/** * Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase * OceanBase CE is licensed under Mulan PubL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PubL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PubL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPubL-2.0 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Mulan PubL v2 for more details. */ #ifndef _OB_OCEANBASE_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_STRUCT_H #define _OB_OCEANBASE_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_STRUCT_H #include #include "lib/hash/ob_hashset.h" #include "lib/hash/ob_placement_hashset.h" #include "lib/net/ob_addr.h" #include "common/ob_range.h" #include "common/row/ob_row_util.h" #include "share/ob_replica_info.h" #include "share/ob_duplicate_scope_define.h" #include "share/sequence/ob_sequence_option.h" #include "share/system_variable/ob_system_variable_factory.h" #include "share/schema/ob_priv_type.h" #include "share/ob_priv_common.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif struct _ParseNode; typedef struct _ParseNode ParseNode; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif namespace oceanbase { namespace common { class ObIAllocator; class ObSqlString; class ObString; class ObDataTypeCastParams; class ObPartitionKey; } // namespace common namespace sql { class ObSQLSessionInfo; class ObPartitionExecutorUtils; } // namespace sql namespace rootserver { class ObRandomZoneSelector; class ObReplicaAddr; } // namespace rootserver namespace share { namespace schema { typedef common::Ob2DArray ParamStore; class ObSchemaGetterGuard; class ObSimpleTableSchemaV2; class ObTableSchema; class ObColumnSchemaV2; #define ASSIGN_STRING(dst, src, field, buffer, skip) \ (dst)->field.assign(buffer + offset, (src)->field.length()); \ offset += (src)->field.length() + (skip); #define ASSIGN_CONST_STRING(dst, src, field, buffer, skip) \ (const_cast((dst)->field)).assign(buffer + offset, (src)->field.length()); \ offset += (src)->field.length() + (skip); // match the default now func #define IS_DEFAULT_NOW_STR(data_type, def_str) \ ((ObDateTimeType == data_type || ObTimestampType == data_type) && (def_str == N_UPPERCASE_CUR_TIMESTAMP)) #define IS_DEFAULT_NOW_OBJ(def_obj) \ (ObExtendType == def_obj.get_type() && ObActionFlag::OP_DEFAULT_NOW_FLAG == def_obj.get_ext()) #define OB_ORACLE_CONS_OR_IDX_CUTTED_NAME_LEN 60 // the lower 32-bit flag need be store in __all_column static const uint64_t OB_MIN_ID = 0; // used for lower_bound #define NON_CASCADE_FLAG INT64_C(0) #define VIRTUAL_GENERATED_COLUMN_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 0) #define STORED_GENERATED_COLUMN_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 1) #define CTE_GENERATED_COLUMN_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 2) #define DEFAULT_EXPR_V2_COLUMN_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 3) #define PRIMARY_VP_COLUMN_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 4) #define RESERVED_COLUMN_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 5) #define INVISIBLE_COLUMN_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 6) // The logic of the new table without a primary key changes the column (partition key) to the primary key #define HEAP_ALTER_ROWKEY_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 8) // the high 32-bit flag isn't stored in __all_column #define GENERATED_DEPS_CASCADE_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 32) #define GENERATED_CTXCAT_CASCADE_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 33) #define TABLE_PART_KEY_COLUMN_FLAG (INT64_C(1) << 34) #define STORED_COLUMN_FLAGS_MASK 0xFFFFFFFF //-------enum defenition enum ObTableLoadType { TABLE_LOAD_TYPE_IN_DISK = 0, TABLE_LOAD_TYPE_IN_RAM = 1, TABLE_LOAD_TYPE_MAX = 2, }; // the defination type of table enum ObTableDefType { TABLE_DEF_TYPE_INTERNAL = 0, TABLE_DEF_TYPE_USER = 1, TABLE_DEF_TYPE_MAX = 2, }; // level of patition enum ObPartitionLevel { PARTITION_LEVEL_ZERO = 0, // means non-partitioned table PARTITION_LEVEL_ONE = 1, PARTITION_LEVEL_TWO = 2, PARTITION_LEVEL_MAX, }; // type of hash name to generate enum ObHashNameType { FIRST_PART = 0, TEMPLATE_SUB_PART = 1, INDIVIDUAL_SUB_PART = 2 }; OB_INLINE int64_t generate_phy_part_id(int64_t part_idx, int64_t sub_part_idx, ObPartitionLevel part_level) { return (PARTITION_LEVEL_TWO == part_level) ? common::generate_phy_part_id(part_idx, sub_part_idx) : part_idx; } enum ObPartitionFuncType { // TODO add other type PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_HASH = 0, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_IMPLICIT, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_RANGE, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_RANGE_COLUMNS, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_LIST, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_V2, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_LIST_COLUMNS, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_HASH_V2, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_V3, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_IMPLICIT_V2, PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_MAX, }; int get_part_type_str(ObPartitionFuncType type, common::ObString& str, bool can_change = true); inline bool is_hash_part(const ObPartitionFuncType part_type) { return PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_HASH == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_HASH_V2 == part_type; } inline bool is_hash_like_part(const ObPartitionFuncType part_type) { return PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_HASH == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_HASH_V2 == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_IMPLICIT == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_IMPLICIT_V2 == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_V2 == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_V3 == part_type; } inline bool is_key_part(const ObPartitionFuncType part_type) { return PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_V2 == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_IMPLICIT == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_IMPLICIT_V2 == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_KEY_V3 == part_type; } inline bool is_range_part(const ObPartitionFuncType part_type) { return PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_RANGE == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_RANGE_COLUMNS == part_type; } inline bool is_list_part(const ObPartitionFuncType part_type) { return PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_LIST == part_type || PARTITION_FUNC_TYPE_LIST_COLUMNS == part_type; } int is_sys_table_name(uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& table_name, bool& is_sys_table); // adding new table type, take care ObRootUtils::is_balance_target_schema() interface // This structure indicates whether the tableSchema of this type is the object of load balancing, // and the judgment is based on whether the table schema has physical partitions of entities, // and only non-system tables are load-balanced. enum ObTableType { SYSTEM_TABLE = 0, SYSTEM_VIEW, VIRTUAL_TABLE, USER_TABLE, USER_VIEW, USER_INDEX, // urgly, compatible with uniform process in ddl_service // will add index for sys table??? TMP_TABLE, // Temporary table in mysql compatibility mode MATERIALIZED_VIEW, // Must be put behind, otherwise compatibility will fail TMP_TABLE_ORA_SESS, // Temporary table in oracle compatibility mode, session level TMP_TABLE_ORA_TRX, // Temporary tables in oracle compatibility mode, transaction level TMP_TABLE_ALL, // All types of temporary tables, only used for alter system statements AUX_VERTIAL_PARTITION_TABLE, MAX_TABLE_TYPE }; // ObTableType=>const char* ; used for show tables const char* ob_table_type_str(ObTableType type); const char* ob_mysql_table_type_str(ObTableType type); ObTableType get_inner_table_type_by_id(const uint64_t tid); enum ObIndexType { INDEX_TYPE_IS_NOT = 0, // is not index table INDEX_TYPE_NORMAL_LOCAL = 1, INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE_LOCAL = 2, INDEX_TYPE_NORMAL_GLOBAL = 3, INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE_GLOBAL = 4, INDEX_TYPE_PRIMARY = 5, INDEX_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTXCAT = 6, INDEX_TYPE_NORMAL_GLOBAL_LOCAL_STORAGE = 7, INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE_GLOBAL_LOCAL_STORAGE = 8, INDEX_TYPE_MAX = 9, }; // using type for index enum ObIndexUsingType { USING_BTREE = 0, USING_HASH, USING_TYPE_MAX, }; enum ViewCheckOption { VIEW_CHECK_OPTION_NONE = 0, VIEW_CHECK_OPTION_LOCAL = 1, VIEW_CHECK_OPTION_CASCADED = 2, VIEW_CHECK_OPTION_MAX = 3, }; const char* ob_view_check_option_str(const ViewCheckOption option); enum ObIndexStatus { // this is used in index virtual table:__index_process_info:means the table may be deleted when you get it INDEX_STATUS_NOT_FOUND = 0, INDEX_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = 1, INDEX_STATUS_AVAILABLE = 2, INDEX_STATUS_UNIQUE_CHECKING = 3, // not used anymore INDEX_STATUS_UNIQUE_INELIGIBLE = 4, // not used anymore INDEX_STATUS_INDEX_ERROR = 5, INDEX_STATUS_RESTORE_INDEX_ERROR = 6, INDEX_STATUS_UNUSABLE = 7, INDEX_STATUS_MAX = 8, }; enum ObPartitionStatus { PARTITION_STATUS_INVALID = -1, PARTITION_STATUS_ACTIVE = 0, PARTITION_STATUS_LOGICAL_SPLITTING = 1, PARTITION_STATUS_MERGE = 2, PARTITION_STATUS_PHYSICAL_SPLITTING = 3, PARTITION_STATUS_MAX, }; enum ObAlterColumnMode { ALTER_COLUMN_MODE_FORBIDDEN = 0, ALTER_COLUMN_MODE_ALLOWED = 1, ALTER_COLUMN_MODE_FORBIDDEN_WHEN_MAJOR = 2, }; struct ObRefreshSchemaStatus { public: ObRefreshSchemaStatus() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID), snapshot_timestamp_(common::OB_INVALID_TIMESTAMP), readable_schema_version_(common::OB_INVALID_VERSION), created_schema_version_(common::OB_INVALID_VERSION) {} ObRefreshSchemaStatus(const uint64_t tenant_id, const int64_t snapshot_timestamp, const int64_t readable_schema_version, const int64_t created_schema_version) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), snapshot_timestamp_(snapshot_timestamp), readable_schema_version_(readable_schema_version), created_schema_version_(created_schema_version) {} void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID; snapshot_timestamp_ = common::OB_INVALID_TIMESTAMP; readable_schema_version_ = common::OB_INVALID_VERSION; created_schema_version_ = common::OB_INVALID_VERSION; } bool is_valid() const { return common::OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID != tenant_id_; } bool operator==(const ObRefreshSchemaStatus& other) const { return ((this == &other) || (this->tenant_id_ == other.tenant_id_ && this->snapshot_timestamp_ == other.snapshot_timestamp_ && this->readable_schema_version_ == other.readable_schema_version_ && this->created_schema_version_ == other.created_schema_version_)); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(snapshot_timestamp), K_(readable_schema_version), K_(created_schema_version)); public: // tenant_id_ is OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID which means non-split mode, effectively means split mode uint64_t tenant_id_; // snapshot_timestamp_ > 0 Indicates that a weakly consistent read is required, and is used in standalone cluster mode int64_t snapshot_timestamp_; int64_t readable_schema_version_; int64_t created_schema_version_; }; struct ObRefreshSchemaInfo { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObRefreshSchemaInfo() : schema_version_(common::OB_INVALID_VERSION), tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID), sequence_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), split_schema_version_(common::OB_INVALID_VERSION) {} ObRefreshSchemaInfo(const ObRefreshSchemaInfo& other); virtual ~ObRefreshSchemaInfo() {} int assign(const ObRefreshSchemaInfo& other); void reset(); bool is_valid() const; void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } void set_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { schema_version_ = schema_version; } void set_sequence_id(const uint64_t sequence_id) { sequence_id_ = sequence_id; } void set_split_schema_version(const int64_t split_schema_version) { split_schema_version_ = split_schema_version; } uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } uint64_t get_sequence_id() const { return sequence_id_; } int64_t get_split_schema_version() const { return split_schema_version_; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(schema_version), K_(tenant_id), K_(sequence_id), K_(split_schema_version)); private: int64_t schema_version_; uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t sequence_id_; int64_t split_schema_version_; }; class ObDropTenantInfo { public: ObDropTenantInfo() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID), schema_version_(common::OB_INVALID_VERSION) {} virtual ~ObDropTenantInfo(){}; void reset(); bool is_valid() const; uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } void set_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { schema_version_ = schema_version; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(schema_version)); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; int64_t schema_version_; }; struct ObIndexTableStat { ObIndexTableStat() : index_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), index_status_(share::schema::INDEX_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE), is_drop_schema_(false) {} ObIndexTableStat(const uint64_t index_id, const share::schema::ObIndexStatus index_status, const bool is_drop_schema) : index_id_(index_id), index_status_(index_status), is_drop_schema_(is_drop_schema) {} TO_STRING_KV(K_(index_id), K_(index_status), K_(is_drop_schema)); uint64_t index_id_; share::schema::ObIndexStatus index_status_; bool is_drop_schema_; }; inline bool is_final_invalid_index_status(const ObIndexStatus index_status, const bool is_drop_schema) { bool ret_bool = !(index_status >= INDEX_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE && index_status <= INDEX_STATUS_UNIQUE_CHECKING); if (!ret_bool) { ret_bool = is_drop_schema; } return ret_bool; } inline bool is_final_index_status(const ObIndexStatus index_status, const bool is_dropped_schema) { return INDEX_STATUS_AVAILABLE == index_status || INDEX_STATUS_INDEX_ERROR == index_status || INDEX_STATUS_RESTORE_INDEX_ERROR == index_status || INDEX_STATUS_UNUSABLE == index_status || is_dropped_schema; } inline bool is_error_index_status(const ObIndexStatus index_status, const bool is_dropped_schema) { return INDEX_STATUS_INDEX_ERROR == index_status || INDEX_STATUS_RESTORE_INDEX_ERROR == index_status || INDEX_STATUS_UNUSABLE == index_status || is_dropped_schema; } inline bool is_available_index_status(const ObIndexStatus index_status) { return INDEX_STATUS_AVAILABLE == index_status; } const char* ob_index_status_str(ObIndexStatus status); struct ObTenantTableId { ObTenantTableId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantTableId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t table_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), table_id_(table_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantTableId& rv) const { return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (table_id_ == rv.table_id_); } ObTenantTableId& operator=(const ObTenantTableId& tenant_table_id); int64_t hash() const { return table_id_; } bool operator<(const ObTenantTableId& rv) const { bool res = tenant_id_ < rv.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) { res = table_id_ < rv.table_id_; } return res; } void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; } bool is_valid() const { return (common::OB_INVALID_ID != tenant_id_) && (common::OB_INVALID_ID != table_id_); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(table_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t table_id_; }; struct ObTenantDatabaseId { ObTenantDatabaseId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantDatabaseId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantDatabaseId& rv) const { return ((tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (database_id_ == rv.database_id_)); } int64_t hash() const { return database_id_; } bool operator<(const ObTenantDatabaseId& rv) const { bool res = tenant_id_ < rv.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) { res = database_id_ < rv.database_id_; } return res; } void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; database_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; } bool is_valid() const { return (common::OB_INVALID_ID != tenant_id_) && (common::OB_INVALID_ID != database_id_); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; }; struct ObTenantTablegroupId { ObTenantTablegroupId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), tablegroup_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantTablegroupId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t tablegroup_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), tablegroup_id_(tablegroup_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantTablegroupId& rv) const { return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (tablegroup_id_ == rv.tablegroup_id_); } int64_t hash() const { return tablegroup_id_; } bool operator<(const ObTenantTablegroupId& rv) const { bool res = tenant_id_ < rv.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) { res = tablegroup_id_ < rv.tablegroup_id_; } return res; } bool is_valid() const { return (common::OB_INVALID_ID != tenant_id_) && (common::OB_INVALID_ID != tablegroup_id_); } void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; tablegroup_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(tablegroup_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t tablegroup_id_; }; typedef enum { TENANT_SCHEMA = 0, OUTLINE_SCHEMA = 1, USER_SCHEMA = 2, DATABASE_SCHEMA = 3, TABLEGROUP_SCHEMA = 4, TABLE_SCHEMA = 5, DATABASE_PRIV = 6, TABLE_PRIV = 7, ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 8, SYNONYM_SCHEMA = 9, PLAN_BASELINE_SCHEMA = 10, PACKAGE_SCHEMA = 12, UDF_SCHEMA = 13, SEQUENCE_SCHEMA = 14, SYS_VARIABLE_SCHEMA = 15, UDT_SCHEMA = 16, // At present, only liboblog constructs simple table schema in real time in lazy mode, ob does not use it temporarily TABLE_SIMPLE_SCHEMA = 17, TABLESPACE_SCHEMA = 18, TRIGGER_SCHEMA = 19, KEYSTORE_SCHEMA = 20, PROFILE_SCHEMA = 25, AUDIT_SCHEMA = 26, // UNUSED SYS_PRIV = 27, OBJ_PRIV = 28, DBLINK_SCHEMA = 29, LINK_TABLE_SCHEMA = 30, ///<<< add schema type before this line OB_MAX_SCHEMA } ObSchemaType; // The user tenant system table schema is taken from the system tenant, and the schema_id needs to be changed int need_change_schema_id(const ObSchemaType schema_type, const uint64_t schema_id, bool& need_change); const char* schema_type_str(const ObSchemaType schema_type); bool is_normal_schema(const ObSchemaType schema_type); struct ObSchemaStatisticsInfo { ObSchemaStatisticsInfo(ObSchemaType schema_type, int64_t size = 0, int64_t count = 0) : schema_type_(schema_type), size_(size), count_(count) {} ObSchemaStatisticsInfo() : schema_type_(OB_MAX_SCHEMA), size_(0), count_(0) {} ~ObSchemaStatisticsInfo() {} bool is_valid() const { return OB_MAX_SCHEMA != schema_type_; } void reset() { schema_type_ = OB_MAX_SCHEMA; size_ = 0; count_ = 0; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(schema_type), K_(size), K_(count)); ObSchemaType schema_type_; int64_t size_; int64_t count_; }; class ObPartition; class PartIdPartitionArrayCmp { public: PartIdPartitionArrayCmp() : ret_(common::OB_SUCCESS) {} bool operator()(const share::schema::ObPartition* left, const share::schema::ObPartition* right); public: int get_ret() const { return ret_; } private: int ret_; }; class ObSubPartition; class SubPartIdPartitionArrayCmp { public: SubPartIdPartitionArrayCmp() : ret_(common::OB_SUCCESS) {} bool operator()(const share::schema::ObSubPartition* left, const share::schema::ObSubPartition* right); public: int get_ret() const { return ret_; } private: int ret_; }; struct ObSimpleTableSchema { uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; uint64_t tablegroup_id_; uint64_t table_id_; uint64_t data_table_id_; common::ObString table_name_; int64_t schema_version_; ObTableType table_type_; ObSimpleTableSchema() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), tablegroup_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), data_table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), schema_version_(common::OB_INVALID_VERSION), table_type_(MAX_TABLE_TYPE) {} void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; database_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; tablegroup_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; data_table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; table_name_.reset(); schema_version_ = common::OB_INVALID_VERSION; table_type_ = MAX_TABLE_TYPE; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id), K_(tablegroup_id), K_(table_id), K_(data_table_id), K_(table_name), K_(schema_version), K_(table_type)); bool is_valid() const { return (common::OB_INVALID_ID != tenant_id_ && common::OB_INVALID_ID != database_id_ && common::OB_INVALID_ID != tablegroup_id_ && common::OB_INVALID_ID != table_id_ && common::OB_INVALID_ID != data_table_id_ && !table_name_.empty() && schema_version_ >= 0 && table_type_ != MAX_TABLE_TYPE); } }; enum TableStatus { TABLE_STATUS_INVALID = -1, // The current schema version does not exist, it is a future table TABLE_NOT_CREATE, TABLE_EXIST, // table exist TABLE_DELETED, // table is deleted }; enum TenantStatus { TENANT_STATUS_INVALID = -1, TENANT_NOT_CREATE, TENANT_EXIST, TENANT_DELETED, }; inline const char* print_table_status(const TableStatus status_no) { const char* status_str = "UNKNOWN"; switch (status_no) { case TABLE_NOT_CREATE: status_str = "TABLE_NOT_CREATE"; break; case TABLE_EXIST: status_str = "TABLE_EXIST"; break; case TABLE_DELETED: status_str = "TABLE_DELETED"; break; default: status_str = "UNKNOWN"; break; } return status_str; } enum PartitionStatus { PART_STATUS_INVALID = -1, // The current schema version has not been created, it is a future partition PART_NOT_CREATE, PART_EXIST, // schema exist PART_DELETED, // partition is deleted }; inline const char* print_part_status(const PartitionStatus status) { const char* str = "UNKNOWN"; switch (status) { case PART_STATUS_INVALID: str = "PART_STATUS_INVALID"; break; case PART_NOT_CREATE: str = "PART_NOT_CREATE"; break; case PART_EXIST: str = "PART_EXIST"; break; case PART_DELETED: str = "PART_DELETED"; break; default: str = "UNKNOWN"; break; } return str; } enum ObDependencyTableType { DEPENDENCY_INVALID = 0, DEPENDENCY_TABLE = 1, DEPENDENCY_VIEW = 2, DEPENDENCY_SYNONYM = 3, DEPENDENCY_PROCEDURE = 4, DEPENDENCY_OUTLINE = 5, DEPENDENCY_FUNCTION = 6, DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE = 7, DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_BODY = 8, DEPENDENCY_SEQUENCE = 9, DEPENDENCY_TYPE = 10, DEPENDENCY_TABLESPACE = 15, DEPENDENCY_UDT = 16, DEPENDENCY_UDT_BODY = 17 }; enum class ObObjectType { INVALID = 0, TABLE, SEQUENCE, PACKAGE, TYPE, PACKAGE_BODY, TYPE_BODY, TRIGGER, VIEW, FUNCTION, DIRECTORY, INDEX, PROCEDURE, SYNONYM, MAX_TYPE, }; struct ObSchemaObjVersion { ObSchemaObjVersion() : object_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), version_(0), // The default is table, which is compatible with the current logic object_type_(DEPENDENCY_TABLE), is_db_explicit_(false), is_existed_(true) {} ObSchemaObjVersion(int64_t object_id, int64_t version, ObDependencyTableType object_type) : object_id_(object_id), version_(version), object_type_(object_type), is_db_explicit_(false), is_existed_(true) {} inline void reset() { object_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; version_ = 0; // The default is table, which is compatible with the current logic object_type_ = DEPENDENCY_TABLE; is_db_explicit_ = false; is_existed_ = true; } inline int64_t get_object_id() const { return object_id_; } inline int64_t get_version() const { return version_; } inline ObDependencyTableType get_type() const { return object_type_; } inline bool operator==(const ObSchemaObjVersion& other) const { return object_id_ == other.object_id_ && version_ == other.version_ && object_type_ == other.object_type_ && is_db_explicit_ == other.is_db_explicit_ && is_existed_ == other.is_existed_; } inline bool operator!