/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as DOM from 'vs/base/browser/dom'; import { Action } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { createKeybinding, ResolvedKeybinding } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes'; import { isWindows, OS } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { repeat } from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import { IClipboardService } from 'vs/platform/clipboard/common/clipboardService'; import { ILabelService } from 'vs/platform/label/common/label'; import { ICommandHandler } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { ServicesAccessor } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding'; import { getSelectionKeyboardEvent, WorkbenchObjectTree } from 'vs/platform/list/browser/listService'; import { SearchView } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchView'; import * as Constants from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/constants'; import { IReplaceService } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/replace'; import { FolderMatch, FileMatch, FolderMatchWithResource, Match, RenderableMatch, searchMatchComparer, SearchResult } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/searchModel'; import { IEditorGroupsService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorGroupsService'; import { IEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; import { ISearchConfiguration, VIEW_ID, VIEWLET_ID } from 'vs/workbench/services/search/common/search'; import { ISearchHistoryService } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/common/searchHistoryService'; import { ITreeNavigator } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/tree/tree'; import { IViewsService } from 'vs/workbench/common/views'; import { SearchEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/searchEditor/browser/searchEditorInput'; import { SearchEditor } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/searchEditor/browser/searchEditor'; import { searchRefreshIcon, searchCollapseAllIcon, searchExpandAllIcon, searchClearIcon, searchReplaceAllIcon, searchReplaceIcon, searchRemoveIcon, searchStopIcon } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/search/browser/searchIcons'; import { IUriIdentityService } from 'vs/workbench/services/uriIdentity/common/uriIdentity'; export function isSearchViewFocused(viewsService: IViewsService): boolean { const searchView = getSearchView(viewsService); const activeElement = document.activeElement; return !!(searchView && activeElement && DOM.isAncestor(activeElement, searchView.getContainer())); } export function appendKeyBindingLabel(label: string, inputKeyBinding: number | ResolvedKeybinding | undefined, keyBindingService2: IKeybindingService): string { if (typeof inputKeyBinding === 'number') { const keybinding = createKeybinding(inputKeyBinding, OS); if (keybinding) { const resolvedKeybindings = keyBindingService2.resolveKeybinding(keybinding); return doAppendKeyBindingLabel(label, resolvedKeybindings.length > 0 ? resolvedKeybindings[0] : undefined); } return doAppendKeyBindingLabel(label, undefined); } else { return doAppendKeyBindingLabel(label, inputKeyBinding); } } export function openSearchView(viewsService: IViewsService, focus?: boolean): Promise { return viewsService.openView(VIEW_ID, focus).then(view => (view as SearchView ?? undefined)); } export function getSearchView(viewsService: IViewsService): SearchView | undefined { return viewsService.getActiveViewWithId(VIEW_ID) as SearchView ?? undefined; } function doAppendKeyBindingLabel(label: string, keyBinding: ResolvedKeybinding | undefined): string { return keyBinding ? label + ' (' + keyBinding.getLabel() + ')' : label; } export const toggleCaseSensitiveCommand = (accessor: ServicesAccessor) => { const searchView = getSearchView(accessor.get(IViewsService)); if (searchView) { searchView.toggleCaseSensitive(); } }; export const toggleWholeWordCommand = (accessor: ServicesAccessor) => { const searchView = getSearchView(accessor.get(IViewsService)); if (searchView) { searchView.toggleWholeWords(); } }; export const toggleRegexCommand = (accessor: ServicesAccessor) => { const searchView = getSearchView(accessor.get(IViewsService)); if (searchView) { searchView.toggleRegex(); } }; export class FocusNextInputAction extends Action { static readonly ID = 'search.focus.nextInputBox'; constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService, @IEditorService private readonly editorService: IEditorService, ) { super(id, label); } async run(): Promise { const input = this.editorService.activeEditor; if (input instanceof SearchEditorInput) { // cast as we cannot import SearchEditor as a value b/c cyclic dependency. (this.editorService.activeEditorPane as SearchEditor).focusNextInput(); } const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { