import { field, logger } from '@coder/logger'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import { VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer'; import { CancellationTokenSource } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation'; import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import * as platform from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import * as resources from 'vs/base/common/resources'; import { ReadableStreamEventPayload } from 'vs/base/common/stream'; import { URI, UriComponents } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { transformOutgoingURIs } from 'vs/base/common/uriIpc'; import { getSystemShell } from 'vs/base/node/shell'; import { IServerChannel } from 'vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc'; import { IDiagnosticInfo } from 'vs/platform/diagnostics/common/diagnostics'; import { INativeEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import { ExtensionIdentifier, IExtensionDescription } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions'; import { FileDeleteOptions, FileOpenOptions, FileOverwriteOptions, FileReadStreamOptions, FileType, FileWriteOptions, IStat, IWatchOptions } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { DiskFileSystemProvider } from 'vs/platform/files/node/diskFileSystemProvider'; import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log'; import product from 'vs/platform/product/common/product'; import { IRemoteAgentEnvironment, RemoteAgentConnectionContext } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteAgentEnvironment'; import { ITelemetryData, ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { getTranslations } from 'vs/server/node/nls'; import { getUriTransformer } from 'vs/server/node/util'; import { IFileChangeDto } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol'; import { IEnvironmentVariableCollection } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/environmentVariable'; import { MergedEnvironmentVariableCollection } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/environmentVariableCollection'; import { deserializeEnvironmentVariableCollection } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/environmentVariableShared'; import * as terminal from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/remoteTerminalChannel'; import { IShellLaunchConfig, ITerminalEnvironment, ITerminalLaunchError, ITerminalsLayoutInfo } from 'vs/platform/terminal/common/terminal'; import { TerminalDataBufferer } from 'vs/platform/terminal/common/terminalDataBuffering'; import * as terminalEnvironment from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/common/terminalEnvironment'; import { getMainProcessParentEnv } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/terminal/node/terminalEnvironment'; import { TerminalProcess } from 'vs/platform/terminal/node/terminalProcess'; import { ISetTerminalLayoutInfoArgs, IGetTerminalLayoutInfoArgs } from 'vs/platform/terminal/common/terminalProcess' import { AbstractVariableResolverService } from 'vs/workbench/services/configurationResolver/common/variableResolver'; import { ExtensionScanner, ExtensionScannerInput } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionPoints'; /** * Extend the file provider to allow unwatching. */ class Watcher extends DiskFileSystemProvider { public readonly watches = new Map(); public dispose(): void { => w.dispose());; super.dispose(); } public _watch(req: number, resource: URI, opts: IWatchOptions): void {,, opts)); } public unwatch(req: number): void {!.dispose();; } } export class FileProviderChannel implements IServerChannel, IDisposable { private readonly provider: DiskFileSystemProvider; private readonly watchers = new Map(); public constructor( private readonly environmentService: INativeEnvironmentService, private readonly logService: ILogService, ) { this.provider = new DiskFileSystemProvider(this.logService); } public listen(context: RemoteAgentConnectionContext, event: string, args?: any): Event { switch (event) { case 'filechange': return this.filechange(context, args[0]); case 'readFileStream': return this.readFileStream(args[0], args[1]); } throw new Error(`Invalid listen '${event}'`); } private filechange(context: RemoteAgentConnectionContext, session: string): Event { const emitter = new