## v0.5.1 master (2016/10) The First Typescript Version 1. Converted to Typescript (2016/10/11) [#40](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/issues/40) 1. Dockerize Wechaty for easy start [#66](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/issues/66) 1. Sayablization: Make Wechaty/Contact/Room `Sayable`, and all `this` inside wechaty event listeners are `Sayable` too. [#41](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/issues/41) 1. BREAKING CHANGE: global event `scan` listener arguments changed from 1 to 2: now is `function(this: Sayable, url: string, code: number)` instead of `function({url, code})` before. 1. add test with Node.js v7.0 in CI 1. add `npm run doctor` to diagnose wechaty and output useful debug information ## [v0.4.0](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/releases/tag/v0.4.0) (2016/10/9) The Latest Javascript Version 1. [#32](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/issues/32) Extend Room Class with: 1. Global events: `room-join`, `room-leave`, `room-topic` 1. Room events: `join`, `leave`, `topic` 1. Create a new Room: `Room.create()` 1. Add/Del/Topic for Room 1. Other methods like nick/member/has/etc... 1. [#33](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/issues/33) New Class `FriendRequest` with: 1. `Wechaty.on('friend', function(contact: Contact, request: FriendRequest) {})` with Wechaty new Event `friend` 1. `request.accept()` to accept a friend request 1. `requestsend()` to send new friend request ## v0.3.13 (2016/09) 1. Managed by Cloud Manager: https://app.wechaty.io 1. Dockerized & Published to docker hub as: [zixia/wechaty](https://hub.docker.com/r/zixia/wechaty/) 1. Add `reset` & `shutdown` to IO Event 1. Switch Unit Test Runner from Tape/Tap to [AVA](https://github.com/avajs/ava) 1. Move git resposity from zixia/wechaty to [wechaty/wechaty](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty) ## v0.2.3 (2016/7/28) 1. add wechaty.io cloud management support: set environment variable `WECHATY_TOKEN` to enable io support 2. rename `WECHATY_SESSION` to `WECHATY_PROFILE` for better name 3. fix watchdog timer & reset bug ## v0.1.8 (2016/6/25) 1. add a watchdog to restore from unknown state 2. add support to download image message by `ImageMessage.readyStream()` 3. fix lots of stable issues with webdriver exceptions & injection js code compatible ## v0.1.1 (2016/6/10) 1. add support to save & restore wechat login session 1. add continuous integration tests on win32 platform. (powered by [AppVeyor](https://www.appveyor.com/)) 1. add environment variables HEAD/PORT/SESSION/DEBUG to config Wechaty ## v0.0.10 (2016/5/28) 1. use event `scan` to show image url of login QR Code(and detect state change) 2. new examples: Tuling123 bot & api.AI bot 3. more unit tests 4. code coverage status ## v0.0.5 (2016/5/11) 1. Receive & send message 1. Show contacts info 1. Show rooms info 1. 1st usable version 1. Start coding from May 1st, 2016