/** * Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase * OceanBase CE is licensed under Mulan PubL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PubL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PubL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPubL-2.0 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Mulan PubL v2 for more details. */ #ifndef OB_RELATIVE_TABLE_H_ #define OB_RELATIVE_TABLE_H_ #include #include "share/schema/ob_table_schema.h" #include "share/schema/ob_table_dml_param.h" #include "ob_i_table.h" namespace oceanbase { namespace storage { class ObRelativeTable { friend class ObRelativeTables; public: ObTablesHandle tables_handle_; ObRelativeTable() : tables_handle_(), allow_not_ready_(false), schema_(NULL), schema_param_(NULL), use_schema_param_(false) {} ~ObRelativeTable() = default; bool set_schema_param(const share::schema::ObTableSchemaParam* param); uint64_t get_table_id() const; int64_t get_schema_version() const; int get_col_desc(const uint64_t column_id, share::schema::ObColDesc& col_desc) const; int get_col_desc_by_idx(const int64_t idx, share::schema::ObColDesc& col_desc) const; int get_rowkey_col_id_by_idx(const int64_t idx, uint64_t& col_id) const; int get_rowkey_column_ids(common::ObIArray& column_ids) const; int get_column_data_length(const uint64_t column_id, int32_t& len) const; int is_rowkey_column_id(const uint64_t column_id, bool& is_rowkey) const; int is_column_nullable(const uint64_t column_id, bool& is_nullable) const; OB_INLINE bool allow_not_ready() const { return allow_not_ready_; } OB_INLINE void allow_not_ready(const bool allow) { allow_not_ready_ = allow; } int64_t get_rowkey_column_num() const; int64_t get_shadow_rowkey_column_num() const; int64_t get_column_count() const; int get_fulltext_column(uint64_t& column_id) const; int get_index_name(ObString& index_name) const; int get_primary_key_name(ObString& pk_name) const; bool is_index_table() const; bool is_storage_index_table() const; bool can_read_index() const; bool is_unique_index() const; bool is_domain_index() const; int check_rowkey_in_column_ids(const common::ObIArray& column_ids, const bool has_other_column) const; int check_column_in_map(const share::schema::ColumnMap& col_map) const; int check_index_column_in_map(const share::schema::ColumnMap& col_map, const int64_t data_table_rowkey_cnt) const; int build_table_param(const common::ObIArray& out_col_ids, share::schema::ObTableParam& table_param) const; int build_index_row(const common::ObNewRow& table_row, const share::schema::ColumnMap& col_map, const bool only_rowkey, common::ObNewRow& index_row, bool& null_idx_val, common::ObIArray* idx_columns); OB_INLINE bool use_schema_param() const { return use_schema_param_; } OB_INLINE bool is_valid() const { return use_schema_param_ ? OB_NOT_NULL(schema_param_) && schema_param_->is_valid() : OB_NOT_NULL(schema_); } OB_INLINE const share::schema::ObTableSchemaParam* get_schema_param() const { return schema_param_; } TO_STRING_KV("index_id", NULL == schema_ ? 0 : schema_->get_table_id(), KPC(schema_), K_(allow_not_ready), K_(use_schema_param), KPC(schema_param_)); private: int get_rowkey_col_desc_by_idx(const int64_t idx, share::schema::ObColDesc& col_desc) const; // must follow index column order int set_index_value(const common::ObNewRow& table_row, const share::schema::ColumnMap& col_map, const share::schema::ObColDesc& col_desc, const int64_t rowkey_size, common::ObNewRow& index_row, common::ObIArray* idx_columns); private: bool allow_not_ready_; const share::schema::ObTableSchema* schema_; const share::schema::ObTableSchemaParam* schema_param_; bool use_schema_param_; }; class ObRelativeTables { public: explicit ObRelativeTables(common::ObIAllocator& allocator) : idx_cnt_(0), max_col_num_(0), data_table_(), index_tables_(), index_tables_buf_count_(0), allocator_(allocator), table_param_(NULL), use_table_param_(false) {} ~ObRelativeTables() { reset(); } void reset() { if (NULL != index_tables_) { for (int64_t i = 0; i < index_tables_buf_count_; ++i) { index_tables_[i].~ObRelativeTable(); } allocator_.free(index_tables_); } idx_cnt_ = 0; max_col_num_ = 0; index_tables_ = NULL; index_tables_buf_count_ = 0; table_param_ = NULL; use_table_param_ = false; } int prepare_tables(const uint64_t table_id, const int64_t version, const int64_t read_snapshot, const int64_t tenant_schema_version, const common::ObIArray* upd_col_ids, share::schema::ObMultiVersionSchemaService* schema_service, ObPartitionStore& store); bool is_valid() const { return use_table_param_ ? OB_NOT_NULL(table_param_) && table_param_->is_valid() : OB_NOT_NULL(data_table_.schema_) && data_table_.schema_->is_valid(); } bool set_table_param(const share::schema::ObTableDMLParam* param); int get_tenant_schema_version(const uint64_t tenant_id, int64_t& schema_version); bool use_table_param() const { return use_table_param_; } int64_t get_index_tables_buf_count() const { return index_tables_buf_count_; } private: int prepare_data_table(const int64_t read_snapshot, ObPartitionStore& store); int prepare_index_tables( const int64_t read_snapshot, const common::ObIArray* upd_col_ids, ObPartitionStore& store); int prepare_data_table_from_param(const int64_t read_snapshot, ObPartitionStore& store); int prepare_index_tables_from_param( const int64_t read_snapshot, const common::ObIArray* upd_col_ids, ObPartitionStore& store); int check_schema_version(share::schema::ObMultiVersionSchemaService& schema_service, const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t table_id, const int64_t tenant_schema_version, const int64_t table_version); int check_tenant_schema_version(share::schema::ObMultiVersionSchemaService& schema_service, const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t table_id, const int64_t tenant_schema_version); public: int64_t idx_cnt_; int64_t max_col_num_; ObRelativeTable data_table_; ObRelativeTable* index_tables_; private: int64_t index_tables_buf_count_; common::ObIAllocator& allocator_; // schema related share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard schema_guard_; // param related const share::schema::ObTableDMLParam* table_param_; bool use_table_param_; }; } // namespace storage } // namespace oceanbase #endif /* OB_RELATIVE_TABLE_H_ */