/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import parse from '@emmetio/html-matcher'; import parseStylesheet from '@emmetio/css-parser'; import { Node, HtmlNode, CssToken, Property, Rule, Stylesheet } from 'EmmetNode'; import { DocumentStreamReader } from './bufferStream'; let _emmetHelper: any; let _currentExtensionsPath: string | undefined = undefined; export function getEmmetHelper() { if (!_emmetHelper) { _emmetHelper = require('vscode-emmet-helper'); } resolveUpdateExtensionsPath(); return _emmetHelper; } export function resolveUpdateExtensionsPath() { if (!_emmetHelper) { return; } let extensionsPath = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['extensionsPath']; if (_currentExtensionsPath !== extensionsPath) { _currentExtensionsPath = extensionsPath; _emmetHelper.updateExtensionsPath(extensionsPath, vscode.workspace.rootPath).then(null, (err: string) => vscode.window.showErrorMessage(err)); } } export const LANGUAGE_MODES: any = { 'html': ['!', '.', '}', ':', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'jade': ['!', '.', '}', ':', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'slim': ['!', '.', '}', ':', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'haml': ['!', '.', '}', ':', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'xml': ['.', '}', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'xsl': ['!', '.', '}', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'css': [':', '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'scss': [':', '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'sass': [':', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'less': [':', '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'stylus': [':', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'javascriptreact': ['!', '.', '}', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], 'typescriptreact': ['!', '.', '}', '*', '$', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] }; export const allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag = ['text/html', 'text/plain', 'text/x-template', 'text/template', 'text/ng-template']; const emmetModes = ['html', 'pug', 'slim', 'haml', 'xml', 'xsl', 'jsx', 'css', 'scss', 'sass', 'less', 'stylus']; // Explicitly map languages that have built-in grammar in VS Code to their parent language // to get emmet completion support // For other languages, users will have to use `emmet.includeLanguages` or // language specific extensions can provide emmet completion support export const MAPPED_MODES: Object = { 'handlebars': 'html', 'php': 'html' }; export function isStyleSheet(syntax: string): boolean { let stylesheetSyntaxes = ['css', 'scss', 'sass', 'less', 'stylus']; return (stylesheetSyntaxes.indexOf(syntax) > -1); } export function validate(allowStylesheet: boolean = true): boolean { let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (!editor) { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('No editor is active'); return false; } if (!allowStylesheet && isStyleSheet(editor.document.languageId)) { return false; } return true; } export function getMappingForIncludedLanguages(): any { const finalMappedModes = Object.create(null); let includeLanguagesConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['includeLanguages']; let includeLanguages = Object.assign({}, MAPPED_MODES, includeLanguagesConfig ? includeLanguagesConfig : {}); Object.keys(includeLanguages).forEach(syntax => { if (typeof includeLanguages[syntax] === 'string' && LANGUAGE_MODES[includeLanguages[syntax]]) { finalMappedModes[syntax] = includeLanguages[syntax]; } }); return finalMappedModes; } /** * Get the corresponding emmet mode for given vscode language mode * Eg: jsx for typescriptreact/javascriptreact or pug for jade * If the language is not supported by emmet or has been exlcuded via `exlcudeLanguages` setting, * then nothing is returned * * @param language * @param exlcudedLanguages Array of language ids that user has chosen to exlcude for emmet */ export function getEmmetMode(language: string, excludedLanguages: string[]): string | undefined { if (!language || excludedLanguages.indexOf(language) > -1) { return; } if (/\b(typescriptreact|javascriptreact|jsx-tags)\b/.test(language)) { // treat tsx like jsx return 'jsx'; } if (language === 'sass-indented') { // map sass-indented to sass return 'sass'; } if (language === 'jade') { return 'pug'; } if (emmetModes.indexOf(language) > -1) { return language; } } /** * Parses the given document using emmet parsing modules */ export function parseDocument(document: vscode.TextDocument, showError: boolean = true): Node | undefined { let parseContent = isStyleSheet(document.languageId) ? parseStylesheet : parse; try { return parseContent(new DocumentStreamReader(document)); } catch (e) { if (showError) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Emmet: Failed to parse the file'); } } return undefined; } const closeBrace = 125; const openBrace = 123; const slash = 47; const star = 42; export function parsePartialStylesheet(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position): Stylesheet | undefined { const isCSS = document.languageId === 'css'; let startPosition = new vscode.Position(0, 0); let endPosition = new vscode.Position(document.lineCount - 1, document.lineAt(document.lineCount - 1).text.length); const limitCharacter = document.offsetAt(position) - 5000; const limitPosition = limitCharacter > 0 ? document.positionAt(limitCharacter) : startPosition; const stream = new DocumentStreamReader(document, position); function consumeLineCommentBackwards() { if (!isCSS && currentLine !== stream.pos.line) { currentLine = stream.pos.line; let startLineComment = document.lineAt(currentLine).text.indexOf('//'); if (startLineComment > -1) { stream.pos = new vscode.Position(currentLine, startLineComment); } } } function consumeBlockCommentBackwards() { if (stream.peek() === slash) { if (stream.backUp(1) === star) { stream.pos = findOpeningCommentBeforePosition(document, stream.pos) || startPosition; } else { stream.next(); } } } function consumeCommentForwards() { if (stream.eat(slash)) { if (stream.eat(slash) && !isCSS) { stream.pos = new vscode.Position(stream.pos.line + 1, 0); } else if (stream.eat(star)) { stream.pos = findClosingCommentAfterPosition(document, stream.pos) || endPosition; } } } // Go forward until we find a closing brace. while (!stream.eof() && !stream.eat(closeBrace)) { if (stream.peek() === slash) { consumeCommentForwards(); } else { stream.next(); } } if (!stream.eof()) { endPosition = stream.pos; } stream.pos = position; let openBracesToFind = 1; let currentLine = position.line; let exit = false; // Go back until we found an opening brace. If we find a closing one, consume its pair and continue. while (!exit && openBracesToFind > 0 && !stream.sof()) { consumeLineCommentBackwards(); switch (stream.backUp(1)) { case openBrace: openBracesToFind--; break; case closeBrace: if (isCSS) { stream.next(); startPosition = stream.pos; exit = true; } else { openBracesToFind++; } break; case slash: consumeBlockCommentBackwards(); break; default: break; } if (position.line - stream.pos.line > 100 || stream.pos.isBeforeOrEqual(limitPosition)) { exit = true; } } // We are at an opening brace. We need to include its selector. currentLine = stream.pos.line; openBracesToFind = 0; let foundSelector = false; while (!exit && !stream.sof() && !foundSelector && openBracesToFind >= 0) { consumeLineCommentBackwards(); const ch = stream.backUp(1); if (/\s/.test(String.fromCharCode(ch))) { continue; } switch (ch) { case slash: consumeBlockCommentBackwards(); break; case closeBrace: openBracesToFind++; break; case openBrace: openBracesToFind--; break; default: if (!openBracesToFind) { foundSelector = true; } break; } if (!stream.sof() && foundSelector) { startPosition = stream.pos; } } try { return parseStylesheet(new DocumentStreamReader(document, startPosition, new vscode.Range(startPosition, endPosition))); } catch (e) { } } function findOpeningCommentBeforePosition(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position): vscode.Position | undefined { let text = document.getText(new vscode.Range(0, 0, position.line, position.character)); let offset = text.lastIndexOf('/*'); if (offset === -1) { return; } return document.positionAt(offset); } function findClosingCommentAfterPosition(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position): vscode.Position | undefined { let text = document.getText(new vscode.Range(position.line, position.character, document.lineCount - 1, document.lineAt(document.lineCount - 1).text.length)); let offset = text.indexOf('*/'); if (offset === -1) { return; } offset += 2 + document.offsetAt(position); return document.positionAt(offset); } /** * Returns node corresponding to given