RECENT_FILES) size = settings.get(SETTING_WIN_SIZE, QSize(1200, 800)) position = QPoint(0, 0) saved_position = settings.get(SETTING_WIN_POSE, position) # Fix the multiple monitors issue for i in range(QApplication.desktop().screenCount()): if QApplication.desktop().availableGeometry(i).contains(saved_position): position = saved_position break self.resize(size) self.move(position) saveDir = ustr(settings.get(SETTING_SAVE_DIR, None)) self.lastOpenDir = ustr(settings.get(SETTING_LAST_OPEN_DIR, None)) self.restoreState(settings.get(SETTING_WIN_STATE, QByteArray())) Shape.line_color = self.lineColor = QColor(settings.get(SETTING_LINE_COLOR, DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR)) Shape.fill_color = self.fillColor = QColor(settings.get(SETTING_FILL_COLOR, DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR)) self.canvas.setDrawingColor(self.lineColor) # Add chris Shape.difficult = self.difficult # ADD: # Populate the File menu dynamically. self.updateFileMenu() # Since loading the file may take some time, make sure it runs in the background. if self.filePath and os.path.isdir(self.filePath): self.queueEvent(partial(self.importDirImages, self.filePath or "")) elif self.filePath: self.queueEvent(partial(self.loadFile, self.filePath or "")) self.keyDialog = None # Callbacks: self.zoomWidget.valueChanged.connect(self.paintCanvas) self.populateModeActions() # Display cursor coordinates at the right of status bar self.labelCoordinates = QLabel('') self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(self.labelCoordinates) # Open Dir if deafult file if self.filePath and os.path.isdir(self.filePath): self.openDirDialog(dirpath=self.filePath, silent=True) def menu(self, title, actions=None): menu = self.menuBar().addMenu(title) if actions: addActions(menu, actions) return menu def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Control: self.canvas.setDrawingShapeToSquare(False) def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Control: # Draw rectangle if Ctrl is pressed self.canvas.setDrawingShapeToSquare(True) def noShapes(self): return not self.itemsToShapes def populateModeActions(self): self.canvas.menus[0].clear() addActions(self.canvas.menus[0], self.actions.beginnerContext) self.menus.edit.clear() actions = (self.actions.create,) # if self.beginner() else (self.actions.createMode, self.actions.editMode) addActions(self.menus.edit, actions + self.actions.editMenu) def setDirty(self): self.dirty = True self.actions.save.setEnabled(True) def setClean(self): self.dirty = False self.actions.save.setEnabled(False) self.actions.create.setEnabled(True) self.actions.createpoly.setEnabled(True) def toggleActions(self, value=True): """Enable/Disable widgets which depend on an opened image.""" for z in self.actions.zoomActions: z.setEnabled(value) for action in self.actions.onLoadActive: action.setEnabled(value) def queueEvent(self, function): QTimer.singleShot(0, function) def status(self, message, delay=5000): self.statusBar().showMessage(message, delay) def resetState(self): self.itemsToShapes.clear() self.shapesToItems.clear() self.itemsToShapesbox.clear() # ADD self.shapesToItemsbox.clear() self.labelList.clear() self.BoxList.clear() self.filePath = None self.imageData = None self.labelFile = None self.canvas.resetState() self.labelCoordinates.clear() # self.comboBox.cb.clear() self.result_dic = [] def currentItem(self): items = self.labelList.selectedItems() if items: return items[0] return None def currentBox(self): items = self.BoxList.selectedItems() if items: return items[0] return None def addRecentFile(self, filePath): if filePath in self.recentFiles: self.recentFiles.remove(filePath) elif len(self.recentFiles) >= self.maxRecent: self.recentFiles.pop() self.recentFiles.insert(0, filePath) def beginner(self): return self._beginner def advanced(self): return not self.beginner() def getAvailableScreencastViewer(self): osName = platform.system() if osName == 'Windows': return ['C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe'] elif osName == 'Linux': return ['xdg-open'] elif osName == 'Darwin': return ['open'] ## Callbacks ## def showTutorialDialog(self): subprocess.Popen(self.screencastViewer + [self.screencast]) def showInfoDialog(self): from libs.__init__ import __version__ msg = u'Name:{0} \nApp Version:{1} \n{2} '.format(__appname__, __version__, sys.version_info) QMessageBox.information(self, u'Information', msg) def showStepsDialog(self): msg = stepsInfo(self.lang) QMessageBox.information(self, u'Information', msg) def showKeysDialog(self): msg = keysInfo(self.lang) QMessageBox.information(self, u'Information', msg) def createShape(self): assert self.beginner() self.canvas.setEditing(False) self.actions.create.setEnabled(False) self.actions.createpoly.setEnabled(False) self.canvas.fourpoint = False def createPolygon(self): assert self.beginner() self.canvas.setEditing(False) self.canvas.fourpoint = True self.actions.create.setEnabled(False) self.actions.createpoly.setEnabled(False) self.actions.undoLastPoint.setEnabled(True) def rotateImg(self, filename, k, _value): self.actions.rotateRight.setEnabled(_value) pix = cv2.imread(filename) pix = np.rot90(pix, k) cv2.imwrite(filename, pix) self.canvas.update() self.loadFile(filename) def rotateImgWarn(self): if self.lang == 'ch': self.msgBox.warning(self, "提示", "\n 该图片已经有标注框,旋转操作会打乱标注,建议清除标注框后旋转。") else: self.msgBox.warning(self, "Warn", "\n The picture already has a label box, " "and rotation will disrupt the label. " "It is recommended to clear the label box and rotate it.") def rotateImgAction(self, k=1, _value=False): filename = self.mImgList[self.currIndex] if os.path.exists(filename): if self.itemsToShapesbox: self.rotateImgWarn() else: self.saveFile() self.dirty = False self.rotateImg(filename=filename, k=k, _value=True) else: self.rotateImgWarn() self.actions.rotateRight.setEnabled(False) self.actions.rotateLeft.setEnabled(False) def toggleDrawingSensitive(self, drawing=True): """In the middle of drawing, toggling between modes should be disabled.""" self.actions.editMode.setEnabled(not drawing) if not drawing and self.beginner(): # Cancel creation. print('Cancel creation.') self.canvas.setEditing(True) self.canvas.restoreCursor() self.actions.create.setEnabled(True) self.actions.createpoly.setEnabled(True) def toggleDrawMode(self, edit=True): self.canvas.setEditing(edit) self.actions.createMode.setEnabled(edit) self.actions.editMode.setEnabled(not edit) def setCreateMode(self): assert self.advanced() self.toggleDrawMode(False) def setEditMode(self): assert self.advanced() self.toggleDrawMode(True) self.labelSelectionChanged() def updateFileMenu(self): currFilePath = self.filePath def exists(filename): return os.path.exists(filename) menu = self.menus.recentFiles menu.clear() files = [f for f in self.recentFiles if f != currFilePath and exists(f)] for i, f in enumerate(files): icon = newIcon('labels') action = QAction( icon, '&%d %s' % (i + 1, QFileInfo(f).fileName()), self) action.triggered.connect(partial(self.loadRecent, f)) menu.addAction(action) def popLabelListMenu(self, point): self.menus.labelList.exec_(self.labelList.mapToGlobal(point)) def editLabel(self): if not self.canvas.editing(): return item = self.currentItem() if not item: return text = self.labelDialog.popUp(item.text()) if text is not None: item.setText(text) # item.setBackground(generateColorByText(text)) self.setDirty() self.updateComboBox() # =================== detection box related functions =================== def boxItemChanged(self, item): shape = self.itemsToShapesbox[item] box = ast.literal_eval(item.text()) # print('shape in labelItemChanged is',shape.points) if box != [(int(p.x()), int(p.y())) for p in shape.points]: # shape.points = box shape.points = [QPointF(p[0], p[1]) for p in box] # QPointF(x,y) # shape.line_color = generateColorByText(shape.label) self.setDirty() else: # User probably changed item visibility self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, True) # item.checkState() == Qt.Checked def editBox(self): # ADD if not self.canvas.editing(): return item = self.currentBox() if not item: return text = self.labelDialog.popUp(item.text()) imageSize = str(self.image.size()) width, height = self.image.width(), self.image.height() if text: try: text_list = eval(text) except: msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, 'Warning', 'Please enter the correct format') msg_box.exec_() return if len(text_list) < 4: msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, 'Warning', 'Please enter the coordinates of 4 points') msg_box.exec_() return for box in text_list: if box[0] > width or box[0] < 0 or box[1] > height or box[1] < 0: msg_box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, 'Warning', 'Out of picture size') msg_box.exec_() return item.setText(text) # item.setBackground(generateColorByText(text)) self.setDirty() self.updateComboBox() def updateBoxlist(self): self.canvas.selectedShapes_hShape = [] if self.canvas.hShape != None: self.canvas.selectedShapes_hShape = self.canvas.selectedShapes + [self.canvas.hShape] else: self.canvas.selectedShapes_hShape = self.canvas.selectedShapes for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes_hShape: item = self.shapesToItemsbox[shape] # listitem text = [(int(p.x()), int(p.y())) for p in shape.points] item.setText(str(text)) self.actions.undo.setEnabled(True) self.setDirty() def indexTo5Files(self, currIndex): if currIndex < 2: return self.mImgList[:5] elif currIndex > len(self.mImgList) - 3: return self.mImgList[-5:] else: return self.mImgList[currIndex - 2: currIndex + 3] # Tzutalin 20160906 : Add file list and dock to move faster def fileitemDoubleClicked(self, item=None): self.currIndex = self.mImgList.index(ustr(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.dirname), item.text()))) filename = self.mImgList[self.currIndex] if filename: self.mImgList5 = self.indexTo5Files(self.currIndex) # self.additems5(None) self.loadFile(filename) def iconitemDoubleClicked(self, item=None): self.currIndex = self.mImgList.index(ustr(os.path.join(item.toolTip()))) filename = self.mImgList[self.currIndex] if filename: self.mImgList5 = self.indexTo5Files(self.currIndex) # self.additems5(None) self.loadFile(filename) def CanvasSizeChange(self): if len(self.mImgList) > 0 and self.imageSlider.hasFocus(): self.zoomWidget.setValue(self.imageSlider.value()) def shapeSelectionChanged(self, selected_shapes): self._noSelectionSlot = True for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes: shape.selected = False self.labelList.clearSelection() self.canvas.selectedShapes = selected_shapes for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes: shape.selected = True self.shapesToItems[shape].setSelected(True) self.shapesToItemsbox[shape].setSelected(True) self.labelList.scrollToItem(self.currentItem()) # QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible self.BoxList.scrollToItem(self.currentBox()) if self.kie_mode: if len(self.canvas.selectedShapes) == 1 and self.keyList.count() > 0: selected_key_item_row = self.keyList.findItemsByLabel(self.canvas.selectedShapes[0].key_cls, get_row=True) if isinstance(selected_key_item_row, list) and len(selected_key_item_row) == 0: key_text = self.canvas.selectedShapes[0].key_cls item = self.keyList.createItemFromLabel(key_text) self.keyList.addItem(item) rgb = self._get_rgb_by_label(key_text, self.kie_mode) self.keyList.setItemLabel(item, key_text, rgb) selected_key_item_row = self.keyList.findItemsByLabel(self.canvas.selectedShapes[0].key_cls, get_row=True) self.keyList.setCurrentRow(selected_key_item_row) self._noSelectionSlot = False n_selected = len(selected_shapes) self.actions.singleRere.setEnabled(n_selected) self.actions.cellreRec.setEnabled(n_selected) self.actions.delete.setEnabled(n_selected) self.actions.copy.setEnabled(n_selected) self.actions.edit.setEnabled(n_selected == 1) self.actions.lock.setEnabled(n_selected) self.actions.change_cls.setEnabled(n_selected) def addLabel(self, shape): shape.paintLabel = self.displayLabelOption.isChecked() item = HashableQListWidgetItem(shape.label) item.setFlags(item.flags() | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable) item.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) if shape.difficult else item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) # Checked means difficult is False # item.setBackground(generateColorByText(shape.label)) self.itemsToShapes[item] = shape self.shapesToItems[shape] = item self.labelList.addItem(item) # print('item in add label is ',[(p.x(), p.y()) for p in shape.points], shape.label) # ADD for box item = HashableQListWidgetItem(str([(int(p.x()), int(p.y())) for p in shape.points])) self.itemsToShapesbox[item] = shape self.shapesToItemsbox[shape] = item self.BoxList.addItem(item) for action in self.actions.onShapesPresent: action.setEnabled(True) self.updateComboBox() # update show counting self.BoxListDock.setWindowTitle(self.BoxListDockName + f" ({self.BoxList.count()})") self.labelListDock.setWindowTitle(self.labelListDockName + f" ({self.labelList.count()})") def remLabels(self, shapes): if shapes is None: # print('rm empty label') return for shape in shapes: item = self.shapesToItems[shape] self.labelList.takeItem(self.labelList.row(item)) del self.shapesToItems[shape] del self.itemsToShapes[item] self.updateComboBox() # ADD: item = self.shapesToItemsbox[shape] self.BoxList.takeItem(self.BoxList.row(item)) del self.shapesToItemsbox[shape] del self.itemsToShapesbox[item] self.updateComboBox() def loadLabels(self, shapes): s = [] for label, points, line_color, key_cls, difficult in shapes: shape = Shape(label=label, line_color=line_color, key_cls=key_cls) for x, y in points: # Ensure the labels are within the bounds of the image. If not, fix them. x, y, snapped = self.canvas.snapPointToCanvas(x, y) if snapped: self.setDirty() shape.addPoint(QPointF(x, y)) shape.difficult = difficult # shape.locked = False shape.close() s.append(shape) self._update_shape_color(shape) self.addLabel(shape) self.updateComboBox() self.canvas.loadShapes(s) def singleLabel(self, shape): if shape is None: # print('rm empty label') return item = self.shapesToItems[shape] item.setText(shape.label) self.updateComboBox() # ADD: item = self.shapesToItemsbox[shape] item.setText(str([(int(p.x()), int(p.y())) for p in shape.points])) self.updateComboBox() def updateComboBox(self): # Get the unique labels and add them to the Combobox. itemsTextList = [str(self.labelList.item(i).text()) for i in range(self.labelList.count())] uniqueTextList = list(set(itemsTextList)) # Add a null row for showing all the labels uniqueTextList.append("") uniqueTextList.sort() # self.comboBox.update_items(uniqueTextList) def saveLabels(self, annotationFilePath, mode='Auto'): # Mode is Auto means that labels will be loaded from self.result_dic totally, which is the output of ocr model annotationFilePath = ustr(annotationFilePath) def format_shape(s): # print('s in saveLabels is ',s) return dict(label=s.label, # str line_color=s.line_color.getRgb(), fill_color=s.fill_color.getRgb(), points=[(int(p.x()), int(p.y())) for p in s.points], # QPonitF difficult=s.difficult, key_cls=s.key_cls) # bool if mode == 'Auto': shapes = [] else: shapes = [format_shape(shape) for shape in self.canvas.shapes if shape.line_color != DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR] # Can add differrent annotation formats here for box in self.result_dic: trans_dic = {"label": box[1][0], "points": box[0], "difficult": False} if self.kie_mode: if len(box) == 3: trans_dic.update({"key_cls": box[2]}) else: trans_dic.update({"key_cls": "None"}) if trans_dic["label"] == "" and mode == 'Auto': continue shapes.append(trans_dic) try: trans_dic = [] for box in shapes: trans_dict = {"transcription": box['label'], "points": box['points'], "difficult": box['difficult']} if self.kie_mode: trans_dict.update({"key_cls": box['key_cls']}) trans_dic.append(trans_dict) self.PPlabel[annotationFilePath] = trans_dic if mode == 'Auto': self.Cachelabel[annotationFilePath] = trans_dic # else: # self.labelFile.save(annotationFilePath, shapes, self.filePath, self.imageData, # self.lineColor.getRgb(), self.fillColor.getRgb()) # print('Image:{0} -> Annotation:{1}'.format(self.filePath, annotationFilePath)) return True except: self.errorMessage(u'Error saving label data', u'Error saving label data') return False def copySelectedShape(self): for shape in self.canvas.copySelectedShape(): self.addLabel(shape) # fix copy and delete # self.shapeSelectionChanged(True) def labelSelectionChanged(self): if self._noSelectionSlot: return if self.canvas.editing(): selected_shapes = [] for item in self.labelList.selectedItems(): selected_shapes.append(self.itemsToShapes[item]) if selected_shapes: self.canvas.selectShapes(selected_shapes) else: self.canvas.deSelectShape() def boxSelectionChanged(self): if self._noSelectionSlot: # self.BoxList.scrollToItem(self.currentBox(), QAbstractItemView.PositionAtCenter) return if self.canvas.editing(): selected_shapes = [] for item in self.BoxList.selectedItems(): selected_shapes.append(self.itemsToShapesbox[item]) if selected_shapes: self.canvas.selectShapes(selected_shapes) else: self.canvas.deSelectShape() def labelItemChanged(self, item): shape = self.itemsToShapes[item] label = item.text() if label != shape.label: shape.label = item.text() # shape.line_color = generateColorByText(shape.label) self.setDirty() elif not ((item.