/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import 'vs/css!./media/tabstitle'; import nls = require('vs/nls'); import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors'); import DOM = require('vs/base/browser/dom'); import { isMacintosh } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { MIME_BINARY } from 'vs/base/common/mime'; import { shorten, getPathLabel } from 'vs/base/common/labels'; import { ActionRunner, IAction } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { Position, IEditorInput, Verbosity, IUntitledResourceInput } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor'; import { IEditorGroup, toResource } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor'; import { StandardKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent'; import { EventType as TouchEventType, GestureEvent, Gesture } from 'vs/base/browser/touch'; import { KeyCode } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes'; import { ResourceLabel } from 'vs/workbench/browser/labels'; import { ActionBar } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionbar'; import { IWorkbenchEditorService, DelegatingWorkbenchEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; import { IContextMenuService } from 'vs/platform/contextview/browser/contextView'; import { IEditorGroupService } from 'vs/workbench/services/group/common/groupService'; import { IMessageService } from 'vs/platform/message/common/message'; import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding'; import { IContextKeyService } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey'; import { IMenuService } from 'vs/platform/actions/common/actions'; import { IWindowService, IWindowsService } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows'; import { TitleControl, handleWorkspaceExternalDrop } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/titleControl'; import { IQuickOpenService } from 'vs/platform/quickOpen/common/quickOpen'; import { IDisposable, dispose, combinedDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { ScrollableElement } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/scrollbar/scrollableElement'; import { ScrollbarVisibility } from 'vs/base/common/scrollable'; import { extractResources } from 'vs/base/browser/dnd'; import { getOrSet } from 'vs/base/common/map'; import { ServiceCollection } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/serviceCollection'; import { IThemeService, registerThemingParticipant, ITheme, ICssStyleCollector } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService'; import { TAB_INACTIVE_BACKGROUND, TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND, TAB_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND, TAB_INACTIVE_FOREGROUND, TAB_BORDER, EDITOR_DRAG_AND_DROP_BACKGROUND, TAB_UNFOCUSED_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND, TAB_UNFOCUSED_INACTIVE_FOREGROUND, TAB_UNFOCUSED_ACTIVE_BORDER, TAB_ACTIVE_BORDER } from 'vs/workbench/common/theme'; import { activeContrastBorder, contrastBorder } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry'; import { IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { IWorkspacesService } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces'; interface IEditorInputLabel { name: string; description?: string; title?: string; } type AugmentedLabel = IEditorInputLabel & { editor: IEditorInput }; export class TabsTitleControl extends TitleControl { private titleContainer: HTMLElement; private tabsContainer: HTMLElement; private activeTab: HTMLElement; private editorLabels: ResourceLabel[]; private scrollbar: ScrollableElement; private tabDisposeables: IDisposable[]; private blockRevealActiveTab: boolean; constructor( @IContextMenuService contextMenuService: IContextMenuService, @IInstantiationService instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @IWorkbenchEditorService editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService, @IEditorGroupService editorGroupService: IEditorGroupService, @IContextKeyService contextKeyService: IContextKeyService, @IKeybindingService keybindingService: IKeybindingService, @ITelemetryService telemetryService: ITelemetryService, @IMessageService messageService: IMessageService, @IMenuService menuService: IMenuService, @IQuickOpenService quickOpenService: IQuickOpenService, @IWindowService private windowService: IWindowService, @IWindowsService private windowsService: IWindowsService, @IThemeService themeService: IThemeService, @IFileService private fileService: IFileService, @IWorkspacesService private workspacesService: IWorkspacesService ) { super(contextMenuService, instantiationService, editorService, editorGroupService, contextKeyService, keybindingService, telemetryService, messageService, menuService, quickOpenService, themeService); this.tabDisposeables = []; this.editorLabels = []; } protected initActions(services: IInstantiationService): void { super.initActions(this.createScopedInstantiationService()); } private createScopedInstantiationService(): IInstantiationService { const stacks = this.editorGroupService.getStacksModel(); const delegatingEditorService = this.instantiationService.createInstance(DelegatingWorkbenchEditorService); // We create a scoped instantiation service to override the behaviour when closing an inactive editor // Specifically we want to move focus back to the editor when an inactive editor is closed from anywhere // in the tabs title control (e.g. mouse middle click, context menu on tab). This is only needed for // the inactive editors because closing the active one will always cause a tab switch that sets focus. // We also want to block the tabs container to reveal the currently active tab because that makes it very // hard to close multiple inactive tabs next to each other. delegatingEditorService.setEditorCloseHandler((position, editor) => { const group = stacks.groupAt(position); if (group && stacks.isActive(group) && !group.isActive(editor)) { this.editorGroupService.focusGroup(group); } this.blockRevealActiveTab = true; return TPromise.as(void 0); }); return this.instantiationService.createChild(new ServiceCollection([IWorkbenchEditorService, delegatingEditorService])); } public setContext(group: IEditorGroup): void { super.setContext(group); this.editorActionsToolbar.context = { group }; } public create(parent: HTMLElement): void { super.create(parent); this.titleContainer = parent; // Tabs Container this.tabsContainer = document.createElement('div'); this.tabsContainer.setAttribute('role', 'tablist'); DOM.addClass(this.tabsContainer, 'tabs-container'); // Forward scrolling inside the container to our custom scrollbar this.toUnbind.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.tabsContainer, DOM.EventType.SCROLL, e => { if (DOM.hasClass(this.tabsContainer, 'scroll')) { this.scrollbar.setScrollPosition({ scrollLeft: this.tabsContainer.scrollLeft // during DND the container gets scrolled so we need to update the custom scrollbar }); } })); // New file when double clicking on tabs container (but not tabs) this.toUnbind.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.tabsContainer, DOM.EventType.DBLCLICK, e => { const target = e.target; if (target instanceof HTMLElement && target.className.indexOf('tabs-container') === 0) { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e); const group = this.context; if (group) { this.editorService.openEditor({ options: { pinned: true, index: group.count /* always at the end */ } } as IUntitledResourceInput).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); // untitled are always pinned } } })); // Custom Scrollbar this.scrollbar = new ScrollableElement(this.tabsContainer, { horizontal: ScrollbarVisibility.Auto, vertical: ScrollbarVisibility.Hidden, scrollYToX: true, useShadows: false, horizontalScrollbarSize: 3 }); this.scrollbar.onScroll(e => { this.tabsContainer.scrollLeft = e.scrollLeft; }); this.titleContainer.appendChild(this.scrollbar.getDomNode()); // Drag over this.toUnbind.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.tabsContainer, DOM.EventType.DRAG_OVER, (e: DragEvent) => { // update the dropEffect, otherwise it would look like a "move" operation. but only if we are // not dragging a tab actually because there we support both moving as well as copying if (!TabsTitleControl.getDraggedEditor()) { e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; } DOM.addClass(this.tabsContainer, 'scroll'); // enable support to scroll while dragging const target = e.target; if (target instanceof HTMLElement && target.className.indexOf('tabs-container') === 0) { this.updateDropFeedback(this.tabsContainer, true); } })); // Drag leave this.toUnbind.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.tabsContainer, DOM.EventType.DRAG_LEAVE, (e: DragEvent) => { this.updateDropFeedback(this.tabsContainer, false); DOM.removeClass(this.tabsContainer, 'scroll'); })); // Drag end this.toUnbind.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.tabsContainer, DOM.EventType.DRAG_END, (e: DragEvent) => { this.updateDropFeedback(this.tabsContainer, false); DOM.removeClass(this.tabsContainer, 'scroll'); })); // Drop onto tabs container this.toUnbind.