import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import type TypedEventEmitter from 'typed-emitter' import { Contact, Message, Room, RoomInvitation, } from '../user/mod' export const ROOM_EVENT_DICT = { invite : 'tbw', join : 'tbw', leave : 'tbw', message : 'message that received in this room', topic : 'tbw', } export type RoomEventName = keyof typeof ROOM_EVENT_DICT /** * @desc Room Class Event Type * @typedef RoomEventName * @property {string} join - Emit when anyone join any room. * @property {string} topic - Get topic event, emitted when someone change room topic. * @property {string} leave - Emit when anyone leave the room.
* If someone leaves the room by themselves, WeChat will not notice other people in the room, so the bot will never get the "leave" event. */ /** * @desc Room Class Event Function * @typedef RoomEventFunction * @property {Function} room-join - (this: Room, inviteeList: Contact[] , inviter: Contact) => void * @property {Function} room-topic - (this: Room, topic: string, oldTopic: string, changer: Contact) => void * @property {Function} room-leave - (this: Room, leaver: Contact) => void */ /** * @listens Room * @param {RoomEventName} event - Emit WechatyEvent * @param {RoomEventFunction} listener - Depends on the WechatyEvent * @return {this} - this for chain * * @example Event:join * const bot = new Wechaty() * await bot.start() * // after logged in... * const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your WeChat * if (room) { * room.on('join', (room, inviteeList, inviter) => { * const nameList = =>',') * console.log(`Room got new member ${nameList}, invited by ${inviter}`) * }) * } * * @example Event:leave * const bot = new Wechaty() * await bot.start() * // after logged in... * const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your WeChat * if (room) { * room.on('leave', (room, leaverList) => { * const nameList = =>',') * console.log(`Room lost member ${nameList}`) * }) * } * * @example Event:message * const bot = new Wechaty() * await bot.start() * // after logged in... * const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your WeChat * if (room) { * room.on('message', (message) => { * console.log(`Room received new message: ${message}`) * }) * } * * @example Event:topic * const bot = new Wechaty() * await bot.start() * // after logged in... * const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your WeChat * if (room) { * room.on('topic', (room, topic, oldTopic, changer) => { * console.log(`Room topic changed from ${oldTopic} to ${topic} by ${}`) * }) * } * * @example Event:invite * const bot = new Wechaty() * await bot.start() * // after logged in... * const room = await bot.Room.find({topic: 'topic of your room'}) // change `event-room` to any room topic in your WeChat * if (room) { * room.on('invite', roomInvitation => roomInvitation.accept()) * } * */ export type RoomInviteEventListener = (this: Room, inviter: Contact, invitation: RoomInvitation) => void export type RoomJoinEventListener = (this: Room, inviteeList: Contact[], inviter: Contact, date?: Date) => void export type RoomLeaveEventListener = (this: Room, leaverList: Contact[], remover?: Contact, date?: Date) => void export type RoomMessageEventListener = (this: Room, message: Message, date?: Date) => void export type RoomTopicEventListener = (this: Room, topic: string, oldTopic: string, changer: Contact, date?: Date) => void interface RoomEvents { invite : RoomInviteEventListener join : RoomJoinEventListener, leave : RoomLeaveEventListener, message : RoomMessageEventListener, topic : RoomTopicEventListener, } export const RoomEventEmitter = EventEmitter as new () => TypedEventEmitter< RoomEvents >