package service import ( "fmt" "math" "strconv" "strings" "" "" entity5 "" "" entity2 "" entity3 "" "" "" "" service3 "" service2 "" "" "time" ) type AnalyInterface interface { ModelName() string Analy_Near() Analy(analyAll bool) analyStub(v *entity2.MatchLast) (int, *entity5.AnalyResult) } type AnalyService struct { mysql.BaseService service.EuroHisService service.EuroTrackService service.AsiaHisService service2.MatchLastService service2.MatchHisService service3.LeagueService //是否打印赔率数据 PrintOddData bool } func (this *AnalyService) Find(matchId string, alFlag string) *entity5.AnalyResult { data := entity5.AnalyResult{MatchId: matchId, AlFlag: alFlag} mysql.GetEngine().Get(&data) return &data } func (this *AnalyService) FindAll() []*entity5.AnalyResult { dataList := make([]*entity5.AnalyResult, 0) mysql.GetEngine().OrderBy("CreateTime Desc").Find(&dataList) return dataList } func (this *AnalyService) Analy(analyAll bool, thiz AnalyInterface) { var matchList []*entity2.MatchLast if analyAll { var currentPage,pageSize int64 = 1,1000 var page *pojo.Page page = new(pojo.Page) page.PageSize = pageSize page.CurPage = currentPage matchList = make([]*entity2.MatchLast, 0) err := this.MatchHisService.PageSql("select mh.* from foot.t_match_his mh ", page, &matchList) if nil != err { base.Log.Error(err) return } go this.Analy_Process(matchList, thiz) for currentPage <= page.TotalPage { currentPage++ page = new(pojo.Page) page.PageSize = pageSize page.CurPage = currentPage matchList = make([]*entity2.MatchLast, 0) err := this.MatchHisService.PageSql("select mh.* from foot.t_match_his mh", page, &matchList) if nil != err { base.Log.Error(err) continue } go this.Analy_Process(matchList, thiz) } } else { matchList = this.MatchLastService.FindNotFinished() this.Analy_Process(matchList, thiz) } } func (this *AnalyService) Analy_Near(thiz AnalyInterface) { matchList := this.MatchLastService.FindNear() this.Analy_Process(matchList, thiz) } /** 汇总结果并输出,且持久化 */ func (this *AnalyService) Analy_Process(matchList []*entity2.MatchLast, thiz AnalyInterface) { hit_count_str := utils.GetVal(constants.SECTION_NAME, "hit_count") hit_count, _ := strconv.Atoi(hit_count_str) data_list_slice := make([]interface{}, 0) data_modify_list_slice := make([]interface{}, 0) var rightCount = 0 var errorCount = 0 for _, v := range matchList { stub, temp_data := thiz.analyStub(v) if nil != temp_data { if strings.EqualFold(temp_data.Result, "命中") { rightCount++ } if strings.EqualFold(temp_data.Result, "错误") { errorCount++ } } if stub == 0 || stub == 1 { temp_data.TOVoid = false hours := v.MatchDate.Sub(time.Now()).Hours() if hours > 0 { temp_data.THitCount = hit_count } else { temp_data.THitCount = 1 } if stub == 0 { data_list_slice = append(data_list_slice, temp_data) } else if stub == 1 { data_modify_list_slice = append(data_modify_list_slice, temp_data) } } else if nil != temp_data { temp_data.TOVoid = true if len(temp_data.Id) > 0 { if temp_data.HitCount >= hit_count { temp_data.HitCount = (hit_count / 2) - 1 } else { temp_data.HitCount = 0 } data_modify_list_slice = append(data_modify_list_slice, temp_data) } } } base.Log.Info("------------------") base.Log.Info("------------------") base.Log.Info("------------------") base.Log.Info("GOOOO场次:", rightCount) base.Log.Info("X0000场次:", errorCount) base.Log.Info("------------------") this.SaveList(data_list_slice) this.ModifyList(data_modify_list_slice) } /** C1使用的检查是否存在其他模型存在互斥选项 */ func (this *AnalyService) FindOtherAlFlag(matchId string, alFlag string, preResult int) bool { sql_build := ` SELECT ar.