# Deploy from settings ## Prerequisites Open deploy dialog (+) and select "Specify app details below" ## Expected result at execution * In positive case the "Deploy" button must lead to the creation of a running application * Validation errors affecting particular fields must be displayed beneath these fields. In case the deployment fails due to an exception, then a pop dialog is shown ## Specific factors |Factor |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |Comment | |--------------------------|--------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |App name |Max-length |Same name RC exists |Same name RC does not exists and same name Service exists|Same name exists in other namespace| |App name is used in the help text which does have some impact on layouting. | |Container image |Max-length |With version |With hostname of registry |With port of registry | | | |Number of pods |Floating point number |Not a number |Max-values | | | | |Port |Border cases(1, 65535) |Out of range(<0, >65535) |Floating point number |Not a number |Same port is mapped to different target ports| | |Protocol |TCP |UDP | | | | | |Exporse service externally|lcoal |Without load-balancer (vagrant) |With load-balancer (GCE) | | | | |Description |Max-length | | | | |Description is mapped to 'metadata/annotations/description' for RC, Service, Pod| |Labels |Max-length |key is empty and value is not empty|Key contains domain suffix | | | | |Namespace |Create Max-length namespace |Create existing namespace | | | | | |Image Pull Secret |Create Max-length secret name |Create existing secret name |Data is not Base64 encoded | | | | |CPU requiremnt(cores) |Floating point number |Not a number |> value of quota | | | | |Memory requirement(MB) |Floating point number |Not a number |> value of quota | | | | |Run command |Max-length | | | | | | |Run command arguments |Max-length | | | | | | |Run as privileged | | | | | | | |Environment variables |Max-length |Key is empty and value is not empty|Value conatins Environment variables | | | | |Action |Deploy |Cancel | | | | | |Concurrency explicitly |Create same name app at tha same time| | | | | | ## Common Factors | Factor | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |-----------------|----------------------------|----------------------------------|----|--------| | Browser | Chrome | Firefox | IE | Safari | | Form | Desktop | Mobile | | | | Help | Hover over every? | Click on every "Learn more" link | | | | Log entries | check log entry on success | Check log entry on failure | | | | Success message | Shown for every action | | | | | Failure message | Proper sentence | | | | | Concurrency | UI refreshes after error | | | |