diff --git a/txt/pluto/drpy.js b/txt/pluto/drpy.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36457823827cc00c0e3f4b99729c4cafb7a05b02 --- /dev/null +++ b/txt/pluto/drpy.js @@ -0,0 +1,937 @@ +import ch from './cheerio.min.js'; +// import Uri from './uri.min.js'; +// var URI = require('urijs'); +// import 模板 from 'https://gitcode.net/qq_32394351/dr_py/-/raw/master/js/模板.js' +// var rule = Object.assign(模板.首图2,{ +// host: 'https://www.zbkk.net', +// }); +const key = 'drpy_zbk'; + +// 二进制数据流 +// let d = req('https://www.baidu.com/favicon.ico', { +// buffer: 1 +// }); +// // header +// console.log(JSON.stringify(d.headers)); +// // 图片 +// let array = []; +// for(var i in d.content){ +// array.push(d.content[i]); +// } +// console.log(array.length); +// let outbuf = new Uint8Array(array); +// console.log(outbuf.byteLength); + + +// base64 +let d = req('https://www.baidu.com/favicon.ico', { + buffer: 2 +}); +// header +console.log(JSON.stringify(d.headers)); +// 图片 base64 +console.log(d.content); + + +let rule = { + title: '真不卡', + host: 'https://www.zbkk.net', + url: '/vodshow/fyclass--------fypage---.html', + searchUrl:'/vodsearch/**----------fypage---.html', + // headers: { + // 'User-Agent': MOBILE_UA + // }, + // play_parse:true, + // lazy:'', + class_parse: 'body&&.stui-header__menu .dropdown li:gt(0):lt(5);a&&Text;a&&href;.*/(.*?).html', + 一级: 'body&&.stui-vodlist li;a&&title;a&&data-original;.pic-text&&Text;a&&href', + 推荐:'body&&ul.stui-vodlist.clearfix;body&&li;a&&title;.lazyload&&data-original;.pic-text&&Text;a&&href', + 二级:{"title":".stui-content__detail .title&&Text;.stui-content__detail p:eq(-2)&&Text","img":".stui-content__thumb .lazyload&&data-original","desc":".stui-content__detail p:eq(0)&&Text;.stui-content__detail p:eq(1)&&Text;.stui-content__detail p:eq(2)&&Text","content":".detail&&Text","tabs":"body&&h3.title","lists":".stui-content__playlist,#id&&li"}, + double:true, // 推荐内容是否双层定位 + //搜索:'ul.stui-vodlist__media:eq(0) li,ul.stui-vodlist:eq(0) li,#searchList li;a&&title;.lazyload&&data-original;.text-muted&&Text;a&&href;.text-muted:eq(-1)&&Text', + 搜索:'body&&ul.stui-vodlist__media&&li;a&&title;.lazyload&&data-original;.text-muted&&Text;a&&href;.text-muted:eq(-1)&&Text', + // cate_exclude: '首页|留言|APP|下载|资讯|新闻|动态', + // tab_exclude: '猜你|喜欢|APP|下载|剧情', +} + + +/****上面才是pluto的drpy源,支持import外部模板来继承修改 + * 已知问题记录: + * 1.pdfa没法正确获取非body开头的直接定位列表,比如 推荐 body&&ul.stui-vodlist.clearfix 和 ul.stui-vodlist.clearfix 获取出来的列表不一样,建议自动补body + * 2.pd函数有问题,没法正确的urljoin来源链接,比如分类页获取到数据href为/zbkdetail/63174.html应该自动与rule.url拼接后才返回给二级完整链接 + * .stui-pannel_hd h3 这个pdfa都没法识别? + * pdf 系列不支持eq定位? + * 解析播放问题,parse返回的1怎么下面不出解析选项 ?? 不过可以通免 + * urljoin问题,求求了这个函数很重要,还要pd函数内部需要自动urljoin + * 请求重复问题,调试日志一个console总是打印两次?? + * 筛选功能暂未实现,搜索验证码暂未实现 + * quickjs发生一次崩溃后除非重启软件,否则该源后续操作点击二级都没有数据 + * setItem系列存在问题,用的公用变量实现没法持久化,需要一个数据库存储持久化,下次进来也能获取储存的cookie + * 电脑看日志调试 + adb connect + adb devices -l + adb logcat -c + adb logcat | grep -i QuickJS + * ***/ + + + +/*** 以下是内置变量和解析方法 **/ +const MOBILE_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; M2007J3SC Build/RKQ1.200826.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/77.0.3865.120 MQQBrowser/6.2 TBS/045714 Mobile Safari/537.36'; +const PC_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36'; +const UA = 'Mozilla/5.0'; +const UC_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 9; zh-CN; MI 9 Build/PKQ1.181121.001) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/57.0.2987.108 UCBrowser/ Mobile Safari/537.36'; +const IOS_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1'; +const RULE_CK = 'cookie'; // 源cookie的key值 +const KEY = typeof(key)!