package terminal import ( "fmt" "runtime" "strings" "testing" ) func TestStarlarkExamples(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" { t.Skip("test is not valid on ARM64") } withTestTerminal("testvariables2", t, func(term *FakeTerminal) { term.MustExec("continue") t.Run("goroutine_start_line", func(t *testing.T) { testStarlarkExampleGoroutineStartLine(t, term) }) t.Run("create_breakpoint_main", func(t *testing.T) { testStarlarkExampleCreateBreakpointmain(t, term) }) t.Run("switch_to_main_goroutine", func(t *testing.T) { testStarlarkExampleSwitchToMainGoroutine(t, term) }) t.Run("linked_list", func(t *testing.T) { testStarlarkExampleLinkedList(t, term) }) t.Run("echo_expr", func(t *testing.T) { testStarlarkEchoExpr(t, term) }) t.Run("find_array", func(t *testing.T) { testStarlarkFindArray(t, term) }) t.Run("map_iteration", func(t *testing.T) { testStarlarkMapIteration(t, term) }) }) } func testStarlarkExampleGoroutineStartLine(t *testing.T, term *FakeTerminal) { term.MustExec("source " + findStarFile("goroutine_start_line")) out1 := term.MustExec("gsl") t.Logf("gsl: %q", out1) if !strings.Contains(out1, "func main() {") { t.Fatalf("goroutine_start_line example failed") } } func testStarlarkExampleCreateBreakpointmain(t *testing.T, term *FakeTerminal) { out2p1 := term.MustExec("source " + findStarFile("create_breakpoint_main")) t.Logf("create_breakpoint_main: %s", out2p1) out2p2 := term.MustExec("breakpoints") t.Logf("breakpoints: %q", out2p2) if !strings.Contains(out2p2, "main.afunc1") { t.Fatalf("create_breakpoint_runtime_func example failed") } } func testStarlarkExampleSwitchToMainGoroutine(t *testing.T, term *FakeTerminal) { gs, _, err := term.client.ListGoroutines(0, 0) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for _, g := range gs { if g.ID != 1 { t.Logf("switching to goroutine %d\n", g.ID) term.MustExec(fmt.Sprintf("goroutine %d", g.ID)) break } } term.MustExec("source " + findStarFile("switch_to_main_goroutine")) out3p1 := term.MustExec("switch_to_main_goroutine") out3p2 := term.MustExec("goroutine") t.Logf("%q\n", out3p1) t.Logf("%q\n", out3p2) if !strings.Contains(out3p2, "Goroutine 1:\n") { t.Fatalf("switch_to_main_goroutine example failed") } } func testStarlarkExampleLinkedList(t *testing.T, term *FakeTerminal) { term.MustExec("source " + findStarFile("linked_list")) out := term.MustExec("linked_list ll Next 3") t.Logf("%q\n", out) if n := len(strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(out, "\n"), "\n")); n != 3 { t.Fatalf("wrong number of lines in output %d", n) } out = term.MustExec("linked_list ll Next 100") t.Logf("%q\n", out) lines := strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(out, "\n"), "\n") for i, line := range lines { if i == 5 { if line != "5: *main.List nil" { t.Errorf("mismatched line %d %q", i, line) } } else { if !strings.HasPrefix(line, fmt.Sprintf("%d: *main.List {N: %d, Next: ", i, i)) { t.Errorf("mismatched line %d %q", i, line) } } } if len(lines) != 6 { t.Fatalf("wrong number of output lines %d", len(lines)) } } func testStarlarkEchoExpr(t *testing.T, term *FakeTerminal) { term.MustExec("source " + findStarFile("echo_expr")) out := term.MustExec("echo_expr 2+2, 1-1, 2*3") t.Logf("echo_expr %q", out) if out != "a 4 b 0 c 6\n" { t.Error("output mismatch") } } func testStarlarkFindArray(t *testing.T, term *FakeTerminal) { term.MustExec("source " + findStarFile("find_array")) out := term.MustExec(`find_array "s2", lambda x: x.A == 5`) t.Logf("find_array (1) %q", out) if out != "found 2\n" { t.Error("output mismatch") } out = term.MustExec(`find_array "s2", lambda x: x.A == 20`) t.Logf("find_array (2) %q", out) if out != "not found\n" { t.Error("output mismatch") } } func testStarlarkMapIteration(t *testing.T, term *FakeTerminal) { out := term.MustExec("source " + findStarFile("starlark_map_iteration")) if !strings.Contains(out, "values=66") { t.Fatalf("testStarlarkMapIteration example failed") } t.Logf("%s", out) } func TestStarlarkVariable(t *testing.T) { withTestTerminal("testvariables2", t, func(term *FakeTerminal) { term.MustExec("continue") for _, tc := range []struct{ expr, tgt string }{ {`v = eval(None, "i1").Variable; print(v.Value)`, "1"}, {`v = eval(None, "f1").Variable; print(v.Value)`, "3"}, {`v = eval(None, "as1").Variable; print(v.Value.A)`, "1"}, {`v = eval(None, "as1").Variable; print(v.Value.B)`, "1"}, {`v = eval(None, "as1").Variable; print(v.Value["A"])`, "1"}, {`v = eval(None, "s1").Variable; print(v.Value[0])`, "one"}, {`v = eval(None, "nilstruct").Variable; print(v.Value)`, "*main.astruct nil"}, {`v = eval(None, "nilstruct").Variable; print(v.Value[0])`, "None"}, {`v = eval(None, 'm1["Malone"]').Variable; print(v.Value)`, "main.astruct {A: 2, B: 3}"}, {`v = eval(None, "m1").Variable; print(v.Value["Malone"])`, "main.astruct {A: 2, B: 3}"}, {`v = eval(None, "m2").Variable; print(v.Value[1])`, "*main.astruct {A: 10, B: 11}"}, {`v = eval(None, "c1.pb").Variable; print(v.Value)`, "*main.bstruct {a: main.astruct {A: 1, B: 2}}"}, {`v = eval(None, "c1.pb").Variable; print(v.Value[0])`, "main.bstruct {a: main.astruct {A: 1, B: 2}}"}, {`v = eval(None, "c1.pb").Variable; print(v.Value.a.B)`, "2"}, {`v = eval(None, "iface1").Variable; print(v.Value[0])`, "*main.astruct {A: 1, B: 2}"}, {`v = eval(None, "iface1").Variable; print(v.Value[0][0])`, "main.astruct {A: 1, B: 2}"}, {`v = eval(None, "iface1").Variable; print(v.Value.A)`, "1"}, {`v = eval(None, "as1", {"MaxStructFields": -1}).Variable; print(v.Value.A)`, "1"}, {`v = eval({"GoroutineID": -1}, "as1").Variable; print(v.Value.A)`, "1"}, {`v = eval(cur_scope(), "as1").Variable; print(v.Value.A)`, "1"}, {`v = eval(None, "as1", default_load_config()).Variable; print(v.Value.A)`, "1"}, // From's examples {`v = eval(None, "s2").Variable; print(v.Value[0])`, "main.astruct {A: 1, B: 2}"}, {`v = eval(None, "s2").Variable; print(v.Value[1].A)`, "3"}, {`v = eval(None, "s2").Variable; print(v.Value[1].A + 10)`, "13"}, {`v = eval(None, "s2").Variable; print(v.Value[1]["B"])`, "4"}, } { out := strings.TrimSpace(term.MustExecStarlark(tc.expr)) if out != tc.tgt { t.Errorf("for %q\nexpected %q\ngot %q", tc.expr, tc.tgt, out) } } }) }