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked) ^ (not shape.difficult)): shape.difficult = True if item.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked else False self.setDirty() else: # User probably changed item visibility self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, True) # item.checkState() == Qt.Checked # self.actions.save.setEnabled(True) # Callback functions: def newShape(self, value=True): """Pop-up and give focus to the label editor. position MUST be in global coordinates. """ if len(self.labelHist) > 0: self.labelDialog = LabelDialog(parent=self, listItem=self.labelHist) if value: text = self.labelDialog.popUp(text=self.prevLabelText) self.lastLabel = text else: text = self.prevLabelText if text is not None: self.prevLabelText = self.stringBundle.getString('tempLabel') shape = self.canvas.setLastLabel(text, None, None, None) # generate_color, generate_color if self.kie_mode: key_text, _ = self.keyDialog.popUp(self.key_previous_text) if key_text is not None: shape = self.canvas.setLastLabel(text, None, None, key_text) # generate_color, generate_color self.key_previous_text = key_text if not self.keyList.findItemsByLabel(key_text): item = self.keyList.createItemFromLabel(key_text) self.keyList.addItem(item) rgb = self._get_rgb_by_label(key_text, self.kie_mode) self.keyList.setItemLabel(item, key_text, rgb) self._update_shape_color(shape) self.keyDialog.addLabelHistory(key_text) self.addLabel(shape) if self.beginner(): # Switch to edit mode. self.canvas.setEditing(True) self.actions.create.setEnabled(True) self.actions.createpoly.setEnabled(True) self.actions.undoLastPoint.setEnabled(False) self.actions.undo.setEnabled(True) else: self.actions.editMode.setEnabled(True) self.setDirty() else: # self.canvas.undoLastLine() self.canvas.resetAllLines() def _update_shape_color(self, shape): r, g, b = self._get_rgb_by_label(shape.key_cls, self.kie_mode) shape.line_color = QColor(r, g, b) shape.vertex_fill_color = QColor(r, g, b) shape.hvertex_fill_color = QColor(255, 255, 255) shape.fill_color = QColor(r, g, b, 128) shape.select_line_color = QColor(255, 255, 255) shape.select_fill_color = QColor(r, g, b, 155) def _get_rgb_by_label(self, label, kie_mode): shift_auto_shape_color = 2 # use for random color if kie_mode and label != "None": item = self.keyList.findItemsByLabel(label)[0] label_id = self.keyList.indexFromItem(item).row() + 1 label_id += shift_auto_shape_color return LABEL_COLORMAP[label_id % len(LABEL_COLORMAP)] else: return (0, 255, 0) def scrollRequest(self, delta, orientation): units = - delta / (8 * 15) bar = self.scrollBars[orientation] bar.setValue(bar.value() + bar.singleStep() * units) def setZoom(self, value): self.actions.fitWidth.setChecked(False) self.actions.fitWindow.setChecked(False) self.zoomMode = self.MANUAL_ZOOM self.zoomWidget.setValue(value) def addZoom(self, increment=10): self.setZoom(self.zoomWidget.value() + increment) self.imageSlider.setValue(self.zoomWidget.value() + increment) # set zoom slider value def zoomRequest(self, delta): # get the current scrollbar positions # calculate the percentages ~ coordinates h_bar = self.scrollBars[Qt.Horizontal] v_bar = self.scrollBars[Qt.Vertical] # get the current maximum, to know the difference after zooming h_bar_max = h_bar.maximum() v_bar_max = v_bar.maximum() # get the cursor position and canvas size # calculate the desired movement from 0 to 1 # where 0 = move left # 1 = move right # up and down analogous cursor = QCursor() pos = cursor.pos() relative_pos = QWidget.mapFromGlobal(self, pos) cursor_x = relative_pos.x() cursor_y = relative_pos.y() w = self.scrollArea.width() h = self.scrollArea.height() # the scaling from 0 to 1 has some padding # you don't have to hit the very leftmost pixel for a maximum-left movement margin = 0.1 move_x = (cursor_x - margin * w) / (w - 2 * margin * w) move_y = (cursor_y - margin * h) / (h - 2 * margin * h) # clamp the values from 0 to 1 move_x = min(max(move_x, 0), 1) move_y = min(max(move_y, 0), 1) # zoom in units = delta / (8 * 15) scale = 10 self.addZoom(scale * units) # get the difference in scrollbar values # this is how far we can move d_h_bar_max = h_bar.maximum() - h_bar_max d_v_bar_max = v_bar.maximum() - v_bar_max # get the new scrollbar values new_h_bar_value = h_bar.value() + move_x * d_h_bar_max new_v_bar_value = v_bar.value() + move_y * d_v_bar_max h_bar.setValue(new_h_bar_value) v_bar.setValue(new_v_bar_value) def setFitWindow(self, value=True): if value: self.actions.fitWidth.setChecked(False) self.zoomMode = self.FIT_WINDOW if value else self.MANUAL_ZOOM self.adjustScale() def setFitWidth(self, value=True): if value: self.actions.fitWindow.setChecked(False) self.zoomMode = self.FIT_WIDTH if value else self.MANUAL_ZOOM self.adjustScale() def togglePolygons(self, value): for item, shape in self.itemsToShapes.items(): self.canvas.setShapeVisible(shape, value) def loadFile(self, filePath=None): """Load the specified file, or the last opened file if None.""" if self.dirty: self.mayContinue() self.resetState() self.canvas.setEnabled(False) if filePath is None: filePath = self.settings.get(SETTING_FILENAME) # Make sure that filePath is a regular python string, rather than QString filePath = ustr(filePath) # Fix bug: An index error after select a directory when open a new file. unicodeFilePath = ustr(filePath) # unicodeFilePath = os.path.abspath(unicodeFilePath) # Tzutalin 20160906 : Add file list and dock to move faster # Highlight the file item if unicodeFilePath and self.fileListWidget.count() > 0: if unicodeFilePath in self.mImgList: index = self.mImgList.index(unicodeFilePath) fileWidgetItem = self.fileListWidget.item(index) print('unicodeFilePath is', unicodeFilePath) fileWidgetItem.setSelected(True) self.iconlist.clear() self.additems5(None) for i in range(5): item_tooltip = self.iconlist.item(i).toolTip() # print(i,"---",item_tooltip) if item_tooltip == ustr(filePath): titem = self.iconlist.item(i) titem.setSelected(True) self.iconlist.scrollToItem(titem) break else: self.fileListWidget.clear() self.mImgList.clear() self.iconlist.clear() # if unicodeFilePath and self.iconList.count() > 0: # if unicodeFilePath in self.mImgList: if unicodeFilePath and os.path.exists(unicodeFilePath): self.canvas.verified = False cvimg = cv2.imdecode(np.fromfile(unicodeFilePath, dtype=np.uint8), 1) height, width, depth = cvimg.shape cvimg = cv2.cvtColor(cvimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image = QImage(cvimg.data, width, height, width * depth, QImage.Format_RGB888) if image.isNull(): self.errorMessage(u'Error opening file', u"