searchView.focusNextInputBox(); } } } export class FocusPreviousInputAction extends Action { static readonly ID = 'search.focus.previousInputBox'; constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService, @IEditorService private readonly editorService: IEditorService, ) { super(id, label); } async run(): Promise { const input = this.editorService.activeEditor; if (input instanceof SearchEditorInput) { // cast as we cannot import SearchEditor as a value b/c cyclic dependency. (this.editorService.activeEditorPane as SearchEditor).focusPrevInput(); } const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { searchView.focusPreviousInputBox(); } } } export abstract class FindOrReplaceInFilesAction extends Action { constructor(id: string, label: string, protected viewsService: IViewsService, private expandSearchReplaceWidget: boolean ) { super(id, label); } run(): Promise { return openSearchView(this.viewsService, false).then(openedView => { if (openedView) { const searchAndReplaceWidget = openedView.searchAndReplaceWidget; searchAndReplaceWidget.toggleReplace(this.expandSearchReplaceWidget); const updatedText = openedView.updateTextFromSelection({ allowUnselectedWord: !this.expandSearchReplaceWidget }); openedView.searchAndReplaceWidget.focus(undefined, updatedText, updatedText); } }); } } export interface IFindInFilesArgs { query?: string; replace?: string; triggerSearch?: boolean; filesToInclude?: string; filesToExclude?: string; isRegex?: boolean; isCaseSensitive?: boolean; matchWholeWord?: boolean; } export const FindInFilesCommand: ICommandHandler = (accessor, args: IFindInFilesArgs = {}) => { const viewsService = accessor.get(IViewsService); openSearchView(viewsService, false).then(openedView => { if (openedView) { const searchAndReplaceWidget = openedView.searchAndReplaceWidget; searchAndReplaceWidget.toggleReplace(typeof args.replace === 'string'); let updatedText = false; if (typeof args.query === 'string') { openedView.setSearchParameters(args); } else { updatedText = openedView.updateTextFromSelection({ allowUnselectedWord: typeof args.replace !== 'string' }); } openedView.searchAndReplaceWidget.focus(undefined, updatedText, updatedText); } }); }; export class OpenSearchViewletAction extends FindOrReplaceInFilesAction { static readonly ID = VIEWLET_ID; static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('showSearch', "Show Search"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService viewsService: IViewsService, @IEditorGroupsService private readonly editorGroupService: IEditorGroupsService) { super(id, label, viewsService, /*expandSearchReplaceWidget=*/false); } run(): Promise { // Pass focus to viewlet if not open or focused if (this.otherViewletShowing() || !isSearchViewFocused(this.viewsService)) { return super.run(); } // Otherwise pass focus to editor group this.editorGroupService.activeGroup.focus(); return Promise.resolve(true); } private otherViewletShowing(): boolean { return !getSearchView(this.viewsService); } } export class ReplaceInFilesAction extends FindOrReplaceInFilesAction { static readonly ID = 'workbench.action.replaceInFiles'; static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('replaceInFiles', "Replace in Files"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService viewsService: IViewsService) { super(id, label, viewsService, /*expandSearchReplaceWidget=*/true); } } export class CloseReplaceAction extends Action { constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService ) { super(id, label); } run(): Promise { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { searchView.searchAndReplaceWidget.toggleReplace(false); searchView.searchAndReplaceWidget.focus(); } return Promise.resolve(null); } } // --- Toggle Search On Type export class ToggleSearchOnTypeAction extends Action { static readonly ID = 'workbench.action.toggleSearchOnType'; static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('toggleTabs', "Toggle Search on Type"); private static readonly searchOnTypeKey = 'search.searchOnType'; constructor( id: string, label: string, @IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService ) { super(id, label); } run(): Promise { const searchOnType = this.configurationService.getValue(ToggleSearchOnTypeAction.searchOnTypeKey); return this.configurationService.updateValue(ToggleSearchOnTypeAction.searchOnTypeKey, !searchOnType); } } export class RefreshAction extends Action { static readonly ID: string = 'search.action.refreshSearchResults'; static LABEL: string = nls.localize('RefreshAction.label', "Refresh"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService ) { super(id, label, 'search-action ' + searchRefreshIcon.classNames); } get enabled(): boolean { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); return !!searchView && searchView.hasSearchPattern(); } update(): void { this._setEnabled(this.enabled); } run(): Promise { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { searchView.triggerQueryChange({ preserveFocus: false }); } return Promise.resolve(); } } export class CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction extends Action { static readonly ID: string = 'search.action.collapseSearchResults'; static LABEL: string = nls.localize('CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction.label', "Collapse All"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService ) { super(id, label, 'search-action ' + searchCollapseAllIcon.classNames); this.update(); } update(): void { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); this.enabled = !!searchView && searchView.hasSearchResults(); } run(): Promise { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { const viewer = searchView.getControl(); /** * one level to collapse so collapse everything. If FolderMatch, check if there are visible grandchildren, * i.e. if Matches are returned by the navigator, and if so, collapse to them, otherwise collapse all levels. */ const navigator = viewer.navigate(); let node = navigator.first(); let collapseFileMatchLevel = false; if (node instanceof FolderMatch) { while (node = navigator.next()) { if (node instanceof Match) { collapseFileMatchLevel = true; break; } } } if (collapseFileMatchLevel) { node = navigator.first(); do { if (node instanceof FileMatch) { viewer.collapse(node); } } while (node = navigator.next()); } else { viewer.collapseAll(); } viewer.domFocus(); viewer.focusFirst(); } return Promise.resolve(undefined); } } export class ExpandAllAction extends Action { static readonly ID: string = 'search.action.expandSearchResults'; static LABEL: string = nls.localize('ExpandAllAction.label', "Expand All"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService ) { super(id, label, 'search-action ' + searchExpandAllIcon.classNames); this.update(); } update(): void { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); this.enabled = !!searchView && searchView.hasSearchResults(); } run(): Promise { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { const viewer = searchView.getControl(); viewer.expandAll(); viewer.domFocus(); viewer.focusFirst(); } return Promise.resolve(undefined); } } export class ToggleCollapseAndExpandAction extends Action { static readonly ID: string = 'search.action.collapseOrExpandSearchResults'; static LABEL: string = nls.localize('ToggleCollapseAndExpandAction.label', "Toggle Collapse and Expand"); // Cache to keep from crawling the tree too often. private action: CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction | ExpandAllAction | undefined; constructor(id: string, label: string, private collapseAction: CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction, private expandAction: ExpandAllAction, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService ) { super(id, label, collapseAction.class); this.update(); } update(): void { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); this.enabled = !!searchView && searchView.hasSearchResults(); this.onTreeCollapseStateChange(); } onTreeCollapseStateChange() { this.action = undefined; this.determineAction(); } private determineAction(): CollapseDeepestExpandedLevelAction | ExpandAllAction { if (this.action !== undefined) { return this.action; } this.action = this.isSomeCollapsible() ? this.collapseAction : this.expandAction; this.class = this.action.class; return this.action; } private isSomeCollapsible(): boolean { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { const viewer = searchView.getControl(); const navigator = viewer.navigate(); let node = navigator.first(); do { if (!viewer.isCollapsed(node)) { return true; } } while (node = navigator.next()); } return false; } async run(): Promise { await this.determineAction().run(); } } export class ClearSearchResultsAction extends Action { static readonly ID: string = 'search.action.clearSearchResults'; static LABEL: string = nls.localize('ClearSearchResultsAction.label', "Clear Search Results"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService ) { super(id, label, 'search-action ' + searchClearIcon.classNames); this.update(); } update(): void { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); this.enabled = !!searchView && (!searchView.allSearchFieldsClear() || searchView.hasSearchResults() || !searchView.allFilePatternFieldsClear()); } run(): Promise { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { searchView.clearSearchResults(); } return Promise.resolve(); } } export class CancelSearchAction extends Action { static readonly ID: string = 'search.action.cancelSearch'; static LABEL: string = nls.localize('CancelSearchAction.label', "Cancel Search"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService ) { super(id, label, 'search-action ' + searchStopIcon.classNames); this.update(); } update(): void { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); this.enabled = !!searchView && searchView.isSlowSearch(); } run(): Promise { const searchView = getSearchView(this.viewsService); if (searchView) { searchView.cancelSearch(); } return Promise.resolve(undefined); } } export class FocusNextSearchResultAction extends Action { static readonly ID = 'search.action.focusNextSearchResult'; static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('FocusNextSearchResult.label', "Focus Next Search Result"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService, @IEditorService private readonly editorService: IEditorService, ) { super(id, label); } async run(): Promise { const input = this.editorService.activeEditor; if (input instanceof SearchEditorInput) { // cast as we cannot import SearchEditor as a value b/c cyclic dependency. return (this.editorService.activeEditorPane as SearchEditor).focusNextResult(); } return openSearchView(this.viewsService).then(searchView => { if (searchView) { searchView.selectNextMatch(); } }); } } export class FocusPreviousSearchResultAction extends Action { static readonly ID = 'search.action.focusPreviousSearchResult'; static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('FocusPreviousSearchResult.label', "Focus Previous Search Result"); constructor(id: string, label: string, @IViewsService private readonly viewsService: IViewsService, @IEditorService private readonly editorService: IEditorService, ) { super(id, label); } async run(): Promise { const input = this.editorService.activeEditor; if (input instanceof SearchEditorInput) { // cast as we cannot import SearchEditor as a value b/c cyclic dependency. return (this.editorService.activeEditorPane as SearchEditor).focusPreviousResult(); } return openSearchView(this.viewsService).then(searchView => { if (searchView) { searchView.selectPreviousMatch(); } }); } } export abstract class AbstractSearchAndReplaceAction extends Action { /** * Returns element to focus after removing the given element */ getElementToFocusAfterRemoved(viewer: WorkbenchObjectTree, elementToBeRemoved: RenderableMatch): RenderableMatch { const elementToFocus = this.getNextElementAfterRemoved(viewer, elementToBeRemoved); return elementToFocus || this.getPreviousElementAfterRemoved(viewer, elementToBeRemoved); } getNextElementAfterRemoved(viewer: WorkbenchObjectTree, element: RenderableMatch): RenderableMatch { const navigator: ITreeNavigator = viewer.navigate(element); if (element instanceof FolderMatch) { while (!!navigator.next() && !(navigator.current() instanceof FolderMatch)) { } } else if (element instanceof FileMatch) { while (!!navigator.next() && !(navigator.current() instanceof FileMatch)) { } } else { while (navigator.next() && !(navigator.current() instanceof Match)) { viewer.expand(navigator.current()); } } return navigator.current(); } getPreviousElementAfterRemoved(viewer: WorkbenchObjectTree, element: RenderableMatch): RenderableMatch { const navigator: ITreeNavigator = viewer.navigate(element); let previousElement = navigator.previous(); // Hence take the previous element. const parent = element.parent(); if (parent === previousElement) { previousElement = navigator.previous(); } if (parent instanceof FileMatch && parent.parent() === previousElement) { previousElement = navigator.previous(); } // If the previous element is a File or Folder, expand it and go to its last child. // Spell out the two cases, would be too easy to create an infinite loop, like by adding another level... if (element instanceof Match && previousElement && previousElement instanceof FolderMatch) { navigator.next(); viewer.expand(previousElement); previousElement = navigator.previous(); } if (element instanceof Match && previousElement && previousElement instanceof FileMatch) { navigator.next(); viewer.expand(previousElement); previousElement = navigator.previous(); } return previousElement; } } export class RemoveAction extends AbstractSearchAndReplaceAction { static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('RemoveAction.label', "Dismiss"); constructor( private viewer: WorkbenchObjectTree, private element: RenderableMatch ) { super('remove', RemoveAction.LABEL, searchRemoveIcon.classNames); } run(): Promise { const currentFocusElement = this.viewer.getFocus()[0]; const nextFocusElement = !currentFocusElement || currentFocusElement instanceof SearchResult || elementIsEqualOrParent(currentFocusElement, this.element) ? this.getElementToFocusAfterRemoved(this.viewer, this.element) : null; if (nextFocusElement) { this.viewer.reveal(nextFocusElement); this.viewer.setFocus([nextFocusElement], getSelectionKeyboardEvent()); } this.element.parent().remove(this.element); this.viewer.domFocus(); return Promise.resolve(); } } function elementIsEqualOrParent(element: RenderableMatch, testParent: RenderableMatch | SearchResult): boolean { do { if (element === testParent) { return true; } } while (!