=(const ObSchemaObjVersion& other) const { return !operator==(other); } ObSchemaType get_schema_type() const { ObSchemaType ret_type = OB_MAX_SCHEMA; switch (object_type_) { case DEPENDENCY_TABLE: case DEPENDENCY_VIEW: ret_type = TABLE_SCHEMA; break; case DEPENDENCY_SYNONYM: ret_type = SYNONYM_SCHEMA; break; case DEPENDENCY_PROCEDURE: case DEPENDENCY_FUNCTION: ret_type = ROUTINE_SCHEMA; break; case DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE: case DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_BODY: ret_type = PACKAGE_SCHEMA; break; case DEPENDENCY_OUTLINE: ret_type = OUTLINE_SCHEMA; break; case DEPENDENCY_SEQUENCE: ret_type = SEQUENCE_SCHEMA; break; case DEPENDENCY_TABLESPACE: ret_type = TABLESPACE_SCHEMA; break; case DEPENDENCY_TYPE: ret_type = UDT_SCHEMA; break; default: break; } return ret_type; } ObObjectType get_schema_object_type() const { ObObjectType ret_type = ObObjectType::MAX_TYPE; switch (object_type_) { case DEPENDENCY_TABLE: ret_type = ObObjectType::TABLE; break; case DEPENDENCY_VIEW: ret_type = ObObjectType::VIEW; break; case DEPENDENCY_PROCEDURE: ret_type = ObObjectType::PROCEDURE; break; case DEPENDENCY_FUNCTION: ret_type = ObObjectType::FUNCTION; break; case DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE: ret_type = ObObjectType::PACKAGE; break; case DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_BODY: ret_type = ObObjectType::PACKAGE_BODY; break; case DEPENDENCY_SEQUENCE: ret_type = ObObjectType::SEQUENCE; break; case DEPENDENCY_TYPE: ret_type = ObObjectType::TYPE; break; default: break; } return ret_type; } inline bool is_valid() const { return common::OB_INVALID_ID != object_id_; } inline bool is_base_table() const { return DEPENDENCY_TABLE == object_type_; } inline bool is_synonym() const { return DEPENDENCY_SYNONYM == object_type_; } inline bool is_procedure() const { return DEPENDENCY_PROCEDURE == object_type_; } inline bool is_db_explicit() const { return is_db_explicit_; } inline bool is_existed() const { return is_existed_; } int64_t object_id_; int64_t version_; ObDependencyTableType object_type_; bool is_db_explicit_; bool is_existed_; TO_STRING_KV(N_TID, object_id_, N_SCHEMA_VERSION, version_, K_(object_type), K_(is_db_explicit), K_(is_existed)); OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); }; struct ObSysParam { ObSysParam(); ~ObSysParam(); int init(const uint64_t tenant_id, const common::ObZone& zone, const common::ObString& name, const int64_t data_type, const common::ObString& value, const common::ObString& min_val, const common::ObString& max_val, const common::ObString& info, const int64_t flags); void reset(); inline bool is_valid() const; int64_t to_string(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len) const; uint64_t tenant_id_; common::ObZone zone_; char name_[common::OB_MAX_SYS_PARAM_NAME_LENGTH]; int64_t data_type_; char value_[common::OB_MAX_SYS_PARAM_VALUE_LENGTH]; char min_val_[common::OB_MAX_SYS_PARAM_VALUE_LENGTH]; char max_val_[common::OB_MAX_SYS_PARAM_VALUE_LENGTH]; char info_[common::OB_MAX_SYS_PARAM_INFO_LENGTH]; int64_t flags_; }; bool ObSysParam::is_valid() const { return common::OB_INVALID_ID != tenant_id_; } typedef common::ObFixedBitSet ColumnReferenceSet; // this is used for schema, and zone in this is a ObString, // Caution: zone_ here doesn't have buffer, users should manange // the buffer memory all by themselves. struct ObZoneScore { ObZoneScore(common::ObString& zone, int64_t score) : zone_(zone), score_(score) {} ObZoneScore() : zone_(), score_(INT64_MAX) {} virtual ~ObZoneScore() {} bool operator<(const ObZoneScore& that) { return score_ < that.score_; } void reset() { zone_.reset(); score_ = INT64_MAX; } TO_STRING_KV(K(zone_), K(score_)); common::ObString zone_; int64_t score_; }; // ObZoneRegion is used to construct the primary zone array of TableSchema/DataBaseSchema/TenantSchema. // It is only an intermediate variable during the construction process. ObZoneRegion will not be saved // in the schema eventually. This structure saves the zone and the region in which the zone is located. struct ObZoneRegion { ObZoneRegion() : zone_(), region_() {} ObZoneRegion(const ObZoneRegion& that) : zone_(that.zone_), region_(that.region_) {} ObZoneRegion(const common::ObZone& zone, const common::ObRegion& region) : zone_(zone), region_(region) {} virtual ~ObZoneRegion() {} void reset() { zone_.reset(); region_.reset(); } int assign(const ObZoneRegion& that) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_FAIL(zone_.assign(that.zone_.ptr()))) { SHARE_LOG(WARN, "fail to assign zone", K(ret)); } else if (OB_FAIL(region_.assign(that.region_.ptr()))) { SHARE_LOG(WARN, "fail to assign region", K(ret)); } else { } return ret; } TO_STRING_KV(K(zone_), K(region_)); common::ObZone zone_; common::ObRegion region_; }; typedef common::ObIArray ZoneLocalityIArray; typedef common::ObArrayHelper ZoneLocalityArray; class ObCompareNameWithTenantID { public: ObCompareNameWithTenantID() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), name_case_mode_(common::OB_NAME_CASE_INVALID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObCompareNameWithTenantID(uint64_t tenant_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), name_case_mode_(common::OB_NAME_CASE_INVALID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObCompareNameWithTenantID(uint64_t tenant_id, common::ObNameCaseMode mode) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), name_case_mode_(mode), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObCompareNameWithTenantID(uint64_t tenant_id, common::ObNameCaseMode mode, uint64_t database_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), name_case_mode_(mode), database_id_(database_id) {} ~ObCompareNameWithTenantID() {} int compare(const common::ObString& str1, const common::ObString& str2); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; common::ObNameCaseMode name_case_mode_; uint64_t database_id_; }; class ObSchema { public: friend class ObLocality; friend class ObPrimaryZone; ObSchema(); // explicit ObSchema(common::ObDataBuffer &buffer); explicit ObSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObSchema(); virtual void reset(); virtual bool is_valid() const { return common::OB_SUCCESS == error_ret_; } virtual int zone_array2str( const common::ObIArray& zone_list, char* str, const int64_t buf_size) const; virtual int string_array2str( const common::ObIArray& string_array, char* buf, const int64_t buf_size) const; virtual int str2string_array(const char* str, common::ObIArray& string_array) const; virtual int64_t get_convert_size() const { return 0; }; template static int set_charset_and_collation_options( common::ObCharsetType src_charset_type, common::ObCollationType src_collation_type, DSTSCHEMA& dst); static common::ObCollationType get_cs_type_with_cmp_mode(const common::ObNameCaseMode mode); ObSchema* get_buffer() const { return buffer_; } void set_buffer(ObSchema* buffer) { buffer_ = buffer; } common::ObIAllocator* get_allocator(); void reset_allocator(); int get_assign_ret() { return error_ret_; } inline int get_err_ret() const { return error_ret_; } protected: static const int64_t STRING_ARRAY_EXTEND_CNT = 7; void* alloc(const int64_t size); void free(void* ptr); int deep_copy_str(const char* src, common::ObString& dest); int deep_copy_str(const common::ObString& src, common::ObString& dest); int deep_copy_obj(const common::ObObj& src, common::ObObj& dest); int deep_copy_string_array( const common::ObIArray& src, common::ObArrayHelper& dst); int add_string_to_array(const common::ObString& str, common::ObArrayHelper& str_array); int serialize_string_array( char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, const common::ObArrayHelper& str_array) const; int deserialize_string_array( const char* buf, const int64_t data_len, int64_t& pos, common::ObArrayHelper& str_array); int64_t get_string_array_serialize_size(const common::ObArrayHelper& str_array) const; void reset_string(common::ObString& str); void reset_string_array(common::ObArrayHelper& str_array); const char* extract_str(const common::ObString& str) const; // buffer is the memory used to store schema item, if not same with this pointer, // it means that this schema item has already been rewrote to buffer when rewriting // other schema manager, and when we want to rewrite this schema item in current schema // manager, we just set pointer of schema item in schema manager to buffer ObSchema* buffer_; int error_ret_; bool is_inner_allocator_; common::ObIAllocator* allocator_; }; template int ObSchema::set_charset_and_collation_options( common::ObCharsetType src_charset_type, common::ObCollationType src_collation_type, DSTSCHEMA& dst) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (dst.get_charset_type() == common::CHARSET_INVALID && dst.get_collation_type() == common::CS_TYPE_INVALID) { // use upper layer schema's charset and collation type if (src_charset_type == common::CHARSET_INVALID || src_collation_type == common::CS_TYPE_INVALID) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "charset type or collation type is invalid ", K(ret)); } else { dst.set_charset_type(src_charset_type); dst.set_collation_type(src_collation_type); } } else { common::ObCharsetType charset_type = dst.get_charset_type(); common::ObCollationType collation_type = dst.get_collation_type(); if (OB_FAIL(common::ObCharset::check_and_fill_info(charset_type, collation_type))) { SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "fail to check charset collation", K(charset_type), K(collation_type), K(ret)); } else { dst.set_charset_type(charset_type); dst.set_collation_type(collation_type); } } if (common::OB_SUCCESS == ret && !common::ObCharset::is_valid_collation(dst.get_charset_type(), dst.get_collation_type())) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "invalid collation!", K(dst.get_charset_type()), K(dst.get_collation_type()), K(ret)); } return ret; } class ObLocality { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: explicit ObLocality(ObSchema* schema) : schema_(schema) {} int assign(const ObLocality& other); int set_locality_str(const common::ObString& locality); int set_zone_replica_attr_array(const common::ObIArray& src); int set_zone_replica_attr_array(const common::ObIArray& src); int set_specific_replica_attr_array( share::SchemaReplicaAttrArray& schema_replica_set, const common::ObIArray& src); void reset_zone_replica_attr_array(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; inline const common::ObString& get_locality_str() const { return locality_str_; } void reset(); TO_STRING_KV(K_(locality_str), K_(zone_replica_attr_array)); public: common::ObString locality_str_; ZoneLocalityArray zone_replica_attr_array_; ObSchema* schema_; }; class ObPrimaryZone { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: explicit ObPrimaryZone(ObSchema* schema) : schema_(schema) {} int assign(const ObPrimaryZone& other); inline const common::ObString& get_primary_zone() const { return primary_zone_str_; } inline const common::ObIArray& get_primary_zone_array() const { return primary_zone_array_; } int set_primary_zone_array(const common::ObIArray& primary_zone_array); int set_primary_zone(const common::ObString& zone); int64_t get_convert_size() const; void reset(); TO_STRING_KV(K_(primary_zone_str), K_(primary_zone_array)); public: common::ObString primary_zone_str_; common::ObSEArray primary_zone_array_; ObSchema* schema_; }; class ObSysVarSchema : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObSysVarSchema() : ObSchema() { reset(); } ~ObSysVarSchema() {} explicit ObSysVarSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); explicit ObSysVarSchema(const ObSysVarSchema& src_schema); ObSysVarSchema& operator=(const ObSysVarSchema& src_schema); int assign(const ObSysVarSchema& src_schema); virtual bool is_valid() const { return ObSchema::is_valid() && tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID && !name_.empty(); } void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } void set_tenant_id(uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } const common::ObString& get_name() const { return name_; } int set_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, name_); } common::ObObjType get_data_type() const { return data_type_; } void set_data_type(common::ObObjType data_type) { data_type_ = data_type; } const common::ObString& get_value() const { return value_; } int get_value( common::ObIAllocator* allocator, const common::ObDataTypeCastParams& dtc_params, common::ObObj& value) const; inline int get_value( common::ObIAllocator* allocator, const common::ObTimeZoneInfo* tz_info, common::ObObj& value) const { const common::ObDataTypeCastParams dtc_params(tz_info); return get_value(allocator, dtc_params, value); } int set_value(const common::ObString& value) { return deep_copy_str(value, value_); } const common::ObString& get_min_val() const { return min_val_; } int set_min_val(const common::ObString& min_val) { return deep_copy_str(min_val, min_val_); } const common::ObString& get_max_val() const { return max_val_; } int set_max_val(const common::ObString& max_val) { return deep_copy_str(max_val, max_val_); } int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } void set_schema_version(int64_t schema_version) { schema_version_ = schema_version; } int64_t get_flags() const { return flags_; } void set_flags(int64_t flags) { flags_ = flags; } int set_info(const common::ObString& info) { return deep_copy_str(info, info_); } const common::ObString& get_info() const { return info_; } int set_zone(const common::ObZone& zone) { return zone_.assign(zone); } int set_zone(const common::ObString& zone) { return zone_.assign(zone); } const common::ObZone& get_zone() const { return zone_; } bool is_invisible() const { return 0 != (flags_ & ObSysVarFlag::INVISIBLE); } bool is_global() const { return 0 != (flags_ & ObSysVarFlag::GLOBAL_SCOPE); } bool is_query_sensitive() const { return 0 != (flags_ & ObSysVarFlag::QUERY_SENSITIVE); } bool is_oracle_only() const { return 0 != (flags_ & ObSysVarFlag::ORACLE_ONLY); } bool is_mysql_only() const { return 0 != (flags_ & ObSysVarFlag::MYSQL_ONLY); } bool is_read_only() const { return 0 != (flags_ & ObSysVarFlag::READONLY); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(name), K_(data_type), K_(value), K_(min_val), K_(max_val), K_(info), K_(zone), K_(schema_version), K_(flags)); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; common::ObString name_; common::ObObjType data_type_; common::ObString value_; common::ObString min_val_; common::ObString max_val_; common::ObString info_; common::ObZone zone_; int64_t schema_version_; int64_t flags_; }; class ObSysVariableSchema : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: // base methods ObSysVariableSchema(); explicit ObSysVariableSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObSysVariableSchema(); ObSysVariableSchema(const ObSysVariableSchema& src_schema); ObSysVariableSchema& operator=(const ObSysVariableSchema& src_schema); // set methods inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } inline void set_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { schema_version_ = schema_version; } // get methods inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } // other methods virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); void reset_sysvars() { memset(sysvar_array_, 0, sizeof(sysvar_array_)); } int64_t get_convert_size() const; int add_sysvar_schema(const share::schema::ObSysVarSchema& sysvar_schema); int load_default_system_variable(bool is_sys_tenant); int64_t get_sysvar_count() const { return ObSysVarFactory::ALL_SYS_VARS_COUNT; } int64_t get_real_sysvar_count() const; int get_sysvar_schema(const common::ObString& sysvar_name, const ObSysVarSchema*& sysvar_schema) const; int get_sysvar_schema(ObSysVarClassType var_type, const ObSysVarSchema*& sysvar_schema) const; const ObSysVarSchema* get_sysvar_schema(int64_t idx) const; ObSysVarSchema* get_sysvar_schema(int64_t idx); bool is_read_only() const { return read_only_; } common::ObNameCaseMode get_name_case_mode() const { return name_case_mode_; } void set_name_case_mode(const common::ObNameCaseMode mode) { name_case_mode_ = mode; } int get_oracle_mode(bool& is_oracle_mode) const; TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(schema_version), "sysvars", common::ObArrayWrap(sysvar_array_, ObSysVarFactory::ALL_SYS_VARS_COUNT), K_(read_only), K_(name_case_mode)); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; int64_t schema_version_; ObSysVarSchema* sysvar_array_[ObSysVarFactory::ALL_SYS_VARS_COUNT]; bool read_only_; common::ObNameCaseMode name_case_mode_; }; enum ObTenantStatus { TENANT_STATUS_NORMAL = 0, TENANT_STATUS_CREATING = 1, TENANT_STATUS_DROPPING = 2, TENANT_STATUS_RESTORE = 3, TENANT_STATUS_MAX }; const char* ob_tenant_status_str(const ObTenantStatus); int get_tenant_status(const common::ObString& str, ObTenantStatus& status); class ObTenantSchema : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: // base methods ObTenantSchema(); explicit ObTenantSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObTenantSchema(); ObTenantSchema(const ObTenantSchema& src_schema); ObTenantSchema& operator=(const ObTenantSchema& src_schema); int assign(const ObTenantSchema& src_schema); // for sorted vector static bool cmp(const ObTenantSchema* lhs, const ObTenantSchema* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_tenant_id() < rhs->get_tenant_id() : false; } static bool equal(const ObTenantSchema* lhs, const ObTenantSchema* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_tenant_id() == rhs->get_tenant_id() : false; } static bool cmp_tenant_id(const ObTenantSchema* lhs, const uint64_t tenant_id) { return NULL != lhs ? lhs->get_tenant_id() < tenant_id : false; } static bool equal_tenant_id(const ObTenantSchema* lhs, const uint64_t tenant_id) { return NULL != lhs ? lhs->get_tenant_id() == tenant_id : false; } // set methods inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } inline void set_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { schema_version_ = schema_version; } inline int set_tenant_name(const char* tenant_name) { return deep_copy_str(tenant_name, tenant_name_); } inline int set_comment(const char* comment) { return deep_copy_str(comment, comment_); } inline int set_locality(const char* locality) { return deep_copy_str(locality, locality_str_); } inline int set_previous_locality(const char* previous_locality) { return deep_copy_str(previous_locality, previous_locality_str_); } inline int set_tenant_name(const common::ObString& tenant_name) { return deep_copy_str(tenant_name, tenant_name_); } inline int set_zone_list(const common::ObIArray& zone_list); int set_zone_list(const common::ObIArray& zone_list); inline int set_primary_zone(const common::ObString& zone); int set_primary_zone_array(const common::ObIArray& primary_zone_array); inline int add_zone(const common::ObString& zone); inline void set_locked(const bool locked) { locked_ = locked; } inline void set_read_only(const bool read_only) { read_only_ = read_only; } inline void set_rewrite_merge_version(const int64_t version) { rewrite_merge_version_ = version; } inline int set_comment(const common::ObString& comment) { return deep_copy_str(comment, comment_); } inline int set_locality(const common::ObString& locality) { return deep_copy_str(locality, locality_str_); } inline int set_previous_locality(const common::ObString& previous_locality) { return deep_copy_str(previous_locality, previous_locality_str_); } inline void set_charset_type(const common::ObCharsetType type) { charset_type_ = type; } inline void set_collation_type(const common::ObCollationType type) { collation_type_ = type; } inline void set_name_case_mode(const common::ObNameCaseMode mode) { name_case_mode_ = mode; } int set_zone_replica_attr_array(const common::ObIArray& src); int set_zone_replica_attr_array(const common::ObIArray& src); int set_specific_replica_attr_array( share::SchemaReplicaAttrArray& schema_replica_set, const common::ObIArray& src); void reset_zone_replica_attr_array(); inline void set_storage_format_version(const int64_t storage_format_version); inline void set_storage_format_work_version(const int64_t storage_format_work_version); void set_default_tablegroup_id(const uint64_t tablegroup_id) { default_tablegroup_id_ = tablegroup_id; } int set_default_tablegroup_name(const common::ObString& tablegroup_name) { return deep_copy_str(tablegroup_name, default_tablegroup_name_); } inline void set_compatibility_mode(const common::ObCompatibilityMode compatibility_mode) { compatibility_mode_ = compatibility_mode; } // get methods inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline const char* get_tenant_name() const { return extract_str(tenant_name_); } inline const char* get_comment() const { return extract_str(comment_); } inline const char* get_locality() const { return extract_str(locality_str_); } inline const char* get_previous_locality() const { return extract_str(previous_locality_str_); } inline const common::ObString& get_tenant_name_str() const { return tenant_name_; } inline int64_t get_logonly_replica_num() const { return logonly_replica_num_; } inline const common::ObString& get_primary_zone() const { return primary_zone_; } inline bool get_locked() const { return locked_; } inline bool is_read_only() const { return read_only_; } inline int64_t get_rewrite_merge_version() const { return rewrite_merge_version_; } inline const common::ObString& get_comment_str() const { return comment_; } inline const common::ObString& get_locality_str() const { return locality_str_; } inline const common::ObString& get_previous_locality_str() const { return previous_locality_str_; } inline common::ObCharsetType get_charset_type() const { return charset_type_; } inline common::ObCollationType get_collation_type() const { return collation_type_; } int get_raw_first_primary_zone( const rootserver::ObRandomZoneSelector& random_selector, common::ObZone& first_primary_zone) const; int get_first_primary_zone(const rootserver::ObRandomZoneSelector& random_selector, const common::ObIArray& replica_addrs, common::ObZone& first_primary_zone) const; int get_primary_zone_score(const common::ObZone& zone, int64_t& zone_score) const; inline const common::ObIArray& get_primary_zone_array() const { return primary_zone_array_; } int get_primary_zone_inherit( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, share::schema::ObPrimaryZone& primary_zone) const; int get_zone_replica_attr_array(ZoneLocalityIArray& locality) const; int get_zone_replica_attr_array_inherit(ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, ZoneLocalityIArray& locality) const; int64_t get_full_replica_num() const; int get_paxos_replica_num(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, int64_t& num) const; int get_zone_list(common::ObIArray& zone_list) const; int get_zone_list( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, common::ObIArray& zone_list) const; inline int64_t get_storage_format_version() const { return storage_format_version_; } inline int64_t get_storage_format_work_version() const { return storage_format_work_version_; } inline uint64_t get_default_tablegroup_id() const { return default_tablegroup_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_default_tablegroup_name() const { return default_tablegroup_name_; } inline common::ObCompatibilityMode get_compatibility_mode() const { return compatibility_mode_; } inline void set_drop_tenant_time(const int64_t drop_tenant_time) { drop_tenant_time_ = drop_tenant_time; } inline int64_t get_drop_tenant_time() const { return drop_tenant_time_; } inline bool is_dropping() const { return TENANT_STATUS_DROPPING == status_; } inline bool is_in_recyclebin() const { return in_recyclebin_; } inline void set_in_recyclebin(const bool in_recyclebin) { in_recyclebin_ = in_recyclebin; } inline bool is_creating() const { return TENANT_STATUS_CREATING == status_; } inline bool is_restore() const { return TENANT_STATUS_RESTORE == status_; } inline bool is_normal() const { return TENANT_STATUS_NORMAL == status_; } inline void set_status(const ObTenantStatus status) { status_ = status; } inline ObTenantStatus get_status() const { return status_; } // other methods virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); void reset_sysvars() { memset(sysvar_array_, 0, sizeof(sysvar_array_)); } int64_t get_convert_size() const; TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(schema_version), K_(tenant_name), K_(replica_num), K_(zone_list), K_(primary_zone), K_(charset_type), K_(locked), K_(comment), K_(name_case_mode), K_(read_only), K_(rewrite_merge_version), K_(locality_str), K_(logonly_replica_num), K_(zone_replica_attr_array), K_(primary_zone_array), K_(storage_format_version), K_(storage_format_work_version), K_(previous_locality_str), "sysvars", common::ObArrayWrap(sysvar_array_, ObSysVarFactory::ALL_SYS_VARS_COUNT), K_(default_tablegroup_id), K_(default_tablegroup_name), K_(compatibility_mode), K_(drop_tenant_time), K_(status), K_(in_recyclebin)); private: int add_sysvar_schema(const share::schema::ObSysVarSchema& sysvar_schema); int64_t get_sysvar_count() const { return ObSysVarFactory::ALL_SYS_VARS_COUNT; } const ObSysVarSchema* get_sysvar_schema(int64_t idx) const; private: uint64_t tenant_id_; int64_t schema_version_; common::ObString tenant_name_; int64_t replica_num_; common::ObArrayHelper zone_list_; common::ObString primary_zone_; bool locked_; bool read_only_; // After the schema is split, the value of the system variable shall prevail int64_t rewrite_merge_version_; common::ObCharsetType charset_type_; common::ObCollationType collation_type_; common::ObNameCaseMode name_case_mode_; // deprecated common::ObString comment_; common::ObString locality_str_; int64_t logonly_replica_num_; ZoneLocalityArray zone_replica_attr_array_; // primary_zone_ is primary zone list, // The following is the parsed array of a single zone, which has been sorted according to priority common::ObSEArray primary_zone_array_; common::ObString previous_locality_str_; int64_t storage_format_version_; int64_t storage_format_work_version_; ObSysVarSchema* sysvar_array_[ObSysVarFactory::ALL_SYS_VARS_COUNT]; // deprecated uint64_t default_tablegroup_id_; common::ObString default_tablegroup_name_; common::ObCompatibilityMode compatibility_mode_; int64_t drop_tenant_time_; ObTenantStatus status_; bool in_recyclebin_; }; inline int ObTenantSchema::set_zone_list(const common::ObIArray& zone_list) { return deep_copy_string_array(zone_list, zone_list_); } inline int ObTenantSchema::set_primary_zone(const common::ObString& zone) { return deep_copy_str(zone, primary_zone_); } inline int ObTenantSchema::add_zone(const common::ObString& zone) { return add_string_to_array(zone, zone_list_); } inline void ObTenantSchema::set_storage_format_version(const int64_t storage_format_version) { storage_format_version_ = storage_format_version; } inline void ObTenantSchema::set_storage_format_work_version(const int64_t storage_format_work_version) { storage_format_work_version_ = storage_format_work_version; } class ObDatabaseSchema : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: // base methods ObDatabaseSchema(); explicit ObDatabaseSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObDatabaseSchema(); ObDatabaseSchema(const ObDatabaseSchema& src_schema); ObDatabaseSchema& operator=(const ObDatabaseSchema& src_schema); int assign(const ObDatabaseSchema& src_schema); // set methods inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } inline void set_database_id(const uint64_t database_id) { database_id_ = database_id; } inline void set_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { schema_version_ = schema_version; } int set_database_name(const char* database_name) { return deep_copy_str(database_name, database_name_); } int set_database_name(const common::ObString& database_name) { return deep_copy_str(database_name, database_name_); } inline int set_zone_list(const common::ObIArray& zone_list); int set_zone_list(const common::ObIArray& zone_list); inline int set_primary_zone(const common::ObString& zone); int set_primary_zone_array(const common::ObIArray& primary_zone_array); inline int add_zone(const common::ObString& zone); int set_comment(const char* comment) { return deep_copy_str(comment, comment_); } int set_comment(const common::ObString& comment) { return deep_copy_str(comment, comment_); } inline void set_charset_type(const common::ObCharsetType type) { charset_type_ = type; } inline void set_collation_type(const common::ObCollationType type) { collation_type_ = type; } inline void set_name_case_mode(const common::ObNameCaseMode mode) { name_case_mode_ = mode; } inline void set_read_only(const bool read_only) { read_only_ = read_only; } void set_default_tablegroup_id(const uint64_t tablegroup_id) { default_tablegroup_id_ = tablegroup_id; } int set_default_tablegroup_name(const common::ObString& tablegroup_name) { return deep_copy_str(tablegroup_name, default_tablegroup_name_); } inline void set_in_recyclebin(const bool in_recyclebin) { in_recyclebin_ = in_recyclebin; } inline bool is_hidden() const { return common::OB_RECYCLEBIN_SCHEMA_ID == common::extract_pure_id(database_id_) || common::OB_PUBLIC_SCHEMA_ID == common::extract_pure_id(database_id_); } // get methods inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline const char* get_database_name() const { return extract_str(database_name_); } inline const common::ObString& get_database_name_str() const { return database_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_primary_zone() const { return primary_zone_; } inline const char* get_comment() const { return extract_str(comment_); } inline const common::ObString& get_comment_str() const { return comment_; } inline common::ObCharsetType get_charset_type() const { return charset_type_; } inline common::ObCollationType get_collation_type() const { return collation_type_; } inline common::ObNameCaseMode get_name_case_mode() const { return name_case_mode_; } inline bool is_read_only() const { return read_only_; } inline uint64_t get_default_tablegroup_id() const { return default_tablegroup_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_default_tablegroup_name() const { return default_tablegroup_name_; } inline bool is_in_recyclebin() const { return in_recyclebin_; } inline bool is_or_in_recyclebin() const { return in_recyclebin_ || database_id_ == common::combine_id(tenant_id_, common::OB_RECYCLEBIN_SCHEMA_ID); } inline const common::ObString& get_locality_str() const { static const common::ObString dummy; return dummy; } int get_raw_first_primary_zone( const rootserver::ObRandomZoneSelector& random_selector, common::ObZone& first_primary_zone) const; int get_first_primary_zone_inherit(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, const rootserver::ObRandomZoneSelector& random_selector, const common::ObIArray& replica_addrs, common::ObZone& first_primary_zone) const; int get_primary_zone_score(const common::ObZone& zone, int64_t& zone_score) const; inline const common::ObIArray& get_primary_zone_array() const { return primary_zone_array_; } int get_primary_zone_inherit( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, share::schema::ObPrimaryZone& primary_zone) const; int get_paxos_replica_num(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, int64_t& num) const; int get_zone_replica_attr_array_inherit( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, ZoneLocalityIArray& locality) const; // In the current implementation, the zone_list of the Database is directly read from the corresponding tenant. int get_zone_list( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, common::ObIArray& zone_list) const; // other methods int64_t get_convert_size() const; virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); void set_drop_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { drop_schema_version_ = schema_version; } int64_t get_drop_schema_version() const { return drop_schema_version_; } bool is_dropped_schema() const { return drop_schema_version_ > 0; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id), K_(schema_version), K_(database_name), K_(replica_num), K_(zone_list), K_(primary_zone), K_(charset_type), K_(collation_type), K_(name_case_mode), K_(comment), K_(read_only), K_(default_tablegroup_id), K_(default_tablegroup_name), K_(in_recyclebin), K_(primary_zone_array), K_(drop_schema_version)); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; int64_t schema_version_; common::ObString database_name_; int64_t replica_num_; common::ObArrayHelper zone_list_; common::ObString primary_zone_; common::ObCharsetType charset_type_; // default:utf8mb4 common::ObCollationType collation_type_; // default:utf8mb4_general_ci common::ObNameCaseMode name_case_mode_; // default:OB_NAME_CASE_INVALID common::ObString comment_; bool read_only_; uint64_t default_tablegroup_id_; common::ObString default_tablegroup_name_; bool in_recyclebin_; // primary_zone_ is primary zone list, // The following is the parsed array of a single zone, which has been sorted according to priority common::ObSEArray primary_zone_array_; int64_t drop_schema_version_; }; inline int ObDatabaseSchema::set_zone_list(const common::ObIArray& zone_list) { return deep_copy_string_array(zone_list, zone_list_); } inline int ObDatabaseSchema::set_primary_zone(const common::ObString& zone) { return deep_copy_str(zone, primary_zone_); } inline int ObDatabaseSchema::add_zone(const common::ObString& zone) { return add_string_to_array(zone, zone_list_); } class ObPartitionOption : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObPartitionOption(); explicit ObPartitionOption(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObPartitionOption(); ObPartitionOption(const ObPartitionOption& expr); ObPartitionOption& operator=(const ObPartitionOption& expr); bool operator==(const ObPartitionOption& expr) const; bool operator!