* FROM foot.t_analy_result ar WHERE ar.MatchId = ? AND ar.AlFlag != ? AND ar.PreResult != ? ` //结果值 entitys := make([]*vo.AnalyResultVO, 0) //执行查询 mysql.GetEngine().SQL(sql_build, matchId, alFlag, preResult).Find(&entitys) if len(entitys) > 0 { return true } return false } /** 更新结果 */ func (this *AnalyService) ModifyAllResult() { sql_build := ` SELECT ar.* FROM foot.t_analy_result ar ` //结果值 entitys := make([]*entity5.AnalyResult, 0) //执行查询 this.FindBySQL(sql_build, &entitys) if len(entitys) <= 0 { return } for _, e := range entitys { aList := this.AsiaHisService.FindByMatchIdCompId(e.MatchId, constants.DEFAULT_REFER_ASIA) if nil == aList || len(aList) < 1 { aList = make([]*entity3.AsiaHis, 1) aList[0] = new(entity3.AsiaHis) } his := this.MatchHisService.FindById(e.MatchId) if nil == his { continue } last := new(entity2.MatchLast) last.Id = his.Id last.MatchDate = his.MatchDate last.DataDate = his.DataDate last.LeagueId = his.LeagueId last.MainTeamId = his.MainTeamId last.MainTeamGoals = his.MainTeamGoals last.GuestTeamId = his.GuestTeamId last.GuestTeamGoals = his.GuestTeamGoals if strings.EqualFold(e.AlFlag, "E2") || strings.EqualFold(e.AlFlag, "C1") || strings.EqualFold(e.AlFlag, "C2") { //E2使用特别自身的验证结果方法 e.Result = this.IsRight2Option(last, e) } else { e.Result = this.IsRight(last, e) } this.Modify(e) } } /** 更新结果 */ func (this *AnalyService) ModifyResult() { sql_build := ` SELECT ar.* FROM foot.t_analy_result ar WHERE DATE_ADD(ar.MatchDate, INTERVAL 6 HOUR) > NOW() ` //结果值 entitys := make([]*entity5.AnalyResult, 0) //执行查询 this.FindBySQL(sql_build, &entitys) if len(entitys) <= 0 { return } for _, e := range entitys { aList := this.AsiaHisService.FindByMatchIdCompId(e.MatchId, constants.DEFAULT_REFER_ASIA) if nil == aList || len(aList) < 1 { aList = make([]*entity3.AsiaHis, 1) aList[0] = new(entity3.AsiaHis) } his := this.MatchHisService.FindById(e.MatchId) if nil == his { continue } last := new(entity2.MatchLast) last.Id = his.Id last.MatchDate = his.MatchDate last.DataDate = his.DataDate last.LeagueId = his.LeagueId last.MainTeamId = his.MainTeamId last.MainTeamGoals = his.MainTeamGoals last.GuestTeamId = his.GuestTeamId last.GuestTeamGoals = his.GuestTeamGoals if strings.EqualFold(e.AlFlag, "E2") || strings.EqualFold(e.AlFlag, "C1") || strings.EqualFold(e.AlFlag, "C2") { //E2使用特别自身的验证结果方法 e.Result = this.IsRight2Option(last, e) } else { e.Result = this.IsRight(last, e) } this.Modify(e) } } /** 获取可发布的数据项 1.预算结果是主队 2.比赛未开始 3.比赛未结束 4.alName 算法名称,默认为Euro81_616Service ; 5.option 3(只筛选主队),1(只筛选平局),0(只筛选客队)选项 */ func (this *AnalyService) List(alName string, hitCount int, option int) []*vo.AnalyResultVO { sql_build := ` SELECT l.Name as LeagueName, ml.MainTeamId, ml.GuestTeamId, ar.