# Wechaty v0.26 Documentation - Blog - - Docs - ## Classes

Main bot class.

A Bot is a wechat client depends on which puppet you use. It may equals

See more:

If you want to know how to send message, see Message
If you want to know how to get contact, see Contact


All wechat rooms(groups) will be encapsulated as a Room.



All wechat contacts(friend) will be encapsulated as a Contact. Examples/Contact-Bot


Bot itself will be encapsulated as a ContactSelf.

Tips: this class is extends Contact


Send, receive friend request, and friend confirmation events.

  1. send request
  2. receive request(in friend event)
  3. confirmation friendship(friend event)



All wechat messages will be encapsulated as a Message.



accept room invitation

## Typedefs

The term Puppet in Wechaty is an Abstract Class for implementing protocol plugins. The plugins are the component that helps Wechaty to control the Wechat(that's the reason we call it puppet). The plugins are named XXXPuppet, for example:


The option parameter to create a wechaty instance


Wechaty Class Event Type


Wechaty Class Event Function


The filter to find the room: {topic: string | RegExp}


Room Class Event Type


Room Class Event Function


The way to search member by Room.member()


The way to search Contact

## Wechaty Main bot class. A `Bot` is a wechat client depends on which puppet you use. It may equals - web-wechat, when you use: [puppet-puppeteer](https://github.com/chatie/wechaty-puppet-puppeteer)/[puppet-wechat4u](https://github.com/chatie/wechaty-puppet-wechat4u) - ipad-wechat, when you use: [puppet-padchat](https://github.com/lijiarui/wechaty-puppet-padchat) - ios-wechat, when you use: puppet-ioscat See more: - [What is a Puppet in Wechaty](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty-getting-started/wiki/FAQ-EN#31-what-is-a-puppet-in-wechaty) > If you want to know how to send message, see [Message](#Message)
> If you want to know how to get contact, see [Contact](#Contact) **Kind**: global class * [Wechaty](#Wechaty) * [new Wechaty([options])](#new_Wechaty_new) * _instance_ * [.on(event, listener)](#Wechaty+on) ⇒ [Wechaty](#Wechaty) * [.start()](#Wechaty+start) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.stop()](#Wechaty+stop) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.logout()](#Wechaty+logout) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.logonoff()](#Wechaty+logonoff) ⇒ boolean * [.userSelf()](#Wechaty+userSelf) ⇒ [ContactSelf](#ContactSelf) * [.say(textOrContactOrFileOrUrl)](#Wechaty+say) ⇒ Promise.<void> * _static_ * [.instance([options])](#Wechaty.instance) ### new Wechaty([options]) Creates an instance of Wechaty. | Param | Type | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | [options] | [WechatyOptions](#WechatyOptions) | {} | **Example** *(The World's Shortest ChatBot Code: 6 lines of JavaScript)* ```js const { Wechaty } = require('wechaty') const bot = new Wechaty() bot.on('scan', (qrcode, status) => console.log(['https://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=',encodeURIComponent(qrcode),'&size=220x220&margin=20',].join(''))) bot.on('login', user => console.log(`User ${user} logined`)) bot.on('message', message => console.log(`Message: ${message}`)) bot.start() ``` ### wechaty.on(event, listener) ⇒ [Wechaty](#Wechaty) When the bot get message, it will emit the following Event. You can do anything you want when in these events functions. The main Event name as follows: - **scan**: Emit when the bot needs to show you a QR Code for scanning. After scan the qrcode, you can login - **login**: Emit when bot login full successful. - **logout**: Emit when bot detected log out. - **message**: Emit when there's a new message. see more in [WechatyEventName](#WechatyEventName) **Kind**: instance method of [Wechaty](#Wechaty) **Returns**: [Wechaty](#Wechaty) - - this for chaining, see advanced [chaining usage](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty-getting-started/wiki/FAQ-EN#36-why-wechatyonevent-listener-return-wechaty) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | event | [WechatyEventName](#WechatyEventName) | Emit WechatyEvent | | listener | [WechatyEventFunction](#WechatyEventFunction) | Depends on the WechatyEvent | **Example** *(Event:scan)* ```js // Scan Event will emit when the bot needs to show you a QR Code for scanning bot.on('scan', (url, code) => { console.log(`[${code}] Scan ${url} to login.` ) }) ``` **Example** *(Event:login )* ```js // Login Event will emit when bot login full successful. bot.on('login', (user) => { console.log(`user ${user} login`) }) ``` **Example** *(Event:logout )* ```js // Logout Event will emit when bot detected log out. bot.on('logout', (user) => { console.log(`user ${user} logout`) }) ``` **Example** *(Event:message )* ```js // Message Event will emit when there's a new message. wechaty.on('message', (message) => { console.log(`message ${message} received`) }) ``` **Example** *(Event:friendship )* ```js // Friendship Event will emit when got a new friend request, or friendship is confirmed. bot.on('friendship', (friendship) => { if(friendship.type() === Friendship.Type.Receive){ // 1. receive new friendship request from new contact const contact = friendship.contact() let result = await friendship.accept() if(result){ console.log(`Request from ${contact.name()} is accept succesfully!`) } else{ console.log(`Request from ${contact.name()} failed to accept!`) } } else if (friendship.type() === Friendship.Type.Confirm) { // 2. confirm friendship console.log(`new friendship confirmed with ${contact.name()}`) } }) ``` **Example** *(Event:room-join )* ```js // room-join Event will emit when someone join the room. bot.on('room-join', (room, inviteeList, inviter) => { const nameList = inviteeList.map(c => c.name()).join(',') console.log(`Room ${room.topic()} got new member ${nameList}, invited by ${inviter}`) }) ``` **Example** *(Event:room-leave )* ```js // room-leave Event will emit when someone leave the room. bot.on('room-leave', (room, leaverList) => { const nameList = leaverList.map(c => c.name()).join(',') console.log(`Room ${room.topic()} lost member ${nameList}`) }) ``` **Example** *(Event:room-topic )* ```js // room-topic Event will emit when someone change the room's topic. bot.on('room-topic', (room, topic, oldTopic, changer) => { console.log(`Room ${room.topic()} topic changed from ${oldTopic} to ${topic} by ${changer.name()}`) }) ``` **Example** *(Event:room-invite, RoomInvitation has been encapsulated as a RoomInvitation Class. )* ```js // room-invite Event will emit when there's an room invitation. bot.on('room-invite', async roomInvitation => { try { console.log(`received room-invite event.