Emitter({ onFirstListenerAdd: () => { const provider = new Watcher(this.logService); this.watchers.set(session, provider); const transformer = getUriTransformer(context.remoteAuthority); provider.onDidChangeFile((events) => { => ({ ...event, resource: transformer.transformOutgoing(event.resource), }))); }); provider.onDidErrorOccur((event) => this.logService.error(event)); }, onLastListenerRemove: () => { this.watchers.get(session)!.dispose(); this.watchers.delete(session); }, }); return emitter.event; } private readFileStream(resource: UriComponents, opts: FileReadStreamOptions): Event> { const cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); const fileStream = this.provider.readFileStream(this.transform(resource), opts, cts.token); const emitter = new Emitter>({ onFirstListenerAdd: () => { fileStream.on('data', (data) =>; fileStream.on('error', (error) =>; fileStream.on('end', () =>'end')); }, onLastListenerRemove: () => cts.cancel(), }); return emitter.event; } public call(_: unknown, command: string, args?: any): Promise { switch (command) { case 'stat': return this.stat(args[0]); case 'open': return[0], args[1]); case 'close': return this.close(args[0]); case 'read': return[0], args[1], args[2]); case 'readFile': return this.readFile(args[0]); case 'write': return this.write(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); case 'writeFile': return this.writeFile(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 'delete': return this.delete(args[0], args[1]); case 'mkdir': return this.mkdir(args[0]); case 'readdir': return this.readdir(args[0]); case 'rename': return this.rename(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 'copy': return this.copy(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 'watch': return[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); case 'unwatch': return this.unwatch(args[0], args[1]); } throw new Error(`Invalid call '${command}'`); } public dispose(): void { this.watchers.forEach((w) => w.dispose()); this.watchers.clear(); } private async stat(resource: UriComponents): Promise { return this.provider.stat(this.transform(resource)); } private async open(resource: UriComponents, opts: FileOpenOptions): Promise { return, opts); } private async close(fd: number): Promise { return this.provider.close(fd); } private async read(fd: number, pos: number, length: number): Promise<[VSBuffer, number]> { const buffer = VSBuffer.alloc(length); const bytesRead = await, pos, buffer.buffer, 0, length); return [buffer, bytesRead]; } private async readFile(resource: UriComponents): Promise { return VSBuffer.wrap(await this.provider.readFile(this.transform(resource))); } private write(fd: number, pos: number, buffer: VSBuffer, offset: number, length: number): Promise { return this.provider.write(fd, pos, buffer.buffer, offset, length); } private writeFile(resource: UriComponents, buffer: VSBuffer, opts: FileWriteOptions): Promise { return this.provider.writeFile(this.transform(resource), buffer.buffer, opts); } private async delete(resource: UriComponents, opts: FileDeleteOptions): Promise { return this.provider.delete(this.transform(resource), opts); } private async mkdir(resource: UriComponents): Promise { return this.provider.mkdir(this.transform(resource)); } private async readdir(resource: UriComponents): Promise<[string, FileType][]> { return this.provider.readdir(this.transform(resource)); } private async rename(resource: UriComponents, target: UriComponents, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise { return this.provider.rename(this.transform(resource), URI.from(target), opts); } private copy(resource: UriComponents, target: UriComponents, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise { return this.provider.copy(this.transform(resource), URI.from(target), opts); } private async watch(session: string, req: number, resource: UriComponents, opts: IWatchOptions): Promise { this.watchers.get(session)!._watch(req, this.transform(resource), opts); } private async unwatch(session: string, req: number): Promise { this.watchers.get(session)!.unwatch(req); } private transform(resource: UriComponents): URI { // Used for walkthrough content. if (/^\/static[^/]*\//.test(resource.path)) { return URI.file(this.environmentService.appRoot + resource.path.replace(/^\/static[^/]*\//, '/')); // Used