Make sure %s is a valid image file." % unicodeFilePath) self.status("Error reading %s" % unicodeFilePath) return False self.status("Loaded %s" % os.path.basename(unicodeFilePath)) self.image = image self.filePath = unicodeFilePath self.canvas.loadPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(image)) if self.validFilestate(filePath) is True: self.setClean() else: self.dirty = False self.actions.save.setEnabled(True) if len(self.canvas.lockedShapes) != 0: self.actions.save.setEnabled(True) self.setDirty() self.canvas.setEnabled(True) self.adjustScale(initial=True) self.paintCanvas() self.addRecentFile(self.filePath) self.toggleActions(True) self.showBoundingBoxFromPPlabel(filePath) self.setWindowTitle(__appname__ + ' ' + filePath) # Default : select last item if there is at least one item if self.labelList.count(): self.labelList.setCurrentItem(self.labelList.item(self.labelList.count() - 1)) self.labelList.item(self.labelList.count() - 1).setSelected(True) # show file list image count select_indexes = self.fileListWidget.selectedIndexes() if len(select_indexes) > 0: self.fileDock.setWindowTitle(self.fileListName + f" ({select_indexes[0].row() + 1}" f"/{self.fileListWidget.count()})") # update show counting self.BoxListDock.setWindowTitle(self.BoxListDockName + f" ({self.BoxList.count()})") self.labelListDock.setWindowTitle(self.labelListDockName + f" ({self.labelList.count()})") self.canvas.setFocus(True) return True return False def showBoundingBoxFromPPlabel(self, filePath): width, height = self.image.width(), self.image.height() imgidx = self.getImglabelidx(filePath) shapes = [] # box['ratio'] of the shapes saved in lockedShapes contains the ratio of the # four corner coordinates of the shapes to the height and width of the image for box in self.canvas.lockedShapes: key_cls = 'None' if not self.kie_mode else box['key_cls'] if self.canvas.isInTheSameImage: shapes.append((box['transcription'], [[s[0] * width, s[1] * height] for s in box['ratio']], DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR, key_cls, box['difficult'])) else: shapes.append(('锁定框:待检测', [[s[0] * width, s[1] * height] for s in box['ratio']], DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR, key_cls, box['difficult'])) if imgidx in self.PPlabel.keys(): for box in self.PPlabel[imgidx]: key_cls = 'None' if not self.kie_mode else box.get('key_cls', 'None') shapes.append((box['transcription'], box['points'], None, key_cls, box.get('difficult', False))) self.loadLabels(shapes) self.canvas.verified = False def validFilestate(self, filePath): if filePath not in self.fileStatedict.keys(): return None elif self.fileStatedict[filePath] == 1: return True else: return False def resizeEvent(self, event): if self.canvas and not self.image.isNull() \ and self.zoomMode != self.MANUAL_ZOOM: self.adjustScale() super(MainWindow, self).resizeEvent(event) def paintCanvas(self): assert not self.image.isNull(), "cannot paint null image" self.canvas.scale = 0.01 * self.zoomWidget.value() self.canvas.adjustSize() self.canvas.update() def adjustScale(self, initial=False): value = self.scalers[self.FIT_WINDOW if initial else self.zoomMode]() self.zoomWidget.setValue(int(100 * value)) self.imageSlider.setValue(self.zoomWidget.value()) # set zoom slider value def scaleFitWindow(self): """Figure out the size of the pixmap in order to fit the main widget.""" e = 2.0 # So that no scrollbars are generated. w1 = self.centralWidget().width() - e h1 = self.centralWidget().height() - e - 110 a1 = w1 / h1 # Calculate a new scale value based on the pixmap's aspect ratio. w2 = self.canvas.pixmap.width() - 0.0 h2 = self.canvas.pixmap.height() - 0.0 a2 = w2 / h2 return w1 / w2 if a2 >= a1 else h1 / h2 def scaleFitWidth(self): # The epsilon does not seem to work too well here. w = self.centralWidget().width() - 2.0 return w / self.canvas.pixmap.width() def closeEvent(self, event): if not self.mayContinue(): event.ignore() else: settings = self.settings # If it loads images from dir, don't load it at the beginning if self.dirname is None: settings[SETTING_FILENAME] = self.filePath if self.filePath else '' else: settings[SETTING_FILENAME] = '' settings[SETTING_WIN_SIZE] = self.size() settings[SETTING_WIN_POSE] = self.pos() settings[SETTING_WIN_STATE] = self.saveState() settings[SETTING_LINE_COLOR] = self.lineColor settings[SETTING_FILL_COLOR] = self.fillColor settings[SETTING_RECENT_FILES] = self.recentFiles settings[SETTING_ADVANCE_MODE] = not self._beginner if self.defaultSaveDir and os.path.exists(self.defaultSaveDir): settings[SETTING_SAVE_DIR] = ustr(self.defaultSaveDir) else: settings[SETTING_SAVE_DIR] = '' if self.lastOpenDir and os.path.exists(self.lastOpenDir): settings[SETTING_LAST_OPEN_DIR] = self.lastOpenDir else: settings[SETTING_LAST_OPEN_DIR] = '' settings[SETTING_PAINT_LABEL] = self.displayLabelOption.isChecked() settings[SETTING_DRAW_SQUARE] = self.drawSquaresOption.isChecked() settings.save() try: self.saveLabelFile() except: pass def loadRecent(self, filename): if self.mayContinue(): print(filename, "======") self.loadFile(filename) def scanAllImages(self, folderPath): extensions = ['.%s' % fmt.data().decode("ascii").lower() for fmt in QImageReader.supportedImageFormats()] images = [] for file in os.listdir(folderPath): if file.lower().endswith(tuple(extensions)): relativePath = os.path.join(folderPath, file) path = ustr(os.path.abspath(relativePath)) images.append(path) natural_sort(images, key=lambda x: x.lower()) return images def openDirDialog(self, _value=False, dirpath=None, silent=False): if not self.mayContinue(): return defaultOpenDirPath = dirpath if dirpath else '.' if self.lastOpenDir and os.path.exists(self.lastOpenDir): defaultOpenDirPath = self.lastOpenDir else: defaultOpenDirPath = os.path.dirname(self.filePath) if self.filePath else '.' if silent != True: targetDirPath = ustr(QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, '%s - Open Directory' % __appname__, defaultOpenDirPath, QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks)) else: targetDirPath = ustr(defaultOpenDirPath) self.lastOpenDir = targetDirPath self.importDirImages(targetDirPath) def openDatasetDirDialog(self): if self.lastOpenDir and os.path.exists(self.lastOpenDir): if platform.system() == 'Windows': os.startfile(self.lastOpenDir) else: os.system('open ' + os.path.normpath(self.lastOpenDir)) defaultOpenDirPath = self.lastOpenDir else: if self.lang == 'ch': self.msgBox.warning(self, "提示", "\n 原文件夹已不存在,请从新选择数据集路径!") else: self.msgBox.warning(self, "Warn", "\n The original folder no longer exists, please choose the data set path again!") self.actions.open_dataset_dir.setEnabled(False) defaultOpenDirPath = os.path.dirname(self.filePath) if self.filePath else '.' def init_key_list(self, label_dict): if not self.kie_mode: return # load key_cls for image, info in label_dict.items(): for box in info: if "key_cls" not in box: box.update({"key_cls": "None"}) self.existed_key_cls_set.add(box["key_cls"]) if len(self.existed_key_cls_set) > 0: for key_text in self.existed_key_cls_set: if not self.keyList.findItemsByLabel(key_text): item = self.keyList.createItemFromLabel(key_text) self.keyList.addItem(item) rgb = self._get_rgb_by_label(key_text, self.kie_mode) self.keyList.setItemLabel(item, key_text, rgb) if self.keyDialog is None: # key list dialog self.keyDialog = KeyDialog( text=self.key_dialog_tip, parent=self, labels=self.existed_key_cls_set, sort_labels=True, show_text_field=True, completion="startswith", fit_to_content={'column': True, 'row': False}, flags=None ) def importDirImages(self, dirpath, isDelete=False): if not self.mayContinue() or not dirpath: return if self.defaultSaveDir and self.defaultSaveDir != dirpath: self.saveLabelFile() if not isDelete: self.loadFilestate(dirpath) self.PPlabelpath = dirpath + '/Label.txt' self.PPlabel = self.loadLabelFile(self.PPlabelpath) self.Cachelabelpath = dirpath + '/Cache.cach' self.Cachelabel = self.loadLabelFile(self.Cachelabelpath) if self.Cachelabel: self.PPlabel = dict(self.Cachelabel, **self.PPlabel) self.init_key_list(self.PPlabel) self.lastOpenDir = dirpath self.dirname = dirpath self.defaultSaveDir = dirpath self.statusBar().showMessage('%s started. Annotation will be saved to %s' % (__appname__, self.defaultSaveDir)) self.statusBar().show() self.filePath = None self.fileListWidget.clear() self.mImgList = self.scanAllImages(dirpath) self.mImgList5 = self.mImgList[:5] self.openNextImg() doneicon = newIcon('done') closeicon = newIcon('close') for imgPath in self.mImgList: filename = os.path.basename(imgPath) if self.validFilestate(imgPath) is True: item = QListWidgetItem(doneicon, filename) else: item = QListWidgetItem(closeicon, filename) self.fileListWidget.addItem(item) print('DirPath in importDirImages is', dirpath) self.iconlist.clear() self.additems5(dirpath) self.changeFileFolder = True self.haveAutoReced = False self.AutoRecognition.setEnabled(True) self.reRecogButton.setEnabled(True) self.tableRecButton.setEnabled(True) self.actions.AutoRec.setEnabled(True) self.actions.reRec.setEnabled(True) self.actions.tableRec.setEnabled(True) self.actions.open_dataset_dir.setEnabled(True) self.actions.rotateLeft.setEnabled(True) self.actions.rotateRight.setEnabled(True) self.fileListWidget.setCurrentRow(0) # set list index to first self.fileDock.setWindowTitle(self.fileListName + f" (1/{self.fileListWidget.count()})") # show image count def openPrevImg(self, _value=False): if len(self.mImgList) <= 0: return if self.filePath is None: return currIndex = self.mImgList.index(self.filePath) self.mImgList5 = self.mImgList[:5] if currIndex - 1 >= 0: filename = self.mImgList[currIndex - 1] self.mImgList5 = self.indexTo5Files(currIndex - 1) if filename: self.loadFile(filename) def openNextImg(self, _value=False): if not self.mayContinue(): return if len(self.mImgList) <= 0: return filename = None if self.filePath is None: filename = self.mImgList[0] self.mImgList5 = self.mImgList[:5] else: currIndex = self.mImgList.index(self.filePath) if currIndex + 1 < len(self.mImgList): filename = self.mImgList[currIndex + 1] self.mImgList5 = self.indexTo5Files(currIndex + 1) else: self.mImgList5 = self.indexTo5Files(currIndex) if filename: print('file name in openNext is ', filename) self.loadFile(filename) def updateFileListIcon(self, filename): pass def saveFile(self, _value=False, mode='Manual'): # Manual mode is used for users click "Save" manually,which will change the state of the image if self.filePath: imgidx = self.getImglabelidx(self.filePath) self._saveFile(imgidx, mode=mode) def saveLockedShapes(self): self.canvas.lockedShapes = [] self.canvas.selectedShapes = [] for s in self.canvas.shapes: if s.line_color == DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR: self.canvas.selectedShapes.append(s) self.lockSelectedShape() for s in self.canvas.shapes: if s.line_color == DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR: self.canvas.selectedShapes.remove(s) self.canvas.shapes.remove(s) def _saveFile(self, annotationFilePath, mode='Manual'): if len(self.canvas.lockedShapes) != 0: self.saveLockedShapes() if mode == 'Manual': self.result_dic_locked = [] img = cv2.imread(self.filePath) width, height = self.image.width(), self.image.height() for shape in self.canvas.lockedShapes: box = [[int(p[0] * width), int(p[1] * height)] for p in shape['ratio']] # assert len(box) == 4 result = [(shape['transcription'], 1)] result.insert(0, box) self.result_dic_locked.append(result) self.result_dic += self.result_dic_locked self.result_dic_locked = [] if annotationFilePath and self.saveLabels(annotationFilePath, mode=mode): self.setClean() self.statusBar().showMessage('Saved to %s' % annotationFilePath) self.statusBar().show() currIndex = self.mImgList.index(self.filePath) item = self.fileListWidget.item(currIndex) item.setIcon(newIcon('done')) self.fileStatedict[self.filePath] = 1 if len(self.fileStatedict) % self.autoSaveNum == 0: self.saveFilestate() self.savePPlabel(mode='Auto') self.fileListWidget.insertItem(int(currIndex), item) if not self.canvas.isInTheSameImage: self.openNextImg() self.actions.saveRec.setEnabled(True) self.actions.saveLabel.setEnabled(True) self.actions.exportJSON.setEnabled(True) elif mode == 'Auto': if annotationFilePath and self.saveLabels(annotationFilePath, mode=mode): self.setClean() self.statusBar().showMessage('Saved to %s' % annotationFilePath) self.statusBar().show() def closeFile(self, _value=False): if not self.mayContinue(): return self.resetState() self.setClean() self.toggleActions(False) self.canvas.setEnabled(False) self.actions.saveAs.setEnabled(False) def deleteImg(self): deletePath = self.filePath if deletePath is not None: deleteInfo = self.deleteImgDialog() if deleteInfo == QMessageBox.Yes: if platform.system() == 'Windows': from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon shell.SHFileOperation((0, shellcon.FO_DELETE, deletePath, None, shellcon.FOF_SILENT | shellcon.FOF_ALLOWUNDO | shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION, None, None)) # linux elif platform.system() == 'Linux': cmd = 'trash ' + deletePath os.system(cmd) # macOS elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': import subprocess absPath = os.path.abspath(deletePath).replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') cmd = ['osascript', '-e', 'tell app "Finder" to move {the POSIX file "' + absPath + '"} to trash'] print(cmd) subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w')) if self.filePath in self.fileStatedict.keys(): self.fileStatedict.pop(self.filePath) imgidx = self.getImglabelidx(self.filePath) if imgidx in self.PPlabel.keys(): self.PPlabel.pop(imgidx) self.openNextImg() self.importDirImages(self.lastOpenDir, isDelete=True) def deleteImgDialog(self): yes, cancel = QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.Cancel msg = u'The image will be deleted to the recycle bin' return QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Attention', msg, yes | cancel) def resetAll(self): self.settings.reset() self.close() proc = QProcess() proc.startDetached(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def mayContinue(self): # if not self.dirty: return True else: discardChanges = self.discardChangesDialog() if discardChanges == QMessageBox.No: return True elif discardChanges == QMessageBox.Yes: self.canvas.isInTheSameImage = True self.saveFile() self.canvas.isInTheSameImage = False return True else: return False def discardChangesDialog(self): yes, no, cancel = QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Cancel if self.lang == 'ch': msg = u'您有未保存的变更, 您想保存再继续吗?\n点击 "No" 丢弃所有未保存的变更.' else: msg = u'You have unsaved changes, would you like to save them and proceed?\nClick "No" to undo all changes.' return QMessageBox.warning(self, u'Attention', msg, yes | no | cancel) def errorMessage(self, title, message): return QMessageBox.critical(self, title, '
%s' % (title, message)) def currentPath(self): return os.path.dirname(self.filePath) if self.filePath else '.' def chooseColor(self): color = self.colorDialog.getColor(self.lineColor, u'Choose line color', default=DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR) if color: self.lineColor = color Shape.line_color = color self.canvas.setDrawingColor(color) self.canvas.update() self.setDirty() def deleteSelectedShape(self): self.remLabels(self.canvas.deleteSelected()) self.actions.undo.setEnabled(True) self.setDirty() if self.noShapes(): for action in self.actions.onShapesPresent: action.setEnabled(False) self.BoxListDock.setWindowTitle(self.BoxListDockName + f" ({self.BoxList.count()})") self.labelListDock.setWindowTitle(self.labelListDockName + f" ({self.labelList.count()})") def chshapeLineColor(self): color = self.colorDialog.getColor(self.lineColor, u'Choose line color', default=DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR) if color: for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes: shape.line_color = color self.canvas.update() self.setDirty() def chshapeFillColor(self): color = self.colorDialog.getColor(self.fillColor, u'Choose fill color', default=DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR) if color: for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes: shape.fill_color = color self.canvas.update() self.setDirty() def copyShape(self): self.canvas.endMove(copy=True) self.addLabel(self.canvas.selectedShape) self.setDirty() def moveShape(self): self.canvas.endMove(copy=False) self.setDirty() def loadPredefinedClasses(self, predefClassesFile): if os.path.exists(predefClassesFile) is True: with codecs.open(predefClassesFile, 'r', 'utf8') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if