* FROM foot.t_match_last ml, foot.t_league l, foot.t_analy_result ar WHERE ml.LeagueId = l.Id AND ml.Id = ar.MatchId AND ar.HitCount >= THitCount AND ar.MatchDate > NOW()4e43 ` if len(alName) > 0 { sql_build += " AND ar.AlFlag = '" + alName + "' " } if hitCount > 0 { sql_build += " AND ar.HitCount >= " + strconv.Itoa(hitCount) } else { sql_build += " AND ar.HitCount > 0 " } if option >= 0 { sql_build += " AND ar.PreResult = " + strconv.Itoa(option) + " " } sql_build += " ORDER BY ar.MatchDate ASC ,ar.PreResult DESC " //结果值 entitys := make([]*vo.AnalyResultVO, 0) //执行查询 this.FindBySQL(sql_build, &entitys) return entitys } //测试加载数据 func (this *AnalyService) LoadByMatchId(matchId string) []*entity5.AnalyResult { sql_build := ` SELECT ml.*,, AS compName, el.* FROM t_match_last ml, t_euro_last el, t_comp bc WHERE = el.matchid AND el.compid = ` sql_build += " AND = '" + matchId + "' " //结果值 entitys := make([]*entity5.AnalyResult, 0) //执行查询 this.FindBySQL(sql_build, &entitys) return entitys } //测试加载数据 func (this *AnalyService) DelTovoidData() { //E2 C1 不可删除 sql_build := ` DELETE FROM foot.t_analy_result WHERE AlFlag IN ("E1","Q1") AND TOVoid IS TRUE ` _, err := mysql.GetEngine().Exec(sql_build) if nil != err { base.Log.Error("DelTovoidData" + err.Error()) } } func (this *AnalyService) IsRight2Option(last *entity2.MatchLast, analy *entity5.AnalyResult) string { if strings.EqualFold(analy.MatchId, "1826976") { fmt.Println("--") } //比赛结果 var globalResult int if utils.GetHourDiffer(time.Now(), last.MatchDate) < 2 { //比赛未结束 globalResult = -1 } else { if last.MainTeamGoals > last.GuestTeamGoals { globalResult = 3 } else if last.MainTeamGoals < last.GuestTeamGoals { globalResult = 0 } else { globalResult = 1 } } var resultFlag string if globalResult == -1 { resultFlag = constants.UNCERTAIN } else if globalResult == analy.PreResult || globalResult == 1 { resultFlag = constants.HIT } else { resultFlag = constants.UNHIT } analy.Result = resultFlag league := this.LeagueService.FindById(last.LeagueId) if this.IsCupMatch(league.Name) { analy.TOVoid = true analy.TOVoidDesc = "杯赛" } else { analy.TOVoidDesc = "" } //打印数据 matchDateStr := last.MatchDate.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") base.Log.Info("比赛Id:" + last.Id + ",比赛时间:" + matchDateStr + ",联赛:" + league.Name + ",对阵:" + last.MainTeamId + "(" + strconv.FormatFloat(analy.LetBall, 'f', -1, 64) + ")" + last.GuestTeamId + ",预算结果:" + strconv.Itoa(analy.PreResult) + ",已得结果:" + strconv.Itoa(last.MainTeamGoals) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(last.GuestTeamGoals) + " (" + resultFlag + ")") return resultFlag } func (this *AnalyService) IsCupMatch(leagueName string) bool { if strings.Contains(leagueName, "杯") || strings.Contains(leagueName, "锦") { return true; } return false; } func (this *AnalyService) IsRight(last *entity2.MatchLast, analy *entity5.AnalyResult) string { //比赛结果 globalResult := this.ActualResult(last, analy) var resultFlag string if globalResult == -1 { resultFlag = constants.UNCERTAIN } else if globalResult == analy.PreResult { resultFlag = constants.HIT } else if globalResult == 1 { resultFlag = constants.WALKING_PLATE } else { resultFlag = constants.UNHIT } analy.Result = resultFlag league := this.LeagueService.FindById(last.LeagueId) if this.IsCupMatch(league.Name) { analy.TOVoid = true analy.TOVoidDesc = "杯赛" } else { analy.TOVoidDesc = "" } //打印数据 matchDate := last.MatchDate.