from os import listdir import os, sys from scipy import io import numpy as np from ppocr.utils.e2e_metric.polygon_fast import iod, area_of_intersection, area from tqdm import tqdm try: # python2 range = xrange except Exception: # python3 range = range """ Input format: y0,x0, ..... yn,xn. Each detection is separated by the end of line token ('\n')' """ # if len(sys.argv) != 4: # print('\n usage: pred_dir gt_dir savefile') # sys.exit() global_tp = 0 global_fp = 0 global_fn = 0 tr = 0.7 tp = 0.6 fsc_k = 0.8 k = 2 def get_socre(gt_dict, pred_dict): # allInputs = listdir(input_dir) allInputs = 1 global_pred_str = [] global_gt_str = [] global_sigma = [] global_tau = [] def input_reading_mod(pred_dict, input): """This helper reads input from txt files""" det = [] n = len(pred_dict) for i in range(n): points = pred_dict[i]['points'] text = pred_dict[i]['text'] # for i in range(len(points)): point = ",".join(map(str, points.reshape(-1, ))) det.append([point, text]) return det def gt_reading_mod(gt_dict, gt_id): """This helper reads groundtruths from mat files""" # gt_id = gt_id.split('.')[0] gt = [] n = len(gt_dict) for i in range(n): points = gt_dict[i]['points'].tolist() h = len(points) text = gt_dict[i]['text'] xx = [ np.array( ['x:'], dtype=' 1): gt_x = list(map(int, np.squeeze(gt[1]))) gt_y = list(map(int, np.squeeze(gt[3]))) for det_id, detection in enumerate(detections): detection_orig = detection detection = [float(x) for x in detection[0].split(',')] # detection = detection.split(',') detection = list(map(int, detection)) det_x = detection[0::2] det_y = detection[1::2] det_gt_iou = iod(det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y) if det_gt_iou > threshold: detections[det_id] = [] detections[:] = [item for item in detections if item != []] return detections def sigma_calculation(det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y): """ sigma = inter_area / gt_area """ # print(area_of_intersection(det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y)) return np.round((area_of_intersection(det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y) / area(gt_x, gt_y)), 2) def tau_calculation(det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y): """ tau = inter_area / det_area """ # print "liushanshan det_x {}".format(det_x) # print "liushanshan det_y {}".format(det_y) # print "liushanshan area {}".format(area(det_x, det_y)) # print "liushanshan tau = {}".format(np.round((area_of_intersection(det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y) / area(det_x, det_y)), 2)) if area(det_x, det_y) == 0.0: return 0 return np.round((area_of_intersection(det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y) / area(det_x, det_y)), 2) ##############################Initialization################################### ############################################################################### single_data = {} for input_id in range(allInputs): if (input_id != '.DS_Store') and (input_id != 'Pascal_result.txt') and ( input_id != 'Pascal_result_curved.txt') and (input_id != 'Pascal_result_non_curved.txt') and ( input_id != 'Deteval_result.txt') and (input_id != 'Deteval_result_curved.txt') \ and (input_id != 'Deteval_result_non_curved.txt'): print(input_id) detections = input_reading_mod(pred_dict, input_id) # print "liushanshan detections = {}".format(detections) groundtruths = gt_reading_mod(gt_dict, input_id) detections = detection_filtering( detections, groundtruths) # filters detections overlapping with DC area dc_id = [] for i in range(len(groundtruths)): if groundtruths[i][5] == '#': dc_id.append(i) cnt = 0 for a in dc_id: num = a - cnt del groundtruths[num] cnt += 1 local_sigma_table = np.zeros((len(groundtruths), len(detections))) local_tau_table = np.zeros((len(groundtruths), len(detections))) local_pred_str = {} local_gt_str = {} for gt_id, gt in enumerate(groundtruths): if len(detections) > 0: for det_id, detection in enumerate(detections): detection_orig = detection detection = [float(x) for x in detection[0].split(',')] detection = list(map(int, detection)) pred_seq_str = detection_orig[1].strip() det_x = detection[0::2] det_y = detection[1::2] gt_x = list(map(int, np.squeeze(gt[1]))) gt_y = list(map(int, np.squeeze(gt[3]))) gt_seq_str = str(gt[4].tolist()[0]) local_sigma_table[gt_id, det_id] = sigma_calculation( det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y) local_tau_table[gt_id, det_id] = tau_calculation( det_x, det_y, gt_x, gt_y) local_pred_str[det_id] = pred_seq_str local_gt_str[gt_id] = gt_seq_str global_sigma.append(local_sigma_table) global_tau.append(local_tau_table) global_pred_str.append(local_pred_str) global_gt_str.append(local_gt_str) print "liushanshan global_pred_str = {}".format(global_pred_str) print "liushanshan global_gt_str = {}".format(global_gt_str) single_data['sigma'] = global_sigma single_data['global_tau'] = global_tau single_data['global_pred_str'] = global_pred_str single_data['global_gt_str'] = global_gt_str return single_data def combine_results(all_data): global_sigma, global_tau, global_pred_str, global_gt_str = [], [], [], [] for data in all_data: global_sigma.append(data['sigma']) global_tau.append(data['global_tau']) global_pred_str.append(data['global_pred_str']) global_gt_str.append(data['global_gt_str']) global_accumulative_recall = 0 global_accumulative_precision = 0 total_num_gt = 0 total_num_det = 0 hit_str_count = 0 hit_count = 0 def one_to_one(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, idy): hit_str_num = 0 for gt_id in range(num_gt): gt_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates = np.where( local_sigma_table[gt_id, :] > tr) gt_matching_num_qualified_sigma_candidates = gt_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates[ 0].shape[0] gt_matching_qualified_tau_candidates = np.where( local_tau_table[gt_id, :] > tp) gt_matching_num_qualified_tau_candidates = gt_matching_qualified_tau_candidates[ 0].shape[0] det_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates = np.where( local_sigma_table[:, gt_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates[0]] > tr) det_matching_num_qualified_sigma_candidates = det_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates[ 0].shape[0] det_matching_qualified_tau_candidates = np.where( local_tau_table[:, gt_matching_qualified_tau_candidates[0]] > tp) det_matching_num_qualified_tau_candidates = det_matching_qualified_tau_candidates[ 0].shape[0] if (gt_matching_num_qualified_sigma_candidates == 1) and (gt_matching_num_qualified_tau_candidates == 1) and \ (det_matching_num_qualified_sigma_candidates == 1) and ( det_matching_num_qualified_tau_candidates == 1): global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + 1.0 global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + 1.0 local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + 1.0 local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + 1.0 gt_flag[0, gt_id] = 1 matched_det_id = np.where(local_sigma_table[gt_id, :] > tr) # recg start print "liushanshan one to one det_id = {}".format(matched_det_id) print "liushanshan one to one gt_id = {}".format(gt_id) gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][gt_id] pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][matched_det_id[0].tolist()[ 0]] print "liushanshan one to one gt_str_cur = {}".format(gt_str_cur) print "liushanshan one to one pred_str_cur = {}".format(pred_str_cur) if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: hit_str_num += 1 else: if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): hit_str_num += 1 # recg end det_flag[0, matched_det_id] = 1 return local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num def one_to_many(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, idy): hit_str_num = 0 for gt_id in range(num_gt): # skip the following if the groundtruth was matched if gt_flag[0, gt_id] > 0: continue non_zero_in_sigma = np.where(local_sigma_table[gt_id, :] > 0) num_non_zero_in_sigma = non_zero_in_sigma[0].shape[0] if num_non_zero_in_sigma >= k: ####search for all detections that overlaps with this groundtruth qualified_tau_candidates = np.where((local_tau_table[ gt_id, :] >= tp) & (det_flag[0, :] == 0)) num_qualified_tau_candidates = qualified_tau_candidates[ 0].shape[0] if num_qualified_tau_candidates == 1: if ((local_tau_table[gt_id, qualified_tau_candidates] >= tp) and (local_sigma_table[gt_id, qualified_tau_candidates] >= tr)): # became an one-to-one case global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + 1.0 global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + 1.0 local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + 1.0 local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + 1.0 gt_flag[0, gt_id] = 1 det_flag[0, qualified_tau_candidates] = 1 # recg start print "liushanshan one to many det_id = {}".format( qualified_tau_candidates) print "liushanshan one to many gt_id = {}".format(gt_id) gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][gt_id] pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][ qualified_tau_candidates[0].tolist()[0]] print "liushanshan one to many gt_str_cur = {}".format( gt_str_cur) print "liushanshan one to many pred_str_cur = {}".format( pred_str_cur) if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: hit_str_num += 1 else: if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): hit_str_num += 1 # recg end elif (np.sum(local_sigma_table[gt_id, qualified_tau_candidates]) >= tr): gt_flag[0, gt_id] = 1 det_flag[0, qualified_tau_candidates] = 1 # recg start print "liushanshan one to