提交 68237054 编写于 作者: Huan (李卓桓)'s avatar Huan (李卓桓)


上级 0e40fbc5
# wechaty-lib
Robot API/SDK Library for WeChat/微信 Personal Account
# Wechaty
Wechaty is Wechat for Bot.
It's a library/framework for easy creating wechat bot in 10 lines of code.
Under construction... not usable now.
If you are interested in wechaty, please come back 4 weeks later. ;-p
# Why
My daily life/work is depends on wechat too heavy.
* I have almost 14,000 wechat friends at May 2014, before new rule of 5000 friends max limit is set by wechat team.
* I have almost 400 wechat groups that almost all of them have more than 400 members.
So I need a tireless bot working on wechat 24/7, moniting the most important message for me. for example: highlights the messages which contain my name(especialy in a noisy group). ;-)
# Installation and Usage
The recommended installation method is a local NPM install for your project:
$ npm install --save wechaty
# Example
Wechaty is very easy to use. The following 10 lines code demoed a bot who can reply message for you:
const Wechaty = require('../wechaty')
const bot = new Wechaty()
.then(url => console.log(`Scan qrcode in url to login: \n${url}`))
bot.on('message', m => {
console.log('RECV: ' + m.get('content')) // 1. print received message
code check use eslint
const reply = new Wechaty.Message() // 2. create reply message
.set('to', m.get('from')) // 1) set receipt
.set('content', 'roger.') // 2) set content
bot.send(reply) // 3. do reply!
.then(() => console.log('REPLY: roger.')) // 4. print reply message
Notice that you need to wait a moment while bot trying to get the login QRCode from Wechat.
As soon as the bot got login QRCode url, he will print url out. You need to scan the qrcode in wechat, and confirm login.
After that, bot will on duty.
## Class Wechaty
const bot = new Wechaty(options)
* `options.port`
* `options.puppet`
### Wechaty.init()
Initialize the bot, return Promise.
### Wechaty.getLoginQrImgUrl()
Get the login QrCode image url. Must be called after init().
Return a Promise, for url link.
.then(url => {
// show url
### Event: `message`
Emit when there's a new message.
bot.on('message', callback)
Callback will get a instance of Message Class. (see `Class Message`)
### Event: `login` & `logout`
## Class Message
The class that all messages will be encaped in.
### Message.ready()
A message may be not fully initialized yet. Call `ready()` to confirm we get all the data needed.
Return a Promise, will be resolved when all data is ready.
.then(() => {
// Here we can be sure all the data is ready for use.
### Message.get(prop)
Get prop from a message.
Supported prop list:
1. `id` :String
1. `from` :Contact
1. `to` :Contact
1. `content` :String
1. `group` :Group
1. `date` :Date
### Message.set(prop, value)
Set prop to value for a message.
Supported prop list: the same as `get(prop)`
message.set('content', 'Hello, World!')
## Class Contact
### Contact.ready()
A Contact may be not fully initialized yet. Call `ready()` to confirm we get all the data needed.
Return a Promise, will be resolved when all data is ready.
.then(() => {
// Here we can be sure all the data is ready for use.
### Contact.get(prop)
Get prop from a contact.
Supported prop list:
1. `id` :String
1. `weixin` :String
1. `name` :String
1. `remark` :String
1. `sex` :Number
1. `province` :String
1. `city` :String
1. `signature` :String
## Class Group
### Group.ready()
A group may be not fully initialized yet. Call `ready()` to confirm we get all the data needed.
Return a Promise, will be resolved when all data is ready.
.then(() => {
// Here we can be sure all the data is ready for use.
### Group.get(prop)
Get prop from a group.
Supported prop list:
1. `id` :String
1. `name` :String
1. `members` :Array
1. `contact` :Contact
1. `name` :String
# Test
Wechaty use TAP protocol to test itself by tape.
$ npm test
# Version History
## v0.0.5 (2016/5/11)
* receive & send message
* show contacts info
* show groups info
* 1st usable version
* start coding from 1st May 2016
# Todo List
1. Deal with friend request
1. Manage contacts(send friend request/delete contact etc.)
1. You are welcome to issue your needs.
# Known Issues & Support
1. phantomjs not work(no socket.io connect from browser)
2. firefox need to use unstable mode(or inject will be blocked almost forever)
Github Issue - https://github.com/zixia/wechaty/issues
# Contributing
* Lint: eslint
$ npm lint
* Create a issue, then send me a pull request.
Zhuohuan LI <zixia@zixia.net> (http://linkedin.com/in/zixia)
<a href="http://stackoverflow.com/users/1123955/zixia">
<img src="http://stackoverflow.com/users/flair/1123955.png" width="208" height="58" alt="profile for zixia at Stack Overflow, Q&amp;A for professional and enthusiast programmers" title="profile for zixia at Stack Overflow, Q&amp;A for professional and enthusiast programmers">
Copyright & License
* Code & Docs 2016© zixia
* Code released under the ISC license
* Docs released under Creative Commons
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const bot = new Wechaty()
bot.on('message', (m) => {
bot.on('message', m => {
.then (msg => {
log.info ('Bot', 'recv: %s' , msg)
const Wechaty = require('../wechaty')
const bot = new Wechaty()
.then(url => console.log(`Scan qrcode in url to login: \n${url}`))
bot.on('message', m => {
console.log('RECV: ' + m.get('content')) // 1. print received message
const reply = new Wechaty.Message() // 2. create reply message
.set('to', m.get('from')) // 1) set receipt
.set('content', 'roger.') // 2) set content
bot.send(reply) // 3. do reply!
.then(() => console.log('REPLY: roger.')) // 4. print reply message
......@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ class Message {
, status: rawObj.Status
, digest: rawObj.MMDigest
, actual_content: rawObj.MMActualContent
, date: new Date(rawObj.MMDisplayTime*1000)
......@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ class Message {
return `Message#${Message.counter}(${fromStr}: ${content})`
function html2str(html) {
return html.toString()
return String(html)
.replace(/&apos;/g, "'")
.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
......@@ -78,6 +77,7 @@ class Message {
set(prop, value) {
this.obj[prop] = value
return this
dump() {
......@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
* https://github.com/zixia/wechaty
const EventEmitter = require('events')
//const Util = require('util');
const Puppet = require('./puppet')
const PuppetWeb = require('./puppet-web')
......@@ -19,13 +16,12 @@ const Contact = require('./contact')
const Group = require('./group')
class Wechaty extends EventEmitter {
// cookie,Uin, Sid,SKey
constructor(options) {
options = options || {}
puppet = options.puppet || 'web'
options.puppet = options.puppet || 'web'
switch(puppet) {
switch(options.puppet) {
case 'web':
this.puppet = new Puppet.Web({port: options.port})
......@@ -52,6 +48,8 @@ class Wechaty extends EventEmitter {
send(message) { return this.puppet.send(message) }
ding() { return 'dong' }
getLoginQrImgUrl() { return puppet.getLoginQrImgUrl() }
Puppet.Web = PuppetWeb
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