logstoolbar_controller.js 4.3 KB
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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

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import {StateParams, stateName as logs} from './../logs_state';

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 * Controller for the logs view.
 * @final
export default class LogsToolbarController {
   * @param {!ui.router.$state} $state
   * @param {!StateParams} $stateParams
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   * @param {!backendApi.ReplicaSetPods} replicaSetPods
   * @param {!../logs_service.LogColorInversionService} logsColorInversionService
   * @ngInject
  constructor($state, $stateParams, replicaSetPods, logsColorInversionService) {
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    /** @private {!ui.router.$state} */
    this.state_ = $state;

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    /** @private {!StateParams} */
    this.params = $stateParams;
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     * Service to notify logs controller if any changes on toolbar.
     * @private {!../logs_service.LogColorInversionService}
    this.logsColorInversionService = logsColorInversionService;

    /** @export {!Array<!backendApi.ReplicaSetPodWithContainers>} */
    this.pods = replicaSetPods.pods || [];

     * Currently chosen pod.
     * @export {!backendApi.ReplicaSetPodWithContainers|undefined}
    this.pod = this.findPodByName_(this.pods, this.params.podId);

    /** @export {!Array<!backendApi.PodContainer>} */
    this.containers = this.pod.podContainers || [];

    /** @export {!backendApi.PodContainer|undefined} */
    this.container = this.findContainerByName_(this.containers, this.params.container);

     * Pod creation time.
     * @export {?string}
    this.podCreationTime = this.pod.startTime;
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     * Namespace.
     * @private {string}
    this.namespace = this.params.namespace;

     * Replica Set name.
     * @private {string}
    this.replicaSetName = this.params.replicaSet;

     * Indicates state of log area color.
     * If false: black text is placed on white area. Otherwise colors are inverted.
     * @export
     * @return {boolean}
    this.isTextColorInverted = function() { return this.logsColorInversionService.getInverted(); };

   * Execute a code when a user changes the selected option of a pod element.
   * @param {string} podId
   * @return {string}
   * @export
  onPodChange(podId) {
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    return this.state_.transitionTo(
        logs, new StateParams(this.namespace, this.replicaSetName, podId, this.container.name));
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   * Execute a code when a user changes the selected option of a container element.
   * @param {string} container
   * @return {string}
   * @export
  onContainerChange(container) {
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    return this.state_.transitionTo(
        logs, new StateParams(this.namespace, this.replicaSetName, this.pod.name, container));
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   * Return proper style class for icon.
   * @export
   * @returns {string}
  getStyleClass() {
    const logsTextColor = 'kd-logs-color-icon';
    if (this.isTextColorInverted()) {
      return `${logsTextColor}-invert`;
    return `${logsTextColor}`;

   * Execute a code when a user changes the selected option for console color.
   * @export
  onTextColorChange() { this.logsColorInversionService.invert(); }

   * Find Pod by name.
   * Return object or undefined if can not find a object.
   * @param {!Array<!backendApi.ReplicaSetPodWithContainers>} array
   * @param {!string} name
   * @return {!backendApi.ReplicaSetPodWithContainers|undefined}
   * @private
  findPodByName_(array, name) { return array.find((element) => element.name === name); }

   * Find Container by name.
   * Return object or undefined if can not find a object.
   * @param {!Array<!backendApi.PodContainer>} array
   * @param {!string} name
   * @return {!backendApi.PodContainer|undefined}
   * @private
  findContainerByName_(array, name) { return array.find((element) => element.name === name); }