self.labelHist is None: self.labelHist = [line] else: self.labelHist.append(line) def togglePaintLabelsOption(self): for shape in self.canvas.shapes: shape.paintLabel = self.displayLabelOption.isChecked() def toogleDrawSquare(self): self.canvas.setDrawingShapeToSquare(self.drawSquaresOption.isChecked()) def additems(self, dirpath): for file in self.mImgList: pix = QPixmap(file) _, filename = os.path.split(file) filename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) item = QListWidgetItem(QIcon(pix.scaled(100, 100, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.FastTransformation)), filename[:10]) item.setToolTip(file) self.iconlist.addItem(item) def additems5(self, dirpath): for file in self.mImgList5: pix = QPixmap(file) _, filename = os.path.split(file) filename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) pfilename = filename[:10] if len(pfilename) < 10: lentoken = 12 - len(pfilename) prelen = lentoken // 2 bfilename = prelen * " " + pfilename + (lentoken - prelen) * " " # item = QListWidgetItem(QIcon(pix.scaled(100, 100, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation)),filename[:10]) item = QListWidgetItem(QIcon(pix.scaled(100, 100, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.FastTransformation)), pfilename) # item.setForeground(QBrush(Qt.white)) item.setToolTip(file) self.iconlist.addItem(item) owidth = 0 for index in range(len(self.mImgList5)): item = self.iconlist.item(index) itemwidget = self.iconlist.visualItemRect(item) owidth += itemwidget.width() self.iconlist.setMinimumWidth(owidth + 50) def gen_quad_from_poly(self, poly): """ Generate min area quad from poly. """ point_num = poly.shape[0] min_area_quad = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=np.float32) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(poly.astype( np.int32)) # (center (x,y), (width, height), angle of rotation) box = np.array(cv2.boxPoints(rect)) first_point_idx = 0 min_dist = 1e4 for i in range(4): dist = np.linalg.norm(box[(i + 0) % 4] - poly[0]) + \ np.linalg.norm(box[(i + 1) % 4] - poly[point_num // 2 - 1]) + \ np.linalg.norm(box[(i + 2) % 4] - poly[point_num // 2]) + \ np.linalg.norm(box[(i + 3) % 4] - poly[-1]) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist first_point_idx = i for i in range(4): min_area_quad[i] = box[(first_point_idx + i) % 4] bbox_new = min_area_quad.tolist() bbox = [] for box in bbox_new: box = list(map(int, box)) bbox.append(box) return bbox def getImglabelidx(self, filePath): if platform.system() == 'Windows': spliter = '\\' else: spliter = '/' filepathsplit = filePath.split(spliter)[-2:] return filepathsplit[0] + '/' + filepathsplit[1] def autoRecognition(self): assert self.mImgList is not None print('Using model from ', self.model) uncheckedList = [i for i in self.mImgList if i not in self.fileStatedict.keys()] self.autoDialog = AutoDialog(parent=self, ocr=self.ocr, mImgList=uncheckedList, lenbar=len(uncheckedList)) self.autoDialog.popUp() self.currIndex = len(self.mImgList) - 1 self.loadFile(self.filePath) # ADD self.haveAutoReced = True self.AutoRecognition.setEnabled(False) self.actions.AutoRec.setEnabled(False) self.setDirty() self.saveCacheLabel() self.init_key_list(self.Cachelabel) def reRecognition(self): img = cv2.imread(self.filePath) # org_box = [dic['points'] for dic in self.PPlabel[self.getImglabelidx(self.filePath)]] if self.canvas.shapes: self.result_dic = [] self.result_dic_locked = [] # result_dic_locked stores the ocr result of self.canvas.lockedShapes rec_flag = 0 for shape in self.canvas.shapes: box = [[int(p.x()), int(p.y())] for p in shape.points] kie_cls = shape.key_cls if len(box) > 4: box = self.gen_quad_from_poly(np.array(box)) assert len(box) == 4 img_crop = get_rotate_crop_image(img, np.array(box, np.float32)) if img_crop is None: msg = 'Can not recognise the detection box in ' + self.filePath + '. Please change manually' QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) return result = self.ocr.ocr(img_crop, cls=True, det=False) if result[0][0] != '': if shape.line_color == DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR: shape.label = result[0][0] result.insert(0, box) if self.kie_mode: result.append(kie_cls) self.result_dic_locked.append(result) else: result.insert(0, box) if self.kie_mode: result.append(kie_cls) self.result_dic.append(result) else: print('Can not recognise the box') if shape.line_color == DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR: shape.label = result[0][0] if self.kie_mode: self.result_dic_locked.append([box, (self.noLabelText, 0), kie_cls]) else: self.result_dic_locked.append([box, (self.noLabelText, 0)]) else: if self.kie_mode: self.result_dic.append([box, (self.noLabelText, 0), kie_cls]) else: self.result_dic.append([box, (self.noLabelText, 0)]) try: if self.noLabelText == shape.label or result[1][0] == shape.label: print('label no change') else: rec_flag += 1 except IndexError as e: print('Can not recognise the box') if (len(self.result_dic) > 0 and rec_flag > 0) or self.canvas.lockedShapes: self.canvas.isInTheSameImage = True self.saveFile(mode='Auto') self.loadFile(self.filePath) self.canvas.isInTheSameImage = False self.setDirty() elif len(self.result_dic) == len(self.canvas.shapes) and rec_flag == 0: if self.lang == 'ch': QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", "识别结果保持一致!") else: QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", "The recognition result remains unchanged!") else: print('Can not recgonise in ', self.filePath) else: QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", "Draw a box!") def singleRerecognition(self): img = cv2.imread(self.filePath) for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes: box = [[int(p.x()), int(p.y())] for p in shape.points] if len(box) > 4: box = self.gen_quad_from_poly(np.array(box)) assert len(box) == 4 img_crop = get_rotate_crop_image(img, np.array(box, np.float32)) if img_crop is None: msg = 'Can not recognise the detection box in ' + self.filePath + '. Please change manually' QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) return result = self.ocr.ocr(img_crop, cls=True, det=False) if result[0][0] != '': result.insert(0, box) print('result in reRec is ', result) if result[1][0] == shape.label: print('label no change') else: shape.label = result[1][0] else: print('Can not recognise the box') if self.noLabelText == shape.label: print('label no change') else: shape.label = self.noLabelText self.singleLabel(shape) self.setDirty() def TableRecognition(self): ''' Table Recegnition ''' from paddleocr.ppstructure.table.predict_table import to_excel import time start = time.time() img = cv2.imread(self.filePath) res = self.table_ocr(img, return_ocr_result_in_table=True) TableRec_excel_dir = self.lastOpenDir + '/tableRec_excel_output/' os.makedirs(TableRec_excel_dir, exist_ok=True) filename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.filePath)) excel_path = TableRec_excel_dir + '{}.xlsx'.format(filename) if res is None: msg = 'Can not recognise the table in ' + self.filePath + '. Please change manually' QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) to_excel('', excel_path) # create an empty excel return # save res # ONLY SUPPORT ONE TABLE in one image hasTable = False for region in res: if region['type'] == 'Table': if region['res']['boxes'] is None: msg = 'Can not recognise the detection box in ' + self.filePath + '. Please change manually' QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) to_excel('', excel_path) # create an empty excel return hasTable = True # save table ocr result on PPOCRLabel # clear all old annotaions before saving result self.itemsToShapes.clear() self.shapesToItems.clear() self.itemsToShapesbox.clear() # ADD self.shapesToItemsbox.clear() self.labelList.clear() self.BoxList.clear() self.result_dic = [] self.result_dic_locked = [] shapes = [] result_len = len(region['res']['boxes']) for i in range(result_len): bbox = np.array(region['res']['boxes'][i]) rec_text = region['res']['rec_res'][i][0] # polys to rectangles x1, y1 = np.min(bbox[:, 0]), np.min(bbox[:, 1]) x2, y2 = np.max(bbox[:, 