=='undefined'&&key?key:'drpy_'+rule.title; // 源的唯一标识 +const CATE_EXCLUDE = '首页|留言|APP|下载|资讯|新闻|动态'; +const TAB_EXCLUDE = '猜你|喜欢|APP|下载|剧情|热播'; +const OCR_RETRY = 3;//ocr验证重试次数 +const OCR_API = 'http://dm.mudery.com:10000';//ocr在线识别接口 +var MY_URL; // 全局注入变量,pd函数需要 + +/** 处理一下 rule规则关键字段没传递的情况 **/ +rule.cate_exclude = (rule.cate_exclude||'')+CATE_EXCLUDE; +rule.tab_exclude = (rule.tab_exclude||'')+TAB_EXCLUDE; +rule.host = rule.host||''; +rule.url = rule.url||''; +rule.homeUrl = rule.homeUrl||''; +rule.searchUrl = rule.searchUrl||''; + +/*** 后台需要实现的java方法并注入到js中 ***/ + +/** + * 读取本地文件->应用程序目录 + * @param filePath + * @returns {string} + */ +function readFile(filePath){ + filePath = filePath||'./uri.min.js'; + var fd = os.open(filePath); + var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(1024); + var len = os.read(fd, buffer, 0, 1024); + console.log(len); + let text = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer)); + console.log(text); + return text +} + +/** + * 验证码识别逻辑,需要java实现(js没有bytes类型,无法调用后端的传递图片二进制获取验证码文本的接口) + * @type {{api: string, classification: (function(*=): string)}} + */ +var OcrApi={ + api:OCR_API, + classification:function (img){ // img是byte类型,这里不方便搞啊 + let code = ''; + try { + code = request(this.api,{data:img,headers:{'user-agent':PC_UA},'method':'POST'}); + }catch (e) {} + return code + } +}; +/** + * 验证码识别,暂未实现 + * @param url 验证码图片链接 + * @returns {string} 验证成功后的cookie + */ +function verifyCode(url){ + let cnt = 0; + let host = getHome(url); + let cookie = ''; + while (cnt < OCR_RETRY){ + try{ + // let obj = {headers:headers,timeout:timeout}; + let img = request(`${host}/index.php/verify/index.html`); + let code = OcrApi.classification(img); + console.log(`第${cnt+1}次验证码识别结果:${code}`); + let html = request(`${host}/index.php/ajax/verify_check?type=search&verify=${code}`,{'method':'POST'}); + html = JSON.parse(html); + if(html.msg === 'ok'){ + cookie = ''; + return cookie // 需要返回cookie + } + }catch (e) { + console.log(`第${cnt+1}次验证码提交失败`) + } + cnt+=1 + } + return cookie +} + +/** + * 存在数据库配置表里, key字段对应值value,没有就新增,有就更新,调用此方法会清除key对应的内存缓存 + * @param k 键 + * @param v 值 + */ +function setItem(k,v){ + local.set(KEY,k,v); + console.log(`规则${KEY}设置${k} => ${v}`) +} + +/** + * 获取数据库配置表对应的key字段的value,没有这个key就返回value默认传参.需要有缓存,第一次获取后会存在内存里 + * @param k 键 + * @param v 值 + * @returns {*} + */ +function getItem(k,v){ + return local.get(KEY,k) || v; +} + +/** + * 删除数据库key对应的一条数据,并清除此key对应的内存缓存 + * @param k + */ +function clearItem(k){ + local.delete(KEY,k); +} + +/** + * url拼接(暂未实现) + * @param fromPath 初始当前页面url + * @param nowPath 相对当前页面url + * @returns {*} + */ +function urljoin(fromPath, nowPath) { + return joinUrl(fromPath, nowPath); + // fromPath = fromPath||''; + // nowPath = nowPath||''; + // try { + // // import Uri from './uri.min.js'; + // // var Uri = require('./uri.min.js'); + // // eval(request('https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/URI.js/1.19.11/URI.min.js')); + // // let new_uri = URI(nowPath, fromPath); + + // let new_uri = Uri(nowPath, fromPath); + // new_uri = new_uri.toString(); + // // console.log(new_uri); + // // return fromPath + nowPath + // return new_uri + // } + // catch (e) { + // console.log('urljoin发生错误:'+e.message); + // if(nowPath.startsWith('http')){ + // return nowPath + // }if(nowPath.startsWith('/')){ + // return getHome(fromPath)+nowPath + // } + // return fromPath+nowPath + // } +} + +/** + * 重写pd方法-增加自动urljoin(没法重写,改个名继续骗) + * @param html + * @param parse + * @param uri + * @returns {*} + */ +function pD(html,parse,uri){ + let ret = pdfh(html,parse); + if(typeof(uri)==='undefined'||!uri){ + uri = ''; + } + // MY_URL = getItem('MY_URL',MY_URL); + console.log(`规则${KEY}打印MY_URL:${MY_URL},uri:${uri}`); + return urljoin(MY_URL,ret) +} + +/*** js自封装的方法 ***/ + +/** + * 获取链接的host(带http协议的完整链接) + * @param url 任意一个正常完整的Url,自动提取根 + * @returns {string} + */ +function getHome(url){ + let tmp = url.split('//'); + url = tmp[0] + '//' + tmp[1].split('/')[0]; + return url +} + +/** + * get参数编译链接,类似python params字典自动拼接 + * @param url 访问链接 + * @param obj 参数字典 + * @returns {*} + */ +function buildUrl(url,obj){ + obj = obj||{}; + if(url.indexOf('?')