`) await roomInvitation.accept() } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } ``` **Example** *(Event:error )* ```js // error Event will emit when there's an error occurred. bot.on('error', (error) => { console.error(error) }) ``` ### wechaty.start() ⇒ Promise.<void> When you start the bot, bot will begin to login, need you wechat scan qrcode to login > Tips: All the bot operation needs to be triggered after start() is done **Kind**: instance method of [Wechaty](#Wechaty) **Example** ```js await bot.start() // do other stuff with bot here ``` ### wechaty.stop() ⇒ Promise.<void> Stop the bot **Kind**: instance method of [Wechaty](#Wechaty) **Example** ```js await bot.stop() ``` ### wechaty.logout() ⇒ Promise.<void> Logout the bot **Kind**: instance method of [Wechaty](#Wechaty) **Example** ```js await bot.logout() ``` ### wechaty.logonoff() ⇒ boolean Get the logon / logoff state **Kind**: instance method of [Wechaty](#Wechaty) **Example** ```js if (bot.logonoff()) { console.log('Bot logined') } else { console.log('Bot not logined') } ``` ### wechaty.userSelf() ⇒ [ContactSelf](#ContactSelf) Get current user **Kind**: instance method of [Wechaty](#Wechaty) **Example** ```js const contact = bot.userSelf() console.log(`Bot is ${contact.name()}`) ``` ### wechaty.say(textOrContactOrFileOrUrl) ⇒ Promise.<void> Send message to userSelf, in other words, bot send message to itself. > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Wechaty](#Wechaty) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | textOrContactOrFileOrUrl | string \| [Contact](#Contact) \| FileBox \| UrlLink | send text, Contact, or file to bot.
You can use [FileBox](https://www.npmjs.com/package/file-box) to send file | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in // 1. send text to bot itself await bot.say('hello!') // 2. send Contact to bot itself const contact = await bot.Contact.find() await bot.say(contact) // 3. send Image to bot itself from remote url import { FileBox } from 'file-box' const fileBox = FileBox.fromUrl('https://chatie.io/wechaty/images/bot-qr-code.png') await bot.say(fileBox) // 4. send Image to bot itself from local file import { FileBox } from 'file-box' const fileBox = FileBox.fromFile('/tmp/text.jpg') await bot.say(fileBox) // 5. send Link to bot itself const linkPayload = new UrlLink ({ description : 'WeChat Bot SDK for Individual Account, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and Love', thumbnailUrl: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/25162437?s=200&v=4', title : 'Welcome to Wechaty', url : 'https://github.com/chatie/wechaty', }) await bot.say(linkPayload) ``` ### Wechaty.instance([options]) Get the global instance of Wechaty **Kind**: static method of [Wechaty](#Wechaty) | Param | Type | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | [options] | [WechatyOptions](#WechatyOptions) | {} | **Example** *(The World's Shortest ChatBot Code: 6 lines of JavaScript)* ```js const { Wechaty } = require('wechaty') Wechaty.instance() // Global instance .on('scan', (url, code) => console.log(`Scan QR Code to login: ${code}\n${url}`)) .on('login', user => console.log(`User ${user} logined`)) .on('message', message => console.log(`Message: ${message}`)) .start() ``` ## Room All wechat rooms(groups) will be encapsulated as a Room. [Examples/Room-Bot](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/blob/1523c5e02be46ebe2cc172a744b2fbe53351540e/examples/room-bot.ts) **Kind**: global class **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Get Room id. This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) | * [Room](#Room) * _instance_ * [.sync()](#Room+sync) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.say(textOrContactOrFileOrUrl, [mention])](#Room+say) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.on(event, listener)](#Room+on) ⇒ this * [.add(contact)](#Room+add) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.del(contact)](#Room+del) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.quit()](#Room+quit) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.topic([newTopic])](#Room+topic) ⇒ Promise.<(string\|void)> * [.announce([text])](#Room+announce) ⇒ Promise.<(void\|string)> * [.qrcode()](#Room+qrcode) ⇒ Promise.<string> * [.alias(contact)](#Room+alias) ⇒ Promise.<(string\|null)> * [.has(contact)](#Room+has) ⇒ Promise.<boolean> * [.memberAll([query])](#Room+memberAll) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Contact>> * [.member(queryArg)](#Room+member) ⇒ Promise.<(null\|Contact)> * [.owner()](#Room+owner) ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) \| null * _static_ * [.create(contactList, [topic])](#Room.create) ⇒ [Promise.<Room>](#Room) * [.findAll([query])](#Room.findAll) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Room>> * [.find(query)](#Room.find) ⇒ Promise.<(Room\|null)> ### room.sync() ⇒ Promise.<void> Force reload data for Room, Sync data from lowlevel API again. **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) **Example** ```js await room.sync() ``` ### room.say(textOrContactOrFileOrUrl, [mention]) ⇒ Promise.<void> Send message inside Room, if set [replyTo], wechaty will mention the contact as well. > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | textOrContactOrFileOrUrl | string \| [Contact](#Contact) \| FileBox | Send `text` or `media file` inside Room.
You can use [FileBox](https://www.npmjs.com/package/file-box) to send file | | [mention] | [Contact](#Contact) \| [Array.<Contact>](#Contact) | Optional parameter, send content inside Room, and mention @replyTo contact or contactList. | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) // 1. Send text inside Room await room.say('Hello world!') // 2. Send media file inside Room import { FileBox } from 'file-box' const fileBox1 = FileBox.fromUrl('https://chatie.io/wechaty/images/bot-qr-code.png') const fileBox2 = FileBox.fromLocal('/tmp/text.txt') await room.say(fileBox1) await room.say(fileBox2) // 3. Send Contact Card in a room const contactCard = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any of the room member await room.say(contactCard) // 4. Send text inside room and mention @mention contact const contact = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any of the room member await room.say('Hello world!', contact) // 5. Send text inside room and mention someone with Tagged Template const contact2 = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'zixia'}) // change 'zixia' to any of the room member await room.say`Hello ${contact}, here is the world ${contact2}` // 6. send url link in a room const urlLink = new UrlLink ({ description : 'WeChat Bot SDK for Individual Account, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and Love', thumbnailUrl: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/25162437?s=200&v=4', title : 'Welcome to Wechaty', url : 