by the webview service worker to load resources. } else if (resource.path === '/vscode-resource' && resource.query) { try { const query = JSON.parse(resource.query); if (query.requestResourcePath) { return URI.file(query.requestResourcePath); } } catch (error) { /* Carry on. */ } } return URI.from(resource); } } // See ../../workbench/services/remote/common/remoteAgentEnvironmentChannel.ts export class ExtensionEnvironmentChannel implements IServerChannel { public constructor( private readonly environment: INativeEnvironmentService, private readonly log: ILogService, private readonly telemetry: ITelemetryService, private readonly connectionToken: string, ) {} public listen(_: unknown, event: string): Event { throw new Error(`Invalid listen '${event}'`); } public async call(context: any, command: string, args: any): Promise { switch (command) { case 'getEnvironmentData': return transformOutgoingURIs( await this.getEnvironmentData(), getUriTransformer(context.remoteAuthority), ); case 'scanExtensions': return transformOutgoingURIs( await this.scanExtensions(args.language), getUriTransformer(context.remoteAuthority), ); case 'getDiagnosticInfo': return this.getDiagnosticInfo(); case 'disableTelemetry': return this.disableTelemetry(); case 'logTelemetry': return this.logTelemetry(args[0], args[1]); case 'flushTelemetry': return this.flushTelemetry(); } throw new Error(`Invalid call '${command}'`); } private async getEnvironmentData(): Promise { return { pid:, connectionToken: this.connectionToken, appRoot: URI.file(this.environment.appRoot), settingsPath: this.environment.settingsResource, logsPath: URI.file(this.environment.logsPath), extensionsPath: URI.file(this.environment.extensionsPath!), extensionHostLogsPath: URI.file(path.join(this.environment.logsPath, 'extension-host')), globalStorageHome: this.environment.globalStorageHome, workspaceStorageHome: this.environment.workspaceStorageHome, userHome: this.environment.userHome, os: platform.OS, marks: [] }; } private async scanExtensions(language: string): Promise { const translations = await getTranslations(language, this.environment.userDataPath); const scanMultiple = (isBuiltin: boolean, isUnderDevelopment: boolean, paths: string[]): Promise => { return Promise.all( => { return ExtensionScanner.scanExtensions(new ExtensionScannerInput( product.version, product.commit, language, !!process.env.VSCODE_DEV, path, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment, translations, ), this.log); })); }; const scanBuiltin = async (): Promise => { return scanMultiple(true, false, [this.environment.builtinExtensionsPath, ...this.environment.extraBuiltinExtensionPaths]); }; const scanInstalled = async (): Promise => { return scanMultiple(false, true, [this.environment.extensionsPath!, ...this.environment.extraExtensionPaths]); }; return Promise.all([scanBuiltin(), scanInstalled()]).then((allExtensions) => { const uniqueExtensions = new Map(); allExtensions.forEach((multipleExtensions) => { multipleExtensions.forEach((extensions) => { extensions.forEach((extension) => { const id = ExtensionIdentifier.toKey(extension.identifier); if (uniqueExtensions.has(id)) { const oldPath = uniqueExtensions.get(id)!.extensionLocation.fsPath; const newPath = extension.extensionLocation.fsPath; this.log.warn(`${oldPath} has been overridden ${newPath}`); } uniqueExtensions.set(id, extension); }); }); }); return Array.from(uniqueExtensions.values()); }); } private getDiagnosticInfo(): Promise { throw new Error('not implemented'); } private async disableTelemetry(): Promise { this.telemetry.setEnabled(false); } private async logTelemetry(eventName: string, data: ITelemetryData): Promise { this.telemetry.publicLog(eventName, data); } private async flushTelemetry(): Promise { // We always send immediately at the moment. } } class VariableResolverService extends AbstractVariableResolverService { constructor( remoteAuthority: string, args: terminal.ICreateTerminalProcessArguments, env: platform.IProcessEnvironment, ) { super({ getFolderUri: (name: string): URI | undefined => { const folder = args.workspaceFolders.find((f) => === name); return folder && URI.revive(folder.uri); }, getWorkspaceFolderCount: (): number => { return args.workspaceFolders.length; }, // In ../../workbench/contrib/terminal/common/remoteTerminalChannel.ts