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(this.tabsContainer, DOM.EventType.DROP, (e: DragEvent) => { this.updateDropFeedback(this.tabsContainer, false); DOM.removeClass(this.tabsContainer, 'scroll'); const target = e.target; if (target instanceof HTMLElement && target.className.indexOf('tabs-container') === 0) { const group = this.context; if (group) { const targetPosition = this.stacks.positionOfGroup(group); const targetIndex = group.count; this.onDrop(e, group, targetPosition, targetIndex); } } })); // Editor Actions Container const editorActionsContainer = document.createElement('div'); DOM.addClass(editorActionsContainer, 'editor-actions'); this.titleContainer.appendChild(editorActionsContainer); // Editor Actions Toolbar this.createEditorActionsToolBar(editorActionsContainer); } private updateDropFeedback(element: HTMLElement, isDND: boolean, index?: number): void { const isTab = (typeof index === 'number'); const isActiveTab = isTab && this.context && this.context.isActive(this.context.getEditor(index)); // Background const noDNDBackgroundColor = isTab ? this.getColor(isActiveTab ? TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND : TAB_INACTIVE_BACKGROUND) : null; element.style.backgroundColor = isDND ? this.getColor(EDITOR_DRAG_AND_DROP_BACKGROUND) : noDNDBackgroundColor; // Outline const activeContrastBorderColor = this.getColor(activeContrastBorder); if (activeContrastBorderColor && isDND) { element.style.outlineWidth = '2px'; element.style.outlineStyle = 'dashed'; element.style.outlineColor = activeContrastBorderColor; element.style.outlineOffset = isTab ? '-5px' : '-3px'; } else { element.style.outlineWidth = null; element.style.outlineStyle = null; element.style.outlineColor = activeContrastBorderColor; element.style.outlineOffset = null; } } public allowDragging(element: HTMLElement): boolean { return (element.className === 'tabs-container'); } protected doUpdate(): void { if (!this.context) { return; } const group = this.context; // Tabs container activity state const isGroupActive = this.stacks.isActive(group); if (isGroupActive) { DOM.addClass(this.titleContainer, 'active'); } else { DOM.removeClass(this.titleContainer, 'active'); } // Compute labels and protect against duplicates const editorsOfGroup = this.context.getEditors(); const labels = this.getTabLabels(editorsOfGroup); // Tab label and styles editorsOfGroup.forEach((editor, index) => { const tabContainer = this.tabsContainer.children[index]; if (tabContainer instanceof HTMLElement) { const isPinned = group.isPinned(index); const isTabActive = group.isActive(editor); const isDirty = editor.isDirty(); const label = labels[index]; const name = label.name; const description = label.description || ''; const title = label.title || ''; // Container tabContainer.setAttribute('aria-label', `${name}, tab`); tabContainer.title = title; tabContainer.style.borderLeftColor = (index !== 0) ? (this.getColor(TAB_BORDER) || this.getColor(contrastBorder)) : null; tabContainer.style.borderRightColor = (index === editorsOfGroup.length - 1) ? (this.getColor(TAB_BORDER) || this.getColor(contrastBorder)) : null; tabContainer.style.outlineColor = this.getColor(activeContrastBorder); const tabOptions = this.editorGroupService.getTabOptions(); ['off', 'left'].forEach(option => { const domAction = tabOptions.tabCloseButton === option ? DOM.addClass : DOM.removeClass; domAction(tabContainer, `close-button-${option}`); }); // Label const tabLabel = this.editorLabels[index]; tabLabel.setLabel({ name, description, resource: toResource(editor, { supportSideBySide: true }) }, { extraClasses: ['tab-label'], italic: !isPinned }); // Active state if (isTabActive) { DOM.addClass(tabContainer, 'active'); tabContainer.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true'); tabContainer.style.backgroundColor = this.getColor(TAB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND); tabLabel.element.style.color = this.getColor(isGroupActive ? TAB_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND : TAB_UNFOCUSED_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND); // Use boxShadow for the active tab border because if we also have a editor group header // color, the two colors would collide and the tab border never shows up. // see https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/33111 const activeTabBorderColor = this.getColor(isGroupActive ? TAB_ACTIVE_BORDER : TAB_UNFOCUSED_ACTIVE_BORDER); if (activeTabBorderColor) { tabContainer.style.boxShadow = `${activeTabBorderColor} 0 -1px inset`; } else { tabContainer.style.boxShadow = null; } this.activeTab = tabContainer; } else { DOM.removeClass(tabContainer, 'active'); tabContainer.