/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { sep } from 'vs/base/common/path'; import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import * as glob from 'vs/base/common/glob'; import { isLinux } from 'vs/base/common/platform'; import { createDecorator, ServiceIdentifier } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { Event } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { startsWithIgnoreCase } from 'vs/base/common/strings'; import { IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { isEqualOrParent, isEqual } from 'vs/base/common/resources'; import { isUndefinedOrNull } from 'vs/base/common/types'; export const IFileService = createDecorator('fileService'); export interface IResourceEncodings { getWriteEncoding(resource: URI, preferredEncoding?: string): IResourceEncoding; } export interface IResourceEncoding { encoding: string; hasBOM: boolean; } export interface IFileService { _serviceBrand: ServiceIdentifier; //#region File System Provider /** * An event that is fired when a file system provider is added or removed */ readonly onDidChangeFileSystemProviderRegistrations: Event; /** * An event that is fired when a file system provider is about to be activated. Listeners * can join this event with a long running promise to help in the activation process. */ readonly onWillActivateFileSystemProvider: Event; /** * Registers a file system provider for a certain scheme. */ registerProvider(scheme: string, provider: IFileSystemProvider): IDisposable; /** * Tries to activate a provider with the given scheme. */ activateProvider(scheme: string): Promise; /** * Checks if this file service can handle the given resource. */ canHandleResource(resource: URI): boolean; /** * Checks if the provider for the provided resource has the provided file system capability. */ hasCapability(resource: URI, capability: FileSystemProviderCapabilities): boolean; //#endregion /** * Helper to determine read/write encoding for resources. */ encoding: IResourceEncodings; /** * Allows to listen for file changes. The event will fire for every file within the opened workspace * (if any) as well as all files that have been watched explicitly using the #watch() API. */ readonly onFileChanges: Event; /** * An event that is fired upon successful completion of a certain file operation. */ readonly onAfterOperation: Event; /** * Resolve the properties of a file/folder identified by the resource. * * If the optional parameter "resolveTo" is specified in options, the stat service is asked * to provide a stat object that should contain the full graph of folders up to all of the * target resources. * * If the optional parameter "resolveSingleChildDescendants" is specified in options, * the stat service is asked to automatically resolve child folders that only * contain a single element. * * If the optional parameter "resolveMetadata" is specified in options, * the stat will contain metadata information such as size, mtime and etag. */ resolve(resource: URI, options: IResolveMetadataFileOptions): Promise; resolve(resource: URI, options?: IResolveFileOptions): Promise; /** * Same as resolve() but supports resolving multiple resources in parallel. * If one of the resolve targets fails to resolve returns a fake IFileStat instead of making the whole call fail. */ resolveAll(toResolve: { resource: URI, options: IResolveMetadataFileOptions }[]): Promise; resolveAll(toResolve: { resource: URI, options?: IResolveFileOptions }[]): Promise; /** * Finds out if a file/folder identified by the resource exists. */ exists(resource: URI): Promise; /** * Resolve the contents of a file identified by the resource. * * The returned object contains properties of the file and the full value as string. */ resolveContent(resource: URI, options?: IResolveContentOptions): Promise; /** * Resolve the contents of a file identified by the resource. * * The returned object contains properties of the file and the value as a readable stream. */ resolveStreamContent(resource: URI, options?: IResolveContentOptions): Promise; /** * Updates the content replacing its previous value. */ updateContent(resource: URI, value: string | ITextSnapshot, options?: IUpdateContentOptions): Promise; /** * Moves the file/folder to a new path identified by the resource. * * The optional parameter overwrite can be set to replace an existing file at the location. */ move(source: URI, target: URI, overwrite?: boolean): Promise; /** * Copies the file/folder to a path identified by the resource. * * The optional parameter overwrite can be set to replace an existing file at the location. */ copy(source: URI, target: URI, overwrite?: boolean): Promise; /** * Creates a new file with the given path. The returned promise * will