/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as nls from 'vs/nls'; import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { URI as uri } from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { first, distinct } from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import * as errors from 'vs/base/common/errors'; import severity from 'vs/base/common/severity'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import * as aria from 'vs/base/browser/ui/aria/aria'; import { IContextKeyService, IContextKey } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey'; import { IMarkerService } from 'vs/platform/markers/common/markers'; import { ILifecycleService } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/common/lifecycle'; import { IExtensionService } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensions'; import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { FileChangesEvent, FileChangeType, IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files'; import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry'; import { IStorageService, StorageScope } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage'; import { DebugModel, ExceptionBreakpoint, FunctionBreakpoint, Breakpoint, Expression } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debugModel'; import { ViewModel } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debugViewModel'; import * as debugactions from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/browser/debugActions'; import { ConfigurationManager } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/electron-browser/debugConfigurationManager'; import Constants from 'vs/workbench/parts/markers/electron-browser/constants'; import { ITaskService, ITaskSummary } from 'vs/workbench/parts/tasks/common/taskService'; import { TaskError } from 'vs/workbench/parts/tasks/common/taskSystem'; import { VIEWLET_ID as EXPLORER_VIEWLET_ID } from 'vs/workbench/parts/files/common/files'; import { IViewletService } from 'vs/workbench/services/viewlet/browser/viewlet'; import { IPanelService } from 'vs/workbench/services/panel/common/panelService'; import { IPartService, Parts } from 'vs/workbench/services/part/common/partService'; import { ITextFileService } from 'vs/workbench/services/textfile/common/textfiles'; import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration'; import { IWorkspaceContextService, WorkbenchState, IWorkspaceFolder } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace'; import { IEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService'; import { EXTENSION_LOG_BROADCAST_CHANNEL, EXTENSION_ATTACH_BROADCAST_CHANNEL, EXTENSION_TERMINATE_BROADCAST_CHANNEL, EXTENSION_RELOAD_BROADCAST_CHANNEL, EXTENSION_CLOSE_EXTHOST_BROADCAST_CHANNEL } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionHost'; import { IBroadcastService } from 'vs/platform/broadcast/electron-browser/broadcastService'; import { IRemoteConsoleLog, parse, getFirstFrame } from 'vs/base/node/console'; import { TaskEvent, TaskEventKind, TaskIdentifier } from 'vs/workbench/parts/tasks/common/tasks'; import { IDialogService } from 'vs/platform/dialogs/common/dialogs'; import { INotificationService } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification'; import { IAction, Action } from 'vs/base/common/actions'; import { deepClone, equals } from 'vs/base/common/objects'; import { DebugSession } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/electron-browser/debugSession'; import { dispose, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { IDebugService, State, IDebugSession, CONTEXT_DEBUG_TYPE, CONTEXT_DEBUG_STATE, CONTEXT_IN_DEBUG_MODE, IThread, IDebugConfiguration, VIEWLET_ID, REPL_ID, IConfig, ILaunch, IViewModel, IConfigurationManager, IDebugModel, IEnablement, IBreakpoint, IBreakpointData, ICompound, IGlobalConfig, IStackFrame, AdapterEndEvent } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug'; import { isExtensionHostDebugging } from 'vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debugUtils'; import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async'; import { isErrorWithActions, createErrorWithActions } from 'vs/base/common/errorsWithActions'; const DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS_KEY = 'debug.breakpoint'; const DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS_ACTIVATED_KEY = 'debug.breakpointactivated'; const DEBUG_FUNCTION_BREAKPOINTS_KEY = 'debug.functionbreakpoint'; const DEBUG_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINTS_KEY = 'debug.exceptionbreakpoint'; const DEBUG_WATCH_EXPRESSIONS_KEY = 'debug.watchexpressions'; function once(kind: TaskEventKind, event: Event): Event { return (listener, thisArgs = null, disposables?) => { const result = event(e => { if (e.kind === kind) { result.dispose(); return listener.call(thisArgs, e); } }, null, disposables); return result; }; } const enum TaskRunResult { Failure, Success } export class DebugService implements IDebugService { _serviceBrand: any; private readonly _onDidChangeState: Emitter; private readonly _onDidNewSession: Emitter; private readonly _onWillNewSession: Emitter; private readonly _onDidEndSession: Emitter; private model: DebugModel; private viewModel: ViewModel; private configurationManager: ConfigurationManager; private toDispose: IDisposable[]; private debugType: IContextKey; private debugState: IContextKey; private inDebugMode: IContextKey; private breakpointsToSendOnResourceSaved: Set; private initializing = false; private previousState: State; constructor( @IStorageService private storageService: IStorageService, @IEditorService private editorService: IEditorService, @ITextFileService private textFileService: ITextFileService, @IViewletService private viewletService: IViewletService, @IPanelService private panelService: IPanelService, @INotificationService private notificationService: INotificationService, @IDialogService private dialogService: IDialogService, @IPartService private partService: IPartService, @IBroadcastService private broadcastService: IBroadcastService, @ITelemetryService private telemetryService: ITelemetryService, @IWorkspaceContextService private contextService: IWorkspaceContextService, @IContextKeyService contextKeyService: IContextKeyService, @ILifecycleService private lifecycleService: ILifecycleService, @IInstantiationService private instantiationService: IInstantiationService, @IExtensionService private extensionService: IExtensionService, @IMarkerService private markerService: IMarkerService, @ITaskService private taskService: ITaskService, @IFileService private fileService: IFileService, @IConfigurationService private configurationService: IConfigurationService, ) { this.toDispose = []; this.breakpointsToSendOnResourceSaved = new Set(); this._onDidChangeState = new Emitter(); this._onDidNewSession = new Emitter(); this._onWillNewSession = new Emitter(); this._onDidEndSession = new Emitter(); this.configurationManager = this.instantiationService.createInstance(ConfigurationManager); this.toDispose.push(this.configurationManager); this.debugType = CONTEXT_DEBUG_TYPE.bindTo(contextKeyService); this.debugState = CONTEXT_DEBUG_STATE.bindTo(contextKeyService); this.inDebugMode = CONTEXT_IN_DEBUG_MODE.bindTo(contextKeyService); this.model = new DebugModel(this.loadBreakpoints(), this.storageService.getBoolean(DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS_ACTIVATED_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, true), this.loadFunctionBreakpoints(), this.loadExceptionBreakpoints(), this.loadWatchExpressions(), this.textFileService); this.toDispose.push(this.model); this.viewModel = new ViewModel(contextKeyService); this.toDispose.push(this.fileService.onFileChanges(e => this.onFileChanges(e))); this.toDispose.push(this.storageService.onWillSaveState(this.saveState, this)); this.lifecycleService.onShutdown(this.dispose, this); this.toDispose.push(this.broadcastService.onBroadcast(broadcast => { const session = this.model.getSessions(true).filter(s => s.getId() === broadcast.payload.debugId).pop(); if (session) { switch (broadcast.channel) { case EXTENSION_ATTACH_BROADCAST_CHANNEL: // EH was started in debug mode -> attach to it session.configuration.request = 'attach'; session.configuration.port = broadcast.payload.port; this.launchOrAttachToSession(session); break; case EXTENSION_TERMINATE_BROADCAST_CHANNEL: // EH was terminated session.disconnect(); break; case EXTENSION_LOG_BROADCAST_CHANNEL: // extension logged output -> show it in REPL const extensionOutput = broadcast.payload.logEntry; const sev = extensionOutput.severity === 'warn' ? severity.Warning : extensionOutput.severity === 'error' ? severity.Error : severity.Info; const { args, stack } = parse(extensionOutput); let frame = undefined; if (stack) { frame = getFirstFrame(stack); } session.logToRepl(sev, args, frame); break; } } }, this)); this.toDispose.push(this.viewModel.onDidFocusStackFrame(() => { this.onStateChange(); })); this.toDispose.push(this.viewModel.onDidFocusSession(session => { const id = session ? session.getId() : undefined; this.model.setBreakpointsSessionId(id); this.onStateChange(); })); } getModel(): IDebugModel { return this.model; } getViewModel(): IViewModel { return this.viewModel; } getConfigurationManager(): IConfigurationManager { return this.configurationManager; } sourceIsNotAvailable(uri: uri): void { this.model.sourceIsNotAvailable(uri); } dispose(): void { this.toDispose = dispose(this.toDispose); } //---- state management get state(): State { const focusedSession = this.viewModel.focusedSession; if (focusedSession) { return focusedSession.state; } return this.initializing ? State.Initializing : State.Inactive; } private startInitializingState() { if (!this.initializing) { this.initializing = true; this.onStateChange(); } } private endInitializingState() { if (this.initializing) { this.initializing = false; this.onStateChange(); } } private onStateChange(): void { const state = this.state; if (this.previousState !== state) { const stateLabel = State[state]; if (stateLabel) { this.debugState.set(stateLabel.toLowerCase()); this.inDebugMode.set(state !