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false'); tabContainer.style.backgroundColor = this.getColor(TAB_INACTIVE_BACKGROUND); tabLabel.element.style.color = this.getColor(isGroupActive ? TAB_INACTIVE_FOREGROUND : TAB_UNFOCUSED_INACTIVE_FOREGROUND); tabContainer.style.boxShadow = null; } // Dirty State if (isDirty) { DOM.addClass(tabContainer, 'dirty'); } else { DOM.removeClass(tabContainer, 'dirty'); } } }); // Update Editor Actions Toolbar this.updateEditorActionsToolbar(); // Ensure the active tab is always revealed this.layout(); } private getTabLabels(editors: IEditorInput[]): IEditorInputLabel[] { const labelFormat = this.editorGroupService.getTabOptions().labelFormat; const { verbosity, shortenDuplicates } = this.getLabelConfigFlags(labelFormat); // Build labels and descriptions for each editor const labels = editors.map(editor => ({ editor, name: editor.getName(), description: editor.getDescription(verbosity), title: editor.getTitle(Verbosity.LONG) })); // Shorten labels as needed if (shortenDuplicates) { this.shortenTabLabels(labels); } return labels; } private shortenTabLabels(labels: AugmentedLabel[]): void { // Gather duplicate titles, while filtering out invalid descriptions const mapTitleToDuplicates = new Map(); for (const label of labels) { if (typeof label.description === 'string') { getOrSet(mapTitleToDuplicates, label.name, []).push(label); } else { label.description = ''; } } // Identify duplicate titles and shorten descriptions mapTitleToDuplicates.forEach(duplicateTitles => { // Remove description if the title isn't duplicated if (duplicateTitles.length === 1) { duplicateTitles[0].description = ''; return; } // Identify duplicate descriptions const mapDescriptionToDuplicates = new Map(); for (const label of duplicateTitles) { getOrSet(mapDescriptionToDuplicates, label.description, []).push(label); } // For editors with duplicate descriptions, check whether any long descriptions differ let useLongDescriptions = false; mapDescriptionToDuplicates.forEach((duplicateDescriptions, name) => { if (!useLongDescriptions && duplicateDescriptions.length > 1) { const [first, ...rest] = duplicateDescriptions.map(({ editor }) => editor.getDescription(Verbosity.LONG)); useLongDescriptions = rest.some(description => description !== first); } }); // If so, replace all descriptions with long descriptions if (useLongDescriptions) { mapDescriptionToDuplicates.clear(); duplicateTitles.forEach(label => { label.description = label.editor.getDescription(Verbosity.LONG); getOrSet(mapDescriptionToDuplicates, label.description, []).push(label); }); } // Obtain final set of descriptions const descriptions: string[] = []; mapDescriptionToDuplicates.forEach((_, description) => descriptions.push(description)); // Remove description if all descriptions are identical if (descriptions.length === 1) { for (const label of mapDescriptionToDuplicates.get(descriptions[0])) { label.description = ''; } return; } // Shorten descriptions const shortenedDescriptions = shorten(descriptions); descriptions.forEach((description, i) => { for (const label of mapDescriptionToDuplicates.get(description)) { label.description = shortenedDescriptions[i]; } }); }); } private getLabelConfigFlags(value: string) { switch (value) { case 'short': return { verbosity: Verbosity.SHORT, shortenDuplicates: false }; case 'medium': return { verbosity: Verbosity.MEDIUM, shortenDuplicates: false }; case 'long': return { verbosity: Verbosity.LONG, shortenDuplicates: false }; default: return { verbosity: Verbosity.MEDIUM, shortenDuplicates: true }; } } protected doRefresh(): void { const group = this.context; const editor = group && group.activeEditor; if (!editor) { this.clearTabs(); this.clearEditorActionsToolbar(); return; // return early if we are being closed } // Handle Tabs this.handleTabs(group.count); DOM.removeClass(this.titleContainer, 'empty'); // Update Tabs this.doUpdate(); } private clearTabs(): void { DOM.clearNode(this.tabsContainer); this.tabDisposeables = dispose(this.tabDisposeables); this.editorLabels = []; DOM.addClass(this.titleContainer, 'empty'); } private handleTabs(tabsNeeded: number): void { const tabs = this.tabsContainer.children; const tabsCount = tabs.length; // Nothing to do if count did not change if (tabsCount === tabsNeeded) { return; } // We need more tabs: create new ones if (tabsCount < tabsNeeded) { for (let i = tabsCount; i < tabsNeeded; i++) { this.tabsContainer.appendChild(this.createTab(i)); } } // We need less tabs: delete the ones we do not need else { for (let i = 0; i < tabsCount - tabsNeeded; i++) { (this.tabsContainer.lastChild as HTMLElement).remove(); this.editorLabels.pop(); this.tabDisposeables.pop().dispose(); } } } private createTab(index: number): HTMLElement { // Tab Container const tabContainer = document.createElement('div'); tabContainer.draggable = true; tabContainer.tabIndex = 0; tabContainer.