Sky Walking | [中文]( ========== Sky Walking logo **SkyWalking 3**: APM for Distributed Systems, also known Distributed Tracing System. [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( ![license]( [![codebeat badge](]( [![Join the chat at](]( [![OpenTracing-1.x Badge](]( * Auto instrumentation by javaagent, **no need to CHANGE any application source code**. * High performance agent. Only increase extra **10%** cpu cost in 5000+ tps application, even **do not need to use sampling mechanism**, [check test reports](#test-reports). * [Supported middlewares, frameworks and libraries]( * Manual instrumentation * As an [OpenTracing supported tracer]( * Use **@Trace** annotation for any methods you want to trace. * Integrate traceId into logs for log4j, log4j2 and logback. * Pure Java server implementation, provide RESTful and gRPC services. Compatibility with other language agents/SDKs. * [How to uplink metrics and traces to collector?]() * The UI released on [wu-sheng/sky-walking-ui]( # PMC, Project Management Committee * 吴晟 [@wu-sheng]( * 张鑫 [@ascrutae]( * 彭勇升 [@peng-yongsheng]( R&D director,Tydic # Committer * 柏杨 [@bai-yang]( Senior Engineer, Alibaba Group. # Contributors * [Contributor List]( * A special thanks to the contributors: 徐妍[@TastySummer]( and 戴文, you offer huge helps for this project. This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant [code of conduct]( By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to # Architecture * Architecture graph for 3.2+ # Screenshots - Topological graph of application clusters based on dubbox and [motan]( - Trace query. - Span detail. - Instance Overview. - JVM Detail. - Services Dependency Tree. # Test reports - Automatic integration test reports - [Java Agent test report]( - Performance test reports - [Java Agent test report]( # Document * [WIKI]( # Contact Us * Submit an issue * [Gitter]( * [Google Mailing List](!forum/skywalking-distributed-tracing-and-apm) * QQ Group: 392443393 # License By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of the [sky-walking license](/LICENSE).