'https://github.com/chatie/wechaty', }) await room.say(urlLink) ``` ### room.on(event, listener) ⇒ this **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) **Returns**: this - - this for chain | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | event | [RoomEventName](#RoomEventName) | Emit WechatyEvent | | listener | [RoomEventFunction](#RoomEventFunction) | Depends on the WechatyEvent | **Example** *(Event:join )* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat if (room) { room.on('join', (room, inviteeList, inviter) => { const nameList = inviteeList.map(c => c.name()).join(',') console.log(`Room got new member ${nameList}, invited by ${inviter}`) }) } ``` **Example** *(Event:leave )* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat if (room) { room.on('leave', (room, leaverList) => { const nameList = leaverList.map(c => c.name()).join(',') console.log(`Room lost member ${nameList}`) }) } ``` **Example** *(Event:topic )* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat if (room) { room.on('topic', (room, topic, oldTopic, changer) => { console.log(`Room topic changed from ${oldTopic} to ${topic} by ${changer.name()}`) }) } ``` **Example** *(Event:invite )* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your wechat if (room) { room.on('invite', roomInvitation => roomInvitation.accept()) } ``` ### room.add(contact) ⇒ Promise.<void> Add contact in a room > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) > > see [Web version of WeChat closed group interface](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/issues/1441) **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | contact | [Contact](#Contact) | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const contact = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any contact in your wechat const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechat'}) // change 'wechat' to any room topic in your wechat if (room) { try { await room.add(contact) } catch(e) { console.error(e) } } ``` ### room.del(contact) ⇒ Promise.<void> Delete a contact from the room It works only when the bot is the owner of the room > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) > > see [Web version of WeChat closed group interface](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/issues/1441) **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | contact | [Contact](#Contact) | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechat'}) // change 'wechat' to any room topic in your wechat const contact = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any room member in the room you just set if (room) { try { await room.del(contact) } catch(e) { console.error(e) } } ``` ### room.quit() ⇒ Promise.<void> Bot quit the room itself > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) **Example** ```js await room.quit() ``` ### room.topic([newTopic]) ⇒ Promise.<(string\|void)> SET/GET topic from the room **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [newTopic] | string | If set this para, it will change room topic. | **Example** *(When you say anything in a room, it will get room topic. )* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { const room = m.room() if (room) { const topic = await room.topic() console.log(`room topic is : ${topic}`) } }) .start() ``` **Example** *(When you say anything in a room, it will change room topic. )* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { const room = m.room() if (room) { const oldTopic = await room.topic() await room.topic('change topic to wechaty!') console.log(`room topic change from ${oldTopic} to ${room.topic()}`) } }) .start() ``` ### room.announce([text]) ⇒ Promise.<(void\|string)> SET/GET announce from the room > Tips: It only works when bot is the owner of the room. > > This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [text] | string | If set this para, it will change room announce. | **Example** *(When you say anything in a room, it will get room announce. )* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'your room'}) const announce = await room.announce() console.log(`room announce is : ${announce}`) ``` **Example** *(When you say anything in a room, it will change room announce. )* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'your room'}) const oldAnnounce = await room.announce() await room.announce('change announce to wechaty!') console.log(`room announce change from ${oldAnnounce} to ${room.announce()}`) ``` ### room.qrcode() ⇒ Promise.<string> Get QR Code of the Room from the room, which can be used as scan and join the room. > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) ### room.alias(contact) ⇒ Promise.<(string\|null)> Return contact's roomAlias in the room **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) **Returns**: Promise.<(string\|null)> - - If a contact has an alias in room, return string, otherwise return null | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | contact | [Contact](#Contact) | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { const room = m.room() const contact = m.from() if (room) { const alias = await room.alias(contact) console.log(`${contact.name()} alias is ${alias}`) } }) .start() ``` ### room.has(contact) ⇒ Promise.<boolean> Check if the room has member `contact`, the return is a Promise and must be `await`-ed **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) **Returns**: Promise.<boolean> - Return `true` if has contact, else return `false`. | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | contact | [Contact](#Contact) | **Example** *(Check whether 'lijiarui' is in the room 'wechaty')* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const contact = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any of contact in your wechat const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) // change 'wechaty' to any of the room in your wechat if (contact && room) { if (await room.has(contact)) { console.log(`${contact.name()} is in the room wechaty!`) } else { console.log(`${contact.name()} is not in the room wechaty!`) } } ``` ### room.memberAll([query]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Contact>> Find all contacts in a room #### definition - `name` the name-string set by user-self, should be called name, equal to `Contact.name()` - `roomAlias` the name-string set by user-self in the room, should be called roomAlias - `contactAlias` the name-string set by bot for others, should be called alias, equal to `Contact.alias()` **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [query] | [RoomMemberQueryFilter](#RoomMemberQueryFilter) \| string | Optional parameter, When use memberAll(name:string), return all matched members, including name, roomAlias, contactAlias | **Example** ```js const roomList:Conatct[] | null = await room.findAll() if(roomList) console.log(`room all member list: `, roomList) const memberContactList: Conatct[] | null =await room.findAll(`abc`) console.log(`contact list with all name, room alias, alias are abc:`, memberContactList) ``` ### room.member(queryArg) ⇒ Promise.<(null\|Contact)> Find all contacts in a room, if get many, return the first one. **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | queryArg | [RoomMemberQueryFilter](#RoomMemberQueryFilter) \| string | When use member(name:string), return all matched members, including name, roomAlias, contactAlias | **Example** *(Find member by name)* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) // change 'wechaty' to any room name in your wechat if (room) { const member = await room.member('lijiarui') // change 'lijiarui' to any room member in your wechat if (member) { console.log(`wechaty room got the member: ${member.name()}`) } else { console.log(`cannot get member in wechaty room!`) } } ``` **Example** *(Find member by MemberQueryFilter)* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) // change 'wechaty' to any room name in your wechat if (room) { const member = await room.member({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any room member in your wechat if (member) { console.log(`wechaty room got the member: ${member.name()}`) } else { console.log(`cannot get member in wechaty room!`) } } ``` ### room.owner() ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) \| null Get room's owner from the room. > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Room](#Room) **Example** ```js const owner = room.owner() ``` ### Room.create(contactList, [topic]) ⇒ [Promise.<Room>](#Room) Create a new room. **Kind**: static method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | contactList | [Array.<Contact>](#Contact) | | [topic] | string | **Example** *(Creat a room with 'lijiarui' and 'juxiaomi', the room topic is 'ding - created')* ```js const helperContactA = await Contact.find({ name: 'lijiarui' }) // change 'lijiarui' to any contact in your wechat const helperContactB = await Contact.find({ name: 'juxiaomi' }) // change 'juxiaomi' to any contact in your wechat const contactList = [helperContactA, helperContactB] console.log('Bot', 'contactList: %s', contactList.join(',')) const room = await Room.create(contactList, 'ding') console.log('Bot', 'createDingRoom() new ding room created: %s', room) await room.topic('ding - created') await room.say('ding - created') ``` ### Room.findAll([query]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Room>> Find room by by filter: {topic: string | RegExp}, return all the matched room **Kind**: static method of [Room](#Room) | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | [query] | [RoomQueryFilter](#RoomQueryFilter) | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in const roomList = await bot.Room.findAll() // get the room list of the bot const roomList = await bot.Room.findAll({topic: 'wechaty'}) // find all of the rooms with name 'wechaty' ``` ### Room.find(query) ⇒ Promise.<(Room\|null)> Try to find a room by filter: {topic: string | RegExp}. If get many, return the first one. **Kind**: static method of [Room](#Room) **Returns**: Promise.<(Room\|null)> - If can find the room, return Room, or return null | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | query | [RoomQueryFilter](#RoomQueryFilter) | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() // after logged in... const roomList = await bot.Room.find() const roomList = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) ``` ## Contact All wechat contacts(friend) will be encapsulated as a Contact. [Examples/Contact-Bot](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/blob/1523c5e02be46ebe2cc172a744b2fbe53351540e/examples/contact-bot.ts) **Kind**: global class **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | id | string | Get Contact id. This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) | * [Contact](#Contact) * _instance_ * [.say(textOrContactOrFileOrUrl)](#Contact+say) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.name()](#Contact+name) ⇒ string * [.alias(newAlias)](#Contact+alias) ⇒ Promise.<(null\|string\|void)> * [.friend()](#Contact+friend) ⇒ boolean \| null * [.type()](#Contact+type) ⇒ ContactType.Unknown \| ContactType.Personal \| ContactType.Official * [.gender()](#Contact+gender) ⇒ ContactGender.Unknown \| ContactGender.Male \| ContactGender.Female * [.province()](#Contact+province) ⇒ string \| null * [.city()](#Contact+city) ⇒ string \| null * [.avatar()](#Contact+avatar) ⇒ Promise.<FileBox> * [.sync()](#Contact+sync) ⇒ Promise.<this> * [.self()](#Contact+self) ⇒ boolean * _static_ * [.find(query)](#Contact.find) ⇒ Promise.<(Contact\|null)> * [.findAll([queryArg])](#Contact.findAll) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Contact>> ### contact.say(textOrContactOrFileOrUrl) ⇒ Promise.<void> > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | textOrContactOrFileOrUrl | string \| [Contact](#Contact) \| FileBox \| UrlLink | send text, Contact, or file to contact.
You can use [FileBox](https://www.npmjs.com/package/file-box) to send file | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() const contact = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) // change 'lijiarui' to any of your contact name in wechat // 1. send text to contact await contact.say('welcome to wechaty!') // 2. send media file to contact import { FileBox } from 'file-box' const fileBox1 = FileBox.fromUrl('https://chatie.io/wechaty/images/bot-qr-code.png') const fileBox2 = FileBox.fromFile('/tmp/text.txt') await contact.say(fileBox1) await contact.say(fileBox2) // 3. send contact card to contact const contactCard = bot.Contact.load('contactId') await contact.say(contactCard) // 4. send url link to contact const urlLink = new UrlLink ({ description : 'WeChat Bot SDK for Individual Account, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and Love', thumbnailUrl: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/25162437?s=200&v=4', title : 'Welcome to Wechaty', url : 'https://github.com/chatie/wechaty', }) await contact.say(urlLink) ``` ### contact.name() ⇒ string Get the name from a contact **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Example** ```js const name = contact.name() ``` ### contact.alias(newAlias) ⇒ Promise.<(null\|string\|void)> GET / SET / DELETE the alias for a contact Tests show it will failed if set alias too frequently(60 times in one minute). **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | newAlias | none \| string \| null | **Example** *( GET the alias for a contact, return {(Promise<string | null>)})* ```js const alias = await contact.alias() if (alias === null) { console.log('You have not yet set any alias for contact ' + contact.name()) } else { console.log('You have already set an alias for contact ' + contact.name() + ':' + alias) } ``` **Example** *(SET the alias for a contact)* ```js try { await contact.alias('lijiarui') console.log(`change ${contact.name()}'s alias successfully!`) } catch (e) { console.log(`failed to change ${contact.name()} alias!`) } ``` **Example** *(DELETE the alias for a contact)* ```js try { const oldAlias = await contact.alias(null) console.log(`delete ${contact.name()}'s alias successfully!`) console.log('old alias is ${oldAlias}`) } catch (e) { console.log(`failed to delete ${contact.name()}'s alias!`) } ``` ### contact.friend() ⇒ boolean \| null Check if contact is friend > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Returns**: boolean \| null -
