// Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import {HttpClient, HttpHeaders} from '@angular/common/http'; import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {Router} from '@angular/router'; import {CookieService} from 'ngx-cookie-service'; import {of} from 'rxjs'; import {Observable} from 'rxjs'; import {first, switchMap} from 'rxjs/operators'; import {AuthResponse, CsrfToken, LoginSpec, LoginStatus} from 'typings/backendapi'; import {CONFIG} from '../../../index.config'; import {K8SError} from '../../errors/errors'; import {CsrfTokenService} from './csrftoken'; import {KdStateService} from './state'; @Injectable() export class AuthService { private readonly _config = CONFIG; constructor( private readonly cookies_: CookieService, private readonly router_: Router, private readonly http_: HttpClient, private readonly csrfTokenService_: CsrfTokenService, private readonly stateService_: KdStateService ) { this.init_(); } private init_() { this.stateService_.onBefore.pipe(switchMap(() => this.getLoginStatus())).subscribe(status => { if (this.isAuthenticationEnabled(status)) { this.refreshToken(); } }); } private setTokenCookie_(token: string): void { if (!this.isLoginEnabled()) { return; } if (this.isCurrentProtocolSecure_()) { this.cookies_.set(this._config.authTokenCookieName, token, null, null, null, true, 'Strict'); return; } if (this.isCurrentDomainSecure_()) { this.cookies_.set(this._config.authTokenCookieName, token, null, null, location.hostname, false, 'Strict'); } } private getTokenCookie_(): string { return this.cookies_.get(this._config.authTokenCookieName) || ''; } private isCurrentDomainSecure_(): boolean { return ['localhost', ''].indexOf(location.hostname) > -1; } private isCurrentProtocolSecure_(): boolean { return location.protocol.includes('https'); } removeAuthCookies(): void { this.cookies_.delete(this._config.authTokenCookieName); this.cookies_.delete(this._config.skipLoginPageCookieName); } /** * Sends a login request to the backend with filled in login spec structure. */ login(loginSpec: LoginSpec): Observable { return this.csrfTokenService_ .getTokenForAction('login') .pipe( switchMap((csrfToken: CsrfToken) => this.http_.post('api/v1/login', loginSpec, { headers: new HttpHeaders().set(this._config.csrfHeaderName, csrfToken.token), }) ) ) .pipe( switchMap((authResponse: AuthResponse) => { if (authResponse.jweToken.length !== 0 && authResponse.errors.length === 0) { this.setTokenCookie_(authResponse.jweToken); } return of(authResponse.errors); }) ); } logout(): void { this.removeAuthCookies(); this.router_.navigate(['login']); } /** * Sends a token refresh request to the backend. In case user is not logged in * with token nothing will happen. */ refreshToken(): void { const token = this.getTokenCookie_(); if (token.length === 0) return; this.csrfTokenService_ .getTokenForAction('token') .pipe( switchMap(csrfToken => { return this.http_.post( 'api/v1/token/refresh', {jweToken: token}, { headers: new HttpHeaders().set(this._config.csrfHeaderName, csrfToken.token), } ); }) ) .pipe(first()) .subscribe((authResponse: AuthResponse) => { if (authResponse.jweToken.length !== 0 && authResponse.errors.length === 0) { this.setTokenCookie_(authResponse.jweToken); return authResponse.jweToken; } return authResponse.errors; }); } /** Checks if user is authenticated. */ isAuthenticated(loginStatus: LoginStatus): boolean { return loginStatus.headerPresent || loginStatus.tokenPresent || !this.isLoginPageEnabled(); } /** * Checks authentication is enabled. It is enabled only on HTTPS. Can be * overridden by 'enable-insecure-login' flag passed to dashboard. */ isAuthenticationEnabled(loginStatus: LoginStatus): boolean { return loginStatus.httpsMode; } getLoginStatus(): Observable { return this.http_.get('api/v1/login/status'); } skipLoginPage(skip: boolean): void { this.removeAuthCookies(); this.cookies_.set(this._config.skipLoginPageCookieName, skip.toString(), null, null, null, false, 'Strict'); } /** * Returns true if user has selected to skip page, false otherwise. * As cookie returns string or undefined we have to check for a string match. * In case cookie is not set login page will also be visible. */ isLoginPageEnabled(): boolean { return !(this.cookies_.get(this._config.skipLoginPageCookieName) === 'true'); } /** * Returns true if domain is localhost/ or if the connection * protocol is HTTPS, false otherwise. */ isLoginEnabled(): boolean { return this.isCurrentDomainSecure_() || this.isCurrentProtocolSecure_(); } }