have the stat model object as a result. * * The optional parameter content can be used as value to fill into the new file. */ createFile(resource: URI, content?: string, options?: ICreateFileOptions): Promise; /** * Creates a new folder with the given path. The returned promise * will have the stat model object as a result. */ createFolder(resource: URI): Promise; /** * Deletes the provided file. The optional useTrash parameter allows to * move the file to trash. The optional recursive parameter allows to delete * non-empty folders recursively. */ del(resource: URI, options?: { useTrash?: boolean, recursive?: boolean }): Promise; /** * Allows to start a watcher that reports file/folder change events on the provided resource. * * Note: watching a folder does not report events recursively for child folders yet. */ watch(resource: URI): IDisposable; /** * Frees up any resources occupied by this service. */ dispose(): void; } export interface FileOverwriteOptions { overwrite: boolean; } export interface FileWriteOptions { overwrite: boolean; create: boolean; } export interface FileOpenOptions { create: boolean; } export interface FileDeleteOptions { recursive: boolean; useTrash: boolean; } export enum FileType { Unknown = 0, File = 1, Directory = 2, SymbolicLink = 64 } export interface IStat { type: FileType; mtime: number; ctime: number; size: number; } export interface IWatchOptions { recursive: boolean; excludes: string[]; } export const enum FileSystemProviderCapabilities { FileReadWrite = 1 << 1, FileOpenReadWriteClose = 1 << 2, FileFolderCopy = 1 << 3, PathCaseSensitive = 1 << 10, Readonly = 1 << 11, Trash = 1 << 12 } export interface IFileSystemProvider { readonly capabilities: FileSystemProviderCapabilities; onDidChangeCapabilities: Event; onDidErrorOccur?: Event; // TODO@ben remove once file watchers are solid onDidChangeFile: Event; watch(resource: URI, opts: IWatchOptions): IDisposable; stat(resource: URI): Promise; mkdir(resource: URI): Promise; readdir(resource: URI): Promise<[string, FileType][]>; delete(resource: URI, opts: FileDeleteOptions): Promise; rename(from: URI, to: URI, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise; copy?(from: URI, to: URI, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise; readFile?(resource: URI): Promise; writeFile?(resource: URI, content: Uint8Array, opts: FileWriteOptions): Promise; open?(resource: URI, opts: FileOpenOptions): Promise; close?(fd: number): Promise; read?(fd: number, pos: number, data: Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number): Promise; write?(fd: number, pos: number, data: Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number): Promise; } export interface IFileSystemProviderWithFileReadWriteCapability extends IFileSystemProvider { readFile(resource: URI): Promise; writeFile(resource: URI, content: Uint8Array, opts: FileWriteOptions): Promise; } export function hasReadWriteCapability(provider: IFileSystemProvider): provider is IFileSystemProviderWithFileReadWriteCapability { return !!(provider.capabilities & FileSystemProviderCapabilities.FileReadWrite); } export interface IFileSystemProviderWithFileFolderCopyCapability extends IFileSystemProvider { copy(from: URI, to: URI, opts: FileOverwriteOptions): Promise; } export function hasFileFolderCopyCapability(provider: IFileSystemProvider): provider is IFileSystemProviderWithFileFolderCopyCapability { return !!(provider.capabilities & FileSystemProviderCapabilities.FileFolderCopy); } export interface IFileSystemProviderWithOpenReadWriteCloseCapability extends IFileSystemProvider { open(resource: URI, opts: FileOpenOptions): Promise; close(fd: number): Promise; read(fd: number, pos: number, data: Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number): Promise; write(fd: number, pos: number, data: Uint8Array, offset: number, length: number): Promise; } export function hasOpenReadWriteCloseCapability(provider: IFileSystemProvider): provider is IFileSystemProviderWithOpenReadWriteCloseCapability { return !!(provider.capabilities & FileSystemProviderCapabilities.FileOpenReadWriteClose); } export enum FileSystemProviderErrorCode { FileExists = 'EntryExists', FileNotFound = 'EntryNotFound', FileNotADirectory = 'EntryNotADirectory', FileIsADirectory = 'EntryIsADirectory', NoPermissions = 'NoPermissions', Unavailable = 'Unavailable', Unknown = 'Unknown' } export class FileSystemProviderError extends Error { constructor(message: string, public readonly code: FileSystemProviderErrorCode) { super(message); } } export function createFileSystemProviderError(error: Error, code: FileSystemProviderErrorCode): FileSystemProviderError { const providerError = new FileSystemProviderError(error.toString(), code); markAsFileSystemProviderError(providerError, code); return providerError; } export function markAsFileSystemProviderError(error: Error, code: FileSystemProviderErrorCode): Error { error.name = code ? `${code} (FileSystemError)` : `FileSystemError`; return error; } export function toFileSystemProviderErrorCode(error: Error): FileSystemProviderErrorCode { // FileSystemProviderError comes with the code if (error instanceof FileSystemProviderError) { return error.code; } // Any other error, check for name match by assuming that the error // went through the markAsFileSystemProviderError() method const match = /^(.