True for friend of the bot
False for not friend of the bot, null for unknown. **Example** ```js const isFriend = contact.friend() ``` ### contact.type() ⇒ ContactType.Unknown \| ContactType.Personal \| ContactType.Official Return the type of the Contact > Tips: ContactType is enum here.
**Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() const isOfficial = contact.type() === bot.Contact.Type.Official ``` ### contact.gender() ⇒ ContactGender.Unknown \| ContactGender.Male \| ContactGender.Female Contact gender > Tips: ContactGender is enum here.
**Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Example** ```js const gender = contact.gender() === bot.Contact.Gender.Male ``` ### contact.province() ⇒ string \| null Get the region 'province' from a contact **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Example** ```js const province = contact.province() ``` ### contact.city() ⇒ string \| null Get the region 'city' from a contact **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Example** ```js const city = contact.city() ``` ### contact.avatar() ⇒ Promise.<FileBox> Get avatar picture file stream **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Example** ```js // Save avatar to local file like `1-name.jpg` const file = await contact.avatar() const name = file.name await file.toFile(name, true) console.log(`Contact: ${contact.name()} with avatar file: ${name}`) ``` ### contact.sync() ⇒ Promise.<this> Force reload data for Contact, Sync data from lowlevel API again. **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Example** ```js await contact.sync() ``` ### contact.self() ⇒ boolean Check if contact is self **Kind**: instance method of [Contact](#Contact) **Returns**: boolean - True for contact is self, False for contact is others **Example** ```js const isSelf = contact.self() ``` ### Contact.find(query) ⇒ Promise.<(Contact\|null)> Try to find a contact by filter: {name: string | RegExp} / {alias: string | RegExp} Find contact by name or alias, if the result more than one, return the first one. **Kind**: static method of [Contact](#Contact) **Returns**: Promise.<(Contact\|null)> - If can find the contact, return Contact, or return null | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | query | [ContactQueryFilter](#ContactQueryFilter) | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() const contactFindByName = await bot.Contact.find({ name:"ruirui"} ) const contactFindByAlias = await bot.Contact.find({ alias:"lijiarui"} ) ``` ### Contact.findAll([queryArg]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Contact>> Find contact by `name` or `alias` If use Contact.findAll() get the contact list of the bot. #### definition - `name` the name-string set by user-self, should be called name - `alias` the name-string set by bot for others, should be called alias **Kind**: static method of [Contact](#Contact) | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | [queryArg] | [ContactQueryFilter](#ContactQueryFilter) | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() await bot.start() const contactList = await bot.Contact.findAll() // get the contact list of the bot const contactList = await bot.Contact.findAll({ name: 'ruirui' }) // find allof the contacts whose name is 'ruirui' const contactList = await bot.Contact.findAll({ alias: 'lijiarui' }) // find all of the contacts whose alias is 'lijiarui' ``` ## ContactSelf Bot itself will be encapsulated as a ContactSelf. > Tips: this class is extends Contact **Kind**: global class * [ContactSelf](#ContactSelf) * [.avatar([file])](#ContactSelf+avatar) ⇒ Promise.<(void\|FileBox)> * [.qrcode()](#ContactSelf+qrcode) ⇒ Promise.<string> * [.signature(signature)](#ContactSelf+signature) ### contactSelf.avatar([file]) ⇒ Promise.<(void\|FileBox)> GET / SET bot avatar **Kind**: instance method of [ContactSelf](#ContactSelf) | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | [file] | FileBox | **Example** *( GET the avatar for bot, return {Promise<FileBox>})* ```js // Save avatar to local file like `1-name.jpg` bot.on('login', (user: ContactSelf) => { console.log(`user ${user} login`) const file = await user.avatar() const name = file.name await file.toFile(name, true) console.log(`Save bot avatar: ${contact.name()} with avatar file: ${name}`) }) ``` **Example** *(SET the avatar for a bot)* ```js import { FileBox } from 'file-box' bot.on('login', (user: ContactSelf) => { console.log(`user ${user} login`) const fileBox = FileBox.fromUrl('https://chatie.io/wechaty/images/bot-qr-code.png') await user.avatar(fileBox) console.log(`Change bot avatar successfully!`) }) ``` ### contactSelf.qrcode() ⇒ Promise.<string> Get bot qrcode **Kind**: instance method of [ContactSelf](#ContactSelf) **Example** ```js import { generate } from 'qrcode-terminal' bot.on('login', (user: ContactSelf) => { console.log(`user ${user} login`) const qrcode = await user.qrcode() console.log(`Following is the bot qrcode!`) generate(qrcode, { small: true }) }) ``` ### contactSelf.signature(signature) Change bot signature **Kind**: instance method of [ContactSelf](#ContactSelf) | Param | Description | | --- | --- | | signature | The new signature that the bot will change to | **Example** ```js bot.on('login', async user => { console.log(`user ${user} login`) try { await user.signature(`Signature changed by wechaty on ${new Date()}`) } catch (e) { console.error('change signature failed', e) } }) ``` ## Friendship Send, receive friend request, and friend confirmation events. 1. send request 2. receive request(in friend event) 3. confirmation friendship(friend event) [Examples/Friend-Bot](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/blob/1523c5e02be46ebe2cc172a744b2fbe53351540e/examples/friend-bot.ts) **Kind**: global class * [Friendship](#Friendship) * _instance_ * [.accept()](#Friendship+accept) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.hello()](#Friendship+hello) ⇒ string * [.contact()](#Friendship+contact) ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) * [.type()](#Friendship+type) ⇒ FriendshipType * _static_ * ~~[.send()](#Friendship.send)~~ * [.add(contact, hello)](#Friendship.add) ⇒ Promise.