/** * Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase * OceanBase CE is licensed under Mulan PubL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PubL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PubL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPubL-2.0 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Mulan PubL v2 for more details. */ #ifndef OCEANBASE_SQL_RESOLVER_EXPR_RAW_EXPR_ #define OCEANBASE_SQL_RESOLVER_EXPR_RAW_EXPR_ #include "share/ob_define.h" #include "lib/container/ob_bit_set.h" #include "lib/string/ob_string.h" #include "lib/container/ob_se_array.h" #include "lib/hash_func/ob_hash_func.h" #include "lib/list/ob_obj_store.h" #include "lib/rc/context.h" #include "common/ob_range.h" #include "common/ob_accuracy.h" #include "sql/resolver/expr/ob_expr.h" #include "sql/resolver/expr/ob_const_expr.h" #include "sql/resolver/expr/ob_var_expr.h" #include "sql/resolver/expr/ob_op_expr.h" #include "sql/resolver/expr/ob_column_ref_expr.h" #include "sql/resolver/expr/ob_case_op_expr.h" #include "sql/engine/expr/ob_expr_res_type.h" #include "share/schema/ob_schema_utils.h" #include "sql/ob_sql_define.h" #include "sql/resolver/expr/ob_expr_info_flag.h" #include "share/system_variable/ob_system_variable.h" #include "share/ob_worker.h" #include "sql/parser/parse_node.h" #include "sql/resolver/ob_resolver_define.h" #include "sql/engine/expr/ob_expr_operator.h" #include "sql/engine/expr/ob_expr_operator_factory.h" #include "sql/code_generator/ob_static_engine_expr_cg.h" namespace oceanbase { namespace share { namespace schema { class ObSchemaGetterGuard; } } // namespace share namespace sql { class ObStmt; class ObSQLSessionInfo; class ObExprOperator; class ObRawExprFactory; class ObSelectStmt; extern ObRawExpr* USELESS_POINTER; // ObSqlBitSet is a simple bitset, in order to avoid memory explosure // ObBitSet is too large just for a simple bitset const static int64_t DEFAULT_SQL_BITSET_SIZE = 32; template class ObSqlBitSet { public: typedef uint32_t BitSetWord; ObSqlBitSet() : block_allocator_(NULL), bit_set_word_array_(NULL), desc_() { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_FAIL(init_block_allocator())) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to init block allocator", K(ret)); } else if (OB_ISNULL(block_allocator_)) { ret = OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "invalid argument", K(ret)); } else { int64_t words_size = sizeof(BitSetWord) * MAX_BITSETWORD; if (OB_ISNULL(bit_set_word_array_ = (BitSetWord*)block_allocator_->alloc(words_size))) { ret = OB_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FAILED; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc memory", K(ret)); } else { MEMSET(bit_set_word_array_, 0, words_size); desc_.cap_ = static_cast(MAX_BITSETWORD); desc_.len_ = 0; desc_.inited_ = true; } } } ObSqlBitSet(const ObSqlBitSet& other) : block_allocator_(NULL), bit_set_word_array_(NULL), desc_() { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; desc_.inited_ = false; if (!other.is_valid()) { ret = OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not intied", K(ret)); } else if (OB_FAIL(init_block_allocator())) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to init block allocator", K(ret)); } else if (OB_ISNULL(block_allocator_)) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "block_allocator_ is null", K(ret)); } else { int64_t cap = other.bitset_word_count() * 2; if (cap <= 0) { cap = MAX_BITSETWORD; } int64_t words_size = sizeof(BitSetWord) * cap; if (OB_ISNULL(bit_set_word_array_ = (BitSetWord*)block_allocator_->alloc(words_size))) { ret = OB_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FAILED; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc memory", K(ret)); } else { MEMSET(bit_set_word_array_, 0, words_size); for (int64_t i = 0; i < other.bitset_word_count(); i++) { bit_set_word_array_[i] = other.get_bitset_word(i); } desc_.len_ = static_cast(other.bitset_word_count()); desc_.cap_ = static_cast(cap); desc_.inited_ = true; } } } explicit ObSqlBitSet(const int64_t bit_size) : block_allocator_(NULL), bit_set_word_array_(NULL), desc_() { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; if (bit_size < 0) { ret = OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "invalid argument", K(ret)); } else if (OB_FAIL(init_block_allocator())) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to init block allocator", K(ret)); } else { int64_t bitset_word_cnt = (bit_size <= N ? MAX_BITSETWORD : ((bit_size - 1) / PER_BITSETWORD_BITS + 1)); int64_t words_size = sizeof(BitSetWord) * bitset_word_cnt; if (OB_ISNULL(bit_set_word_array_ = (BitSetWord*)block_allocator_->alloc(words_size))) { ret = OB_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FAILED; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc memory", K(ret)); } else { MEMSET(bit_set_word_array_, 0, words_size); desc_.len_ = 0; desc_.cap_ = static_cast(bitset_word_cnt); desc_.inited_ = true; } } } ~ObSqlBitSet() { destroy(); } void reset() { reuse(); } void reuse() { if (is_valid()) { if (NULL != bit_set_word_array_ && desc_.len_ > 0) { MEMSET(bit_set_word_array_, 0, desc_.len_ * sizeof(BitSetWord)); } desc_.len_ = 0; } } void destroy() { if (is_valid()) { if (auto_free) { // auto_free = true, context allocator is used, // free memory is just useless // do nothing } else { // free memory if (NULL != block_allocator_ && NULL != bit_set_word_array_) { block_allocator_->free(bit_set_word_array_); } if (NULL != block_allocator_) { block_allocator_->reset(); ob_free(block_allocator_); } block_allocator_ = NULL; bit_set_word_array_ = NULL; } desc_.len_ = 0; desc_.cap_ = 0; desc_.inited_ = false; } } int64_t bitset_word_count() const { return static_cast(desc_.len_); } int64_t bit_count() const { return static_cast(desc_.len_) * PER_BITSETWORD_BITS; } bool is_empty() const { return 0 == num_members(); } bool is_valid() const { return desc_.inited_; } void clear_all() { if (!is_valid()) { // do nothing } else { MEMSET(bit_set_word_array_, 0, desc_.len_ * sizeof(BitSetWord)); } } BitSetWord get_bitset_word(int64_t index) const { BitSetWord word = 0; if (!is_valid()) { SQL_RESV_LOG(INFO, "not inited"); } else if (index < 0 || index >= desc_.len_) { SQL_RESV_LOG(INFO, "bitmap word index exceeds scope", K(index), K(desc_.len_)); } else { word = bit_set_word_array_[index]; } return word; } int64_t num_members() const { int64_t num = 0; BitSetWord word = 0; if (!is_valid()) { // do nothing } else { for (int64_t i = 0; i < desc_.len_; i++) { word = bit_set_word_array_[i]; if (0 == word) { // do nothing } else { word = (word & UINT32_C(0x55555555)) + ((word >> 1) & UINT32_C(0x55555555)); word = (word & UINT32_C(0x33333333)) + ((word >> 2) & UINT32_C(0x33333333)); word = (word & UINT32_C(0x0f0f0f0f)) + ((word >> 4) & UINT32_C(0x0f0f0f0f)); word = (word & UINT32_C(0x00ff00ff)) + ((word >> 8) & UINT32_C(0x00ff00ff)); word = (word & UINT32_C(0x0000ffff)) + ((word >> 16) & UINT32_C(0x0000ffff)); num += (int64_t)word; } } } return num; } bool has_member(int64_t index) const { bool bool_ret = false; if (!is_valid()) { // do nothing } else if (OB_UNLIKELY(index < 0)) { SQL_RESV_LOG(INFO, "negative bitmap member not allowed"); } else { int64_t pos = index >> PER_BITSETWORD_MOD_BITS; if (pos >= desc_.len_) { // dp nothing } else { bool_ret = (bit_set_word_array_[pos] & ((BitSetWord)1 << (index & PER_BITSETWORD_MASK))) != 0; } } return bool_ret; } int add_member(int64_t index) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (!is_valid()) { ret = OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else if (OB_UNLIKELY(index < 0)) { ret = OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "negative bitmap member not allowed", K(ret), K(index)); } else { int64_t pos = index >> PER_BITSETWORD_MOD_BITS; if (OB_UNLIKELY(pos >= desc_.cap_)) { int64_t new_word_cnt = pos * 2; if (OB_FAIL(alloc_new_buf(new_word_cnt))) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc new buf", K(ret)); } } if (pos >= desc_.len_) { desc_.len_ = static_cast(pos) + 1; } if (OB_SUCC(ret)) { bit_set_word_array_[pos] |= ((BitSetWord)1 << (index & PER_BITSETWORD_MASK)); } } return ret; } int del_member(int64_t index) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (!is_valid()) { ret = common::OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else if (OB_UNLIKELY(index < 0)) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "negative bitmap member not allowed", K(ret), K(index)); } else { int64_t pos = index >> PER_BITSETWORD_MOD_BITS; if (OB_UNLIKELY(pos >= desc_.len_)) { // do nothing } else { bit_set_word_array_[pos] &= ~((BitSetWord)1 << (index & PER_BITSETWORD_MASK)); } } return ret; } int do_mask(int64_t begin_index, int64_t end_index) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; int64_t max_bit_count = static_cast(desc_.len_) * PER_BITSETWORD_BITS; if (!is_valid()) { ret = OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else if (begin_index < 0 || begin_index >= max_bit_count || end_index < 0 || end_index >= max_bit_count) { ret = OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "invalid argument", K(ret), K(begin_index), K(end_index), K(max_bit_count)); } else { int64_t begin_word = begin_index / PER_BITSETWORD_BITS; int64_t end_word = end_index / PER_BITSETWORD_BITS; int64_t begin_pos = begin_index % PER_BITSETWORD_BITS; int64_t end_pos = end_index % PER_BITSETWORD_BITS; for (int64_t i = 0; i < begin_word; i++) { bit_set_word_array_[i] = 0; } for (int64_t i = desc_.len_ - 1; i > end_word; i--) { bit_set_word_array_[i] = 0; } for (int64_t i = 0; i < begin_pos; i++) { bit_set_word_array_[begin_word] &= ~((BitSetWord)1 << i); } for (int64_t i = 1 + end_pos; i < PER_BITSETWORD_BITS; i++) { bit_set_word_array_[end_word] &= ~((BitSetWord)1 << i); } } return ret; } template int add_members(const ObSqlBitSet& other) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (!is_valid()) { ret = common::OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else if (OB_ISNULL(bit_set_word_array_)) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "invalid argument", K(ret), K(bit_set_word_array_)); } else { int64_t this_count = desc_.len_; int64_t that_count = other.bitset_word_count(); if (this_count < that_count) { if (desc_.cap_ >= that_count) { // do nothing } else { int64_t new_word_cnt = that_count * 2; if (OB_FAIL(alloc_new_buf(new_word_cnt))) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc new buffer", K(ret)); } } } if (that_count >= desc_.len_) { desc_.len_ = static_cast(that_count); } if (OB_FAIL(ret)) { // do nothing } else { for (int64_t i = 0; i < that_count; i++) { bit_set_word_array_[i] |= other.get_bitset_word(i); } } } return ret; } template int add_members2(const ObSqlBitSet& other) { return add_members(other); } template int del_members(const ObSqlBitSet& other) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (!is_valid()) { ret = common::OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else { for (int64_t i = 0; i < desc_.len_; i++) { bit_set_word_array_[i] &= ~(other.get_bitset_word(i)); } } return ret; } template int del_members2(const ObSqlBitSet& other) { return del_members(other); } template bool is_subset(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { bool bool_ret = true; if (!is_valid()) { // do nothing } else if (is_empty()) { bool_ret = true; } else if (other.is_empty()) { bool_ret = false; } else if (desc_.len_ > other.bitset_word_count()) { bool_ret = false; } else { for (int64_t i = 0; bool_ret && i < desc_.len_; i++) { if ((bit_set_word_array_[i] & (~(other.get_bitset_word(i)))) != 0) { bool_ret = false; } } } return bool_ret; } template bool is_subset2(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { return is_subset(other); } template bool is_superset(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { bool bool_ret = false; if (!is_valid()) { // do nothing } else if (is_empty()) { bool_ret = false; } else if (other.is_empty()) { bool_ret = true; } else if (desc_.len_ < other.bitset_word_count()) { bool_ret = false; } else { bool_ret = true; for (int64_t i = 0; bool_ret && i < other.bitset_word_count(); i++) { if (((~bit_set_word_array_[i]) & other.get_bitset_word(i)) != 0) { bool_ret = false; } } } return bool_ret; } template bool is_superset2(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { return is_superset(other); } template bool overlap(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { bool bool_ret = false; if (!is_valid()) { // do nothing } else { int64_t min_bitset_word_count = std::min(static_cast(desc_.len_), other.bitset_word_count()); for (int64_t i = 0; !bool_ret && i < min_bitset_word_count; i++) { if ((bit_set_word_array_[i] & (other.get_bitset_word(i))) != 0) { bool_ret = true; } } } return bool_ret; } template bool overlap2(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { return overlap(other); } int to_array(ObIArray& arr) const { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (!is_valid()) { ret = OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else { arr.reuse(); int64_t num = num_members(); int64_t count = 0; int64_t max_bit_count = desc_.len_ * PER_BITSETWORD_BITS; for (int64_t i = 0; OB_SUCC(ret) && count < num && i < max_bit_count; i++) { if (has_member(i)) { if (OB_FAIL(arr.push_back(i))) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to push back element", K(ret)); } else { count++; } } } // for end } return ret; } template bool equal(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { bool bool_ret = true; if (!is_valid() || !other.is_valid()) { bool_ret = false; } else if (bitset_word_count() != other.bitset_word_count()) { bool_ret = false; } else { for (int64_t i = 0; bool_ret && i < bitset_word_count(); i++) { if (get_bitset_word(i) != other.get_bitset_word(i)) { bool_ret = false; } } } return bool_ret; } bool operator==(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { return this->equal(other); } bool operator!