0]), np.max(bbox[:, 1]) rext_bbox = [[x1, y1], [x2, y1], [x2, y2], [x1, y2]] # save bbox to shape shape = Shape(label=rec_text, line_color=DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR, key_cls=None) for point in rext_bbox: x, y = point # Ensure the labels are within the bounds of the image. # If not, fix them. x, y, snapped = self.canvas.snapPointToCanvas(x, y) shape.addPoint(QPointF(x, y)) shape.difficult = False # shape.locked = False shape.close() self.addLabel(shape) shapes.append(shape) self.setDirty() self.canvas.loadShapes(shapes) # save HTML result to excel try: to_excel(region['res']['html'], excel_path) except: print('Can not save excel file, maybe Permission denied (.xlsx is being occupied)') break if not hasTable: msg = 'Can not recognise the table in ' + self.filePath + '. Please change manually' QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) to_excel('', excel_path) # create an empty excel return # automatically open excel annotation file if platform.system() == 'Windows': try: import win32com.client except: print("CANNOT OPEN .xlsx. It could be one of the following reasons: " \ "Only support Windows | No python win32com") try: xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") xl.Visible = True xl.Workbooks.Open(excel_path) # excelEx = "You need to show the excel executable at this point" # subprocess.Popen([excelEx, excel_path]) # os.startfile(excel_path) except: print("CANNOT OPEN .xlsx. It could be the following reasons: " \ ".xlsx is not existed") else: os.system('open ' + os.path.normpath(excel_path)) print('time cost: ', time.time() - start) def cellreRecognition(self): ''' re-recognise text in a cell ''' img = cv2.imread(self.filePath) for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes: box = [[int(p.x()), int(p.y())] for p in shape.points] if len(box) > 4: box = self.gen_quad_from_poly(np.array(box)) assert len(box) == 4 # pad around bbox for better text recognition accuracy _box = boxPad(box, img.shape, 6) img_crop = get_rotate_crop_image(img, np.array(_box, np.float32)) if img_crop is None: msg = 'Can not recognise the detection box in ' + self.filePath + '. Please change manually' QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) return # merge the text result in the cell texts = '' probs = 0. # the probability of the cell is avgerage prob of every text box in the cell bboxes = self.ocr.ocr(img_crop, det=True, rec=False, cls=False) if len(bboxes) > 0: bboxes.reverse() # top row text at first for _bbox in bboxes: patch = get_rotate_crop_image(img_crop, np.array(_bbox, np.float32)) rec_res = self.ocr.ocr(patch, det=False, rec=True, cls=False) text = rec_res[0][0] if text != '': texts += text + ('' if text[0].isalpha() else ' ') # add space between english word probs += rec_res[0][1] probs = probs / len(bboxes) result = [(texts.strip(), probs)] if result[0][0] != '': result.insert(0, box) print('result in reRec is ', result) if result[1][0] == shape.label: print('label no change') else: shape.label = result[1][0] else: print('Can not recognise the box') if self.noLabelText == shape.label: print('label no change') else: shape.label = self.noLabelText self.singleLabel(shape) self.setDirty() def exportJSON(self): ''' export PPLabel and CSV to JSON (PubTabNet) ''' import pandas as pd from libs.dataPartitionDialog import DataPartitionDialog # data partition user input partitionDialog = DataPartitionDialog(parent=self) partitionDialog.exec() if partitionDialog.getStatus() == False: return # automatically save annotations self.saveFilestate() self.savePPlabel(mode='auto') # load box annotations labeldict = {} if not os.path.exists(self.PPlabelpath): msg = 'ERROR, Can not find Label.txt' QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) return else: with open(self.PPlabelpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.readlines() for each in data: file, label = each.split('\t') if label: label = label.replace('false', 'False') label = label.replace('true', 'True') labeldict[file] = eval(label) else: labeldict[file] = [] # if len(labeldict) != len(csv_paths): # msg = 'ERROR, box label and excel label are not in the same number\n' + \ # 'box label: ' + str(len(labeldict)) + '\n' + \ # 'excel label: ' + str(len(csv_paths)) + '\n' + \ # 'Please check the label.txt and tableRec_excel_output\n' # QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) # return train_split, val_split, test_split = partitionDialog.getDataPartition() # check validate if train_split + val_split + test_split > 100: msg = "The sum of training, validation and testing data should be less than 100%" QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) return print(train_split, val_split, test_split) train_split, val_split, test_split = float(train_split) / 100., float(val_split) / 100., float(test_split) / 100. train_id = int(len(labeldict) * train_split) val_id = int(len(labeldict) * (train_split + val_split)) print('Data partition: train:', train_id, 'validation:', val_id - train_id, 'test:', len(labeldict) - val_id) TableRec_excel_dir = os.path.join(self.lastOpenDir, 'tableRec_excel_output') json_results = [] imgid = 0 for image_path in labeldict.keys(): # load csv annotations filename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path)) csv_path = os.path.join(TableRec_excel_dir, filename + '.xlsx') if not os.path.exists(csv_path): msg = 'ERROR, Can not find ' + csv_path QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) return # read xlsx file, convert to HTML # xd = pd.ExcelFile(csv_path) # df = xd.parse() # structure = df.to_html(index = False) excel = xlrd.open_workbook(csv_path) sheet0 = excel.sheet_by_index(0) # only sheet 0 merged_cells = sheet0.merged_cells # (0,1,1,3) start row, end row, start col, end col html_list = [['td'] * sheet0.ncols for i in range(sheet0.nrows)] for merged in merged_cells: html_list = expand_list(merged, html_list) token_list = convert_token(html_list) # load box annotations cells = [] for anno in labeldict[image_path]: tokens = list(anno['transcription']) obb = anno['points'] hbb = OBB2HBB(np.array(obb)).tolist() cells.append({'tokens': tokens, 'bbox': hbb}) # data split if imgid < train_id: split = 'train' elif imgid < val_id: split = 'val' else: split = 'test' # save dict html = {'structure': {'tokens': token_list}, 'cell': cells} json_results.append({'filename': os.path.basename(image_path), 'split': split, 'imgid': imgid, 'html': html}) imgid += 1 # save json with open("{}/annotation.json".format(self.lastOpenDir), "w", encoding='utf-8') as fid: fid.write(json.dumps(json_results, ensure_ascii=False)) msg = 'JSON sucessfully saved in {}/annotation.json'.format(self.lastOpenDir) QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) def autolcm(self): vbox = QVBoxLayout() hbox = QHBoxLayout() self.panel = QLabel() self.panel.setText(self.stringBundle.getString('choseModelLg')) self.panel.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.comboBox = QComboBox() self.comboBox.setObjectName("comboBox") self.comboBox.addItems(['Chinese & English', 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Korean', 'Japanese']) vbox.addWidget(self.panel) vbox.addWidget(self.comboBox) self.dialog = QDialog() self.dialog.resize(300, 100) self.okBtn = QPushButton(self.stringBundle.getString('ok')) self.cancelBtn = QPushButton(self.stringBundle.getString('cancel')) self.okBtn.clicked.connect(self.modelChoose) self.cancelBtn.clicked.connect(self.cancel) self.dialog.setWindowTitle(self.stringBundle.getString('choseModelLg')) hbox.addWidget(self.okBtn) hbox.addWidget(self.cancelBtn) vbox.addWidget(self.panel) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.dialog.setLayout(vbox) self.dialog.