<void> ### friendship.accept() ⇒ Promise.<void> Accept Friend Request **Kind**: instance method of [Friendship](#Friendship) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot.on('friendship', async friendship => { try { console.log(`received friend event.`) switch (friendship.type()) { // 1. New Friend Request case Friendship.Type.Receive: await friendship.accept() break // 2. Friend Ship Confirmed case Friendship.Type.Confirm: console.log(`friend ship confirmed`) break } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } .start() ``` ### friendship.hello() ⇒ string Get verify message from **Kind**: instance method of [Friendship](#Friendship) **Example** *(If request content is `ding`, then accept the friendship)* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot.on('friendship', async friendship => { try { console.log(`received friend event from ${friendship.contact().name()}`) if (friendship.type() === Friendship.Type.Receive && friendship.hello() === 'ding') { await friendship.accept() } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } .start() ``` ### friendship.contact() ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) Get the contact from friendship **Kind**: instance method of [Friendship](#Friendship) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot.on('friendship', async friendship => { const contact = friendship.contact() const name = contact.name() console.log(`received friend event from ${name}`) } .start() ``` ### friendship.type() ⇒ FriendshipType Return the Friendship Type > Tips: FriendshipType is enum here.
- FriendshipType.Unknown
- FriendshipType.Confirm
- FriendshipType.Receive
- FriendshipType.Verify
**Kind**: instance method of [Friendship](#Friendship) **Example** *(If request content is `ding`, then accept the friendship)* ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot.on('friendship', async friendship => { try { if (friendship.type() === Friendship.Type.Receive && friendship.hello() === 'ding') { await friendship.accept() } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } .start() ``` ### ~~Friendship.send()~~ ***Deprecated*** use [Friendship#add](Friendship#add) instead **Kind**: static method of [Friendship](#Friendship) ### Friendship.add(contact, hello) ⇒ Promise.<void> Send a Friend Request to a `contact` with message `hello`. The best practice is to send friend request once per minute. Remeber not to do this too frequently, or your account may be blocked. **Kind**: static method of [Friendship](#Friendship) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | contact | [Contact](#Contact) | Send friend request to contact | | hello | string | The friend request content | **Example** ```js const memberList = await room.memberList() for (let i = 0; i < memberList.length; i++) { await bot.Friendship.add(member, 'Nice to meet you! I am wechaty bot!') } ``` ## Message All wechat messages will be encapsulated as a Message. [Examples/Ding-Dong-Bot](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/blob/1523c5e02be46ebe2cc172a744b2fbe53351540e/examples/ding-dong-bot.ts) **Kind**: global class * [Message](#Message) * _instance_ * [.from()](#Message+from) ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) * [.to()](#Message+to) ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) \| null * [.room()](#Message+room) ⇒ [Room](#Room) \| null * ~~[.content()](#Message+content)~~ * [.text()](#Message+text) ⇒ string * [.toRecalled()](#Message+toRecalled) * [.say(textOrContactOrFile, [mention])](#Message+say) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.type()](#Message+type) ⇒ MessageType * [.self()](#Message+self) ⇒ boolean * [.mention()](#Message+mention) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Contact>> * [.mentionSelf()](#Message+mentionSelf) ⇒ Promise.<boolean> * [.forward(to)](#Message+forward) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.date()](#Message+date) * [.age()](#Message+age) ⇒ number * ~~[.file()](#Message+file)~~ * [.toFileBox()](#Message+toFileBox) ⇒ Promise.<FileBox> * [.toContact()](#Message+toContact) ⇒ [Promise.<Contact>](#Contact) * _static_ * [.find()](#Message.find) * [.findAll()](#Message.findAll) ### message.from() ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) Get the sender from a message. **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { const contact = msg.from() const text = msg.text() const room = msg.room() if (room) { const topic = await room.topic() console.log(`Room: ${topic} Contact: ${contact.name()} Text: ${text}`) } else { console.log(`Contact: ${contact.name()} Text: ${text}`) } }) .start() ``` ### message.to() ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) \| null Get the destination of the message Message.to() will return null if a message is in a room, use Message.room() to get the room. **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) ### message.room() ⇒ [Room](#Room) \| null Get the room from the message. If the message is not in a room, then will return `null` **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { const contact = msg.from() const text = msg.text() const room = msg.room() if (room) { const topic = await room.topic() console.log(`Room: ${topic} Contact: ${contact.name()} Text: ${text}`) } else { console.log(`Contact: ${contact.name()} Text: ${text}`) } }) .start() ``` ### ~~message.content()~~ ***Deprecated*** use [text](#Message+text) instead **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) ### message.text() ⇒ string Get the text content of the message **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { const contact = msg.from() const text = msg.text() const room = msg.room() if (room) { const topic = await room.topic() console.log(`Room: ${topic} Contact: ${contact.name()} Text: ${text}`) } else { console.log(`Contact: ${contact.name()} Text: ${text}`) } }) .start() ``` ### message.toRecalled() Get the recalled message **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { if (m.type() === MessageType.Recalled) { const recalledMessage = await m.toRecalled() console.log(`Message: ${recalledMessage} has been recalled.`) } }) .start() ``` ### message.say(textOrContactOrFile, [mention]) ⇒ Promise.<void> Reply a Text or Media File message to the sender. > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **See**: [Examples/ding-dong-bot](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/blob/1523c5e02be46ebe2cc172a744b2fbe53351540e/examples/ding-dong-bot.ts) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | textOrContactOrFile | string \| [Contact](#Contact) \| FileBox \| UrlLink | send text, Contact, or file to bot.
