Changes by Version ================== Release Notes. 8.3.0 ------------------ #### Project #### Java Agent * Support propagate the sending timestamp in MQ plugins to calculate the transfer latency in the async MQ scenarios. * Support auto-tag with the fixed values propagated in the correlation context. * Make HttpClient 3.x, 4.x, and HttpAsyncClient 3.x plugins to support collecting HTTP parameters. * Make the Feign plugin to support Java 14 * Make the okhttp3 plugin to support Java 14 #### OAP-Backend * Add the `@SuperDataset` annotation for BrowserErrorLog. * Add the thread pool to the Kafka fetcher to increase the performance. * Add `contain` and `not contain` OPS in OAL. * Support keeping collecting the slowly segments in the sampling mechanism. * Support choose files to active the meter analyzer. * Improve Kubernetes service registry for ALS analysis. #### UI #### Document All issues and pull requests are [here]( ------------------ Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).