// This file and its companion gdbserver_conn implement a target.Interface // backed by a connection to a debugger speaking the "Gdb Remote Serial // Protocol". // // The "Gdb Remote Serial Protocol" is a low level debugging protocol // originally designed so that gdb could be used to debug programs running // in embedded environments but it was later extended to support programs // running on any environment and a variety of debuggers support it: // gdbserver, lldb-server, macOS's debugserver and rr. // // The protocol is specified at: // https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Remote-Protocol.html // with additional documentation for lldb specific extensions described at: // https://github.com/llvm-mirror/lldb/blob/master/docs/lldb-gdb-remote.txt // // Terminology: // * inferior: the program we are trying to debug // * stub: the debugger on the other side of the protocol's connection (for // example lldb-server) // * gdbserver: stub version of gdb // * lldb-server: stub version of lldb // * debugserver: a different stub version of lldb, installed with lldb on // macOS. // * mozilla rr: a stub that records the full execution of a program // and can then play it back. // // Implementations of the protocol vary wildly between stubs, while there is // a command to query the stub about supported features (qSupported) this // only covers *some* of the more recent additions to the protocol and most // of the older packets are optional and *not* implemented by all stubs. // For example gdbserver implements 'g' (read all registers) but not 'p' // (read single register) while lldb-server implements 'p' but not 'g'. // // The protocol is also underspecified with regards to how the stub should // handle a multithreaded inferior. Its default mode of operation is // "all-stop mode", when a thread hits a breakpoint all other threads are // also stopped. But the protocol doesn't say what happens if a second // thread hits a breakpoint while the stub is in the process of stopping all // other threads. // // In practice the stub is allowed to swallow the second breakpoint hit or // to return it at a later time. If the stub chooses the latter behavior // (like gdbserver does) it is allowed to return delayed events on *any* // vCont packet. This is incredibly inconvenient since if we get notified // about a delayed breakpoint while we are trying to singlestep another // thread it's impossible to know when the singlestep we requested ended. // // What this means is that gdbserver can only be supported for multithreaded // inferiors by selecting non-stop mode, which behaves in a markedly // different way from all-stop mode and isn't supported by anything except // gdbserver. // // lldb-server/debugserver takes a different approach, only the first stop // event is reported, if any other event happens "simultaneously" they are // suppressed by the stub and the debugger can query for them using // qThreadStopInfo. This is much easier for us to implement and the // implementation gracefully degrates to the case where qThreadStopInfo is // unavailable but the inferior is run in single threaded mode. // // Therefore the following code will assume lldb-server-like behavior. package gdbserial import ( "debug/gosym" "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "go/ast" "net" "os" "os/exec" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "golang.org/x/arch/x86/x86asm" "github.com/derekparker/delve/pkg/proc" ) const ( logGdbWire = false logGdbWireFullStopPacket = false showLldbServerOutput = false logGdbWireMaxLen = 120 maxTransmitAttempts = 3 // number of retransmission attempts on failed checksum initialInputBufferSize = 2048 // size of the input buffer for gdbConn ) const heartbeatInterval = 10 * time.Second // GdbserverProcess implements target.Interface using a connection to a // debugger stub that understands Gdb Remote Serial Protocol. type GdbserverProcess struct { bi proc.BinaryInfo conn gdbConn threads map[int]*GdbserverThread currentThread *GdbserverThread selectedGoroutine *proc.G exited bool ctrlC bool // ctrl-c was sent to stop inferior breakpoints map[uint64]*proc.Breakpoint breakpointIDCounter int internalBreakpointIDCounter int gcmdok bool // true if the stub supports g and G commands threadStopInfo bool // true if the stub supports qThreadStopInfo loadGInstrAddr uint64 // address of the g loading instruction, zero if we couldn't allocate it process *exec.Cmd allGCache []*proc.G } // GdbserverThread is a thread of GdbserverProcess. type GdbserverThread struct { ID int strID string regs gdbRegisters CurrentBreakpoint *proc.Breakpoint