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); // cannot use role "tab" here due to https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/8659 DOM.addClass(tabContainer, 'tab'); // Gesture Support const gestureSupport = new Gesture(tabContainer); // Tab Editor Label const editorLabel = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ResourceLabel, tabContainer, void 0); this.editorLabels.push(editorLabel); // Tab Close const tabCloseContainer = document.createElement('div'); DOM.addClass(tabCloseContainer, 'tab-close'); tabContainer.appendChild(tabCloseContainer); const bar = new ActionBar(tabCloseContainer, { ariaLabel: nls.localize('araLabelTabActions', "Tab actions"), actionRunner: new TabActionRunner(() => this.context, index) }); bar.push(this.closeEditorAction, { icon: true, label: false, keybinding: this.getKeybindingLabel(this.closeEditorAction) }); // Eventing const disposable = this.hookTabListeners(tabContainer, index); this.tabDisposeables.push(combinedDisposable([disposable, bar, editorLabel, gestureSupport])); return tabContainer; } public layout(): void { if (!this.activeTab) { return; } const visibleContainerWidth = this.tabsContainer.offsetWidth; const totalContainerWidth = this.tabsContainer.scrollWidth; // Update scrollbar this.scrollbar.setScrollDimensions({ width: visibleContainerWidth, scrollWidth: totalContainerWidth }); // Return now if we are blocked to reveal the active tab and clear flag if (this.blockRevealActiveTab) { this.blockRevealActiveTab = false; return; } // Reveal the active one const containerScrollPosX = this.tabsContainer.scrollLeft; const activeTabPosX = this.activeTab.offsetLeft; const activeTabWidth = this.activeTab.offsetWidth; const activeTabFits = activeTabWidth <= visibleContainerWidth; // Tab is overflowing to the right: Scroll minimally until the element is fully visible to the right // Note: only try to do this if we actually have enough width to give to show the tab fully! if (activeTabFits && containerScrollPosX + visibleContainerWidth < activeTabPosX + activeTabWidth) { this.scrollbar.setScrollPosition({ scrollLeft: containerScrollPosX + ((activeTabPosX + activeTabWidth) /* right corner of tab */ - (containerScrollPosX + visibleContainerWidth) /* right corner of view port */) }); } // Tab is overlflowng to the left or does not fit: Scroll it into view to the left else if (containerScrollPosX > activeTabPosX || !activeTabFits) { this.scrollbar.setScrollPosition({ scrollLeft: this.activeTab.offsetLeft }); } } private hookTabListeners(tab: HTMLElement, index: number): IDisposable { const disposables: IDisposable[] = []; const handleClickOrTouch = (e: MouseEvent | GestureEvent) => { tab.blur(); if (e instanceof MouseEvent && e.button !== 0) { if (e.button === 1) { return false; // required due to https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/16690 } return void 0; // only for left mouse click } const { editor, position } = this.toTabContext(index); if (!this.isTabActionBar((e.target || e.srcElement) as HTMLElement)) { setTimeout(() => this.editorService.openEditor(editor, null, position).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError)); // timeout to keep focus in editor after mouse up } return void 0; }; const showContextMenu = (e: Event) => { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e); const { group, editor } = this.toTabContext(index); this.onContextMenu({ group, editor }, e, tab); }; // Open on Click disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_DOWN, (e: MouseEvent) => handleClickOrTouch(e))); // Open on Touch disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, TouchEventType.Tap, (e: GestureEvent) => handleClickOrTouch(e))); // Touch Scroll Support disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, TouchEventType.Change, (e: GestureEvent) => { this.tabsContainer.scrollLeft -= e.translationX; })); // Close on mouse middle click disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.MOUSE_UP, (e: MouseEvent) => { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e); tab.blur(); if (e.button === 1 /* Middle Button*/ && !this.isTabActionBar((e.target || e.srcElement) as HTMLElement)) { this.closeEditorAction.run(this.toTabContext(index)).