=(const ObPartitionOption& expr) const; inline bool is_range_part() const { return share::schema::is_range_part(part_func_type_); } inline bool is_hash_part() const { return share::schema::is_hash_part(part_func_type_); } inline bool is_hash_like_part() const { return share::schema::is_hash_like_part(part_func_type_); } inline bool is_key_part() const { return share::schema::is_key_part(part_func_type_); } inline bool is_list_part() const { return share::schema::is_list_part(part_func_type_); } inline bool is_auto_range_part() const { return auto_part_ && is_range_part(); } // set methods int set_part_expr(const common::ObString& expr) { return deep_copy_str(expr, part_func_expr_); } inline void set_part_num(const int64_t part_num) { part_num_ = part_num; } inline void set_part_func_type(const ObPartitionFuncType func_type) { part_func_type_ = func_type; } inline void set_sub_part_func_type(const ObPartitionFuncType func_type) { part_func_type_ = func_type; } inline void set_max_used_part_id(const int64_t max_used_part_id) { max_used_part_id_ = max_used_part_id; } inline void set_partition_cnt_within_partition_table(const int64_t partition_cnt_within_partition_table) { partition_cnt_within_partition_table_ = partition_cnt_within_partition_table; } inline void set_auto_part(const bool auto_part) { auto_part_ = auto_part; } inline void set_auto_part_size(const int64_t auto_part_size) { auto_part_size_ = auto_part_size; } // get methods inline const common::ObString& get_part_func_expr_str() const { return part_func_expr_; } inline const char* get_part_func_expr() const { return extract_str(part_func_expr_); } inline int64_t get_part_num() const { return part_num_; } inline int64_t get_part_space() const { return part_space_; } inline ObPartitionFuncType get_part_func_type() const { return part_func_type_; } inline ObPartitionFuncType get_sub_part_func_type() const { return part_func_type_; } inline int64_t get_max_used_part_id() const { return max_used_part_id_; } inline int64_t get_partition_cnt_within_partition_table() const { return partition_cnt_within_partition_table_; } bool is_columns() const { return is_columns_; } const common::ObString& get_intervel_start_str() const { return interval_start_; } const common::ObString& get_part_intervel_str() const { return part_interval_; } inline int64_t get_auto_part_size() const { return auto_part_size_; } // other methods virtual void reset(); int64_t assign(const ObPartitionOption& src_part); int64_t get_convert_size() const; virtual bool is_valid() const; TO_STRING_KV(K_(part_func_type), K_(part_func_expr), K_(part_num), K_(partition_cnt_within_partition_table), K_(max_used_part_id), K_(auto_part), K_(auto_part_size)); private: ObPartitionFuncType part_func_type_; common::ObString part_func_expr_; int64_t part_num_; int32_t part_space_; // Partition id space, see document for details bool is_columns_; // Whether it is the range columns/list columns partition common::ObString interval_start_; // interval start value common::ObString part_interval_; // interval partition step int64_t max_used_part_id_; int64_t partition_cnt_within_partition_table_; bool auto_part_; // Whether it is automatic partition int64_t auto_part_size_; // Automatic partition size, 0 is auto }; // For any questions about the role of this structure, please contact @jiage class ObSchemaAllocator : public common::ObIAllocator { public: ObSchemaAllocator() : allocator_(NULL) {} ObSchemaAllocator(common::ObIAllocator& allocator) : allocator_(&allocator) {} virtual void* alloc(const int64_t sz) { return alloc(sz, common::default_memattr); } virtual void* alloc(const int64_t sz, const common::ObMemAttr& attr) { void* ret = NULL; if (allocator_) { ret = allocator_->alloc(sz, attr); } return ret; } virtual ~ObSchemaAllocator(){}; private: common::ObIAllocator* allocator_; }; // May need to add a schema_version field, this mark when the table was created // If it is at the table level, need not to add it, just use the table level. // This level is added. Indicates that the partition level is considered. // Then it is to modify the subpartition of a single primary partition without affecting other things struct InnerPartListVectorCmp { public: InnerPartListVectorCmp() : ret_(common::OB_SUCCESS) {} public: bool operator()(const common::ObNewRow& left, const common::ObNewRow& right) { bool bool_ret = false; int cmp = 0; if (common::OB_SUCCESS != ret_) { // failed before } else if (common::OB_SUCCESS != (ret_ = common::ObRowUtil::compare_row(left, right, cmp))) { SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(ERROR, "l or r is invalid", K(ret_)); } else { bool_ret = (cmp < 0); } return bool_ret; } int get_ret() const { return ret_; } private: int ret_; }; class ObPartitionUtils; struct ObBasePartition : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: friend class ObPartitionUtils; friend class sql::ObPartitionExecutorUtils; ObBasePartition(); explicit ObBasePartition(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual void reset(); void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } void set_table_id(const uint64_t table_id) { table_id_ = table_id; } uint64_t get_table_id() const { return table_id_; } void set_part_id(const int64_t part_id) { part_id_ = part_id; } int64_t get_part_id() const { return part_id_; } void set_part_idx(const int64_t part_idx) { part_idx_ = part_idx; } int64_t get_part_idx() const { return part_idx_; } void set_schema_version(int64_t schema_version) { schema_version_ = schema_version; } int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } int set_part_name(common::ObString& part_name) { return deep_copy_str(part_name, name_); } const common::ObString& get_part_name() const { return name_; } void set_tablespace_id(const int64_t tablespace_id) { tablespace_id_ = tablespace_id; } int64_t get_tablespace_id() const { return tablespace_id_; } int assign(const ObBasePartition& src_part); // This interface is not strictly semantically less than, please note static bool less_than(const ObBasePartition* lhs, const ObBasePartition* rhs); static bool list_part_func_layout(const ObBasePartition* lhs, const ObBasePartition* rhs); static bool range_like_func_less_than(const ObBasePartition* lhs, const ObBasePartition* rhs); static bool hash_like_func_less_than(const ObBasePartition* lhs, const ObBasePartition* rhs); int add_list_row(const common::ObNewRow& row) { return list_row_values_.push_back(row); } int set_high_bound_val(const common::ObRowkey& high_bound_val); int set_high_bound_val_with_hex_str(const common::ObString& high_bound_val_hex); int set_list_vector_values_with_hex_str(const common::ObString& list_vector_vals_hex); const common::ObRowkey& get_high_bound_val() const { return high_bound_val_; } virtual int64_t get_deep_copy_size() const; const common::ObIArray& get_list_row_values() const { return list_row_values_; } bool same_base_partition(const ObBasePartition& other) const { return part_id_ == other.part_id_ && high_bound_val_ == other.high_bound_val_ && status_ == other.status_; } bool allow_ddl_operator() const { bool ret = true; if (1 == source_part_ids_.count() && -1 != source_part_ids_.at(0)) { ret = false; } return ret; } ObPartitionStatus get_status() const { return status_; } const common::ObIArray& get_source_part_ids() const { return source_part_ids_; } common::ObIArray& get_source_part_ids() { return source_part_ids_; } int set_source_part_id(common::ObString& partition_str); VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(table_id), K_(part_id), K_(name), K_(high_bound_val), K_(list_row_values), K_(part_idx), K_(is_empty_partition_name)); int get_source_part_ids_str(char* str, const int64_t buf_len) const; void set_is_empty_partition_name(bool is_empty) { is_empty_partition_name_ = is_empty; } bool is_empty_partition_name() const { return is_empty_partition_name_; } protected: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t table_id_; int64_t part_id_; int64_t schema_version_; common::ObString name_; common::ObRowkey high_bound_val_; ObSchemaAllocator schema_allocator_; common::ObSEArray list_row_values_; enum ObPartitionStatus status_; int64_t spare1_; // TODO Consider whether it is really useful int64_t spare2_; int64_t spare3_; /** * @warning: The projector can only be used by the less than interface for partition comparison calculations, * and it is not allowed to be used in other places */ int32_t* projector_; int64_t projector_size_; common::ObSEArray source_part_ids_; int64_t part_idx_; // Valid for hash partition // The partition management operation of tablegroup, because after adding pg, // the operation of tablegroup needs to be processed first // Under Oracle tenants, partition_name is allowed to be empty. There may be a partition name conflict // when filling the tablegroup first and directly copying it to the table. Therefore, add a variable // when copying to mark this as an empty partition name and do not copy the partition name. bool is_empty_partition_name_; int64_t tablespace_id_; }; struct ObPartition : public ObBasePartition { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObPartition(); explicit ObPartition(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); int assign(const ObPartition& src_part); void reset(); virtual int64_t get_convert_size() const; virtual int clone(common::ObIAllocator& allocator, ObPartition*& dst) const; void set_sub_part_num(const int64_t sub_part_num) { sub_part_num_ = sub_part_num; } int64_t get_sub_part_num() const { return sub_part_num_; } int32_t get_sub_part_space() const { return sub_part_space_; } void set_mapping_pg_part_id(const int64_t mapping_pg_part_id) { mapping_pg_part_id_ = mapping_pg_part_id; } int64_t get_mapping_pg_part_id() const { return mapping_pg_part_id_; } common::ObObj get_sub_interval_start() const { return sub_interval_start_; } common::ObObj get_sub_part_interval() const { return sub_part_interval_; } void set_drop_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { drop_schema_version_ = schema_version; } int64_t get_drop_schema_version() const { return drop_schema_version_; } bool is_dropped_partition() const { return drop_schema_version_ > 0; } void set_max_used_sub_part_id(const int64_t max_used_sub_part_id) { max_used_sub_part_id_ = max_used_sub_part_id; } int64_t get_max_used_sub_part_id() const { return max_used_sub_part_id_; } ObSubPartition** get_subpart_array() const { return subpartition_array_; } int64_t get_subpartition_num() const { return subpartition_num_; } ObSubPartition** get_sorted_part_id_subpartition_array() const { return sorted_part_id_subpartition_array_; } bool same_partition(const ObPartition& other) const { return same_base_partition(other) && sub_part_num_ == other.sub_part_num_ && sub_part_space_ == other.sub_part_space_ && sub_interval_start_ == other.sub_interval_start_ && sub_part_interval_ == other.sub_part_interval_; } int add_partition(const ObSubPartition& subpartition); int generate_mapping_pg_subpartition_array(); ObSubPartition** get_dropped_subpart_array() const { return dropped_subpartition_array_; } int64_t get_dropped_subpartition_num() const { return dropped_subpartition_num_; } void reset_dropped_subpartition() { dropped_subpartition_num_ = 0; dropped_subpartition_array_ = NULL; } INHERIT_TO_STRING_KV("BasePartition", ObBasePartition, K_(mapping_pg_part_id), K_(source_part_ids), K_(drop_schema_version), K_(max_used_sub_part_id), "subpartition_array", common::ObArrayWrap(subpartition_array_, subpartition_num_), K_(subpartition_array_capacity), "dropped_subpartition_array", common::ObArrayWrap(dropped_subpartition_array_, dropped_subpartition_num_), K_(dropped_subpartition_array_capacity)); private: int inner_add_partition( const ObSubPartition& part, ObSubPartition**& part_array, int64_t& part_array_capacity, int64_t& part_num); protected: static const int64_t DEFAULT_ARRAY_CAPACITY = 128; private: // The 14x branch gz_commmon cluster once supported ob_admin to increase the function of subpartition // However, this function does not modify sub_part_num, so it is not assumed that the sub_part_num column value // of __all_part_history of the templated subpartition table is correct, which is corrected when the schema is // refreshed int64_t sub_part_num_; int32_t sub_part_space_; common::ObObj sub_interval_start_; common::ObObj sub_part_interval_; int64_t mapping_pg_part_id_; int64_t drop_schema_version_; // The following new members are only valid for non-templated subpartitions // Ensure that sub_part_id is not reused when adding or deleting subpartitions int64_t max_used_sub_part_id_; // nontemplate equal sub_part_num_ int64_t subpartition_num_; // The array size of subpartition_array is not necessarily equal to subpartition_num_ int64_t subpartition_array_capacity_; ObSubPartition** subpartition_array_; // Generated when the schema is refreshed, only used by the table, used to quickly index pg_key, not serialized ObSubPartition** sorted_part_id_subpartition_array_; /* delay delete subpartition */ int64_t dropped_subpartition_num_; int64_t dropped_subpartition_array_capacity_; ObSubPartition** dropped_subpartition_array_; }; struct ObSubPartition : public ObBasePartition { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: // For template, because it does not belong to any part, we set part_id to -1 static const int64_t TEMPLATE_PART_ID = -1; public: ObSubPartition(); explicit ObSubPartition(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); int assign(const ObSubPartition& src_part); virtual void reset(); virtual int clone(common::ObIAllocator& allocator, ObSubPartition*& dst) const; void set_sub_part_id(const int64_t subpart_id) { subpart_id_ = subpart_id; } int64_t get_sub_part_id() const { return subpart_id_; } void set_sub_part_idx(const int64_t subpart_idx) { subpart_idx_ = subpart_idx; } int64_t get_sub_part_idx() const { return subpart_idx_; } void set_mapping_pg_sub_part_id(const int64_t mapping_pg_sub_part_id) { mapping_pg_sub_part_id_ = mapping_pg_sub_part_id; } int64_t get_mapping_pg_sub_part_id() const { return mapping_pg_sub_part_id_; } void set_drop_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { drop_schema_version_ = schema_version; } int64_t get_drop_schema_version() const { return drop_schema_version_; } bool is_dropped_partition() const { return drop_schema_version_ > 0; } // first compare part_idx,then compare high_bound_val static bool less_than(const ObSubPartition* lhs, const ObSubPartition* rhs); bool same_sub_partition(const ObSubPartition& other) const { return same_base_partition(other) && subpart_id_ == other.subpart_id_; } virtual int64_t get_convert_size() const; bool key_match(const ObSubPartition& other) const; static bool hash_like_func_less_than(const ObSubPartition* lhs, const ObSubPartition* rhs); INHERIT_TO_STRING_KV("BasePartition", ObBasePartition, K_(subpart_id), K_(subpart_idx), K_(mapping_pg_sub_part_id), K_(drop_schema_version)); private: int64_t subpart_id_; int64_t subpart_idx_; // Valid for hash partition; int64_t mapping_pg_sub_part_id_; // nontemplate table, is partition_id of pg. // template table, is sub_part_id of pg of template int64_t drop_schema_version_; }; class ObPartitionSchema : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: // base methods ObPartitionSchema(); explicit ObPartitionSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObPartitionSchema(); ObPartitionSchema(const ObPartitionSchema& src_schema); ObPartitionSchema& operator=(const ObPartitionSchema& src_schema); // partition related virtual const char* get_entity_name() const = 0; virtual uint64_t get_tenant_id() const = 0; virtual void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) = 0; virtual uint64_t get_table_id() const = 0; virtual void set_table_id(const uint64_t table_id) = 0; virtual int64_t get_schema_version() const = 0; virtual void set_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) = 0; virtual bool is_user_partition_table() const = 0; virtual bool is_user_subpartition_table() const = 0; virtual ObPartitionLevel get_part_level() const { return part_level_; } virtual int64_t get_partition_cnt() const = 0; virtual bool has_self_partition() const = 0; virtual int get_primary_zone_inherit(ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, ObPrimaryZone& primary_zone) const = 0; virtual int get_zone_replica_attr_array_inherit( ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, ZoneLocalityIArray& locality) const = 0; virtual int get_zone_list( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, common::ObIArray& zone_list) const = 0; virtual int get_locality_str_inherit( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& guard, const common::ObString*& locality_str) const = 0; virtual int get_first_primary_zone_inherit(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, const rootserver::ObRandomZoneSelector& random_selector, const common::ObIArray& replica_addrs, common::ObZone& first_primary_zone) const = 0; virtual int check_is_duplicated(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& guard, bool& is_duplicated) const = 0; virtual uint64_t get_tablegroup_id() const = 0; virtual void set_tablegroup_id(const uint64_t tg_id) = 0; virtual const common::ObString& get_locality_str() const = 0; virtual common::ObString& get_locality_str() = 0; virtual const common::ObString& get_previous_locality_str() const = 0; virtual int get_paxos_replica_num(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, int64_t& num) const = 0; virtual share::ObDuplicateScope get_duplicate_scope() const = 0; virtual void set_duplicate_scope(const share::ObDuplicateScope duplicate_scope) = 0; virtual void set_duplicate_scope(const int64_t duplicate_scope) = 0; inline virtual int64_t get_part_func_expr_num() const { return 0; } inline virtual void set_part_func_expr_num(const int64_t part_func_expr_num) { UNUSED(part_func_expr_num); } inline virtual int64_t get_sub_part_func_expr_num() const { return 0; } inline virtual void set_sub_part_func_expr_num(const int64_t sub_part_func_expr_num) { UNUSED(sub_part_func_expr_num); } // Define the copy distribution method of the partition table, including: // 0. Disperse in any way // 1. Prioritize the first-partition division // 2. Prioritize the second-partition division int64_t distribute_by() const; inline void set_part_num(const int64_t part_num) { part_num_ = part_num; part_option_.set_part_num(part_num); } // Only the templated secondary partition is valid, pay attention!! inline void set_def_sub_part_num(const int64_t def_subpart_num) { def_subpart_num_ = def_subpart_num; sub_part_option_.set_part_num(def_subpart_num); } inline void set_part_level(const ObPartitionLevel part_level) { part_level_ = part_level; } virtual bool is_sub_part_template() const { return is_sub_part_template_; } void set_is_sub_part_template(bool is_sub_part_template) { is_sub_part_template_ = is_sub_part_template; } inline int64_t get_first_part_num() const { return part_option_.get_part_num(); } // Only the templated secondary partition is valid, pay attention!! int64_t get_def_sub_part_num() const; int get_first_individual_sub_part_num(int64_t& sub_part_num) const; // SQL view, unable to see the delayed deleted partition int64_t get_all_part_num() const; int get_all_partition_num(bool check_dropped_partition, int64_t& part_num) const; int check_part_name(const ObPartition& partition); int check_part_id(const ObPartition& partition); int add_partition(const ObPartition& partition); int add_def_subpartition(const ObSubPartition& subpartition); inline bool is_hash_part() const { return part_option_.is_hash_part(); } inline bool is_hash_subpart() const { return sub_part_option_.is_hash_part(); } inline bool is_key_part() const { return part_option_.is_key_part(); } inline bool is_key_subpart() const { return sub_part_option_.is_key_part(); } inline bool is_range_part() const { return part_option_.is_range_part(); } inline bool is_range_subpart() const { return sub_part_option_.is_range_part(); } inline bool is_hash_like_part() const { return part_option_.is_hash_like_part(); } inline bool is_hash_like_subpart() const { return sub_part_option_.is_hash_like_part(); } inline bool is_list_part() const { return part_option_.is_list_part(); } inline bool is_list_subpart() const { return sub_part_option_.is_list_part(); } inline bool is_auto_partitioned_table() const { return part_option_.is_auto_range_part(); } inline const ObPartitionOption& get_part_option() const { return part_option_; } inline ObPartitionOption& get_part_option() { return part_option_; } inline const ObPartitionOption& get_sub_part_option() const { return sub_part_option_; } inline ObPartitionOption& get_sub_part_option() { return sub_part_option_; } inline int64_t get_auto_part_size() const { return part_option_.get_auto_part_size(); } int serialize_partitions(char* buf, const int64_t data_len, int64_t& pos) const; int serialize_dropped_partitions(char* buf, const int64_t data_len, int64_t& pos) const; int serialize_def_subpartitions(char* buf, const int64_t data_len, int64_t& pos) const; int deserialize_partitions(const char* buf, const int64_t data_len, int64_t& pos); int deserialize_def_subpartitions(const char* buf, const int64_t data_len, int64_t& pos); int get_partition_by_part_id( const int64_t part_id, const bool check_dropped_partition, const ObPartition*& partition) const; // both part_id and subpart_id is not OB_TWO_PART_MASK int get_subpartition(const int64_t part_id, const int64_t subpart_id, const ObSubPartition*& subpartition) const; /** generate part name of hash partition, for resolver only * @name_type: Type of generated hash partition name: * FIRST_PART generate partition name * TEMPLATE_SUB_PART generate subpartition name * INDIVIDUAL_SUB_PART generate subpartition name of nontemplate * @need_upper_case: Does the generated partition name need to be capitalized? * @partition: nantemplate table, the partition name needs to be spelled with the partition name, * and partition indicates the partition where the current subpartition is located */ int gen_hash_part_name(const int64_t part_id, const ObHashNameType name_type, const bool need_upper_case, char* buf, const int64_t buf_size, int64_t* pos, const ObPartition* partition = NULL) const; // Get the partition name corresponding to partition_id (non-partition/partition/subpartition) int get_partition_name(const int64_t partition_id, char* buf, const int64_t buf_size, int64_t* pos /* = NULL*/) const; // get partition name int get_part_name(const int64_t part_id, char* buf, const int64_t buf_size, int64_t* pos /* = NULL*/) const; // is_def_subpart refers to the generation of __all_def_sub_part or the part_name in the __all_sub_part table int get_subpart_name(const int64_t part_id, const int64_t subpart_id, const bool is_def_subpart, char* buf, const int64_t buf_size, int64_t* pos /* = NULL*/) const; inline ObPartition** get_part_array() const { return partition_array_; } inline int64_t get_partition_capacity() const { return partition_array_capacity_; } inline int64_t get_partition_num() const { return partition_num_; } // The following interfaces can only be used for templated subpartition tables inline ObSubPartition** get_def_subpart_array() const { return def_subpartition_array_; } inline int64_t get_def_subpartition_capacity() const { return def_subpartition_array_capacity_; } inline int64_t get_def_subpartition_num() const { return def_subpartition_num_; } /* ----------------------------------*/ inline void set_partition_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { partition_schema_version_ = schema_version; } inline int64_t get_partition_schema_version() const { return partition_schema_version_; } // -----dropped partition related ----- void set_drop_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) { drop_schema_version_ = schema_version; } int64_t get_drop_schema_version() const { return drop_schema_version_; } bool is_dropped_schema() const { return drop_schema_version_ > 0; } int64_t get_dropped_partition_num() const { return dropped_partition_num_; } int clear_dropped_partition(); void reset_dropped_partition() { dropped_partition_num_ = 0; dropped_partition_array_ = NULL; } // The partition information needs to be reorganized when truncate the subpartition void reset_partition_for_trun_subpart() { partition_array_capacity_ = 0; part_num_ = 0; partition_num_ = 0; partition_array_ = NULL; } // This interface is only for iterators, and the corresponding iterator should be used to access the deleted // partition, or the schema_guard/schema_service corresponding interface should be used ObPartition** get_dropped_part_array() const { return dropped_partition_array_; } // ------------------------------------- int get_part_id_by_name(const common::ObString partition_name, int64_t& part_id) const; // FIXME:() Refresh the schema, do not assume that the partition_array is in order, and can be optimized later int find_partition_by_part_id( const int64_t part_id, const bool check_dropped_partition, const ObPartition*& partition) const; int get_subpart_info( const int64_t part_id, ObSubPartition**& subpart_array, int64_t& subpart_num, int64_t& subpartition_num) const; //-------index partition------- int get_part_id_by_idx(const int64_t part_idx, int64_t& part_id) const; int get_hash_subpart_id_by_idx(const int64_t part_id, const int64_t subpart_idx, int64_t& subpart_id) const; int get_hash_part_idx_by_id(const int64_t part_id, int64_t& part_idx) const; int get_hash_subpart_idx_by_id(const int64_t part_id, const int64_t subpart_id, int64_t& subpart_idx) const; int