many det_id = {}".format( qualified_tau_candidates) print "liushanshan one to many gt_id = {}".format(gt_id) gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][gt_id] pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][ qualified_tau_candidates[0].tolist()[0]] print "liushanshan one to many gt_str_cur = {}".format(gt_str_cur) print "liushanshan one to many pred_str_cur = {}".format( pred_str_cur) if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: hit_str_num += 1 else: if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): hit_str_num += 1 # recg end global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + fsc_k global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + num_qualified_tau_candidates * fsc_k local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + fsc_k local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + num_qualified_tau_candidates * fsc_k return local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num def many_to_one(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, idy): hit_str_num = 0 for det_id in range(num_det): # skip the following if the detection was matched if det_flag[0, det_id] > 0: continue non_zero_in_tau = np.where(local_tau_table[:, det_id] > 0) num_non_zero_in_tau = non_zero_in_tau[0].shape[0] if num_non_zero_in_tau >= k: ####search for all detections that overlaps with this groundtruth qualified_sigma_candidates = np.where(( local_sigma_table[:, det_id] >= tp) & (gt_flag[0, :] == 0)) num_qualified_sigma_candidates = qualified_sigma_candidates[ 0].shape[0] if num_qualified_sigma_candidates == 1: if ((local_tau_table[qualified_sigma_candidates, det_id] >= tp) and (local_sigma_table[qualified_sigma_candidates, det_id] >= tr)): # became an one-to-one case global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + 1.0 global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + 1.0 local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + 1.0 local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + 1.0 gt_flag[0, qualified_sigma_candidates] = 1 det_flag[0, det_id] = 1 # recg start print "liushanshan many to one det_id = {}".format(det_id) print "liushanshan many to one gt_id = {}".format( qualified_sigma_candidates) pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][det_id] gt_len = len(qualified_sigma_candidates[0]) for idx in range(gt_len): ele_gt_id = qualified_sigma_candidates[0].tolist()[ idx] if not global_gt_str[idy].has_key(ele_gt_id): continue gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][ele_gt_id] print "liushanshan many to one gt_str_cur = {}".format( gt_str_cur) print "liushanshan many to one pred_str_cur = {}".format( pred_str_cur) if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: hit_str_num += 1 break else: if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): hit_str_num += 1 break # recg end elif (np.sum(local_tau_table[qualified_sigma_candidates, det_id]) >= tp): det_flag[0, det_id] = 1 gt_flag[0, qualified_sigma_candidates] = 1 # recg start print "liushanshan many to one det_id = {}".format(det_id) print "liushanshan many to one gt_id = {}".format( qualified_sigma_candidates) pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][det_id] gt_len = len(qualified_sigma_candidates[0]) for idx in range(gt_len): ele_gt_id = qualified_sigma_candidates[0].tolist()[idx] if not global_gt_str[idy].has_key(ele_gt_id): continue gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][ele_gt_id] print "liushanshan many to one gt_str_cur = {}".format( gt_str_cur) print "liushanshan many to one pred_str_cur = {}".format( pred_str_cur) if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: hit_str_num += 1 break else: if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): hit_str_num += 1 break else: print 'no match' # recg end global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + num_qualified_sigma_candidates * fsc_k global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + fsc_k local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + num_qualified_sigma_candidates * fsc_k local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + fsc_k return local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num for idx in range(len(global_sigma)): # print(allInputs[idx]) local_sigma_table = np.array(global_sigma[idx]) local_tau_table = global_tau[idx] num_gt = local_sigma_table.shape[0] num_det = local_sigma_table.shape[1] total_num_gt = total_num_gt + num_gt total_num_det = total_num_det + num_det local_accumulative_recall = 0 local_accumulative_precision = 0 gt_flag = np.zeros((1, num_gt)) det_flag = np.zeros((1, num_det)) #######first check for one-to-one case########## local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, \ gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num = one_to_one(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, idx) hit_str_count += hit_str_num #######then check for one-to-many case########## local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, \ gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num = one_to_many(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, idx) hit_str_count += hit_str_num #######then check for many-to-one case########## local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, \ gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num = many_to_one(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, idx) try: recall = global_accumulative_recall / total_num_gt except ZeroDivisionError: recall = 0 try: precision = global_accumulative_precision / total_num_det except ZeroDivisionError: precision = 0 try: f_score = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) except ZeroDivisionError: f_score = 0 try: seqerr = 1 - float(hit_str_count) / global_accumulative_recall except ZeroDivisionError: seqerr = 1 try: recall_e2e = float(hit_str_count) / total_num_gt except ZeroDivisionError: recall_e2e = 0 try: precision_e2e = float(hit_str_count) / total_num_det except ZeroDivisionError: precision_e2e = 0 try: f_score_e2e = 2 * precision_e2e * recall_e2e / ( precision_e2e + recall_e2e) except ZeroDivisionError: f_score_e2e = 0 final = { 'total_num_gt': total_num_gt, 'total_num_det': total_num_det, 'global_accumulative_recall': global_accumulative_recall, 'hit_str_count': hit_str_count, 'recall': recall, 'precision': precision, 'f_score': f_score, 'seqerr': seqerr, 'recall_e2e': recall_e2e, 'precision_e2e': precision_e2e, 'f_score_e2e': f_score_e2e } return final # def combine_results(all_data): # tr = 0.7 # tp = 0.6 # fsc_k = 0.8 # k = 2 # global_sigma = [] # global_tau = [] # global_pred_str = [] # global_gt_str = [] # for data in all_data: # global_sigma.append(data['sigma']) # global_tau.append(data['global_tau']) # global_pred_str.append(data['global_pred_str']) # global_gt_str.append(data['global_gt_str']) # # global_accumulative_recall = 0 # global_accumulative_precision = 0 # total_num_gt = 0 # total_num_det = 0 # hit_str_count = 0 # hit_count = 0 # # def one_to_one(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, # local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, # gt_flag, det_flag, idy): # hit_str_num = 0 # for gt_id in range(num_gt): # gt_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates = np.where(local_sigma_table[gt_id, :] > tr) # gt_matching_num_qualified_sigma_candidates = gt_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates[0].shape[0] # gt_matching_qualified_tau_candidates = np.where(local_tau_table[gt_id, :] > tp) # gt_matching_num_qualified_tau_candidates = gt_matching_qualified_tau_candidates[0].shape[0] # # det_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates = np.where( # local_sigma_table[:, gt_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates[0]] > tr) # det_matching_num_qualified_sigma_candidates = det_matching_qualified_sigma_candidates[0].shape[0] # det_matching_qualified_tau_candidates = np.where( # local_tau_table[:, gt_matching_qualified_tau_candidates[0]] > tp) # det_matching_num_qualified_tau_candidates = det_matching_qualified_tau_candidates[0].shape[0] # # if (gt_matching_num_qualified_sigma_candidates == 1) and (gt_matching_num_qualified_tau_candidates == 1) and \ # (det_matching_num_qualified_sigma_candidates == 1) and ( # det_matching_num_qualified_tau_candidates == 1): # global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + 1.0 # global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + 1.0 # local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + 1.0 # local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + 1.0 # # gt_flag[0, gt_id] = 1 # matched_det_id = np.where(local_sigma_table[gt_id, :] > tr) # # recg start # print # "liushanshan one to one det_id = {}".format(matched_det_id) # print # "liushanshan one to one gt_id = {}".format(gt_id) # gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][gt_id] # pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][matched_det_id[0].tolist()[0]] # print # "liushanshan one to one gt_str_cur = {}".format(gt_str_cur) # print # "liushanshan one to one pred_str_cur = {}".format(pred_str_cur) # if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: # hit_str_num += 1 # else: # if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): # hit_str_num += 1 # # recg end # det_flag[0, matched_det_id] = 1 # return local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num # # def one_to_many(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, # local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, # gt_flag, det_flag, idy): # hit_str_num = 0 # for gt_id in range(num_gt): # # skip the following if the groundtruth was matched # if gt_flag[0, gt_id] > 0: # continue # # non_zero_in_sigma = np.where(local_sigma_table[gt_id, :] > 0) # num_non_zero_in_sigma = non_zero_in_sigma[0].shape[0] # # if num_non_zero_in_sigma >= k: # ####search for all detections that overlaps with this groundtruth # qualified_tau_candidates = np.where((local_tau_table[gt_id, :] >= tp) & (det_flag[0, :] == 0)) # num_qualified_tau_candidates = qualified_tau_candidates[0].shape[0] # # if num_qualified_tau_candidates == 1: # if ((local_tau_table[gt_id, qualified_tau_candidates] >= tp) and ( # local_sigma_table[gt_id, qualified_tau_candidates] >= tr)): # # became an one-to-one case # global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + 1.0 # global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + 1.0 # local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + 1.0 # local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + 1.0 # # gt_flag[0, gt_id] = 1 # det_flag[0, qualified_tau_candidates] = 1 # # recg start # print # "liushanshan one to many det_id = {}".format(qualified_tau_candidates) # print # "liushanshan one to many gt_id = {}".format(gt_id) # gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][gt_id] # pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][qualified_tau_candidates[0].tolist()[0]] # print # "liushanshan one to many gt_str_cur = {}".format(gt_str_cur) # print # "liushanshan one to many pred_str_cur = {}".format(pred_str_cur) # if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: # hit_str_num += 1 # else: # if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): # hit_str_num += 1 # # recg end # elif (np.sum(local_sigma_table[gt_id, qualified_tau_candidates]) >= tr): # gt_flag[0, gt_id] = 1 # det_flag[0, qualified_tau_candidates] = 1 # # recg start # print # "liushanshan one to many det_id = {}".format(qualified_tau_candidates) # print # "liushanshan one to many gt_id = {}".format(gt_id) # gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][gt_id] # pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][qualified_tau_candidates[0].tolist()[0]] # print # "liushanshan one to many gt_str_cur = {}".format(gt_str_cur) # print # "liushanshan one to many pred_str_cur = {}".format(pred_str_cur) # if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: # hit_str_num += 1 # else: # if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): # hit_str_num += 1 # # recg end # # global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + fsc_k # global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + num_qualified_tau_candidates * fsc_k # # local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + fsc_k # local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + num_qualified_tau_candidates * fsc_k # # return local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num # # def many_to_one(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, local_accumulative_recall, # local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, # gt_flag, det_flag, idy): # hit_str_num = 0 # for det_id in range(num_det): # # skip the following if the detection was matched # if det_flag[0, det_id] > 0: # continue # # non_zero_in_tau = np.where(local_tau_table[:, det_id] > 0) # num_non_zero_in_tau = non_zero_in_tau[0].shape[0] # # if num_non_zero_in_tau >= k: # ####search for all detections that overlaps with this groundtruth # qualified_sigma_candidates = np.where((local_sigma_table[:, det_id] >= tp) & (gt_flag[0, :] == 0)) # num_qualified_sigma_candidates = qualified_sigma_candidates[0].shape[0] # # if num_qualified_sigma_candidates == 1: # if ((local_tau_table[qualified_sigma_candidates, det_id] >= tp) and ( # local_sigma_table[qualified_sigma_candidates, det_id] >= tr)): # # became an one-to-one case # global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + 1.0 # global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + 1.0 # local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + 1.0 # local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + 1.0 # # gt_flag[0, qualified_sigma_candidates] = 1 # det_flag[0, det_id] = 1 # # recg start # print # "liushanshan many to one det_id = {}".format(det_id) # print # "liushanshan many to one gt_id = {}".format(qualified_sigma_candidates) # pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][det_id] # gt_len = len(qualified_sigma_candidates[0]) # for idx in range(gt_len): # ele_gt_id = qualified_sigma_candidates[0].tolist()[idx] # if ele_gt_id not in global_gt_str[idy]: # continue # gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][ele_gt_id] # print # "liushanshan many to one gt_str_cur = {}".format(gt_str_cur) # print # "liushanshan many to one pred_str_cur = {}".format(pred_str_cur) # if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: # hit_str_num += 1 # break # else: # if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): # hit_str_num += 1 # break # # recg end # elif (np.sum(local_tau_table[qualified_sigma_candidates, det_id]) >= tp): # det_flag[0, det_id] = 1 # gt_flag[0, qualified_sigma_candidates] = 1 # # recg start # print # "liushanshan many to one det_id = {}".format(det_id) # print # "liushanshan many to one gt_id = {}".format(qualified_sigma_candidates) # pred_str_cur = global_pred_str[idy][det_id] # gt_len = len(qualified_sigma_candidates[0]) # for idx in range(gt_len): # ele_gt_id = qualified_sigma_candidates[0].tolist()[idx] # if not global_gt_str[idy].has_key(ele_gt_id): # continue # gt_str_cur = global_gt_str[idy][ele_gt_id] # print # "liushanshan many to one gt_str_cur = {}".format(gt_str_cur) # print # "liushanshan many to one pred_str_cur = {}".format(pred_str_cur) # if pred_str_cur == gt_str_cur: # hit_str_num += 1 # break # else: # if pred_str_cur.lower() == gt_str_cur.lower(): # hit_str_num += 1 # break # else: # print # 'no match' # # recg end # # global_accumulative_recall = global_accumulative_recall + num_qualified_sigma_candidates * fsc_k # global_accumulative_precision = global_accumulative_precision + fsc_k # # local_accumulative_recall = local_accumulative_recall + num_qualified_sigma_candidates * fsc_k # local_accumulative_precision = local_accumulative_precision + fsc_k # return local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num # # for idx in range(len(global_sigma)): # local_sigma_table = np.array(global_sigma[idx]) # local_tau_table = np.array(global_tau[idx]) # # num_gt = local_sigma_table.shape[0] # num_det = local_sigma_table.shape[1] # # total_num_gt = total_num_gt + num_gt # total_num_det = total_num_det + num_det # # local_accumulative_recall = 0 # local_accumulative_precision = 0 # gt_flag = np.zeros((1, num_gt)) # det_flag = np.zeros((1, num_det)) # # #######first check for one-to-one case########## # local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, \ # gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num = one_to_one(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, # local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, # global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, # gt_flag, det_flag, idx) # # hit_str_count += hit_str_num # #######then check for one-to-many case########## # local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, \ # gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num = one_to_many(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, # local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, # global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, # gt_flag, det_flag, idx) # hit_str_count += hit_str_num # #######then check for many-to-one case########## # local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, \ # gt_flag, det_flag, hit_str_num = many_to_one(local_sigma_table, local_tau_table, # local_accumulative_recall, local_accumulative_precision, # global_accumulative_recall, global_accumulative_precision, # gt_flag, det_flag, idx) # try: # recall = global_accumulative_recall / total_num_gt # except ZeroDivisionError: # recall = 0 # # try: # precision = global_accumulative_precision / total_num_det # except ZeroDivisionError: # precision = 0 # # try: # f_score = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) # except ZeroDivisionError: # f_score = 0 # # try: # seqerr = 1 - float(hit_str_count) / global_accumulative_recall # except ZeroDivisionError: # seqerr = 1 # # try: # recall_e2e = float(hit_str_count) / total_num_gt # except ZeroDivisionError: # recall_e2e = 0 # # try: # precision_e2e = float(hit_str_count) / total_num_det # except ZeroDivisionError: # precision_e2e = 0 # # try: # f_score_e2e = 2 * precision_e2e * recall_e2e / (precision_e2e + recall_e2e) # except ZeroDivisionError: # f_score_e2e = 0 # # final = { # 'total_num_gt': total_num_gt, # 'total_num_det': total_num_det, # 'global_accumulative_recall': global_accumulative_recall, # 'hit_str_count': hit_str_count, # 'recall': recall, # 'precision': precision, # 'f_score': f_score, # 'seqerr': seqerr, # 'recall_e2e': recall_e2e, # 'precision_e2e': precision_e2e, # 'f_score_e2e': f_score_e2e # } # return final a = [ 1526, 642, 1565, 629, 1579, 627, 1593, 625, 1607, 623, 1620, 622, 1634, 620, 1659, 620, 1654, 681, 1631, 680, 1618, 681, 1606, 681, 1594, 681, 1584, 682, 1573, 685, 1542, 694 ] gt_dict = [{'points': np.array(a).reshape(-1, 2), 'text': 'MILK'}] pred_dict = [{ 'points': np.array(a), 'text': 'ccc' }, { 'points': np.array(a), 'text': 'ccf' }] result = [] result.append(get_socre(gt_dict, gt_dict)) a = combine_results(result) print(a)