You can use [FileBox](https://www.npmjs.com/package/file-box) to send file | | [mention] | [Contact](#Contact) \| [Array.<Contact>](#Contact) | If this is a room message, when you set mention param, you can `@` Contact in the room. | **Example** ```js import { FileBox } from 'file-box' const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { // 1. send Image if (/^ding$/i.test(m.text())) { const fileBox = FileBox.fromUrl('https://chatie.io/wechaty/images/bot-qr-code.png') await msg.say(fileBox) } // 2. send Text if (/^dong$/i.test(m.text())) { await msg.say('dingdingding') } // 3. send Contact if (/^lijiarui$/i.test(m.text())) { const contactCard = await bot.Contact.find({name: 'lijiarui'}) if (!contactCard) { console.log('not found') return } await msg.say(contactCard) } // 4. send Link if (/^link$/i.test(m.text())) { const linkPayload = new UrlLink ({ description : 'WeChat Bot SDK for Individual Account, Powered by TypeScript, Docker, and Love', thumbnailUrl: 'https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/25162437?s=200&v=4', title : 'Welcome to Wechaty', url : 'https://github.com/chatie/wechaty', }) await msg.say(linkPayload) } }) .start() ``` ### message.type() ⇒ MessageType Get the type from the message. > Tips: MessageType is Enum here.
- MessageType.Unknown
- MessageType.Attachment
- MessageType.Audio
- MessageType.Contact
- MessageType.Emoticon
- MessageType.Image
- MessageType.Text
- MessageType.Video
- MessageType.Url
**Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() if (message.type() === bot.Message.Type.Text) { console.log('This is a text message') } ``` ### message.self() ⇒ boolean Check if a message is sent by self. **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **Returns**: boolean - - Return `true` for send from self, `false` for send from others. **Example** ```js if (message.self()) { console.log('this message is sent by myself!') } ``` ### message.mention() ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Contact>> Get message mentioned contactList. Message event table as follows | | Web | Mac PC Client | iOS Mobile | android Mobile | | :--- | :--: | :----: | :---: | :---: | | [You were mentioned] tip ([有人@我]的提示) | ✘ | √ | √ | √ | | Identify magic code (8197) by copy & paste in mobile | ✘ | √ | √ | ✘ | | Identify magic code (8197) by programming | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | | Identify two contacts with the same roomAlias by [You were mentioned] tip | ✘ | ✘ | √ | √ | **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **Returns**: Promise.<Array.<Contact>> - - Return message mentioned contactList **Example** ```js const contactList = await message.mention() console.log(contactList) ``` ### message.mentionSelf() ⇒ Promise.<boolean> Check if a message is mention self. **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) **Returns**: Promise.<boolean> - - Return `true` for mention me. **Example** ```js if (await message.mentionSelf()) { console.log('this message were mentioned me! [You were mentioned] tip ([有人@我]的提示)') } ``` ### message.forward(to) ⇒ Promise.<void> Forward the received message. **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | to | Sayable \| Array.<Sayable> | Room or Contact The recipient of the message, the room, or the contact | **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot .on('message', async m => { const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'wechaty'}) if (room) { await m.forward(room) console.log('forward this message to wechaty room!') } }) .start() ``` ### message.date() Message sent date **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) ### message.age() ⇒ number Returns the message age in seconds.
For example, the message is sent at time `8:43:01`, and when we received it in Wechaty, the time is `8:43:15`, then the age() will return `8:43:15 - 8:43:01 = 14 (seconds)` **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) ### ~~message.file()~~ ***Deprecated*** use [toFileBox](#Message+toFileBox) instead **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) ### message.toFileBox() ⇒ Promise.<FileBox> Extract the Media File from the Message, and put it into the FileBox. > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) ### message.toContact() ⇒ [Promise.<Contact>](#Contact) Get Share Card of the Message Extract the Contact Card from the Message, and encapsulate it into Contact class > Tips: This function is depending on the Puppet Implementation, see [puppet-compatible-table](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet#3-puppet-compatible-table) **Kind**: instance method of [Message](#Message) ### Message.find() Find message in cache **Kind**: static method of [Message](#Message) ### Message.findAll() Find messages in cache **Kind**: static method of [Message](#Message) ## RoomInvitation accept room invitation **Kind**: global class * [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) * [.accept()](#RoomInvitation+accept) ⇒ Promise.<void> * [.inviter()](#RoomInvitation+inviter) ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) * [.topic()](#RoomInvitation+topic) ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) * [.roomTopic()](#RoomInvitation+roomTopic) * [.date()](#RoomInvitation+date) ⇒ Promise.<Date> * [.age()](#RoomInvitation+age) ⇒ number ### roomInvitation.accept() ⇒ Promise.<void> Accept Room Invitation **Kind**: instance method of [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot.on('room-invite', async roomInvitation => { try { console.log(`received room-invite event.`) await roomInvitation.accept() } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } .start() ``` ### roomInvitation.inviter() ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) Get the inviter from room invitation **Kind**: instance method of [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot.on('room-invite', async roomInvitation => { const inviter = await roomInvitation.inviter() const name = inviter.name() console.log(`received room invitation event from ${name}`) } .start() ``` ### roomInvitation.topic() ⇒ [Contact](#Contact) Get the room topic from room invitation **Kind**: instance method of [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) **Example** ```js const bot = new Wechaty() bot.on('room-invite', async roomInvitation => { const topic = await roomInvitation.topic() console.log(`received room invitation event from room ${topic}`) } .start() ``` ### roomInvitation.roomTopic() **Kind**: instance method of [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) **Deprecated:**: use topic() instead ### roomInvitation.date() ⇒ Promise.<Date> Get the invitation time **Kind**: instance method of [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) ### roomInvitation.age() ⇒ number Returns the roopm invitation age in seconds.