=(const ObSqlBitSet& other) const { return !(*this == other); } template int intersect(const ObSqlBitSet& left, const ObSqlBitSet& right) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (!is_valid() || !left.is_valid() || !right.is_valid()) { ret = common::OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else if (OB_ISNULL(bit_set_word_array_)) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "invalid argument", K(ret), K(bit_set_word_array_)); } else { reset(); int64_t that_count = left.bitset_word_count() < right.bitset_word_count() ? left.bitset_word_count() : right.bitset_word_count(); if (desc_.cap_ < that_count) { int64_t new_word_cnt = that_count * 2; if (OB_FAIL(alloc_new_buf(new_word_cnt))) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc new buffer", K(ret)); } } if (OB_FAIL(ret)) { // do nothing } else { for (int64_t i = 0; i < that_count; i++) { bit_set_word_array_[i] = left.get_bitset_word(i) & right.get_bitset_word(i); } desc_.len_ = static_cast(that_count); } } return ret; } template int except(const ObSqlBitSet& left, const ObSqlBitSet& right) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (!is_valid() || !left.is_valid() || !right.is_valid()) { ret = common::OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else if (OB_ISNULL(bit_set_word_array_)) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "invalid argument", K(ret), K(bit_set_word_array_)); } else { reset(); int64_t that_count = left.bitset_word_count(); if (desc_.cap_ < that_count) { int64_t new_word_cnt = that_count * 2; if (OB_FAIL(alloc_new_buf(new_word_cnt))) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc new buffer", K(ret)); } } if (OB_FAIL(ret)) { // do nothing } else { int64_t i = 0; for (; i < left.bitset_word_count() && i < right.bitset_word_count(); i++) { bit_set_word_array_[i] = left.get_bitset_word(i) ^ (left.get_bitset_word(i) & right.get_bitset_word(i)); } for (; i < left.bitset_word_count(); i++) { bit_set_word_array_[i] = left.get_bitset_word(i); } desc_.len_ = static_cast(that_count); } } return ret; } static int databuff_print_obj(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, const int64_t& obj) { return common::databuff_print_obj(buf, buf_len, pos, obj); } static int databuff_print_obj(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, const ObExprInfoFlag& flag) { return common::databuff_printf(buf, buf_len, pos, "\"%s\"", get_expr_info_flag_str(flag)); } int64_t to_string(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len) const { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; int64_t pos = 0; J_ARRAY_START(); int64_t num = num_members(); int64_t count = 0; for (int64_t i = 0; i < bit_count(); i++) { if (has_member(i)) { if (count != 0 && count < num) { J_COMMA(); } FlagType flag = static_cast(i); if (OB_FAIL(databuff_print_obj(buf, buf_len, pos, flag))) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "databuff print obj failed", K(ret)); } ++count; } } J_ARRAY_END(); return pos; } ObSqlBitSet& operator=(const ObSqlBitSet& other) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; if (!other.is_valid() || !is_valid()) { ret = OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "invalid bitset", K(is_valid()), K(other.is_valid())); } else if (&other == this) { // do nothing } else { if (other.bitset_word_count() > desc_.cap_) { int64_t new_word_cnt = other.bitset_word_count() * 2; if (OB_FAIL(alloc_new_buf(new_word_cnt))) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc new buf", K(ret)); } } for (int64_t i = 0; OB_SUCC(ret) && i < other.bitset_word_count(); i++) { bit_set_word_array_[i] = other.get_bitset_word(i); } desc_.len_ = static_cast(other.bitset_word_count()); } if (OB_FAIL(ret)) { // error happened, set inited flag to be false desc_.inited_ = false; } return *this; } private: int alloc_new_buf(int64_t word_cnt) { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; int64_t words_size = sizeof(BitSetWord) * word_cnt; BitSetWord* new_buf = NULL; ObIAllocator* allocator = get_block_allocator(); if (!is_valid()) { ret = OB_NOT_INIT; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "not inited", K(ret)); } else if (OB_ISNULL(allocator)) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "invalid allocator", K(ret)); } else if (OB_ISNULL(new_buf = (BitSetWord*)allocator->alloc(words_size))) { ret = OB_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FAILED; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to alloc memory", K(ret)); } else { MEMSET(new_buf, 0, words_size); MEMCPY(new_buf, bit_set_word_array_, desc_.len_ * sizeof(BitSetWord)); // set word array to new buffer allocator->free(bit_set_word_array_); bit_set_word_array_ = new_buf; desc_.cap_ = static_cast(word_cnt); } return ret; } ObIAllocator* get_block_allocator() { ObIAllocator* ret_alloc = NULL; if (!is_valid()) { // do nothing } else { ret_alloc = block_allocator_; } return ret_alloc; } int init_block_allocator() { int ret = OB_SUCCESS; if (is_valid()) { ret = OB_INIT_TWICE; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "init twice", K(ret)); } else if (auto_free) { block_allocator_ = &CURRENT_CONTEXT.get_arena_allocator(); } else { void* alloc_buf = NULL; if (OB_ISNULL(alloc_buf = ob_malloc(sizeof(ObArenaAllocator), ObModIds::OB_BIT_SET))) { ret = OB_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FAILED; SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "failed to allocate memory", K(ret)); } else { block_allocator_ = new (alloc_buf) ObArenaAllocator(ObModIds::OB_BIT_SET); } } return ret; } private: static const int64_t PER_BITSETWORD_BITS = 32; static const int64_t PER_BITSETWORD_MOD_BITS = 5; static const int64_t PER_BITSETWORD_MASK = PER_BITSETWORD_BITS - 1; static const int64_t MAX_BITSETWORD = ((N <= 0 ? DEFAULT_SQL_BITSET_SIZE : N) - 1) / PER_BITSETWORD_BITS + 1; struct SqlBitSetDesc { int16_t len_; int16_t cap_; bool inited_; SqlBitSetDesc() : len_(0), cap_(0), inited_(false) {} }; private: ObIAllocator* block_allocator_; BitSetWord* bit_set_word_array_; SqlBitSetDesc desc_; }; typedef ObSqlBitSet<96, ObExprInfoFlag, true> ObExprInfo; enum AccessNameType { UNKNOWN = -1, SYS_FUNC, DLL_UDF, PL_UDF, PL_VAR, DB_NS, PKG_NS, REC_ELEM, TYPE_METHOD, CURSOR_ATTR, UDT_NS, LOCAL_TYPE, PKG_TYPE, }; class ObRawExpr; class ObSysFunRawExpr; class ObObjAccessIdent { public: ObObjAccessIdent() : type_(UNKNOWN), access_name_(), access_index_(common::OB_INVALID_INDEX), sys_func_expr_(NULL), params_() {} ObObjAccessIdent(const common::ObString& name, int64_t index = common::OB_INVALID_INDEX) : type_(UNKNOWN), access_name_(name), access_index_(index), sys_func_expr_(NULL), params_() {} virtual ~ObObjAccessIdent() {} int assign(const ObObjAccessIdent& other) { type_ = other.type_; access_name_ = other.access_name_; access_index_ = other.access_index_; sys_func_expr_ = other.sys_func_expr_; return params_.assign(other.params_); } ObObjAccessIdent& operator=(const ObObjAccessIdent& other) { assign(other); return *this; } public: inline void set_type(AccessNameType type) { type_ = type; } inline AccessNameType get_type() { return type_; } inline void set_sys_func() { type_ = SYS_FUNC; } inline void set_dll_udf() { type_ = DLL_UDF; } inline void set_db_ns() { type_ = DB_NS; } inline void set_pkg_ns() { type_ = PKG_NS; } inline void set_rec_elem() { type_ = REC_ELEM; } inline void set_type_method() { type_ = TYPE_METHOD; } inline bool is_sys_func() const { return SYS_FUNC == type_; } inline bool is_dll_udf() const { return DLL_UDF == type_; } inline bool is_db_ns() const { return DB_NS == type_; } inline bool is_rec_elem() const { return REC_ELEM == type_; } inline bool is_type_method() const { return TYPE_METHOD == type_; } inline bool is_local_type() const { return LOCAL_TYPE == type_; } inline bool is_type() const { return is_local_type(); } int extract_params(int64_t level, common::ObIArray& params) const; int replace_params(ObRawExpr* from, ObRawExpr* to); TO_STRING_KV(K_(access_name), K_(access_index), K_(type), K_(params)); AccessNameType type_; common::ObString access_name_; int64_t access_index_; ObSysFunRawExpr* sys_func_expr_; // x/y/m/n are parameters of a.f, but the param_level of x/y is 0, and m/n is 1. common::ObSEArray, 4, common::ModulePageAllocator, true> params_; }; class ObColumnRefRawExpr; class ObQualifiedName { public: ObQualifiedName() : database_name_(), tbl_name_(), col_name_(), is_star_(false), ref_expr_(NULL), parents_expr_info_(), parent_aggr_level_(-1), access_idents_(), is_access_root_(true) {} virtual ~ObQualifiedName() {} int assign(const ObQualifiedName& other) { database_name_ = other.database_name_; tbl_name_ = other.tbl_name_; col_name_ = other.col_name_; is_star_ = other.is_star_; ref_expr_ = other.ref_expr_; parents_expr_info_ = other.parents_expr_info_; parent_aggr_level_ = other.parent_aggr_level_; is_access_root_ = other.is_access_root_; return access_idents_.assign(other.access_idents_); } ObQualifiedName& operator=(const ObQualifiedName& other) { assign(other); return *this; } void format_qualified_name(common::ObNameCaseMode mode); inline bool is_sys_func() const { return 1 == access_idents_.count() && access_idents_.at(0).is_sys_func(); } inline bool is_dll_udf() const { return false; } inline bool is_access_root() const { return is_access_root_; } int replace_access_ident_params(ObRawExpr* from, ObRawExpr* to); TO_STRING_KV(N_DATABASE_NAME, database_name_, N_TABLE_NAME, tbl_name_, N_COLUMN, col_name_, K_(is_star), K_(ref_expr), K_(parents_expr_info), K_(parent_aggr_level), K_(access_idents), K_(is_access_root)); public: common::ObString database_name_; common::ObString tbl_name_; // used for package name for UDF common::ObString col_name_; // used for function name for UDF bool is_star_; ObColumnRefRawExpr* ref_expr_; ObExprInfo parents_expr_info_; int64_t parent_aggr_level_; // all identifiers will be stored here, like a/f/c in a.f(x,y).c common::ObSEArray access_idents_; bool is_access_root_; // qualified name is recursive: // a(b(c)) => b(c) => c, a(b(c)) is root. }; // bug 6349933: for most of the cases, 8 tables should be more than enough typedef ObSqlBitSet<8, int64_t, true> ObRelIds; typedef ObSqlBitSet ObExprLevels; /** * @brief The ExprCopyPolicy enum * Share expr: column, query, aggregation, window function, pseudo column, and expr with IS_SHARED_REF * COPY_REF_DEFAULT: shallow copy for share expr, deep copy for other expr. * COPY_REF_SHARE: deep copy for share expr too. * e.g. min(c1), * default mode: return expr pointer directly. * share mode: deep copy min, shallow copy c1, return the copied min expr. * every share expr can deep copy themselves, can not deep coy others. */ enum ExprCopyPolicy { COPY_REF_DEFAULT = 0, COPY_REF_SHARED = 1 << 0, }; struct OrderItem { OrderItem() { reset(); } explicit OrderItem(ObRawExpr* expr) : expr_(expr), order_type_(default_asc_direction()) {} OrderItem(ObRawExpr* expr, ObOrderDirection order_type) : expr_(expr), order_type_(order_type) {} public: virtual ~OrderItem() {} void reset() { expr_ = NULL; order_type_ = default_asc_direction(); } inline bool operator==(const OrderItem& other) const { return (expr_ == other.expr_ && order_type_ == other.order_type_); } inline bool operator!=(const OrderItem& other) const { return !