package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; /** * * Get the corresponding Holder * * @author Jiaju Zhuang **/ public interface WriteHolder extends ConfigurationHolder { /** * What 'ExcelWriteHeadProperty' does the currently operated cell need to execute * * @return */ ExcelWriteHeadProperty excelWriteHeadProperty(); /** * What handler does the currently operated cell need to execute * * @return */ Map, List> writeHandlerMap(); /** * create your own write handler. * * @return */ Map, List> ownWriteHandlerMap(); /** * Is to determine if a field needs to be ignored * * @param fieldName * @param columnIndex * @return */ boolean ignore(String fieldName, Integer columnIndex); /** * Whether a header is required for the currently operated cell * * @return */ boolean needHead(); /** * Whether need automatic merge headers. * * @return */ boolean automaticMergeHead(); /** * Writes the head relative to the existing contents of the sheet. Indexes are zero-based. * * @return */ int relativeHeadRowIndex(); }