/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { IFilter, or, matchesPrefix, matchesStrictPrefix, matchesCamelCase, matchesSubString, matchesContiguousSubString, matchesWords, fuzzyMatchAndScore } from 'vs/base/common/filters'; function filterOk(filter: IFilter, word: string, wordToMatchAgainst: string, highlights?: { start: number; end: number; }[]) { let r = filter(word, wordToMatchAgainst); assert(r); if (highlights) { assert.deepEqual(r, highlights); } } function filterNotOk(filter, word, suggestion) { assert(!filter(word, suggestion)); } suite('Filters', () => { test('or', function () { let filter, counters; let newFilter = function (i, r) { return function () { counters[i]++; return r; }; }; counters = [0, 0]; filter = or(newFilter(0, false), newFilter(1, false)); filterNotOk(filter, 'anything', 'anything'); assert.deepEqual(counters, [1, 1]); counters = [0, 0]; filter = or(newFilter(0, true), newFilter(1, false)); filterOk(filter, 'anything', 'anything'); assert.deepEqual(counters, [1, 0]); counters = [0, 0]; filter = or(newFilter(0, true), newFilter(1, true)); filterOk(filter, 'anything', 'anything'); assert.deepEqual(counters, [1, 0]); counters = [0, 0]; filter = or(newFilter(0, false), newFilter(1, true)); filterOk(filter, 'anything', 'anything'); assert.deepEqual(counters, [1, 1]); }); test('PrefixFilter - case sensitive', function () { filterNotOk(matchesStrictPrefix, '', ''); filterOk(matchesStrictPrefix, '', 'anything', []); filterOk(matchesStrictPrefix, 'alpha', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterOk(matchesStrictPrefix, 'alpha', 'alphasomething', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterNotOk(matchesStrictPrefix, 'alpha', 'alp'); filterOk(matchesStrictPrefix, 'a', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }]); filterNotOk(matchesStrictPrefix, 'x', 'alpha'); filterNotOk(matchesStrictPrefix, 'A', 'alpha'); filterNotOk(matchesStrictPrefix, 'AlPh', 'alPHA'); }); test('PrefixFilter - ignore case', function () { filterOk(matchesPrefix, 'alpha', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterOk(matchesPrefix, 'alpha', 'alphasomething', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterNotOk(matchesPrefix, 'alpha', 'alp'); filterOk(matchesPrefix, 'a', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }]); filterOk(matchesPrefix, 'ä', 'Älpha', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }]); filterNotOk(matchesPrefix, 'x', 'alpha'); filterOk(matchesPrefix, 'A', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }]); filterOk(matchesPrefix, 'AlPh', 'alPHA', [{ start: 0, end: 4 }]); filterNotOk(matchesPrefix, 'T', '4'); // see https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/22401 }); test('CamelCaseFilter', function () { filterNotOk(matchesCamelCase, '', ''); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, '', 'anything', []); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'alpha', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'AlPhA', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'alpha', 'alphasomething', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterNotOk(matchesCamelCase, 'alpha', 'alp'); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'c', 'CamelCaseRocks', [ { start: 0, end: 1 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'cc', 'CamelCaseRocks', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 5, end: 6 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'ccr', 'CamelCaseRocks', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 5, end: 6 }, { start: 9, end: 10 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'cacr', 'CamelCaseRocks', [ { start: 0, end: 2 }, { start: 5, end: 6 }, { start: 9, end: 10 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'cacar', 'CamelCaseRocks', [ { start: 0, end: 2 }, { start: 5, end: 7 }, { start: 9, end: 10 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'ccarocks', 'CamelCaseRocks', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 5, end: 7 }, { start: 9, end: 14 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'cr', 'CamelCaseRocks', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 9, end: 10 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'fba', 'FooBarAbe', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 3, end: 5 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'fbar', 'FooBarAbe', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 3, end: 6 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'fbara', 'FooBarAbe', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 3, end: 7 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'fbaa', 'FooBarAbe', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 3, end: 5 }, { start: 6, end: 7 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'fbaab', 'FooBarAbe', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 3, end: 5 }, { start: 6, end: 8 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'c2d', 'canvasCreation2D', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 14, end: 16 } ]); filterOk(matchesCamelCase, 'cce', '_canvasCreationEvent', [ { start: 1, end: 2 }, { start: 7, end: 8 }, { start: 15, end: 16 } ]); }); test('CamelCaseFilter - #19256', function () { assert(matchesCamelCase('Debug Console', 'Open: Debug Console')); assert(matchesCamelCase('Debug console', 'Open: Debug Console')); assert(matchesCamelCase('debug console', 'Open: Debug Console')); }); test('matchesContiguousSubString', function () { filterOk(matchesContiguousSubString, 'cela', 'cancelAnimationFrame()', [ { start: 3, end: 7 } ]); }); test('matchesSubString', function () { filterOk(matchesSubString, 'cmm', 'cancelAnimationFrame()', [ { start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 9, end: 10 }, { start: 18, end: 19 } ]); }); test('WordFilter', function () { filterOk(matchesWords, 'alpha', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'alpha', 'alphasomething', [{ start: 0, end: 5 }]); filterNotOk(matchesWords, 'alpha', 'alp'); filterOk(matchesWords, 'a', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }]); filterNotOk(matchesWords, 'x', 'alpha'); filterOk(matchesWords, 'A', 'alpha', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'AlPh', 'alPHA', [{ start: 0, end: 4 }]); assert(matchesWords('Debug Console', 'Open: Debug Console')); filterOk(matchesWords, 'gp', 'Git: Pull', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 5, end: 6 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'g p', 'Git: Pull', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 4, end: 6 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'gipu', 'Git: Pull', [{ start: 0, end: 2 }, { start: 5, end: 7 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'gp', 'Category: Git: Pull', [{ start: 10, end: 11 }, { start: 15, end: 16 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'g p', 'Category: Git: Pull', [{ start: 10, end: 11 }, { start: 14, end: 16 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'gipu', 'Category: Git: Pull', [{ start: 10, end: 12 }, { start: 15, end: 17 }]); filterNotOk(matchesWords, 'it', 'Git: Pull'); filterNotOk(matchesWords, 'll', 'Git: Pull'); filterOk(matchesWords, 'git: プル', 'git: プル', [{ start: 0, end: 7 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'git プル', 'git: プル', [{ start: 0, end: 3 }, { start: 4, end: 7 }]); filterOk(matchesWords, 'öäk', 'Öhm: Älles Klar', [{ start: 0, end: 1 }, { start: 5, end: 6 }, { start: 11, end: 12 }]); assert.ok(matchesWords('gipu', 'Category: Git: Pull', true) === null); assert.deepEqual(matchesWords('pu', 'Category: Git: Pull', true), [{ start: 15, end: 17 }]); }); test('fuzzyMatchAndScore', function () { function assertMatches(pattern: string, word: string, decoratedWord?: string) { let r = fuzzyMatchAndScore(pattern, word); assert.ok(Boolean(r) === Boolean(decoratedWord)); if (r) { const [, matches] = r; let pos = 0; for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { let actual = matches[i]; let expected = decoratedWord.indexOf('^', pos) - i; assert.equal(actual, expected); pos = expected + 1 + i; } } } assertMatches('no', 'match'); assertMatches('no', ''); assertMatches('', 'match'); assertMatches('BK', 'the_black_knight', 'the_^black_^knight'); assertMatches('bkn', 'the_black_knight', 'the_^black_^k^night'); assertMatches('bt', 'the_black_knight', 'the_^black_knigh^t'); assertMatches('bti', 'the_black_knight'); assertMatches('LLL', 'SVisualLoggerLogsList', 'SVisual^Logger^Logs^List'); assertMatches('LLLL', 'SVisualLoggerLogsList'); assertMatches('sllll', 'SVisualLoggerLogsList', '^SVisua^l^Logger^Logs^List'); assertMatches('sl', 'SVisualLoggerLogsList', '^SVisual^LoggerLogsList'); assertMatches('foobar', 'foobar', '^f^o^o^b^a^r'); assertMatches('fob', 'foobar', '^f^oo^bar'); assertMatches('ob', 'foobar'); assertMatches('gp', 'Git: Pull', '^Git: ^Pull'); assertMatches('gp', 'Git_Git_Pull', '^Git_Git_^Pull'); assertMatches('g p', 'Git: Pull', '^Git:^ ^Pull'); assertMatches('gip', 'Git: Pull', '^G^it: ^Pull'); assertMatches('is', 'isValid', '^i^sValid'); assertMatches('is', 'ImportStatement', '^Import^Statement'); assertMatches('lowrd', 'lowWord', '^l^o^wWo^r^d'); assertMatches('ccm', 'cacmelCase', '^ca^c^melCase'); assertMatches('ccm', 'camelCase'); assertMatches('ccm', 'camelCasecm', '^camel^Casec^m'); }); test('topScore', function () { function assertTopScore(pattern: string, expected: number, ...words: string[]) { let topScore = -1; let topIdx = 0; for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { const word = words[i]; const m = fuzzyMatchAndScore(pattern, word); if (m) { const [score] = m; if (score > topScore) { topScore = score; topIdx = i; } } } assert.equal(topIdx, expected); } assertTopScore('Foo', 1, 'foo', 'Foo', 'foo'); assertTopScore('CC', 1, 'camelCase', 'CamelCase'); assertTopScore('cC', 0, 'camelCase', 'CamelCase'); assertTopScore('cC', 1, 'ccfoo', 'camelCase'); assertTopScore('cC', 1, 'ccfoo', 'camelCase', 'foo-cC-bar'); // issue #17836 assertTopScore('p', 0, 'parse', 'posix', 'pafdsa', 'path', 'p'); assertTopScore('pa', 0, 'parse', 'pafdsa', 'path'); // issue #14583 assertTopScore('log', 3, 'HTMLOptGroupElement', 'ScrollLogicalPosition', 'SVGFEMorphologyElement', 'log'); assertTopScore('e', 2, 'AbstractWorker', 'ActiveXObject', 'else'); // issue #14446 assertTopScore('workbench.sideb', 1, 'workbench.editor.defaultSideBySideLayout', 'workbench.sideBar.location'); // issue #11423 assertTopScore('editor.r', 2, 'diffEditor.renderSideBySide', 'editor.overviewRulerlanes', 'editor.renderControlCharacter', 'editor.renderWhitespace'); // assertTopScore('editor.R', 1, 'diffEditor.renderSideBySide', 'editor.overviewRulerlanes', 'editor.renderControlCharacter', 'editor.renderWhitespace'); // assertTopScore('Editor.r', 0, 'diffEditor.renderSideBySide', 'editor.overviewRulerlanes', 'editor.renderControlCharacter', 'editor.renderWhitespace'); assertTopScore('-mo', 1, '-ms-ime-mode', '-moz-columns'); // // dupe, issue #14861 assertTopScore('convertModelPosition', 0, 'convertModelPositionToViewPosition', 'convertViewToModelPosition'); // // dupe, issue #14942 assertTopScore('is', 0, 'isValidViewletId', 'import statement'); }); });