+) \(FileSystemError\)$/.exec(error.name); if (!match) { return FileSystemProviderErrorCode.Unknown; } switch (match[1]) { case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileExists: return FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileExists; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileIsADirectory: return FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileIsADirectory; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotADirectory: return FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotADirectory; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotFound: return FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotFound; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.NoPermissions: return FileSystemProviderErrorCode.NoPermissions; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.Unavailable: return FileSystemProviderErrorCode.Unavailable; } return FileSystemProviderErrorCode.Unknown; } export function toFileOperationResult(error: Error): FileOperationResult { switch (toFileSystemProviderErrorCode(error)) { case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotFound: return FileOperationResult.FILE_NOT_FOUND; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileIsADirectory: return FileOperationResult.FILE_IS_DIRECTORY; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.NoPermissions: return FileOperationResult.FILE_PERMISSION_DENIED; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileExists: return FileOperationResult.FILE_MOVE_CONFLICT; case FileSystemProviderErrorCode.FileNotADirectory: default: return FileOperationResult.FILE_OTHER_ERROR; } } export interface IFileSystemProviderRegistrationEvent { added: boolean; scheme: string; provider?: IFileSystemProvider; } export interface IFileSystemProviderActivationEvent { scheme: string; join(promise: Promise): void; } export const enum FileOperation { CREATE, DELETE, MOVE, COPY } export class FileOperationEvent { constructor(resource: URI, operation: FileOperation.DELETE); constructor(resource: URI, operation: FileOperation.CREATE | FileOperation.MOVE | FileOperation.COPY, target: IFileStatWithMetadata); constructor(public readonly resource: URI, public readonly operation: FileOperation, public readonly target?: IFileStatWithMetadata) { } isOperation(operation: FileOperation.DELETE): boolean; isOperation(operation: FileOperation.MOVE | FileOperation.COPY | FileOperation.CREATE): this is { readonly target: IFileStatWithMetadata }; isOperation(operation: FileOperation): boolean { return this.operation === operation; } } /** * Possible changes that can occur to a file. */ export const enum FileChangeType { UPDATED = 0, ADDED = 1, DELETED = 2 } /** * Identifies a single change in a file. */ export interface IFileChange { /** * The type of change that occurred to the file. */ type: FileChangeType; /** * The unified resource identifier of the file that changed. */ resource: URI; } export class FileChangesEvent { private _changes: IFileChange[]; constructor(changes: IFileChange[]) { this._changes = changes; } get changes() { return this._changes; } /** * Returns true if this change event contains the provided file with the given change type (if provided). In case of * type DELETED, this method will also return true if a folder got deleted that is the parent of the * provided file path. */ contains(resource: URI, type?: FileChangeType): boolean { if (!resource) { return false; } const checkForChangeType = !isUndefinedOrNull(type); return this._changes.some(change => { if (checkForChangeType && change.type !