it // looks like there are `config:` entries which must be for this? Not sure // how/if the URI comes into play though. getConfigurationValue: (_: URI, section: string): string | undefined => { return args.resolvedVariables[`config:${section}`]; }, getAppRoot: (): string | undefined => { /* NOTE@coder: not sure where we could get this from. This is new. @jsjoeio 3/11/21 */ return undefined }, getExecPath: (): string | undefined => { // Assuming that resolverEnv is just for use in the resolver and not for // the terminal itself. return (args.resolverEnv && args.resolverEnv['VSCODE_EXEC_PATH']) || env['VSCODE_EXEC_PATH']; }, // This is just a guess; this is the only file-related thing we're sent // and none of these resolver methods seem to get called so I don't know // how to test. getFilePath: (): string | undefined => { const resource = transformIncoming(remoteAuthority, args.activeFileResource); if (!resource) { return undefined; } // See ../../editor/standalone/browser/simpleServices.ts; // `BaseConfigurationResolverService` calls `getUriLabel` from there. if (resource.scheme === 'file') { return resource.fsPath; } return resource.path; }, // It looks like these are set here although they aren't on the types: // ../../workbench/contrib/terminal/common/remoteTerminalChannel.ts getSelectedText: (): string | undefined => { return args.resolvedVariables.selectedText; }, getLineNumber: (): string | undefined => { return args.resolvedVariables.selectedText; }, }, undefined, env); } } class Terminal { private readonly process: TerminalProcess; private _pid: number = -1; private _title: string = ''; public readonly workspaceId: string; public readonly workspaceName: string; private readonly persist: boolean; private readonly _onDispose = new Emitter(); public get onDispose(): Event { return this._onDispose.event; } private _isOrphan = true; public get isOrphan(): boolean { return this._isOrphan; } // These are replayed when a client reconnects. private cols: number; private rows: number; private replayData: string[] = []; // This is based on string length and is pretty arbitrary. private readonly maxReplayData = 10000; private totalReplayData = 0; // According to the release notes the terminals are supposed to dispose after // a short timeout; in our case we'll use 48 hours so you can get them back // the next day or over the weekend. private disposeTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; private disposeDelay = 48 * 60 * 60 * 1000; private buffering = false; private readonly _onEvent = new Emitter({ // Don't bind to data until something is listening. onFirstListenerAdd: () => { logger.debug('Terminal bound', field('id',; this._isOrphan = false; if (!this.buffering) { this.buffering = true; this.bufferer.startBuffering(, this.process.onProcessData); } }, // Replay stored events. onFirstListenerDidAdd: () => { // We only need to replay if the terminal is being reconnected which is // true if there is a dispose timeout. if (typeof this.disposeTimeout !== 'undefined') { return; } clearTimeout(this.disposeTimeout); this.disposeTimeout = undefined; logger.debug('Terminal replaying', field('id',;{ type: 'replay', events: [{ cols: this.cols, rows: this.rows, data: this.replayData.join(''), }] }); }, onLastListenerRemove: () => { logger.debug('Terminal unbound', field('id',; this._isOrphan = true; if (!this.persist) { // Used by debug consoles. this.dispose(); } else { this.disposeTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.dispose(); }, this.disposeDelay); } } }); public get onEvent(): Event { return this._onEvent.event; } // Buffer to reduce the number of messages going to the renderer. private readonly bufferer = new TerminalDataBufferer((_, data) => {{ type: 'data', data, }); // No need to store data if we aren't persisting. if (!this.persist) { return; } this.replayData.push(data); this.totalReplayData += data.length; let overflow = this.totalReplayData - this.maxReplayData; if (overflow <= 0) { return; } // Drop events until doing so would put us under budget. let deleteCount = 0; for (; deleteCount < this.replayData.length && this.replayData[deleteCount].length <= overflow; ++deleteCount) { overflow -= this.replayData[deleteCount].length; } if (deleteCount > 0) { this.replayData.splice(0, deleteCount); } // Dropping any