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") base.Log.Info("比赛Id:" + last.Id + ",比赛时间:" + matchDate + ",联赛:" + league.Name + ",对阵:" + last.MainTeamId + "(" + strconv.FormatFloat(analy.LetBall, 'f', -1, 64) + ")" + last.GuestTeamId + ",预算结果:" + strconv.Itoa(analy.PreResult) + ",已得结果:" + strconv.Itoa(last.MainTeamGoals) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(last.GuestTeamGoals) + " (" + resultFlag + ")") return resultFlag } /** 比赛的实际结果计算 */ func (this *AnalyService) ActualResult(last *entity2.MatchLast, analy *entity5.AnalyResult) int { var result int if utils.GetHourDiffer(time.Now(), last.MatchDate) < 2 { //比赛未结束 return -1 } var mainTeamGoals float64 elb_sum := analy.LetBall if elb_sum > 0 { mainTeamGoals = float64(last.MainTeamGoals) - math.Abs(elb_sum) } else { mainTeamGoals = float64(last.MainTeamGoals) + math.Abs(elb_sum) } //diff_goals := float64(last.MainTeamGoals-last.GuestTeamGoals) - elb_sum //if diff_goals <= 0.25 && diff_goals >= -0.25 { // result = 1 //} if mainTeamGoals > float64(last.GuestTeamGoals) { result = constants.WIN } else if mainTeamGoals < float64(last.GuestTeamGoals) { result = constants.LOST } else { result = constants.DRAW } return result } /** 1.欧赔是主降还是主升 主降为true */ func (this *AnalyService) EuroDirection(e81 *entity3.EuroHis, e616 *entity3.EuroHis) int { //val_diff := 0.3 //e81_3_diff := math.Abs(e81.Ep3 - e81.Sp3) //e81_0_diff := math.Abs(e81.Ep0 - e81.Sp0) e81_ep3_small := e81.Ep3 <= e81.Sp3 e81_ep0_small := e81.Ep0 <= e81.Sp0 //e616_3_diff := math.Abs(e616.Ep3 - e616.Sp3) //e616_0_diff := math.Abs(e616.Ep0 - e616.Sp0) e616_ep3_small := e616.Ep3 <= e616.Sp3 e616_ep0_small := e616.Ep0 <= e616.Sp0 if e616_ep3_small && e81_ep3_small && e616.Ep3 <= e81.Ep3 { return 3 } if e616_ep0_small && e81_ep0_small && e616.Ep0 <= e81.Ep0 { return 0 } return -1 } /** 2.亚赔是主降还是主升 主降为true */ func (this *AnalyService) AsiaDirectionMulti(matchId string) int { aList := this.AsiaHisService.FindByMatchIdCompId(matchId, "Crown", "明陞", "金宝博", "12bet", "盈禾", "18Bet") if len(aList) < 3 { return -1 } var mainCount, guestCount int for _, e := range aList { direction := this.AsiaDirection(e) if direction == 3 { mainCount++ } else if direction == 0 { guestCount++ } } if mainCount-guestCount > 1 { return 3 } if mainCount-guestCount < -1 { return 0 } return -1 } /** 2.亚赔是主降还是主升 主降为true */ func (this *AnalyService) AsiaDirection(ahis *entity3.AsiaHis) int { mark := -1 slb := ahis.SLetBall elb := ahis.ELetBall ep3_small := ahis.Ep3 < ahis.Sp3 ep0_small := ahis.Ep0 < ahis.Sp0 if elb > 0 { if elb > slb { mark = 3 } else if elb < slb { mark = 0 } else { //初始让球和即时让球一致 if ep3_small && !ep0_small { mark = 3 } else if !ep3_small && ep0_small { mark = 0 } } } else { if elb < slb { mark = 0 } else if elb > slb { mark = 3 } else { //初始让球和即时让球一致 if ep3_small && !ep0_small { mark = 3 } else if !ep3_small && ep0_small { mark = 0 } } } return mark } /** float64保留两位小数 */ func Decimal(value float64) float64 { value, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", value), 64) return value }