convert_partition_idx_to_id(const int64_t partition_idx, int64_t& partition_id) const; int convert_partition_id_to_idx(const int64_t partition_id, int64_t& partition_idx) const; //---------------------- // Get the offset of the partition in partition_array, just take the offset of the partition, // not including the subpartition int get_partition_index_by_id( const int64_t part_id, const bool check_dropped_partition, int64_t& partition_index) const; // Binary search range partition, only applicable to the partition that has not been split int get_partition_index_binary_search( const int64_t part_id, const bool check_dropped_partition, int64_t& partition_index) const; // Iterate all the partitions to get the offset int get_partition_index_loop( const int64_t part_id, const bool check_dropped_partition, int64_t& partition_index) const; inline void set_partition_status(const ObPartitionStatus partition_status) { partition_status_ = partition_status; } inline ObPartitionStatus get_partition_status() const { return partition_status_; } bool is_in_splitting() const { return partition_status_ == PARTITION_STATUS_LOGICAL_SPLITTING || partition_status_ == PARTITION_STATUS_PHYSICAL_SPLITTING; } bool is_in_logical_split() const { return partition_status_ == PARTITION_STATUS_LOGICAL_SPLITTING; } bool is_in_physical_split() const { return partition_status_ == PARTITION_STATUS_PHYSICAL_SPLITTING; } // other methods virtual void reset(); virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void set_min_partition_id(uint64_t partition_id) { UNUSED(partition_id); } virtual uint64_t get_min_partition_id() const { return 0; } virtual int get_split_source_partition_key( const common::ObPartitionKey& dst_part_key, common::ObPartitionKey& source_part_key) const; DECLARE_VIRTUAL_TO_STRING; int try_assign_part_array(const share::schema::ObPartitionSchema& that); int try_assign_def_subpart_array(const share::schema::ObPartitionSchema& that); protected: int inner_add_partition(const ObPartition& part); int inner_add_partition(const ObSubPartition& part); template int inner_add_partition(const T& part, T**& part_array, int64_t& part_array_capacity, int64_t& part_num); int get_subpart_name(const int64_t part_id, const int64_t subpart_id, char* buf, const int64_t buf_size, int64_t* pos /* = NULL*/) const; int get_def_subpart_name(const int64_t subpart_id, char* buf, const int64_t buf_size, int64_t* pos /* = NULL*/) const; protected: static const int64_t DEFAULT_ARRAY_CAPACITY = 128; protected: int64_t part_num_; // Redundant value, derived from sub_part_option_, valid when is_sub_part_template = true int64_t def_subpart_num_; ObPartitionLevel part_level_; ObPartitionOption part_option_; // The part_num_ is only valid when is_sub_part_template = true ObPartitionOption sub_part_option_; ObPartition** partition_array_; int64_t partition_array_capacity_; // The array size of partition_array is not necessarily equal to partition_num; // Equal to part_num; historical reasons cause the two values to have the same meaning; // need to be modified together with part_num_ int64_t partition_num_; /* template table, when is_sub_part_template = true, valid */ ObSubPartition** def_subpartition_array_; // The array size of subpartition_array, not necessarily equal to subpartition_num int64_t def_subpartition_array_capacity_; int64_t def_subpartition_num_; // equal subpart_num /* template subpartition define end*/ // Record the split schema, initialized to 0, not cleared after splitting, the bottom layer needs to be used int64_t partition_schema_version_; ObPartitionStatus partition_status_; /* delay delete table/tablegroup/partition start*/ int64_t drop_schema_version_; // delay delete partition, Not visible to SQL ObPartition** dropped_partition_array_; int64_t dropped_partition_array_capacity_; int64_t dropped_partition_num_; /* delay delete table/tablegroup/partition end*/ // It is meaningful when the subpartition table is used to mark whether the subpartition is a templated definition, // and it is compatible with bool is_sub_part_template_; }; class ObTablegroupSchema : public ObPartitionSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: // base methods ObTablegroupSchema(); explicit ObTablegroupSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObTablegroupSchema(); ObTablegroupSchema(const ObTablegroupSchema& src_schema); ObTablegroupSchema& operator=(const ObTablegroupSchema& src_schema); int assign(const ObTablegroupSchema& src_schema); // set methods inline void set_binding(const bool binding) { binding_ = binding; } inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) override { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } inline void set_schema_version(const int64_t schema_version) override { schema_version_ = schema_version; } virtual void set_tablegroup_id(const uint64_t tablegroup_id) override { tablegroup_id_ = tablegroup_id; } inline int set_tablegroup_name(const char* name) { return deep_copy_str(name, tablegroup_name_); } inline int set_comment(const char* comment) { return deep_copy_str(comment, comment_); } inline int set_tablegroup_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, tablegroup_name_); } inline int set_table_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, tablegroup_name_); } inline int set_comment(const common::ObString& comment) { return deep_copy_str(comment, comment_); } inline int set_locality(const common::ObString& locality) { return deep_copy_str(locality, locality_info_.locality_str_); } inline int set_primary_zone(const common::ObString& primary_zone) { return deep_copy_str(primary_zone, primary_zone_info_.primary_zone_str_); } inline int set_previous_locality(const common::ObString& previous_locality) { return deep_copy_str(previous_locality, previous_locality_); } int set_primary_zone_array(const common::ObIArray& primary_zone_array); int set_zone_replica_attr_array(const common::ObIArray& src); int set_zone_replica_attr_array(const common::ObIArray& src); inline int set_split_partition(const common::ObString& split_partition) { return deep_copy_str(split_partition, split_partition_name_); } inline int set_split_rowkey(const common::ObRowkey& rowkey) { return rowkey.deep_copy(split_high_bound_val_, *get_allocator()); } inline int set_split_list_value(common::ObRowkey& list_values) { return list_values.deep_copy(split_list_row_values_, *get_allocator()); } // get methods inline bool get_binding() const { return binding_; } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const override { return tenant_id_; } virtual inline int64_t get_schema_version() const override { return schema_version_; } virtual uint64_t get_tablegroup_id() const override { return tablegroup_id_; } inline const char* get_tablegroup_name_str() const { return extract_str(tablegroup_name_); } inline const char* get_comment() const { return extract_str(comment_); } inline const common::ObString& get_tablegroup_name() const { return tablegroup_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_table_name() const { return tablegroup_name_; } virtual const char* get_entity_name() const override { return extract_str(tablegroup_name_); } inline const common::ObString& get_comment_str() const { return comment_; } inline const ObLocality& get_locality_info() const { return locality_info_; } virtual common::ObString& get_locality_str() override { return locality_info_.locality_str_; } virtual const common::ObString& get_locality_str() const override { return locality_info_.locality_str_; } inline const char* get_locality() const { return extract_str(locality_info_.locality_str_); } inline const char* get_previous_locality() const { return extract_str(previous_locality_); } virtual const common::ObString& get_previous_locality_str() const override { return previous_locality_; } inline const ObPrimaryZone& get_primary_zone_info() const { return primary_zone_info_; } inline const common::ObString& get_primary_zone() const { return primary_zone_info_.primary_zone_str_; } int set_zone_list(const common::ObIArray& zone_list) { UNUSED(zone_list); return common::OB_SUCCESS; } inline const common::ObString& get_split_partition_name() const { return split_partition_name_; } inline const common::ObRowkey& get_split_rowkey() const { return split_high_bound_val_; } inline const common::ObRowkey& get_split_list_row_values() const { return split_list_row_values_; } void reset_locality_options(); // In the current implementation, if the locality of the zone_list of the tablegroup is empty, // it will be read from the tenant, otherwise it will be parsed from the locality virtual int get_zone_list( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, common::ObIArray& zone_list) const override; virtual int get_zone_replica_attr_array(ZoneLocalityIArray& locality) const; virtual int get_zone_replica_attr_array_inherit( ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, ZoneLocalityIArray& locality) const override; virtual int get_locality_str_inherit( ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, const common::ObString*& locality_str) const override; virtual int get_first_primary_zone_inherit(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, const rootserver::ObRandomZoneSelector& random_selector, const common::ObIArray& replica_addrs, common::ObZone& first_primary_zone) const override; virtual int check_is_duplicated(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& guard, bool& is_duplicated) const override; int get_primary_zone_score(const common::ObZone& zone, int64_t& zone_score) const; inline const common::ObIArray& get_primary_zone_array() const { return primary_zone_info_.primary_zone_array_; } virtual int get_primary_zone_inherit( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, share::schema::ObPrimaryZone& primary_zone) const override; int fill_additional_options(); int check_in_locality_modification( share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, bool& in_locality_modification) const; int check_is_readonly_at_all(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& guard, const common::ObZone& zone, const common::ObRegion& region, bool& readonly_at_all) const; int get_full_replica_num(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, int64_t& num) const; virtual int get_paxos_replica_num(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, int64_t& num) const override; int get_all_replica_num(share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard& schema_guard, int64_t& num) const; // partition related virtual share::ObDuplicateScope get_duplicate_scope() const override { return share::ObDuplicateScope::DUPLICATE_SCOPE_NONE; } virtual void set_duplicate_scope(const share::ObDuplicateScope duplicate_scope) override { UNUSED(duplicate_scope); } virtual void set_duplicate_scope(const int64_t duplicate_scope) override { UNUSED(duplicate_scope); } inline virtual bool is_user_partition_table() const override { return PARTITION_LEVEL_ONE == get_part_level() || PARTITION_LEVEL_TWO == get_part_level(); } inline virtual bool is_user_subpartition_table() const override { return PARTITION_LEVEL_TWO == get_part_level(); } inline virtual uint64_t get_table_id() const override { return tablegroup_id_; } // for partition schema used inline virtual uint64_t get_database_id() const { return 0; } inline virtual void set_database_id(const uint64_t database_id) { UNUSED(database_id); } inline virtual void set_table_id(const uint64_t tablegroup_id) override { tablegroup_id_ = tablegroup_id; } inline int64_t get_part_func_expr_num() const { return part_func_expr_num_; } inline void set_part_func_expr_num(const int64_t part_func_expr_num) { part_func_expr_num_ = part_func_expr_num; } inline int64_t get_sub_part_func_expr_num() const { return sub_part_func_expr_num_; } inline void set_sub_part_func_expr_num(const int64_t sub_part_func_expr_num) { sub_part_func_expr_num_ = sub_part_func_expr_num; } virtual int64_t get_partition_cnt() const override { return 0; } virtual int calc_part_func_expr_num(int64_t& part_func_expr_num) const; virtual int calc_subpart_func_expr_num(int64_t& subpart_func_expr_num) const; // other methods virtual void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; virtual bool has_self_partition() const override { return get_binding(); } virtual bool is_valid() const; bool is_mock_global_index_invalid() const { return is_mock_global_index_invalid_; } bool is_global_index_table() const { return false; } void set_mock_global_index_invalid(const bool is_invalid) { is_mock_global_index_invalid_ = is_invalid; } bool can_read_index() const { return true; } DECLARE_VIRTUAL_TO_STRING; private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t tablegroup_id_; int64_t schema_version_; common::ObString tablegroup_name_; common::ObString comment_; // 2.0 add ObLocality locality_info_; ObPrimaryZone primary_zone_info_; int64_t part_func_expr_num_; int64_t sub_part_func_expr_num_; common::ObString previous_locality_; common::ObString split_partition_name_; common::ObRowkey split_high_bound_val_; common::ObRowkey split_list_row_values_; // Indicates whether the tablegroup has physical physical partitions // true: With physical physical partition // false: Without physical physical partition bool binding_; bool is_mock_global_index_invalid_; // Standalone cluster use; no serialization required }; class ObPartitionUtils { public: /// Get part ids through range of partition_column // Get hash(FUNC_HASH/FUNC_KEY) part type ids static int get_hash_part_ids(const ObTableSchema& table_schema, const common::ObNewRange& range, const int64_t part_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids); // @param: get_part_index Indicates whether this function is called to get whether it is part_index or part_id // - true Indicates that part_index is to be obtained, and part_index indicates the position of partition // in the partition array. // - false Indicates that the part to be obtained is part_id, and part_id indicates the logical id of the primary // partition static int get_hash_part_ids(const ObTableSchema& table_schema, const common::ObNewRow& row, int64_t part_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids, bool get_part_index = false); static int get_hash_subpart_ids(const ObTableSchema& table_schema, const int64_t part_id, const common::ObNewRange& range, const int64_t subpart_num, common::ObIArray& subpart_ids); // @param: get_subpart_index Indicates whether this function is called to get whether it is subpart_index or // subpart_id // - true Indicates that subpart_index is to be obtained, and subpart_index indicates the position of subpartition // in the subpartition array. // - false Indicates that the subpart to be obtained is subpart_id, and subpart_id indicates the logical id of // the primary subpartition static int get_hash_subpart_ids(const ObTableSchema& table_schema, const int64_t part_id, const common::ObNewRow& row, int64_t subpart_num, common::ObIArray& subpart_ids, bool get_subpart_index = false); // Get level-one range part_ids static int get_range_part_ids(const common::ObNewRange& range, const bool reverse, ObPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids); // The meaning of get_part_index can refer to get_hash_part_ids() static int get_range_part_ids(const common::ObNewRow& row, ObPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids, bool get_part_index = false); // Get level-one range part_ids static int get_list_part_ids(const common::ObNewRange& range, const bool reverse, ObPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids); // The meaning of get_part_index can refer to get_hash_part_ids() static int get_list_part_ids(const common::ObNewRow& row, ObPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids, bool get_part_index = false); // Get level-two range part_ids static int get_range_part_ids(const int64_t part_id, const common::ObNewRange& range, const bool reverse, ObSubPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids); // The meaning of get_subpart_index can refer to get_hash_subpart_ids() static int get_range_part_ids(const int64_t part_id, const common::ObNewRow& row, ObSubPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids, bool get_subpart_index = false); // Get level-two range part_ids static int get_list_part_ids(const int64_t part_id, const common::ObNewRange& range, const bool reverse, ObSubPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids); // The meaning of get_subpart_index can refer to get_hash_subpart_ids() static int get_list_part_ids(const int64_t part_id, const common::ObNewRow& row, ObSubPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids, bool get_subpart_index = false); // According to the given hash value val and partition number part_num, // distinguish between oracle and mysql modes to calculate which partition this fold falls on // This interface is called at get_hash_part_idxs, get_hash_subpart_ids, etc. static int calc_hash_part_idx(const uint64_t val, const int64_t part_num, int64_t& partition_idx); template static int get_range_part_idx( const common::ObObj& obj, T* const* part_array, const int64_t part_num, int64_t& part_idx); template static int get_range_part_bounds(T* const* part_array, const int64_t part_num, const int64_t part_idx, common::ObObj& lower_bound, common::ObObj& upper_bound); // Get all part idxs of part num static int get_all_part(const ObTableSchema& table_schema, int64_t part_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids); // Convert rowkey to sql literal for show static int convert_rowkey_to_sql_literal(const common::ObRowkey& rowkey, char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, bool print_collation, const common::ObTimeZoneInfo* tz_info); // Used to display the defined value of the LIST partition static int convert_rows_to_sql_literal(const common::ObIArray& rows, char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, bool print_collation, const common::ObTimeZoneInfo* tz_info); static int print_oracle_datetime_literal(const common::ObObj& tmp_obj, char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, const common::ObTimeZoneInfo* tz_info); // Convert rowkey's serialize buff to hex.For record all rowkey info. static int convert_rowkey_to_hex(const common::ObRowkey& rowkey, char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos); static int convert_rows_to_hex( const common::ObIArray& rows, char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos); // Get partition start with start_part rowkey, return start_pos template static int get_start( const T* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, const T& start_part, int64_t& start_pos); // Get partition end with end_part rowkey, return end_pos template static int get_end(const T* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, const common::ObBorderFlag& border_flag, const T& end_part, int64_t& end_pos); // check if partition value equal template static int check_partition_value( const PARTITION& l_part, const PARTITION& r_part, const ObPartitionFuncType part_type, bool& is_equal); static bool is_types_equal_for_partition_check(const common::ObObjType& typ1, const common::ObObjType& type2); private: // Get level-one range part_ids // The meaning of get_part_index can refer to get_hash_part_ids() static int get_range_part_ids(ObPartition& start, ObPartition& end, const common::ObBorderFlag& border_flag, const bool reverse, ObPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids, bool get_part_index = false); // Get level-two range part_ids // The meaning of get_subpart_index can refer to get_hash_subpart_ids() static int get_range_part_ids(ObSubPartition& start_bound, ObSubPartition& end_bound, const common::ObBorderFlag& border_flag, const bool reverse, ObSubPartition* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, common::ObIArray& part_ids, bool get_subpart_index = false); }; template int ObPartitionUtils::get_range_part_idx( const common::ObObj& obj, T* const* part_array, const int64_t part_num, int64_t& part_idx) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (obj.is_null()) { part_idx = 0; } else { common::ObObj buf_obj = obj; common::ObRowkey row_key(&buf_obj, 1); T end_key; end_key.high_bound_val_ = row_key; common::ObBorderFlag border_flag; border_flag.set_inclusive_start(); border_flag.set_inclusive_end(); if (part_num < 1) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "Unexpected partition num", K(part_num), K(ret)); } else if (OB_FAIL(get_end(part_array, part_num, border_flag, end_key, part_idx))) { SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "Failed to get end partition idx", K(end_key), K(ret)); } } return ret; } template int ObPartitionUtils::get_range_part_bounds(T* const* part_array, const int64_t part_num, const int64_t part_idx, common::ObObj& lower_bound, common::ObObj& upper_bound) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_UNLIKELY(!(0 <= part_idx && part_idx < part_num))) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "invalid part_num or part_idx", K(part_num), K(part_idx), K(ret)); } else if (OB_ISNULL(part_array[part_idx])) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "part_array[part_idx] is null", K(part_idx), K(ret)); } else if (part_array[part_idx]->get_high_bound_val().get_obj_cnt() > 1) { ret = common::OB_NOT_IMPLEMENT; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "range columns count should be 1 now", K(ret)); } else { if (part_idx > 0) { if (OB_ISNULL(part_array[part_idx - 1])) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "part_array[part_idx - 1] is null", K(part_idx - 1), K(ret)); } else { lower_bound = part_array[part_idx - 1]->get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[0]; } } else { lower_bound.set_min_value(); } if (part_idx < part_num - 1) { upper_bound = part_array[part_idx]->get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[0]; } else { upper_bound.set_max_value(); } } return ret; } template int ObPartitionUtils::get_start( const T* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, const T& start_part, int64_t& start_pos) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_ISNULL(partition_array)) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "Partition array should not be NULL", K(ret)); } else { const T* const* result = std::upper_bound(partition_array, partition_array + partition_num, &start_part, T::less_than); start_pos = result - partition_array; if (start_pos < 0) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "Start pos error", K(partition_num), K(ret)); } } return ret; } template int ObPartitionUtils::get_end(const T* const* partition_array, const int64_t partition_num, const common::ObBorderFlag& border_flag, const T& end_part, int64_t& end_pos) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_ISNULL(partition_array)) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "Input partition array should not be NULL", K(ret)); } else { const T* const* result = std::lower_bound(partition_array, partition_array + partition_num, &end_part, T::less_than); int64_t pos = result - partition_array; if (pos >= partition_num) { end_pos = partition_num - 1; } else if (OB_ISNULL(result) || OB_ISNULL(*result)) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "result should not be NULL", K(ret), K(result)); } else { common::ObNewRow lrow; lrow.cells_ = const_cast((*result)->high_bound_val_.get_obj_ptr()); lrow.count_ = (*result)->high_bound_val_.get_obj_cnt(); lrow.projector_ = (*result)->projector_; lrow.projector_size_ = (*result)->projector_size_; common::ObNewRow rrow; rrow.cells_ = const_cast(end_part.high_bound_val_.get_obj_ptr()); rrow.count_ = end_part.high_bound_val_.get_obj_cnt(); rrow.projector_ = end_part.projector_; rrow.projector_size_ = end_part.projector_size_; int cmp = 0; if (common::OB_SUCCESS != common::ObRowUtil::compare_row(lrow, rrow, cmp)) { SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(ERROR, "lhs or rhs is invalid"); } if (0 == cmp) { if (pos == partition_num - 1) { end_pos = partition_num - 1; } else { if (border_flag.inclusive_end()) { end_pos = pos + 1; } else { end_pos = pos; } } } else { end_pos = pos; } } } return ret; } // TODO Put the partition description information together // struct ObPartitionDesc //{ // OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); // int get_part(const common::ObNewRange &range, // bool reverse, // common::ObIArray &part_ids); // // int get_sub_part(uint64_t table_id, // int64_t part_id, // const common::ObNewRange &range, // bool reverse, // common::ObIArray &part_ids); // //first partition // ObPartition **partition_array_; // int64_t partition_array_capacity_; // int64_t partition_num_; // //second partition // ObSubPartition **subpartition_array_; // int64_t subpartition_array_capacity_; // int64_t subpartition_num_; //}; class ObViewSchema : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObViewSchema(); explicit ObViewSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObViewSchema(); ObViewSchema(const ObViewSchema& src_schema); ObViewSchema& operator=(const ObViewSchema& src_schema); bool operator==(const ObViewSchema& other) const; bool operator!