/** * Wechaty - https://github.com/chatie/wechaty * * @copyright 2016-2018 Huan LI * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import { WatchdogFood, } from 'watchdog' import { log, } from '../config' import { ScanData, } from '../puppet/' import Contact from '../puppet/contact' import Message from '../puppet/message' import Firer from './firer' import PuppetPuppeteer from './puppet-puppeteer' import { WebMsgType, WebMessageRawPayload, } from './web-schemas' /* tslint:disable:variable-name */ export const Event = { onDing, onLog, onLogin, onLogout, onMessage, onScan, onUnload, } function onDing( this: PuppetPuppeteer, data: any, ): void { log.silly('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onDing(%s)', data) this.emit('watchdog', { data }) } async function onScan( this: PuppetPuppeteer, data: ScanData, ): Promise { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onScan({code: %d, url: %s})', data.code, data.url) if (this.state.off()) { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onScan(%s) state.off()=%s, NOOP', data, this.state.off()) return } this.scanInfo = data /** * When wx.qq.com push a new QRCode to Scan, there will be cookie updates(?) */ await this.saveCookie() if (this.logonoff()) { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onScan() there has user when got a scan event. emit logout and set it to null') await this.logout() } // feed watchDog a `scan` type of food const food: WatchdogFood = { data, type: 'scan', } this.emit('watchdog', food) this.emit('scan' , data.url, data.code) } function onLog(data: any): void { log.silly('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLog(%s)', data) } async function onLogin( this: PuppetPuppeteer, note: string, ttl = 30, ): Promise { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogin(%s, %d)', note, ttl) const TTL_WAIT_MILLISECONDS = 1 * 1000 if (ttl <= 0) { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogin(%s) TTL expired') this.emit('error', new Error('TTL expired.')) return } if (this.state.off()) { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogin(%s, %d) state.off()=%s, NOOP', note, ttl, this.state.off()) return } this.scanInfo = undefined if (this.logonoff()) { log.warn('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogin(%s) user had already set: "%s"', note, this.userSelf()) await this.logout() } try { /** * save login user id to this.userId * * issue #772: this.bridge might not inited if the 'login' event fired too fast(because of auto login) */ const userId = await this.bridge.getUserName() if (!userId) { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogin() browser not fully loaded(ttl=%d), retry later', ttl) const html = await this.bridge.innerHTML() log.silly('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogin() innerHTML: %s', html.substr(0, 500)) setTimeout(onLogin.bind(this, note, ttl - 1), TTL_WAIT_MILLISECONDS) return } log.silly('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'bridge.getUserName: %s', userId) const user = Contact.load(userId) user.puppet = this await user.ready() log.silly('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', `onLogin() user ${user.name()} logined`) try { if (this.state.on() === true) { await this.saveCookie() } } catch (e) { // fail safe log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogin() this.saveCookie() exception: %s', e.message) } // fix issue #668 try { await this.readyStable() } catch (e) { // fail safe log.warn('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'readyStable() exception: %s', e && e.message || e) } this.login(user) // this.emit('login', user) } catch (e) { log.error('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogin() exception: %s', e) throw e } return } async function onLogout( this: PuppetPuppeteer, data: any, ): Promise { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogout(%s)', data) if (this.logonoff()) { await this.logout() } else { // not logged-in??? log.error('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onLogout() without self-user') } } async function onMessage( this : PuppetPuppeteer, rawPayload : WebMessageRawPayload, ): Promise { let msg = Message.createMT(rawPayload.MsgId) msg.puppet = this try { await msg.ready() /** * Fire Events if match message type & content */ switch (rawPayload.MsgType) { case WebMsgType.VERIFYMSG: Firer.checkFriendRequest.call(this, msg) break case WebMsgType.SYS: if (msg.room()) { const joinResult = await Firer.checkRoomJoin.call(this , msg) const leaveResult = await Firer.checkRoomLeave.call(this , msg) const topicRestul = await Firer.checkRoomTopic.call(this , msg) if (!joinResult && !leaveResult && !topicRestul) { log.warn('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', `checkRoomSystem message: <${msg.text()}> not found`) } } else { Firer.checkFriendConfirm.call(this, msg) } break } /** * Check Type for special Message * reload if needed */ switch (rawPayload.MsgType) { case WebMsgType.EMOTICON: case WebMsgType.IMAGE: case WebMsgType.VIDEO: case WebMsgType.VOICE: case WebMsgType.MICROVIDEO: case WebMsgType.APP: log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onMessage() EMOTICON/IMAGE/VIDEO/VOICE/MICROVIDEO message') msg = Message.createMT(rawPayload.MsgId) msg.puppet = this break case WebMsgType.TEXT: if (rawPayload.SubMsgType === WebMsgType.LOCATION) { log.verbose('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onMessage() (TEXT&LOCATION) message') msg = Message.createMT(rawPayload.MsgId) } break } await msg.ready() this.emit('message', msg) } catch (e) { log.error('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onMessage() exception: %s', e.stack) throw e } } async function onUnload(this: PuppetPuppeteer): Promise { log.silly('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onUnload()') /* try { await this.quit() await this.init() } catch (e) { log.error('PuppetPuppeteerEvent', 'onUnload() exception: %s', e) this.emit('error', e) throw e } */ } export default Event