<0){ + url += '?' + } + let param_list = []; + let keys = Object.keys(obj); + keys.forEach(it=>{ + param_list.push(it+'='+obj[it]) + }); + let prs = param_list.join('&'); + if(keys.length > 0 && !url.endsWith('?')){ + url += '&' + } + url+=prs; + return url +} + +/** + * 海阔网页请求函数完整封装 + * @param url 请求链接 + * @param obj 请求对象 {headers:{},method:'',timeout:5000,body:'',withHeaders:false} + * @returns {string|string|DocumentFragment|*} + */ +function request(url,obj){ + if(typeof(obj)==='undefined'||!obj||obj==={}){ + obj = { + headers:{ + 'User-Agent':MOBILE_UA, + 'Referer':getHome(url), + } + } + }else{ + let headers = obj.headers||{}; + let keys = Object.keys(headers).map(it=>it.toLowerCase()); + if(!keys.includes('user-agent')){ + headers['User-Agent'] = MOBILE_UA; + }if(!keys.includes('referer')){ + headers['Referer'] = getHome(url); + } + obj.headers = headers; + } + if(obj.headers.body&&typeof (obj.headers.body)==='string'){ + let data = {}; + obj.headers.body.split('&').forEach(it=>{ + data[it.split('=')[0]] = it.split('=')[1] + }); + obj.data = data; + delete obj.headers.body + } + let res = req(url, obj); + let html = res.content||''; + return html +} + +/** + * 检查宝塔验证并自动跳过获取正确源码 + * @param html 之前获取的html + * @param url 之前的来源url + * @param obj 来源obj + * @returns {string|DocumentFragment|*} + */ +function checkHtml(html,url,obj){ + if(/\?btwaf=/.test(html)){ + let btwaf = html.match(/btwaf(.*?)"/)[1]; + url = url.split('#')[0]+'?btwaf'+btwaf; + html = request(url,obj); + } + return html +} + +/** + * 带一次宝塔验证的源码获取 + * @param url 请求链接 + * @param obj 请求参数 + * @returns {string|DocumentFragment} + */ +function getCode(url,obj){ + let html = request(url,obj); + html = checkHtml(html,url,obj); + return html +} + +/** + * 源rule专用的请求方法,自动注入cookie + * @param url 请求链接 + * @returns {string|DocumentFragment} + */ +function getHtml(url){ + let obj = {}; + if(rule.headers){ + obj.headers = rule.headers; + } + let cookie = getItem(RULE_CK,''); + if(cookie){ + if(obj.headers && ! Object.keys(obj.headers).map(it=>it.toLowerCase()).includes('cookie')){ + obj.headers['Cookie'] = cookie; + }else if(!obj.headers){ + obj.headers = {Cookie:cookie}; + } + } + let html = getCode(url,obj); + return html +} + +/** + * 首页分类解析,筛选暂未实现 + * @param homeObj 首页传参对象 + * @returns {string} + */ +function homeParse(homeObj) { + let classes = []; + if (homeObj.class_name && homeObj.class_url) { + let names = homeObj.class_name.split('&'); + let urls = homeObj.class_url.split('&'); + let cnt = Math.min(names.length, urls.length); + for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { + classes.push({ + 'type_id': urls[i], + 'type_name': names[i] + }); + } + } + + if (homeObj.class_parse) { + let p = homeObj.class_parse.split(';'); + if (p.length >= 4) { + try { + let html = getHtml(homeObj.MY_URL); + if (html) { + let list = pdfa(html, p[0]); + if (list && list.length > 0) { + list.forEach(it => { + try { + let name = pdfh(it, p[1]); + if (homeObj.cate_exclude && (new RegExp(homeObj.cate_exclude).test(name))) { + return; + } + let url = pdfh(it, p[2]); + if (p[3]) { + let exp = new RegExp(p[3]); + url = url.match(exp)[1]; + } + + classes.push({ + 'type_id': url, + 'type_name': name + }); + } catch (e) { + console.log(e.message); + } + }); + } + } + } catch (e) { + console.log(e.message); + } + + } + } + + return JSON.stringify({ + 'class': classes + }); + +} + +/** + * 首页推荐列表解析 + * @param homeVodObj + * @returns {string} + */ +function homeVodParse(homeVodObj){ + let p = homeVodObj.