=(const ObViewSchema& other) const; inline int set_view_definition(const char* view_definition) { return deep_copy_str(view_definition, view_definition_); } inline int set_view_definition(const common::ObString& view_definition) { return deep_copy_str(view_definition, view_definition_); } inline void set_view_check_option(const ViewCheckOption option) { view_check_option_ = option; } inline void set_view_is_updatable(const bool is_updatable) { view_is_updatable_ = is_updatable; } inline void set_materialized(const bool materialized) { materialized_ = materialized; } inline void set_character_set_client(const common::ObCharsetType character_set_client) { character_set_client_ = character_set_client; } inline void set_collation_connection(const common::ObCollationType collation_connection) { collation_connection_ = collation_connection; } // view_definition_ is defined using utf8, for sql resolve please use // ObSQLUtils::generate_view_definition_for_resolve inline const common::ObString& get_view_definition_str() const { return view_definition_; } inline const char* get_view_definition() const { return extract_str(view_definition_); } inline ViewCheckOption get_view_check_option() const { return view_check_option_; } inline bool get_view_is_updatable() const { return view_is_updatable_; } inline bool get_materialized() const { return materialized_; } inline common::ObCharsetType get_character_set_client() const { return character_set_client_; } inline common::ObCollationType get_collation_connection() const { return collation_connection_; } int64_t get_convert_size() const; virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); TO_STRING_KV(N_VIEW_DEFINITION, view_definition_, N_CHECK_OPTION, ob_view_check_option_str(view_check_option_), N_IS_UPDATABLE, STR_BOOL(view_is_updatable_), N_IS_MATERIALIZED, STR_BOOL(materialized_), K_(character_set_client), K_(collation_connection)); private: common::ObString view_definition_; ViewCheckOption view_check_option_; bool view_is_updatable_; bool materialized_; common::ObCharsetType character_set_client_; common::ObCollationType collation_connection_; }; class ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper { public: ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper() {} explicit ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper(const common::ObString& str) : column_name_(str) {} ~ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper() {} void set_name(const common::ObString& str) { column_name_ = str; } inline bool operator==(const ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper& other) const { ObCompareNameWithTenantID name_cmp; return (0 == name_cmp.compare(column_name_, other.column_name_)); } inline uint64_t hash() const; common::ObString column_name_; }; class ObColumnSchemaWrapper { public: ObColumnSchemaWrapper() : column_name_(), prefix_len_(0) {} explicit ObColumnSchemaWrapper(const common::ObString& str, int32_t prefix_len) : column_name_(str), prefix_len_(prefix_len) {} ~ObColumnSchemaWrapper() {} void set_name(const common::ObString& str) { column_name_ = str; } inline bool name_equal(const ObColumnSchemaWrapper& other) const { ObCompareNameWithTenantID name_cmp; return (0 == name_cmp.compare(column_name_, other.column_name_)); } inline bool all_equal(const ObColumnSchemaWrapper& other) const { ObCompareNameWithTenantID name_cmp; return (0 == name_cmp.compare(column_name_, other.column_name_)) && prefix_len_ == other.prefix_len_; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(column_name), K_(prefix_len)); common::ObString column_name_; int32_t prefix_len_; }; typedef ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper ObColumnNameHashWrapper; typedef ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper ObIndexNameHashWrapper; typedef ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper ObPartitionNameHashWrapper; typedef ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper ObForeignKeyNameHashWrapper; typedef ObColumnSchemaWrapper ObColumnNameWrapper; inline uint64_t ObColumnSchemaHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; // case insensitive hash_ret = common::ObCharset::hash(common::CS_TYPE_UTF8MB4_GENERAL_CI, column_name_, hash_ret); return hash_ret; } class ObIndexSchemaHashWrapper { public: ObIndexSchemaHashWrapper() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObIndexSchemaHashWrapper(uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& index_name) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), index_name_(index_name) {} ~ObIndexSchemaHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObIndexSchemaHashWrapper& rv) const; inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_index_name() const { return index_name_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; common::ObString index_name_; }; inline uint64_t ObIndexSchemaHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&database_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), hash_ret); // case insensitive hash_ret = common::ObCharset::hash(common::CS_TYPE_UTF8MB4_GENERAL_CI, index_name_, hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObIndexSchemaHashWrapper::operator==(const ObIndexSchemaHashWrapper& rv) const { // mysql case insensitive // oracle case sensitive ObCompareNameWithTenantID name_cmp(tenant_id_); return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (database_id_ == rv.database_id_) && (0 == name_cmp.compare(index_name_, rv.index_name_)); } class ObTableSchemaHashWrapper { public: ObTableSchemaHashWrapper() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), session_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), name_case_mode_(common::OB_NAME_CASE_INVALID) {} ObTableSchemaHashWrapper(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const uint64_t session_id, const common::ObNameCaseMode mode, const common::ObString& table_name) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), session_id_(session_id), name_case_mode_(mode), table_name_(table_name) {} ~ObTableSchemaHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; bool operator==(const ObTableSchemaHashWrapper& rv) const; inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline uint64_t get_session_id() const { return session_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_table_name() const { return table_name_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; uint64_t session_id_; common::ObNameCaseMode name_case_mode_; common::ObString table_name_; }; inline uint64_t ObTableSchemaHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&database_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), hash_ret); common::ObCollationType cs_type = ObSchema::get_cs_type_with_cmp_mode(name_case_mode_); hash_ret = common::ObCharset::hash(cs_type, table_name_, hash_ret); return hash_ret; } // See ObSchemaMgr::get_table_schema comment for session visibility judgment inline bool ObTableSchemaHashWrapper::operator==(const ObTableSchemaHashWrapper& rv) const { ObCompareNameWithTenantID name_cmp(tenant_id_, name_case_mode_, database_id_); return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (database_id_ == rv.database_id_) && (name_case_mode_ == rv.name_case_mode_) && (session_id_ == rv.session_id_ || common::OB_INVALID_ID == rv.session_id_) && (0 == name_cmp.compare(table_name_, rv.table_name_)); } class ObDatabaseSchemaHashWrapper { public: ObDatabaseSchemaHashWrapper() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), name_case_mode_(common::OB_NAME_CASE_INVALID) {} ObDatabaseSchemaHashWrapper( const uint64_t tenant_id, const common::ObNameCaseMode mode, const common::ObString& database_name) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), name_case_mode_(mode), database_name_(database_name) {} ~ObDatabaseSchemaHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObDatabaseSchemaHashWrapper& rv) const; inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline common::ObNameCaseMode get_name_case_mode() const { return name_case_mode_; } inline const common::ObString& get_database_name() const { return database_name_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; common::ObNameCaseMode name_case_mode_; common::ObString database_name_; }; inline uint64_t ObDatabaseSchemaHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); common::ObCollationType cs_type = ObSchema::get_cs_type_with_cmp_mode(name_case_mode_); hash_ret = common::ObCharset::hash(cs_type, database_name_, hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObDatabaseSchemaHashWrapper::operator==(const ObDatabaseSchemaHashWrapper& rv) const { ObCompareNameWithTenantID name_cmp(tenant_id_, name_case_mode_); return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (name_case_mode_ == rv.name_case_mode_) && (0 == name_cmp.compare(database_name_, rv.database_name_)); } class ObTablegroupSchemaHashWrapper { public: ObTablegroupSchemaHashWrapper() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTablegroupSchemaHashWrapper(uint64_t tenant_id, const common::ObString& tablegroup_name) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), tablegroup_name_(tablegroup_name) {} ~ObTablegroupSchemaHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObTablegroupSchemaHashWrapper& rv) const; inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_tablegroup_name() const { return tablegroup_name_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; common::ObString tablegroup_name_; }; class ObForeignKeyInfoHashWrapper { public: ObForeignKeyInfoHashWrapper() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; database_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; foreign_key_name_.assign_ptr("", 0); } ObForeignKeyInfoHashWrapper(uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& foreign_key_name) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), foreign_key_name_(foreign_key_name) {} ~ObForeignKeyInfoHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObForeignKeyInfoHashWrapper& rv) const; inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_foreign_key_name() const { return foreign_key_name_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; common::ObString foreign_key_name_; }; inline uint64_t ObForeignKeyInfoHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&database_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), hash_ret); // case insensitive hash_ret = common::ObCharset::hash(common::CS_TYPE_UTF8MB4_GENERAL_CI, foreign_key_name_, hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObForeignKeyInfoHashWrapper::operator==(const ObForeignKeyInfoHashWrapper& rv) const { // mysql case insensitive // oracle case sensitive ObCompareNameWithTenantID name_cmp(tenant_id_); return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (database_id_ == rv.database_id_) && (0 == name_cmp.compare(foreign_key_name_, rv.foreign_key_name_)); } class ObConstraintInfoHashWrapper { public: ObConstraintInfoHashWrapper() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; database_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; constraint_name_.assign_ptr("", 0); } ObConstraintInfoHashWrapper(uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& constraint_name) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), constraint_name_(constraint_name) {} ~ObConstraintInfoHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObConstraintInfoHashWrapper& rv) const; inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_constraint_name() const { return constraint_name_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; common::ObString constraint_name_; }; inline uint64_t ObConstraintInfoHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&database_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), hash_ret); // case insensitive hash_ret = common::ObCharset::hash(common::CS_TYPE_UTF8MB4_GENERAL_CI, constraint_name_, hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObConstraintInfoHashWrapper::operator==(const ObConstraintInfoHashWrapper& rv) const { // mysql case insensitive // oracle case sensitive ObCompareNameWithTenantID name_cmp(tenant_id_); return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (database_id_ == rv.database_id_) && (0 == name_cmp.compare(constraint_name_, rv.constraint_name_)); } inline uint64_t ObTablegroupSchemaHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(tablegroup_name_.ptr(), tablegroup_name_.length(), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObTablegroupSchemaHashWrapper::operator==(const ObTablegroupSchemaHashWrapper& rv) const { return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (tablegroup_name_ == rv.tablegroup_name_); } struct ObTenantPlanBaselineId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantPlanBaselineId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), plan_baseline_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantPlanBaselineId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t plan_baseline_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), plan_baseline_id_(plan_baseline_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantPlanBaselineId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (plan_baseline_id_ == rhs.plan_baseline_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantPlanBaselineId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantPlanBaselineId& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = plan_baseline_id_ < rhs.plan_baseline_id_; } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&plan_baseline_id_, sizeof(plan_baseline_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (plan_baseline_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(plan_baseline_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t plan_baseline_id_; }; struct ObTenantOutlineId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantOutlineId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), outline_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantOutlineId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t outline_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), outline_id_(outline_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantOutlineId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (outline_id_ == rhs.outline_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantOutlineId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantOutlineId& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = outline_id_ < rhs.outline_id_; } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&outline_id_, sizeof(outline_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (outline_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(outline_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t outline_id_; }; // For managing privilege struct ObTenantUserId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantUserId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantUserId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t user_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), user_id_(user_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantUserId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (user_id_ == rhs.user_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantUserId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantUserId& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = user_id_ < rhs.user_id_; } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&user_id_, sizeof(user_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (user_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t user_id_; }; // For managing privilege struct ObTenantUrObjId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantUrObjId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), grantee_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), obj_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), obj_type_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), col_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantUrObjId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t grantee_id, const uint64_t obj_id, const uint64_t obj_type, const uint64_t col_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), grantee_id_(grantee_id), obj_id_(obj_id), obj_type_(obj_type), col_id_(col_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantUrObjId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (grantee_id_ == rhs.grantee_id_) && (obj_id_ == rhs.obj_id_) && (obj_type_ == rhs.obj_type_) && (col_id_ == rhs.col_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantUrObjId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantUrObjId& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = grantee_id_ < rhs.grantee_id_; if (false == bret && grantee_id_ == rhs.grantee_id_) { bret = obj_id_ < rhs.obj_id_; if (false == bret && obj_id_ == rhs.obj_id_) { bret = obj_type_ < rhs.obj_type_; if (false == bret && obj_type_ == rhs.obj_type_) { bret = col_id_ < rhs.col_id_; } } } } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&grantee_id_, sizeof(grantee_id_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&obj_id_, sizeof(obj_id_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&obj_type_, sizeof(obj_type_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&col_id_, sizeof(col_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (grantee_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (obj_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (obj_type_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (col_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(grantee_id), K_(obj_id), K_(obj_type), K_(col_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t grantee_id_; uint64_t obj_id_; uint64_t obj_type_; uint64_t col_id_; }; class ObPrintPrivSet { public: explicit ObPrintPrivSet(ObPrivSet priv_set) : priv_set_(priv_set) {} DECLARE_TO_STRING; private: ObPrivSet priv_set_; }; class ObPrintPackedPrivArray { public: explicit ObPrintPackedPrivArray(const ObPackedPrivArray& packed_priv_array) : packed_priv_array_(packed_priv_array) {} DECLARE_TO_STRING; private: const ObPackedPrivArray& packed_priv_array_; }; class ObPriv { OB_UNIS_VERSION_V(1); public: ObPriv() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), schema_version_(1), priv_set_(0), priv_array_() {} ObPriv(common::ObIAllocator* allocator) : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), schema_version_(1), priv_set_(0), priv_array_(common::OB_MALLOC_NORMAL_BLOCK_SIZE, common::ModulePageAllocator(*allocator)) {} ObPriv(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t user_id, const int64_t schema_version, const ObPrivSet priv_set) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), user_id_(user_id), schema_version_(schema_version), priv_set_(priv_set), priv_array_() {} virtual ~ObPriv() {} ObPriv& operator=(const ObPriv& other); static bool cmp_tenant_user_id(const ObPriv* lhs, const ObTenantUserId& tenant_user_id) { return (lhs->get_tenant_user_id() < tenant_user_id); } static bool equal_tenant_user_id(const ObPriv* lhs, const ObTenantUserId& tenant_user_id) { return (lhs->get_tenant_user_id() == tenant_user_id); } static bool cmp_tenant_id(const ObPriv* lhs, const uint64_t tenant_id) { return (lhs->get_tenant_id() < tenant_id); } ObTenantUserId get_tenant_user_id() const { return ObTenantUserId(tenant_id_, user_id_); } inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } inline void set_user_id(const uint64_t user_id) { user_id_ = user_id; } inline void set_schema_version(const uint64_t schema_version) { schema_version_ = schema_version; } inline void set_priv(const ObPrivType priv) { priv_set_ |= priv; } inline void set_priv_set(const ObPrivSet priv_set) { priv_set_ = priv_set; } inline void reset_priv_set() { priv_set_ = 0; } inline void set_obj_privs(const ObPackedObjPriv obj_privs) { priv_set_ = obj_privs; } int set_priv_array(const ObPackedPrivArray& other) { return priv_array_.assign(other); } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; }; inline uint64_t get_user_id() const { return user_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline ObPrivSet get_priv_set() const { return priv_set_; } inline ObPrivType get_priv(const ObPrivType priv) const { return priv_set_ & priv; } inline const ObPackedPrivArray& get_priv_array() const { return priv_array_; } inline ObPackedObjPriv get_obj_privs() const { return priv_set_; } virtual void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; virtual bool is_valid() const { return common::OB_INVALID_ID != tenant_id_ && common::OB_INVALID_ID != user_id_ && schema_version_ > 0; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(schema_version), "privileges", ObPrintPrivSet(priv_set_)); protected: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t user_id_; int64_t schema_version_; ObPrivSet priv_set_; // ObPrivSet ora_sys_priv_set_; ObPackedPrivArray priv_array_; }; // Not used now class ObUserInfoHashWrapper { public: ObUserInfoHashWrapper() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObUserInfoHashWrapper(uint64_t tenant_id, const common::ObString& user_name) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), user_name_(user_name) {} ~ObUserInfoHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObUserInfoHashWrapper& rv) const; inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_user_name() const { return user_name_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; common::ObString user_name_; }; inline uint64_t ObUserInfoHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(user_name_.ptr(), user_name_.length(), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObUserInfoHashWrapper::operator==(const ObUserInfoHashWrapper& other) const { return (tenant_id_ == other.tenant_id_) && (user_name_ == other.user_name_); } enum class ObSSLType : int { SSL_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED = 0, SSL_TYPE_NONE, SSL_TYPE_ANY, SSL_TYPE_X509, SSL_TYPE_SPECIFIED, SSL_TYPE_MAX }; common::ObString get_ssl_type_string(const ObSSLType ssl_type); ObSSLType get_ssl_type_from_string(const common::ObString& ssl_type_str); enum class ObSSLSpecifiedType : int { SSL_SPEC_TYPE_CIPHER = 0, SSL_SPEC_TYPE_ISSUER, SSL_SPEC_TYPE_SUBJECT, SSL_SPEC_TYPE_MAX }; const char* get_ssl_spec_type_str(const ObSSLSpecifiedType ssl_spec_type); enum ObUserType { OB_USER = 0, OB_ROLE, OB_TYPE_MAX, }; #define ADMIN_OPTION_SHIFT 0 #define DISABLE_FLAG_SHIFT 1 class ObUserInfo : public ObSchema, public ObPriv { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObUserInfo() : ObSchema(), ObPriv(), user_name_(), host_name_(), passwd_(), info_(), locked_(false), ssl_type_(ObSSLType::SSL_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED), ssl_cipher_(), x509_issuer_(), x509_subject_(), type_(OB_USER), grantee_id_array_(), role_id_array_(), profile_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), password_last_changed_timestamp_(common::OB_INVALID_TIMESTAMP), role_id_option_array_() {} explicit ObUserInfo(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObUserInfo(); ObUserInfo(const ObUserInfo& other); ObUserInfo& operator=(const ObUserInfo& other); static bool cmp(const ObUserInfo* lhs, const ObUserInfo* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_tenant_user_id() < rhs->get_tenant_user_id() : false; } static bool equal(const ObUserInfo* lhs, const ObUserInfo* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_tenant_user_id() == rhs->get_tenant_user_id() : false; } // set methods inline int set_user_name(const char* user_name) { return deep_copy_str(user_name, user_name_); } inline int set_user_name(const common::ObString& user_name) { return deep_copy_str(user_name, user_name_); } inline int set_host(const char* host_name) { return deep_copy_str(host_name, host_name_); } inline int set_host(const common::ObString& host_name) { return deep_copy_str(host_name, host_name_); } inline int set_passwd(const char* passwd) { return deep_copy_str(passwd, passwd_); } inline int set_passwd(const common::ObString& passwd) { return deep_copy_str(passwd, passwd_); } inline int set_info(const char* info) { return deep_copy_str(info, info_); } inline int set_info(const common::ObString& info) { return deep_copy_str(info, info_); } inline void set_is_locked(const bool locked) { locked_ = locked; } inline void set_ssl_type(const ObSSLType ssl_type) { ssl_type_ = ssl_type; } inline int set_ssl_cipher(const char* ssl_cipher) { return deep_copy_str(ssl_cipher, ssl_cipher_); } inline int set_ssl_cipher(const common::ObString& ssl_cipher) { return deep_copy_str(ssl_cipher, ssl_cipher_); } inline int set_x509_issuer(const char* x509_issuer) { return deep_copy_str(x509_issuer, x509_issuer_); } inline int set_x509_issuer(const common::ObString& x509_issuer) { return deep_copy_str(x509_issuer, x509_issuer_); } inline int set_x509_subject(const char* x509_subject) { return deep_copy_str(x509_subject, x509_subject_); } inline int set_x509_subject(const common::ObString& x509_subject) { return deep_copy_str(x509_subject, x509_subject_); } inline void set_type(const uint64_t type) { type_ = type; } inline void set_profile_id(const uint64_t profile_id) { profile_id_ = profile_id; } inline void set_password_last_changed(int64_t ts) { password_last_changed_timestamp_ = ts; } // get methods inline const char* get_user_name() const { return extract_str(user_name_); } inline const common::ObString& get_user_name_str() const { return user_name_; } inline const char* get_host_name() const { return extract_str(host_name_); } inline const common::ObString& get_host_name_str() const { return host_name_; } inline const char* get_passwd() const { return extract_str(passwd_); } inline const common::ObString& get_passwd_str() const { return passwd_; } inline const char* get_info() const { return extract_str(info_); } inline const common::ObString& get_info_str() const { return info_; } inline bool get_is_locked() const { return locked_; } inline ObSSLType get_ssl_type() const { return ssl_type_; } inline const common::ObString get_ssl_type_str() const { return get_ssl_type_string(ssl_type_); } inline const char* get_ssl_cipher() const { return extract_str(ssl_cipher_); } inline const common::ObString& get_ssl_cipher_str() const { return ssl_cipher_; } inline const char* get_x509_issuer() const { return extract_str(x509_issuer_); } inline const common::ObString& get_x509_issuer_str() const { return x509_issuer_; } inline const char* get_x509_subject() const { return extract_str(x509_subject_); } inline const common::ObString& get_x509_subject_str() const { return x509_subject_; } inline uint64_t get_profile_id() const { return profile_id_; } inline int64_t get_password_last_changed() const { return password_last_changed_timestamp_; } // role inline bool is_role() const { return OB_ROLE == type_; } inline int get_grantee_count() const { return grantee_id_array_.count(); } inline int get_role_count() const { return role_id_array_.count(); } const common::ObSEArray& get_grantee_id_array() const { return grantee_id_array_; } const common::ObSEArray& get_role_id_array() const { return role_id_array_; } const common::ObSEArray& get_role_id_option_array() const { return role_id_option_array_; } int add_grantee_id(const uint64_t id) { return grantee_id_array_.push_back(id); } int add_role_id(const uint64_t id, const uint64_t admin_option = NO_OPTION, const uint64_t disable_flag = 0); void set_admin_option(uint64_t& option, const uint64_t admin_option) { option |= (admin_option << ADMIN_OPTION_SHIFT); } void set_disable_flag(uint64_t& option, const uint64_t disable_flag) { option |= (disable_flag << DISABLE_FLAG_SHIFT); } int get_nth_role_option(uint64_t nth, uint64_t& option) const; uint64_t get_admin_option(uint64_t option) const { return 1 & (option >> ADMIN_OPTION_SHIFT); } uint64_t get_disable_option(uint64_t option) const { return 1 & (option >> DISABLE_FLAG_SHIFT); } // other methods virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(user_name), K_(host_name), "privileges", ObPrintPrivSet(priv_set_), K_(info), K_(locked), K_(ssl_type), K_(ssl_cipher), K_(x509_issuer), K_(x509_subject), K_(type), K_(grantee_id_array), K_(role_id_array), K_(profile_id)); bool role_exists(const uint64_t role_id, const uint64_t option) const; int get_seq_by_role_id(uint64_t role_id, uint64_t& seq) const; private: common::ObString user_name_; common::ObString host_name_; common::ObString passwd_; common::ObString info_; bool locked_; ObSSLType ssl_type_; common::ObString ssl_cipher_; common::ObString x509_issuer_; common::ObString x509_subject_; int type_; common::ObSEArray grantee_id_array_; // Record role granted to user common::ObSEArray role_id_array_; // Record which roles the user/role has uint64_t profile_id_; int64_t password_last_changed_timestamp_; common::ObSEArray role_id_option_array_; // Record which roles the user/role has }; struct ObDBPrivSortKey { ObDBPrivSortKey() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), sort_(0) {} ObDBPrivSortKey(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t user_id, const uint64_t sort_value) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), user_id_(user_id), sort_(sort_value) {} bool operator==(const ObDBPrivSortKey& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (user_id_ == rhs.user_id_) && (sort_ == rhs.sort_); } bool operator!=(const ObDBPrivSortKey& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObDBPrivSortKey& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (false == bret && tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = user_id_ < rhs.user_id_; if (false == bret && user_id_ == rhs.user_id_) { bret = sort_ > rhs.sort_; // sort values of 'sort_' from big to small } } return bret; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K(sort_)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t user_id_; uint64_t sort_; }; struct ObOriginalDBKey { ObOriginalDBKey() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObOriginalDBKey(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t user_id, const common::ObString& db) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), user_id_(user_id), db_(db) {} bool operator==(const ObOriginalDBKey& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (user_id_ == rhs.user_id_) && (db_ == rhs.db_); } bool operator!=(const ObOriginalDBKey& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObOriginalDBKey& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (false == bret && tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = user_id_ < rhs.user_id_; } return bret; } // Not used yet. inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&user_id_, sizeof(user_id_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(db_.ptr(), db_.length(), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (user_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(db)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t user_id_; common::ObString db_; }; struct ObSysPrivKey { ObSysPrivKey() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), grantee_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObSysPrivKey(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t user_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), grantee_id_(user_id) {} bool operator==(const ObSysPrivKey& rhs) const { return ((tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (grantee_id_ == rhs.grantee_id_)); } bool operator!