#!/bin/bash # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -ex home="$(cd "$(dirname $0)"; pwd)" scenario_name="" force_build="off" cleanup="off" debug_mode= mvnw=${home}/../../mvnw agent_home="${home}"/../../skywalking-agent jacoco_home="${home}"/../jacoco scenarios_home="${home}/scenarios" num_of_testcases= image_version="1.0.0" print_help() { echo "Usage: run.sh [OPTION] SCENARIO_NAME" echo -e "\t-f, --force_build \t\t do force to build Plugin-Test tools and images" echo -e "\t--cleanup, \t\t\t remove the related images and directories" echo -e "\t--debug, \t\t\t to save the log files and actualData.yaml" } parse_commandline() { while test $# -gt 0 do _key="$1" case "$_key" in -f|--force_build) force_build="on" ;; --cleanup) cleanup="on" ;; --debug) debug_mode="on"; ;; --image_version) image_version="$2" shift ;; --image_version=*) image_version="${_key##--image_version=}" ;; -h|--help) print_help exit 0 ;; *) scenario_name=$1 ;; esac shift done } exitWithMessage() { echo -e "\033[31m[ERROR] $1\033[0m">&2 exitAndClean 1 } exitAndClean() { elapsed=$(( `date +%s` - $start_stamp )) [[ $1 -eq 1 ]] && printSystemInfo printf "Scenarios: ${scenario_name}, Testcases: ${num_of_testcases}, Elapsed: %02d:%02d:%02d \n" \ $(( ${elapsed}/3600 )) $(( ${elapsed}%3600/60 )) $(( ${elapsed}%60 )) exit $1 } printSystemInfo(){ bash ${home}/script/systeminfo.sh } do_cleanup() { images=$(docker images -q "skywalking/agent-test-*") [[ -n "${images}" ]] && docker rmi -f ${images} images=$(docker images -qf "dangling=true") [[ -n "${images}" ]] && docker rmi -f ${images} docker network prune -f docker volume prune -f [[ -d ${home}/dist ]] && rm -rf ${home}/dist [[ -d ${home}/workspace ]] && rm -rf ${home}/workspace } agent_home_selector() { running_mode=$1 with_plugins=$2 plugin_dir="optional-plugins" target_agent_dir="agent_with_optional" if [[ "${running_mode}" != "with_optional" ]]; then plugin_dir="bootstrap-plugins" target_agent_dir="agent_with_bootstrap" fi target_agent_home=${workspace}/${target_agent_dir} mkdir -p ${target_agent_home} cp -fr ${agent_home}/* ${target_agent_home} with_plugins=`echo $with_plugins |sed -e "s/;/ /g"` for plugin in ${with_plugins}; do mv ${target_agent_home}/${plugin_dir}/${plugin} ${target_agent_home}/plugins/ [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && exitAndClean 1 done _agent_home=${target_agent_home} } start_stamp=`date +%s` parse_commandline "$@" if [[ "$cleanup" == "on" ]]; then do_cleanup [[ -z "${scenario_name}" ]] && exit 0 fi test -z "$scenario_name" && exitWithMessage "Missing value for the scenario argument" if [[ ! -d ${agent_home} ]]; then echo "[WARN] SkyWalking Agent not exists" ${mvnw} --batch-mode -f ${home}/../../pom.xml -Pagent -DskipTests clean package fi if [[ "$force_build" == "on" ]]; then profile= [[ $image_version =~ "jdk14-" ]] && profile="-Pjdk14" ${mvnw} --batch-mode -f ${home}/pom.xml clean package -DskipTests ${profile} fi workspace="${home}/workspace/${scenario_name}" [[ -d ${workspace} ]] && rm -rf $workspace plugin_runner_helper="${home}/dist/plugin-runner-helper.jar" if [[ ! -f ${plugin_runner_helper} ]]; then exitWithMessage "Plugin Runner tools not exists, Please re-try it with '-f'" print_helper fi echo "start submit job" scenario_home=${scenarios_home}/${scenario_name} && cd ${scenario_home} supported_version_file=${scenario_home}/support-version.list if [[ ! -f $supported_version_file ]]; then exitWithMessage "cannot found 'support-version.list' in directory ${scenario_name}" fi _agent_home=${agent_home} running_mode=$(grep "^runningMode" ${scenario_home}/configuration.yml |sed -e "s/ //g" |awk -F: '{print $2}') with_plugins=$(grep "^withPlugins" ${scenario_home}/configuration.yml |sed -e "s/ //g" |awk -F: '{print $2}') if [[ -n "${running_mode}" ]]; then [[ -z "${with_plugins}" ]] && exitWithMessage \ "'withPlugins' is required configuration when 'runningMode' was set as 'optional_plugins' or 'bootstrap_plugins'" agent_home_selector ${running_mode} ${with_plugins} fi supported_versions=`grep -v -E "^$|^#" ${supported_version_file}` for version in ${supported_versions} do testcase_name="${scenario_name}-${version}" # testcase working directory, there are logs, data and packages. case_work_base=${workspace}/${version} mkdir -p ${case_work_base}/{data,logs} case_work_logs_dir=${case_work_base}/logs # copy expectedData.yml cp ./config/expectedData.yaml ${case_work_base}/data # echo "build ${testcase_name}" ${mvnw} --batch-mode clean package -Dtest.framework.version=${version} && \ mv ./target/${scenario_name}.* ${case_work_base} java -jar \ -Xmx256m -Xms256m \ -Dconfigure.file=${scenario_home}/configuration.yml \ -Dscenario.home=${case_work_base} \ -Dscenario.name=${scenario_name} \ -Dscenario.version=${version} \ -Doutput.dir=${case_work_base} \ -Dagent.dir=${_agent_home} \ -Djacoco.home=${jacoco_home} \ -Ddebug.mode=${debug_mode} \ -Ddocker.image.version=${image_version} \ ${plugin_runner_helper} 1>${case_work_logs_dir}/helper.log [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && exitWithMessage "${testcase_name}, generate script failure!" echo "start container of testcase.name=${testcase_name}" bash ${case_work_base}/scenario.sh $debug_mode 1>${case_work_logs_dir}/${testcase_name}.log status=$? if [[ $status == 0 ]]; then [[ -z $debug_mode ]] && rm -rf ${case_work_base} else exitWithMessage "Testcase ${testcase_name} failed!" fi num_of_testcases=$(($num_of_testcases+1)) done echo -e "\033[33m${scenario_name} has already sumbitted\033[0m" exitAndClean 0