推荐 ? homeVodObj.推荐.split(';') : []; + if (!homeVodObj.double && p.length < 5) { + return '{}' + }else if (homeVodObj.double && p.length < 6) { + return '{}' + } + let d = []; + MY_URL = homeVodObj.homeUrl; + // setItem('MY_URL',MY_URL); + console.log(MY_URL); + let html = getHtml(MY_URL); + try { + console.log('double:'+homeVodObj.double); + if(homeVodObj.double){ + p[0] = p[0].trim().startsWith('json:')?p[0].replace('json:',''):p[0]; + console.log(p[0]); + let items = pdfa(html, p[0]); + console.log(items.length); + for(let item of items){ + console.log(p[1]); + let items2 = pdfa(item,p[1]); + console.log(items2.length); + for(let item2 of items2){ + try { + let title = pdfh(item2, p[2]); + let img = ''; + try{ + img = pD(item2, p[3]) + }catch (e) {} + let desc = pdfh(item2, p[4]); + let links = []; + for(let p5 of p[5].split('+')){ + let link = !homeVodObj.detailUrl?pD(item2, p5,MY_URL):pdfh(item2, p5); + links.push(link); + } + let vod = { + vod_name:title, + vod_pic:img, + vod_remarks:desc, + vod_id:links.join('$') + }; + d.push(vod); + }catch (e) { + + } + + } + + + } + + + } + else{ + p[0] = p[0].trim().startsWith('json:')?p[0].replace('json:',''):p[0]; + let items = pdfa(html, p[0]); + for(let item of items){ + try { + let title = pdfh(item, p[1]); + let img = ''; + try { + img = pD(item, p[2],MY_URL); + }catch (e) { + + } + let desc = pdfh(item, p[3]); + let links = []; + for(let p5 of p[4].split('+')){ + let link = !homeVodObj.detailUrl?pD(item, p5,MY_URL):pdfh(item, p5); + links.push(link); + } + let vod = { + vod_name:title, + vod_pic:img, + vod_remarks:desc, + vod_id:links.join('$') + }; + d.push(vod); + + }catch (e) { + + } + + } + + } + + }catch (e) { + + } + // console.log(JSON.stringify(d)); + return JSON.stringify({ + list:d + }) + +} + +/** + * 一级分类页数据解析 + * @param cateObj + * @returns {string} + */ +function categoryParse(cateObj) { + let p = cateObj.一级 ? cateObj.一级.split(';') : []; + if (p.length < 5) { + return '{}' + } + let d = []; + let url = cateObj.url.replaceAll('fyclass', cateObj.tid).replaceAll('fypage', cateObj.pg); + MY_URL = url; + // setItem('MY_URL',MY_URL); + console.log(MY_URL); + try { + let html = getHtml(MY_URL); + if (html) { + let list = pdfa(html, p[0]); + list.forEach(it => { + d.push({ + 'vod_id': pD(it, p[4],MY_URL), + 'vod_name': pdfh(it, p[1]), + 'vod_pic': pD(it, p[2],MY_URL), + 'vod_remarks': pdfh(it, p[3]), + }); + }); + // console.log(JSON.stringify(d)); + return JSON.stringify({ + 'page': parseInt(cateObj.pg), + 'pagecount': 999, + 'limit': 20, + 'total': 999, + 'list': d, + }); + } + } catch (e) { + console.log(e.message); + } + return '{}' +} + +/** + * 搜索列表数据解析 + * @param searchObj + * @returns {string} + */ +function searchParse(searchObj) { + let p = searchObj.搜索 ? searchObj.搜索.split(';') : []; + if (p.length < 5) { + return '{}' + } + let d = []; + let url = searchObj.searchUrl.replaceAll('**', searchObj.wd).replaceAll('fypage', searchObj.pg); + MY_URL = url; + // setItem('MY_URL',MY_URL); + console.log(MY_URL); + try { + let html = getHtml(MY_URL); + if (html) { + if(/系统安全验证|输入验证码/.test(html)){ + let cookie = verifyCode(MY_URL); + if(cookie){ + console.log(`本次成功过验证,cookie:${cookie}`); + setItem(RULE_CK,cookie); + }else{ + console.log(`本次自动过搜索验证失败,cookie:${cookie}`); + } + // obj.headers['Cookie'] = cookie; + html = getHtml(MY_URL); + } + if(!html.includes(searchObj.wd)){ + console.log('搜索结果源码未包含关键字,疑似搜索失败,正为您打印结果源码'); + console.log(html); + } + let list = pdfa(html, p[0]); + list.forEach(it => { + let ob = { + 'vod_id': pD(it, p[4],MY_URL), + 