== type) { return false; } // For deleted also return true when deleted folder is parent of target path if (change.type === FileChangeType.DELETED) { return isEqualOrParent(resource, change.resource, !isLinux /* ignorecase */); } return isEqual(resource, change.resource, !isLinux /* ignorecase */); }); } /** * Returns the changes that describe added files. */ getAdded(): IFileChange[] { return this.getOfType(FileChangeType.ADDED); } /** * Returns if this event contains added files. */ gotAdded(): boolean { return this.hasType(FileChangeType.ADDED); } /** * Returns the changes that describe deleted files. */ getDeleted(): IFileChange[] { return this.getOfType(FileChangeType.DELETED); } /** * Returns if this event contains deleted files. */ gotDeleted(): boolean { return this.hasType(FileChangeType.DELETED); } /** * Returns the changes that describe updated files. */ getUpdated(): IFileChange[] { return this.getOfType(FileChangeType.UPDATED); } /** * Returns if this event contains updated files. */ gotUpdated(): boolean { return this.hasType(FileChangeType.UPDATED); } private getOfType(type: FileChangeType): IFileChange[] { return this._changes.filter(change => change.type === type); } private hasType(type: FileChangeType): boolean { return this._changes.some(change => { return change.type === type; }); } } export function isParent(path: string, candidate: string, ignoreCase?: boolean): boolean { if (!path || !candidate || path === candidate) { return false; } if (candidate.length > path.length) { return false; } if (candidate.charAt(candidate.length - 1) !== sep) { candidate += sep; } if (ignoreCase) { return startsWithIgnoreCase(path, candidate); } return path.indexOf(candidate) === 0; } interface IBaseStat { /** * The unified resource identifier of this file or folder. */ resource: URI; /** * The name which is the last segement * of the {{path}}. */ name: string; /** * The size of the file. * * The value may or may not be resolved as * it is optional. */ size?: number; /** * The last modifictaion date represented * as millis from unix epoch. * * The value may or may not be resolved as * it is optional. */ mtime?: number; /** * A unique identifier thet represents the * current state of the file or directory. * * The value may or may not be resolved as * it is optional. */ etag?: string; /** * The resource is readonly. */ isReadonly?: boolean; } export interface IBaseStatWithMetadata extends IBaseStat { mtime: number; etag: string; size: number; } /** * A file resource with meta information. */ export interface IFileStat extends IBaseStat { /** * The resource is a directory. if {{true}} * {{encoding}} has no meaning. */ isDirectory: boolean; /** * The resource is a symbolic link. */ isSymbolicLink?: boolean; /** * The children of the file stat or undefined if none. */ children?: IFileStat[]; } export interface IFileStatWithMetadata extends IFileStat, IBaseStatWithMetadata { mtime: number; etag: string; size: number; children?: IFileStatWithMetadata[]; } export interface IResolveFileResult { stat?: IFileStat; success: boolean; } export interface IResolveFileResultWithMetadata extends IResolveFileResult { stat?: IFileStatWithMetadata; } /** * Content and meta information of a file. */ export interface IContent extends IBaseStatWithMetadata { /** * The content of a text file. */ value: string; /** * The encoding of the content if known. */ encoding: string; } // this should eventually replace IContent such // that we have a clear separation between content // and metadata (TODO@Joh, TODO@Ben) export interface IContentData { encoding: string; stream: IStringStream; } /** * A Stream emitting strings. */ export interface IStringStream { on(event: 'data', callback: (chunk: string) => void): void; on(event: 'error', callback: (err: any) => void): void; on(event: 'end', callback: () => void): void; on(event: string, callback: any): void; } /** * Text snapshot that works like an iterator. * Will try to return chunks of roughly ~64KB size. * Will return null when finished. */ export interface ITextSnapshot { read(): string | null; } export class StringSnapshot implements ITextSnapshot { private _value: string | null; constructor(value: string) { this._value = value; } read(): string | null { let ret = this._value; this._value = null; return ret; } } /** * Helper method to convert a snapshot into its full string form. */ export function snapshotToString(snapshot: ITextSnapshot): string { const chunks: string[] = []; let chunk: string | null; while (typeof (chunk = snapshot.read()) === 'string') { chunks.push(chunk); } return chunks.join(''); } /** * Streamable content and meta information of a file. */ export interface IStreamContent extends IBaseStatWithMetadata { /** * The streamable content of a text file. */ value: IStringStream; /** * The encoding of the content if known. */ encoding: string; } export interface IResolveContentOptions { /** * The optional acceptTextOnly parameter allows to fail this request early if the file * contents are not textual. */ acceptTextOnly?: boolean; /** * The optional etag parameter allows to return early from resolving the resource if * the contents on disk match the etag. This prevents accumulated reading of resources * that have been read already with the same etag. * It is