/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { IEnvironmentService, ParsedArgs } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment'; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import * as paths from 'vs/base/node/paths'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { memoize } from 'vs/base/common/decorators'; import pkg from 'vs/platform/node/package'; import product from 'vs/platform/node/product'; function getUniqueUserId(): string { let username: string; if (process.platform === 'win32') { username = process.env.USERNAME; } else { username = process.env.USER; } if (!username) { return ''; // fail gracefully if there is no user name } // use sha256 to ensure the userid value can be used in filenames and are unique return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(username).digest('hex').substr(0, 6); } function getNixIPCHandle(userDataPath: string, type: string): string { return path.join(userDataPath, `${pkg.version}-${type}.sock`); } function getWin32IPCHandle(type: string): string { // Support to run VS Code multiple times as different user // by making the socket unique over the logged in user const userId = getUniqueUserId(); const name = product.applicationName + (userId ? `-${userId}` : ''); return `\\\\.\\pipe\\${name}-${pkg.version}-${type}-sock`; } function getIPCHandle(userDataPath: string, type: string): string { if (process.platform === 'win32') { return getWin32IPCHandle(type); } else { return getNixIPCHandle(userDataPath, type); } } export class EnvironmentService implements IEnvironmentService { _serviceBrand: any; get args(): ParsedArgs { return this._args; } @memoize get appRoot(): string { return path.dirname(URI.parse(require.toUrl('')).fsPath); } get execPath(): string { return this._execPath; } @memoize get userHome(): string { return os.homedir(); } @memoize get userProductHome(): string { return path.join(this.userHome, product.dataFolderName); } @memoize get userDataPath(): string { return parseUserDataDir(this._args, process); } get appNameLong(): string { return product.nameLong; } get appQuality(): string { return product.quality; } @memoize get appSettingsHome(): string { return path.join(this.userDataPath, 'User'); } @memoize get appSettingsPath(): string { return path.join(this.appSettingsHome, 'settings.json'); } @memoize get appKeybindingsPath(): string { return path.join(this.appSettingsHome, 'keybindings.json'); } @memoize get isExtensionDevelopment(): boolean { return !!this._args.extensionDevelopmentPath; } @memoize get backupHome(): string { return path.join(this.userDataPath, 'Backups'); } @memoize get backupWorkspacesPath(): string { return path.join(this.backupHome, 'workspaces.json'); } @memoize get extensionsPath(): string { return parsePathArg(this._args['extensions-dir'], process) || path.join(this.userProductHome, 'extensions'); } @memoize get extensionDevelopmentPath(): string { return this._args.extensionDevelopmentPath ? path.normalize(this._args.extensionDevelopmentPath) : this._args.extensionDevelopmentPath; } @memoize get extensionTestsPath(): string { return this._args.extensionTestsPath ? path.normalize(this._args.extensionTestsPath) : this._args.extensionTestsPath; } get disableExtensions(): boolean { return this._args['disable-extensions']; } @memoize get debugExtensionHost(): { port: number; break: boolean; } { return parseExtensionHostPort(this._args, this.isBuilt); } get isBuilt(): boolean { return !process.env['VSCODE_DEV']; } get verbose(): boolean { return this._args.verbose; } get wait(): boolean { return this._args.wait; } get logExtensionHostCommunication(): boolean { return this._args.logExtensionHostCommunication; } get performance(): boolean { return this._args.performance; } @memoize get profileStartup(): { prefix: string, dir: string } | undefined { if (this._args['prof-startup']) { return { prefix: process.env.VSCODE_PROFILES_PREFIX, dir: os.homedir() }; } else { return undefined; } } @memoize get mainIPCHandle(): string { return getIPCHandle(this.userDataPath, 'main'); } @memoize get sharedIPCHandle(): string { return getIPCHandle(this.userDataPath, 'shared'); } @memoize get nodeCachedDataDir(): string { return path.join(this.userDataPath, 'CachedData'); } constructor(private _args: ParsedArgs, private _execPath: string) { } } export function parseExtensionHostPort(args: ParsedArgs, isBuild: boolean): { port: number; break: boolean; } { const portStr = args.debugBrkPluginHost || args.debugPluginHost; const port = Number(portStr) || (!isBuild ? 5870 : null); const brk = port ? Boolean(!!args.debugBrkPluginHost) : false; return { port, break: brk }; } function parsePathArg(arg: string, process: NodeJS.Process): string { if (!arg) { return undefined; } // Determine if the arg is relative or absolute, if relative use the original CWD // (VSCODE_CWD), not the potentially overridden one (process.cwd()). const resolved = path.resolve(arg); if (path.normalize(arg) === resolved) { return resolved; } else { return path.resolve(process.env['VSCODE_CWD'] || process.cwd(), arg); } } export function parseUserDataDir(args: ParsedArgs, process: NodeJS.Process): string { return parsePathArg(args['user-data-dir'], process) || path.resolve(paths.getDefaultUserDataPath(process.platform)); }