position in the given root node */ export function getNode(root: Node | undefined, position: vscode.Position, includeNodeBoundary: boolean) { if (!root) { return null; } let currentNode = root.firstChild; let foundNode: Node | null = null; while (currentNode) { const nodeStart: vscode.Position = currentNode.start; const nodeEnd: vscode.Position = currentNode.end; if ((nodeStart.isBefore(position) && nodeEnd.isAfter(position)) || (includeNodeBoundary && (nodeStart.isBeforeOrEqual(position) && nodeEnd.isAfterOrEqual(position)))) { foundNode = currentNode; // Dig deeper currentNode = currentNode.firstChild; } else { currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling; } } return foundNode; } export function getHtmlNode(document: vscode.TextDocument, root: Node | undefined, position: vscode.Position, includeNodeBoundary: boolean): HtmlNode | undefined { let currentNode = getNode(root, position, includeNodeBoundary); if (!currentNode) { return; } if (isTemplateScript(currentNode) && currentNode.close && (position.isAfter(currentNode.open.end) && position.isBefore(currentNode.close.start))) { let buffer = new DocumentStreamReader(document, currentNode.open.end, new vscode.Range(currentNode.open.end, currentNode.close.start)); try { let scriptInnerNodes = parse(buffer); currentNode = getNode(scriptInnerNodes, position, includeNodeBoundary) || currentNode; } catch (e) { } } return currentNode; } /** * Returns inner range of an html node. * @param currentNode */ export function getInnerRange(currentNode: HtmlNode): vscode.Range | undefined { if (!currentNode.close) { return undefined; } return new vscode.Range(currentNode.open.end, currentNode.close.start); } export function getDeepestNode(node: Node | undefined): Node | undefined { if (!node || !node.children || node.children.length === 0 || !node.children.find(x => x.type !== 'comment')) { return node; } for (let i = node.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (node.children[i].type !== 'comment') { return getDeepestNode(node.children[i]); } } return undefined; } export function findNextWord(propertyValue: string, pos: number): [number, number] { let foundSpace = pos === -1; let foundStart = false; let foundEnd = false; let newSelectionStart; let newSelectionEnd; while (pos < propertyValue.length - 1) { pos++; if (!foundSpace) { if (propertyValue[pos] === ' ') { foundSpace = true; } continue; } if (foundSpace && !foundStart && propertyValue[pos] === ' ') { continue; } if (!foundStart) { newSelectionStart = pos; foundStart = true; continue; } if (propertyValue[pos] === ' ') { newSelectionEnd = pos; foundEnd = true; break; } } if (foundStart && !foundEnd) { newSelectionEnd = propertyValue.length; } return [newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd]; } export function findPrevWord(propertyValue: string, pos: number): [number, number] { let foundSpace = pos === propertyValue.length; let foundStart = false; let foundEnd = false; let newSelectionStart; let newSelectionEnd; while (pos > -1) { pos--; if (!foundSpace) { if (propertyValue[pos] === ' ') { foundSpace = true; } continue; } if (foundSpace && !foundEnd && propertyValue[pos] === ' ') { continue; } if (!foundEnd) { newSelectionEnd = pos + 1; foundEnd = true; continue; } if (propertyValue[pos] === ' ') { newSelectionStart = pos + 1; foundStart = true; break; } } if (foundEnd && !foundStart) { newSelectionStart = 0; } return [newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd]; } export function getNodesInBetween(node1: Node, node2: Node): Node[] { // Same node if (sameNodes(node1, node2)) { return [node1]; } // Same parent if (sameNodes(node1.parent, node2.parent)) { return getNextSiblingsTillPosition(node1, node2.end); } // node2 is ancestor of node1 if (node2.start.isBefore(node1.start)) { return [node2]; } // node1 is ancestor of node2 if (node2.start.isBefore(node1.end)) { return [node1]; } // Get the highest ancestor of node1 that should be commented while (node1.parent && node1.parent.end.isBefore(node2.start)) { node1 = node1.parent; } // Get the highest ancestor of node2 that should be commented while (node2.parent && node2.parent.start.isAfter(node1.start)) { node2 = node2.parent; } return getNextSiblingsTillPosition(node1, node2.end); } function getNextSiblingsTillPosition(node: Node, position: vscode.Position): Node[] { let siblings: Node[] = []; let currentNode = node; while (currentNode && position.isAfter(currentNode.start)) { siblings.push(currentNode); currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling; } return siblings; } export function sameNodes(node1: Node, node2: Node): boolean { if (!node1 || !node2) { return false; } return (node1.start).isEqual(node2.start) && (node1.end).isEqual(node2.end); } export function getEmmetConfiguration(syntax: string) { const emmetConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet'); const syntaxProfiles = Object.assign({}, emmetConfig['syntaxProfiles'] || {}); const preferences = Object.assign({}, emmetConfig['preferences'] || {}); // jsx, xml and xsl syntaxes need to have self closing tags unless otherwise configured by user if (syntax === 'jsx' || syntax === 'xml' || syntax === 'xsl') { syntaxProfiles[syntax] = syntaxProfiles[syntax] || {}; if (typeof syntaxProfiles[syntax] === 'object' && !syntaxProfiles[syntax].hasOwnProperty('self_closing_tag') // Old Emmet format && !syntaxProfiles[syntax].hasOwnProperty('selfClosingStyle') // Emmet 2.0 format ) { syntaxProfiles[syntax] = { ...syntaxProfiles[syntax], selfClosingStyle: 'xml' }; } } return { preferences, showExpandedAbbreviation: emmetConfig['showExpandedAbbreviation'], showAbbreviationSuggestions: emmetConfig['showAbbreviationSuggestions'], syntaxProfiles, variables: emmetConfig['variables'], excludeLanguages: emmetConfig['excludeLanguages'], showSuggestionsAsSnippets: emmetConfig['showSuggestionsAsSnippets'] }; } /** * Itereates by each child, as well as nested child's children, in their order * and invokes `fn` for each. If `fn` function returns `false`, iteration stops */ export function iterateCSSToken(token: CssToken, fn: (x: any) => any) { for (let i = 0, il = token.size; i < il; i++) { if (fn(token.item(i)) === false || iterateCSSToken(token.item(i), fn) === false) { return false; } } } /** * Returns `name` CSS property from given `rule` */ export function getCssPropertyFromRule(rule: Rule, name: string): Property | undefined { return rule.children.find(node => node.type === 'property' && node.name === name) as Property; } /** * Returns css property under caret in given editor or `null` if such node cannot * be found */ export function getCssPropertyFromDocument(editor: vscode.TextEditor, position: vscode.Position): Property | null | undefined { const rootNode = parseDocument(editor.document); const node = getNode(rootNode, position, true); if (isStyleSheet(editor.document.languageId)) { return node && node.type === 'property' ? node : null; } let htmlNode = node; if (htmlNode && htmlNode.name === 'style' && htmlNode.open.end.isBefore(position) && htmlNode.close.start.isAfter(position)) { let buffer = new DocumentStreamReader(editor.document, htmlNode.start, new vscode.Range(htmlNode.start, htmlNode.end)); let rootNode = parseStylesheet(buffer); const node = getNode(rootNode, position, true); return (node && node.type === 'property') ? node : null; } } export function getEmbeddedCssNodeIfAny(document: vscode.TextDocument, currentNode: Node | null, position: vscode.Position): Node | undefined { if (!currentNode) { return; } const currentHtmlNode = currentNode; if (currentHtmlNode && currentHtmlNode.close) { const innerRange = getInnerRange(currentHtmlNode); if (innerRange && innerRange.contains(position)) { if (currentHtmlNode.name === 'style' && currentHtmlNode.open.end.isBefore(position) && currentHtmlNode.close.start.isAfter(position) ) { let buffer = new DocumentStreamReader(document, currentHtmlNode.open.end, new vscode.Range(currentHtmlNode.open.end, currentHtmlNode.close.start)); return parseStylesheet(buffer); } } } } export function isStyleAttribute(currentNode: Node | null, position: vscode.Position): boolean { if (!currentNode) { return false; } const currentHtmlNode = currentNode; const index = (currentHtmlNode.attributes || []).findIndex(x => x.name.toString() === 'style'); if (index === -1) { return false; } const styleAttribute = currentHtmlNode.attributes[index]; return position.isAfterOrEqual(styleAttribute.value.start) && position.isBeforeOrEqual(styleAttribute.value.end); } export function isTemplateScript(currentNode: HtmlNode): boolean { return currentNode.name === 'script' && (currentNode.attributes && currentNode.attributes.some(x => x.name.toString() === 'type' && allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag.indexOf(x.value.toString()) > -1)); }