/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * * @defgroup los_rbtree Rbtree * @ingroup kernel */ #include "los_rbtree.h" #include "los_memory.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ STATIC VOID OsRbLeftRotateNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstX); STATIC VOID OsRbRightRotateNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstY); STATIC VOID OsRbInsertNodeFixup(LosRbTree *pstTree, VOID *pstData); STATIC VOID OsRbDeleteNodeFixup(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstNode); STATIC VOID OsRbDeleteNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, VOID *pstData); STATIC VOID OsRbInitTree(LosRbTree *pstTree); STATIC VOID OsRbClearTree(LosRbTree *pstTree); STATIC VOID OsRbLeftRotateNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstX) { LosRbNode *pstY = NULL; LosRbNode *pstNilT = NULL; LosRbNode *pstParent = NULL; if (NULL == pstTree || NULL == pstX) { return; } pstNilT = &(pstTree->stNilT); /* If pstX or pstY node's either child is NilT node: * Left / right rotation might change the NilT's parent. * NilT's parent shouldn't be changed. * If NilT's parent node changes, * then Delete_FixUp function might access NilT's parent's right/left child, * which might lead to error. * Solution: So we record the NilT's parent and at the end of the rotaion, * replace the NilT's parent with the recorded node. */ pstParent = pstNilT->pstParent; pstY = pstX->pstRight; pstX->pstRight = pstY->pstLeft; pstY->pstLeft->pstParent = pstX; pstY->pstParent = pstX->pstParent; if (pstNilT == pstX->pstParent) { pstTree->pstRoot = pstY; } else { if (pstX == pstX->pstParent->pstLeft) { pstX->pstParent->pstLeft = pstY; } else { pstX->pstParent->pstRight = pstY; } } pstX->pstParent = pstY; pstY->pstLeft = pstX; pstNilT->pstParent = pstParent; return; } STATIC VOID OsRbRightRotateNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstY) { LosRbNode *pstX = NULL; LosRbNode *pstNilT = NULL; LosRbNode *pstParent = NULL; if (NULL == pstTree || NULL == pstY) { return; } pstNilT = &(pstTree->stNilT); /* If pstX or pstY node's either child is NilT node: * Left / right rotation might change the NilT's parent. * NilT's parent shouldn't be changed. * If NilT's parent node changes, * then Delete_FixUp function might access NilT's parent's right/left child, * which might lead to error. * Solution: So we record the NilT's parent and at the end of the rotaion, * replace the NilT's parent with the recorded node. */ pstParent = pstNilT->pstParent; pstX = pstY->pstLeft; pstY->pstLeft = pstX->pstRight; pstX->pstRight->pstParent = pstY; pstX->pstParent = pstY->pstParent; if (pstNilT == pstY->pstParent) { pstTree->pstRoot = pstX; } else { if (pstY == pstY->pstParent->pstRight) { pstY->pstParent->pstRight = pstX; } else { pstY->pstParent->pstLeft = pstX; } } pstY->pstParent = pstX; pstX->pstRight = pstY; pstNilT->pstParent = pstParent; return; } STATIC VOID OsRbInsertNodeFixup(LosRbTree *pstTree, VOID *pstData) { LosRbNode *pstParent = NULL; LosRbNode *pstGParent = NULL; LosRbNode *pstY = NULL; LosRbNode *pstX = NULL; /* begin: for earse pc-lint warning */ if ((NULL == pstTree) || (NULL == pstData)) { return; } /* end */ pstX = (LosRbNode *)pstData; /* NilT is forbidden. */ (pstTree->ulNodes)++; while (LOS_RB_RED == pstX->pstParent->lColor) { pstParent = pstX->pstParent; pstGParent = pstParent->pstParent; if (pstParent == pstGParent->pstLeft) { pstY = pstGParent->pstRight; if (LOS_RB_RED == pstY->lColor) { pstY->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstParent->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstGParent->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; pstX = pstGParent; continue; } if (pstParent->pstRight == pstX) { pstX = pstParent; OsRbLeftRotateNode(pstTree, pstX); } pstX->pstParent->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstGParent->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; OsRbRightRotateNode(pstTree, pstGParent); } else { pstY = pstGParent->pstLeft; if (LOS_RB_RED == pstY->lColor) { pstY->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstParent->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstGParent->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; pstX = pstGParent; continue; } if (pstParent->pstLeft == pstX) { pstX = pstParent; OsRbRightRotateNode(pstTree, pstX); } pstX->pstParent->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstGParent->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; OsRbLeftRotateNode(pstTree, pstGParent); } } /* if we arrive here, pstTree is not NULL, sp we can close pc-lint warning */ /*lint -e613 */ /*lint -e831 */ pstTree->pstRoot->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; /*lint -e613 */ /*lint -e831 */ return; } STATIC VOID OsRbDeleteNodeFixup(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstNode) { LosRbNode *pstW = NULL; if (NULL == pstTree || NULL == pstNode) { return; } while ((pstNode != pstTree->pstRoot) && (LOS_RB_BLACK == pstNode->lColor)) { if (pstNode->pstParent->pstLeft == pstNode) { pstW = pstNode->pstParent->pstRight; if (LOS_RB_RED == pstW->lColor) { pstW->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstNode->pstParent->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; OsRbLeftRotateNode(pstTree, pstNode->pstParent); pstW = pstNode->pstParent->pstRight; } if ((LOS_RB_BLACK == pstW->pstLeft->lColor) && (LOS_RB_BLACK == pstW->pstRight->lColor)) { pstW->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; pstNode = pstNode->pstParent; } else { if (LOS_RB_BLACK == pstW->pstRight->lColor) { pstW->pstLeft->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstW->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; OsRbRightRotateNode(pstTree, pstW); pstW = pstNode->pstParent->pstRight; } pstW->lColor = pstNode->pstParent->lColor; pstNode->pstParent->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstW->pstRight->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; OsRbLeftRotateNode(pstTree, pstNode->pstParent); pstNode = pstTree->pstRoot; } } else { pstW = pstNode->pstParent->pstLeft; if (LOS_RB_RED == pstW->lColor) { pstW->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstNode->pstParent->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; OsRbRightRotateNode(pstTree, pstNode->pstParent); pstW = pstNode->pstParent->pstLeft; } if ((LOS_RB_BLACK == pstW->pstLeft->lColor) && (LOS_RB_BLACK == pstW->pstRight->lColor)) { pstW->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; pstNode = pstNode->pstParent; } else { if (LOS_RB_BLACK == pstW->pstLeft->lColor) { pstW->pstRight->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstW->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; OsRbLeftRotateNode(pstTree, pstW); pstW = pstNode->pstParent->pstLeft; } pstW->lColor = pstNode->pstParent->lColor; pstNode->pstParent->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstW->pstLeft->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; OsRbRightRotateNode(pstTree, pstNode->pstParent); pstNode = pstTree->pstRoot; } } } pstNode->lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; if (0 == pstTree->ulNodes) { OsRbClearTree(pstTree); } return; } STATIC VOID OsRbDeleteNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, VOID *pstData) { LosRbNode *pstChild = NULL; LosRbNode *pstDel = NULL; ULONG_T lColor; LosRbWalk *pstWalk = NULL; LosRbNode *pstNilT = NULL; LosRbNode *pstZ = NULL; LOS_DL_LIST *pstNode = NULL; /* begin: for earse pc-lint warning */ if ((NULL == pstTree) || (NULL == pstData)) { return; } /* End */ pstZ = (LosRbNode *)pstData; pstNilT = &(pstTree->stNilT); /* NilT is forbidden. */ if (!RB_IS_NOT_NILT(pstZ)) { return; } /* check whether the Node is in a tree */ if ((pstZ->pstParent == pstNilT) && (pstZ->pstLeft == pstNilT) && (pstZ->pstRight == pstNilT) && (pstTree->pstRoot != pstZ)) { return; } (pstTree->ulNodes)--; if (!LOS_ListEmpty(&pstTree->stWalkHead)) { LOS_DL_LIST_FOR_EACH(pstNode, &pstTree->stWalkHead) { pstWalk = LOS_DL_LIST_ENTRY(pstNode, LosRbWalk, stLink); if (pstWalk->pstCurrNode == pstZ) { pstWalk->pstCurrNode = LOS_RbSuccessorNode(pstTree, pstZ); } } } if ((pstNilT == pstZ->pstLeft) || (pstNilT == pstZ->pstRight)) { pstChild = ((pstNilT != pstZ->pstLeft) ? pstZ->pstLeft : pstZ->pstRight); if (NULL == pstChild) { /* Edit by r60958 for coverrity */ return; } pstChild->pstParent = pstZ->pstParent; if (pstNilT == pstZ->pstParent) { /* if we arrive here, pastTree is no NULL, so we can close pclint warning */ /*lint -e613 */ /*lint -e831 */ pstTree->pstRoot = pstChild; /*lint +e831 */ /*lint +e613 */ } else { if (pstZ->pstParent->pstLeft == pstZ) { pstZ->pstParent->pstLeft = pstChild; } else { pstZ->pstParent->pstRight = pstChild; } } if (LOS_RB_BLACK == pstZ->lColor) { OsRbDeleteNodeFixup(pstTree, pstChild); } /* re-initalize the pstZ */ pstZ->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; pstZ->pstLeft = pstZ->pstRight = pstZ->pstParent = pstNilT; return; } /* Here is some different with book "Introduction to Algorithms, * Second Edition", book's arithmetic won't delete pstZ, and it deletes * pstZ's successor node instead. But we delete pstZ because * our data structure has no internal node. So code is some complex. */ pstDel = pstZ; /* Get pstZ's successor node */ pstZ = pstZ->pstRight; while (pstNilT != pstZ->pstLeft) { pstZ = pstZ->pstLeft; } /* Because left is nilT, so child must be right. */ pstChild = pstZ->pstRight; if (NULL == pstChild) { /* Edit by r60958 for coverrity */ return; } lColor = pstZ->lColor; /* Remove successor node out of tree. */ pstChild->pstParent = pstZ->pstParent; if (pstNilT == pstZ->pstParent) { /* In fact, we never go here. */ /* if we arrive here, pastTree is no NULL, so we can close pclint warning */ /*lint -e613 */ /*lint -e831 */ pstTree->pstRoot = pstChild; /*lint +e831 */ /*lint +e613 */ } else { if (pstZ->pstParent->pstLeft == pstZ) { pstZ->pstParent->pstLeft = pstChild; } else { pstZ->pstParent->pstRight = pstChild; } } /* Insert successor node into tree and remove pstZ out of tree. */ pstZ->pstParent = pstDel->pstParent; pstZ->lColor = pstDel->lColor; pstZ->pstRight = pstDel->pstRight; pstZ->pstLeft = pstDel->pstLeft; if (pstNilT == pstDel->pstParent) { /* if we arrive here, pastTree is no NULL, so we can close pclint warning */ /*lint -e613 */ /*lint -e831 */ pstTree->pstRoot = pstZ; /*lint +e831 */ /*lint +e613 */ } else { if (pstDel->pstParent->pstLeft == pstDel) { pstDel->pstParent->pstLeft = pstZ; } else { pstDel->pstParent->pstRight = pstZ; } } pstDel->pstLeft->pstParent = pstZ; pstDel->pstRight->pstParent = pstZ; if (LOS_RB_BLACK == lColor) { OsRbDeleteNodeFixup(pstTree, pstChild); } /* re-initalize