package com.youlai.mall.pms.util; import; import; import static; /** * @author DaniR * @version 1.0 * @description 布隆过滤器,摘录自Google-guava包 * @createDate 2021/6/23 20:30 */ public class BloomFilterUtils { private final int numHashFunctions; private final int bitSize; private final Funnel funnel; public BloomFilterUtils(Funnel funnel, int expectedInsertions, double fpp) { checkArgument(funnel != null, "funnel不能为空"); checkArgument( expectedInsertions >= 0, "Expected insertions (%s) must be >= 0", expectedInsertions); checkArgument(fpp > 0.0, "False positive probability (%s) must be > 0.0", fpp); checkArgument(fpp < 1.0, "False positive probability (%s) must be < 1.0", fpp); this.funnel = funnel; // 计算bit数组长度 bitSize = optimalNumOfBits(expectedInsertions, fpp); // 计算hash方法执行次数 numHashFunctions = optimalNumOfHashFunctions(expectedInsertions, bitSize); } public int[] murmurHash(T value) { int[] offset = new int[numHashFunctions]; long hash64 = Hashing.murmur3_128().hashObject(value, funnel).asLong(); int hash1 = (int) hash64; int hash2 = (int) (hash64 >>> 32); for (int i = 1; i <= numHashFunctions; i++) { int combinedHash = hash1 + i * hash2; if (combinedHash < 0) { combinedHash = ~combinedHash; } offset[i - 1] = combinedHash % bitSize; } return offset; } /** * 计算bit数组长度 */ private int optimalNumOfBits(long n, double p) { if (p == 0) { // 设定最小期望长度 p = Double.MIN_VALUE; } return (int) (-n * Math.log(p) / (Math.log(2) * Math.log(2))); } /** * 计算hash方法执行次数 */ private int optimalNumOfHashFunctions(long n, long m) { return Math.max(1, (int) Math.round((double) m / n * Math.log(2))); } }