(*this == other); } uint64_t hash(uint64_t seed) const { if (NULL != expr_) { seed = common::do_hash(*expr_, seed); } seed = common::do_hash(order_type_, seed); return seed; } bool is_null_first() const { return NULLS_FIRST_ASC == order_type_ || NULLS_FIRST_DESC == order_type_; } bool is_ascending() const { return NULLS_FIRST_ASC == order_type_ || NULLS_LAST_ASC == order_type_; } bool is_descending() const { return NULLS_FIRST_DESC == order_type_ || NULLS_LAST_DESC == order_type_; } int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const OrderItem& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); static const char* order_type2name(const ObOrderDirection direction) { const char* name = NULL; switch (direction) { case NULLS_FIRST_ASC: name = N_NULLS_FIRST_ASC; break; case NULLS_LAST_ASC: name = N_NULLS_LAST_ASC; break; case NULLS_FIRST_DESC: name = N_NULLS_FIRST_DESC; break; case NULLS_LAST_DESC: name = N_NULLS_LAST_DESC; break; default: break; } return name; } TO_STRING_KV(N_EXPR, expr_, N_ASCENDING, order_type2name(order_type_)); ObRawExpr* expr_; ObOrderDirection order_type_; }; class ObQueryRefRawExpr; struct ObExprEqualCheckContext { ObExprEqualCheckContext() : override_const_compare_(false), override_column_compare_(false), override_query_compare_(false), err_code_(common::OB_SUCCESS), param_expr_() {} virtual ~ObExprEqualCheckContext() {} struct ParamExprPair { ParamExprPair(int64_t param_idx, const ObRawExpr* expr) : param_idx_(param_idx), expr_(expr) {} ParamExprPair() : param_idx_(-1), expr_(NULL) {} TO_STRING_KV(K_(param_idx), K_(expr)); int64_t param_idx_; const ObRawExpr* expr_; }; inline int add_param_pair(int64_t param_idx, const ObRawExpr* expr) { return param_expr_.push_back(ParamExprPair(param_idx, expr)); } // only compare the result type of two columns virtual bool compare_column(const ObColumnRefRawExpr& left, const ObColumnRefRawExpr& right); virtual bool compare_const(const ObConstRawExpr& left, const ObConstRawExpr& right); virtual bool compare_query(const ObQueryRefRawExpr& left, const ObQueryRefRawExpr& right); void reset() { override_const_compare_ = false; override_column_compare_ = false; override_query_compare_ = false; err_code_ = OB_SUCCESS; param_expr_.reset(); } bool override_const_compare_; bool override_column_compare_; bool override_query_compare_; int err_code_; // when compare with T_QUESTIONMARK, as T_QUESTIONMARK is unkown, record this first. common::ObSEArray param_expr_; }; struct ObExprParamCheckContext : ObExprEqualCheckContext { ObExprParamCheckContext() : ObExprEqualCheckContext(), context_(NULL) { override_column_compare_ = false; override_const_compare_ = true; override_query_compare_ = false; } virtual ~ObExprParamCheckContext() {} int init(const ObQueryCtx* context); bool compare_const(const ObConstRawExpr& left, const ObConstRawExpr& right) override; int get_calc_expr(const int64_t param_idx, const ObRawExpr*& expr); int is_pre_calc_item(const ObConstRawExpr& const_expr, bool& is_calc); const ObQueryCtx* context_; }; enum ObVarType { INVALID_VAR = -1, SYS_VAR = 0, USER_VAR = 1, }; struct ObVarInfo final { OB_UNIS_VERSION(1); public: ObVarInfo() : type_(INVALID_VAR), name_() {} int deep_copy(common::ObIAllocator& allocator, ObVarInfo& var_info) const; bool operator==(const ObVarInfo& other) const { return (type_ == other.type_ && name_ == other.name_); } TO_STRING_KV(K_(type), K_(name)); ObVarType type_; common::ObString name_; }; class ObQueryRefRawExpr; struct ObSubQueryInfo { ObSubQueryInfo() { sub_query_ = NULL; ref_expr_ = NULL; } TO_STRING_KV(K_(ref_expr)); const ParseNode* sub_query_; ObQueryRefRawExpr* ref_expr_; ObExprInfo parents_expr_info_; }; class ObAggFunRawExpr; class ObPseudoColumnRawExpr; class ObOpRawExpr; class ObWinFunRawExpr; class ObUserVarIdentRawExpr; template struct ObResolveContext { struct ObAggResolveLinkNode : public common::ObDLinkBase { ObAggResolveLinkNode() : is_win_agg_(false) {} bool is_win_agg_; }; ObResolveContext(ExprFactoryT& expr_factory, const common::ObTimeZoneInfo* tz_info, const common::ObNameCaseMode mode) : expr_factory_(expr_factory), stmt_(NULL), connection_charset_(common::CHARSET_INVALID), dest_collation_(common::CS_TYPE_INVALID), tz_info_(tz_info), case_mode_(mode), columns_(NULL), sys_vars_(NULL), sub_query_info_(NULL), aggr_exprs_(NULL), win_exprs_(NULL), op_exprs_(NULL), is_extract_param_type_(true), param_list_(NULL), prepare_param_count_(0), external_param_info_(NULL), current_scope_(T_NONE_SCOPE), is_win_agg_(false), schema_checker_(NULL), session_info_(NULL), query_ctx_(NULL), is_for_pivot_(false), is_for_dynamic_sql_(false), is_for_dbms_sql_(false) {} ExprFactoryT& expr_factory_; ObStmt* stmt_; common::ObCharsetType connection_charset_; common::ObCollationType dest_collation_; const common::ObTimeZoneInfo* tz_info_; common::ObNameCaseMode case_mode_; ObExprInfo parents_expr_info_; common::ObIArray* columns_; common::ObIArray* sys_vars_; common::ObIArray* sub_query_info_; common::ObIArray* aggr_exprs_; common::ObIArray* win_exprs_; common::ObIArray* op_exprs_; common::ObIArray* user_var_exprs_; bool is_extract_param_type_; const ParamStore* param_list_; int64_t prepare_param_count_; common::ObIArray>* external_param_info_; // for anonymous + ps ObStmtScope current_scope_; common::ObArenaAllocator local_allocator_; typedef common::ObDList ObAggResolveLink; ObAggResolveLink agg_resolve_link_; bool is_win_agg_; ObSchemaChecker* schema_checker_; // we use checker to get udf function name. const ObSQLSessionInfo* session_info_; // we use to get tenant id share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard* schema_guard_; ObQueryCtx* query_ctx_; bool is_for_pivot_; bool is_for_dynamic_sql_; bool is_for_dbms_sql_; }; typedef ObResolveContext ObExprResolveContext; class ObRawExprVisitor; struct ObHiddenColumnItem; class ObRawExpr : virtual public jit::expr::ObExpr { public: friend sql::ObExpr* ObStaticEngineExprCG::get_rt_expr(const ObRawExpr& raw_expr); friend sql::ObExpr* ObExprOperator::get_rt_expr(const ObRawExpr& raw_expr) const; explicit ObRawExpr(ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObExpr(expr_type), magic_num_(0x13572468), info_(), rel_ids_(), expr_levels_(), inner_alloc_(NULL), expr_factory_(NULL), expr_level_(-1), is_explicited_reference_(false), ref_count_(0), is_for_generated_column_(false), rt_expr_(NULL), extra_(0), orig_expr_(NULL), is_calculated_(false), is_deterministic_(true) {} explicit ObRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc, ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObExpr(alloc, expr_type), magic_num_(0x13572468), info_(), rel_ids_(), expr_levels_(), inner_alloc_(&alloc), expr_factory_(NULL), expr_level_(-1), is_explicited_reference_(false), ref_count_(0), is_for_generated_column_(false), rt_expr_(NULL), extra_(0), orig_expr_(NULL), is_calculated_(false), is_deterministic_(true) {} virtual ~ObRawExpr(); int assign(const ObRawExpr& other); int deep_copy( ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObRawExpr& other, const uint64_t types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs) = 0; virtual void clear_child() = 0; virtual void reset(); /// whether is the same expression. /// Compare the two expression tree. bool has_generalized_column() const; bool has_enum_set_column() const; bool has_specified_pseudocolumn() const; virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const = 0; bool is_generalized_column() const; void unset_result_flag(uint32_t result_flag); // void set_op_factory(ObExprOperatorFactory &factory) { op_factory_ = &factory; } void set_allocator(common::ObIAllocator& alloc); void set_expr_factory(ObRawExprFactory& factory) { expr_factory_ = &factory; } ObRawExprFactory* get_expr_factory() { return expr_factory_; } void set_expr_info(const ObExprInfo& info); int add_flag(int32_t flag); int add_flags(const ObExprInfo& flags); int add_child_flags(const ObExprInfo& flags); bool has_flag(ObExprInfoFlag flag) const; int clear_flag(int32_t flag); bool has_const_or_const_expr_flag() const; bool has_hierarchical_query_flag() const; const ObExprInfo& get_expr_info() const; ObExprInfo& get_expr_info(); void set_relation_ids(const ObRelIds& rel_ids); int add_relation_id(int64_t rel_idx); int add_relation_ids(const ObRelIds& rel_ids); ObRelIds& get_relation_ids(); const ObRelIds& get_relation_ids() const; int add_expr_levels(const ObExprLevels& expr_levels) { return expr_levels_.add_members(expr_levels); } ObExprLevels& get_expr_levels() { return expr_levels_; } const ObExprLevels& get_expr_levels() const { return expr_levels_; } // implemented base on get_param_count() and get_param_expr() interface, // children are visited in get_param_expr() return order. int preorder_accept(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor); int postorder_accept(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor); int postorder_replace(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor); virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) = 0; // skip visit child for expr visitor. (ObSetIterRawExpr) virtual bool skip_visit_child() const { return false; } virtual int64_t get_param_count() const = 0; virtual const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const = 0; virtual ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index) = 0; virtual int64_t get_output_column() const { return -1; } inline bool is_not_null() const { return get_result_type().has_result_flag(OB_MYSQL_NOT_NULL_FLAG); } inline bool is_auto_increment() const { return get_result_type().has_result_flag(OB_MYSQL_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG); } inline bool is_rand_func_expr() const { return has_flag(IS_RAND_FUNC); } inline bool is_obj_access_expr() const { return T_OBJ_ACCESS_REF == get_expr_type(); } inline bool is_assoc_index_expr() const { return T_FUN_PL_ASSOCIATIVE_INDEX == get_expr_type(); } bool is_non_pure_sys_func_expr() const; bool is_specified_pseudocolumn_expr() const; void set_alias_column_name(const common::ObString& alias_name) { alias_column_name_ = alias_name; } const common::ObString& get_alias_column_name() const { return alias_column_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_root_alias_column_name() const { return OB_NOT_NULL(orig_expr_) ? orig_expr_->get_root_alias_column_name() : alias_column_name_; } inline ObRawExpr* get_orig_expr() const { return orig_expr_; } inline const ObRawExpr* get_root_orig_expr() const { return OB_NOT_NULL(orig_expr_) ? orig_expr_->get_root_orig_expr() : this; } int set_expr_name(const common::ObString& expr_name); const common::ObString& get_expr_name() const { return expr_name_; } inline void set_expr_level(int32_t expr_level) { expr_level_ = expr_level; } inline int32_t get_expr_level() const { return expr_level_; } inline uint64_t hash(uint64_t seed) const { seed = common::do_hash(type_, seed); seed = common::do_hash(expr_class_, seed); seed = result_type_.hash(seed); seed = hash_internal(seed); return seed; } inline bool is_type_to_str_expr() const { return (T_FUN_ENUM_TO_STR == type_ || T_FUN_SET_TO_STR == type_ || T_FUN_ENUM_TO_INNER_TYPE == type_ || T_FUN_SET_TO_INNER_TYPE == type_); } virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const = 0; int get_name(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type = EXPLAIN_UNINITIALIZED) const; int get_type_and_length(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; virtual int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const = 0; // post-processing for expressions int formalize(const ObSQLSessionInfo* my_session); int pull_relation_id_and_levels(int32_t cur_stmt_level); int extract_info(); int deduce_type(const ObSQLSessionInfo* my_session = NULL); inline ObExprInfo& get_flags() { return info_; } int set_enum_set_values(const common::ObIArray& values); const common::ObIArray& get_enum_set_values() const { return enum_set_values_; } bool is_explicited_reference() const { return is_explicited_reference_; } void set_explicited_reference() { ref_count_++; is_explicited_reference_ = true; } void clear_explicited_referece() { ref_count_ = 0; is_explicited_reference_ = false; } int64_t get_ref_count() const { return ref_count_; } bool is_for_generated_column() const { return is_for_generated_column_; } void set_for_generated_column() { is_for_generated_column_ = true; } void clear_for_generated_column() { is_for_generated_column_ = false; } void set_rt_expr(sql::ObExpr* expr) { rt_expr_ = expr; } void reset_rt_expr() { rt_expr_ = NULL; } void set_extra(uint64_t extra) { extra_ = extra; } void set_is_calculated(bool is_calculated) { is_calculated_ = is_calculated; } uint64_t get_extra() const { return extra_; } bool is_calculated() const { return is_calculated_; } void set_orig_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { orig_expr_ = expr; } bool is_deterministic() const { return is_deterministic_; } void set_is_deterministic(bool is_deterministic) { is_deterministic_ = is_deterministic; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(expr_level), K_(expr_levels), K_(enum_set_values), K_(is_explicited_reference), K_(ref_count), K_(is_for_generated_column), K_(extra), K_(is_calculated)); public: uint32_t magic_num_; protected: static const int64_t COMMON_MULTI_NUM = 16; static const int64_t COMMON_ENUM_SET_VALUE_NUM = 4; protected: ObExprInfo info_; // flags ObRelIds rel_ids_; // related table idx // means the raw expr