the task of the caller to makes sure to handle this error case from the promise. */ etag?: string; /** * The optional encoding parameter allows to specify the desired encoding when resolving * the contents of the file. */ encoding?: string; /** * The optional guessEncoding parameter allows to guess encoding from content of the file. */ autoGuessEncoding?: boolean; /** * Is an integer specifying where to begin reading from in the file. If position is null, * data will be read from the current file position. */ position?: number; } export interface IUpdateContentOptions { /** * The encoding to use when updating a file. */ encoding?: string; /** * If set to true, will enforce the selected encoding and not perform any detection using BOMs. */ overwriteEncoding?: boolean; /** * Whether to overwrite a file even if it is readonly. */ overwriteReadonly?: boolean; /** * Wether to write to the file as elevated (admin) user. When setting this option a prompt will * ask the user to authenticate as super user. */ writeElevated?: boolean; /** * The last known modification time of the file. This can be used to prevent dirty writes. */ mtime?: number; /** * The etag of the file. This can be used to prevent dirty writes. */ etag?: string; /** * Run mkdirp before saving. */ mkdirp?: boolean; } export interface IResolveFileOptions { /** * Automatically continue resolving children of a directory until the provided resources * are found. */ resolveTo?: URI[]; /** * Automatically continue resolving children of a directory if the number of children is 1. */ resolveSingleChildDescendants?: boolean; /** * Will resolve mtime, size and etag of files if enabled. This can have a negative impact * on performance and thus should only be used when these values are required. */ resolveMetadata?: boolean; } export interface IResolveMetadataFileOptions extends IResolveFileOptions { resolveMetadata: true; } export interface ICreateFileOptions { /** * Overwrite the file to create if it already exists on disk. Otherwise * an error will be thrown (FILE_MODIFIED_SINCE). */ overwrite?: boolean; } export class FileOperationError extends Error { constructor(message: string, public fileOperationResult: FileOperationResult, public options?: IResolveContentOptions & IUpdateContentOptions & ICreateFileOptions) { super(message); } static isFileOperationError(obj: unknown): obj is FileOperationError { return obj instanceof Error && !isUndefinedOrNull((obj as FileOperationError).fileOperationResult); } } export const enum FileOperationResult { FILE_IS_BINARY, FILE_IS_DIRECTORY, FILE_NOT_FOUND, FILE_NOT_MODIFIED_SINCE, FILE_MODIFIED_SINCE, FILE_MOVE_CONFLICT, FILE_READ_ONLY, FILE_PERMISSION_DENIED, FILE_TOO_LARGE, FILE_INVALID_PATH, FILE_EXCEED_MEMORY_LIMIT, FILE_OTHER_ERROR } export const AutoSaveConfiguration = { OFF: 'off', AFTER_DELAY: 'afterDelay', ON_FOCUS_CHANGE: 'onFocusChange', ON_WINDOW_CHANGE: 'onWindowChange' }; export const HotExitConfiguration = { OFF: 'off', ON_EXIT: 'onExit', ON_EXIT_AND_WINDOW_CLOSE: 'onExitAndWindowClose' }; export const CONTENT_CHANGE_EVENT_BUFFER_DELAY = 1000; export const FILES_ASSOCIATIONS_CONFIG = 'files.associations'; export const FILES_EXCLUDE_CONFIG = 'files.exclude'; export interface IFilesConfiguration { files: { associations: { [filepattern: string]: string }; exclude: glob.IExpression; watcherExclude: { [filepattern: string]: boolean }; encoding: string; autoGuessEncoding: boolean; defaultLanguage: string; trimTrailingWhitespace: boolean; autoSave: string; autoSaveDelay: number; eol: string; enableTrash: boolean; hotExit: string; }; } export const SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS: { [encoding: string]: { labelLong: string; labelShort: string; order: number; encodeOnly?: boolean; alias?: string } } = { utf8: { labelLong: 'UTF-8', labelShort: 'UTF-8', order: 1, alias: 'utf8bom' }, utf8bom: { labelLong: 'UTF-8 with BOM', labelShort: 'UTF-8 with BOM', encodeOnly: true, order: 2, alias: 'utf8' }, utf16le: { labelLong: 'UTF-16 LE', labelShort: 'UTF-16 LE', order: 3 }, utf16be: { labelLong: 'UTF-16 BE', labelShort: 'UTF-16 BE', order: 4 }, windows1252: { labelLong: 'Western (Windows 1252)', labelShort: 'Windows 1252', order: 5 }, iso88591: { labelLong: 'Western (ISO 8859-1)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-1', order: 6 }, iso88593: { labelLong: 'Western (ISO 8859-3)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-3', order: 7 }, iso885915: { labelLong: 'Western (ISO 8859-15)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-15', order: 8 }, macroman: { labelLong: 'Western (Mac Roman)', labelShort: 'Mac Roman', order: 9 }, cp437: { labelLong: 'DOS (CP 437)', labelShort: 'CP437', order: 10 }, windows1256: { labelLong: 