test_train_fleet_inference_python.md 6.1 KB
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# Linux GPU/CPU 多机多卡训练推理测试

Linux GPU/CPU 多机多卡训练推理测试的主程序为`test_train_inference_python.sh`,可以测试基于Python的模型训练、评估、推理等基本功能。

## 1. 测试结论汇总

- 训练相关:

| 算法名称 | 模型名称 | 多机多卡 |
|  :----: |   :----:  |    :----:  |
|  PP-OCRv3      | ch_PP-OCRv3_rec     | 分布式训练 |

14 15 16 17 18 19
- 推理相关:

| 算法名称 | 模型名称 | device_CPU | device_GPU | batchsize |
|  :----:   |  :----: |   :----:   |  :----:  |   :----:   |
|  PP-OCRv3   |  ch_PP-OCRv3_rec |  支持 | 支持 | 1 |

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## 2. 测试流程


### 2.1 功能测试

#### 2.1.1 修改配置文件

首先,修改配置文件中的`ip`设置:  假设两台机器的`ip`地址分别为````,则对应的配置文件`gpu_list`字段需要修改为`gpu_list:,;0,1``ip`地址查看命令为`ifconfig`

#### 2.1.2 准备数据

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35 36

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bash test_tipc/prepare.sh test_tipc/configs/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec/train_linux_gpu_fleet_normal_infer_python_linux_gpu_cpu.txt lite_train_lite_infer
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38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

**注意:** 由于是多机训练,这里需要在所有的节点上均运行启动上述命令,准备数据。

#### 2.1.3 修改起始端口并开始测试


export FLAGS_START_PORT=17000

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bash test_tipc/test_train_inference_python.sh  test_tipc/configs/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec/train_linux_gpu_fleet_normal_infer_python_linux_gpu_cpu.txt lite_train_lite_infer
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**注意:** 由于是多机训练,这里需要在所有的节点上均运行启动上述命令进行测试。

#### 2.1.4 输出结果


 Run successfully with command - ch_PP-OCRv3_rec - python3.7 -m paddle.distributed.launch --ips=, --gpus=0,1 tools/train.py -c test_tipc/configs/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec_distillation.yml -o  Global.use_gpu=True Global.save_model_dir=./test_tipc/output/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0,1_autocast_fp32_nodes_2   Global.epoch_num=3 Global.auto_cast=fp32 Train.loader.batch_size_per_card=16    !  
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
  Run successfully with command - ch_PP-OCRv3_rec - python3.7 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --rec_image_shape="3,48,320" --use_gpu=False --enable_mkldnn=False --cpu_threads=6 --rec_model_dir=./test_tipc/output/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec/lite_train_lite_infer/norm_train_gpus_0,1_autocast_fp32_nodes_2/Student --rec_batch_num=1   --image_dir=./inference/rec_inference --benchmark=True --precision=fp32   > ./test_tipc/output/ch_PP-OCRv3_rec/lite_train_lite_infer/python_infer_cpu_usemkldnn_False_threads_6_precision_fp32_batchsize_1.log 2>&1 !  


[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:

[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO: ---------------------- Env info ----------------------
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  OS_version: Ubuntu 16.04
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  CUDA_version: 10.1.243
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  CUDNN_version: 7.6.5
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  drivier_version: 460.32.03
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO: ---------------------- Paddle info ----------------------
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  paddle_version: 2.3.0-rc0
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  paddle_commit: 5d4980c052583fec022812d9c29460aff7cdc18b
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  log_api_version: 1.0
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO: ----------------------- Conf info -----------------------
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  runtime_device: cpu
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  ir_optim: True
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  enable_memory_optim: True
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  enable_tensorrt: False
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  enable_mkldnn: False
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  cpu_math_library_num_threads: 6
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO: ----------------------- Model info ----------------------
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  model_name: rec
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  precision: fp32
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO: ----------------------- Data info -----------------------
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  batch_size: 1
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  input_shape: dynamic
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  data_num: 6
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO: ----------------------- Perf info -----------------------
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  cpu_rss(MB): 288.957, gpu_rss(MB): None, gpu_util: None%
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  total time spent(s): 0.4824
[2022/06/02 22:53:35] ppocr INFO:  preprocess_time(ms): 0.1136, inference_time(ms): 79.5877, postprocess_time(ms): 0.6945
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**注意:** 由于分布式训练时,仅在`trainer_id=0`所在的节点中保存模型,因此其他的节点中在运行模型导出与推理时会报错,为正常现象。