(element.parent() instanceof SearchResult) && (element = element.parent())); return false; } export class ReplaceAllAction extends AbstractSearchAndReplaceAction { static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('file.replaceAll.label', "Replace All"); constructor( private viewlet: SearchView, private fileMatch: FileMatch, @IKeybindingService keyBindingService: IKeybindingService ) { super(Constants.ReplaceAllInFileActionId, appendKeyBindingLabel(ReplaceAllAction.LABEL, keyBindingService.lookupKeybinding(Constants.ReplaceAllInFileActionId), keyBindingService), searchReplaceAllIcon.classNames); } run(): Promise { const tree = this.viewlet.getControl(); const nextFocusElement = this.getElementToFocusAfterRemoved(tree, this.fileMatch); return this.fileMatch.parent().replace(this.fileMatch).then(() => { if (nextFocusElement) { tree.setFocus([nextFocusElement], getSelectionKeyboardEvent()); } tree.domFocus(); this.viewlet.open(this.fileMatch, true); }); } } export class ReplaceAllInFolderAction extends AbstractSearchAndReplaceAction { static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('file.replaceAll.label', "Replace All"); constructor(private viewer: WorkbenchObjectTree, private folderMatch: FolderMatch, @IKeybindingService keyBindingService: IKeybindingService ) { super(Constants.ReplaceAllInFolderActionId, appendKeyBindingLabel(ReplaceAllInFolderAction.LABEL, keyBindingService.lookupKeybinding(Constants.ReplaceAllInFolderActionId), keyBindingService), searchReplaceAllIcon.classNames); } run(): Promise { const nextFocusElement = this.getElementToFocusAfterRemoved(this.viewer, this.folderMatch); return this.folderMatch.replaceAll().then(() => { if (nextFocusElement) { this.viewer.setFocus([nextFocusElement], getSelectionKeyboardEvent()); } this.viewer.domFocus(); }); } } export class ReplaceAction extends AbstractSearchAndReplaceAction { static readonly LABEL = nls.localize('match.replace.label', "Replace"); static runQ = Promise.resolve(); constructor(private viewer: WorkbenchObjectTree, private element: Match, private viewlet: SearchView, @IReplaceService private readonly replaceService: IReplaceService, @IKeybindingService keyBindingService: IKeybindingService, @IEditorService private readonly editorService: IEditorService, @IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService, @IUriIdentityService private readonly uriIdentityService: IUriIdentityService ) { super(Constants.ReplaceActionId, appendKeyBindingLabel(ReplaceAction.LABEL, keyBindingService.lookupKeybinding(Constants.ReplaceActionId), keyBindingService), searchReplaceIcon.classNames); } async run(): Promise { this.enabled = false; await this.element.parent().replace(this.element); const elementToFocus = this.getElementToFocusAfterReplace(); if (elementToFocus) { this.viewer.setFocus([elementToFocus], getSelectionKeyboardEvent()); } const elementToShowReplacePreview = this.getElementToShowReplacePreview(elementToFocus); this.viewer.domFocus(); const useReplacePreview = this.configurationService.getValue().search.useReplacePreview; if (!useReplacePreview || !elementToShowReplacePreview || this.hasToOpenFile()) { this.viewlet.open(this.element, true); } else { this.replaceService.openReplacePreview(elementToShowReplacePreview, true); } } private getElementToFocusAfterReplace(): RenderableMatch { const navigator: ITreeNavigator = this.viewer.navigate(); let fileMatched = false; let elementToFocus: RenderableMatch | null = null; do { elementToFocus = navigator.current(); if (elementToFocus instanceof Match) { if (elementToFocus.parent().id() === this.element.parent().id()) { fileMatched = true; if (this.element.range().getStartPosition().isBeforeOrEqual(elementToFocus.range().getStartPosition())) { // Closest next match in the same file break; } } else if (fileMatched) { // First match in the next file (if expanded) break; } } else if (fileMatched) { if (this.viewer.isCollapsed(elementToFocus)) { // Next file match (if collapsed) break; } } } while (!!navigator.next()); return elementToFocus!; } private getElementToShowReplacePreview(elementToFocus: RenderableMatch): Match | null { if (this.hasSameParent(elementToFocus)) { return elementToFocus; } const previousElement = this.getPreviousElementAfterRemoved(this.viewer, this.element); if (this.hasSameParent(previousElement)) { return previousElement; } return null; } private hasSameParent(element: RenderableMatch): boolean { return element && element instanceof Match && this.uriIdentityService.extUri.isEqual(element.parent().resource, this.element.parent().resource); } private hasToOpenFile(): boolean { const activeEditor = this.editorService.activeEditor; const file = activeEditor?.resource; if (file) { return this.uriIdentityService.extUri.isEqual(file, this.element.parent().resource); } return false; } } export const copyPathCommand: ICommandHandler = async (accessor, fileMatch: FileMatch | FolderMatchWithResource | undefined) => { if (!fileMatch) { const selection = getSelectedRow(accessor); if (!