== State.Inactive); } this.previousState = state; this._onDidChangeState.fire(state); } } get onDidChangeState(): Event { return this._onDidChangeState.event; } get onDidNewSession(): Event { return this._onDidNewSession.event; } get onWillNewSession(): Event { return this._onWillNewSession.event; } get onDidEndSession(): Event { return this._onDidEndSession.event; } //---- life cycle management /** * main entry point * properly manages compounds, checks for errors and handles the initializing state. */ startDebugging(launch: ILaunch, configOrName?: IConfig | string, noDebug = false, unresolvedConfig?: IConfig, ): TPromise { this.startInitializingState(); // make sure to save all files and that the configuration is up to date return this.extensionService.activateByEvent('onDebug').then(() => this.textFileService.saveAll().then(() => this.configurationService.reloadConfiguration(launch ? launch.workspace : undefined).then(() => this.extensionService.whenInstalledExtensionsRegistered().then(() => { let config: IConfig, compound: ICompound; if (!configOrName) { configOrName = this.configurationManager.selectedConfiguration.name; } if (typeof configOrName === 'string' && launch) { config = launch.getConfiguration(configOrName); compound = launch.getCompound(configOrName); const sessions = this.model.getSessions(); const alreadyRunningMessage = nls.localize('configurationAlreadyRunning', "There is already a debug configuration \"{0}\" running.", configOrName); if (sessions.some(s => s.configuration.name === configOrName && (!launch || !launch.workspace || !s.root || s.root.uri.toString() === launch.workspace.uri.toString()))) { return Promise.reject(new Error(alreadyRunningMessage)); } if (compound && compound.configurations && sessions.some(p => compound.configurations.indexOf(p.configuration.name) !== -1)) { return Promise.reject(new Error(alreadyRunningMessage)); } } else if (typeof configOrName !== 'string') { config = configOrName; } if (compound) { // we are starting a compound debug, first do some error checking and than start each configuration in the compound if (!compound.configurations) { return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize({ key: 'compoundMustHaveConfigurations', comment: ['compound indicates a "compounds" configuration item', '"configurations" is an attribute and should not be localized'] }, "Compound must have \"configurations\" attribute set in order to start multiple configurations."))); } return Promise.all(compound.configurations.map(configData => { const name = typeof configData === 'string' ? configData : configData.name; if (name === compound.name) { return Promise.resolve(false); } let launchForName: ILaunch; if (typeof configData === 'string') { const launchesContainingName = this.configurationManager.getLaunches().filter(l => !!l.getConfiguration(name)); if (launchesContainingName.length === 1) { launchForName = launchesContainingName[0]; } else if (launchesContainingName.length > 1 && launchesContainingName.indexOf(launch) >= 0) { // If there are multiple launches containing the configuration give priority to the configuration in the current launch launchForName = launch; } else { return Promise.reject(new Error(launchesContainingName.length === 0 ? nls.localize('noConfigurationNameInWorkspace', "Could not find launch configuration '{0}' in the workspace.", name) : nls.localize('multipleConfigurationNamesInWorkspace', "There are multiple launch configurations '{0}' in the workspace. Use folder name to qualify the configuration.", name))); } } else if (configData.folder) { const launchesMatchingConfigData = this.configurationManager.getLaunches().filter(l => l.workspace && l.workspace.name === configData.folder && !!l.getConfiguration(configData.name)); if (launchesMatchingConfigData.length === 1) { launchForName = launchesMatchingConfigData[0]; } else { return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize('noFolderWithName', "Can not find folder with name '{0}' for configuration '{1}' in compound '{2}'.", configData.folder, configData.name, compound.name))); } } return this.createSession(launchForName, launchForName.getConfiguration(name), unresolvedConfig, noDebug); })).then(values => values.every(success => !!success)); // Compound launch is a success only if each configuration launched successfully } if (configOrName && !config) { const message = !!launch ? nls.localize('configMissing', "Configuration '{0}' is missing in 'launch.json'.", typeof configOrName === 'string' ? configOrName : JSON.stringify(configOrName)) : nls.localize('launchJsonDoesNotExist', "'launch.json' does not exist."); return Promise.reject(new Error(message)); } return this.createSession(launch, config, unresolvedConfig, noDebug); }) ))).then(success => { // make sure to get out of initializing state, and propagate the result this.endInitializingState(); return success; }, err => { this.endInitializingState(); return Promise.reject(err); }); } /** * gets the debugger for the type, resolves configurations by providers, substitutes variables and runs prelaunch tasks */ private createSession(launch: ILaunch, config: IConfig, unresolvedConfig: IConfig, noDebug: boolean): TPromise { // We keep the debug type in a separate variable 'type' so that a no-folder config has no attributes. // Storing the type in the config would break extensions that assume that the no-folder case is indicated by an empty config. let type: string; if (config) { type = config.type; } else { // a no-folder workspace has no launch.config config = Object.create(null); } unresolvedConfig = unresolvedConfig || deepClone(config); if (noDebug) { config.noDebug = true; } const debuggerThenable: Thenable = type ? Promise.resolve(null) : this.configurationManager.guessDebugger().then(dbgr => { type = dbgr && dbgr.type; }); return debuggerThenable.then(() => this.configurationManager.resolveConfigurationByProviders(launch && launch.workspace ? launch.workspace.uri : undefined, type, config).then(config => { // a falsy config indicates an aborted launch if (config && config.type) { return this.substituteVariables(launch, config).then(resolvedConfig => { if (!resolvedConfig) { // User canceled resolving of interactive variables, silently return return false; } if (!this.configurationManager.getDebugger(resolvedConfig.type) || (config.request !