BreakpointConditionMet bool BreakpointConditionError error p *GdbserverProcess setbp bool // thread was stopped because of a breakpoint } // gdbRegisters represents the current value of the registers of a thread. // The storage space for all the registers is allocated as a single memory // block in buf, the value field inside an individual gdbRegister will be a // slice of the global buf field. type gdbRegisters struct { regs map[string]gdbRegister regsInfo []gdbRegisterInfo tls uint64 gaddr uint64 hasgaddr bool buf []byte } type gdbRegister struct { value []byte regnum int } // GdbserverConnect creates a GdbserverProcess connected to address addr. // Path and pid are, respectively, the path to the executable of the target // program and the PID of the target process, both are optional, however // some stubs do not provide ways to determine path and pid automatically // and GdbserverConnect will be unable to function without knowing them. func GdbserverConnect(addr string, path string, pid int, attempts int) (*GdbserverProcess, error) { var conn net.Conn var err error for i := 0; i < attempts; i++ { conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", addr) if err == nil { break } time.Sleep(time.Second) } if err != nil { return nil, err } p := &GdbserverProcess{ conn: gdbConn{ conn: conn, maxTransmitAttempts: maxTransmitAttempts, inbuf: make([]byte, 0, initialInputBufferSize), }, threads: make(map[int]*GdbserverThread), bi: proc.NewBinaryInfo(runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH), breakpoints: make(map[uint64]*proc.Breakpoint), gcmdok: true, threadStopInfo: true, } p.conn.pid = pid err = p.conn.handshake() if err != nil { conn.Close() return nil, err } if path == "" { // If we are attaching to a running process and the user didn't specify // the executable file manually we must ask the stub for it. // We support both qXfer:exec-file:read:: (the gdb way) and calling // qProcessInfo (the lldb way). // Unfortunately debugserver on macOS supports neither. path, err = p.conn.readExecFile() if err != nil { if isProtocolErrorUnsupported(err) { _, path, err = p.loadProcessInfo(pid) if err != nil { conn.Close() return nil, err } } else { conn.Close() return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not determine executable path: %v", err) } } } // None of the stubs we support returns the value of fs_base or gs_base // along with the registers, therefore we have to resort to executing a MOV // instruction on the inferior to find out where the G struct of a given // thread is located. // Here we try to allocate some memory on the inferior which we will use to // store the MOV instruction. // If the stub doesn't support memory allocation reloadRegisters will // overwrite some existing memory to store the MOV. if addr, err := p.conn.allocMemory(256); err == nil { if _, err := p.conn.writeMemory(uintptr(addr), p.loadGInstr()); err == nil { p.loadGInstrAddr = addr } } var wg sync.WaitGroup err = p.bi.LoadBinaryInfo(path, &wg) if err != nil { conn.Close() return nil, err } wg.Wait() err = p.updateThreadList(&threadUpdater{p: p}) if err != nil { conn.Close() p.bi.Close() return nil, err } if p.conn.pid <= 0 { p.conn.pid, _, err = p.loadProcessInfo(0) if err != nil { conn.Close() p.bi.Close() return nil, err } } ver, isextld, err := proc.GetGoInformation(p) if err != nil { conn.Close() p.bi.Close() return nil, err } p.bi.Arch.SetGStructOffset(ver, isextld) p.selectedGoroutine, _ = proc.GetG(p.CurrentThread()) panicpc, err := p.FindFunctionLocation("runtime.startpanic", true, 0) if err == nil { bp, err := p.SetBreakpoint(panicpc, proc.UserBreakpoint, nil) if err == nil { bp.Name = "unrecovered-panic" bp.ID = -1 p.breakpointIDCounter-- } } return p, nil } // unusedPort returns an unused tcp port // This is a hack and subject to a race condition with other running // programs, but most (all?) OS will cycle through all ephemeral ports // before reassigning one port they just assigned, unless there's heavy // churn in the ephemeral range this should work. func unusedPort() string { addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", "localhost:0") if err != nil { return ":8081" } listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", addr) if err != nil { return ":8081" } port := listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port listener.Close() return fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port) } const debugserverExecutable = "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Versions/A/Resources/debugserver" // LLDBLaunch starts an instance of lldb-server and connects to it, asking // it to launch the