=(const ObSysPrivKey& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObSysPrivKey& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (false == bret && tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = grantee_id_ < rhs.grantee_id_; } return bret; } // Not used yet. inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&grantee_id_, sizeof(grantee_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (grantee_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(grantee_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t grantee_id_; }; class ObDBPriv : public ObSchema, public ObPriv { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObDBPriv() : ObPriv(), db_(), sort_(0) {} explicit ObDBPriv(common::ObIAllocator* allocator) : ObSchema(allocator), ObPriv(allocator), db_(), sort_(0) {} virtual ~ObDBPriv() {} ObDBPriv(const ObDBPriv& other) : ObSchema(), ObPriv() { *this = other; } ObDBPriv& operator=(const ObDBPriv& other); static bool cmp(const ObDBPriv* lhs, const ObDBPriv* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? (lhs->get_sort_key() < rhs->get_sort_key()) : false; } static bool cmp_sort_key(const ObDBPriv* lhs, const ObDBPrivSortKey& sort_key) { return NULL != lhs ? lhs->get_sort_key() < sort_key : false; } ObDBPrivSortKey get_sort_key() const { return ObDBPrivSortKey(tenant_id_, user_id_, sort_); } static bool equal(const ObDBPriv* lhs, const ObDBPriv* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_sort_key() == rhs->get_sort_key() : false; } // point check ObOriginalDBKey get_original_key() const { return ObOriginalDBKey(tenant_id_, user_id_, db_); } // set methods inline int set_database_name(const char* db) { return deep_copy_str(db, db_); } inline int set_database_name(const common::ObString& db) { return deep_copy_str(db, db_); } inline void set_sort(const uint64_t sort) { sort_ = sort; } // get methods inline const char* get_database_name() const { return extract_str(db_); } inline const common::ObString& get_database_name_str() const { return db_; } inline uint64_t get_sort() const { return sort_; } // other methods virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(db), "privileges", ObPrintPrivSet(priv_set_)); private: common::ObString db_; uint64_t sort_; }; // In order to find in table_privs_ whether a table is authorized under a certain db struct ObTablePrivDBKey { ObTablePrivDBKey() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTablePrivDBKey(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t user_id, const common::ObString& db) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), user_id_(user_id), db_(db) {} bool operator==(const ObTablePrivDBKey& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (user_id_ == rhs.user_id_) && (db_ == rhs.db_); } bool operator!=(const ObTablePrivDBKey& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTablePrivDBKey& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (false == bret && tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = user_id_ < rhs.user_id_; if (false == bret && user_id_ == rhs.user_id_) { bret = db_ < rhs.db_; } } return bret; } uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t user_id_; common::ObString db_; }; struct ObTablePrivSortKey { ObTablePrivSortKey() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTablePrivSortKey( const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t user_id, const common::ObString& db, const common::ObString& table) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), user_id_(user_id), db_(db), table_(table) {} bool operator==(const ObTablePrivSortKey& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (user_id_ == rhs.user_id_) && (db_ == rhs.db_) && (table_ == rhs.table_); } bool operator!=(const ObTablePrivSortKey& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTablePrivSortKey& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (false == bret && tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = user_id_ < rhs.user_id_; if (false == bret && user_id_ == rhs.user_id_) { bret = db_ < rhs.db_; if (false == bret && db_ == rhs.db_) { bret = table_ < rhs.table_; } } } return bret; } // Not used yet. inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&user_id_, sizeof(user_id_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(db_.ptr(), db_.length(), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(table_.ptr(), table_.length(), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (user_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(db), K_(table)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t user_id_; common::ObString db_; common::ObString table_; }; struct ObObjPrivSortKey { ObObjPrivSortKey() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), obj_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), obj_type_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), col_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), grantor_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), grantee_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObObjPrivSortKey(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t obj_id, const uint64_t obj_type, const uint64_t col_id, const uint64_t grantor_id, const uint64_t grantee_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), obj_id_(obj_id), obj_type_(obj_type), col_id_(col_id), grantor_id_(grantor_id), grantee_id_(grantee_id) {} bool operator==(const ObObjPrivSortKey& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (obj_id_ == rhs.obj_id_) && (obj_type_ == rhs.obj_type_) && (col_id_ == rhs.col_id_) && (grantor_id_ == rhs.grantor_id_) && (grantee_id_ == rhs.grantee_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObObjPrivSortKey& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObObjPrivSortKey& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (false == bret && tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = grantee_id_ < rhs.grantee_id_; if (false == bret && grantee_id_ == rhs.grantee_id_) { bret = obj_id_ < rhs.obj_id_; if (false == bret && obj_id_ == rhs.obj_id_) { bret = obj_type_ < rhs.obj_type_; if (false == bret && obj_type_ == rhs.obj_type_) { bret = col_id_ < rhs.col_id_; if (false == bret && col_id_ == rhs.col_id_) { bret = grantor_id_ < rhs.grantor_id_; } } } } } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&grantee_id_, sizeof(grantee_id_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&obj_id_, sizeof(obj_id_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&obj_type_, sizeof(obj_type_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&col_id_, sizeof(col_id_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&grantor_id_, sizeof(grantor_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (obj_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (obj_type_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (grantor_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (grantee_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(obj_id), K_(obj_type), K_(col_id), K_(grantor_id), K_(grantee_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t obj_id_; uint64_t obj_type_; uint64_t col_id_; uint64_t grantor_id_; uint64_t grantee_id_; }; typedef common::ObSEArray ObObjPrivSortKeyArray; class ObTablePriv : public ObSchema, public ObPriv { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: // constructor and destructor ObTablePriv() : ObSchema(), ObPriv() {} explicit ObTablePriv(common::ObIAllocator* allocator) : ObSchema(allocator), ObPriv(allocator) {} ObTablePriv(const ObTablePriv& other) : ObSchema(), ObPriv() { *this = other; } virtual ~ObTablePriv() {} // operator= ObTablePriv& operator=(const ObTablePriv& other); // for sort ObTablePrivSortKey get_sort_key() const { return ObTablePrivSortKey(tenant_id_, user_id_, db_, table_); } static bool cmp(const ObTablePriv* lhs, const ObTablePriv* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_sort_key() < rhs->get_sort_key() : false; } static bool cmp_sort_key(const ObTablePriv* lhs, const ObTablePrivSortKey& sort_key) { return NULL != lhs ? lhs->get_sort_key() < sort_key : false; } static bool equal(const ObTablePriv* lhs, const ObTablePriv* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_sort_key() == rhs->get_sort_key() : false; } static bool equal_sort_key(const ObTablePriv* lhs, const ObTablePrivSortKey& sort_key) { return NULL != lhs ? lhs->get_sort_key() == sort_key : false; } ObTablePrivDBKey get_db_key() const { return ObTablePrivDBKey(tenant_id_, user_id_, db_); } static bool cmp_db_key(const ObTablePriv* lhs, const ObTablePrivDBKey& db_key) { return lhs->get_db_key() < db_key; } // set methods inline int set_database_name(const char* db) { return deep_copy_str(db, db_); } inline int set_database_name(const common::ObString& db) { return deep_copy_str(db, db_); } inline int set_table_name(const char* table) { return deep_copy_str(table, table_); } inline int set_table_name(const common::ObString& table) { return deep_copy_str(table, table_); } // get methods inline const char* get_database_name() const { return extract_str(db_); } inline const common::ObString& get_database_name_str() const { return db_; } inline const char* get_table_name() const { return extract_str(table_); } inline const common::ObString& get_table_name_str() const { return table_; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(db), K_(table), "privileges", ObPrintPrivSet(priv_set_)); // other methods virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; private: common::ObString db_; common::ObString table_; }; class ObObjPriv : public ObSchema, public ObPriv { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: // constructor and destructor ObObjPriv() : ObSchema(), ObPriv() {} explicit ObObjPriv(common::ObIAllocator* allocator) : ObSchema(allocator), ObPriv() {} ObObjPriv(const ObObjPriv& other) : ObSchema(), ObPriv() { *this = other; } virtual ~ObObjPriv() {} // operator= ObObjPriv& operator=(const ObObjPriv& other); // for sort ObObjPrivSortKey get_sort_key() const { return ObObjPrivSortKey(tenant_id_, obj_id_, obj_type_, col_id_, grantor_id_, grantee_id_); } ObTenantUrObjId get_tenant_ur_obj_id() const { return ObTenantUrObjId(tenant_id_, grantee_id_, obj_id_, obj_type_, col_id_); } static bool cmp_tenant_ur_obj_id(const ObObjPriv* lhs, const ObTenantUrObjId& rhs) { return (lhs->get_tenant_ur_obj_id() < rhs); } static bool cmp(const ObObjPriv* lhs, const ObObjPriv* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_sort_key() < rhs->get_sort_key() : false; } static bool cmp_sort_key(const ObObjPriv* lhs, const ObObjPrivSortKey& sort_key) { return NULL != lhs ? lhs->get_sort_key() < sort_key : false; } static bool equal(const ObObjPriv* lhs, const ObObjPriv* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_sort_key() == rhs->get_sort_key() : false; } static bool equal_sort_key(const ObObjPriv* lhs, const ObObjPrivSortKey& sort_key) { return NULL != lhs ? lhs->get_sort_key() == sort_key : false; } // ObTablePrivDBKey get_db_key() const // { return ObTablePrivDBKey(tenant_id_, user_id_, db_); } // static bool cmp_db_key(const ObTablePriv *lhs, const ObTablePrivDBKey &db_key) // { return lhs->get_db_key() < db_key; } // set methods inline void set_obj_id(const uint64_t obj_id) { obj_id_ = obj_id; } inline void set_col_id(const uint64_t col_id) { col_id_ = col_id; } inline void set_grantor_id(const uint64_t grantor_id) { grantor_id_ = grantor_id; } inline void set_grantee_id(const uint64_t grantee_id) { grantee_id_ = grantee_id; } inline void set_objtype(const uint64_t objtype) { obj_type_ = objtype; } // get methods inline uint64_t get_objtype() const { return obj_type_; } inline uint64_t get_obj_id() const { return obj_id_; } inline uint64_t get_col_id() const { return col_id_; } inline uint64_t get_grantee_id() const { return grantee_id_; } inline uint64_t get_grantor_id() const { return grantor_id_; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(obj_id), K_(obj_type), K_(col_id), "privileges", ObPrintPrivSet(priv_set_), K_(grantor_id), K_(grantee_id)); // other methods virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; private: uint64_t obj_id_; uint64_t obj_type_; uint64_t col_id_; uint64_t grantor_id_; uint64_t grantee_id_; }; enum ObPrivLevel { OB_PRIV_INVALID_LEVEL, OB_PRIV_USER_LEVEL, OB_PRIV_DB_LEVEL, OB_PRIV_TABLE_LEVEL, OB_PRIV_DB_ACCESS_LEVEL, OB_PRIV_SYS_ORACLE_LEVEL, /* oracle-mode system privilege */ OB_PRIV_OBJ_ORACLE_LEVEL, /* oracle-mode object privilege */ OB_PRIV_MAX_LEVEL, }; const char* ob_priv_level_str(const ObPrivLevel grant_level); struct ObNeedPriv { ObNeedPriv(const common::ObString& db, const common::ObString& table, ObPrivLevel priv_level, ObPrivSet priv_set, const bool is_sys_table) : db_(db), table_(table), priv_level_(priv_level), priv_set_(priv_set), is_sys_table_(is_sys_table) {} ObNeedPriv() : db_(), table_(), priv_level_(OB_PRIV_INVALID_LEVEL), priv_set_(0), is_sys_table_(false) {} int deep_copy(const ObNeedPriv& other, common::ObIAllocator& allocator); common::ObString db_; common::ObString table_; ObPrivLevel priv_level_; ObPrivSet priv_set_; bool is_sys_table_; // May be used to represent the table of schema metadata TO_STRING_KV(K_(db), K_(table), K_(priv_set), K_(priv_level), K_(is_sys_table)); }; struct ObStmtNeedPrivs { typedef common::ObFixedArray NeedPrivs; explicit ObStmtNeedPrivs(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : need_privs_(alloc) {} ObStmtNeedPrivs() : need_privs_() {} ~ObStmtNeedPrivs() { reset(); } void reset() { need_privs_.reset(); } int deep_copy(const ObStmtNeedPrivs& other, common::ObIAllocator& allocator); NeedPrivs need_privs_; TO_STRING_KV(K_(need_privs)); }; #define CHECK_FLAG_NORMAL 0X0 #define CHECK_FLAG_DIRECT 0X1 #define CHECK_FLAG_WITH_GRANT_OPTION 0x2 /* flag Can proceed or */ // Define the permissions required in oracle mode. // Record a set of system permissions, or an object permission struct ObOraNeedPriv { ObOraNeedPriv() : db_name_(), grantee_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), obj_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), col_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), obj_type_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), check_flag_(false), obj_privs_(0), owner_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObOraNeedPriv(const common::ObString& db_name, uint64_t grantee_id, uint64_t obj_id, uint64_t col_id, uint64_t obj_type, uint32_t check_flag, ObPackedObjPriv obj_privs, uint64_t owner_id) : db_name_(db_name), grantee_id_(grantee_id), obj_id_(obj_id), col_id_(col_id), obj_type_(obj_type), check_flag_(check_flag), obj_privs_(obj_privs), owner_id_(owner_id) {} ~ObOraNeedPriv() {} int deep_copy(const ObOraNeedPriv& other, common::ObIAllocator& allocator); bool same_obj(const ObOraNeedPriv& other); // ObOraNeedPriv& operator=(const ObOraNeedPriv &other); common::ObString db_name_; uint64_t grantee_id_; uint64_t obj_id_; uint64_t col_id_; uint64_t obj_type_; uint64_t check_flag_; ObPackedObjPriv obj_privs_; uint64_t owner_id_; TO_STRING_KV( K_(db_name), K_(grantee_id), K_(obj_id), K_(col_id), K_(obj_type), K_(check_flag), K_(obj_privs), K_(owner_id)); }; // Define the permissions required for a statement in oracle mode. Use an array to record, // the system permissions and multiple object permissions are recorded in the array struct ObStmtOraNeedPrivs { typedef common::ObFixedArray OraNeedPrivs; explicit ObStmtOraNeedPrivs(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : need_privs_(alloc) {} ObStmtOraNeedPrivs() : need_privs_() {} ~ObStmtOraNeedPrivs() { reset(); } void reset() { need_privs_.reset(); } int deep_copy(const ObStmtOraNeedPrivs& other, common::ObIAllocator& allocator); OraNeedPrivs need_privs_; TO_STRING_KV(K_(need_privs)); }; struct ObSessionPrivInfo { ObSessionPrivInfo() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), user_name_(), host_name_(), db_(), user_priv_set_(0), db_priv_set_(0), effective_tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), enable_role_id_array_() {} ObSessionPrivInfo(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t effective_tenant_id, const uint64_t user_id, const common::ObString& db, const ObPrivSet user_priv_set, const ObPrivSet db_priv_set) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), user_id_(user_id), user_name_(), host_name_(), db_(db), user_priv_set_(user_priv_set), db_priv_set_(db_priv_set), effective_tenant_id_(effective_tenant_id), enable_role_id_array_() {} virtual ~ObSessionPrivInfo() {} void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; effective_tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; user_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; user_name_.reset(); host_name_.reset(); db_.reset(); user_priv_set_ = 0; db_priv_set_ = 0; enable_role_id_array_.reset(); } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (user_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } bool is_tenant_changed() const { return common::OB_INVALID_ID != effective_tenant_id_ && tenant_id_ != effective_tenant_id_; } void set_effective_tenant_id(uint64_t effective_tenant_id) { effective_tenant_id_ = effective_tenant_id; } uint64_t get_effective_tenant_id() { return effective_tenant_id_; } virtual TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(effective_tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(user_name), K_(host_name), K_(db), K_(user_priv_set), K_(db_priv_set)); uint64_t tenant_id_; // for privilege.Current login tenant. if normal tenant access // sys tenant's object should use other method for priv checking. uint64_t user_id_; common::ObString user_name_; common::ObString host_name_; common::ObString db_; // db name in current session ObPrivSet user_priv_set_; ObPrivSet db_priv_set_; // user's db_priv_set of db // Only used for privilege check to determine whether there are currently tenants, otherwise the value is illegal uint64_t effective_tenant_id_; common::ObSEArray enable_role_id_array_; }; struct ObUserLoginInfo { ObUserLoginInfo() {} ObUserLoginInfo(const common::ObString& tenant_name, const common::ObString& user_name, const common::ObString& client_ip, const common::ObString& passwd, const common::ObString& db) : tenant_name_(tenant_name), user_name_(user_name), client_ip_(client_ip), passwd_(passwd), db_(db), scramble_str_() {} ObUserLoginInfo(const common::ObString& tenant_name, const common::ObString& user_name, const common::ObString& client_ip, const common::ObString& passwd, const common::ObString& db, const common::ObString& scramble_str) : tenant_name_(tenant_name), user_name_(user_name), client_ip_(client_ip), passwd_(passwd), db_(db), scramble_str_(scramble_str) {} TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_name), K_(user_name), K_(client_ip), K_(db), K_(scramble_str)); common::ObString tenant_name_; common::ObString user_name_; common::ObString client_ip_; // client ip for current user common::ObString passwd_; common::ObString db_; common::ObString scramble_str_; }; // oracle compatible: define u/r system permissions class ObSysPriv : public ObSchema, public ObPriv { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObSysPriv() : ObPriv(), grantee_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} explicit ObSysPriv(common::ObIAllocator* allocator) : ObSchema(allocator), ObPriv(allocator) {} virtual ~ObSysPriv() {} ObSysPriv(const ObSysPriv& other) : ObSchema(), ObPriv(), grantee_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) { *this = other; } ObSysPriv& operator=(const ObSysPriv& other); static bool cmp_tenant_grantee_id(const ObSysPriv* lhs, const ObTenantUserId& tenant_grantee_id) { return (lhs->get_tenant_grantee_id() < tenant_grantee_id); } static bool equal_tenant_grantee_id(const ObSysPriv* lhs, const ObTenantUserId& tenant_grantee_id) { return (lhs->get_tenant_grantee_id() == tenant_grantee_id); } static bool cmp_tenant_id(const ObPriv* lhs, const uint64_t tenant_id) { return (lhs->get_tenant_id() < tenant_id); } ObTenantUserId get_tenant_grantee_id() const { return ObTenantUserId(tenant_id_, grantee_id_); } void set_grantee_id(uint64_t grantee_id) { grantee_id_ = grantee_id; } uint64_t get_grantee_id() const { return grantee_id_; } void set_revoke() { user_id_ = 234; } bool is_revoke() { return user_id_ == 234; } static bool cmp(const ObSysPriv* lhs, const ObSysPriv* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? (lhs->get_key() < rhs->get_key()) : false; } static bool cmp_key(const ObSysPriv* lhs, const ObSysPrivKey& key) { return NULL != lhs ? lhs->get_key() < key : false; } ObSysPrivKey get_key() const { return ObSysPrivKey(tenant_id_, grantee_id_); } static bool equal(const ObSysPriv* lhs, const ObSysPriv* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_key() == rhs->get_key() : false; } // point check // ObSysPrivKey get_original_key() const //{ return ObSysPrivKey(tenant_id_, user_id_); } // other methods virtual bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(user_id), K_(grantee_id), "privileges", ObPrintPrivSet(priv_set_), "packedprivarray", ObPrintPackedPrivArray(priv_array_)); private: uint64_t grantee_id_; }; int get_int_value(const common::ObString& str, int64_t& value); class ObHostnameStuct { public: ObHostnameStuct() {} ~ObHostnameStuct() {} static const uint32_t FAKE_PORT = 0; static const int MAX_IP_BITS = 128; static int get_int_value(const common::ObString& str, int64_t& value); static bool calc_ip(const common::ObString& host_ip, common::ObAddr& addr); static bool calc_ip_mask(const common::ObString& host_ip_mask, common::ObAddr& mask); static bool is_ip_match(const common::ObString& client_ip, common::ObString host_name); static bool is_wild_match(const common::ObString& client_ip, const common::ObString& host_name); static bool is_in_white_list(const common::ObString& client_ip, common::ObString& ip_white_list); }; enum ObHintFormat { HINT_NORMAL, HINT_LOCAL, }; class ObFixedParam { public: ObFixedParam() : offset_(common::OB_INVALID_INDEX), value_() {} virtual ~ObFixedParam() {} bool has_equal_value(const common::ObObj& other_value) const; bool is_equal(const ObFixedParam& other_param) const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(K(offset_), K(value_)); int64_t offset_; common::ObObj value_; }; class ObMaxConcurrentParam { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: static const int64_t UNLIMITED = -1; typedef common::ObArray FixParamStore; explicit ObMaxConcurrentParam(common::ObIAllocator* allocator, const common::ObMemAttr& attr = common::ObMemAttr()); virtual ~ObMaxConcurrentParam(); int destroy(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; int assign(const ObMaxConcurrentParam& max_concurrent_param); int64_t get_concurrent_num() const { return concurrent_num_; } int match_fixed_param(const ParamStore& const_param_store, bool& is_match) const; bool is_concurrent_limit_param() const { return concurrent_num_ != UNLIMITED; } bool is_outline_content_param() const { return !outline_content_.empty(); } int get_fixed_param_with_offset(int64_t offset, ObFixedParam& fixed_param, bool& is_found) const; int same_param_as(const ObMaxConcurrentParam& other, bool& is_same) const; void set_mem_attr(const common::ObMemAttr& attr) { mem_attr_ = attr; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(K_(concurrent_num), K_(outline_content), K_(fixed_param_store)); private: int deep_copy_outline_content(const common::ObString& src); int deep_copy_param_value(const common::ObObj& src, common::ObObj& dest); public: common::ObIAllocator* allocator_; int64_t concurrent_num_; common::ObString outline_content_; common::ObMemAttr mem_attr_; FixParamStore fixed_param_store_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObMaxConcurrentParam); }; // used for outline manager class ObOutlineParamsWrapper { typedef common::ObArray OutlineParamsArray; OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObOutlineParamsWrapper(); explicit ObOutlineParamsWrapper(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); ~ObOutlineParamsWrapper(); int destroy(); int assign(const ObOutlineParamsWrapper& src); int set_allocator(common::ObIAllocator* allocator, const common::ObMemAttr& attr = common::ObMemAttr()); OutlineParamsArray& get_outline_params() { return outline_params_; } const OutlineParamsArray& get_outline_params() const { return outline_params_; } ObMaxConcurrentParam* get_outline_param(int64_t index) const; int64_t get_convert_size() const; bool is_empty() const { return 0 == outline_params_.count(); } int add_param(const ObMaxConcurrentParam& param); int has_param(const ObMaxConcurrentParam& param, bool& has_param) const; int has_concurrent_limit_param(bool& has) const; int64_t get_param_count() const { return outline_params_.count(); } void reset_allocator() { allocator_ = NULL; mem_attr_ = common::ObMemAttr(); } void set_mem_attr(const common::ObMemAttr& attr) { mem_attr_ = attr; }; TO_STRING_KV(K_(outline_params)); private: common::ObIAllocator* allocator_; OutlineParamsArray outline_params_; common::ObMemAttr mem_attr_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObOutlineParamsWrapper); }; struct BaselineKey { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: BaselineKey() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), db_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(db_id), K_(constructed_sql), K_(params_info_str)); inline uint64_t hash(uint64_t seed = 0) const { uint64_t hash_val = seed; hash_val = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), hash_val); hash_val = common::murmurhash(&db_id_, sizeof(db_id_), hash_val); hash_val = constructed_sql_.hash(hash_val); hash_val = params_info_str_.hash(hash_val); return hash_val; } inline bool operator==(const BaselineKey& other_key) const { return tenant_id_ == other_key.tenant_id_ && db_id_ == other_key.db_id_ && constructed_sql_ == other_key.constructed_sql_ && params_info_str_ == other_key.params_info_str_; } void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; db_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; constructed_sql_.reset(); params_info_str_.reset(); } uint64_t tenant_id_; // tenant id -- ob sql layer obtain uint64_t db_id_; // database id -- ob sql layer obtain common::ObString constructed_sql_; // Parameterized text string common::ObString params_info_str_; // ObPlanSet obtain }; class ObPlanBaselineInfo : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObPlanBaselineInfo(); explicit ObPlanBaselineInfo(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObPlanBaselineInfo(); ObPlanBaselineInfo(const ObPlanBaselineInfo& src_schema); ObPlanBaselineInfo& operator=(const ObPlanBaselineInfo& src_schema); void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; static bool cmp(const ObPlanBaselineInfo* lhs, const ObPlanBaselineInfo* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_plan_baseline_id() < rhs->get_plan_baseline_id() : false; } static bool equal(const ObPlanBaselineInfo* lhs, const ObPlanBaselineInfo* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_plan_baseline_id() == rhs->get_plan_baseline_id() : false; } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return key_.tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return key_.db_id_; } inline uint64_t get_plan_baseline_id() const { return plan_baseline_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline uint64_t get_plan_hash_value() const { return plan_hash_value_; } inline bool get_fixed() const { return fixed_; } inline bool get_enabled() const { return enabled_; } inline