// -------------------------- OpenPose C++ API Tutorial - Example 2 - Whole body from image -------------------------- // It reads an image, process it, and displays it with the pose, hand, and face keypoints. // Third-party dependencies #include // Command-line user interface #define OPENPOSE_FLAGS_DISABLE_POSE #include // OpenPose dependencies #include // Custom OpenPose flags // Producer DEFINE_string(image_path, "examples/media/COCO_val2014_000000000241.jpg", "Process an image. Read all standard formats (jpg, png, bmp, etc.)."); // Display DEFINE_bool(no_display, false, "Enable to disable the visual display."); // This worker will just read and return all the jpg files in a directory void display(const std::shared_ptr>>& datumsPtr) { try { // User's displaying/saving/other processing here // datum.cvOutputData: rendered frame with pose or heatmaps // datum.poseKeypoints: Array with the estimated pose if (datumsPtr != nullptr && !datumsPtr->empty()) { // Display image const cv::Mat cvMat = OP_OP2CVCONSTMAT(datumsPtr->at(0)->cvOutputData); if (!cvMat.empty()) { cv::imshow(OPEN_POSE_NAME_AND_VERSION + " - Tutorial C++ API", cvMat); cv::waitKey(0); } else op::opLog("Empty cv::Mat as output.", op::Priority::High, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); } else op::opLog("Nullptr or empty datumsPtr found.", op::Priority::High); } catch (const std::exception& e) { op::error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); } } void printKeypoints(const std::shared_ptr>>& datumsPtr) { try { // Example: How to use the pose keypoints if (datumsPtr != nullptr && !datumsPtr->empty()) { op::opLog("Body keypoints: " + datumsPtr->at(0)->poseKeypoints.toString(), op::Priority::High); op::opLog("Face keypoints: " + datumsPtr->at(0)->faceKeypoints.toString(), op::Priority::High); op::opLog("Left hand keypoints: " + datumsPtr->at(0)->handKeypoints[0].toString(), op::Priority::High); op::opLog("Right hand keypoints: " + datumsPtr->at(0)->handKeypoints[1].toString(), op::Priority::High); } else op::opLog("Nullptr or empty datumsPtr found.", op::Priority::High); } catch (const std::exception& e) { op::error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); } } int tutorialApiCpp() { try { op::opLog("Starting OpenPose demo...", op::Priority::High); const auto opTimer = op::getTimerInit(); // Configuring OpenPose op::opLog("Configuring OpenPose...", op::Priority::High); op::Wrapper opWrapper{op::ThreadManagerMode::Asynchronous}; // Add hand and face opWrapper.configure(op::WrapperStructFace{true}); opWrapper.configure(op::WrapperStructHand{true}); // Set to single-thread (for sequential processing and/or debugging and/or reducing latency) if (FLAGS_disable_multi_thread) opWrapper.disableMultiThreading(); // Starting OpenPose op::opLog("Starting thread(s)...", op::Priority::High); opWrapper.start(); // Process and display image const cv::Mat cvImageToProcess = cv::imread(FLAGS_image_path); const op::Matrix imageToProcess = OP_CV2OPCONSTMAT(cvImageToProcess); auto datumProcessed = opWrapper.emplaceAndPop(imageToProcess); if (datumProcessed != nullptr) { printKeypoints(datumProcessed); if (!FLAGS_no_display) display(datumProcessed); } else op::opLog("Image could not be processed.", op::Priority::High); // Measuring total time op::printTime(opTimer, "OpenPose demo successfully finished. Total time: ", " seconds.", op::Priority::High); // Return return 0; } catch (const std::exception&) { return -1; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Parsing command line flags gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); // Running tutorialApiCpp return tutorialApiCpp(); }