未验证 提交 d31effaf 编写于 作者: D Double_V 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #600 from LDOUBLEV/fixocr

fix bug in randomcropdata func
......@@ -121,24 +121,22 @@ def RandomCropData(data, size):
all_care_polys = [
text_polys[i] for i, tag in enumerate(ignore_tags) if not tag
# 计算crop区域
crop_x, crop_y, crop_w, crop_h = crop_area(im, all_care_polys,
min_crop_side_ratio, max_tries)
# crop 图片 保持比例填充
scale_w = size[0] / crop_w
scale_h = size[1] / crop_h
dh, dw = size
scale_w = dw / crop_w
scale_h = dh / crop_h
scale = min(scale_w, scale_h)
h = int(crop_h * scale)
w = int(crop_w * scale)
if keep_ratio:
padimg = np.zeros((size[1], size[0], im.shape[2]), im.dtype)
padimg = np.zeros((dh, dw, im.shape[2]), im.dtype)
padimg[:h, :w] = cv2.resize(
im[crop_y:crop_y + crop_h, crop_x:crop_x + crop_w], (w, h))
img = padimg
img = cv2.resize(im[crop_y:crop_y + crop_h, crop_x:crop_x + crop_w],
# crop 文本框
(dw, dh))
text_polys_crop = []
ignore_tags_crop = []
texts_crop = []
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