specified target program with the specified arguments // (cmd) on the specified directory wd. func LLDBLaunch(cmd []string, wd string) (*GdbserverProcess, error) { // check that the argument to Launch is an executable file if fi, staterr := os.Stat(cmd[0]); staterr == nil && (fi.Mode()&0111) == 0 { return nil, proc.NotExecutableErr } port := unusedPort() isDebugserver := false var proc *exec.Cmd if _, err := os.Stat(debugserverExecutable); err == nil { args := make([]string, 0, len(cmd)+1) args = append(args, ""+port) args = append(args, cmd...) isDebugserver = true proc = exec.Command(debugserverExecutable, args...) } else { args := make([]string, 0, len(cmd)+3) args = append(args, "gdbserver") args = append(args, port, "--") args = append(args, cmd...) proc = exec.Command("lldb-server", args...) } if showLldbServerOutput || logGdbWire { proc.Stdout = os.Stdout proc.Stderr = os.Stderr } if wd != "" { proc.Dir = wd } proc.SysProcAttr = backgroundSysProcAttr() err := proc.Start() if err != nil { return nil, err } p, err := GdbserverConnect(port, cmd[0], 0, 10) if err != nil { return nil, err } p.conn.isDebugserver = isDebugserver p.process = proc return p, nil } // LLDBAttach starts an instance of lldb-server and connects to it, asking // it to attach to the specified pid. // Path is path to the target's executable, path only needs to be specified // for some stubs that do not provide an automated way of determining it // (for example debugserver). func LLDBAttach(pid int, path string) (*GdbserverProcess, error) { port := unusedPort() isDebugserver := false var proc *exec.Cmd if _, err := os.Stat(debugserverExecutable); err == nil { isDebugserver = true proc = exec.Command(debugserverExecutable, ""+port, "--attach="+strconv.Itoa(pid)) } else { proc = exec.Command("lldb-server", "gdbserver", "--attach", strconv.Itoa(pid), port) } proc.Stdout = os.Stdout proc.Stderr = os.Stderr proc.SysProcAttr = backgroundSysProcAttr() err := proc.Start() if err != nil { return nil, err } p, err := GdbserverConnect(port, path, pid, 10) if err != nil { return nil, err } p.conn.isDebugserver = isDebugserver p.process = proc return p, nil } // loadProcessInfo uses qProcessInfo to load the inferior's PID and // executable path. This command is not supported by all stubs and not all // stubs will report both the PID and executable path. func (p *GdbserverProcess) loadProcessInfo(pid int) (int, string, error) { pi, err := p.conn.queryProcessInfo(pid) if err != nil { return 0, "", err } if pid == 0 { n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(pi["pid"], 16, 64) pid = int(n) } return pid, pi["name"], nil } func (p *GdbserverProcess) BinInfo() *proc.BinaryInfo { return &p.bi } func (p *GdbserverProcess) Pid() int { return int(p.conn.pid) } func (p *GdbserverProcess) Exited() bool { return p.exited } func (p *GdbserverProcess) Running() bool { return p.conn.running } func (p *GdbserverProcess) FindFileLocation(fileName string, lineNumber int) (uint64, error) { return proc.FindFileLocation(p.CurrentThread(), p.breakpoints, &p.bi, fileName, lineNumber) } func (p *GdbserverProcess) FirstPCAfterPrologue(fn *gosym.Func, sameline bool) (uint64, error) { return proc.FirstPCAfterPrologue(p.CurrentThread(), p.breakpoints, &p.bi, fn, sameline) } func (p *GdbserverProcess) FindFunctionLocation(funcName string, firstLine bool, lineOffset int) (uint64, error) { return proc.FindFunctionLocation(p.CurrentThread(), p.breakpoints, &p.bi, funcName, firstLine, lineOffset) } func (p *GdbserverProcess) FindThread(threadID int) (proc.IThread, bool) { thread, ok := p.threads[threadID] return thread, ok } func (p *GdbserverProcess) ThreadList() []proc.IThread { r := make([]proc.IThread, 0, len(p.threads)) for _, thread := range p.threads { r = append(r, thread) } return r } func (p *GdbserverProcess) CurrentThread() proc.IThread { return p.currentThread } func (p *GdbserverProcess) AllGCache() *[]*proc.G { return &p.allGCache } func (p *GdbserverProcess) SelectedGoroutine() *proc.G { return p.selectedGoroutine } const ( interruptSignal = 0x2 breakpointSignal = 0x5 childSignal = 0x11 stopSignal = 0x13 ) func (p *GdbserverProcess) ContinueOnce() (proc.IThread, error) { if p.exited { return nil, &proc.ProcessExitedError{Pid: p.conn.pid} } // step threads stopped at any breakpoint over their breakpoint for _, thread := range p.threads { if thread.CurrentBreakpoint != nil { if err := thread.stepInstruction(&threadUpdater{p: p}); err != nil { return nil, err } } } p.allGCache = nil for _, th := range p.threads { th.clearBreakpointState() } p.ctrlC = false // resume all threads var threadID string var sig uint8 = 0 var tu = threadUpdater{p: p} var err error continueLoop: for { tu.done = false threadID, sig, err = p.conn.resume(sig, &tu) if err != nil { if _, exited := err.