'Arabic (Windows 1256)', labelShort: 'Windows 1256', order: 11 }, iso88596: { labelLong: 'Arabic (ISO 8859-6)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-6', order: 12 }, windows1257: { labelLong: 'Baltic (Windows 1257)', labelShort: 'Windows 1257', order: 13 }, iso88594: { labelLong: 'Baltic (ISO 8859-4)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-4', order: 14 }, iso885914: { labelLong: 'Celtic (ISO 8859-14)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-14', order: 15 }, windows1250: { labelLong: 'Central European (Windows 1250)', labelShort: 'Windows 1250', order: 16 }, iso88592: { labelLong: 'Central European (ISO 8859-2)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-2', order: 17 }, cp852: { labelLong: 'Central European (CP 852)', labelShort: 'CP 852', order: 18 }, windows1251: { labelLong: 'Cyrillic (Windows 1251)', labelShort: 'Windows 1251', order: 19 }, cp866: { labelLong: 'Cyrillic (CP 866)', labelShort: 'CP 866', order: 20 }, iso88595: { labelLong: 'Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-5', order: 21 }, koi8r: { labelLong: 'Cyrillic (KOI8-R)', labelShort: 'KOI8-R', order: 22 }, koi8u: { labelLong: 'Cyrillic (KOI8-U)', labelShort: 'KOI8-U', order: 23 }, iso885913: { labelLong: 'Estonian (ISO 8859-13)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-13', order: 24 }, windows1253: { labelLong: 'Greek (Windows 1253)', labelShort: 'Windows 1253', order: 25 }, iso88597: { labelLong: 'Greek (ISO 8859-7)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-7', order: 26 }, windows1255: { labelLong: 'Hebrew (Windows 1255)', labelShort: 'Windows 1255', order: 27 }, iso88598: { labelLong: 'Hebrew (ISO 8859-8)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-8', order: 28 }, iso885910: { labelLong: 'Nordic (ISO 8859-10)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-10', order: 29 }, iso885916: { labelLong: 'Romanian (ISO 8859-16)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-16', order: 30 }, windows1254: { labelLong: 'Turkish (Windows 1254)', labelShort: 'Windows 1254', order: 31 }, iso88599: { labelLong: 'Turkish (ISO 8859-9)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-9', order: 32 }, windows1258: { labelLong: 'Vietnamese (Windows 1258)', labelShort: 'Windows 1258', order: 33 }, gbk: { labelLong: 'Simplified Chinese (GBK)', labelShort: 'GBK', order: 34 }, gb18030: { labelLong: 'Simplified Chinese (GB18030)', labelShort: 'GB18030', order: 35 }, cp950: { labelLong: 'Traditional Chinese (Big5)', labelShort: 'Big5', order: 36 }, big5hkscs: { labelLong: 'Traditional Chinese (Big5-HKSCS)', labelShort: 'Big5-HKSCS', order: 37 }, shiftjis: { labelLong: 'Japanese (Shift JIS)', labelShort: 'Shift JIS', order: 38 }, eucjp: { labelLong: 'Japanese (EUC-JP)', labelShort: 'EUC-JP', order: 39 }, euckr: { labelLong: 'Korean (EUC-KR)', labelShort: 'EUC-KR', order: 40 }, windows874: { labelLong: 'Thai (Windows 874)', labelShort: 'Windows 874', order: 41 }, iso885911: { labelLong: 'Latin/Thai (ISO 8859-11)', labelShort: 'ISO 8859-11', order: 42 }, koi8ru: { labelLong: 'Cyrillic (KOI8-RU)', labelShort: 'KOI8-RU', order: 43 }, koi8t: { labelLong: 'Tajik (KOI8-T)', labelShort: 'KOI8-T', order: 44 }, gb2312: { labelLong: 'Simplified Chinese (GB 2312)', labelShort: 'GB 2312', order: 45 }, cp865: { labelLong: 'Nordic DOS (CP 865)', labelShort: 'CP 865', order: 46 }, cp850: { labelLong: 'Western European DOS (CP 850)', labelShort: 'CP 850', order: 47 } }; export enum FileKind { FILE, FOLDER, ROOT_FOLDER } export const MIN_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_MB = 2048; export const FALLBACK_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_MB = 4096; export function etag(mtime: number, size: number): string; export function etag(mtime: number | undefined, size: number | undefined): string | undefined; export function etag(mtime: number | undefined, size: number | undefined): string | undefined { if (typeof size !== 'number' || typeof mtime !== 'number') { return undefined; } return mtime.toString(29) + size.toString(31); } // TODO@ben remove traces of legacy file service export const ILegacyFileService = createDecorator('legacyFileService'); export interface ILegacyFileService extends IDisposable { _serviceBrand: any; encoding: IResourceEncodings; onAfterOperation: Event; registerProvider(scheme: string, provider: IFileSystemProvider): IDisposable; resolveContent(resource: URI, options?: IResolveContentOptions): Promise; resolveStreamContent(resource: URI, options?: IResolveContentOptions): Promise; updateContent(resource: URI, value: string | ITextSnapshot, options?: IUpdateContentOptions): Promise; createFile(resource: URI, content?: string, options?: ICreateFileOptions): Promise; }