#-------------------------------------------------------# # 用于处理COCO数据集,根据json文件生成txt文件用于训练 #-------------------------------------------------------# import json import os from collections import defaultdict #-------------------------------------------------------# # 指向了COCO训练集与验证集图片的路径 #-------------------------------------------------------# train_datasets_path = "coco_dataset/train2017" val_datasets_path = "coco_dataset/val2017" #-------------------------------------------------------# # 指向了COCO训练集与验证集标签的路径 #-------------------------------------------------------# train_annotation_path = "coco_dataset/annotations/instances_train2017.json" val_annotation_path = "coco_dataset/annotations/instances_val2017.json" #-------------------------------------------------------# # 生成的txt文件路径 #-------------------------------------------------------# train_output_path = "coco_train.txt" val_output_path = "coco_val.txt" if __name__ == "__main__": name_box_id = defaultdict(list) id_name = dict() f = open(train_annotation_path, encoding='utf-8') data = json.load(f) annotations = data['annotations'] for ant in annotations: id = ant['image_id'] name = os.path.join(train_datasets_path, '%012d.jpg' % id) cat = ant['category_id'] if cat >= 1 and cat <= 11: cat = cat - 1 elif cat >= 13 and cat <= 25: cat = cat - 2 elif cat >= 27 and cat <= 28: cat = cat - 3 elif cat >= 31 and cat <= 44: cat = cat - 5 elif cat >= 46 and cat <= 65: cat = cat - 6 elif cat == 67: cat = cat - 7 elif cat == 70: cat = cat - 9 elif cat >= 72 and cat <= 82: cat = cat - 10 elif cat >= 84 and cat <= 90: cat = cat - 11 name_box_id[name].append([ant['bbox'], cat]) f = open(train_output_path, 'w') for key in name_box_id.keys(): f.write(key) box_infos = name_box_id[key] for info in box_infos: x_min = int(info[0][0]) y_min = int(info[0][1]) x_max = x_min + int(info[0][2]) y_max = y_min + int(info[0][3]) box_info = " %d,%d,%d,%d,%d" % ( x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, int(info[1])) f.write(box_info) f.write('\n') f.close() name_box_id = defaultdict(list) id_name = dict() f = open(val_annotation_path, encoding='utf-8') data = json.load(f) annotations = data['annotations'] for ant in annotations: id = ant['image_id'] name = os.path.join(val_datasets_path, '%012d.jpg' % id) cat = ant['category_id'] if cat >= 1 and cat <= 11: cat = cat - 1 elif cat >= 13 and cat <= 25: cat = cat - 2 elif cat >= 27 and cat <= 28: cat = cat - 3 elif cat >= 31 and cat <= 44: cat = cat - 5 elif cat >= 46 and cat <= 65: cat = cat - 6 elif cat == 67: cat = cat - 7 elif cat == 70: cat = cat - 9 elif cat >= 72 and cat <= 82: cat = cat - 10 elif cat >= 84 and cat <= 90: cat = cat - 11 name_box_id[name].append([ant['bbox'], cat]) f = open(val_output_path, 'w') for key in name_box_id.keys(): f.write(key) box_infos = name_box_id[key] for info in box_infos: x_min = int(info[0][0]) y_min = int(info[0][1]) x_max = x_min + int(info[0][2]) y_max = y_min + int(info[0][3]) box_info = " %d,%d,%d,%d,%d" % ( x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, int(info[1])) f.write(box_info) f.write('\n') f.close()