== 'attach' && config.request !== 'launch')) { let message: string; if (config.request !== 'attach' && config.request !== 'launch') { message = config.request ? nls.localize('debugRequestNotSupported', "Attribute '{0}' has an unsupported value '{1}' in the chosen debug configuration.", 'request', config.request) : nls.localize('debugRequesMissing', "Attribute '{0}' is missing from the chosen debug configuration.", 'request'); } else { message = resolvedConfig.type ? nls.localize('debugTypeNotSupported', "Configured debug type '{0}' is not supported.", resolvedConfig.type) : nls.localize('debugTypeMissing', "Missing property 'type' for the chosen launch configuration."); } return this.showError(message).then(() => false); } const workspace = launch ? launch.workspace : undefined; return this.runTaskAndCheckErrors(workspace, resolvedConfig.preLaunchTask).then(result => { if (result === TaskRunResult.Success) { return this.doCreateSession(workspace, { resolved: resolvedConfig, unresolved: unresolvedConfig }); } return false; }); }, err => { if (err && err.message) { return this.showError(err.message).then(() => false); } if (this.contextService.getWorkbenchState() === WorkbenchState.EMPTY) { return this.showError(nls.localize('noFolderWorkspaceDebugError', "The active file can not be debugged. Make sure it is saved on disk and that you have a debug extension installed for that file type.")) .then(() => false); } return launch && launch.openConfigFile(false, true).then(() => false); }); } if (launch && type && config === null) { // show launch.json only for "config" being "null". return launch.openConfigFile(false, true, type).then(() => false); } return false; }) ); } /** * instantiates the new session, initializes the session, registers session listeners and reports telemetry */ private doCreateSession(root: IWorkspaceFolder, configuration: { resolved: IConfig, unresolved: IConfig }): TPromise { const session = this.instantiationService.createInstance(DebugSession, configuration, root, this.model); this.model.addSession(session); // register listeners as the very first thing! this.registerSessionListeners(session); // since the Session is now properly registered under its ID and hooked, we can announce it // this event doesn't go to extensions this._onWillNewSession.fire(session); return this.launchOrAttachToSession(session).then(() => { // since the initialized response has arrived announce the new Session (including extensions) this._onDidNewSession.fire(session); const internalConsoleOptions = session.configuration.internalConsoleOptions || this.configurationService.getValue('debug').internalConsoleOptions; if (internalConsoleOptions === 'openOnSessionStart' || (this.viewModel.firstSessionStart && internalConsoleOptions === 'openOnFirstSessionStart')) { this.panelService.openPanel(REPL_ID, false); } const openDebug = this.configurationService.getValue('debug').openDebug; // Open debug viewlet based on the visibility of the side bar and openDebug setting. Do not open for 'run without debug' if (!configuration.resolved.noDebug && (openDebug === 'openOnSessionStart' || (openDebug === 'openOnFirstSessionStart' && this.viewModel.firstSessionStart))) { this.viewletService.openViewlet(VIEWLET_ID); } this.viewModel.firstSessionStart = false; this.debugType.set(session.configuration.type); if (this.model.getSessions().length > 1) { this.viewModel.setMultiSessionView(true); } return this.telemetryDebugSessionStart(root, session.configuration.type); }).then(() => true, (error: Error | string) => { if (errors.isPromiseCanceledError(error)) { // don't show 'canceled' error messages to the user #7906 return Promise.resolve(undefined); } // Show the repl if some error got logged there #5870 if (session && session.getReplElements().length > 0) { this.panelService.openPanel(REPL_ID, false); } if (session.configuration && session.configuration.request === 'attach' && session.configuration.__autoAttach) { // ignore attach timeouts in auto attach mode return Promise.resolve(undefined); } const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : error; this.telemetryDebugMisconfiguration(session.configuration ? session.configuration.type : undefined, errorMessage); return this.showError(errorMessage, isErrorWithActions(error) ? error.actions : []).then(() => false); }); } private launchOrAttachToSession(session: IDebugSession, focus = true): TPromise { const dbgr = this.configurationManager.getDebugger(session.configuration.type); return session.initialize(dbgr).then(() => { return session.launchOrAttach(session.configuration).then(() => { if (focus) { this.focusStackFrame(undefined, undefined, session); } }); }).then(undefined, err => { session.shutdown(); return Promise.reject(err); }); } private registerSessionListeners(session: IDebugSession): void { const sessionRunningScheduler = new RunOnceScheduler(() => { // Do not immediatly focus another session or thread if a session is running // Stepping in a session should preserve that session focused even if some continued events happen if (session.state === State.Running && this.viewModel.focusedSession === session) { this.focusStackFrame(undefined); } }, 200); this.toDispose.push(session.onDidChangeState(() => { if (session.state === State.Running && this.viewModel.focusedSession === session) { sessionRunningScheduler.schedule(); } })); this.toDispose.push(session.onDidEndAdapter(adapterExitEvent => { if (adapterExitEvent.error) { this.notificationService.error(nls.localize('debugAdapterCrash', "Debug adapter process has terminated unexpectedly ({0})", adapterExitEvent.error.message || adapterExitEvent.error.toString())); } // 'Run without debugging' mode VSCode must terminate the extension host. More details: #3905 if (isExtensionHostDebugging(session.configuration) && session.state === State.Running && session.configuration.noDebug) { this.broadcastService.broadcast({ channel: EXTENSION_CLOSE_EXTHOST_BROADCAST_CHANNEL, payload: [session.root.uri.toString()] }); } this.telemetryDebugSessionStop(session, adapterExitEvent); if (session.configuration.postDebugTask) { this.runTask(session.root, session.configuration.postDebugTask).then(undefined, err => this.notificationService.error(err) ); } session.shutdown(); this.endInitializingState(); this._onDidEndSession.fire(session); const focusedSession = this.viewModel.focusedSession; if (focusedSession && focusedSession.getId() === session.getId()) { this.focusStackFrame(undefined); } if (this.model.getSessions().length === 0) { this.debugType.reset(); this.viewModel.setMultiSessionView(false); if (this.partService.isVisible(Parts.SIDEBAR_PART) && this.configurationService.getValue('debug').openExplorerOnEnd) { this.viewletService.openViewlet(EXPLORER_VIEWLET_ID); } } })); } restartSession(session: IDebugSession, restartData?: any): TPromise { return this.textFileService.saveAll().then(() => { const isAutoRestart = !!restartData; const runTasks: () => Thenable = () => { if (isAutoRestart) { // Do not run preLaunch and postDebug tasks for automatic restarts return Promise.resolve(TaskRunResult.Success); } return this.runTask(session.root, session.configuration.postDebugTask) .then(() => this.runTaskAndCheckErrors(session.root, session.configuration.preLaunchTask)); }; if (session.capabilities.supportsRestartRequest) { return runTasks().then(taskResult => taskResult === TaskRunResult.Success ? session.restart() : undefined); } if (isExtensionHostDebugging(session.configuration) && session.root) { return runTasks().then(taskResult => taskResult === TaskRunResult.Success ? this.broadcastService.broadcast({ channel: EXTENSION_RELOAD_BROADCAST_CHANNEL, payload: [session.root.uri.toString()] }) : undefined); } const shouldFocus = this.viewModel.focusedSession && session.getId() === this.viewModel.focusedSession.getId(); // If the restart is automatic -> disconnect, otherwise -> terminate #55064 return (isAutoRestart ? session.disconnect(true) : session.terminate(true)).then(() => { return new Promise((c, e) => { setTimeout(() => { runTasks().then(taskResult => { if (taskResult !== TaskRunResult.Success) { return; } // Read the configuration again if a launch.json has been changed, if not just use the inmemory configuration let needsToSubstitute = false; let unresolved: IConfig; const launch = session.root ? this.configurationManager.getLaunch(session.root.uri) : undefined; if (launch) { unresolved = launch.getConfiguration(session.configuration.name); if (unresolved && !equals(unresolved, session.unresolvedConfiguration)) { // Take the type from the session since the debug extension might overwrite it #21316 unresolved.type = session.configuration.type; unresolved.noDebug = session.configuration.noDebug; needsToSubstitute = true; } } let substitutionThenable: Thenable = Promise.resolve(session.configuration); if (needsToSubstitute) { substitutionThenable = this.configurationManager.resolveConfigurationByProviders(launch.workspace ? launch.workspace.uri : undefined, unresolved.type, unresolved) .then(resolved => this.substituteVariables(launch, resolved)); } substitutionThenable.then(resolved => { session.setConfiguration({ resolved, unresolved }); session.configuration.__restart = restartData; this.launchOrAttachToSession(session, shouldFocus).then(() => { this._onDidNewSession.fire(session); c(null); }, err => e(err)); }); }); }, 300); }); }); }); } stopSession(session: IDebugSession): TPromise { if (session) { return session.terminate(); } const sessions = this.model.getSessions(); return Promise.all(sessions.map(s => s.terminate())); } private substituteVariables(launch: ILaunch | undefined, config: IConfig): TPromise { const dbg = this.configurationManager.getDebugger(config.type); if (dbg) { let folder: IWorkspaceFolder | undefined = undefined; if (launch && launch.workspace) { folder = launch.workspace; } else { const folders = this.contextService.getWorkspace().folders; if (folders.length === 1) { folder = folders[0]; } } return dbg.substituteVariables(folder, config).then(config => { return config; }, (err: Error) => { this.showError(err.message); return undefined; // bail out }); } return Promise.resolve(config); } private showError(message: string, actions: IAction[] = []): TPromise { const configureAction = this.instantiationService.createInstance(debugactions.ConfigureAction, debugactions.ConfigureAction.ID, debugactions.ConfigureAction.LABEL); actions.push(configureAction); return this.dialogService.show(severity.Error, message, actions.map(a => a.label).concat(nls.localize('cancel', "Cancel")), { cancelId: actions.length }).then(choice => { if (choice < actions.length) { return actions[choice].run(); } return void 0; }); } //---- task management private runTaskAndCheckErrors(root: IWorkspaceFolder, taskId: string | TaskIdentifier): TPromise { const debugAnywayAction = new Action('debug.debugAnyway', nls.localize('debugAnyway', "Debug Anyway"), undefined, true, () => Promise.resolve(TaskRunResult.Success)); return this.runTask(root, taskId).then((taskSummary: ITaskSummary) => { const errorCount = taskId ? this.markerService.getStatistics().errors : 0; const successExitCode = taskSummary && taskSummary.exitCode === 0; const failureExitCode = taskSummary && taskSummary.exitCode !