For example, the invitation is sent at time `8:43:01`, and when we received it in Wechaty, the time is `8:43:15`, then the age() will return `8:43:15 - 8:43:01 = 14 (seconds)` **Kind**: instance method of [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) ## PuppetModuleName The term [Puppet](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/wiki/Puppet) in Wechaty is an Abstract Class for implementing protocol plugins. The plugins are the component that helps Wechaty to control the Wechat(that's the reason we call it puppet). The plugins are named XXXPuppet, for example: - [PuppetPuppeteer](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty-puppet-puppeteer): - [PuppetPadchat](https://github.com/lijiarui/wechaty-puppet-padchat) **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | PUPPET_DEFAULT | string | The default puppet. | | wechaty-puppet-wechat4u | string | The default puppet, using the [wechat4u](https://github.com/nodeWechat/wechat4u) to control the [WeChat Web API](https://wx.qq.com/) via a chrome browser. | | wechaty-puppet-padchat | string | - Using the WebSocket protocol to connect with a Protocol Server for controlling the iPad Wechat program. | | wechaty-puppet-puppeteer | string | - Using the [google puppeteer](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer) to control the [WeChat Web API](https://wx.qq.com/) via a chrome browser. | | wechaty-puppet-mock | string | - Using the mock data to mock wechat operation, just for test. | ## WechatyOptions The option parameter to create a wechaty instance **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | profile | string | Wechaty Name.
When you set this:
`new Wechaty({profile: 'wechatyName'}) `
it will generate a file called `wechatyName.memory-card.json`.
This file stores the bot's login information.
If the file is valid, the bot can auto login so you don't need to scan the qrcode to login again.
Also, you can set the environment variable for `WECHATY_NAME` to set this value when you start.
eg: `WECHATY_NAME="your-cute-bot-name" node bot.js` | | puppet | [PuppetModuleName](#PuppetModuleName) \| Puppet | Puppet name or instance | | puppetOptions | Partial.<PuppetOptions> | Puppet TOKEN | | ioToken | string | Io TOKEN | ## WechatyEventName Wechaty Class Event Type **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | error | string | When the bot get error, there will be a Wechaty error event fired. | | login | string | After the bot login full successful, the event login will be emitted, with a Contact of current logined user. | | logout | string | Logout will be emitted when bot detected log out, with a Contact of the current login user. | | heartbeat | string | Get bot's heartbeat. | | friendship | string | When someone sends you a friend request, there will be a Wechaty friendship event fired. | | message | string | Emit when there's a new message. | | ready | string | Emit when all data has load completed, in wechaty-puppet-padchat, it means it has sync Contact and Room completed | | room-join | string | Emit when anyone join any room. | | room-topic | string | Get topic event, emitted when someone change room topic. | | room-leave | string | Emit when anyone leave the room.
- If someone leaves the room by themselves, wechat will not notice other people in the room, so the bot will never get the "leave" event. | | room-invite | string | Emit when there is a room invitation, see more in [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) | | scan | string | A scan event will be emitted when the bot needs to show you a QR Code for scanning.
It is recommend to install qrcode-terminal(run `npm install qrcode-terminal`) in order to show qrcode in the terminal. | ## WechatyEventFunction Wechaty Class Event Function **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | error | function | (this: Wechaty, error: Error) => void callback function | | login | function | (this: Wechaty, user: ContactSelf)=> void | | logout | function | (this: Wechaty, user: ContactSelf) => void | | scan | function | (this: Wechaty, url: string, code: number) => void
  1. URL: {String} the QR code image URL
  2. code: {Number} the scan status code. some known status of the code list here is:
| | heartbeat | function | (this: Wechaty, data: any) => void | | friendship | function | (this: Wechaty, friendship: Friendship) => void | | message | function | (this: Wechaty, message: Message) => void | | ready | function | (this: Wechaty) => void | | room-join | function | (this: Wechaty, room: Room, inviteeList: Contact[], inviter: Contact) => void | | room-topic | function | (this: Wechaty, room: Room, newTopic: string, oldTopic: string, changer: Contact) => void | | room-leave | function | (this: Wechaty, room: Room, leaverList: Contact[]) => void | | room-invite | function | (this: Wechaty, room: Room, leaverList: Contact[]) => void
see more in [RoomInvitation](#RoomInvitation) | ## RoomQueryFilter The filter to find the room: {topic: string | RegExp} **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | | --- | --- | | topic | string | ## RoomEventName Room Class Event Type **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | join | string | Emit when anyone join any room. | | topic | string | Get topic event, emitted when someone change room topic. | | leave | string | Emit when anyone leave the room.
If someone leaves the room by themselves, wechat will not notice other people in the room, so the bot will never get the "leave" event. | ## RoomEventFunction Room Class Event Function **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | room-join | function | (this: Room, inviteeList: Contact[] , inviter: Contact) => void | | room-topic | function | (this: Room, topic: string, oldTopic: string, changer: Contact) => void | | room-leave | function | (this: Room, leaver: Contact) => void | ## RoomMemberQueryFilter The way to search member by Room.member() **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | name | string | Find the contact by wechat name in a room, equal to `Contact.name()`. | | roomAlias | string | Find the contact by alias set by the bot for others in a room. | | contactAlias | string | Find the contact by alias set by the contact out of a room, equal to `Contact.alias()`. [More Detail](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/issues/365) | ## ContactQueryFilter The way to search Contact **Kind**: global typedef **Properties** | Name | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | name | string | The name-string set by user-self, should be called name | | alias | string | The name-string set by bot for others, should be called alias [More Detail](https://github.com/Chatie/wechaty/issues/365) |