'vod_name': pdfh(it, p[1]), + 'vod_pic': pD(it, p[2],MY_URL), + 'vod_remarks': pdfh(it, p[3]), + }; + if (p.length > 5 && p[5]) { + ob.vod_content = pdfh(it, p[5]); + } + d.push(ob); + }); + return JSON.stringify({ + 'page': parseInt(searchObj.pg), + 'pagecount': 10, + 'limit': 20, + 'total': 100, + 'list': d, + }); + } + } catch (e) { + } + return '{}' +} + +/** + * 二级详情页数据解析 + * @param detailObj + * @returns {string} + */ +function detailParse(detailObj){ + let vod = { + vod_id: "id", + vod_name: "片名", + vod_pic: "", + type_name: "剧情", + vod_year: "年份", + vod_area: "地区", + vod_remarks: "更新信息", + vod_actor: "主演", + vod_director: "导演", + vod_content: "简介" + }; + let p = detailObj.二级; + let url = detailObj.url; + let detailUrl = detailObj.detailUrl; + let fyclass = detailObj.fyclass; + let tab_exclude = detailObj.tab_exclude; + let html = detailObj.html||''; + MY_URL = url; + // setItem('MY_URL',MY_URL); + // console.log(MY_URL); + if(p==='*'){ + vod.vod_play_from = '道长在线'; + vod.vod_remarks = detailUrl; + vod.vod_actor = '没有二级,只有一级链接直接嗅探播放'; + vod.vod_content = MY_URL; + vod.vod_play_url = '嗅探播放$' + MY_URL; + }else if(p&&typeof(p)==='object'){ + if(!html){ + html = getHtml(MY_URL); + } + if(p.title){ + let p1 = p.title.split(';'); + vod.vod_name = pdfh(html, p1[0]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim(); + let type_name = p1.length > 1 ? pdfh(html, p1[1]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim():''; + vod.type_name = type_name||vod.type_name; + } + if(p.desc){ + try{ + let p1 = p.desc.split(';'); + vod.vod_remarks = pdfh(html, p1[0]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim(); + vod.vod_year = p1.length > 1 ? pdfh(html, p1[1]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim():''; + vod.vod_area = p1.length > 2 ? pdfh(html, p1[2]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim():''; + vod.vod_actor = p1.length > 3 ? pdfh(html, p1[3]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim():''; + vod.vod_director = p1.length > 4 ? pdfh(html, p1[4]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim():''; + } + catch (e) { + + } + } + if(p.content){ + try{ + let p1 = p.content.split(';'); + vod.vod_content = pdfh(html, p1[0]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim(); + } + catch (e) {} + } + if(p.img){ + try{ + let p1 = p.img.split(';'); + vod.vod_pic = pD(html, p1[0],MY_URL); + } + catch (e) {} + } + + let vod_play_from = '$$$'; + let playFrom = []; + if(p.重定向&&p.重定向.startsWith('js:')){ + html = eval(p.重定向.replace('js:','')); + } + +// console.log(2); + if(p.tabs){ + let p_tab = p.tabs.split(';')[0]; + console.log(p_tab); + let vHeader = pdfa(html, p_tab); + + console.log(vHeader.length); + for(let v of vHeader){ + let v_title = pdfh(v,'body&&Text'); + console.log(v_title); + if(tab_exclude&& (new RegExp(tab_exclude)).test(v_title)){ + continue; + } + playFrom.push(v_title); + } + console.log(JSON.stringify(playFrom)); + }else{ + playFrom = ['道长在线'] + } + vod.vod_play_from = playFrom.join(vod_play_from); + +// console.log(3); + let vod_play_url = '$$$'; + let vod_tab_list = []; + if(p.lists){ + for(let i=0;i 1 ? p.tabs.split(';')[1] : ''; + let p1 = p.lists.replaceAll('#idv', tab_name).replaceAll('#id', i); + tab_ext = tab_ext.replaceAll('#idv', tab_name).replaceAll('#id', i); + console.log(p1); + console.log(645); + console.log(html); + let vodList = []; + try { + vodList = pdfa(html, p1) + }catch (e) { + console.log(e.message) + } + console.log(647); + console.log('len(vodList):'+vodList.length); + let new_vod_list = []; + let tabName = tab_ext?pdfh(html, tab_ext):tab_name; + vodList.forEach(it=>{ + new_vod_list.push(tabName+'$'+pD(it,'a&&href',MY_URL)); + }); + let vlist = new_vod_list.join('#'); + vod_tab_list.push(vlist); + } + } + vod.vod_play_url = vod_tab_list.join(vod_play_url); + } +// console.log(JSON.stringify(vod)); + return JSON.stringify({ + list: [vod] + }) +} + +/** + * 选集播放点击事件解析 + * @param playObj + * @returns {string} + */ +function playParse(playObj){ + MY_URL = playObj.url; + var input = MY_URL; + let common_play = { + parse:1, + url:MY_URL + }; + let lazy_play; + if(!rule.play_parse||!rule.lazy){ + lazy_play = common_play; + }else if(rule.play_parse&&rule.lazy&&typeof(rule.lazy)==='string'){ + try { + eval(rule.lazy.replace('js:').trim()); + lazy_play = typeof(input) === 'object'?input:{ + parse:1, + jx:1, + url:input + }; + }catch (e) { + lazy_play = common_play; + } + }else{ + lazy_play = common_play; + } + console.log(JSON.stringify(lazy_play)); + return JSON.stringify(lazy_play); +} + +/** + * js源预处理特定返回对象中的函数 + * @param ext + */ +function init(ext) { + console.log("init"); +} + +/** + * js源获取首页分类和筛选特定返回对象中的函数 + * @param filter 筛选条件字典对象 + * @returns {string} + */ +function home(filter) { + console.log("home"); + let homeObj = { + MY_URL: rule.host, + class_name: rule.class_name || '', + class_url: rule.class_url || '', + class_parse: rule.class_parse || '', + cate_exclude: rule.cate_exclude, + }; + return homeParse(homeObj); +} + +/** + * js源获取首页推荐数据列表特定返回对象中的函数 + * @param params + * @returns {string} + */ +function homeVod(params) { + let homeUrl = rule.host&&rule.homeUrl?urljoin(rule.host,rule.homeUrl):(rule.homeUrl||rule.host); + let detailUrl = rule.host&&rule.detailUrl?urljoin(rule.host,rule.detailUrl):rule.detailUrl; + let homeVodObj = { + 推荐:rule.推荐, + double:rule.double, + homeUrl:homeUrl, + detailUrl:detailUrl + }; + return homeVodParse(homeVodObj) + // return "{}"; +} + +/** + * js源获取分类页一级数据列表特定返回对象中的函数 + * @param tid 分类id + * @param pg 页数 + * @param filter 当前选中的筛选条件 + * @param extend 扩展 + * @returns {string} + */ +function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) { + let cateObj = { + url: urljoin(rule.host, rule.url), + 一级: rule.一级, + tid: tid, + pg: pg, + filter: filter, + extend: extend + }; + return categoryParse(cateObj) +} + +/** + * js源获取二级详情页数据特定返回对象中的函数 + * @param vod_url 一级列表中的vod_id或者是带分类的自拼接 vod_id 如 fyclass$vod_id + * @returns {string} + */ +function detail(vod_url) { + let fyclass = ''; + if(vod_url.indexOf('$')>-1){ + let tmp = vod_url.split('$'); + fyclass = tmp[0]; + vod_url = tmp[1]; + } + let detailUrl = vod_url; + let url; + rule.homeUrl = urljoin(rule.host,rule.homeUrl); + rule.detailUrl = urljoin(rule.host,rule.detailUrl); + if(!detailUrl.startsWith('http')&&!detailUrl.includes('/')){ + url = rule.detailUrl.replaceAll('fyid', detailUrl).replaceAll('fyclass',fyclass); + }else if(detailUrl.includes('/')){ + url = urljoin(rule.homeUrl,detailUrl); + }else{ + url = detailUrl + } + let detailObj = { + url:url, + 二级:rule.二级, + detailUrl:detailUrl, + fyclass:fyclass, + tab_exclude:rule.tab_exclude, + } + return detailParse(detailObj) +} + +/** + * js源选集按钮播放点击事件特定返回对象中的函数 + * @param flag 线路名 + * @param id 播放按钮的链接 + * @param flags 全局配置的flags是否需要解析的标识列表 + * @returns {string} + */ +function play(flag, id, flags) { + let playObj = { + url:id, + flag:flag, + flags:flags + } + return playParse(playObj); +} + +/** + * js源搜索返回的数据列表特定返回对象中的函数 + * @param wd 搜索关键字 + * @param quick 是否来自快速搜索 + * @returns {string} + */ +function search(wd, quick) { + let searchObj = { + searchUrl: urljoin(rule.host, rule.searchUrl), + 搜索: rule.搜索, + wd: wd, + //pg: pg, + pg: 1, + quick: quick, + }; + return searchParse(searchObj) +} + +// 导出函数对象 +export default { + init: init, + home: home, + homeVod: homeVod, + category: category, + detail: detail, + play: play, + search: search +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git "a/txt/pluto/drpy_\347\234\237\344\270\215\345\215\241.js" "b/txt/pluto/drpy_\347\234\237\344\270\215\345\215\241.js" new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 diff --git a/txt/pluto/muban.js b/txt/pluto/muban.