/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/block_desc.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/channel.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/executor.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(go); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(channel_close); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(channel_create); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(channel_recv); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(channel_send); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(elementwise_add); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(select); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(conditional_block); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(equal); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(assign); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(while); USE_NO_KERNEL_OP(print); namespace f = paddle::framework; namespace p = paddle::platform; namespace paddle { namespace framework { template LoDTensor *CreateVariable(Scope &scope, p::CPUPlace &place, std::string name, T value) { // Create LoDTensor of dim [1] auto var = scope.Var(name); auto tensor = var->GetMutable(); tensor->Resize({1}); T *expect = tensor->mutable_data(place); expect[0] = value; return tensor; } void AddOp(const std::string &type, const VariableNameMap &inputs, const VariableNameMap &outputs, AttributeMap attrs, BlockDesc *block) { // insert op auto op = block->AppendOp(); op->SetType(type); for (auto &kv : inputs) { op->SetInput(kv.first, kv.second); } for (auto &kv : outputs) { op->SetOutput(kv.first, kv.second); } op->SetAttrMap(attrs); } void AddCase(ProgramDesc *program, Scope *scope, p::CPUPlace *place, BlockDesc *casesBlock, int caseId, int caseType, std::string caseChannel, std::string caseVarName, std::function func) { std::string caseCondName = std::string("caseCond") + std::to_string(caseId); std::string caseCondXVarName = std::string("caseCondX") + std::to_string(caseId); BlockDesc *caseBlock = program->AppendBlock(*casesBlock); func(caseBlock, scope); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, caseCondName, false); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, caseCondXVarName, caseId); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, caseVarName, caseId); scope->Var("step_scope"); AddOp("equal", {{"X", {caseCondXVarName}}, {"Y", {"caseToExecute"}}}, {{"Out", {caseCondName}}}, {}, casesBlock); AddOp("conditional_block", {{"X", {caseCondName}}, {"Params", {}}}, {{"Out", {}}, {"Scope", {"step_scope"}}}, {{"sub_block", caseBlock}, {"is_scalar_condition", true}}, casesBlock); } void AddFibonacciSelect(Scope *scope, p::CPUPlace *place, ProgramDesc *program, BlockDesc *parentBlock, std::string dataChanName, std::string quitChanName) { BlockDesc *whileBlock = program->AppendBlock(*parentBlock); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "whileExitCond", true); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "caseToExecute", -1); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "case1var", 0); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "xtemp", 0); // TODO(thuan): Need to create fibXToSend, since channel send moves the actual // data, // which causes the data to be no longer accessible to do the fib calculation // TODO(abhinav): Change channel send to do a copy instead of a move! CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "fibXToSend", 0); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "fibX", 0); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "fibY", 1); CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "quitVar", 0); BlockDesc *casesBlock = program->AppendBlock(*whileBlock); std::function f = [](BlockDesc *caseBlock) {}; // TODO(thuan): Remove this once we change channel send to do a copy instead // of move AddOp("assign", {{"X", {"fibX"}}}, {{"Out", {"fibXToSend"}}}, {}, whileBlock); // Case 0: Send to dataChanName std::function case0Func = [&]( BlockDesc *caseBlock, Scope *scope) { AddOp("assign", {{"X", {"fibX"}}}, {{"Out", {"xtemp"}}}, {}, caseBlock); AddOp("assign", {{"X", {"fibY"}}}, {{"Out", {"fibX"}}}, {}, caseBlock); AddOp("elementwise_add", {{"X", {"xtemp"}}, {"Y", {"fibY"}}}, {{"Out", {"fibY"}}}, {}, caseBlock); }; AddCase(program, scope, place, casesBlock, 0, 1, dataChanName, "fibXToSend", case0Func); std::string case0Config = std::string("0,1,") + dataChanName + std::string(",fibXToSend"); // Case 1: Receive from quitChanName std::function case2Func = [&]( BlockDesc *caseBlock, Scope *scope) { // Exit the while loop after we receive from quit channel. // We assign a false to "whileExitCond" variable, which will // break out of while_op loop CreateVariable(*scope, *place, "whileFalse", false); AddOp("assign", {{"X", {"whileFalse"}}}, {{"Out", {"whileExitCond"}}}, {}, caseBlock); }; AddCase(program, scope, place, casesBlock, 1, 2, quitChanName, "quitVar", case2Func); std::string case1Config = std::string("1,2,") + quitChanName + std::string(",quitVar"); // Select block AddOp("select", {{"X", {dataChanName, quitChanName}}, {"case_to_execute", {"caseToExecute"}}}, {}, {{"sub_block", casesBlock}, {"cases", std::vector{case0Config, case1Config}}}, whileBlock); scope->Var("stepScopes"); AddOp("while", {{"X", {dataChanName, quitChanName}}, {"Condition", {"whileExitCond"}}}, {{"Out", {}}, {"StepScopes", {"stepScopes"}}}, {{"sub_block", whileBlock}}, parentBlock); } TEST(Concurrency, Go_Op) { Scope scope; p::CPUPlace place; // Initialize scope variables p::CPUDeviceContext ctx(place); // Create channel variable scope.Var("Channel"); // Create Variables, x0 will be put into channel, // result will be pulled from channel CreateVariable(scope, place, "Status", false); CreateVariable(scope, place, "x0", 99); CreateVariable(scope, place, "result", 0); framework::Executor executor(place); ProgramDesc program; BlockDesc *block = program.MutableBlock(0); // Create channel OP AddOp("channel_create", {}, {{"Out", {"Channel"}}}, {{"capacity", 10}, {"data_type", f::proto::VarType::LOD_TENSOR}}, block); // Create Go Op routine BlockDesc *goOpBlock = program.AppendBlock(program.Block(0)); AddOp("channel_send", {{"Channel", {"Channel"}}, {"X", {"x0"}}}, {{"Status", {"Status"}}}, {}, goOpBlock); // Create Go Op AddOp("go", {{"X", {"Channel", "x0"}}}, {}, {{"sub_block", goOpBlock}}, block); // Create Channel Receive Op AddOp("channel_recv", {{"Channel", {"Channel"}}}, {{"Status", {"Status"}}, {"Out", {"result"}}}, {}, block); // Create Channel Close Op AddOp("channel_close", {{"Channel", {"Channel"}}}, {}, {}, block); // Check the result tensor to make sure it is set to 0 const LoDTensor &tensor = (scope.FindVar("result"))->Get(); auto *initialData = tensor.data(); EXPECT_EQ(initialData[0], 0); executor.Run(program, &scope, 0, true, true); // After we call executor.run, the Go operator should do a channel_send to set // the // "result" variable to 99 auto *finalData = tensor.data(); EXPECT_EQ(finalData[0], 99); } /** * This test implements the fibonacci function using go_op and select_op */ TEST(Concurrency, Select) { Scope scope; p::CPUPlace place; // Initialize scope variables p::CPUDeviceContext ctx(place); CreateVariable(scope, place, "Status", false); CreateVariable(scope, place, "result", 0); CreateVariable(scope, place, "currentXFib", 0); framework::Executor executor(place); ProgramDesc program; BlockDesc *block = program.MutableBlock(0); // Create channel OP std::string dataChanName = "Channel"; scope.Var(dataChanName); AddOp("channel_create", {}, {{"Out", {dataChanName}}}, {{"capacity", 0}, {"data_type", f::proto::VarType::LOD_TENSOR}}, block); std::string quitChanName = "Quit"; scope.Var(quitChanName); AddOp("channel_create", {}, {{"Out", {quitChanName}}}, {{"capacity", 0}, {"data_type", f::proto::VarType::LOD_TENSOR}}, block); // Create Go Op routine, which loops 10 times over fibonacci sequence CreateVariable(scope, place, "xReceiveVar", 0); BlockDesc *goOpBlock = program.AppendBlock(program.Block(0)); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { AddOp("channel_recv", {{"Channel", {dataChanName}}}, {{"Status", {"Status"}}, {"Out", {"currentXFib"}}}, {}, goOpBlock); AddOp("print", {{"In", {"currentXFib"}}}, {{"Out", {"currentXFib"}}}, {{"first_n", 100}, {"summarize", -1}, {"print_tensor_name", false}, {"print_tensor_type", true}, {"print_tensor_shape", false}, {"print_tensor_lod", false}, {"print_phase", std::string("FORWARD")}, {"message", std::string("X: ")}}, goOpBlock); } CreateVariable(scope, place, "quitSignal", 0); AddOp("channel_send", {{"Channel", {quitChanName}}, {"X", {"quitSignal"}}}, {{"Status", {"Status"}}}, {}, goOpBlock); // Create Go Op AddOp("go", {{"X", {dataChanName, quitChanName}}}, {}, {{"sub_block", goOpBlock}}, block); AddFibonacciSelect(&scope, &place, &program, block, dataChanName, quitChanName); // Create Channel Close Op AddOp("channel_close", {{"Channel", {dataChanName}}}, {}, {}, block); AddOp("channel_close", {{"Channel", {quitChanName}}}, {}, {}, block); executor.Run(program, &scope, 0, true, true); // After we call executor.run, "result" variable should be equal to 34 // (which is 10 loops through fibonacci sequence) const LoDTensor &tensor = (scope.FindVar("currentXFib"))->Get(); auto *finalData = tensor.data(); EXPECT_EQ(finalData[0], 34); } } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle