import React from 'react'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import Promise from 'bluebird'; import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'; import queryString from 'query-string'; import { BaseComponent, CodeEditor, Header, Navigator, ResizableContainer, TabContainer, ToastContainer, VisualizationViewer, } from 'components'; import { AlgorithmApi, GitHubApi, VisualizationApi } from 'apis'; import { actions } from 'reducers'; import { createUserFile, extension, refineGist } from 'common/util'; import { exts, languages } from 'common/config'; import { CONTRIBUTING_MD } from 'files'; import styles from './App.module.scss'; class App extends BaseComponent { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { workspaceVisibles: [true, true, true], workspaceWeights: [1, 2, 2], }; this.codeEditorRef = React.createRef(); this.ignoreHistoryBlock = this.ignoreHistoryBlock.bind(this); this.handleClickTitleBar = this.handleClickTitleBar.bind(this); this.loadScratchPapers = this.loadScratchPapers.bind(this); this.handleChangeWorkspaceWeights = this.handleChangeWorkspaceWeights.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { window.signIn = this.signIn.bind(this); window.signOut = this.signOut.bind(this); const { params } = this.props.match; const { search } = this.props.location; this.loadAlgorithm(params, queryString.parse(search)); const accessToken = Cookies.get('access_token'); if (accessToken) this.signIn(accessToken); AlgorithmApi.getCategories() .then(({ categories }) => this.props.setCategories(categories)) .catch(this.handleError); this.toggleHistoryBlock(true); } componentWillUnmount() { delete window.signIn; delete window.signOut; this.toggleHistoryBlock(false); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const { params } = nextProps.match; const { search } = nextProps.location; if (params !== this.props.match.params || search !== { const { categoryKey, algorithmKey, gistId } = params; const { algorithm, scratchPaper } = nextProps.current; if (algorithm && algorithm.categoryKey === categoryKey && algorithm.algorithmKey === algorithmKey) return; if (scratchPaper && scratchPaper.gistId === gistId) return; this.loadAlgorithm(params, queryString.parse(search)); } } toggleHistoryBlock(enable = !this.unblock) { if (enable) { const warningMessage = 'Are you sure you want to discard changes?'; window.onbeforeunload = () => { const { saved } = this.props.current; if (!saved) return warningMessage; }; this.unblock = this.props.history.block((location) => { if (location.pathname === this.props.location.pathname) return; const { saved } = this.props.current; if (!saved) return warningMessage; }); } else { window.onbeforeunload = undefined; this.unblock(); this.unblock = undefined; } } ignoreHistoryBlock(process) { this.toggleHistoryBlock(false); process(); this.toggleHistoryBlock(true); } signIn(accessToken) { Cookies.set('access_token', accessToken); GitHubApi.auth(accessToken) .then(() => GitHubApi.getUser()) .then(user => { const { login, avatar_url } = user; this.props.setUser({ login, avatar_url }); }) .then(() => this.loadScratchPapers()) .catch(() => this.signOut()); } signOut() { Cookies.remove('access_token'); GitHubApi.auth(undefined) .then(() => { this.props.setUser(undefined); }) .then(() => this.props.setScratchPapers([])); } loadScratchPapers() { const per_page = 100; const paginateGists = (page = 1, scratchPapers = []) => GitHubApi.listGists({ per_page, page, timestamp:, }).then(gists => { scratchPapers.push(...gists.filter(gist => 'algorithm-visualizer' in gist.files).map(gist => ({ key:, name: gist.description, files: Object.keys(gist.files), }))); if (gists.length < per_page) { return scratchPapers; } else { return paginateGists(page + 1, scratchPapers); } }); return paginateGists() .then(scratchPapers => this.props.setScratchPapers(scratchPapers)) .catch(this.handleError); } loadAlgorithm({ categoryKey, algorithmKey, gistId }, { visualizationId }) { const { ext } = this.props.env; const fetch = () => { if (window.__PRELOADED_ALGORITHM__) { this.props.setAlgorithm(window.__PRELOADED_ALGORITHM__); delete window.__PRELOADED_ALGORITHM__; } else if (window.__PRELOADED_ALGORITHM__ === null) { delete window.__PRELOADED_ALGORITHM__; return Promise.reject(new Error('Algorithm Not Found')); } else if (categoryKey && algorithmKey) { return AlgorithmApi.getAlgorithm(categoryKey, algorithmKey) .then(({ algorithm }) => this.props.setAlgorithm(algorithm)); } else if (gistId === 'new' && visualizationId) { return VisualizationApi.getVisualization(visualizationId) .then(content => { this.props.setScratchPaper({ login: undefined, gistId, title: 'Untitled', files: [CONTRIBUTING_MD, createUserFile('visualization.json', JSON.stringify(content))], }); }); } else if (gistId === 'new') { const language = languages.find(language => language.ext === ext); this.props.setScratchPaper({ login: undefined, gistId, title: 'Untitled', files: [CONTRIBUTING_MD, language.skeleton], }); } else if (gistId) { return GitHubApi.getGist(gistId, { timestamp: }) .then(refineGist) .then(this.props.setScratchPaper); } else { this.props.setHome(); } return Promise.resolve(); }; fetch() .then(() => { this.selectDefaultTab(); return null; // to suppress unnecessary bluebird warning }) .catch(error => { this.handleError(error); this.props.history.push('/'); }); } selectDefaultTab() { const { ext } = this.props.env; const { files } = this.props.current; const editingFile = files.find(file => extension( === 'json') || files.find(file => extension( === ext) || files.find(file => exts.includes(extension( || files[files.length - 1]; this.props.setEditingFile(editingFile); } handleChangeWorkspaceWeights(workspaceWeights) { this.setState({ workspaceWeights }); this.codeEditorRef.current.handleResize(); } toggleNavigatorOpened(navigatorOpened = !this.state.workspaceVisibles[0]) { const workspaceVisibles = [...this.state.workspaceVisibles]; workspaceVisibles[0] = navigatorOpened; this.setState({ workspaceVisibles }); } handleClickTitleBar() { this.toggleNavigatorOpened(); } render() { const { workspaceVisibles, workspaceWeights } = this.state; const { titles, description, saved } = this.props.current; const title = `${saved ? '' : '(Unsaved) '}${titles.join(' - ')}`; const [navigatorOpened] = workspaceVisibles; return (
); } } export default connect(({ current, env }) => ({ current, env }), actions)( App, );