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5fc7b85748caa21475faf73239be2c95f7d66862 --- /dev/null +++ b/txt/pluto/muban.js @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +var mubanDict = { // 模板字典 + mxpro:{ + title:'', + host:'', + // homeUrl:'/', + url:'/vodshow/fyclass--------fypage---.html', + searchUrl:'/vodsearch/**----------fypage---.html', + searchable:2,//是否启用全局搜索, + quickSearch:0,//是否启用快速搜索, + filterable:0,//是否启用分类筛选, + headers:{//网站的请求头,完整支持所有的,常带ua和cookies + 'User-Agent':'MOBILE_UA', + // "Cookie": "searchneed=ok" + }, + class_parse:'.navbar-items li:gt(2):lt(8);a&&Text;a&&href;/(\\d+).html', + play_parse:true, + lazy:'', + limit:6, + 推荐:'.tab-list.active;a.module-poster-item.module-item;.module-poster-item-title&&Text;.lazyload&&data-original;.module-item-note&&Text;a&&href', + double:true, // 推荐内容是否双层定位 + 一级:'body a.module-poster-item.module-item;a&&title;.lazyload&&data-original;.module-item-note&&Text;a&&href', + 二级:{"title":"h1&&Text;.module-info-tag&&Text","img":".lazyload&&data-original","desc":".module-info-item:eq(1)&&Text;.module-info-item:eq(2)&&Text;.module-info-item:eq(3)&&Text","content":".module-info-introduction&&Text","tabs":".module-tab-item","lists":".module-play-list:eq(#id) a"}, + 搜索:'body 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p:eq(-2)&&Text","img":".stui-content__thumb .lazyload&&data-original","desc":".stui-content__detail p:eq(0)&&Text;.stui-content__detail p:eq(1)&&Text;.stui-content__detail p:eq(2)&&Text","content":".detail&&Text","tabs":".stui-vodlist__head h3","lists":".stui-content__playlist:eq(#id) li"}, + 搜索:'ul.stui-vodlist__media:eq(0) li,ul.stui-vodlist:eq(0) li,#searchList li;a&&title;.lazyload&&data-original;.text-muted&&Text;a&&href;.text-muted:eq(-1)&&Text', + 搜索1:'ul.stui-vodlist&&li;a&&title;.lazyload&&data-original;.text-muted&&Text;a&&href;.text-muted:eq(-1)&&Text', + 搜索2:'ul.stui-vodlist__media&&li;a&&title;.lazyload&&data-original;.text-muted&&Text;a&&href;.text-muted:eq(-1)&&Text', +}, +vfed:{ + title:'', + host:'', + url:'/index.php/vod/show/id/fyclass/page/fypage.html', + searchUrl:'/index.php/vod/search/page/fypage/wd/**.html', + searchable:2,//是否启用全局搜索, + quickSearch:0,//是否启用快速搜索, + filterable:0,//是否启用分类筛选, + headers:{ + 'User-Agent':'UC_UA', + }, + // class_parse:'.fed-pops-navbar&&ul.fed-part-rows&&a.fed-part-eone:gt(0):lt(5);a&&Text;a&&href;.*/(.*?).html', + class_parse:'.fed-pops-navbar&&ul.fed-part-rows&&a;a&&Text;a&&href;.*/(.*?).html', + play_parse:true, + lazy:'', + limit:6, + 推荐:'ul.fed-list-info.fed-part-rows;li;a.fed-list-title&&Text;a&&data-original;.fed-list-remarks&&Text;a&&href', + double:true, // 推荐内容是否双层定位 + 一级:'.fed-list-info&&li;a.fed-list-title&&Text;a&&data-original;.fed-list-remarks&&Text;a&&href', + 二级:{"title":"h1.fed-part-eone&&Text;.fed-deta-content&&.fed-part-rows&&li&&Text","img":".fed-list-info&&a&&data-original","desc":".fed-deta-content&&.fed-part-rows&&li:eq(1)&&Text;.fed-deta-content&&.fed-part-rows&&li:eq(2)&&Text;.fed-deta-content&&.fed-part-rows&&li:eq(3)&&Text","content":".fed-part-esan&&Text","tabs":".fed-drop-boxs&&.fed-part-rows&&li","lists":".fed-play-item:eq(#id)&&ul:eq(1)&&li"}, + 搜索:'.fed-deta-info;h1&&Text;.lazyload&&data-original;.fed-list-remarks&&Text;a&&href;.fed-deta-content&&Text', +}, +海螺3:{ + title:'', + host:'', + searchUrl:'/v_search/**----------fypage---.html', + url:'/vod_____show/fyclass--------fypage---.html', + headers:{ + 'User-Agent':'MOBILE_UA' + }, + timeout:5000, + class_parse:'body&&.hl-nav li:gt(0);a&&Text;a&&href;.