/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import nls = require('vs/nls'); import {IPluginDescription, IPluginService, IMessage, IPointListener, IActivationEventListener, IPluginStatus } from 'vs/platform/plugins/common/plugins'; import WinJS = require('vs/base/common/winjs.base'); import {IDisposable} from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import Errors = require('vs/base/common/errors'); import {IInstantiationService} from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import {PluginsRegistry} from 'vs/platform/plugins/common/pluginsRegistry'; import Severity from 'vs/base/common/severity'; var hasOwnProperty = Object.hasOwnProperty; var global = this; export interface IPluginExports { // $isPluginExports:boolean; } export interface IPluginModule { activate(subscriptions: IDisposable[]): WinJS.TPromise; deactivate(callback:(err:any, success:boolean)=>void): void; } export interface IPluginContext { subscriptions: IDisposable[]; workspaceState: IPluginMemento; globalState: IPluginMemento; extensionPath: string; asAbsolutePath(relativePath:string): string; } export interface IPluginMemento { get(key: string, defaultValue: T): T; update(key: string, value: any): Thenable; } export class ActivatedPlugin { activationFailed: boolean; module: IPluginModule; exports: IPluginExports; subscriptions: IDisposable[]; constructor(activationFailed: boolean, module: IPluginModule, exports: IPluginExports, subscriptions: IDisposable[]) { this.activationFailed = activationFailed this.module = module; this.exports = exports; this.subscriptions = subscriptions; } } export interface IActivatedPluginMap { [pluginId: string]: ActivatedPlugin; } interface IActivatingPluginMap { [pluginId: string]: WinJS.TPromise; } export abstract class AbstractPluginService implements IPluginService { public serviceId = IPluginService; private activatingPlugins: IActivatingPluginMap; protected activatedPlugins: IActivatedPluginMap; private _onReady: WinJS.TPromise; private _onReadyC: (v: boolean) => void; constructor(isReadyByDefault:boolean) { if (isReadyByDefault) { this._onReady = WinJS.TPromise.as(true); this._onReadyC = (v: boolean) => { /*No-op*/ }; } else { this._onReady = new WinJS.TPromise((c, e, p) => { this._onReadyC = c; }, () => { console.warn('You should really not try to cancel this ready promise!'); }); } this.activatingPlugins = {}; this.activatedPlugins = {}; } protected abstract _showMessage(severity:Severity, message:string): void; protected showMessage(severity:Severity, source:string, message:string): void { this._showMessage(severity, ( source ? '[' + source + ']: ' : '') + message); } public registrationDone(messages: IMessage[]): void { messages.forEach((entry) => { this.showMessage(entry.type, entry.source, entry.message); }); this._onReadyC(true); } public registerOneTimeActivationEventListener(activationEvent: string, listener: IActivationEventListener): void { PluginsRegistry.registerOneTimeActivationEventListener(activationEvent, listener); } public onReady(): WinJS.TPromise { return this._onReady; } public get(pluginId: string): IPluginExports { if (!hasOwnProperty.call(this.activatedPlugins, pluginId)) { throw new Error('Plugin `' + pluginId + '` is not known or not activated'); } return this.activatedPlugins[pluginId].exports; } public getPluginsStatus(): { [id: string]: IPluginStatus } { return null; } public isActivated(pluginId:string): boolean { return hasOwnProperty.call(this.activatedPlugins, pluginId); } public activateByEvent(activationEvent: string): WinJS.TPromise { return this._onReady.then(() => { PluginsRegistry.triggerActivationEventListeners(activationEvent); let activatePlugins = PluginsRegistry.getPluginDescriptionsForActivationEvent(activationEvent); return this._activatePlugins(activatePlugins, 0); }); } public activateAndGet(pluginId: string): WinJS.TPromise { return this._onReady.then(() => { var desc = PluginsRegistry.getPluginDescription(pluginId); if (!desc) { throw new Error('Plugin `' + pluginId + '` is not known'); } return this._activatePlugins([desc], 0).then(() => { return this.get(pluginId); }); }); } /** * Handle semantics related to dependencies for `currentPlugin`. * semantics: `redExtensions` must wait for `greenExtensions`. */ private _handleActivateRequest(currentPlugin:IPluginDescription, greenExtensions: { [id:string]: IPluginDescription; }, redExtensions: IPluginDescription[]): void { let depIds = (typeof currentPlugin.extensionDependencies === 'undefined' ? [] : currentPlugin.extensionDependencies); let currentPluginGetsGreenLight = true; for (let j = 0, lenJ = depIds.length; j < lenJ; j++) { let depId = depIds[j]; let depDesc = PluginsRegistry.getPluginDescription(depId); if (!depDesc) { // Error condition 1: unknown dependency this._showMessage(Severity.Error, nls.localize('unknownDep', "Extension `{1}` failed to activate. Reason: unknown dependency `{0}`.", depId, currentPlugin.id)); this.activatedPlugins[currentPlugin.id] = new ActivatedPlugin(true, { activate: undefined, deactivate: undefined }, {}, []); return; } if (hasOwnProperty.call(this.activatedPlugins, depId)) { let dep = this.activatedPlugins[depId]; if (dep.activationFailed) { // Error condition 2: a dependency has already failed activation