contain which level variables(column, aggregate expr, set expr or subquery expr) ObExprLevels expr_levels_; common::ObIAllocator* inner_alloc_; ObRawExprFactory* expr_factory_; common::ObString alias_column_name_; int32_t expr_level_; common::ObArray enum_set_values_; // string_map common::ObString expr_name_; // for column expr, agg expr, window function expr and query ref exprs bool is_explicited_reference_; int64_t ref_count_; bool is_for_generated_column_; sql::ObExpr* rt_expr_; uint64_t extra_; ObRawExpr* orig_expr_; // orig raw expr before pre cast of pre calc. bool is_calculated_; // for code gerenation in static engine. bool is_deterministic_; // expr is deterministic, given the same inputs, returns the same result private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObRawExpr); }; inline void ObRawExpr::set_allocator(ObIAllocator& alloc) { inner_alloc_ = &alloc; result_type_.set_allocator(&alloc); } inline void ObRawExpr::unset_result_flag(uint32_t result_flag) { result_type_.unset_result_flag(result_flag); } inline void ObRawExpr::set_relation_ids(const ObRelIds& rel_ids) { rel_ids_ = rel_ids; } inline int ObRawExpr::add_relation_id(int64_t rel_idx) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (rel_idx < 0) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { ret = rel_ids_.add_member(rel_idx); } return ret; } inline int ObRawExpr::add_relation_ids(const ObRelIds& rel_ids) { return rel_ids_.add_members(rel_ids); } inline int ObRawExpr::add_flag(int32_t flag) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_FAIL(info_.add_member(flag))) { // add_member will print log,here no need } else if (flag <= IS_INFO_MASK_END) { if (OB_FAIL(info_.add_member(CNT_INFO_MASK_BEGIN + flag))) { // add_member will print log,here no need } } else { } return ret; } inline int ObRawExpr::clear_flag(int32_t flag) { return info_.del_member(flag); } inline bool ObRawExpr::has_const_or_const_expr_flag() const { return has_flag(IS_CONST) || has_flag(IS_CONST_EXPR); } inline bool ObRawExpr::has_hierarchical_query_flag() const { return has_flag(CNT_PRIOR) || has_flag(CNT_LEVEL) || has_flag(CNT_CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF) || has_flag(CNT_CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE) || has_flag(CNT_CONNECT_BY_ROOT) || has_flag(CNT_SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH); ; } inline int ObRawExpr::add_flags(const ObExprInfo& flags) { return info_.add_members(flags); } inline bool ObRawExpr::has_flag(ObExprInfoFlag flag) const { return info_.has_member(flag); } inline bool ObRawExpr::same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context) const { UNUSED(check_context); return (get_expr_type() == expr.get_expr_type() && get_result_type() == expr.get_result_type()); } inline void ObRawExpr::set_expr_info(const ObExprInfo& info) { info_ = info; } inline ObExprInfo& ObRawExpr::get_expr_info() { return info_; } inline const ObExprInfo& ObRawExpr::get_expr_info() const { return info_; } inline ObRelIds& ObRawExpr::get_relation_ids() { return rel_ids_; } inline const ObRelIds& ObRawExpr::get_relation_ids() const { return rel_ids_; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObTerminalRawExpr : public ObRawExpr { public: explicit ObTerminalRawExpr(ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObRawExpr(expr_type) {} explicit ObTerminalRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc, ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObRawExpr(alloc, expr_type) {} virtual ~ObTerminalRawExpr() {} virtual void clear_child() {} virtual int64_t get_param_count() const { return 0; } virtual const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const { UNUSED(index); return NULL; } virtual ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index); virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const { return seed; } protected: private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObTerminalRawExpr); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObConstRawExpr : public ObTerminalRawExpr, public jit::expr::ObConstExpr { public: ObConstRawExpr() : is_date_unit_(false) /*: precalc_expr_(NULL)*/ { ObExpr::set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_CONST); } ObConstRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObExpr(alloc), ObTerminalRawExpr(alloc), ObConstExpr(), is_date_unit_(false) { ObExpr::set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_CONST); } ObConstRawExpr(const oceanbase::common::ObObj& val, ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObExpr(expr_type), ObTerminalRawExpr(expr_type), ObConstExpr(), is_date_unit_(false) { set_value(val); set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_CONST); } virtual ~ObConstRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObConstRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObConstRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); void set_value(const oceanbase::common::ObObj& val); void set_literal_prefix(const common::ObString& name); void set_expr_obj_meta(const common::ObObjMeta& meta) { obj_meta_ = meta; } const common::ObObjMeta& get_expr_obj_meta() const { return obj_meta_; } const common::ObString& get_literal_prefix() const { return literal_prefix_; } void set_is_date_unit(); void reset_is_date_unit(); bool is_date_unit() { return true == is_date_unit_; } virtual void reset(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; DECLARE_VIRTUAL_TO_STRING; private: common::ObString literal_prefix_; // used in compile phase. common::ObObjMeta obj_meta_; bool is_date_unit_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObConstRawExpr); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObVarRawExpr : public ObTerminalRawExpr, public jit::expr::ObVarExpr { public: ObVarRawExpr() { ObExpr::set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_VAR); } ObVarRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObExpr(alloc), ObTerminalRawExpr(alloc), ObVarExpr(), result_type_assigned_(false) { ObExpr::set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_VAR); } ObVarRawExpr(ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObExpr(expr_type), ObTerminalRawExpr(expr_type), ObVarExpr(), result_type_assigned_(false) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_VAR); } virtual ~ObVarRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObVarRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObVarRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; void set_result_type_assigned(bool v) { result_type_assigned_ = v; } bool get_result_type_assigned() { return result_type_assigned_; } private: bool result_type_assigned_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObVarRawExpr); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObUserVarIdentRawExpr : public ObConstRawExpr { public: ObUserVarIdentRawExpr() : is_contain_assign_(false), query_has_udf_(false) {} ObUserVarIdentRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObConstRawExpr(alloc), is_contain_assign_(false), query_has_udf_(false) {} ObUserVarIdentRawExpr(const oceanbase::common::ObObj& val, ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObConstRawExpr(val, expr_type), is_contain_assign_(false), query_has_udf_(false) {} virtual ~ObUserVarIdentRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObUserVarIdentRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObUserVarIdentRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); virtual void reset(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; bool get_is_contain_assign() const { return is_contain_assign_; } void set_is_contain_assign(bool is_contain_assign) { is_contain_assign_ = is_contain_assign; } bool get_query_has_udf() const { return query_has_udf_; } void set_query_has_udf(bool query_has_udf) { query_has_udf_ = query_has_udf; } bool is_same_variable(const ObObj& obj) const; DECLARE_VIRTUAL_TO_STRING; private: bool is_contain_assign_; bool query_has_udf_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObUserVarIdentRawExpr); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObLogicalOperator; class ObQueryRefRawExpr : public ObTerminalRawExpr { public: ObQueryRefRawExpr() : ObTerminalRawExpr(), ref_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), output_column_(0), is_set_(false), is_cursor_(false), ref_type_(OB_STMT) { ref_stmt_ = NULL; ref_operator_ = NULL; set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_QUERY_REF); } ObQueryRefRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObTerminalRawExpr(alloc), ref_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), output_column_(0), is_set_(false), is_cursor_(false), ref_type_(OB_STMT) { ref_stmt_ = NULL; ref_operator_ = NULL; set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_QUERY_REF); } ObQueryRefRawExpr(int64_t id, ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObTerminalRawExpr(expr_type), ref_id_(id), output_column_(0), is_set_(false), is_cursor_(false), ref_type_(OB_STMT) { ref_stmt_ = NULL; ref_operator_ = NULL; set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_QUERY_REF); } virtual ~ObQueryRefRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObQueryRefRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObStmtFactory& stmt_factory, ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObQueryRefRawExpr& other); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); int64_t get_ref_id() const; void set_ref_id(int64_t id); ObSelectStmt* get_ref_stmt(); const ObSelectStmt* get_ref_stmt() const; void set_ref_stmt(ObSelectStmt* ref_stmt) { ref_stmt_ = ref_stmt; ref_type_ = OB_STMT; } ObLogicalOperator* get_ref_operator() { return (OB_LOGICAL_OPERATOR == ref_type_ ? ref_operator_ : NULL); } const ObLogicalOperator* get_ref_operator() const { return (OB_LOGICAL_OPERATOR == ref_type_ ? ref_operator_ : NULL); } void set_ref_operator(ObLogicalOperator* ref_opeator) { ref_operator_ = ref_opeator; ref_type_ = OB_LOGICAL_OPERATOR; } bool is_ref_stmt() const { return OB_STMT == ref_type_; } bool is_ref_operator() const { return OB_LOGICAL_OPERATOR == ref_type_; } void set_output_column(int64_t output_column); int64_t get_output_column() const; int add_column_type(const ObExprResType& type) { return column_types_.push_back(type); } const common::ObIArray& get_column_types() const { return column_types_; } common::ObIArray& get_column_types() { return column_types_; } void set_is_set(bool is_set) { is_set_ = is_set; } bool is_set() const { return is_set_; } void set_cursor(bool is_cursor) { is_cursor_ = is_cursor; } bool is_cursor() const { return is_cursor_; } virtual void reset(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const { return common::do_hash(ref_id_, seed); } int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, N_ID, ref_id_, K_(expr_level), K_(expr_levels), K_(output_column), K_(is_set), K_(is_cursor), K_(column_types), K_(enum_set_values)); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObQueryRefRawExpr); int64_t ref_id_; union { ObSelectStmt* ref_stmt_; ObLogicalOperator* ref_operator_; }; enum RefType { OB_STMT = 0, OB_LOGICAL_OPERATOR = 1 }; int64_t output_column_; bool is_set_; bool is_cursor_; common::ObSEArray column_types_; RefType ref_type_; }; inline int64_t ObQueryRefRawExpr::get_ref_id() const { return ref_id_; } inline void ObQueryRefRawExpr::set_ref_id(int64_t id) { ref_id_ = id; } inline void ObQueryRefRawExpr::set_output_column(int64_t output_column) { output_column_ = output_column; } inline int64_t ObQueryRefRawExpr::get_output_column() const { return output_column_; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObColumnRefRawExpr : public ObTerminalRawExpr, public jit::expr::ObColumnRefExpr { public: ObColumnRefRawExpr() : ObExpr(), ObTerminalRawExpr(), jit::expr::ObColumnRefExpr(), table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), column_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_name_(), table_name_(), synonym_name_(), synonym_db_name_(), column_name_(), column_flags_(0), dependant_expr_(NULL), is_lob_column_(false), is_unpivot_mocked_column_(false), is_hidden_(false), real_expr_(nullptr) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_COLUMN_REF); } ObColumnRefRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObExpr(alloc), ObTerminalRawExpr(alloc), ObColumnRefExpr(alloc), table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), column_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID), database_name_(), table_name_(), synonym_name_(), synonym_db_name_(), column_name_(), column_flags_(0), dependant_expr_(NULL), is_lob_column_(false), is_unpivot_mocked_column_(false), is_hidden_(false), real_expr_(nullptr) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_COLUMN_REF); } ObColumnRefRawExpr(uint64_t first_id, uint64_t second_id, ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObExpr(expr_type), ObTerminalRawExpr(expr_type), ObColumnRefExpr(expr_type), table_id_(first_id), column_id_(second_id), database_name_(), table_name_(), synonym_name_(), synonym_db_name_(), column_name_(), column_flags_(0), dependant_expr_(NULL), is_lob_column_(false), is_unpivot_mocked_column_(false), is_hidden_(false), real_expr_(nullptr) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_COLUMN_REF); } virtual ~ObColumnRefRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObColumnRefRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObColumnRefRawExpr& other, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); uint64_t get_table_id() const; uint64_t get_column_id() const; uint64_t& get_table_id(); uint64_t& get_column_id(); void set_ref_id(uint64_t table_id, uint64_t column_id); void set_table_id(uint64_t table_id); void set_column_attr(const common::ObString& table_name, const common::ObString& column_name); inline void set_table_name(const common::ObString& table_name) { table_name_ = table_name; } inline common::ObString& get_table_name() { return table_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_table_name() const { return table_name_; } inline void set_synonym_name(const common::ObString& synonym_name) { synonym_name_ = synonym_name; } inline common::ObString& get_synonym_name() { return synonym_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_synonym_name() const { return synonym_name_; } inline void set_synonym_db_name(const common::ObString& synonym_db_name) { synonym_db_name_ = synonym_db_name; } inline common::ObString& get_synonym_db_name() { return synonym_db_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_synonym_db_name() const { return synonym_db_name_; } inline void set_column_name(const common::ObString& column_name) { column_name_ = column_name; } inline common::ObString& get_column_name() { return column_name_; } inline const common::ObString& get_column_name() const { return column_name_; } inline void set_database_name(const common::ObString& db_name) { database_name_ = db_name; } inline const common::ObString& get_database_name() const { return database_name_; } inline common::ObString& get_database_name() { return database_name_; } inline int64_t get_cte_generate_column_projector_offset() const { return get_column_id(); } virtual void reset(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; inline bool is_generated_column() const { return share::schema::ObSchemaUtils::is_generated_column(column_flags_); } inline bool is_default_expr_v2_column() const { return share::schema::ObSchemaUtils::is_default_expr_v2_column(column_flags_); } inline bool is_virtual_generated_column() const { return share::schema::ObSchemaUtils::is_virtual_generated_column(column_flags_); } inline bool is_stored_generated_column() const { return share::schema::ObSchemaUtils::is_stored_generated_column(column_flags_); } inline bool is_fulltext_column() const { return share::schema::ObSchemaUtils::is_fulltext_column(column_flags_); } inline bool is_cte_generated_column() const { return share::schema::ObSchemaUtils::is_cte_generated_column(column_flags_); } inline bool has_generated_column_deps() const { return column_flags_ & GENERATED_DEPS_CASCADE_FLAG; } inline bool is_table_part_key_column() const { return column_flags_ & TABLE_PART_KEY_COLUMN_FLAG; } void set_column_flags(uint64_t column_flags) { column_flags_ = column_flags; } inline uint64_t get_column_flags() const { return column_flags_; } inline const ObRawExpr* get_dependant_expr() const { return dependant_expr_; } inline ObRawExpr* get_dependant_expr() { return dependant_expr_; } inline void set_dependant_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { dependant_expr_ = expr; } bool is_lob_column() const { return is_lob_column_; } void set_lob_column(bool is_lob_column) { is_lob_column_ = is_lob_column; } bool is_unpivot_mocked_column() const { return is_unpivot_mocked_column_; } void set_unpivot_mocked_column(const bool value) { is_unpivot_mocked_column_ = value; } bool is_hidden_column() const { return is_hidden_; } void set_hidden_column(const bool value) { is_hidden_ = value; } inline ObRawExpr* get_real_expr() { return real_expr_; } inline void set_real_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { real_expr_ = expr; } int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, N_TID, table_id_, N_CID, column_id_, K_(database_name), K_(table_name), K_(synonym_name), K_(synonym_db_name), K_(column_name), K_(expr_level), K_(expr_levels), K_(column_flags), K_(enum_set_values), K_(is_lob_column), K_(is_unpivot_mocked_column), K_(is_hidden)); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObColumnRefRawExpr); uint64_t table_id_; uint64_t column_id_; common::ObString database_name_; common::ObString table_name_; common::ObString synonym_name_; common::ObString synonym_db_name_; common::ObString column_name_; uint64_t column_flags_; // same as flags in ObColumnSchemaV2 ObRawExpr* dependant_expr_; // TODO bool is_lob_column_; // TODO add lob column bool is_unpivot_mocked_column_; // used for unpivot bool is_hidden_; // used for print hidden column ObRawExpr* real_expr_; // for oracle virtual table that is mapping a real table }; inline void ObColumnRefRawExpr::set_ref_id(uint64_t table_id, uint64_t column_id) { table_id_ = table_id; column_id_ = column_id; } inline void ObColumnRefRawExpr::set_table_id(uint64_t table_id) { table_id_ = table_id; } inline uint64_t ObColumnRefRawExpr::get_table_id() const { return table_id_; } inline uint64_t ObColumnRefRawExpr::get_column_id() const { return column_id_; } inline uint64_t& ObColumnRefRawExpr::get_table_id() { return table_id_; } inline uint64_t& ObColumnRefRawExpr::get_column_id() { return column_id_; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObSetOpRawExpr : public ObTerminalRawExpr { public: ObSetOpRawExpr() : ObTerminalRawExpr(), idx_(-1) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_SET_OP); } ObSetOpRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObTerminalRawExpr(alloc), idx_(-1) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_SET_OP); } virtual ~ObSetOpRawExpr() {} virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs) override; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; int deep_copy( ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObSetOpRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator); int assign(const ObSetOpRawExpr& other); void set_idx(int64_t idx) { idx_ = idx; } int64_t get_idx() const { return idx_; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(expr_level), K_(expr_levels), K_(idx)); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObSetOpRawExpr); int64_t idx_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObAliasRefRawExpr : public ObRawExpr { public: ObAliasRefRawExpr() : ObRawExpr(), ref_expr_(NULL) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_ALIAS_REF); } ObAliasRefRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObRawExpr(alloc), ref_expr_(NULL), project_index_(OB_INVALID_INDEX) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_ALIAS_REF); } virtual ~ObAliasRefRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObAliasRefRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObAliasRefRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); const ObRawExpr* get_ref_expr() const; ObRawExpr* get_ref_expr(); void set_ref_expr(ObRawExpr* ref_expr) { ref_expr_ = ref_expr; } bool is_ref_query_output() const { return ref_expr_->is_query_ref_expr() && project_index_ != OB_INVALID_INDEX; } int64_t get_project_index() const { return project_index_; } void set_query_output(ObQueryRefRawExpr* query_ref, int64_t project_index) { ref_expr_ = query_ref; project_index_ = project_index; } virtual void clear_child() override { ref_expr_ = NULL; project_index_ = OB_INVALID_INDEX; } virtual int64_t get_param_count() const override { return 1; } virtual const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const override; virtual ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index) override; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, N_VALUE, ref_expr_, K_(enum_set_values)); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObAliasRefRawExpr); ObRawExpr* ref_expr_; int64_t project_index_; // project index of the subquery }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObNonTerminalRawExpr : public ObRawExpr { public: ObNonTerminalRawExpr() : ObRawExpr(), op_(NULL), input_types_() {} ObNonTerminalRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObRawExpr(alloc), op_(NULL), input_types_() {} virtual ~ObNonTerminalRawExpr() { free_op(); } int assign(const ObNonTerminalRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObNonTerminalRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); virtual void reset() { free_op(); input_types_.reset(); } virtual ObExprOperator* get_op(); void free_op(); /* * store the target type of paramters. */ int set_input_types(const ObIExprResTypes& input_types); inline const ObExprResTypes& get_input_types() { return input_types_; } inline int64_t get_input_types_count() const { return input_types_.count(); } virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const { return seed; } protected: // data members ObExprOperator* op_; ObExprResTypes input_types_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObNonTerminalRawExpr); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObOpRawExpr : public ObNonTerminalRawExpr, public jit::expr::ObOpExpr { public: ObOpRawExpr() : ObExpr(), ObNonTerminalRawExpr(), ObOpExpr(), exprs_(), subquery_key_(T_WITH_NONE), deduce_type_adding_implicit_cast_(true) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_OPERATOR); } ObOpRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObExpr(alloc), ObNonTerminalRawExpr(alloc), ObOpExpr(alloc), exprs_(), subquery_key_(T_WITH_NONE), deduce_type_adding_implicit_cast_(true) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_OPERATOR); } ObOpRawExpr(ObRawExpr* first_expr, ObRawExpr* second_expr, ObItemType type); // binary op virtual ~ObOpRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObOpRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObOpRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); int set_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); // unary op int set_param_exprs(ObRawExpr* first_expr, ObRawExpr* second_expr); // binary op int set_param_exprs(ObRawExpr* first_expr, ObRawExpr* second_expr, ObRawExpr* third_expr); // triple op int add_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); int remove_param_expr(int64_t index); int replace_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr); bool deduce_type_adding_implicit_cast() const { return deduce_type_adding_implicit_cast_; } void set_deduce_type_adding_implicit_cast(const bool v) { deduce_type_adding_implicit_cast_ = v; } void set_expr_type(ObItemType type); common::ObIArray& get_param_exprs() { return exprs_; } const common::ObIArray& get_param_exprs() const { return exprs_; } int64_t get_param_count() const; const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const; ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index); virtual int64_t get_output_column() const { return T_OP_ROW == get_expr_type() ? get_param_count() : -1; } virtual void clear_child(); virtual void reset(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; // used for jit expr virtual int64_t get_children_count() const { return exprs_.count(); } // used for jit expr virtual int get_children(jit::expr::ExprArray& jit_exprs) const; void set_subquery_key(ObSubQueryKey& key) { subquery_key_ = key; } ObSubQueryKey get_subquery_key() { return subquery_key_; } virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; int get_subquery_comparison_name( const common::ObString& symbol, char* buf, int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(expr_levels), N_CHILDREN, exprs_); protected: common::ObSEArray exprs_; ObSubQueryKey subquery_key_; bool deduce_type_adding_implicit_cast_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObOpRawExpr); }; inline const ObRawExpr* ObOpRawExpr::get_param_expr(int64_t index) const { const ObRawExpr* expr = NULL; if (index >= 0 && index < exprs_.count()) { expr = exprs_.at(index); } return expr; } // here must return in two branch, because ret value is a *& inline ObRawExpr*& ObOpRawExpr::get_param_expr(int64_t index) { if (index >= 0 && index < exprs_.count()) { return exprs_.at(index); } else { return USELESS_POINTER; } } inline int ObOpRawExpr::add_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { return exprs_.push_back(expr); } inline int ObOpRawExpr::remove_param_expr(int64_t index) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (index < 0 || index >= exprs_.count()) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { ret = exprs_.remove(index); } return ret; } inline int ObOpRawExpr::replace_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (index < 0 || index >= exprs_.count()) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { ObRawExpr*& target_expr = exprs_.at(index); if (OB_NOT_NULL(expr) && expr != target_expr) { expr->set_orig_expr(target_expr); } target_expr = expr; } return ret; } inline int64_t ObOpRawExpr::get_param_count() const { return exprs_.count(); } inline uint64_t ObOpRawExpr::hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const { uint64_t hash_value = seed; for (int64_t i = 0; i < exprs_.count(); ++i) { if (NULL != exprs_.at(i)) { hash_value = common::do_hash(*(exprs_.at(i)), hash_value); } } return hash_value; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObCaseOpRawExpr : public ObNonTerminalRawExpr, public jit::expr::ObCaseOpExpr { public: ObCaseOpRawExpr() : ObExpr(), ObNonTerminalRawExpr(), ObCaseOpExpr(), arg_expr_(NULL), when_exprs_(), then_exprs_(), default_expr_(NULL), is_decode_func_(false) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_CASE_OPERATOR); } ObCaseOpRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObExpr(alloc), ObNonTerminalRawExpr(alloc), ObCaseOpExpr(), arg_expr_(NULL), when_exprs_(), then_exprs_(), default_expr_(NULL), is_decode_func_(false) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_CASE_OPERATOR); } virtual ~ObCaseOpRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObCaseOpRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObCaseOpRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); const ObRawExpr* get_arg_param_expr() const; const ObRawExpr* get_default_param_expr() const; const ObRawExpr* get_when_param_expr(int64_t index) const; const ObRawExpr* get_then_param_expr(int64_t index) const; ObRawExpr*& get_arg_param_expr(); inline common::ObIArray& get_when_param_exprs() { return when_exprs_; } inline common::ObIArray& get_then_param_exprs() { return then_exprs_; } ObRawExpr*& get_default_param_expr(); ObRawExpr*& get_when_param_expr(int64_t index); ObRawExpr*& get_then_param_expr(int64_t index); void set_arg_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); void set_default_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); int add_when_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); int add_then_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); int replace_when_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr); int replace_then_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr); int replace_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* new_expr); int64_t get_when_expr_size() const; int64_t get_then_expr_size() const; bool is_arg_case() const { return NULL != arg_expr_; } bool is_decode_func() const { return is_decode_func_; } virtual void clear_child(); virtual void reset(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual int64_t get_param_count() const; virtual const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const; virtual ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index); // used for jit virtual int64_t get_children_count() const { return get_param_count(); } virtual int get_children(jit::expr::ExprArray& jit_exprs) const; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(expr_levels), N_ARG_CASE, arg_expr_, N_DEFAULT, default_expr_, N_WHEN, when_exprs_, N_THEN, then_exprs_, N_DECODE, is_decode_func_); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObCaseOpRawExpr); ObRawExpr* arg_expr_; common::ObSEArray when_exprs_; common::ObSEArray then_exprs_; ObRawExpr* default_expr_; bool is_decode_func_; }; inline const ObRawExpr* ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_arg_param_expr() const { return arg_expr_; } inline const ObRawExpr* ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_default_param_expr() const { return default_expr_; } inline const ObRawExpr* ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_when_param_expr(int64_t index) const { ObRawExpr* expr = NULL; if (OB_LIKELY(index >= 0 && index < when_exprs_.count())) { expr = when_exprs_.at(index); } else { } return expr; } inline const ObRawExpr* ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_then_param_expr(int64_t index) const { ObRawExpr* expr = NULL; if (OB_LIKELY(index >= 0 || index < then_exprs_.count())) { expr = then_exprs_.at(index); } else { } return expr; } inline ObRawExpr*& ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_arg_param_expr() { return arg_expr_; } inline ObRawExpr*& ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_default_param_expr() { return default_expr_; } // here must return in two branch, because ret value is a *& inline ObRawExpr*& ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_when_param_expr(int64_t index) { if (OB_LIKELY(index >= 0 && index < when_exprs_.count())) { return when_exprs_.at(index); } else { return USELESS_POINTER; } } // here must return in two branch, because ret value is a *& inline ObRawExpr*& ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_then_param_expr(int64_t index) { if (OB_LIKELY(index >= 0 && index < then_exprs_.count())) { return then_exprs_.at(index); } else { return USELESS_POINTER; } } inline void ObCaseOpRawExpr::set_arg_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { arg_expr_ = expr; } inline void ObCaseOpRawExpr::set_default_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { default_expr_ = expr; } inline int ObCaseOpRawExpr::add_when_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { int ret = when_exprs_.push_back(expr); return ret; } inline int ObCaseOpRawExpr::add_then_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { int ret = then_exprs_.push_back(expr); return ret; } inline int ObCaseOpRawExpr::replace_when_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_UNLIKELY((index < 0 || index >= when_exprs_.count()))) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; } else { when_exprs_.at(index) = expr; } return ret; } inline int ObCaseOpRawExpr::replace_then_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_UNLIKELY((index < 0 || index >= then_exprs_.count()))) { ret = common::OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED; } else { then_exprs_.at(index) = expr; } return ret; } inline int64_t ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_when_expr_size() const { return when_exprs_.count(); } inline int64_t ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_then_expr_size() const { return then_exprs_.count(); } inline int64_t ObCaseOpRawExpr::get_param_count() const { return when_exprs_.count() + then_exprs_.count() + (NULL == arg_expr_ ? 0 : 1) + (NULL == default_expr_ ? 0 : 1); } inline uint64_t ObCaseOpRawExpr::hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const { if (arg_expr_) { seed = common::do_hash(*arg_expr_, seed); } for (int64_t i = 0; i < when_exprs_.count(); ++i) { if (OB_LIKELY(NULL != when_exprs_.at(i))) { seed = common::do_hash(*(when_exprs_.at(i)), seed); } } for (int64_t i = 0; i < then_exprs_.count(); ++i) { if (OB_LIKELY(NULL != then_exprs_.at(i))) { seed = common::do_hash(*(then_exprs_.at(i)), seed); } } if (NULL != default_expr_) { seed = common::do_hash(*default_expr_, seed); } seed = common::do_hash(is_decode_func_, seed); return seed; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObAggFunRawExpr : public ObRawExpr { public: ObAggFunRawExpr() : ObRawExpr(), real_param_exprs_(), push_down_sum_expr_(NULL), push_down_count_expr_(NULL), push_down_synopsis_expr_(NULL), distinct_(false), order_items_(), separator_param_expr_(NULL), udf_meta_(), linear_inter_expr_(NULL), is_nested_aggr_(false) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_AGGR); order_items_.set_label(common::ObModIds::OB_SQL_AGGR_FUNC_ARR); } ObAggFunRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObRawExpr(alloc), real_param_exprs_(), push_down_sum_expr_(NULL), push_down_count_expr_(NULL), push_down_synopsis_expr_(NULL), distinct_(false), order_items_(), separator_param_expr_(NULL), udf_meta_(), linear_inter_expr_(NULL), is_nested_aggr_(false) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_AGGR); order_items_.set_label(common::ObModIds::OB_SQL_AGGR_FUNC_ARR); } ObAggFunRawExpr(const common::ObSEArray& real_param_exprs, bool is_distinct, ObItemType expr_type = T_INVALID) : ObRawExpr(expr_type), real_param_exprs_(real_param_exprs), push_down_sum_expr_(NULL), push_down_count_expr_(NULL), push_down_synopsis_expr_(NULL), distinct_(is_distinct), order_items_(), separator_param_expr_(NULL), udf_meta_(), linear_inter_expr_(NULL), is_nested_aggr_(false) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_AGGR); order_items_.set_label(common::ObModIds::OB_SQL_AGGR_FUNC_ARR); } virtual ~ObAggFunRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObAggFunRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObAggFunRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); int add_real_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); int replace_real_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr); int replace_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr); void set_push_down_sum_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); void set_push_down_count_expr(ObRawExpr* expr); bool contain_nested_aggr() const; bool is_param_distinct() const; void set_param_distinct(bool is_distinct); void set_separator_param_expr(ObRawExpr* separator_param_expr); void set_linear_inter_expr(ObRawExpr* linear_inter_expr); bool is_nested_aggr() const; void set_in_nested_aggr(bool is_nested); int add_order_item(const OrderItem& order_item); virtual void clear_child(); virtual void reset(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int64_t get_param_count() const { return real_param_exprs_.count() + order_items_.count(); } virtual const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const; virtual ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index); inline int64_t get_real_param_count() const { return real_param_exprs_.count(); } inline const common::ObIArray& get_real_param_exprs() const { return real_param_exprs_; } inline common::ObIArray& get_real_param_exprs_for_update() { return real_param_exprs_; } virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; inline ObRawExpr*& get_push_down_sum_expr() { return push_down_sum_expr_; } inline ObRawExpr*& get_push_down_count_expr() { return push_down_count_expr_; } inline ObRawExpr*& get_push_down_synopsis_expr() { return push_down_synopsis_expr_; } inline ObRawExpr* get_separator_param_expr() const { return separator_param_expr_; } inline ObRawExpr* get_linear_inter_expr() const { return linear_inter_expr_; } inline const common::ObIArray& get_order_items() const { return order_items_; } inline common::ObIArray& get_order_items_for_update() { return order_items_; } virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const { for (int64_t i = 0; i < real_param_exprs_.count(); ++i) { if (OB_LIKELY(NULL != real_param_exprs_.at(i))) { seed = common::do_hash(*real_param_exprs_.at(i), seed); } } seed = common::do_hash(distinct_, seed); for (int64_t i = 0; i < order_items_.count(); ++i) { seed = common::do_hash(order_items_.at(i), seed); } if (NULL != separator_param_expr_) { seed = common::do_hash(*separator_param_expr_, seed); } return seed; } // set udf meta to this expr int set_udf_meta(const share::schema::ObUDF& udf); const share::schema::ObUDFMeta get_udf_meta() { return udf_meta_; } int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; const char* get_name_dblink(ObItemType expr_type) const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(expr_level), K_(expr_levels), N_CHILDREN, real_param_exprs_, N_DISTINCT, distinct_, N_ORDER_BY, order_items_, N_SEPARATOR_PARAM_EXPR, separator_param_expr_, K_(udf_meta), N_LINEAR_INTER_EXPR, linear_inter_expr_); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObAggFunRawExpr); // real_param_exprs_.count() == 0 means '*' common::ObSEArray real_param_exprs_; ObRawExpr* push_down_sum_expr_; ObRawExpr* push_down_count_expr_; ObRawExpr* push_down_synopsis_expr_; bool distinct_; // used for group_concat/rank/percent rank/dense rank/cume dist common::ObArray order_items_; ObRawExpr* separator_param_expr_; // use for udf function info share::schema::ObUDFMeta udf_meta_; // a pre allocated expr used to compute linear interpolation // not contain any sharable expr, no need to deep copy ObRawExpr* linear_inter_expr_; bool is_nested_aggr_; }; inline int ObAggFunRawExpr::add_real_param_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_UNLIKELY(NULL == expr)) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { ret = real_param_exprs_.push_back(expr); } return ret; } inline int ObAggFunRawExpr::replace_real_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_UNLIKELY(index < 0 || index >= real_param_exprs_.count())) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else if (OB_UNLIKELY(NULL == expr)) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { ObRawExpr*& target_expr = real_param_exprs_.at(index); target_expr = expr; } return ret; } inline int ObAggFunRawExpr::replace_param_expr(int64_t index, ObRawExpr* expr) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; if (OB_UNLIKELY(index < 0 || index >= get_param_count())) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else if (OB_UNLIKELY(NULL == expr)) { ret = common::OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else if (index >= real_param_exprs_.count()) { ObRawExpr*& target_expr = order_items_.at(index - real_param_exprs_.count()).expr_; target_expr = expr; } else { ObRawExpr*& target_expr = real_param_exprs_.at(index); target_expr = expr; } return ret; } inline void ObAggFunRawExpr::set_push_down_sum_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { push_down_sum_expr_ = expr; } inline void ObAggFunRawExpr::set_push_down_count_expr(ObRawExpr* expr) { push_down_count_expr_ = expr; } inline bool ObAggFunRawExpr::is_param_distinct() const { return distinct_; } inline bool ObAggFunRawExpr::is_nested_aggr() const { return is_nested_aggr_; } inline bool ObAggFunRawExpr::contain_nested_aggr() const { bool ret = false; for (int64 i = 0; !ret && i < get_param_count(); i++) { if (get_param_expr(i)->has_flag(CNT_AGG)) { ret = true; } else { /*do nothing.