bool get_executions() const { return executions_; } inline bool get_cpu_time() const { return cpu_time_; } inline bool get_hints_all_worked() const { return hints_all_worked_; } inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t id) { key_.tenant_id_ = id; } inline void set_database_id(const uint64_t id) { key_.db_id_ = id; } inline void set_plan_baseline_id(uint64_t id) { plan_baseline_id_ = id; } inline void set_schema_version(int64_t version) { schema_version_ = version; } inline void set_plan_hash_value(uint64_t v) { plan_hash_value_ = v; } inline void set_fixed(bool v) { fixed_ = v; } inline void set_enabled(bool v) { enabled_ = v; } inline void set_executions(bool v) { executions_ = v; } inline void set_cpu_time(bool v) { cpu_time_ = v; } inline void set_hints_all_worked(bool hints_all_worked) { hints_all_worked_ = hints_all_worked; } // int set_plan_hash_value(const common::number::ObNumber &num); int set_sql_id(const char* sql_id) { return deep_copy_str(sql_id, sql_id_); } int set_sql_id(const common::ObString& sql_id) { return deep_copy_str(sql_id, sql_id_); } inline const char* get_sql_id() const { return extract_str(sql_id_); } inline const common::ObString& get_sql_id_str() const { return sql_id_; } int set_hints_info(const char* hints_info) { return deep_copy_str(hints_info, hints_info_); } int set_hints_info(const common::ObString& hints_info) { return deep_copy_str(hints_info, hints_info_); } inline const char* get_hints_info() const { return extract_str(hints_info_); } inline const common::ObString& get_hints_info_str() const { return hints_info_; } int set_outline_data(const char* outline_data) { return deep_copy_str(outline_data, outline_data_); } int set_outline_data(const common::ObString& outline_data) { return deep_copy_str(outline_data, outline_data_); } inline const char* get_outline_data() const { return extract_str(outline_data_); } inline const common::ObString& get_outline_data_str() const { return outline_data_; } int set_sql_text(const char* constructed_sql) { return deep_copy_str(constructed_sql, key_.constructed_sql_); } int set_sql_text(const common::ObString& constructed_sql) { return deep_copy_str(constructed_sql, key_.constructed_sql_); } inline const char* get_sql_text() const { return extract_str(key_.constructed_sql_); } inline const common::ObString& get_sql_text_str() const { return key_.constructed_sql_; } int set_params_info(const char* params_info) { return deep_copy_str(params_info, key_.params_info_str_); } int set_params_info(const common::ObString& params_info) { return deep_copy_str(params_info, key_.params_info_str_); } inline const char* get_params_info() const { return extract_str(key_.params_info_str_); } inline const common::ObString& get_params_info_str() const { return key_.params_info_str_; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(K_(key), K_(plan_baseline_id), K_(schema_version), K_(outline_data), K_(plan_hash_value), K_(fixed), K_(enabled), K_(executions), K_(cpu_time), K_(hints_info), K_(hints_all_worked)); public: BaselineKey key_; uint64_t plan_baseline_id_; int64_t schema_version_; // the last modify timestamp of this version common::ObString outline_data_; // Hint collection of fixed plan common::ObString sql_id_; // sql id //The last byte stores'\0' uint64_t plan_hash_value_; bool fixed_; bool enabled_; int64_t executions_; // The total number of executions in the evolution process int64_t cpu_time_; // The total CPU time consumed during the evolution process common::ObString hints_info_; bool hints_all_worked_; }; class ObOutlineInfo : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObOutlineInfo(); explicit ObOutlineInfo(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObOutlineInfo(); ObOutlineInfo(const ObOutlineInfo& src_schema); ObOutlineInfo& operator=(const ObOutlineInfo& src_schema); void reset(); bool is_valid() const; bool is_valid_for_replace() const; int64_t get_convert_size() const; static bool cmp(const ObOutlineInfo* lhs, const ObOutlineInfo* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_outline_id() < rhs->get_outline_id() : false; } static bool equal(const ObOutlineInfo* lhs, const ObOutlineInfo* rhs) { return (NULL != lhs && NULL != rhs) ? lhs->get_outline_id() == rhs->get_outline_id() : false; } inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t id) { tenant_id_ = id; } inline void set_database_id(const uint64_t id) { database_id_ = id; } inline void set_outline_id(uint64_t id) { outline_id_ = id; } inline void set_schema_version(int64_t version) { schema_version_ = version; } int set_name(const char* name) { return deep_copy_str(name, name_); } int set_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, name_); } int set_signature(const char* sig) { return deep_copy_str(sig, signature_); } int set_signature(const common::ObString& sig) { return deep_copy_str(sig, signature_); } int set_sql_id(const char* sql_id) { return deep_copy_str(sql_id, sql_id_); } int set_sql_id(const common::ObString& sql_id) { return deep_copy_str(sql_id, sql_id_); } int set_outline_params(const common::ObString& outline_params_str); int set_outline_content(const char* content) { return deep_copy_str(content, outline_content_); } int set_outline_content(const common::ObString& content) { return deep_copy_str(content, outline_content_); } int set_sql_text(const char* sql) { return deep_copy_str(sql, sql_text_); } int set_sql_text(const common::ObString& sql) { return deep_copy_str(sql, sql_text_); } int set_outline_target(const char* target) { return deep_copy_str(target, outline_target_); } int set_outline_target(const common::ObString& target) { return deep_copy_str(target, outline_target_); } int set_owner(const char* owner) { return deep_copy_str(owner, owner_); } int set_owner(const common::ObString& owner) { return deep_copy_str(owner, owner_); } void set_owner_id(const uint64_t owner_id) { owner_id_ = owner_id; } void set_used(const bool used) { used_ = used; } int set_version(const char* version) { return deep_copy_str(version, version_); } int set_version(const common::ObString& version) { return deep_copy_str(version, version_); } void set_compatible(const bool compatible) { compatible_ = compatible; } void set_enabled(const bool enabled) { enabled_ = enabled; } void set_format(const ObHintFormat hint_format) { format_ = hint_format; } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_owner_id() const { return owner_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline uint64_t get_outline_id() const { return outline_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline bool is_used() const { return used_; } inline bool is_enabled() const { return enabled_; } inline bool is_compatible() const { return compatible_; } inline ObHintFormat get_hint_format() const { return format_; } inline const char* get_name() const { return extract_str(name_); } inline const common::ObString& get_name_str() const { return name_; } inline const char* get_signature() const { return extract_str(signature_); } inline const char* get_sql_id() const { return extract_str(sql_id_); } inline const common::ObString& get_sql_id_str() const { return sql_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_signature_str() const { return signature_; } inline const char* get_outline_content() const { return extract_str(outline_content_); } inline const common::ObString& get_outline_content_str() const { return outline_content_; } inline const char* get_sql_text() const { return extract_str(sql_text_); } inline const common::ObString& get_sql_text_str() const { return sql_text_; } inline common::ObString& get_sql_text_str() { return sql_text_; } inline const char* get_outline_target() const { return extract_str(outline_target_); } inline const common::ObString& get_outline_target_str() const { return outline_target_; } inline common::ObString& get_outline_target_str() { return outline_target_; } inline const char* get_owner() const { return extract_str(owner_); } inline const common::ObString& get_owner_str() const { return owner_; } inline const char* get_version() const { return extract_str(version_); } inline const common::ObString& get_version_str() const { return version_; } int get_visible_signature(common::ObString& visiable_signature) const; int get_outline_sql( common::ObIAllocator& allocator, const sql::ObSQLSessionInfo& session, common::ObString& outline_sql) const; int get_hex_str_from_outline_params(common::ObString& hex_str, common::ObIAllocator& allocator) const; const ObOutlineParamsWrapper& get_outline_params_wrapper() const { return outline_params_wrapper_; } ObOutlineParamsWrapper& get_outline_params_wrapper() { return outline_params_wrapper_; } bool has_outline_params() const { return outline_params_wrapper_.get_outline_params().count() > 0; } int has_concurrent_limit_param(bool& has) const; int gen_valid_allocator(); int add_param(const ObMaxConcurrentParam& src_param); static int gen_limit_sql(const common::ObString& visible_signature, const ObMaxConcurrentParam* param, const sql::ObSQLSessionInfo& session, common::ObIAllocator& allocator, common::ObString& limit_sql); VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id), K_(outline_id), K_(schema_version), K_(name), K_(signature), K_(sql_id), K_(outline_content), K_(sql_text), K_(owner_id), K_(owner), K_(used), K_(compatible), K_(enabled), K_(format), K_(outline_params_wrapper), K_(outline_target)); static bool is_sql_id_valid(const common::ObString& sql_id); private: static int replace_question_mark(const common::ObString& not_param_sql, const ObMaxConcurrentParam& concurrent_param, int64_t start_pos, int64_t cur_pos, int64_t& question_mark_offset, common::ObSqlString& string_helper); static int replace_not_param(const common::ObString& not_param_sql, const ParseNode& node, int64_t start_pos, int64_t cur_pos, common::ObSqlString& string_helper); protected: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; uint64_t outline_id_; int64_t schema_version_; // the last modify timestamp of this version common::ObString name_; // outline name common::ObString signature_; // SQL after constant parameterization common::ObString sql_id_; // Used to directly determine sql_id common::ObString outline_content_; common::ObString sql_text_; common::ObString outline_target_; common::ObString owner_; bool used_; common::ObString version_; bool compatible_; bool enabled_; ObHintFormat format_; uint64_t owner_id_; ObOutlineParamsWrapper outline_params_wrapper_; }; class ObDbLinkBaseInfo : public ObSchema { public: ObDbLinkBaseInfo() : ObSchema() { reset(); } explicit ObDbLinkBaseInfo(common::ObIAllocator* allocator) : ObSchema(allocator) { reset(); } virtual ~ObDbLinkBaseInfo() {} inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t id) { tenant_id_ = id; } inline void set_owner_id(const uint64_t id) { owner_id_ = id; } inline void set_dblink_id(const uint64_t id) { dblink_id_ = id; } inline void set_schema_version(const int64_t version) { schema_version_ = version; } inline int set_dblink_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, dblink_name_); } inline int set_cluster_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, cluster_name_); } inline int set_tenant_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, tenant_name_); } inline int set_user_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, user_name_); } inline int set_password(const common::ObString& password) { return deep_copy_str(password, password_); } inline void set_host_addr(const common::ObAddr& addr) { host_addr_ = addr; } inline int set_host_ip(const common::ObString& host_ip) { host_addr_.set_ip_addr(host_ip, 0); return common::OB_SUCCESS; } inline void set_host_port(const int32_t host_port) { host_addr_.set_port(host_port); } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_owner_id() const { return owner_id_; } inline uint64_t get_dblink_id() const { return dblink_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline const common::ObString& get_dblink_name() const { return dblink_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_cluster_name() const { return cluster_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_tenant_name() const { return tenant_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_user_name() const { return user_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_password() const { return password_; } inline const common::ObAddr& get_host_addr() const { return host_addr_; } inline uint32_t get_host_ip() const { return host_addr_.get_ipv4(); } inline int32_t get_host_port() const { return host_addr_.get_port(); } void reset(); virtual bool is_valid() const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(owner_id), K_(dblink_id), K_(dblink_name), K_(cluster_name), K_(tenant_name), K_(user_name), K_(host_addr)); protected: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t owner_id_; uint64_t dblink_id_; int64_t schema_version_; common::ObString dblink_name_; common::ObString cluster_name_; common::ObString tenant_name_; common::ObString user_name_; common::ObString password_; // only encrypt when write to sys table. common::ObAddr host_addr_; }; struct ObTenantDbLinkId { public: ObTenantDbLinkId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), dblink_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantDbLinkId(uint64_t tenant_id, uint64_t dblink_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), dblink_id_(dblink_id) {} ObTenantDbLinkId(const ObTenantDbLinkId& other) : tenant_id_(other.tenant_id_), dblink_id_(other.dblink_id_) {} ObTenantDbLinkId& operator=(const ObTenantDbLinkId& other) { tenant_id_ = other.tenant_id_; dblink_id_ = other.dblink_id_; return *this; } bool operator==(const ObTenantDbLinkId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (dblink_id_ == rhs.dblink_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantDbLinkId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantDbLinkId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_) || (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_ && dblink_id_ < rhs.dblink_id_); } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&dblink_id_, sizeof(dblink_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (dblink_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_dblink_id() const { return dblink_id_; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(dblink_id)); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t dblink_id_; }; class ObDbLinkInfo : public ObDbLinkBaseInfo { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObDbLinkInfo() : ObDbLinkBaseInfo() {} explicit ObDbLinkInfo(common::ObIAllocator* allocator) : ObDbLinkBaseInfo(allocator) {} virtual ~ObDbLinkInfo() {} }; class ObDbLinkSchema : public ObDbLinkBaseInfo { public: ObDbLinkSchema() : ObDbLinkBaseInfo() {} explicit ObDbLinkSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator) : ObDbLinkBaseInfo(allocator) {} ObDbLinkSchema(const ObDbLinkSchema& src_schema); virtual ~ObDbLinkSchema() {} ObDbLinkSchema& operator=(const ObDbLinkSchema& other); bool operator==(const ObDbLinkSchema& other) const; inline ObTenantDbLinkId get_tenant_dblink_id() const { return ObTenantDbLinkId(tenant_id_, dblink_id_); } inline int64_t get_convert_size() const { return sizeof(ObDbLinkSchema) + dblink_name_.length() + 1 + cluster_name_.length() + 1 + tenant_name_.length() + 1 + user_name_.length() + 1 + password_.length() + 1; } }; class ObSynonymInfo : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObSynonymInfo(); explicit ObSynonymInfo(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id), K_(synonym_id), K_(schema_version)); virtual ~ObSynonymInfo(); ObSynonymInfo& operator=(const ObSynonymInfo& src_schema); ObSynonymInfo(const ObSynonymInfo& src_schema); inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t id) { tenant_id_ = id; } inline void set_database_id(const uint64_t id) { database_id_ = id; } inline void set_object_database_id(const uint64_t id) { object_db_id_ = id; } inline void set_synonym_id(uint64_t id) { synonym_id_ = id; } inline void set_schema_version(int64_t version) { schema_version_ = version; } int64_t get_convert_size() const; int set_synonym_name(const char* name) { return deep_copy_str(name, name_); } int set_synonym_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, name_); } int set_object_name(const char* name) { return deep_copy_str(name, object_name_); } int set_object_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, object_name_); } int set_version(const char* version) { return deep_copy_str(version, version_); } int set_version(const common::ObString& version) { return deep_copy_str(version, version_); } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline uint64_t get_synonym_id() const { return synonym_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline const char* get_synonym_name() const { return extract_str(name_); } inline const common::ObString& get_synonym_name_str() const { return name_; } inline const char* get_object_name() const { return extract_str(object_name_); } inline const common::ObString& get_object_name_str() const { return object_name_; } inline const char* get_version() const { return extract_str(version_); } inline const common::ObString& get_version_str() const { return version_; } inline uint64_t get_object_database_id() const { return object_db_id_; } void reset(); private: // void *alloc(int64_t size); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; uint64_t synonym_id_; int64_t schema_version_; // the last modify timestamp of this version common::ObString name_; // synonym name common::ObString version_; common::ObString object_name_; uint64_t object_db_id_; // common::ObArenaAllocator allocator_; }; struct ObTenantUDFId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantUDFId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), udf_name_() {} ObTenantUDFId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const common::ObString& name) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), udf_name_(name) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantUDFId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (udf_name_ == rhs.udf_name_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantUDFId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantUDFId& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = udf_name_ < rhs.udf_name_; } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(udf_name_.ptr(), udf_name_.length(), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (udf_name_.length() != 0); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(udf_name)); uint64_t tenant_id_; common::ObString udf_name_; }; struct ObTenantSynonymId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantSynonymId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), synonym_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantSynonymId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t synonym_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), synonym_id_(synonym_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantSynonymId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (synonym_id_ == rhs.synonym_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantSynonymId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantSynonymId& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = synonym_id_ < rhs.synonym_id_; } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&synonym_id_, sizeof(synonym_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (synonym_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(synonym_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t synonym_id_; }; struct ObTenantSequenceId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantSequenceId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), sequence_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantSequenceId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t sequence_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), sequence_id_(sequence_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantSequenceId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (sequence_id_ == rhs.sequence_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantSequenceId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantSequenceId& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = sequence_id_ < rhs.sequence_id_; } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&sequence_id_, sizeof(sequence_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID) && (sequence_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(sequence_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t sequence_id_; }; class ObAlterOutlineInfo : public ObOutlineInfo { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObAlterOutlineInfo() : ObOutlineInfo(), alter_option_bitset_() {} virtual ~ObAlterOutlineInfo() {} void reset() { ObOutlineInfo::reset(); alter_option_bitset_.reset(); } const common::ObBitSet<>& get_alter_option_bitset() const { return alter_option_bitset_; } common::ObBitSet<>& get_alter_option_bitset() { return alter_option_bitset_; } INHERIT_TO_STRING_KV("ObOutlineInfo", ObOutlineInfo, K_(alter_option_bitset)); private: common::ObBitSet<> alter_option_bitset_; }; class ObOutlineNameHashWrapper { public: ObOutlineNameHashWrapper() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), name_() {} ObOutlineNameHashWrapper(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& name_) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), name_(name_) {} ~ObOutlineNameHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObOutlineNameHashWrapper& rv) const; inline void set_tenant_id(uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } inline void set_database_id(uint64_t database_id) { database_id_ = database_id; } inline void set_name(const common::ObString& name) { name_ = name; } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_name() const { return name_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; common::ObString name_; }; inline uint64_t ObOutlineNameHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&database_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(name_.ptr(), name_.length(), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObOutlineNameHashWrapper::operator==(const ObOutlineNameHashWrapper& rv) const { return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (database_id_ == rv.database_id_) && (name_ == rv.name_); } class ObOutlineSignatureHashWrapper { public: ObOutlineSignatureHashWrapper() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), signature_() {} ObOutlineSignatureHashWrapper(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& signature) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), signature_(signature) {} ~ObOutlineSignatureHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObOutlineSignatureHashWrapper& rv) const; inline void set_tenant_id(uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } inline void set_database_id(uint64_t database_id) { database_id_ = database_id; } inline void set_signature(const common::ObString& signature) { signature_ = signature; } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_signature() const { return signature_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; common::ObString signature_; }; class ObOutlineSqlIdHashWrapper { public: ObOutlineSqlIdHashWrapper() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), sql_id_() {} ObOutlineSqlIdHashWrapper(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& sql_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), sql_id_(sql_id) {} ~ObOutlineSqlIdHashWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; inline bool operator==(const ObOutlineSqlIdHashWrapper& rv) const; inline void set_tenant_id(uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } inline void set_database_id(uint64_t database_id) { database_id_ = database_id; } inline void set_sql_id(const common::ObString& sql_id) { sql_id_ = sql_id; } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline const common::ObString& get_sql_id() const { return sql_id_; } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; common::ObString sql_id_; }; inline uint64_t ObOutlineSqlIdHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&database_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(sql_id_.ptr(), sql_id_.length(), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObOutlineSqlIdHashWrapper::operator==(const ObOutlineSqlIdHashWrapper& rv) const { return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (database_id_ == rv.database_id_) && (sql_id_ == rv.sql_id_); } inline uint64_t ObOutlineSignatureHashWrapper::hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&database_id_, sizeof(uint64_t), hash_ret); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(signature_.ptr(), signature_.length(), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } inline bool ObOutlineSignatureHashWrapper::operator==(const ObOutlineSignatureHashWrapper& rv) const { return (tenant_id_ == rv.tenant_id_) && (database_id_ == rv.database_id_) && (signature_ == rv.signature_); } class ObSysTableChecker { private: ObSysTableChecker(); ~ObSysTableChecker(); int init_tenant_space_table_id_map(); int init_sys_table_name_map(); int check_tenant_space_table_id(const uint64_t table_id, bool& is_tenant_space_table); int check_sys_table_name(const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& table_name, bool& is_tenant_space_table); int ob_write_string(const common::ObString& src, common::ObString& dst); public: static ObSysTableChecker& instance(); int init(); int destroy(); int64_t get_tenant_space_sys_table_num() { return tenant_space_sys_table_num_; } static int is_tenant_space_table_id(const uint64_t table_id, bool& is_tenant_space_table); static int is_sys_table_name( const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObString& table_name, bool& is_tenant_space_table); static bool is_tenant_table_in_version_2200(const uint64_t table_id); static bool is_cluster_private_tenant_table(const uint64_t table_id); static bool is_backup_private_tenant_table(const uint64_t table_id); static int is_tenant_table_need_weak_read(const uint64_t table_id, bool& need_weak_read); static bool is_rs_restart_related_table_id(const uint64_t table_id); static bool is_rs_restart_related_partition(const uint64_t table_id, const int64_t partition_id); public: class TableNameWrapper { public: TableNameWrapper() : database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), name_case_mode_(common::OB_NAME_CASE_INVALID), table_name_() {} TableNameWrapper(const uint64_t database_id, const common::ObNameCaseMode mode, const common::ObString& table_name) : database_id_(database_id), name_case_mode_(mode), table_name_(table_name) {} ~TableNameWrapper() {} inline uint64_t hash() const; bool operator==(const TableNameWrapper& rv) const; TO_STRING_KV(K_(database_id), K_(name_case_mode), K_(table_name)); private: uint64_t database_id_; // pure_database_id common::ObNameCaseMode name_case_mode_; common::ObString table_name_; }; typedef common::ObSEArray TableNameWrapperArray; private: static const int64_t TABLE_BUCKET_NUM = 300; private: common::hash::ObHashSet tenant_space_table_id_map_; common::hash::ObHashMap sys_table_name_map_; int64_t tenant_space_sys_table_num_; // Number of tenant-level system tables (including system table indexes) common::ObArenaAllocator allocator_; bool is_inited_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObSysTableChecker); }; class ObTableSchema; class ObRecycleObject : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: enum RecycleObjType { INVALID = 0, TABLE, INDEX, VIEW, DATABASE, RESERVED_OBJ_TYPE, TRIGGER, TENANT, }; ObRecycleObject(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); ObRecycleObject() : ObSchema(), tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), tablegroup_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), object_name_(), original_name_(), type_(INVALID), tablegroup_name_(), database_name_() {} ObRecycleObject(const