== undefined && taskSummary.exitCode !== 0; if (successExitCode || (errorCount === 0 && !failureExitCode)) { return TaskRunResult.Success; } const taskLabel = typeof taskId === 'string' ? taskId : taskId.name; const message = errorCount > 1 ? nls.localize('preLaunchTaskErrors', "Errors exist after running preLaunchTask '{0}'.", taskLabel) : errorCount === 1 ? nls.localize('preLaunchTaskError', "Error exists after running preLaunchTask '{0}'.", taskLabel) : nls.localize('preLaunchTaskExitCode', "The preLaunchTask '{0}' terminated with exit code {1}.", taskLabel, taskSummary.exitCode); const showErrorsAction = new Action('debug.showErrors', nls.localize('showErrors', "Show Errors"), undefined, true, () => { this.panelService.openPanel(Constants.MARKERS_PANEL_ID); return Promise.resolve(TaskRunResult.Failure); }); return this.showError(message, [debugAnywayAction, showErrorsAction]); }, (err: TaskError) => { return this.showError(err.message, [debugAnywayAction, this.taskService.configureAction()]); }); } private runTask(root: IWorkspaceFolder, taskId: string | TaskIdentifier): TPromise { if (!taskId) { return Promise.resolve(null); } if (!root) { return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize('invalidTaskReference', "Task '{0}' can not be referenced from a launch configuration that is in a different workspace folder.", typeof taskId === 'string' ? taskId : taskId.type))); } // run a task before starting a debug session return this.taskService.getTask(root, taskId).then(task => { if (!task) { const errorMessage = typeof taskId === 'string' ? nls.localize('DebugTaskNotFoundWithTaskId', "Could not find the task '{0}'.", taskId) : nls.localize('DebugTaskNotFound', "Could not find the specified task."); return Promise.reject(createErrorWithActions(errorMessage)); } // If a task is missing the problem matcher the promise will never complete, so we need to have a workaround #35340 let taskStarted = false; const promise = this.taskService.getActiveTasks().then(tasks => { if (tasks.filter(t => t._id === task._id).length) { // task is already running - nothing to do. return Promise.resolve(null); } once(TaskEventKind.Active, this.taskService.onDidStateChange)((taskEvent) => { // Task is active, so everything seems to be fine, no need to prompt after 10 seconds // Use case being a slow running task should not be prompted even though it takes more than 10 seconds taskStarted = true; }); const taskPromise = this.taskService.run(task); if (task.isBackground) { return new Promise((c, e) => once(TaskEventKind.Inactive, this.taskService.onDidStateChange)(() => { taskStarted = true; c(null); })); } return taskPromise; }); return new Promise((c, e) => { promise.then(result => { taskStarted = true; c(result); }, error => e(error)); setTimeout(() => { if (!taskStarted) { const errorMessage = typeof taskId === 'string' ? nls.localize('taskNotTrackedWithTaskId', "The specified task cannot be tracked.") : nls.localize('taskNotTracked', "The task '{0}' cannot be tracked.", JSON.stringify(taskId)); e({ severity: severity.Error, message: errorMessage }); } }, 10000); }); }); } //---- focus management focusStackFrame(stackFrame: IStackFrame, thread?: IThread, session?: IDebugSession, explicit?: boolean): void { if (!session) { if (stackFrame || thread) { session = stackFrame ? stackFrame.thread.session : thread.session; } else { const sessions = this.model.getSessions(); const stoppedSession = sessions.filter(s => s.state === State.Stopped).shift(); session = stoppedSession || (sessions.length ? sessions[0] : undefined); } } if (!thread) { if (stackFrame) { thread = stackFrame.thread; } else { const threads = session ? session.getAllThreads() : undefined; const stoppedThread = threads && threads.filter(t => t.stopped).shift(); thread = stoppedThread || (threads && threads.length ? threads[0] : undefined); } } if (!stackFrame) { if (thread) { const callStack = thread.getCallStack(); stackFrame = first(callStack, sf => sf.source && sf.source.available, undefined); } } if (stackFrame) { stackFrame.openInEditor(this.editorService, true).then(undefined, errors.onUnexpectedError); aria.alert(nls.localize('debuggingPaused', "Debugging paused {0}, {1} {2}", thread.stoppedDetails ? `, reason ${thread.stoppedDetails.reason}` : '', stackFrame.source ? stackFrame.source.name : '', stackFrame.range.startLineNumber)); } this.viewModel.setFocus(stackFrame, thread, session, explicit); } //---- watches addWatchExpression(name: string): void { const we = this.model.addWatchExpression(name); this.viewModel.setSelectedExpression(we); } renameWatchExpression(id: string, newName: string): void { return this.model.renameWatchExpression(id, newName); } moveWatchExpression(id: string, position: number): void { this.model.moveWatchExpression(id, position); } removeWatchExpressions(id?: string): void { this.model.removeWatchExpressions(id); } //---- breakpoints enableOrDisableBreakpoints(enable: boolean, breakpoint?: IEnablement): TPromise { if (breakpoint) { this.model.setEnablement(breakpoint, enable); if (breakpoint instanceof Breakpoint) { return this.sendBreakpoints(breakpoint.uri); } else if (breakpoint instanceof FunctionBreakpoint) { return this.sendFunctionBreakpoints(); } return this.sendExceptionBreakpoints(); } this.model.enableOrDisableAllBreakpoints(enable); return this.sendAllBreakpoints(); } addBreakpoints(uri: uri, rawBreakpoints: IBreakpointData[], context: string): TPromise { const breakpoints = this.model.addBreakpoints(uri, rawBreakpoints); breakpoints.forEach(bp => aria.status(nls.localize('breakpointAdded', "Added breakpoint, line {0}, file {1}", bp.lineNumber, uri.fsPath))); breakpoints.forEach(bp => this.telemetryDebugAddBreakpoint(bp, context)); return this.sendBreakpoints(uri).then(() => breakpoints); } updateBreakpoints(uri: uri, data: { [id: string]: DebugProtocol.Breakpoint }, sendOnResourceSaved: boolean): void { this.model.updateBreakpoints(data); if (sendOnResourceSaved) { this.breakpointsToSendOnResourceSaved.add(uri.toString()); } else { this.sendBreakpoints(uri); } } removeBreakpoints(id?: string): TPromise { const toRemove = this.model.getBreakpoints().filter(bp => !id || bp.getId() === id); toRemove.forEach(bp => aria.status(nls.localize('breakpointRemoved', "Removed breakpoint, line {0}, file {1}", bp.lineNumber, bp.uri.fsPath))); const urisToClear = distinct(toRemove, bp => bp.uri.toString()).map(bp => bp.uri); this.model.removeBreakpoints(toRemove); return Promise.all(urisToClear.map(uri => this.sendBreakpoints(uri))); } setBreakpointsActivated(activated: boolean): TPromise { this.model.setBreakpointsActivated(activated); return this.sendAllBreakpoints(); } addFunctionBreakpoint(name?: string, id?: string): void { const newFunctionBreakpoint = this.model.addFunctionBreakpoint(name || '', id); this.viewModel.setSelectedFunctionBreakpoint(newFunctionBreakpoint); } renameFunctionBreakpoint(id: string, newFunctionName: string): TPromise { this.model.renameFunctionBreakpoint(id, newFunctionName); return this.sendFunctionBreakpoints(); } removeFunctionBreakpoints(id?: string): TPromise { this.model.removeFunctionBreakpoints(id); return this.sendFunctionBreakpoints(); } sendAllBreakpoints(session?: IDebugSession): TPromise { return Promise.all(distinct(this.model.getBreakpoints(), bp => bp.uri.toString()).map(bp => this.sendBreakpoints(bp.uri, false, session))) .then(() => this.sendFunctionBreakpoints(session)) // send exception breakpoints at the end since some debug adapters rely on the order .then(() => this.sendExceptionBreakpoints(session)); } private sendBreakpoints(modelUri: uri, sourceModified = false, session?: IDebugSession): TPromise { const breakpointsToSend = this.model.getBreakpoints({ uri: modelUri, enabledOnly: true }); return this.sendToOneOrAllSessions(session, s => s.sendBreakpoints(modelUri, breakpointsToSend, sourceModified) ); } private sendFunctionBreakpoints(session?: IDebugSession): TPromise { const breakpointsToSend = this.model.getFunctionBreakpoints().filter(fbp => fbp.enabled && this.model.areBreakpointsActivated()); return this.sendToOneOrAllSessions(session, s => { return s.capabilities.supportsFunctionBreakpoints ? s.sendFunctionBreakpoints(breakpointsToSend) : Promise.resolve(undefined); }); } private sendExceptionBreakpoints(session?: IDebugSession): TPromise { const enabledExceptionBps = this.model.getExceptionBreakpoints().filter(exb => exb.enabled); return this.sendToOneOrAllSessions(session, s => { return s.sendExceptionBreakpoints(enabledExceptionBps); }); } private sendToOneOrAllSessions(session: IDebugSession, send: (session: IDebugSession) => TPromise): TPromise { if (session) { return send(session); } return Promise.all(this.model.getSessions().map(s => send(s))).then(() => void 0); } private onFileChanges(fileChangesEvent: FileChangesEvent): void { const toRemove = this.model.getBreakpoints().filter(bp => fileChangesEvent.contains(bp.uri, FileChangeType.DELETED)); if (toRemove.length) { this.model.removeBreakpoints(toRemove); } fileChangesEvent.getUpdated().forEach(event => { if (this.breakpointsToSendOnResourceSaved.delete(event.resource.toString())) { this.sendBreakpoints(event.resource, true); } }); } private loadBreakpoints(): Breakpoint[] { let result: Breakpoint[]; try { result = JSON.parse(this.storageService.get(DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, '[]')).map((breakpoint: any) => { return new Breakpoint(uri.parse(breakpoint.uri.external || breakpoint.source.uri.external), breakpoint.lineNumber, breakpoint.column, breakpoint.enabled, breakpoint.condition, breakpoint.hitCondition, breakpoint.logMessage, breakpoint.adapterData, this.textFileService); }); } catch (e) { } return result || []; } private loadFunctionBreakpoints(): FunctionBreakpoint[] { let result: FunctionBreakpoint[]; try { result = JSON.parse(this.storageService.get(DEBUG_FUNCTION_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, '[]')).map((fb: any) => { return new FunctionBreakpoint(fb.name, fb.enabled, fb.hitCondition, fb.condition, fb.logMessage); }); } catch (e) { } return result || []; } private loadExceptionBreakpoints(): ExceptionBreakpoint[] { let result: ExceptionBreakpoint[]; try { result = JSON.parse(this.storageService.get(DEBUG_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, '[]')).map((exBreakpoint: any) => { return new ExceptionBreakpoint(exBreakpoint.filter, exBreakpoint.label, exBreakpoint.enabled); }); } catch (e) { } return result || []; } private loadWatchExpressions(): Expression[] { let