the pstDel */ pstDel->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; pstDel->pstLeft = pstDel->pstRight = pstDel->pstParent = pstNilT; return; } STATIC VOID OsRbInitTree(LosRbTree *pstTree) { if (NULL == pstTree) { return; } pstTree->ulNodes = 0; pstTree->pstRoot = &(pstTree->stNilT); pstTree->stNilT.lColor = LOS_RB_BLACK; pstTree->stNilT.pstLeft = NULL; /* Always NULL */ pstTree->stNilT.pstRight = NULL; /* Always NULL */ pstTree->stNilT.pstParent = NULL; /* Not NULL when tree isn't empty */ LOS_ListInit(&pstTree->stWalkHead); pstTree->pfCmpKey = NULL; pstTree->pfFree = NULL; pstTree->pfGetKey = NULL; return; } STATIC VOID OsRbClearTree(LosRbTree *pstTree) { LosRbWalk *pstWalk = NULL; LOS_DL_LIST *pstNode = NULL; if (NULL == pstTree) { return; } pstNode = LOS_DL_LIST_FIRST(&pstTree->stWalkHead); while (!LOS_DL_LIST_IS_END(&pstTree->stWalkHead, pstNode)) { pstWalk = LOS_DL_LIST_ENTRY(pstNode, LosRbWalk, stLink); pstWalk->pstCurrNode = NULL; pstWalk->pstTree = NULL; LOS_ListDelete(pstNode); pstNode = LOS_DL_LIST_FIRST(&pstTree->stWalkHead); } return; } LosRbWalk *LOS_RbCreateWalk(LosRbTree *pstTree) { LosRbNode *pstNode = NULL; LosRbWalk *pstWalk = NULL; if (NULL == pstTree) { return NULL; } pstNode = LOS_RbFirstNode(pstTree); if (NULL == pstNode) { return NULL; } pstWalk = (LosRbWalk *)LOS_MemAlloc(m_aucSysMem0, sizeof(LosRbWalk)); if (NULL == pstWalk) { return NULL; } LOS_ListAdd(&pstTree->stWalkHead, &pstWalk->stLink); pstWalk->pstCurrNode = pstNode; pstWalk->pstTree = pstTree; return pstWalk; } VOID *LOS_RbWalkNext(LosRbWalk *pstWalk) { LosRbNode *pstNode = NULL; /* * Here, in the previous code, we didn't check pstCurrNode * pstTree, but in some circumstance, we will delete a tree * (by calling function RB_ClearTree), meanwhile, we will * evaluate pstCurrNode and pstTree to NULL, but at present, * if we are walking groups and ports, then we will call this * function(LOS_RbWalkNext), but the tree has been deleted already */ if ((NULL == pstWalk) || (NULL == pstWalk->pstCurrNode) || (NULL == pstWalk->pstTree)) { return NULL; } pstNode = pstWalk->pstCurrNode; pstWalk->pstCurrNode = LOS_RbSuccessorNode(pstWalk->pstTree, pstNode); return pstNode; } VOID LOS_RbDeleteWalk(LosRbWalk *pstWalk) { if (NULL == pstWalk) { return; } if (LOS_DL_LIST_IS_ON_QUEUE(&pstWalk->stLink)) { LOS_ListDelete(&pstWalk->stLink); } pstWalk->pstCurrNode = NULL; pstWalk->pstTree = NULL; LOS_MemFree(m_aucSysMem0, pstWalk); return; } VOID LOS_RbInsertOneNodeProcess(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstParent, LosRbNode *pstNew) { LosRbNode *pstNilT = &pstTree->stNilT; VOID *pNodeKey = NULL; VOID *pKey = NULL; ULONG_T ulCmpResult; pstNew->lColor = LOS_RB_RED; pstNew->pstLeft = pstNew->pstRight = pstNilT; if ((pstNew->pstParent = pstParent) == pstNilT) { pstTree->pstRoot = pstNew; } else { pNodeKey = pstTree->pfGetKey(pstNew); pKey = pstTree->pfGetKey(pstParent); ulCmpResult = pstTree->pfCmpKey(pNodeKey, pKey); if (RB_SMALLER == ulCmpResult) { pstParent->pstLeft = pstNew; } else { pstParent->pstRight = pstNew; } } OsRbInsertNodeFixup(pstTree, pstNew); return; } VOID LOS_RbInitTree(LosRbTree *pstTree, pfRBCmpKeyFn pfCmpKey, pfRBFreeFn pfFree, pfRBGetKeyFn pfGetKey) { if (NULL == pstTree) { return; } OsRbInitTree(pstTree); pstTree->pfCmpKey = pfCmpKey; pstTree->pfFree = pfFree; pstTree->pfGetKey = pfGetKey; return; } VOID LOS_RbDestroyTree(LosRbTree *pstTree) { LosRbNode *pstNode = NULL; if (NULL == pstTree) { return; } if (NULL == pstTree->pfFree) { return; } RB_WALK(pstTree, pstNode, pstWalk) { OsRbDeleteNode(pstTree, pstNode); (VOID)pstTree->pfFree(pstNode); } RB_WALK_END(pstTree, pstNode, pstWalk); OsRbClearTree(pstTree); return; } VOID *LOS_RbFirstNode(LosRbTree *pstTree) { LosRbNode *pstNode = NULL; LosRbNode *pstNilT = NULL; if (NULL == pstTree) { return NULL; } pstNode = pstTree->pstRoot; if (pstNode == NULL) { return NULL; } pstNilT = &(pstTree->stNilT); if (pstNilT == pstNode) { return NULL; } while (pstNilT != pstNode->pstLeft) { pstNode = pstNode->pstLeft; } return pstNode; } VOID *LOS_RbSuccessorNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, VOID *pstData) { LosRbNode *pstY = NULL; LosRbNode *pstNilT = NULL; LosRbNode *pstNode = NULL; /* begin: for earse pc_lint warning */ if (NULL == pstTree) { return NULL; } /* end */ pstNode = (LosRbNode *)pstData; if (NULL == pstNode) { return NULL; } /* NilT is forbidden. */ if (!RB_IS_NOT_NILT(pstNode)) { return NULL; } /* if we arrive here, pastTree is no NULL, so we can close pclint warning */ /*lint -e613 */ /*lint -e831 */ pstNilT = &(pstTree->stNilT); /*lint +e831 */ /*lint +e613 */ if (pstNilT != pstNode->pstRight) { pstNode = pstNode->pstRight; while (pstNilT != pstNode->pstLeft) { pstNode = pstNode->pstLeft; } return pstNode; } pstY = pstNode->pstParent; while ((pstNilT != pstY) && (pstNode == pstY->pstRight)) { pstNode = pstY; pstY = pstY->pstParent; } return ((pstNilT == pstY) ? NULL : pstY); } LosRbNode *LOS_RbGetNextNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, VOID *pKey) { LosRbNode *pNode = NULL; if (TRUE == LOS_RbGetNode(pstTree, pKey, &pNode)) { return LOS_RbSuccessorNode(pstTree, pNode); } else if ((NULL == pNode) || (&pstTree->stNilT == pNode)) { return NULL; } else if (RB_BIGGER == pstTree->pfCmpKey(pKey, pstTree->pfGetKey(pNode))) { while (NULL != pNode) { pNode = LOS_RbSuccessorNode(pstTree, pNode); if (NULL == pNode) { return NULL; } if (RB_SMALLER == pstTree->pfCmpKey(pKey, pstTree->pfGetKey(pNode))) { break; } } return pNode; } else { return pNode; } } ULONG_T LOS_RbGetNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, VOID *pKey, LosRbNode **ppstNode) { LosRbNode *pstNilT = NULL; LosRbNode *pstX = NULL; LosRbNode *pstY = NULL; VOID *pNodeKey = NULL; ULONG_T ulCmpResult; if ((NULL == pstTree) || (NULL == pKey) || (NULL == ppstNode)) { if (NULL != ppstNode) { *ppstNode = NULL; } return FALSE; } if ((NULL == pstTree->pfGetKey) || (NULL == pstTree->pfCmpKey)) { *ppstNode = NULL; return FALSE; } pstNilT = &pstTree->stNilT; pstY = pstTree->pstRoot; pstX = pstY; while (pstX != pstNilT) { pNodeKey = pstTree->pfGetKey(pstX); ulCmpResult = pstTree->pfCmpKey(pKey, pNodeKey); if (RB_EQUAL == ulCmpResult) { *ppstNode = pstX; return TRUE; } if (RB_SMALLER == ulCmpResult) { pstY = pstX; pstX = pstX->pstLeft; } else { pstY = pstX; pstX = pstX->pstRight; } } *ppstNode = pstY; return FALSE; } VOID LOS_RbDelNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstNode) { OsRbDeleteNode(pstTree, pstNode); } ULONG_T LOS_RbAddNode(LosRbTree *pstTree, LosRbNode *pstNew) { ULONG_T ulSearchNode; VOID *pNodeKey = NULL; LosRbNode *pstX = NULL; if ((NULL == pstTree) || (NULL == pstNew)) { return FALSE; } if ((NULL == pstTree->pfGetKey) || (NULL == pstTree->pfCmpKey)) { return FALSE; } pNodeKey = pstTree->pfGetKey(pstNew); ulSearchNode = LOS_RbGetNode(pstTree, pNodeKey, &pstX); if (TRUE == ulSearchNode) { return FALSE; } if (NULL == pstX) { return FALSE; } LOS_RbInsertOneNodeProcess(pstTree, pstX, pstNew); return TRUE; } #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __cplusplus */