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); } })); // Context menu on Shift+F10 disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.KEY_DOWN, (e: KeyboardEvent) => { const event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); if (event.shiftKey && event.keyCode === KeyCode.F10) { showContextMenu(e); } })); // Context menu on touch context menu gesture disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, TouchEventType.Contextmenu, (e: GestureEvent) => { showContextMenu(e); })); // Keyboard accessibility disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.KEY_UP, (e: KeyboardEvent) => { const event = new StandardKeyboardEvent(e); let handled = false; const { group, position, editor } = this.toTabContext(index); // Run action on Enter/Space if (event.equals(KeyCode.Enter) || event.equals(KeyCode.Space)) { handled = true; this.editorService.openEditor(editor, null, position).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); } // Navigate in editors else if ([KeyCode.LeftArrow, KeyCode.RightArrow, KeyCode.UpArrow, KeyCode.DownArrow, KeyCode.Home, KeyCode.End].some(kb => event.equals(kb))) { let targetIndex: number; if (event.equals(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || event.equals(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { targetIndex = index - 1; } else if (event.equals(KeyCode.RightArrow) || event.equals(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { targetIndex = index + 1; } else if (event.equals(KeyCode.Home)) { targetIndex = 0; } else { targetIndex = group.count - 1; } const target = group.getEditor(targetIndex); if (target) { handled = true; this.editorService.openEditor(target, { preserveFocus: true }, position).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); (this.tabsContainer.childNodes[targetIndex]).focus(); } } if (handled) { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e, true); } // moving in the tabs container can have an impact on scrolling position, so we need to update the custom scrollbar this.scrollbar.setScrollPosition({ scrollLeft: this.tabsContainer.scrollLeft }); })); // Pin on double click disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.DBLCLICK, (e: MouseEvent) => { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e); const { group, editor } = this.toTabContext(index); this.editorGroupService.pinEditor(group, editor); })); // Context menu disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.CONTEXT_MENU, (e: Event) => { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e, true); const { group, editor } = this.toTabContext(index); this.onContextMenu({ group, editor }, e, tab); }, true /* use capture to fix https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/19145 */)); // Drag start disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.DRAG_START, (e: DragEvent) => { const { group, editor } = this.toTabContext(index); this.onEditorDragStart({ editor, group }); e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copyMove'; // Insert transfer accordingly const resource = toResource(editor, { supportSideBySide: true }); if (resource) { const resourceStr = resource.toString(); e.dataTransfer.setData('URL', resourceStr); // enables cross window DND of tabs e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', getPathLabel(resource)); // enables dropping tab resource path into text controls if (resource.scheme === 'file') { e.dataTransfer.setData('DownloadURL', [MIME_BINARY, editor.getName(), resourceStr].join(':')); // enables support to drag a tab as file to desktop } } })); // We need to keep track of DRAG_ENTER and DRAG_LEAVE events because a tab is not just a div without children, // it contains a label and a close button. HTML gives us DRAG_ENTER and DRAG_LEAVE events when hovering over // these children and this can cause flicker of the drop feedback. The workaround is to count the events and only // remove the drop feedback when the counter is 0 (see https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/14470) let counter = 0; // Drag over disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.DRAG_ENTER, (e: DragEvent) => { counter++; // Find out if the currently dragged editor is this tab and in that // case we do not want to show any drop feedback let draggedEditorIsTab = false; const draggedEditor = TabsTitleControl.getDraggedEditor(); if (draggedEditor) { const { group, editor } = this.toTabContext(index); if (draggedEditor.editor === editor && draggedEditor.group === group) { draggedEditorIsTab = true; } } if (!draggedEditorIsTab) { this.updateDropFeedback(tab, true, index); } })); // Drag leave disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.DRAG_LEAVE, (e: DragEvent) => { counter--; if (counter === 0) { this.updateDropFeedback(tab, false, index); } })); // Drag end disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.DRAG_END, (e: DragEvent) => { counter = 0; this.updateDropFeedback(tab, false, index); this.onEditorDragEnd(); })); // Drop disposables.push(DOM.addDisposableListener(tab, DOM.EventType.DROP, (e: DragEvent) => { counter = 0; this.updateDropFeedback(tab, false, index); const { group, position } = this.toTabContext(index); this.onDrop(e, group, position, index); })); return combinedDisposable(disposables); } private isTabActionBar(element: HTMLElement): boolean { return !!DOM.findParentWithClass(element, 'monaco-action-bar', 'tab'); } private toTabContext(index: number): { group: IEditorGroup, position: Position, editor: IEditorInput } { const group = this.context; const position = this.stacks.positionOfGroup(group); const editor = group.getEditor(index); return { group, position, editor }; } private onDrop(e: DragEvent, group: IEditorGroup, targetPosition: Position, targetIndex: number): void { this.updateDropFeedback(this.tabsContainer, false); DOM.removeClass(this.tabsContainer, 'scroll'); // Local DND const draggedEditor = TabsTitleControl.getDraggedEditor(); if (draggedEditor) { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e, true); // Move editor to target position and index if (this.isMoveOperation(e, draggedEditor.group, group)) { this.editorGroupService.moveEditor(draggedEditor.editor, draggedEditor.group, group, { index: targetIndex }); } // Copy: just open editor at target index else { this.editorService.openEditor(draggedEditor.editor, { pinned: true, index: targetIndex }, targetPosition).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); } this.onEditorDragEnd(); } // External DND else { this.handleExternalDrop(e, targetPosition, targetIndex); } } private handleExternalDrop(e: DragEvent, targetPosition: Position, targetIndex: number): void { const droppedResources = extractResources(e).filter(r => r.resource.scheme === 'file' || r.resource.scheme === 'untitled'); if (droppedResources.length) { DOM.EventHelper.stop(e, true); handleWorkspaceExternalDrop(droppedResources, this.fileService, this.messageService, this.windowsService, this.windowService, this.workspacesService).then(handled => { if (handled) { return; } // Add external ones to recently open list const externalResources = droppedResources.filter(d => d.isExternal).map(d => d.resource); if (externalResources.length) { this.windowsService.addRecentlyOpened(externalResources.map(resource => resource.fsPath)); } // Open in Editor this.windowService.focusWindow() .then(() => this.editorService.openEditors(droppedResources.map(d => { return { input: { resource: d.resource, options: { pinned: true, index: targetIndex } }, position: targetPosition }; }))).then(() => { this.editorGroupService.focusGroup(targetPosition); }).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError); }); } } private isMoveOperation(e: DragEvent, source: IEditorGroup, target: IEditorGroup) { const isCopy = (e.ctrlKey && !isMacintosh) || (e.altKey && isMacintosh); return !isCopy || source.id === target.id; } } class TabActionRunner extends ActionRunner { constructor(private group: () => IEditorGroup, private index: number) { super(); } public run(action: IAction, context?: any): TPromise { const group = this.group(); if (!group) { return TPromise.as(void 0); } return super.run(action, { group, editor: group.getEditor(this.index) }); } } registerThemingParticipant((theme: ITheme, collector: ICssStyleCollector) => { // Styling with Outline color (e.g. high contrast theme) const activeContrastBorderColor = theme.getColor(activeContrastBorder); if (activeContrastBorderColor) { collector.addRule(` .monaco-workbench > .part.editor > .content > .one-editor-silo > .container > .title .tabs-container > .tab.active, .monaco-workbench > .part.editor > .content > .one-editor-silo > .container > .title .tabs-container > .tab.active:hover { outline: 1px solid; outline-offset: -5px; } .monaco-workbench > .part.editor > .content > .one-editor-silo > .container > .title .tabs-container > .tab:hover { outline: 1px dashed; outline-offset: -5px; } .monaco-workbench > .part.editor > .content > .one-editor-silo > .container > .title .tabs-container > .tab.active > .tab-close .action-label, .monaco-workbench > .part.editor > .content > .one-editor-silo > .container > .title .tabs-container > .tab.active:hover > .tab-close .action-label, .monaco-workbench > .part.editor > .content > .one-editor-silo > .container > .title .tabs-container > .tab.dirty > .tab-close .action-label, .monaco-workbench > .part.editor > .content > .one-editor-silo > .container > .title .tabs-container > .tab:hover > .tab-close .action-label { opacity: 1 !important; } `); } });