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// Remarkable default options

'use strict';

module.exports = {
  options: {
    html:         false,        // Enable HTML tags in source
    xhtmlOut:     false,        // Use '/' to close single tags (<br />)
    breaks:       false,        // Convert '\n' in paragraphs into <br>
    langPrefix:   'language-',  // CSS language prefix for fenced blocks
    linkify:      false,        // autoconvert URL-like texts to links
    linkTarget:   '',           // set target to open link in

    // Enable some language-neutral replacements + quotes beautification
    typographer:  false,

    // Double + single quotes replacement pairs, when typographer enabled,
    // and smartquotes on. Set doubles to '«»' for Russian, '„“' for German.
    quotes:       '“”‘’',

    // Highlighter function. Should return escaped HTML,
    // or '' if input not changed
    // function (/*str, lang*/) { return ''; }
    highlight:     null,

    maxNesting:    20            // Internal protection, recursion limit

  components: {
    // Don't restrict core/block/inline rules
    core: {},
    block: {},
    inline: {}