more events would put us under budget; trim the first event // instead if still over budget. if (overflow > 0 && this.replayData.length > 0) { this.replayData[0] = this.replayData[0].substring(overflow); } this.totalReplayData = this.replayData.reduce((p, c) => p + c.length, 0); }); public get pid(): number { return this._pid; } public get title(): string { return this._title; } public constructor( public readonly id: number, config: IShellLaunchConfig & { cwd: string }, args: terminal.ICreateTerminalProcessArguments, env: platform.IProcessEnvironment, logService: ILogService, ) { this.workspaceId = args.workspaceId; this.workspaceName = args.workspaceName; this.cols = args.cols; this.rows = args.rows; // TODO: Don't persist terminals until we make it work with things like // htop, vim, etc. // this.persist = args.shouldPersistTerminal; this.persist = false; this.process = new TerminalProcess( config, config.cwd, this.cols, this.rows, env, process.env as platform.IProcessEnvironment, // Environment used for `findExecutable`. false, // windowsEnableConpty: boolean, logService, ); // The current pid and title aren't exposed so they have to be tracked. this.process.onProcessReady((event) => { this._pid =;{ type: 'ready', pid:, cwd: event.cwd, }); }); this.process.onProcessTitleChanged((title) => { this._title = title;{ type: 'titleChanged', title, }); }); this.process.onProcessExit((exitCode) => { logger.debug('Terminal exited', field('id',, field('code', exitCode));{ type: 'exit', exitCode, }); this.dispose(); }); // TODO: I think `execCommand` must have something to do with running // commands on the terminal that will do things in VS Code but we already // have that functionality via a socket so I'm not sure what this is for. // type: 'execCommand'; // reqId: number; // commandId: string; // commandArgs: any[]; // TODO: Maybe this is to ask if the terminal is currently attached to // anything? But we already know that on account of whether anything is // listening to our event emitter. // type: 'orphan?'; } public async dispose() { logger.debug('Terminal disposing', field('id',; this._onEvent.dispose(); this.bufferer.dispose(); await this.process.shutdown(true); this.process.dispose();; this._onDispose.dispose(); } public shutdown(immediate: boolean): Promise { return this.process.shutdown(immediate); } public getCwd(): Promise { return this.process.getCwd(); } public getInitialCwd(): Promise { return this.process.getInitialCwd(); } public start(): Promise { return this.process.start(); } public input(data: string): void { return this.process.input(data); } public acknowledgeDataEvent(charCount: number): void { return this.process.acknowledgeDataEvent(charCount); } public resize(cols: number, rows: number): void { this.cols = cols; this.rows = rows; return this.process.resize(cols, rows); } /** * Serializable terminal information that can be sent to the client. */ public async description(id: number): Promise { const cwd = await this.getCwd(); return { id, pid:, title: this.title, cwd, workspaceId: this.workspaceId, workspaceName: this.workspaceName, isOrphan: this.isOrphan, }; } } // References: - ../../workbench/api/node/extHostTerminalService.ts // - ../../workbench/contrib/terminal/browser/terminalProcessManager.ts export class TerminalProviderChannel implements IServerChannel, IDisposable { private readonly terminals = new Map(); private id = 0; private readonly layouts = new Map(); public constructor (private readonly logService: ILogService) { } public listen(_: RemoteAgentConnectionContext, event: string, args?: any): Event { switch (event) { case '$onTerminalProcessEvent': return this.onTerminalProcessEvent(args); } throw new Error(`Invalid listen '${event}'`); } private onTerminalProcessEvent(args: terminal.IOnTerminalProcessEventArguments): Event { return this.getTerminal(; } public call(context: RemoteAgentConnectionContext, command: string, args?: any): Promise { switch (command) { case '$createTerminalProcess': return this.createTerminalProcess(context.remoteAuthority, args); case '$startTerminalProcess': return this.startTerminalProcess(args); case '$sendInputToTerminalProcess': return this.sendInputToTerminalProcess(args); case '$sendCharCountToTerminalProcess': return this.sendCharCountToTerminalProcess(args); case '$shutdownTerminalProcess': return