ObRecycleObject& recycle_obj); ObRecycleObject& operator=(const ObRecycleObject& recycle_obj); virtual ~ObRecycleObject() {} inline bool is_valid() const; virtual void reset(); uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } uint64_t get_table_id() const { return table_id_; } uint64_t get_tablegroup_id() const { return tablegroup_id_; } const common::ObString& get_object_name() const { return object_name_; } const common::ObString& get_original_name() const { return original_name_; } RecycleObjType get_type() const { return type_; } void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t tenant_id) { tenant_id_ = tenant_id; } void set_database_id(const uint64_t db_id) { database_id_ = db_id; } void set_table_id(const uint64_t table_id) { table_id_ = table_id; } void set_tablegroup_id(const uint64_t tablegroup_id) { tablegroup_id_ = tablegroup_id; } int set_object_name(const common::ObString& object_name) { return deep_copy_str(object_name, object_name_); } int set_original_name(const common::ObString& original_name) { return deep_copy_str(original_name, original_name_); } void set_type(const RecycleObjType type) { type_ = type; } int set_type_by_table_schema(const ObSimpleTableSchemaV2& table_schema); static RecycleObjType get_type_by_table_schema(const ObSimpleTableSchemaV2& table_schema); // for backup int set_tablegroup_name(const common::ObString& tablegroup_name) { return deep_copy_str(tablegroup_name, tablegroup_name_); } const common::ObString& get_tablegroup_name() const { return tablegroup_name_; } int set_database_name(const common::ObString& database_name) { return deep_copy_str(database_name, database_name_); } const common::ObString& get_database_name() const { return database_name_; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id), K_(table_id), K_(tablegroup_id), K_(object_name), K_(original_name), K_(type), K_(tablegroup_name), K_(database_name)); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; uint64_t table_id_; uint64_t tablegroup_id_; common::ObString object_name_; common::ObString original_name_; RecycleObjType type_; // for backup common::ObString tablegroup_name_; common::ObString database_name_; }; inline bool ObRecycleObject::is_valid() const { return INVALID != type_ && !object_name_.empty() && !original_name_.empty(); } typedef common::hash::ObPlacementHashSet DropTableIdHashSet; // Used to count vertical partition columns typedef common::hash::ObPlacementHashSet VPColumnNameHashSet; struct ObBasedSchemaObjectInfo { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObBasedSchemaObjectInfo() : schema_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), schema_type_(OB_MAX_SCHEMA), schema_version_(common::OB_INVALID_VERSION) {} ObBasedSchemaObjectInfo(const uint64_t schema_id, const ObSchemaType schema_type, const int64_t schema_version) : schema_id_(schema_id), schema_type_(schema_type), schema_version_(schema_version) {} bool operator==(const ObBasedSchemaObjectInfo& other) const { return (schema_id_ == other.schema_id_ && schema_type_ == other.schema_type_ && schema_version_ == other.schema_version_); } int64_t get_convert_size() const { int64_t convert_size = sizeof(*this); return convert_size; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(schema_id), K_(schema_type), K_(schema_version)); uint64_t schema_id_; ObSchemaType schema_type_; int64_t schema_version_; }; struct ObAuxTableMetaInfo { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObAuxTableMetaInfo() : table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), table_type_(MAX_TABLE_TYPE), drop_schema_version_(common::OB_INVALID_VERSION) {} ObAuxTableMetaInfo(const uint64_t table_id, const ObTableType table_type, const int64_t drop_schema_version) : table_id_(table_id), table_type_(table_type), drop_schema_version_(drop_schema_version) {} bool operator==(const ObAuxTableMetaInfo& other) const { return (table_id_ == other.table_id_ && table_type_ == other.table_type_ && drop_schema_version_ == other.drop_schema_version_); } int64_t get_convert_size() const { int64_t convert_size = sizeof(*this); return convert_size; } bool is_dropped_schema() const { return drop_schema_version_ > 0; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(table_id), K_(table_type), K_(drop_schema_version)); uint64_t table_id_; ObTableType table_type_; int64_t drop_schema_version_; }; enum ObConstraintType { CONSTRAINT_TYPE_INVALID = 0, CONSTRAINT_TYPE_PRIMARY_KEY = 1, CONSTRAINT_TYPE_UNIQUE_KEY = 2, CONSTRAINT_TYPE_CHECK = 3, CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MAX, }; enum ObReferenceAction { ACTION_INVALID = 0, ACTION_RESTRICT, ACTION_CASCADE, ACTION_SET_NULL, ACTION_NO_ACTION, ACTION_SET_DEFAULT, // no use now ACTION_CHECK_EXIST, // not a valid option, just used for construct dml stmt. ACTION_MAX }; class ObForeignKeyInfo { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObForeignKeyInfo() : table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), foreign_key_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), child_table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), parent_table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), child_column_ids_(), parent_column_ids_(), update_action_(ACTION_INVALID), delete_action_(ACTION_INVALID), foreign_key_name_(), enable_flag_(true), is_modify_enable_flag_(false), validate_flag_(true), is_modify_validate_flag_(false), rely_flag_(false), is_modify_rely_flag_(false), is_modify_fk_state_(false), ref_cst_type_(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_INVALID), ref_cst_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObForeignKeyInfo(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObForeignKeyInfo() {} public: inline void set_table_id(uint64_t table_id) { table_id_ = table_id; } inline void set_foreign_key_id(uint64_t foreign_key_id) { foreign_key_id_ = foreign_key_id; } inline void set_child_table_id(uint64_t child_table_id) { child_table_id_ = child_table_id; } inline void set_parent_table_id(uint64_t parent_table_id) { parent_table_id_ = parent_table_id; } inline void set_update_action(uint64_t update_action) { update_action_ = static_cast(update_action); } inline void set_delete_action(uint64_t delete_action) { delete_action_ = static_cast(delete_action); } inline int set_foreign_key_name(const common::ObString& foreign_key_name) { foreign_key_name_ = foreign_key_name; return common::OB_SUCCESS; } inline void set_enable_flag(const bool enable_flag) { enable_flag_ = enable_flag; } inline void set_is_modify_enable_flag(const bool is_modify_enable_flag) { is_modify_enable_flag_ = is_modify_enable_flag; } inline void set_validate_flag(const bool validate_flag) { validate_flag_ = validate_flag; } inline void set_is_modify_validate_flag(const bool is_modify_validate_flag) { is_modify_validate_flag_ = is_modify_validate_flag; } inline void set_rely_flag(const bool rely_flag) { rely_flag_ = rely_flag; } inline void set_is_modify_rely_flag(const bool is_modify_rely_flag) { is_modify_rely_flag_ = is_modify_rely_flag; } inline void set_is_modify_fk_state(const bool is_modify_fk_state) { is_modify_fk_state_ = is_modify_fk_state; } inline void set_ref_cst_type(ObConstraintType ref_cst_type) { ref_cst_type_ = ref_cst_type; } inline void set_ref_cst_id(uint64_t ref_cst_id) { ref_cst_id_ = ref_cst_id; } inline const char* get_update_action_str() const { return get_action_str(update_action_); } inline const char* get_delete_action_str() const { return get_action_str(delete_action_); } inline const char* get_action_str(ObReferenceAction action) const { const char* ret = NULL; if (ACTION_RESTRICT <= action && action <= ACTION_SET_DEFAULT) { ret = reference_action_str_[action]; } return ret; } inline void reset() { table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; foreign_key_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; child_table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; parent_table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; child_column_ids_.reset(); parent_column_ids_.reset(); update_action_ = ACTION_INVALID; delete_action_ = ACTION_INVALID; foreign_key_name_.reset(); enable_flag_ = true; is_modify_enable_flag_ = false; validate_flag_ = true; is_modify_validate_flag_ = false; rely_flag_ = false; is_modify_rely_flag_ = false; is_modify_fk_state_ = false; ref_cst_type_ = CONSTRAINT_TYPE_INVALID; ref_cst_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; } int assign(const ObForeignKeyInfo& other); inline int64_t get_convert_size() const { int64_t convert_size = sizeof(*this); convert_size += child_column_ids_.get_data_size(); convert_size += parent_column_ids_.get_data_size(); convert_size += foreign_key_name_.length() + 1; return convert_size; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(table_id), K_(foreign_key_id), K_(child_table_id), K_(parent_table_id), K_(child_column_ids), K_(parent_column_ids), K_(update_action), K_(delete_action), K_(foreign_key_name), K_(enable_flag), K_(is_modify_enable_flag), K_(validate_flag), K_(is_modify_validate_flag), K_(rely_flag), K_(is_modify_rely_flag), K_(is_modify_fk_state), K_(ref_cst_type), K_(ref_cst_id)); public: uint64_t table_id_; // table_id is not in __all_foreign_key. uint64_t foreign_key_id_; uint64_t child_table_id_; uint64_t parent_table_id_; common::ObSEArray child_column_ids_; common::ObSEArray parent_column_ids_; ObReferenceAction update_action_; ObReferenceAction delete_action_; common::ObString foreign_key_name_; bool enable_flag_; bool is_modify_enable_flag_; bool validate_flag_; bool is_modify_validate_flag_; bool rely_flag_; bool is_modify_rely_flag_; bool is_modify_fk_state_; ObConstraintType ref_cst_type_; uint64_t ref_cst_id_; private: static const char* reference_action_str_[ACTION_MAX + 1]; }; struct ObSimpleForeignKeyInfo { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObSimpleForeignKeyInfo() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; database_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; foreign_key_name_.assign_ptr("", 0); foreign_key_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; } ObSimpleForeignKeyInfo(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const uint64_t table_id, const common::ObString& foreign_key_name, const uint64_t foreign_key_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), table_id_(table_id), foreign_key_name_(foreign_key_name), foreign_key_id_(foreign_key_id) {} bool operator==(const ObSimpleForeignKeyInfo& other) const { return (tenant_id_ == other.tenant_id_ && database_id_ == other.database_id_ && table_id_ == other.table_id_ && foreign_key_name_ == other.foreign_key_name_ && foreign_key_id_ == other.foreign_key_id_); } int64_t get_convert_size() const { int64_t convert_size = sizeof(*this); convert_size += foreign_key_name_.length() + 1; return convert_size; } void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; database_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; foreign_key_name_.assign_ptr("", 0); foreign_key_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id), K_(table_id), K_(foreign_key_name), K_(foreign_key_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; uint64_t table_id_; common::ObString foreign_key_name_; uint64_t foreign_key_id_; }; struct ObSimpleConstraintInfo { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObSimpleConstraintInfo() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; database_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; constraint_name_.assign_ptr("", 0); constraint_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; } ObSimpleConstraintInfo(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t database_id, const uint64_t table_id, const common::ObString& constraint_name, const uint64_t constraint_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), database_id_(database_id), table_id_(table_id), constraint_name_(constraint_name), constraint_id_(constraint_id) {} bool operator==(const ObSimpleConstraintInfo& other) const { return (tenant_id_ == other.tenant_id_ && database_id_ == other.database_id_ && table_id_ == other.table_id_ && constraint_name_ == other.constraint_name_ && constraint_id_ == other.constraint_id_); } int64_t get_convert_size() const { int64_t convert_size = sizeof(*this); convert_size += constraint_name_.length() + 1; return convert_size; } void reset() { tenant_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; database_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; table_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; constraint_name_.assign_ptr("", 0); constraint_id_ = common::OB_INVALID_ID; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id), K_(table_id), K_(constraint_name), K_(constraint_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; uint64_t table_id_; common::ObString constraint_name_; uint64_t constraint_id_; }; template int ObPartitionUtils::check_partition_value( const PARTITION& l_part, const PARTITION& r_part, const ObPartitionFuncType part_type, bool& is_equal) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; is_equal = true; if (is_hash_like_part(part_type)) { is_equal = true; } else if (is_range_part(part_type)) { if (l_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_cnt() != r_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_cnt()) { is_equal = false; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(DEBUG, "fail to check partition value, value count not equal", "left", l_part.get_high_bound_val(), "right", r_part.get_high_bound_val()); } else { for (int64_t i = 0; i < l_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_cnt() && is_equal; i++) { const common::ObObjMeta meta1 = l_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i].get_meta(); const common::ObObjMeta meta2 = r_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i].get_meta(); if (meta1.get_collation_level() == meta2.get_collation_level() && meta1.get_collation_type() == meta2.get_collation_type()) { is_equal = is_types_equal_for_partition_check(meta1.get_type(), meta2.get_type()); } else { is_equal = false; } if (false == is_equal) { SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(DEBUG, "fail to check partition values, value meta not equal", "left", l_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i], "right", r_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i], K(lib::is_oracle_mode())); } else if (0 != l_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i].compare(r_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i], r_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i].get_collation_type())) { is_equal = false; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(DEBUG, "fail to check partition values, value not equal", "left", l_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i], "right", r_part.get_high_bound_val().get_obj_ptr()[i]); } } } } else if (is_list_part(part_type)) { const common::ObIArray& l_list_values = l_part.get_list_row_values(); const common::ObIArray& r_list_values = r_part.get_list_row_values(); if (l_list_values.count() != r_list_values.count()) { is_equal = false; } else { for (int64_t i = 0; i < l_list_values.count() && is_equal; i++) { const common::ObNewRow& l_rowkey = l_list_values.at(i); bool find_equal_item = false; for (int64_t j = 0; j < r_list_values.count() && !find_equal_item && is_equal; j++) { const common::ObNewRow& r_rowkey = r_list_values.at(j); // First check that the count and meta information are consistent; if (l_rowkey.get_count() != r_rowkey.get_count()) { is_equal = false; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG( DEBUG, "fail to check partition value, value count not equal", "left", l_rowkey, "right", r_rowkey); } else { for (int64_t z = 0; z < l_rowkey.get_count() && is_equal; z++) { const common::ObObjMeta meta1 = l_rowkey.get_cell(z).get_meta(); const common::ObObjMeta meta2 = r_rowkey.get_cell(z).get_meta(); if (meta1.get_collation_level() == meta2.get_collation_level() && meta1.get_collation_type() == meta2.get_collation_type()) { is_equal = is_types_equal_for_partition_check(meta1.get_type(), meta2.get_type()); } else { is_equal = false; } if (false == is_equal) { SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(DEBUG, "fail to check partition values, value meta not equal", "left", l_rowkey.get_cell(z), "right", r_rowkey.get_cell(z)); } } } // Check whether the value of rowkey is the same; if (OB_SUCC(ret) && is_equal && l_rowkey == r_rowkey) { find_equal_item = true; } } // end for (int64_t j = 0 if (!find_equal_item) { is_equal = false; } } // end for (int64_t i = 0; } } else { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SHARE_SCHEMA_LOG(WARN, "invalid part_type", K(ret), K(part_type)); } return ret; } class ObSequenceSchema : public ObSchema { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObSequenceSchema(); explicit ObSequenceSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObSequenceSchema(); ObSequenceSchema& operator=(const ObSequenceSchema& src_schema); int assign(const ObSequenceSchema& src_schema); ObSequenceSchema(const ObSequenceSchema& src_schema); int64_t get_convert_size() const; inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t id) { tenant_id_ = id; } inline void set_database_id(const uint64_t id) { database_id_ = id; } inline void set_sequence_id(uint64_t id) { sequence_id_ = id; } inline void set_schema_version(int64_t version) { schema_version_ = version; } inline int set_sequence_name(const char* name) { return deep_copy_str(name, name_); } inline int set_sequence_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, name_); } inline int set_name(const common::ObString& name) { return set_sequence_name(name); } // inline void set_max_value(int64_t val) { option_.set_max_value(val); } // inline void set_min_value(int64_t val) { option_.set_min_value(val); } // inline void set_increment_by(int64_t val) { option_.set_increment_by(val); } // inline void set_start_with(int64_t val) { option_.set_start_with(val); } // inline void set_cache_size(int64_t val) { option_.set_cache_size(val); } inline void set_cycle_flag(bool cycle) { option_.set_cycle_flag(cycle); } inline void set_order_flag(bool order) { option_.set_order_flag(order); } // Temporary compatibility code, in order to support max_value etc. as Number type // int set_max_value(const common::ObString &str); // int set_min_value(const common::ObString &str); // int set_increment_by(const common::ObString &str); // int set_start_with(const common::ObString &str); // int set_cache_size(const common::ObString &str); int set_max_value(const common::number::ObNumber& num) { return option_.set_max_value(num); } int set_min_value(const common::number::ObNumber& num) { return option_.set_min_value(num); } int set_increment_by(const common::number::ObNumber& num) { return option_.set_increment_by(num); } int set_start_with(const common::number::ObNumber& num) { return option_.set_start_with(num); } int set_cache_size(const common::number::ObNumber& num) { return option_.set_cache_size(num); } inline const common::number::ObNumber& get_min_value() const { return option_.get_min_value(); } inline const common::number::ObNumber& get_max_value() const { return option_.get_max_value(); } inline const common::number::ObNumber& get_increment_by() const { return option_.get_increment_by(); } inline const common::number::ObNumber& get_start_with() const { return option_.get_start_with(); } inline const common::number::ObNumber& get_cache_size() const { return option_.get_cache_size(); } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_database_id() const { return database_id_; } inline uint64_t get_sequence_id() const { return sequence_id_; } // inline int64_t get_min_value() const { return option_.get_min_value(); } // inline int64_t get_max_value() const { return option_.get_max_value(); } // inline int64_t get_increment_by() const { return option_.get_increment_by(); } // inline int64_t get_start_with() const { return option_.get_start_with(); } // inline int64_t get_cache_size() const { return option_.get_cache_size(); } inline bool get_cycle_flag() const { return option_.get_cycle_flag(); } inline bool get_order_flag() const { return option_.get_order_flag(); } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline const common::ObString& get_sequence_name() const { return name_; } inline const char* get_sequence_name_str() const { return extract_str(name_); } inline share::ObSequenceOption& get_sequence_option() { return option_; } inline const share::ObSequenceOption& get_sequence_option() const { return option_; } inline ObTenantSequenceId get_tenant_sequence_id() const { return ObTenantSequenceId(tenant_id_, sequence_id_); } void reset(); VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(K_(name), K_(tenant_id), K_(database_id), K_(sequence_id), K_(schema_version), K_(option)); private: // void *alloc(int64_t size); // int get_value(const common::ObString &str, int64_t &val); // int get_value(const common::number::ObNumber &num, int64_t &val); private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t database_id_; uint64_t sequence_id_; int64_t schema_version_; // the last modify timestamp of this version common::ObString name_; // sequence name share::ObSequenceOption option_; // common::ObArenaAllocator allocator_; }; typedef ObSequenceSchema ObSequenceInfo; class ObTenantCommonSchemaId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantCommonSchemaId() : tenant_id_(common::OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID), schema_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) {} ObTenantCommonSchemaId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t schema_id) : tenant_id_(tenant_id), schema_id_(schema_id) {} bool operator==(const ObTenantCommonSchemaId& rhs) const { return (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) && (schema_id_ == rhs.schema_id_); } bool operator!=(const ObTenantCommonSchemaId& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } bool operator<(const ObTenantCommonSchemaId& rhs) const { bool bret = tenant_id_ < rhs.tenant_id_; if (tenant_id_ == rhs.tenant_id_) { bret = schema_id_ < rhs.schema_id_; } return bret; } inline uint64_t hash() const { uint64_t hash_ret = 0; hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&tenant_id_, sizeof(tenant_id_), 0); hash_ret = common::murmurhash(&schema_id_, sizeof(schema_id_), hash_ret); return hash_ret; } bool is_valid() const { return (tenant_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_TENANT_ID) && (schema_id_ != common::OB_INVALID_ID); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(schema_id)); uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t schema_id_; }; class ObTenantProfileId : public ObTenantCommonSchemaId { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObTenantProfileId() : ObTenantCommonSchemaId() {} ObTenantProfileId(const uint64_t tenant_id, const uint64_t profile_id) : ObTenantCommonSchemaId(tenant_id, profile_id) {} }; class ObProfileSchema : public ObSchema { // simple schema OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: static const int64_t INVALID_VALUE = -1; enum PARAM_TYPES { FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = 0, PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME, PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION, PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME, PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME, /* PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME, PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX, SESSIONS_PER_USER, CPU_PER_SESSION, CPU_PER_CALL, CONNECT_TIME, IDLE_TIME, LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION, LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL, PRIVATE_SGA, */ MAX_PARAMS }; static const int64_t DEFAULT_PARAM_VALUES[MAX_PARAMS]; static const int64_t INVALID_PARAM_VALUES[MAX_PARAMS]; static const char* PARAM_VALUE_NAMES[MAX_PARAMS]; ObProfileSchema(); explicit ObProfileSchema(common::ObIAllocator* allocator); virtual ~ObProfileSchema(); TO_STRING_KV(K_(tenant_id), K_(profile_id), K_(schema_version), K_(profile_name), K_(failed_login_attempts), K_(password_lock_time), K_(password_life_time), K_(password_grace_time)); bool is_valid() const; void reset(); int64_t get_convert_size() const; ObProfileSchema& operator=(const ObProfileSchema& src_schema); ObProfileSchema(const ObProfileSchema& src_schema); inline void set_tenant_id(const uint64_t id) { tenant_id_ = id; } inline void set_profile_id(uint64_t id) { profile_id_ = id; } inline void set_schema_version(int64_t version) { schema_version_ = version; } inline int set_profile_name(const char* name) { return deep_copy_str(name, profile_name_); } inline int set_profile_name(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, profile_name_); } inline void set_failed_login_attempts(const int64_t value) { failed_login_attempts_ = value; } inline void set_password_lock_time(const int64_t value) { password_lock_time_ = value; } inline void set_password_life_time(const int64_t value) { password_life_time_ = value; } inline void set_password_grace_time(const int64_t value) { password_grace_time_ = value; } inline uint64_t get_tenant_id() const { return tenant_id_; } inline uint64_t get_profile_id() const { return profile_id_; } inline int64_t get_schema_version() const { return schema_version_; } inline const char* get_profile_name() const { return extract_str(profile_name_); } inline const common::ObString& get_profile_name_str() const { return profile_name_; } inline int64_t get_failed_login_attempts() const { return failed_login_attempts_; } inline int64_t get_password_lock_time() const { return password_lock_time_; } inline int64_t get_password_life_time() const { return password_life_time_; } inline int64_t get_password_grace_time() const { return password_grace_time_; } inline ObTenantProfileId get_tenant_profile_id() const { return ObTenantProfileId(tenant_id_, profile_id_); } int set_value(const int64_t type, const int64_t value); int set_default_value(const int64_t type); int set_default_values(); int set_invalid_values(); static int get_default_value(const int64_t type, int64_t& value); inline const char* get_password_verify_function() const { return extract_str(password_verify_function_); } inline const common::ObString& get_password_verify_function_str() const { return password_verify_function_; } inline int set_password_verify_function(const char* name) { return deep_copy_str(name, password_verify_function_); } inline int set_password_verify_function(const common::ObString& name) { return deep_copy_str(name, password_verify_function_); } private: uint64_t tenant_id_; uint64_t profile_id_; int64_t schema_version_; common::ObString profile_name_; int64_t failed_login_attempts_; int64_t password_lock_time_; common::ObString password_verify_function_; int64_t password_life_time_; int64_t password_grace_time_; }; common::ObIAllocator*& schema_stack_allocator(); struct ObObjectStruct { ObObjectStruct() : type_(ObObjectType::INVALID), id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID){}; ObObjectStruct(const ObObjectType type, const uint64_t id) : type_(type), id_(id){}; ~ObObjectStruct(){}; TO_STRING_KV(K_(type), K_(id)); ObObjectType type_; uint64_t id_; }; // class IObErrorInfo { public: IObErrorInfo() {} virtual ~IObErrorInfo() = 0; virtual uint64_t get_object_id() const = 0; virtual uint64_t get_tenant_id() const = 0; virtual uint64_t get_database_id() const = 0; virtual int64_t get_schema_version() const = 0; virtual ObObjectType get_object_type() const = 0; static constexpr uint64_t TYPE_MASK = (0x7) << (sizeof(uint64_t) - 3); static constexpr uint64_t VAL_MASK = (-1) >> 3; void inline gen_mask(uint64_t type, uint64_t& id) { id = (TYPE_MASK & type) | (VAL_MASK & id); } }; } // namespace schema } // namespace share } // namespace oceanbase #endif /* _OB_OCEANBASE_SCHEMA_SCHEMA_STRUCT_H */