(selection instanceof FileMatch || selection instanceof FolderMatchWithResource)) { return; } fileMatch = selection; } const clipboardService = accessor.get(IClipboardService); const labelService = accessor.get(ILabelService); const text = labelService.getUriLabel(fileMatch.resource, { noPrefix: true }); await clipboardService.writeText(text); }; function matchToString(match: Match, indent = 0): string { const getFirstLinePrefix = () => `${match.range().startLineNumber},${match.range().startColumn}`; const getOtherLinePrefix = (i: number) => match.range().startLineNumber + i + ''; const fullMatchLines = match.fullPreviewLines(); const largestPrefixSize = fullMatchLines.reduce((largest, _, i) => { const thisSize = i === 0 ? getFirstLinePrefix().length : getOtherLinePrefix(i).length; return Math.max(thisSize, largest); }, 0); const formattedLines = fullMatchLines .map((line, i) => { const prefix = i === 0 ? getFirstLinePrefix() : getOtherLinePrefix(i); const paddingStr = repeat(' ', largestPrefixSize - prefix.length); const indentStr = repeat(' ', indent); return `${indentStr}${prefix}: ${paddingStr}${line}`; }); return formattedLines.join('\n'); } const lineDelimiter = isWindows ? '\r\n' : '\n'; function fileMatchToString(fileMatch: FileMatch, maxMatches: number, labelService: ILabelService): { text: string, count: number } { const matchTextRows = fileMatch.matches() .sort(searchMatchComparer) .slice(0, maxMatches) .map(match => matchToString(match, 2)); const uriString = labelService.getUriLabel(fileMatch.resource, { noPrefix: true }); return { text: `${uriString}${lineDelimiter}${matchTextRows.join(lineDelimiter)}`, count: matchTextRows.length }; } function folderMatchToString(folderMatch: FolderMatchWithResource | FolderMatch, maxMatches: number, labelService: ILabelService): { text: string, count: number } { const fileResults: string[] = []; let numMatches = 0; const matches = folderMatch.matches().sort(searchMatchComparer); for (let i = 0; i < folderMatch.fileCount() && numMatches < maxMatches; i++) { const fileResult = fileMatchToString(matches[i], maxMatches - numMatches, labelService); numMatches += fileResult.count; fileResults.push(fileResult.text); } return { text: fileResults.join(lineDelimiter + lineDelimiter), count: numMatches }; } const maxClipboardMatches = 1e4; export const copyMatchCommand: ICommandHandler = async (accessor, match: RenderableMatch | undefined) => { if (!match) { const selection = getSelectedRow(accessor); if (!selection) { return; } match = selection; } const clipboardService = accessor.get(IClipboardService); const labelService = accessor.get(ILabelService); let text: string | undefined; if (match instanceof Match) { text = matchToString(match); } else if (match instanceof FileMatch) { text = fileMatchToString(match, maxClipboardMatches, labelService).text; } else if (match instanceof FolderMatch) { text = folderMatchToString(match, maxClipboardMatches, labelService).text; } if (text) { await clipboardService.writeText(text); } }; function allFolderMatchesToString(folderMatches: Array, maxMatches: number, labelService: ILabelService): string { const folderResults: string[] = []; let numMatches = 0; folderMatches = folderMatches.sort(searchMatchComparer); for (let i = 0; i < folderMatches.length && numMatches < maxMatches; i++) { const folderResult = folderMatchToString(folderMatches[i], maxMatches - numMatches, labelService); if (folderResult.count) { numMatches += folderResult.count; folderResults.push(folderResult.text); } } return folderResults.join(lineDelimiter + lineDelimiter); } function getSelectedRow(accessor: ServicesAccessor): RenderableMatch | undefined | null { const viewsService = accessor.get(IViewsService); const searchView = getSearchView(viewsService); return searchView?.getControl().getSelection()[0]; } export const copyAllCommand: ICommandHandler = async (accessor) => { const viewsService = accessor.get(IViewsService); const clipboardService = accessor.get(IClipboardService); const labelService = accessor.get(ILabelService); const searchView = getSearchView(viewsService); if (searchView) { const root = searchView.searchResult; const text = allFolderMatchesToString(root.folderMatches(), maxClipboardMatches, labelService); await clipboardService.writeText(text); } }; export const clearHistoryCommand: ICommandHandler = accessor => { const searchHistoryService = accessor.get(ISearchHistoryService); searchHistoryService.clearHistory(); }; export const focusSearchListCommand: ICommandHandler = accessor => { const viewsService = accessor.get(IViewsService); openSearchView(viewsService).then(searchView => { if (searchView) { searchView.moveFocusToResults(); } }); };