this.shutdownTerminalProcess(args); case '$resizeTerminalProcess': return this.resizeTerminalProcess(args); case '$getTerminalInitialCwd': return this.getTerminalInitialCwd(args); case '$getTerminalCwd': return this.getTerminalCwd(args); case '$sendCommandResultToTerminalProcess': return this.sendCommandResultToTerminalProcess(args); case '$orphanQuestionReply': return this.orphanQuestionReply(args[0]); case '$listTerminals': return this.listTerminals(args[0]); case '$setTerminalLayoutInfo': return this.setTerminalLayoutInfo(args); case '$getTerminalLayoutInfo': return this.getTerminalLayoutInfo(args); } throw new Error(`Invalid call '${command}'`); } public dispose(): void { this.terminals.forEach((t) => t.dispose()); } private async createTerminalProcess(remoteAuthority: string, args: terminal.ICreateTerminalProcessArguments): Promise { const terminalId =; logger.debug('Creating terminal', field('id', terminalId), field('terminals', this.terminals.size)); const shellLaunchConfig: IShellLaunchConfig = { name:, executable: args.shellLaunchConfig.executable, args: args.shellLaunchConfig.args, // TODO: Should we transform if it's a string as well? The incoming // transform only takes `UriComponents` so I suspect it's not necessary. cwd: typeof args.shellLaunchConfig.cwd !== 'string' ? transformIncoming(remoteAuthority, args.shellLaunchConfig.cwd) : args.shellLaunchConfig.cwd, env: args.shellLaunchConfig.env, }; const activeWorkspaceUri = transformIncoming(remoteAuthority, args.activeWorkspaceFolder?.uri); const activeWorkspace = activeWorkspaceUri && args.activeWorkspaceFolder ? { ...args.activeWorkspaceFolder, uri: activeWorkspaceUri, toResource: (relativePath: string) => resources.joinPath(activeWorkspaceUri, relativePath), } : undefined; const resolverService = new VariableResolverService(remoteAuthority, args, process.env as platform.IProcessEnvironment); const resolver = terminalEnvironment.createVariableResolver(activeWorkspace, resolverService); const getDefaultShellAndArgs = async (): Promise<{ executable: string; args: string[] | string }> => { if (shellLaunchConfig.executable) { const executable = resolverService.resolve(activeWorkspace, shellLaunchConfig.executable); let resolvedArgs: string[] | string = []; if (shellLaunchConfig.args && Array.isArray(shellLaunchConfig.args)) { for (const arg of shellLaunchConfig.args) { resolvedArgs.push(resolverService.resolve(activeWorkspace, arg)); } } else if (shellLaunchConfig.args) { resolvedArgs = resolverService.resolve(activeWorkspace, shellLaunchConfig.args); } return { executable, args: resolvedArgs }; } const executable = terminalEnvironment.getDefaultShell( (key) => args.configuration[key], args.isWorkspaceShellAllowed, await getSystemShell(platform.platform), process.env.hasOwnProperty('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432'), process.env.windir, resolver, this.logService, false, // useAutomationShell ); const resolvedArgs = terminalEnvironment.getDefaultShellArgs( (key) => args.configuration[key], args.isWorkspaceShellAllowed, false, // useAutomationShell resolver, this.logService, ); return { executable, args: resolvedArgs }; }; const getInitialCwd = (): string => { return terminalEnvironment.getCwd( shellLaunchConfig, os.homedir(), resolver, activeWorkspaceUri, args.configuration['terminal.integrated.cwd'], this.logService, ); }; // Use a separate var so Typescript recognizes these properties are no // longer undefined. const resolvedShellLaunchConfig = { ...shellLaunchConfig, ...(await getDefaultShellAndArgs()), cwd: getInitialCwd(), }; logger.debug('Resolved shell launch configuration', field('id', terminalId)); // Use instead of `terminal.integrated.env.${platform}` to make types work. const getEnvFromConfig = (): terminal.ISingleTerminalConfiguration => { if (platform.isWindows) { return args.configuration['']; } else if (platform.isMacintosh) { return args.configuration['terminal.integrated.env.osx']; } return args.configuration['terminal.integrated.env.linux']; }; const getNonInheritedEnv = async (): Promise => { const env = await getMainProcessParentEnv(); env.VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI = process.env['VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI']!; return env; }; const env = terminalEnvironment.createTerminalEnvironment( shellLaunchConfig, getEnvFromConfig(), resolver, args.isWorkspaceShellAllowed, product.version, args.configuration['terminal.integrated.detectLocale'], args.configuration['terminal.integrated.inheritEnv'] !