(proc.ProcessExitedError); exited { p.exited = true } return nil, err } // 0x5 is always a breakpoint, a manual stop either manifests as 0x13 // (lldb), 0x11 (debugserver) or 0x2 (gdbserver). // Since 0x2 could also be produced by the user // pressing ^C (in which case it should be passed to the inferior) we need // the ctrlC flag to know that we are the originators. switch sig { case interruptSignal: // interrupt if p.ctrlC { break continueLoop } case breakpointSignal: // breakpoint break continueLoop case childSignal: // stop on debugserver but SIGCHLD on lldb-server/linux if p.conn.isDebugserver { break continueLoop } case stopSignal: // stop break continueLoop // The following are fake BSD-style signals sent by debugserver // Unfortunately debugserver can not convert them into signals for the // process so we must stop here. case 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96: /* TARGET_EXC_BAD_ACCESS */ break continueLoop default: // any other signal is always propagated to inferior } } if err := p.updateThreadList(&tu); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := p.setCurrentBreakpoints(); err != nil { return nil, err } for _, thread := range p.threads { if thread.strID == threadID { return thread, nil } } return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find thread %s", threadID) } func (p *GdbserverProcess) StepInstruction() error { if p.selectedGoroutine == nil { return errors.New("cannot single step: no selected goroutine") } if p.selectedGoroutine.Thread == nil { if _, err := p.SetBreakpoint(p.selectedGoroutine.PC, proc.NextBreakpoint, proc.SameGoroutineCondition(p.selectedGoroutine)); err != nil { return err } return proc.Continue(p) } p.allGCache = nil if p.exited { return &proc.ProcessExitedError{Pid: p.conn.pid} } p.selectedGoroutine.Thread.(*GdbserverThread).clearBreakpointState() err := p.selectedGoroutine.Thread.(*GdbserverThread).StepInstruction() if err != nil { return err } return p.selectedGoroutine.Thread.(*GdbserverThread).SetCurrentBreakpoint() } func (p *GdbserverProcess) SwitchThread(tid int) error { if th, ok := p.threads[tid]; ok { p.currentThread = th p.selectedGoroutine, _ = proc.GetG(p.CurrentThread()) return nil } return fmt.Errorf("thread %d does not exist", tid) } func (p *GdbserverProcess) SwitchGoroutine(gid int) error { g, err := proc.FindGoroutine(p, gid) if err != nil { return err } if g == nil { // user specified -1 and selectedGoroutine is nil return nil } if g.Thread != nil { return p.SwitchThread(g.Thread.ThreadID()) } p.selectedGoroutine = g return nil } func (p *GdbserverProcess) RequestManualStop() error { p.ctrlC = true return p.conn.sendCtrlC() } func (p *GdbserverProcess) Halt() error { p.ctrlC = true return p.conn.sendCtrlC() } func (p *GdbserverProcess) Kill() error { if p.exited { return nil } err := p.conn.kill() if _, exited := err.(proc.ProcessExitedError); exited { p.exited = true return nil } return err } func (p *GdbserverProcess) Detach(kill bool) error { if kill { if err := p.Kill(); err != nil { if _, exited := err.(proc.ProcessExitedError); !exited { return err } } } if !p.exited { if err := p.conn.detach(); err != nil { return err } } if p.process != nil { p.process.Process.Kill() p.process.Wait() } return p.bi.Close() } func (p *GdbserverProcess) Breakpoints() map[uint64]*proc.Breakpoint { return p.breakpoints } func (p *GdbserverProcess) FindBreakpoint(pc uint64) (*proc.Breakpoint, bool) { // Check to see if address is past the breakpoint, (i.e. breakpoint was hit). if bp, ok := p.breakpoints[pc-uint64(p.bi.Arch.BreakpointSize())]; ok { return bp, true } // Directly use addr to lookup breakpoint. if bp, ok := p.breakpoints[pc]; ok { return bp, true } return nil, false } func (p *GdbserverProcess) SetBreakpoint(addr uint64, kind proc.BreakpointKind, cond ast.Expr) (*proc.Breakpoint, error) { if bp, ok := p.breakpoints[addr]; ok { return nil, proc.BreakpointExistsError{bp.File, bp.Line, bp.Addr} } f, l, fn := p.bi.PCToLine(uint64(addr)) if fn == nil { return nil, proc.InvalidAddressError{Address: addr} } newBreakpoint := &proc.Breakpoint{ FunctionName: fn.Name, File: f, Line: l, Addr: addr, Kind: kind, Cond: cond, HitCount: map[int]uint64{}, } if kind != proc.UserBreakpoint { p.internalBreakpointIDCounter++ newBreakpoint.ID = p.internalBreakpointIDCounter } else { p.breakpointIDCounter++ newBreakpoint.ID = p.breakpointIDCounter } if err := p.conn.setBreakpoint(addr); err != nil { return nil, err } p.breakpoints[addr] = newBreakpoint return newBreakpoint, nil } func (p *GdbserverProcess) ClearBreakpoint(addr uint64) (*proc.Breakpoint, error) { if p.exited { return nil, &proc.ProcessExitedError{Pid: p.conn.pid} } bp := p.breakpoints[addr] if bp == nil { return nil, proc.NoBreakpointError{Addr: addr} } if err := p.conn.clearBreakpoint(addr); err != nil { return nil, err } delete(p.breakpoints, addr) return bp, nil } func (p *GdbserverProcess) ClearInternalBreakpoints() error { for _, bp := range p.breakpoints { if !bp.Internal() { continue } if _, err := p.ClearBreakpoint(bp.Addr); err != nil { return err } } for i := range p.threads { if p.threads[i].CurrentBreakpoint != nil && p.threads[i].CurrentBreakpoint.Internal() { p.threads[i].CurrentBreakpoint = nil } } return nil } type threadUpdater struct { p *GdbserverProcess seen map[int]bool done bool } func (tu *threadUpdater) Add(threads []string) error { if tu.done { panic("threadUpdater: Add after Finish") } if tu.seen == nil { tu.seen = map[int]bool{} } for _, threadID := range threads { b := threadID if period := strings.Index(b, "."); period >= 0 { b = b[period+1:] } n, err := strconv.ParseUint(b, 16, 32) if err != nil { return &GdbMalformedThreadIDError{threadID} } tid := int(n) tu.seen[tid] = true if _, found := tu.p.threads[tid]; !found { tu.p.threads[tid] = &GdbserverThread{ID: tid, strID: threadID, p: tu.p} } } return nil } func (tu *threadUpdater) Finish() { tu.done = true for threadID := range tu.p.threads { _, threadSeen := tu.seen[threadID] if threadSeen { continue } delete(tu.p.threads, threadID) if tu.p.currentThread.ID == threadID { tu.p.currentThread = nil } } if tu.p.currentThread == nil { for _, thread := range tu.p.threads { tu.p.currentThread = thread break } } } // updateThreadsList retrieves the list of inferior threads from the stub // and passes it to the threadUpdater. // Then it reloads the register information for all running threads. // Some stubs will return the list of running threads in the stop packet, if // this happens the threadUpdater will know that we have already updated the // thread list and the first step of updateThreadList will be skipped. // Registers are always reloaded. func (p *GdbserverProcess) updateThreadList(tu *threadUpdater) error { if !tu.done { first := true for { threads, err := p.conn.queryThreads(first) if err != nil { return err } if len(threads) == 0 { break } first = false if err := tu.Add(threads); err != nil { return err } } tu.Finish() } if p.threadStopInfo { for _, th := range p.threads { sig, reason, err := p.conn.threadStopInfo(th.strID) if err != nil { if isProtocolErrorUnsupported(err) { p.threadStopInfo = false break } return err } th.setbp = (reason == "breakpoint" || (reason == "" && sig == breakpointSignal)) } } for _, thread := range p.threads { if err := thread.reloadRegisters(); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (p *GdbserverProcess) setCurrentBreakpoints() error { if p.threadStopInfo { for _, th := range p.threads { if th.setbp { err := th.SetCurrentBreakpoint() if err != nil { return err } } } } if !p.threadStopInfo { for _, th := range p.threads { if th.CurrentBreakpoint == nil { err := th.SetCurrentBreakpoint() if err != nil { return err } } } } return nil } func (t *GdbserverThread) ReadMemory(data []byte, addr uintptr) (n int, err error) { err = t.p.conn.readMemory(data, addr) if err != nil { return 0, err } return len(data), nil } func (t *GdbserverThread) WriteMemory(addr uintptr, data []byte) (written int, err error) { return t.p.conn.writeMemory(addr, data) } func (t *GdbserverThread) Location() (*proc.Location, error) { regs, err := t.Registers(false) if err != nil { return nil, err } pc := regs.PC() f, l, fn := t.p.bi.PCToLine(pc) return &proc.Location{PC: pc, File: f, Line: l, Fn: fn}, nil } func (t *GdbserverThread) Breakpoint() (breakpoint *proc.Breakpoint, active bool, condErr error) { return t.CurrentBreakpoint, (t.CurrentBreakpoint != nil && t.BreakpointConditionMet), t.BreakpointConditionError } func (t *GdbserverThread) ThreadID() int { return t.ID } func (t *GdbserverThread) Registers(floatingPoint bool) (proc.Registers, error) { return &t.regs, nil } func (t *GdbserverThread) Arch() proc.Arch { return t.p.bi.Arch } func (t *GdbserverThread) BinInfo() *proc.BinaryInfo { return &t.p.bi } func (t *GdbserverThread) stepInstruction(tu *threadUpdater) error { pc := t.regs.PC() if _, atbp := t.p.breakpoints[pc]; atbp { err := t.p.conn.clearBreakpoint(pc) if err != nil { return err } defer t.p.conn.setBreakpoint(pc) } _, _, err := t.p.conn.step(t.strID, tu) return err } func (t *GdbserverThread) StepInstruction() error { if err := t.stepInstruction(&threadUpdater{p: t.p}); err != nil { return err } return t.reloadRegisters() } func (t *GdbserverThread) Blocked() bool { regs, err := t.Registers(false) if err != nil { return false } pc := regs.PC() fn := t.BinInfo().PCToFunc(pc) if fn == nil { return false } switch fn.Name { case "runtime.futex", "runtime.usleep", "runtime.clone": return true case "runtime.kevent": return true case "runtime.mach_semaphore_wait", "runtime.mach_semaphore_timedwait": return true } return false } // loadGInstr returns the correct MOV instruction for the current // OS/architecture that can be executed to load the address of G from an // inferior's thread. func (p *GdbserverProcess) loadGInstr() []byte { switch p.bi.GOOS { case "windows": //TODO(aarzilli): implement panic("not implemented") case "linux": switch p.bi.Arch.GStructOffset() { case 0xfffffffffffffff8, 0x0: // mov rcx,QWORD PTR fs:0xfffffffffffffff8 return []byte{0x64, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x0C, 0x25, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} case 0xfffffffffffffff0: // mov rcx,QWORD PTR fs:0xfffffffffffffff0 return []byte{0x64, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x0C, 0x25, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} default: panic("not implemented") } case "darwin": // mov rcx,QWORD PTR gs:0x8a0 return []byte{0x65, 0x48, 0x8B, 0x0C, 0x25, 0xA0, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00} default: panic("unsupported operating system attempting to find Goroutine on Thread") } } // reloadRegisters loads the current value of the thread's registers. // It will also load the address of the thread's G. // Loading the address of G can be done in one of two ways reloadGAlloc, if // the stub can allocate memory, or reloadGAtPC, if the stub can't. func (t *GdbserverThread) reloadRegisters() error { if t.regs.regs == nil { t.regs.regs = make(map[string]gdbRegister) t.regs.regsInfo = t.p.conn.regsInfo regsz := 0 for _, reginfo := range t.p.conn.regsInfo { if endoff := reginfo.Offset + (reginfo.Bitsize / 8); endoff > regsz { regsz = endoff } } t.regs.buf = make([]byte, regsz) for _, reginfo := range t.p.conn.regsInfo { t.regs.regs[reginfo.Name] = gdbRegister{regnum: reginfo.Regnum, value: t.regs.buf[reginfo.Offset : reginfo.Offset+reginfo.Bitsize/8]} } } if t.p.gcmdok { if err := t.p.conn.readRegisters(t.strID, t.regs.buf); err != nil { if isProtocolErrorUnsupported(err) { t.p.gcmdok = false } else { return err } } } if !t.p.gcmdok { for _, reginfo := range t.p.conn.regsInfo { if err := t.p.conn.readRegister(t.strID, reginfo.Regnum, t.regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value); err != nil { return err } } } if t.p.loadGInstrAddr > 0 { return t.reloadGAlloc() } return t.reloadGAtPC() } func (t *GdbserverThread) writeSomeRegisters(regNames ...string) error { if t.p.gcmdok { return t.p.conn.writeRegisters(t.strID, t.regs.buf) } for _, regName := range regNames { if err := t.p.conn.writeRegister(t.strID, t.regs.regs[regName].regnum, t.regs.regs[regName].value); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (t *GdbserverThread) readSomeRegisters(regNames ...string) error { if t.p.gcmdok { return t.p.conn.readRegisters(t.strID, t.regs.buf) } for _, regName := range regNames { err := t.p.conn.readRegister(t.strID, t.regs.regs[regName].regnum, t.regs.regs[regName].value) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // reloadGAtPC overwrites the instruction that the thread is stopped at with // the MOV instruction used to load current G, executes this single // instruction and then puts everything back the way it was. func (t *GdbserverThread) reloadGAtPC() error { movinstr := t.p.loadGInstr() if t.Blocked() { t.regs.tls = 0 t.regs.gaddr = 0 t.regs.hasgaddr = true return nil } cx := t.regs.CX() pc := t.regs.PC() // We are partially replicating the code of GdbserverThread.stepInstruction // here. // The reason is that lldb-server has a bug with writing to memory and // setting/clearing breakpoints to that same memory which we must work // around by clearing and re-setting the breakpoint in a specific sequence // with the memory writes. // Additionally all breakpoints in [pc, pc+len(movinstr)] need to be removed for addr, _ := range t.p.breakpoints { if addr >= pc && addr <= pc+uint64(len(movinstr)) { err := t.p.conn.clearBreakpoint(addr) if err != nil { return err } defer t.p.conn.setBreakpoint(addr) } } savedcode := make([]byte, len(movinstr)) _, err := t.ReadMemory(savedcode, uintptr(pc)) if err != nil { return err } _, err = t.WriteMemory(uintptr(pc), movinstr) if