*/ } } return ret; } inline void ObAggFunRawExpr::set_param_distinct(bool is_distinct) { distinct_ = is_distinct; } inline void ObAggFunRawExpr::set_in_nested_aggr(bool is_nested) { is_nested_aggr_ = is_nested; } inline void ObAggFunRawExpr::set_separator_param_expr(ObRawExpr* separator_param_expr) { separator_param_expr_ = separator_param_expr; } inline void ObAggFunRawExpr::set_linear_inter_expr(ObRawExpr* linear_inter_expr) { linear_inter_expr_ = linear_inter_expr; } inline int ObAggFunRawExpr::add_order_item(const OrderItem& order_item) { return order_items_.push_back(order_item); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // for normal system function, func_name_ is used to distinguish them. // for special system function, ObRawExpr::type_ can be reset. Such function may not need name class ObSysFunRawExpr : public ObOpRawExpr { public: ObSysFunRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObOpRawExpr(alloc), func_name_(), operator_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_SYS_FUNC); } ObSysFunRawExpr() : ObOpRawExpr(), func_name_(), operator_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_SYS_FUNC); } virtual ~ObSysFunRawExpr() {} virtual int assign(const ObSysFunRawExpr& other); virtual int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObSysFunRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); void set_func_name(const common::ObString& name); const common::ObString& get_func_name() const; virtual void clear_child(); int check_param_num(); virtual ObExprOperator* get_op(); virtual void reset(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const { uint64_t hash_ret = common::do_hash(func_name_, seed); return hash_ret; } int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; int get_cast_type_name(char* buf, int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos) const; int get_column_conv_name(char* buf, int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; void set_op_id(int64_t operator_id) { operator_id_ = operator_id; } int64_t get_op_id() const { return operator_id_; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(expr_levels), N_FUNC, func_name_, N_CHILDREN, exprs_, K_(enum_set_values)); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObSysFunRawExpr); common::ObString func_name_; uint64_t operator_id_; }; inline void ObSysFunRawExpr::set_func_name(const common::ObString& name) { func_name_ = name; } inline const common::ObString& ObSysFunRawExpr::get_func_name() const { return func_name_; } class ObSequenceRawExpr : public ObSysFunRawExpr { public: ObSequenceRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObSysFunRawExpr(alloc), name_(), action_(), sequence_id_(0) {} ObSequenceRawExpr() : ObSysFunRawExpr(), name_(), action_(), sequence_id_(0) {} virtual ~ObSequenceRawExpr() = default; virtual int assign(const ObSequenceRawExpr& other); virtual int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObSequenceRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); int set_sequence_meta(const common::ObString& name, const common::ObString& action, uint64_t sequence_id); const common::ObString& get_name() { return name_; } const common::ObString& get_action() { return action_; } uint64_t get_sequence_id() const { return sequence_id_; } virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const override; virtual int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const override; private: common::ObString name_; // sequence object name common::ObString action_; // NEXTVAL or CURRVAL uint64_t sequence_id_; }; class ObNormalDllUdfRawExpr : public ObSysFunRawExpr { public: ObNormalDllUdfRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObSysFunRawExpr(alloc), udf_meta_(), udf_attributes_() {} ObNormalDllUdfRawExpr() : ObSysFunRawExpr(), udf_meta_(), udf_attributes_() {} virtual ~ObNormalDllUdfRawExpr() {} virtual int assign(const ObNormalDllUdfRawExpr& other); virtual int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObNormalDllUdfRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); int set_udf_meta(const share::schema::ObUDF& udf); int add_udf_attribute_name(const common::ObString& name); int add_udf_attribute(const ObRawExpr* expr, const ParseNode* node); const share::schema::ObUDFMeta& get_udf_meta() const { return udf_meta_; } virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const override; private: // for udf function info share::schema::ObUDFMeta udf_meta_; common::ObSEArray udf_attributes_; // name of input expr }; class ObPLSQLCodeSQLErrmRawExpr : public ObSysFunRawExpr { public: ObPLSQLCodeSQLErrmRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObSysFunRawExpr(alloc), is_sqlcode_(true) {} ObPLSQLCodeSQLErrmRawExpr() : ObSysFunRawExpr(), is_sqlcode_(true) {} virtual ~ObPLSQLCodeSQLErrmRawExpr() {} virtual int assign(const ObPLSQLCodeSQLErrmRawExpr& other); virtual int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObPLSQLCodeSQLErrmRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual ObExprOperator* get_op() override; void set_is_sqlcode(bool is_sqlcode) { is_sqlcode_ = is_sqlcode; } bool get_is_sqlcode() { return is_sqlcode_; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(expr_level), K_(expr_levels), K_(is_sqlcode), N_CHILDREN, exprs_); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObPLSQLCodeSQLErrmRawExpr); private: bool is_sqlcode_; }; class ObObjAccessRawExpr : public ObOpRawExpr { public: ObObjAccessRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObOpRawExpr(alloc), get_attr_func_(0), func_name_(), var_indexs_(), for_write_(false) {} ObObjAccessRawExpr() : ObOpRawExpr(), get_attr_func_(0), func_name_(), var_indexs_(), for_write_(false) {} virtual ~ObObjAccessRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObObjAccessRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObObjAccessRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const override; const common::ObIArray& get_var_indexs() const { return var_indexs_; } void set_get_attr_func_addr(uint64_t get_attr_func) { get_attr_func_ = get_attr_func; } uint64_t get_get_attr_func_addr() const { return get_attr_func_; } void set_func_name(const common::ObString& func_name) { func_name_ = func_name; } const common::ObString& get_func_name() const { return func_name_; } bool for_write() const { return for_write_; } void set_write(bool for_write) { for_write_ = for_write; } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObObjAccessRawExpr); uint64_t get_attr_func_; common::ObString func_name_; common::ObSEArray var_indexs_; bool for_write_; }; enum ObMultiSetType { MULTISET_TYPE_INVALID = -1, MULTISET_TYPE_UNION, MULTISET_TYPE_INTERSECT, MULTISET_TYPE_EXCEPT, MULTISET_TYPE_SUBMULTISET, MULTISET_TYPE_MEMBER_OF, MULTISET_TYPE_IS_SET, MULTISET_TYPE_EMPTY, }; enum ObMultiSetModifier { MULTISET_MODIFIER_INVALID = -1, MULTISET_MODIFIER_ALL, MULTISET_MODIFIER_DISTINCT, MULTISET_MODIFIER_NOT, }; class ObMultiSetRawExpr : public ObOpRawExpr { public: ObMultiSetRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObOpRawExpr(alloc), ms_modifier_(ObMultiSetModifier::MULTISET_MODIFIER_INVALID), ms_type_(ObMultiSetType::MULTISET_TYPE_INVALID) {} ObMultiSetRawExpr() : ObOpRawExpr(), ms_modifier_(ObMultiSetModifier::MULTISET_MODIFIER_INVALID), ms_type_(ObMultiSetType::MULTISET_TYPE_INVALID) {} virtual ~ObMultiSetRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObMultiSetRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObMultiSetRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const override; inline ObMultiSetModifier get_multiset_modifier() const { return ms_modifier_; } inline ObMultiSetType get_multiset_type() const { return ms_type_; } void set_multiset_modifier(ObMultiSetModifier modifier) { ms_modifier_ = modifier; } void set_multiset_type(ObMultiSetType type) { ms_type_ = type; } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObMultiSetRawExpr); ObMultiSetModifier ms_modifier_; ObMultiSetType ms_type_; }; class ObCollPredRawExpr : public ObMultiSetRawExpr { public: ObCollPredRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObMultiSetRawExpr(alloc) {} virtual ~ObCollPredRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObCollPredRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObCollPredRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const override; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObCollPredRawExpr); }; class ObFunMatchAgainst : public ObNonTerminalRawExpr { public: ObFunMatchAgainst() : ObNonTerminalRawExpr(), mode_flag_(NATURAL_LANGUAGE_MODE), match_columns_(NULL), real_column_(NULL), search_key_(NULL), /*search_tree_(NULL)*/ fulltext_filter_(NULL) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_DOMAIN_INDEX); } ObFunMatchAgainst(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObNonTerminalRawExpr(alloc), mode_flag_(NATURAL_LANGUAGE_MODE), match_columns_(NULL), real_column_(NULL), search_key_(NULL), /*search_tree_(NULL)*/ fulltext_filter_(NULL) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_DOMAIN_INDEX); } virtual ~ObFunMatchAgainst() {} virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; inline void set_mode_flag(ObMatchAgainstMode mode_flag) { mode_flag_ = mode_flag; } inline ObMatchAgainstMode get_mode_flag() const { return mode_flag_; } inline void set_match_columns(ObRawExpr* match_columns) { match_columns_ = match_columns; } inline const ObRawExpr* get_match_columns() const { return match_columns_; } inline ObRawExpr* get_match_columns() { return match_columns_; } inline void set_search_key(ObRawExpr* search_key) { search_key_ = search_key; } inline const ObRawExpr* get_search_key() const { return search_key_; } inline ObRawExpr* get_search_key() { return search_key_; } inline void set_real_column(ObColumnRefRawExpr* real_column) { real_column_ = real_column; } inline const ObColumnRefRawExpr* get_real_column() const { return real_column_; } // inline void set_search_tree(ObRawExpr *search_tree) { search_tree_ = search_tree; } // inline const ObRawExpr *get_search_tree() const { return search_tree_; } inline void set_fulltext_filter(ObRawExpr* fulltext_key) { fulltext_filter_ = fulltext_key; } inline const ObRawExpr* get_fulltext_filter() const { return fulltext_filter_; } inline ObRawExpr* get_fulltext_filter() { return fulltext_filter_; } int64_t get_param_count() const { return 2; } const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const; ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index); void clear_child(); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV( N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(mode_flag)); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObFunMatchAgainst); ObMatchAgainstMode mode_flag_; ObRawExpr* match_columns_; ObColumnRefRawExpr* real_column_; ObRawExpr* search_key_; ObRawExpr* fulltext_filter_; }; class ObSetIterRawExpr : public ObNonTerminalRawExpr { public: ObSetIterRawExpr() : ObNonTerminalRawExpr(), left_iter_(NULL), right_iter_(NULL) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_DOMAIN_INDEX); } ObSetIterRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObNonTerminalRawExpr(alloc), left_iter_(NULL), right_iter_(NULL) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_DOMAIN_INDEX); } virtual ~ObSetIterRawExpr() {} virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; int64_t get_param_count() const { return 2; } const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const; ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index); void set_left_expr(ObRawExpr* left_iter) { left_iter_ = left_iter; } void set_right_expr(ObRawExpr* right_iter) { right_iter_ = right_iter; } virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const { UNUSED(expr); UNUSED(check_context); return false; } inline void clear_child() { left_iter_ = NULL; right_iter_ = NULL; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObSetIterRawExpr); ObRawExpr* left_iter_; ObRawExpr* right_iter_; }; class ObRowIterRawExpr : public ObTerminalRawExpr { public: ObRowIterRawExpr() : ObTerminalRawExpr(), iter_idx_(common::OB_INVALID_INDEX) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_DOMAIN_INDEX); } ObRowIterRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObTerminalRawExpr(alloc), iter_idx_(common::OB_INVALID_INDEX) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_DOMAIN_INDEX); } virtual ~ObRowIterRawExpr() {} virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const { UNUSED(expr); UNUSED(check_context); return false; } int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; inline void set_iter_idx(int64_t iter_idx) { iter_idx_ = iter_idx; } inline int64_t get_iter_idx() const { return iter_idx_; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(iter_idx)); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObRowIterRawExpr); int64_t iter_idx_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // eg : // partition by class order by score rows between 5 preceding and 5 following : WINDOW_ROWS // partition by class order by score range between 5 preceding and 5 following : WINDOW_RANGE // new enum WindowType { WINDOW_ROWS, WINDOW_RANGE, WINDOW_MAX, }; enum BoundType { BOUND_UNBOUNDED, BOUND_CURRENT_ROW, BOUND_INTERVAL, }; enum BoundExprIdx { BOUND_EXPR_ADD = 0, BOUND_EXPR_SUB, BOUND_EXPR_MAX }; struct Bound { OB_UNIS_VERSION_V(1); public: Bound() : type_(BOUND_UNBOUNDED), is_preceding_(false), is_nmb_literal_(false), interval_expr_(NULL), date_unit_expr_(NULL) { MEMSET(exprs_, 0, sizeof(ObRawExpr*) * BOUND_EXPR_MAX); } int deep_copy( ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const Bound& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); BoundType type_; bool is_preceding_; bool is_nmb_literal_; ObRawExpr* interval_expr_; ObRawExpr* date_unit_expr_; ; ObRawExpr* exprs_[BOUND_EXPR_MAX]; TO_STRING_KV(K_(type), K_(is_preceding), K_(is_nmb_literal), KP_(interval_expr), K_(date_unit_expr)); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct ObFrame { public: ObFrame() : win_type_(WINDOW_MAX), is_between_(false) {} inline void set_window_type(WindowType win_type) { win_type_ = win_type; } inline void set_is_between(bool is_between) { is_between_ = is_between; } inline void set_upper(const Bound& upper) { upper_ = upper; } inline void set_lower(const Bound& lower) { lower_ = lower; } inline WindowType get_window_type() { return win_type_; } inline bool is_between() { return is_between_; } inline Bound& get_upper() { return upper_; } inline Bound& get_lower() { return lower_; } int assign(const ObFrame& other); WindowType win_type_; bool is_between_; Bound upper_; Bound lower_; }; struct ObWindow : public ObFrame { public: ObWindow() : has_frame_orig_(false) { partition_exprs_.set_label(common::ObModIds::OB_SQL_WINDOW_FUNC); order_items_.set_label(common::ObModIds::OB_SQL_WINDOW_FUNC); } inline int set_partition_exprs(const common::ObIArray& exprs) { return partition_exprs_.assign(exprs); } inline int set_order_items(const common::ObIArray& items) { return order_items_.assign(items); } inline void set_win_name(common::ObString& win_name) { win_name_ = win_name; } inline void set_has_frame_orig(int64_t has_frame_orig) { has_frame_orig_ = has_frame_orig; } inline common::ObString& get_win_name() { return win_name_; } inline bool has_frame_orig() { return has_frame_orig_; } inline bool has_order_items() { return order_items_.count() > 0; } inline const common::ObIArray& get_partition_exprs() const { return partition_exprs_; } inline common::ObIArray& get_partition_exprs() { return partition_exprs_; } inline const common::ObIArray& get_order_items() const { return order_items_; } inline common::ObIArray& get_order_items() { return order_items_; } int assign(const ObWindow& other); common::ObArray partition_exprs_; common::ObArray order_items_; // used in resolver common::ObString win_name_; bool has_frame_orig_; }; class ObWinFunRawExpr : public ObRawExpr, public ObWindow { public: ObWinFunRawExpr() : ObRawExpr(), ObWindow(), func_type_(T_MAX), is_distinct_(false), is_ignore_null_(false), is_from_first_(false), agg_expr_(NULL) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_WINDOW); } ObWinFunRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObRawExpr(alloc), ObWindow(), func_type_(T_MAX), is_distinct_(false), is_ignore_null_(false), is_from_first_(false), agg_expr_(NULL) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_WINDOW); } virtual ~ObWinFunRawExpr() {} int assign(const ObWinFunRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObWinFunRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); int replace_param_expr(int64_t partition_expr_index, ObRawExpr* expr); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); inline void set_func_type(ObItemType func_type) { func_type_ = func_type; } inline void set_is_distinct(bool is_distinct) { is_distinct_ = is_distinct; } inline void set_is_ignore_null(bool is_ignore_null) { is_ignore_null_ = is_ignore_null; } inline void set_is_from_first(bool is_from_first) { is_from_first_ = is_from_first; } inline int set_func_params(const common::ObIArray& params) { return func_params_.assign(params); } inline void set_agg_expr(ObAggFunRawExpr* agg_expr) { agg_expr_ = agg_expr; } inline ObItemType get_func_type() const { return func_type_; } inline bool is_distinct() { return is_distinct_; } inline bool is_ignore_null() { return is_ignore_null_; } inline bool is_from_first() { return is_from_first_; } inline const common::ObIArray& get_func_params() const { return func_params_; } inline common::ObIArray& get_func_params() { return func_params_; } inline ObAggFunRawExpr* get_agg_expr() { return agg_expr_; } inline ObAggFunRawExpr* get_agg_expr() const { return agg_expr_; } virtual void clear_child(); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int64_t get_param_count() const { int64_t cnt = (agg_expr_ != NULL ? agg_expr_->get_param_count() : 0) + func_params_.count() + partition_exprs_.count() + order_items_.count() + (upper_.interval_expr_ != NULL ? 1 : 0) + (lower_.interval_expr_ != NULL ? 1 : 0); for (int64_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { const Bound* bound = 0 == i ? &upper_ : &lower_; for (int64_t j = 0; j < BOUND_EXPR_MAX; ++j) { if (NULL != bound->exprs_[j]) { cnt++; } } } return cnt; } virtual const ObRawExpr* get_param_expr(int64_t index) const; virtual ObRawExpr*& get_param_expr(int64_t index); virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV(N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, K_(expr_level), K_(expr_levels), K_(func_type), K_(is_distinct), K_(func_params), K_(partition_exprs), K_(order_items), K_(win_type), K_(is_between), K_(upper), K_(lower), KPC_(agg_expr)); public: common::ObString sort_str_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObWinFunRawExpr); ObItemType func_type_; bool is_distinct_; bool is_ignore_null_; bool is_from_first_; common::ObArray func_params_; ObAggFunRawExpr* agg_expr_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ObPseudoColumnRawExpr : public ObTerminalRawExpr { public: ObPseudoColumnRawExpr() : ObTerminalRawExpr(), table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_PSEUDO_COLUMN); } ObPseudoColumnRawExpr(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : ObTerminalRawExpr(alloc), table_id_(common::OB_INVALID_ID) { set_expr_class(ObExpr::EXPR_PSEUDO_COLUMN); } virtual ~ObPseudoColumnRawExpr(){}; int assign(const ObPseudoColumnRawExpr& other); int deep_copy(ObRawExprFactory& expr_factory, const ObPseudoColumnRawExpr& other, const uint64_t copy_types, bool use_new_allocator = false); virtual int replace_expr( const common::ObIArray& other_exprs, const common::ObIArray& new_exprs); virtual bool same_as(const ObRawExpr& expr, ObExprEqualCheckContext* check_context = NULL) const; virtual int do_visit(ObRawExprVisitor& visitor) override; virtual uint64_t hash_internal(uint64_t seed) const; int get_name_internal(char* buf, const int64_t buf_len, int64_t& pos, ExplainType type) const; bool is_hierarchical_query_type() const { return type_ == T_LEVEL || type_ == T_CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE || type_ == T_CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF; } bool is_cte_query_type() const { return T_CTE_SEARCH_COLUMN == type_ || T_CTE_CYCLE_COLUMN == type_; } void set_cte_cycle_value(ObRawExpr* v, ObRawExpr* d_v) { cte_cycle_value_ = v; cte_cycle_default_value_ = d_v; }; void get_cte_cycle_value(ObRawExpr*& v, ObRawExpr*& d_v) { v = cte_cycle_value_; d_v = cte_cycle_default_value_; }; void set_table_id(int64_t table_id) { table_id_ = table_id; } int64_t get_table_id() const { return table_id_; } VIRTUAL_TO_STRING_KV( N_ITEM_TYPE, type_, N_RESULT_TYPE, result_type_, N_EXPR_INFO, info_, N_REL_ID, rel_ids_, N_TABLE_ID, table_id_); private: ObRawExpr* cte_cycle_value_; ObRawExpr* cte_cycle_default_value_; int64_t table_id_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObPseudoColumnRawExpr); }; /// visitor interface class ObRawExprVisitor { public: ObRawExprVisitor() {} virtual ~ObRawExprVisitor() {} // OP types: constants, ? etc. virtual int visit(ObConstRawExpr& expr) = 0; // OP types: ObObjtypes virtual int visit(ObVarRawExpr& expr) = 0; // OP types: subquery, cell index virtual int visit(ObQueryRefRawExpr& expr) = 0; // OP types: identify, table.column virtual int visit(ObColumnRefRawExpr& expr) = 0; // unary OP types: exists, not, negative, positive // binary OP types: +, -, *, /, >, <, =, <=>, IS, IN etc. // triple OP types: like, not like, btw, not btw // multi OP types: and, or, ROW virtual int visit(ObOpRawExpr& expr) = 0; // OP types: case, arg case virtual int visit(ObCaseOpRawExpr& expr) = 0; // OP types: aggregate functions e.g. max, min, avg, count, sum virtual int visit(ObAggFunRawExpr& expr) = 0; // OP types: system functions virtual int visit(ObSysFunRawExpr& expr) = 0; virtual int visit(ObSetOpRawExpr& expr) = 0; virtual int visit(ObAliasRefRawExpr& expr) { UNUSED(expr); return common::OB_SUCCESS; } virtual int visit(ObFunMatchAgainst& expr) { UNUSED(expr); return common::OB_SUCCESS; } virtual int visit(ObSetIterRawExpr& expr) { UNUSED(expr); return common::OB_SUCCESS; } virtual int visit(ObRowIterRawExpr& expr) { UNUSED(expr); return common::OB_SUCCESS; } virtual int visit(ObWinFunRawExpr& expr) { UNUSED(expr); return common::OB_SUCCESS; } virtual int visit(ObPseudoColumnRawExpr& expr) { UNUSED(expr); return common::OB_SUCCESS; } virtual bool skip_child(ObRawExpr& expr) { UNUSED(expr); return false; } private: // disallow copy DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObRawExprVisitor); }; class ObRawExprFactory { public: explicit ObRawExprFactory(common::ObIAllocator& alloc) : allocator_(alloc), expr_store_(alloc) {} ~ObRawExprFactory() { if (!THIS_WORKER.has_req_flag()) { destory(); } } //~ObRawExprFactory() { } template inline int create_raw_expr(ObItemType expr_type, ExprType*& raw_expr) { int ret = common::OB_SUCCESS; void* ptr = allocator_.alloc(sizeof(ExprType)); raw_expr = NULL; if (OB_UNLIKELY(NULL == ptr)) { ret = common::OB_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FAILED; SQL_RESV_LOG(ERROR, "no more memory to create raw expr"); } else { raw_expr = new (ptr) ExprType(allocator_); raw_expr->set_allocator(allocator_); raw_expr->set_expr_factory(*this); raw_expr->set_expr_type(expr_type); if (OB_FAIL(expr_store_.store_obj(raw_expr))) { SQL_RESV_LOG(WARN, "store raw expr failed", K(ret)); raw_expr->~ExprType(); raw_expr = NULL; } else { SQL_RESV_LOG(DEBUG, "create_raw_expr", K(expr_type), "expr_type", get_type_name(expr_type), K(lbt())); } } return ret; } inline void destory() { DLIST_FOREACH_NORET(node, expr_store_.get_obj_list()) { if (node != NULL && node->get_obj() != NULL) { node->get_obj()->~ObRawExpr(); } } expr_store_.destory(); } inline common::ObIAllocator& get_allocator() { return allocator_; } TO_STRING_KV("", ""); private: common::ObIAllocator& allocator_; common::ObObjStore expr_store_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObRawExprFactory); }; class ObRawExprPointer { public: ObRawExprPointer(); virtual ~ObRawExprPointer(); int get(ObRawExpr*& expr); int set(ObRawExpr* expr); int add_ref(ObRawExpr** expr); TO_STRING_KV("", ""); private: common::ObSEArray expr_group_; }; } // namespace sql } // namespace oceanbase #endif // OCEANBASE_SQL_RESOLVER_EXPR_RAW_EXPR_