== false ? process.env as platform.IProcessEnvironment : await getNonInheritedEnv() ); // Apply extension environment variable collections to the environment. if (!shellLaunchConfig.strictEnv) { // They come in an array and in serialized format. const envVariableCollections = new Map(); for (const [k, v] of args.envVariableCollections) { envVariableCollections.set(k, { map: deserializeEnvironmentVariableCollection(v) }); } const mergedCollection = new MergedEnvironmentVariableCollection(envVariableCollections); mergedCollection.applyToProcessEnvironment(env); } logger.debug('Resolved terminal environment', field('id', terminalId)); const terminal = new Terminal(terminalId, resolvedShellLaunchConfig, args, env, this.logService); this.terminals.set(terminalId, terminal); logger.debug('Created terminal', field('id', terminalId)); terminal.onDispose(() => this.terminals.delete(terminalId)); return { terminalId, resolvedShellLaunchConfig, }; } private getTerminal(id: number): Terminal { const terminal = this.terminals.get(id); if (!terminal) { throw new Error(`terminal with id ${id} does not exist`); } return terminal; } private async startTerminalProcess(args: terminal.IStartTerminalProcessArguments): Promise { return this.getTerminal(; } private async sendInputToTerminalProcess(args: terminal.ISendInputToTerminalProcessArguments): Promise { return this.getTerminal(; } private async sendCharCountToTerminalProcess(args: terminal.ISendCharCountToTerminalProcessArguments): Promise { return this.getTerminal(; } private async shutdownTerminalProcess(args: terminal.IShutdownTerminalProcessArguments): Promise { return this.getTerminal(; } private async resizeTerminalProcess(args: terminal.IResizeTerminalProcessArguments): Promise { return this.getTerminal(, args.rows); } private async getTerminalInitialCwd(args: terminal.IGetTerminalInitialCwdArguments): Promise { return this.getTerminal(; } private async getTerminalCwd(args: terminal.IGetTerminalCwdArguments): Promise { return this.getTerminal(; } private async sendCommandResultToTerminalProcess(_: terminal.ISendCommandResultToTerminalProcessArguments): Promise { // NOTE: Not required unless we implement the `execCommand` event, see above. throw new Error('not implemented'); } private async orphanQuestionReply(_: terminal.IOrphanQuestionReplyArgs): Promise { // NOTE: Not required unless we implement the `orphan?` event, see above. throw new Error('not implemented'); } private async listTerminals(_: terminal.IListTerminalsArgs): Promise { // TODO: args.isInitialization. Maybe this is to have slightly different // behavior when first listing terminals but I don't know what you'd want to // do differently. Maybe it's to reset the terminal dispose timeouts or // something like that, but why not do it each time you list? const terminals = await Promise.all(Array.from(this.terminals).map(async ([id, terminal]) => { return terminal.description(id); })); // Only returned orphaned terminals so we don't end up attaching to // terminals already attached elsewhere. return terminals.filter((t) => t.isOrphan); } public async setTerminalLayoutInfo(args: ISetTerminalLayoutInfoArgs): Promise { this.layouts.set(args.workspaceId, args); } public async getTerminalLayoutInfo(args: IGetTerminalLayoutInfoArgs): Promise { const layout = this.layouts.get(args.workspaceId); if (!layout) { return undefined; } const tabs = await Promise.all( (tab) => { // The terminals are stored by ID so look them up. const terminals = await Promise.all( (t) => { const terminal = this.terminals.get(t.terminal); if (!terminal) { return undefined; } return { ...t, terminal: await terminal.description(t.terminal), }; })); return {, // Filter out terminals that have been killed. terminals: terminals.filter(isDefined), }; })); return { tabs }; } } function transformIncoming(remoteAuthority: string, uri: UriComponents | undefined): URI | undefined { const transformer = getUriTransformer(remoteAuthority); return uri ? URI.revive(transformer.transformIncoming(uri)) : uri; } function isDefined(t: T | undefined): t is T { return typeof t !== 'undefined'; }