#ifndef OPENPOSE_GPU_CUDA_HU #define OPENPOSE_GPU_CUDA_HU // Note: This class should only be included if CUDA is enabled #include #include namespace op { // VERY IMPORTANT: These fast functions does NOT work for negative integer numbers. // E.g., positiveIntRound(-180.f) = -179. // Round functions // Signed template inline __device__ char positiveCharRoundCuda(const T a) { return char(a+0.5f); } template inline __device__ signed char positiveSCharRoundCuda(const T a) { return (signed char)(a+0.5f); } template inline __device__ int positiveIntRoundCuda(const T a) { return int(a+0.5f); } template inline __device__ long positiveLongRoundCuda(const T a) { return long(a+0.5f); } template inline __device__ long long positiveLongLongRoundCuda(const T a) { return (long long)(a+0.5f); } // Unsigned template inline __device__ unsigned char uCharRoundCuda(const T a) { return (unsigned char)(a+0.5f); } template inline __device__ unsigned int uIntRoundCuda(const T a) { return (unsigned int)(a+0.5f); } template inline __device__ unsigned long ulongRoundCuda(const T a) { return (unsigned long)(a+0.5f); } template inline __device__ unsigned long long uLongLongRoundCuda(const T a) { return (unsigned long long)(a+0.5f); } // Max/min functions template inline __device__ T fastMaxCuda(const T a, const T b) { return (a > b ? a : b); } template inline __device__ T fastMinCuda(const T a, const T b) { return (a < b ? a : b); } template inline __device__ T fastTruncateCuda(const T value, const T min = 0, const T max = 1) { return fastMinCuda(max, fastMaxCuda(min, value)); } // Cubic interpolation template inline __device__ void cubicSequentialData( int* xIntArray, int* yIntArray, T& dx, T& dy, const T xSource, const T ySource, const int widthSource, const int heightSource) { xIntArray[1] = fastTruncateCuda(int(floor(xSource)), 0, widthSource - 1); xIntArray[0] = fastMaxCuda(0, xIntArray[1] - 1); xIntArray[2] = fastMinCuda(widthSource - 1, xIntArray[1] + 1); xIntArray[3] = fastMinCuda(widthSource - 1, xIntArray[2] + 1); dx = xSource - xIntArray[1]; yIntArray[1] = fastTruncateCuda(int(floor(ySource)), 0, heightSource - 1); yIntArray[0] = fastMaxCuda(0, yIntArray[1] - 1); yIntArray[2] = fastMinCuda(heightSource - 1, yIntArray[1] + 1); yIntArray[3] = fastMinCuda(heightSource - 1, yIntArray[2] + 1); dy = ySource - yIntArray[1]; } template inline __device__ T cubicInterpolate(const T v0, const T v1, const T v2, const T v3, const T dx) { // http://www.paulinternet.nl/?page=bicubic // const auto a = (-0.5f * v0 + 1.5f * v1 - 1.5f * v2 + 0.5f * v3); // const auto b = (v0 - 2.5f * v1 + 2.0 * v2 - 0.5 * v3); // const auto c = (-0.5f * v0 + 0.5f * v2); // out = ((a * dx + b) * dx + c) * dx + v1; return (-0.5f * v0 + 1.5f * v1 - 1.5f * v2 + 0.5f * v3) * dx * dx * dx + (v0 - 2.5f * v1 + 2.f * v2 - 0.5f * v3) * dx * dx - 0.5f * (v0 - v2) * dx // + (-0.5f * v0 + 0.5f * v2) * dx + v1; // return v1 + 0.5f * dx * (v2 - v0 + dx * (2.f * v0 - 5.f * v1 + 4.f * v2 - v3 + dx * (3.f * (v1 - v2) + v3 - v0))); } template inline __device__ T bicubicInterpolate( const T* const sourcePtr, const T xSource, const T ySource, const int widthSource, const int heightSource, const int widthSourcePtr) { int xIntArray[4]; int yIntArray[4]; T dx; T dy; cubicSequentialData(xIntArray, yIntArray, dx, dy, xSource, ySource, widthSource, heightSource); T temp[4]; for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const auto offset = yIntArray[i]*widthSourcePtr; temp[i] = cubicInterpolate( sourcePtr[offset + xIntArray[0]], sourcePtr[offset + xIntArray[1]], sourcePtr[offset + xIntArray[2]], sourcePtr[offset + xIntArray[3]], dx); } return cubicInterpolate(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], dy); } template inline __device__ T bicubicInterpolate8Times( const T* const sourcePtr, const T xSource, const T ySource, const int widthSource, const int heightSource, const int threadIdxX, const int threadIdxY) { // Now we only need dx and dy const T dx = xSource - fastTruncateCuda(int(floor(xSource)), 0, widthSource - 1); const T dy = ySource - fastTruncateCuda(int(floor(ySource)), 0, heightSource - 1); T temp[4]; for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const auto offset = 5 * (i + (threadIdxY > 3 ? 1 : 0)) + (threadIdxX > 3 ? 1 : 0); temp[i] = cubicInterpolate( sourcePtr[offset], sourcePtr[offset+1], sourcePtr[offset+2], sourcePtr[offset+3], dx); } return cubicInterpolate(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], dy); } template inline __device__ T addWeighted(const T value1, const T value2, const T alphaValue2) { return (1.f - alphaValue2) * value1 + alphaValue2 * value2; } template inline __device__ void addColorWeighted( T& colorR, T& colorG, T& colorB, const T* const colorToAdd, const T alphaColorToAdd) { colorR = addWeighted(colorR, colorToAdd[0], alphaColorToAdd); colorG = addWeighted(colorG, colorToAdd[1], alphaColorToAdd); colorB = addWeighted(colorB, colorToAdd[2], alphaColorToAdd); } } #endif // OPENPOSE_GPU_CUDA_HU