result: Expression[]; try { result = JSON.parse(this.storageService.get(DEBUG_WATCH_EXPRESSIONS_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE, '[]')).map((watchStoredData: { name: string, id: string }) => { return new Expression(watchStoredData.name, watchStoredData.id); }); } catch (e) { } return result || []; } private saveState(): void { const breakpoints = this.model.getBreakpoints(); if (breakpoints.length) { this.storageService.store(DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, JSON.stringify(breakpoints), StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } else { this.storageService.remove(DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } if (!this.model.areBreakpointsActivated()) { this.storageService.store(DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS_ACTIVATED_KEY, 'false', StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } else { this.storageService.remove(DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS_ACTIVATED_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } const functionBreakpoints = this.model.getFunctionBreakpoints(); if (functionBreakpoints.length) { this.storageService.store(DEBUG_FUNCTION_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, JSON.stringify(functionBreakpoints), StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } else { this.storageService.remove(DEBUG_FUNCTION_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } const exceptionBreakpoints = this.model.getExceptionBreakpoints(); if (exceptionBreakpoints.length) { this.storageService.store(DEBUG_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, JSON.stringify(exceptionBreakpoints), StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } else { this.storageService.remove(DEBUG_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINTS_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } const watchExpressions = this.model.getWatchExpressions(); if (watchExpressions.length) { this.storageService.store(DEBUG_WATCH_EXPRESSIONS_KEY, JSON.stringify(watchExpressions.map(we => ({ name: we.name, id: we.getId() }))), StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } else { this.storageService.remove(DEBUG_WATCH_EXPRESSIONS_KEY, StorageScope.WORKSPACE); } } //---- telemetry private telemetryDebugSessionStart(root: IWorkspaceFolder, type: string): TPromise { const extension = this.configurationManager.getDebugger(type).extensionDescription; /* __GDPR__ "debugSessionStart" : { "type": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }, "breakpointCount": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true }, "exceptionBreakpoints": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }, "watchExpressionsCount": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true }, "extensionName": { "classification": "PublicNonPersonalData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }, "isBuiltin": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true}, "launchJsonExists": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true } } */ return this.telemetryService.publicLog('debugSessionStart', { type: type, breakpointCount: this.model.getBreakpoints().length, exceptionBreakpoints: this.model.getExceptionBreakpoints(), watchExpressionsCount: this.model.getWatchExpressions().length, extensionName: extension.id, isBuiltin: extension.isBuiltin, launchJsonExists: root && !!this.configurationService.getValue('launch', { resource: root.uri }) }); } private telemetryDebugSessionStop(session: IDebugSession, adapterExitEvent: AdapterEndEvent): TPromise { const breakpoints = this.model.getBreakpoints(); /* __GDPR__ "debugSessionStop" : { "type" : { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }, "success": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true }, "sessionLengthInSeconds": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true }, "breakpointCount": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true }, "watchExpressionsCount": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true } } */ return this.telemetryService.publicLog('debugSessionStop', { type: session && session.configuration.type, success: adapterExitEvent.emittedStopped || breakpoints.length === 0, sessionLengthInSeconds: adapterExitEvent.sessionLengthInSeconds, breakpointCount: breakpoints.length, watchExpressionsCount: this.model.getWatchExpressions().length }); } private telemetryDebugMisconfiguration(debugType: string, message: string): TPromise { /* __GDPR__ "debugMisconfiguration" : { "type" : { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }, "error": { "classification": "CallstackOrException", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" } } */ return this.telemetryService.publicLog('debugMisconfiguration', { type: debugType, error: message }); } private telemetryDebugAddBreakpoint(breakpoint: IBreakpoint, context: string): TPromise { /* __GDPR__ "debugAddBreakpoint" : { "context": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }, "hasCondition": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true }, "hasHitCondition": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true }, "hasLogMessage": { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight", "isMeasurement": true } } */ return this.telemetryService.publicLog('debugAddBreakpoint', { context: context, hasCondition: !!breakpoint.condition, hasHitCondition: !!breakpoint.hitCondition, hasLogMessage: !!breakpoint.logMessage }); } }