# Zookeeper Support ## [](#zookeeper)Zookeeper Support Version 4.2 added [Zookeeper](https://zookeeper.apache.org/) support to the framework in version 4.2, which consists of: * [A metadata store](#zk-metadata-store) * [A lock registry](#zk-lock-registry) * [Leadership event handling](#zk-leadership) You need to include this dependency into your project: Maven ``` org.springframework.integration spring-integration-zookeeper 5.5.9 ``` Gradle ``` compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-zookeeper:5.5.9" ``` ### [](#zk-metadata-store)Zookeeper Metadata Store You ca use the `ZookeeperMetadataStore` where any `MetadataStore` is needed, such as for persistent file list filters. See [Metadata Store](./meta-data-store.html#metadata-store) for more information. The following example configures a Zookeeper metadata store with XML: ``` ``` The following example shows how to configure a Zookeeper metadata store with Java: ``` @Bean public MetadataStore zkStore(CuratorFramework client) { return new ZookeeperMetadataStore(client); } ``` ### [](#zk-lock-registry)Zookeeper Lock Registry The `ZookeeperLockRegistry` can be used where any `LockRegistry` is needed, such as when using an aggregator in a clustered environment with a shared `MessageStore`. A `LockRegistry` is used to “look up” a lock based on a key (the aggregator uses `correlationId`). By default, locks in the `ZookeeperLockRegistry` are maintained in zookeeper under the following path: `/SpringIntegration-LockRegistry/`. You can customize the path by providing an implementation of `ZookeeperLockRegistry.KeyToPathStrategy`, as the following example shows: ``` public interface KeyToPathStrategy { String pathFor(String key); boolean bounded(); } ``` If the strategy returns `true` from `isBounded`, unused locks do not need to be harvested. For unbounded strategies (such as the default), you need to periodically invoke `expireUnusedOlderThan(long age)` to remove old unused locks from memory. String with version 5.5.6, the `ZookeeperLockRegistry` is support automatically clean up cache for ZkLock in `ZookeeperLockRegistry.locks` via `ZookeeperLockRegistry.setCacheCapacity()`. See its JavaDocs for more information. ### [](#zk-leadership)Zookeeper Leadership Event Handling The following example uses XML to configure an application for leader election in Zookeeper: ``` ``` `client` is a reference to a `CuratorFramework` bean. A `CuratorFrameworkFactoryBean` is available. When a leader is elected, an `OnGrantedEvent` is published for the role `cluster`. Any endpoints in that role are started. When leadership is revoked, an `OnRevokedEvent` is published for the role `cluster`. Any endpoints in that role are stopped. See [Endpoint Roles](./endpoint.html#endpoint-roles) for more information. You can use Java configuration to create an instance of the leader initiator, as the following example shows: ``` @Bean public LeaderInitiatorFactoryBean leaderInitiator(CuratorFramework client) { return new LeaderInitiatorFactoryBean() .setClient(client) .setPath("/siTest/") .setRole("cluster"); } ``` Starting with version 5.3, a `candidate` option is exposed on the `LeaderInitiatorFactoryBean` for more configuration control of the externally provided `Candidate` instance. Only one of the `candidate` or `role` options has to be provided, but not both; the `role` options creates internally a `DefaultCandidate` instance with an `UUID` for `id` option.