this._showMessage(Severity.Error, nls.localize('failedDep', "Extension `{1}` failed to activate. Reason: dependency `{0}` failed to activate.", depId, currentPlugin.id)); this.activatedPlugins[currentPlugin.id] = new ActivatedPlugin(true, { activate: undefined, deactivate: undefined }, {}, []); return; } } else { // must first wait for the dependency to activate currentPluginGetsGreenLight = false; greenExtensions[depId] = depDesc; } } if (currentPluginGetsGreenLight) { greenExtensions[currentPlugin.id] = currentPlugin; } else { redExtensions.push(currentPlugin); } } private _activatePlugins(pluginDescriptions: IPluginDescription[], recursionLevel:number): WinJS.TPromise { // console.log(recursionLevel, '_activatePlugins: ', pluginDescriptions.map(p => p.id)); if (pluginDescriptions.length === 0) { return WinJS.TPromise.as(void 0); } pluginDescriptions = pluginDescriptions.filter((p) => !hasOwnProperty.call(this.activatedPlugins, p.id)); if (pluginDescriptions.length === 0) { return WinJS.TPromise.as(void 0); } if (recursionLevel > 10) { // More than 10 dependencies deep => most likely a dependency loop for (let i = 0, len = pluginDescriptions.length; i < len; i++) { // Error condition 3: dependency loop this._showMessage(Severity.Error, nls.localize('failedDep', "Extension `{0}` failed to activate. Reason: more than 10 levels of dependencies (most likely a dependency loop).", pluginDescriptions[i].id)); this.activatedPlugins[pluginDescriptions[i].id] = new ActivatedPlugin(true, { activate: undefined, deactivate: undefined }, {}, []); } return WinJS.TPromise.as(void 0); } let greenMap: { [id:string]: IPluginDescription; } = Object.create(null), red: IPluginDescription[] = []; for (let i = 0, len = pluginDescriptions.length; i < len; i++) { this._handleActivateRequest(pluginDescriptions[i], greenMap, red); } // Make sure no red is also green for (let i = 0, len = red.length; i < len; i++) { if (greenMap[red[i].id]) { delete greenMap[red[i].id]; } } let green = Object.keys(greenMap).map(id => greenMap[id]); // console.log('greenExtensions: ', green.map(p => p.id)); // console.log('redExtensions: ', red.map(p => p.id)); if (red.length === 0) { // Finally reached only leafs! return WinJS.TPromise.join(green.map((p) => this._activatePlugin(p))).then(_ => void 0); } return this._activatePlugins(green, recursionLevel + 1).then(_ => { return this._activatePlugins(red, recursionLevel + 1); }); } protected _activatePlugin(pluginDescription: IPluginDescription): WinJS.TPromise { if (hasOwnProperty.call(this.activatedPlugins, pluginDescription.id)) { return WinJS.TPromise.as(this.activatedPlugins[pluginDescription.id].exports); } if (hasOwnProperty.call(this.activatingPlugins, pluginDescription.id)) { return this.activatingPlugins[pluginDescription.id]; } this.activatingPlugins[pluginDescription.id] = this._actualActivatePlugin(pluginDescription).then(null, (err) => { this._showMessage(Severity.Error, nls.localize('activationError', "Activating extension `{0}` failed: {1}.", pluginDescription.id, err.message)); console.error('Activating extension `' + pluginDescription.id + '` failed: ', err.message); console.log('Here is the error stack: ', err.stack); // Treat the plugin as being empty return new ActivatedPlugin(true, { activate: undefined, deactivate: undefined }, {}, []); }).then((x) => { this.activatedPlugins[pluginDescription.id] = x; delete this.activatingPlugins[pluginDescription.id]; return x.exports; }); return this.activatingPlugins[pluginDescription.id]; } protected _actualActivatePlugin(pluginDescription: IPluginDescription): WinJS.TPromise { if (!pluginDescription.main) { // Treat the plugin as being empty => NOT AN ERROR CASE return WinJS.TPromise.as(new ActivatedPlugin(false, { activate: undefined, deactivate: undefined }, {}, [])); } return this._loadPluginModule(pluginDescription).then((pluginModule) => { return this._loadPluginContext(pluginDescription).then(context => { return AbstractPluginService._callActivate(pluginModule, context); }); }); } protected _loadPluginModule(pluginDescription: IPluginDescription): WinJS.TPromise { return loadAMDModule(pluginDescription.main); } protected _loadPluginContext(pluginDescription: IPluginDescription): WinJS.TPromise { return WinJS.TPromise.as(undefined); } private static _callActivate(pluginModule: IPluginModule, context: IPluginContext): WinJS.TPromise { // Make sure the plugin's surface is not undefined pluginModule = pluginModule || { activate: undefined, deactivate: undefined }; // let subscriptions:IDisposable[] = []; return this._callActivateOptional(pluginModule, context).then((pluginExports) => { return new ActivatedPlugin(false, pluginModule, pluginExports, context.subscriptions); }); } private static _callActivateOptional(pluginModule: IPluginModule, context: IPluginContext): WinJS.TPromise { if (typeof pluginModule.activate === 'function') { try { return WinJS.TPromise.as(pluginModule.activate.apply(global, [context])); } catch (err) { return WinJS.TPromise.wrapError(err); } } else { // No activate found => the module is the plugin's exports return WinJS.TPromise.as(pluginModule); } } } export function loadAMDModule(moduleId: string): WinJS.TPromise { return new WinJS.TPromise((c, e, p) => { require([moduleId], (r: T) => { c(r); }, e); }); }