[Header] ICOfile = "testgrid_icon.jpg" Name = "UV-Testgrid" Author = "" Location = "" Comment = "edit the .ibl file to test various sun positions" [Background] BGfile = "testgrid.jpg" BGmap = 1 BGu = 0.000000 BGv = 0.000000 BGheight = 800 [Enviroment] EVfile = "testgrid.jpg" EVmap = 1 EVu = 0.000000 EVv = 0.000000 EVheight = 800 EVmulti = 1.000000 EVgamma = 1.000000 [Reflection] REFfile = "testgrid.jpg" REFmap = 1 REFu = 0.000000 REFv = 0.000000 REFheight = 800 REFmulti = 1.000000 REFgamma = 1.000000 [Sun] SUNcolor = 255,255,255 SUNmulti = 1.000000 SUNu = 0.250000 SUNv = 0.500000