err != nil { return err } defer func() { _, err0 := t.WriteMemory(uintptr(pc), savedcode) if err == nil { err = err0 } t.regs.setPC(pc) t.regs.setCX(cx) err1 := t.writeSomeRegisters(regnamePC, regnameCX) if err == nil { err = err1 } }() _, _, err = t.p.conn.step(t.strID, nil) if err != nil { return err } if err := t.readSomeRegisters(regnamePC, regnameCX); err != nil { return err } t.regs.gaddr = t.regs.CX() t.regs.hasgaddr = true return err } // reloadGAlloc makes the specified thread execute one instruction stored at // t.p.loadGInstrAddr then restores the value of the thread's registers. // t.p.loadGInstrAddr must point to valid memory on the inferior, containing // a MOV instruction that loads the address of the current G in the RCX // register. func (t *GdbserverThread) reloadGAlloc() error { if t.Blocked() { t.regs.tls = 0 t.regs.gaddr = 0 t.regs.hasgaddr = true return nil } cx := t.regs.CX() pc := t.regs.PC() t.regs.setPC(t.p.loadGInstrAddr) if err := t.writeSomeRegisters(regnamePC); err != nil { return err } var err error defer func() { t.regs.setPC(pc) t.regs.setCX(cx) err1 := t.writeSomeRegisters(regnamePC, regnameCX) if err == nil { err = err1 } }() _, _, err = t.p.conn.step(t.strID, nil) if err != nil { return err } if err := t.readSomeRegisters(regnameCX); err != nil { return err } t.regs.gaddr = t.regs.CX() t.regs.hasgaddr = true return err } func (t *GdbserverThread) clearBreakpointState() { t.setbp = false t.CurrentBreakpoint = nil t.BreakpointConditionMet = false t.BreakpointConditionError = nil } func (thread *GdbserverThread) SetCurrentBreakpoint() error { thread.CurrentBreakpoint = nil regs, err := thread.Registers(false) if err != nil { return err } pc := regs.PC() if bp, ok := thread.p.FindBreakpoint(pc); ok { if thread.regs.PC() != bp.Addr { if err := thread.regs.SetPC(thread, bp.Addr); err != nil { return err } } thread.CurrentBreakpoint = bp thread.BreakpointConditionMet, thread.BreakpointConditionError = bp.CheckCondition(thread) if thread.CurrentBreakpoint != nil && thread.BreakpointConditionMet { if g, err := proc.GetG(thread); err == nil { thread.CurrentBreakpoint.HitCount[g.ID]++ } thread.CurrentBreakpoint.TotalHitCount++ } } return nil } func (regs *gdbRegisters) PC() uint64 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(regs.regs[regnamePC].value) } func (regs *gdbRegisters) setPC(value uint64) { binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(regs.regs[regnamePC].value, value) } func (regs *gdbRegisters) SP() uint64 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(regs.regs[regnameSP].value) } func (regs *gdbRegisters) BP() uint64 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(regs.regs[regnameBP].value) } func (regs *gdbRegisters) CX() uint64 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(regs.regs[regnameCX].value) } func (regs *gdbRegisters) setCX(value uint64) { binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(regs.regs[regnameCX].value, value) } func (regs *gdbRegisters) TLS() uint64 { return regs.tls } func (regs *gdbRegisters) GAddr() (uint64, bool) { return regs.gaddr, regs.hasgaddr } func (regs *gdbRegisters) byName(name string) uint64 { reg, ok := regs.regs[name] if !ok { return 0 } return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(reg.value) } func (regs *gdbRegisters) Get(n int) (uint64, error) { reg := x86asm.Reg(n) const ( mask8 = 0x000f mask16 = 0x00ff mask32 = 0xffff ) switch reg { // 8-bit case x86asm.AL: return regs.byName("rax") & mask8, nil case x86asm.CL: return regs.byName("rcx") & mask8, nil case x86asm.DL: return regs.byName("rdx") & mask8, nil case x86asm.BL: return regs.byName("rbx") & mask8, nil case x86asm.AH: return (regs.byName("rax") >> 8) & mask8, nil case x86asm.CH: return (regs.byName("rcx") >> 8) & mask8, nil case x86asm.DH: return (regs.byName("rdx") >> 8) & mask8, nil case x86asm.BH: return (regs.byName("rbx") >> 8) & mask8, nil case x86asm.SPB: return regs.byName("rsp") & mask8, nil case x86asm.BPB: return regs.byName("rbp") & mask8, nil case x86asm.SIB: return regs.byName("rsi") & mask8, nil case x86asm.DIB: return regs.byName("rdi") & mask8, nil case x86asm.R8B: return regs.byName("r8") & mask8, nil case x86asm.R9B: return regs.byName("r9") & mask8, nil case x86asm.R10B: return regs.byName("r10") & mask8, nil case x86asm.R11B: return regs.byName("r11") & mask8, nil case x86asm.R12B: return regs.byName("r12") & mask8, nil case x86asm.R13B: return regs.byName("r13") & mask8, nil case x86asm.R14B: return regs.byName("r14") & mask8, nil case x86asm.R15B: return regs.byName("r15") & mask8, nil // 16-bit case x86asm.AX: return