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self.dialog.exec_() if self.filePath: self.AutoRecognition.setEnabled(True) self.actions.AutoRec.setEnabled(True) def modelChoose(self): print(self.comboBox.currentText()) lg_idx = {'Chinese & English': 'ch', 'English': 'en', 'French': 'french', 'German': 'german', 'Korean': 'korean', 'Japanese': 'japan'} del self.ocr self.ocr = PaddleOCR(use_pdserving=False, use_angle_cls=True, det=True, cls=True, use_gpu=False, lang=lg_idx[self.comboBox.currentText()]) del self.table_ocr self.table_ocr = PPStructure(use_pdserving=False, use_gpu=False, lang=lg_idx[self.comboBox.currentText()], layout=False, show_log=False) self.dialog.close() def cancel(self): self.dialog.close() def loadFilestate(self, saveDir): self.fileStatepath = saveDir + '/fileState.txt' self.fileStatedict = {} if not os.path.exists(self.fileStatepath): f = open(self.fileStatepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') else: with open(self.fileStatepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: states = f.readlines() for each in states: file, state = each.split('\t') self.fileStatedict[file] = 1 self.actions.saveLabel.setEnabled(True) self.actions.saveRec.setEnabled(True) self.actions.exportJSON.setEnabled(True) def saveFilestate(self): with open(self.fileStatepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for key in self.fileStatedict: f.write(key + '\t') f.write(str(self.fileStatedict[key]) + '\n') def loadLabelFile(self, labelpath): labeldict = {} if not os.path.exists(labelpath): f = open(labelpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') else: with open(labelpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.readlines() for each in data: file, label = each.split('\t') if label: label = label.replace('false', 'False') label = label.replace('true', 'True') labeldict[file] = eval(label) else: labeldict[file] = [] return labeldict def savePPlabel(self, mode='Manual'): savedfile = [self.getImglabelidx(i) for i in self.fileStatedict.keys()] with open(self.PPlabelpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for key in self.PPlabel: if key in savedfile and self.PPlabel[key] != []: f.write(key + '\t') f.write(json.dumps(self.PPlabel[key], ensure_ascii=False) + '\n') if mode == 'Manual': if self.lang == 'ch': msg = '已将检查过的图片标签保存在 ' + self.PPlabelpath + " 文件中" else: msg = 'Images that have been checked are saved in ' + self.PPlabelpath QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", msg) def saveCacheLabel(self): with open(self.Cachelabelpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for key in self.Cachelabel: f.write(key + '\t') f.write(json.dumps(self.Cachelabel[key], ensure_ascii=False) + '\n') def saveLabelFile(self): self.saveFilestate() self.savePPlabel() def saveRecResult(self): if {} in [self.PPlabelpath, self.PPlabel, self.fileStatedict]: QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", "Check the image first") return rec_gt_dir = os.path.dirname(self.PPlabelpath) + '/rec_gt.txt' crop_img_dir = os.path.dirname(self.PPlabelpath) + '/crop_img/' ques_img = [] if not os.path.exists(crop_img_dir): os.mkdir(crop_img_dir) with open(rec_gt_dir, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for key in self.fileStatedict: idx = self.getImglabelidx(key) try: img = cv2.imread(key) for i, label in enumerate(self.PPlabel[idx]): if label['difficult']: continue img_crop = get_rotate_crop_image(img, np.array(label['points'], np.float32)) img_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(idx))[0] + '_crop_' + str(i) + '.jpg' cv2.imwrite(crop_img_dir + img_name, img_crop) f.write('crop_img/' + img_name + '\t') f.write(label['transcription'] + '\n') except Exception as e: ques_img.append(key) print("Can not read image ", e) if ques_img: QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", "The following images can not be saved, please check the image path and labels.\n" + "".join(str(i) + '\n' for i in ques_img)) QMessageBox.information(self, "Information", "Cropped images have been saved in " + str(crop_img_dir)) def speedChoose(self): if self.labelDialogOption.isChecked(): self.canvas.newShape.disconnect() self.canvas.newShape.connect(partial(self.newShape, True)) else: self.canvas.newShape.disconnect() self.canvas.newShape.connect(partial(self.newShape, False)) def autoSaveFunc(self): if self.autoSaveOption.isChecked(): self.autoSaveNum = 1 # Real auto_Save try: self.saveLabelFile() except: pass print('The program will automatically save once after confirming an image') else: self.autoSaveNum = 5 # Used for backup print('The program will automatically save once after confirming 5 images (default)') def change_box_key(self): if not self.kie_mode: return key_text, _ = self.keyDialog.popUp(self.key_previous_text) if key_text is None: return self.key_previous_text = key_text for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes: shape.key_cls = key_text if not self.keyList.findItemsByLabel(key_text): item = self.keyList.createItemFromLabel(key_text) self.keyList.addItem(item) rgb = self._get_rgb_by_label(key_text, self.kie_mode) self.keyList.setItemLabel(item, key_text, rgb) self._update_shape_color(shape) self.keyDialog.addLabelHistory(key_text) def undoShapeEdit(self): self.canvas.restoreShape() self.labelList.clear() self.BoxList.clear() self.loadShapes(self.canvas.shapes) self.actions.undo.setEnabled(self.canvas.isShapeRestorable) def loadShapes(self, shapes, replace=True): self._noSelectionSlot = True for shape in shapes: self.addLabel(shape) self.labelList.clearSelection() self._noSelectionSlot = False self.canvas.loadShapes(shapes, replace=replace) print("loadShapes") # 1 def lockSelectedShape(self): """lock the selected shapes. Add self.selectedShapes to lock self.canvas.lockedShapes, which holds the ratio of the four coordinates of the locked shapes to the width and height of the image """ width, height = self.image.width(), self.image.height() def format_shape(s): return dict(label=s.label, # str line_color=s.line_color.getRgb(), fill_color=s.fill_color.getRgb(), ratio=[[int(p.x()) / width, int(p.y()) / height] for p in s.points], # QPonitF difficult=s.difficult, # bool key_cls=s.key_cls, # bool ) # lock if len(self.canvas.lockedShapes) == 0: for s in self.canvas.selectedShapes: s.line_color = DEFAULT_LOCK_COLOR s.locked = True shapes = [format_shape(shape) for shape in self.canvas.selectedShapes] trans_dic = [] for box in shapes: trans_dict = {"transcription": box['label'], "ratio": box['ratio'], "difficult": box['difficult']} if self.kie_mode: trans_dict.update({"key_cls": box["key_cls"]}) trans_dic.append(trans_dict) self.canvas.lockedShapes = trans_dic self.actions.save.setEnabled(True) # unlock else: for s in self.canvas.shapes: s.line_color = DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR self.canvas.lockedShapes = [] self.result_dic_locked = [] self.setDirty() self.actions.save.setEnabled(True) def inverted(color): return QColor(*[255 - v for v in color.getRgb()]) def read(filename, default=None): try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: return f.read() except: return default def str2bool(v): return v.lower() in ("true", "t", "1") def get_main_app(argv=[]): """ Standard boilerplate Qt application code. Do everything but app.exec_() -- so that we can test the application in one thread """ app = QApplication(argv) app.setApplicationName(__appname__) app.setWindowIcon(newIcon("app")) # Tzutalin 201705+: Accept extra arguments to change predefined class file arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() arg_parser.add_argument("--lang", type=str, default='en', nargs="?") arg_parser.add_argument("--gpu", type=str2bool, default=True, nargs="?") arg_parser.add_argument("--kie", type=str2bool, default=False, nargs="?") arg_parser.add_argument("--predefined_classes_file", default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "predefined_classes.txt"), nargs="?") args = arg_parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) win = MainWindow(lang=args.lang, gpu=args.gpu, kie_mode=args.kie, default_predefined_class_file=args.predefined_classes_file) win.show() return app, win def main(): """construct main app and run it""" app, _win = get_main_app(sys.argv) return app.exec_() if __name__ == '__main__': resource_file = './libs/resources.py' if not os.path.exists(resource_file): output = os.system('pyrcc5 -o libs/resources.py resources.qrc') assert output == 0, "operate the cmd have some problems ,please check whether there is a in the lib " \ "directory resources.py " sys.exit(main())