*/(.*?).html', + cate_exclude:'明星|专题|最新|排行', + limit:40, + play_parse:true, + lazy:'', + 推荐:'.hl-vod-list;li;a&&title;a&&data-original;.remarks&&Text;a&&href', + double:true, + 一级:'.hl-vod-list&&.hl-list-item;a&&title;a&&data-original;.remarks&&Text;a&&href', + 二级:{"title":".hl-infos-title&&Text;.hl-text-conch&&Text","img":".hl-lazy&&data-original","desc":".hl-infos-content&&.hl-text-conch&&Text","content":".hl-content-text&&Text","tabs":".hl-tabs&&a","lists":".hl-plays-list:eq(#id)&&li"}, + 搜索:'.hl-list-item;a&&title;a&&data-original;.remarks&&Text;a&&href', + searchable:2,//是否启用全局搜索, + quickSearch:0,//是否启用快速搜索, + filterable:0,//是否启用分类筛选, +}, +海螺2:{ + title:'', + host:'', + searchUrl:'/index.php/vod/search/page/fypage/wd/**/', + url:'/index.php/vod/show/id/fyclass/page/fypage/', + headers:{ + 'User-Agent':'MOBILE_UA' + }, + timeout:5000, + class_parse:'#nav-bar li;a&&Text;a&&href;id/(.*?)/', + limit:40, + play_parse:true, + lazy:'', + 推荐:'.list-a.size;li;a&&title;.lazy&&data-original;.bt&&Text;a&&href', + double:true, + 一级:'.list-a&&li;a&&title;.lazy&&data-original;.list-remarks&&Text;a&&href', + 二级:{"title":"h2&&Text;.deployment&&Text","img":".lazy&&data-original","desc":".deployment&&Text","content":".ec-show&&Text","tabs":"#tag&&a","lists":".play_list_box:eq(#id)&&li"}, + 搜索:'.search-list;a&&title;.lazy&&data-original;.deployment&&Text;a&&href', + searchable:2,//是否启用全局搜索, + quickSearch:0,//是否启用快速搜索, + filterable:0,//是否启用分类筛选, +}, + + +}; +var muban = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mubanDict)); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/txt/pluto/template-web.js b/txt/pluto/template-web.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c400e375d69426f9162c93fc707e088031c5486 --- /dev/null +++ b/txt/pluto/template-web.js @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +/*! art-template@4.13.2 for browser | https://github.com/aui/art-template */ +!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports.template=t():e.template=t()}("undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,function(){return function(e){function t(r){if(n[r])return n[r].exports;var i=n[r]={i:r,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[r].call(i.exports,i,i.exports,t),i.l=!0,i.exports}var n={};return t.m=e,t.c=n,t.d=function(e,n,r){t.o(e,n)||Object.defineProperty(e,n,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:r})},t.n=function(e){var n=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e["default"]}:function(){return e};return t.d(n,"a",n),n},t.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},t.p="",t(t.s=4)}([function(e,t,n){"use strict";var r=n(6),i=n(2),o=n(22),s=function(e,t){t.onerror(e,t);var n=function(){return"{Template Error}"};return n.mappings=[],n.sourcesContent=[],n},a=function u(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:{};"string"!=typeof e?t=e:t.source=e,t=i.$extend(t),e=t.source,!0===t.debug&&(t.cache=!1,t.minimize=!1,t.compileDebug=!0),t.compileDebug&&(t.minimize=!1),t.filename&&(t.filename=t.resolveFilename(t.filename,t));var n=t.filename,a=t.cache,c=t.caches;if(a&&n){var l=c.get(n);if(l)return l}if(!e)try{e=t.loader(n,t),t.source=e}catch(m){var f=new o({name:"CompileError",path:n,message:"template not found: "+m.message,stack:m.stack});if(t.bail)throw f;return s(f,t)}var p=void 0,h=new r(t);try{p=h.build()}catch(f){if(f=new o(f),t.bail)throw f;return s(f,t)}var d=function(e,n){try{return p(e,n)}catch(f){if(!t.compileDebug)return t.cache=!1,t.compileDebug=!0,u(t)(e,n);if(f=new o(f),t.bail)throw f;return s(f,t)()}};return d.mappings=p.mappings,d.sourcesContent=p.sourcesContent,d.toString=function(){return 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