regs.byName("rax") & mask16, nil case x86asm.CX: return regs.byName("rcx") & mask16, nil case x86asm.DX: return regs.byName("rdx") & mask16, nil case x86asm.BX: return regs.byName("rbx") & mask16, nil case x86asm.SP: return regs.byName("rsp") & mask16, nil case x86asm.BP: return regs.byName("rbp") & mask16, nil case x86asm.SI: return regs.byName("rsi") & mask16, nil case x86asm.DI: return regs.byName("rdi") & mask16, nil case x86asm.R8W: return regs.byName("r8") & mask16, nil case x86asm.R9W: return regs.byName("r9") & mask16, nil case x86asm.R10W: return regs.byName("r10") & mask16, nil case x86asm.R11W: return regs.byName("r11") & mask16, nil case x86asm.R12W: return regs.byName("r12") & mask16, nil case x86asm.R13W: return regs.byName("r13") & mask16, nil case x86asm.R14W: return regs.byName("r14") & mask16, nil case x86asm.R15W: return regs.byName("r15") & mask16, nil // 32-bit case x86asm.EAX: return regs.byName("rax") & mask32, nil case x86asm.ECX: return regs.byName("rcx") & mask32, nil case x86asm.EDX: return regs.byName("rdx") & mask32, nil case x86asm.EBX: return regs.byName("rbx") & mask32, nil case x86asm.ESP: return regs.byName("rsp") & mask32, nil case x86asm.EBP: return regs.byName("rbp") & mask32, nil case x86asm.ESI: return regs.byName("rsi") & mask32, nil case x86asm.EDI: return regs.byName("rdi") & mask32, nil case x86asm.R8L: return regs.byName("r8") & mask32, nil case x86asm.R9L: return regs.byName("r9") & mask32, nil case x86asm.R10L: return regs.byName("r10") & mask32, nil case x86asm.R11L: return regs.byName("r11") & mask32, nil case x86asm.R12L: return regs.byName("r12") & mask32, nil case x86asm.R13L: return regs.byName("r13") & mask32, nil case x86asm.R14L: return regs.byName("r14") & mask32, nil case x86asm.R15L: return regs.byName("r15") & mask32, nil // 64-bit case x86asm.RAX: return regs.byName("rax"), nil case x86asm.RCX: return regs.byName("rcx"), nil case x86asm.RDX: return regs.byName("rdx"), nil case x86asm.RBX: return regs.byName("rbx"), nil case x86asm.RSP: return regs.byName("rsp"), nil case x86asm.RBP: return regs.byName("rbp"), nil case x86asm.RSI: return regs.byName("rsi"), nil case x86asm.RDI: return regs.byName("rdi"), nil case x86asm.R8: return regs.byName("r8"), nil case x86asm.R9: return regs.byName("r9"), nil case x86asm.R10: return regs.byName("r10"), nil case x86asm.R11: return regs.byName("r11"), nil case x86asm.R12: return regs.byName("r12"), nil case x86asm.R13: return regs.byName("r13"), nil case x86asm.R14: return regs.byName("r14"), nil case x86asm.R15: return regs.byName("r15"), nil } return 0, proc.UnknownRegisterError } func (regs *gdbRegisters) SetPC(thread proc.IThread, pc uint64) error { regs.setPC(pc) t := thread.(*GdbserverThread) if t.p.gcmdok { return t.p.conn.writeRegisters(t.strID, t.regs.buf) } reg := regs.regs[regnamePC] return t.p.conn.writeRegister(t.strID, reg.regnum, reg.value) } func (regs *gdbRegisters) Slice() []proc.Register { r := make([]proc.Register, 0, len(regs.regsInfo)) for _, reginfo := range regs.regsInfo { switch { case reginfo.Name == "eflags": r = proc.AppendEflagReg(r, reginfo.Name, uint64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value))) case reginfo.Name == "mxcsr": r = proc.AppendMxcsrReg(r, reginfo.Name, uint64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value))) case reginfo.Bitsize == 16: r = proc.AppendWordReg(r, reginfo.Name, binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value)) case reginfo.Bitsize == 32: r = proc.AppendDwordReg(r, reginfo.Name, binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value)) case reginfo.Bitsize == 64: r = proc.AppendQwordReg(r, reginfo.Name, binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value)) case reginfo.Bitsize == 80: idx := 0 for _, stprefix := range []string{"stmm", "st"} { if strings.HasPrefix(reginfo.Name, stprefix) { idx, _ = strconv.Atoi(reginfo.Name[len(stprefix):]) break } } value := regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value r = proc.AppendX87Reg(r, idx, binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(value[8:]), binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(value[:8])) case reginfo.Bitsize == 128: r = proc.AppendSSEReg(r, strings.ToUpper(reginfo.Name), regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value) case reginfo.Bitsize == 256: if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(reginfo.Name), "ymm") { continue } value := regs.regs[reginfo.Name].value xmmName := "x" + reginfo.Name[1:] r = proc.AppendSSEReg(r, strings.ToUpper(xmmName), value[:16]) r = proc.AppendSSEReg(r, strings.ToUpper(reginfo.Name), value[16:]) } } return r }