The Wa Programming Language

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Wa is a general-purpose programming language designed for developing robustness and maintainability WebAssembly software. Instead of requiring complex toolchains to set up, you can simply go install it - or run it in a browser. ![](docs/images/logo/logo-animate1.svg) - Home: []( - Manual(Chinese): []( - Github: []( - Playground: []( > Note: Our canonical Git repository is located at There is a mirror of the repository at Unless otherwise noted, the Wa source files are distributed under the AGPL-v3 license found in the LICENSE file. ## Playground []( ![]( ## Snake Game - Play: []( - Code: [waroot/examples/snake/](waroot/examples/snake/ ![]( ## Example: Print Wa Print rune and call function: ```wa import "fmt" global year: i32 = 2023 func main { println("hello, Wa!") println(add(40, 2), year) fmt.Println(1+1) } func add(a: i32, b: i32) => i32 { return a+b } ``` Execute the program: ``` $ wa run hello.wa hello, Wa! 42 2023 2 ``` ## Example: Print Prime Print prime numbers up to 30: ```wa func main { for n := 2; n <= 30; n = n + 1 { isPrime: int = 1 for i := 2; i*i <= n; i = i + 1 { if x := n % i; x == 0 { isPrime = 0 } } if isPrime != 0 { println(n) } } } ``` Execute the program: ``` $ cd waroot && wa run examples/prime 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 ``` ## Example: Print Prime with Chinese syntax Print prime numbers up to 30: ```wz 引于 "书" 【启】: // 输出30以内的素数 从n=2,到n>30,有n++: 设素=1 从i=2,到i*i>n,有i++: 设x=n%i 若x==0则: 素=0 。 。 若素!=0则: 书·曰:n 。 。 。 ``` Output is the same as the previous example. More examples [waroot/examples](waroot/examples) ## Contributors |Contributor|Contribution points| | --- | --- | |柴树杉| 35000| |丁尔男| 42500| |史斌 | 29000| |扈梦明| 14000| |赵普明| 17000| |宋汝阳| 2000| |刘云峰| 1000| |王湘南| 1000| |王泽龙| 1000| |吴烜 | 3000| |刘斌 | 2500| |尹贻浩| 2000|