package client import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "mime/multipart" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" ) type PluginManager struct { JenkinsCore } type Plugin struct { Active bool Enabled bool Bundled bool Downgradable bool Deleted bool } // PluginList represent a list of plugins type InstalledPluginList struct { Plugins []InstalledPlugin } type AvailablePluginList struct { Data []AvailablePlugin Status string } type AvailablePlugin struct { Plugin // for the available list Name string Installed bool Website string Title string } // InstalledPlugin represent the installed plugin from Jenkins type InstalledPlugin struct { Plugin Enable bool ShortName string LongName string Version string URL string HasUpdate bool Pinned bool RequiredCoreVesion string MinimumJavaVersion string SupportDynamicLoad string BackVersion string } // CheckUpdate fetch the lastest plugins from update center site func (p *PluginManager) CheckUpdate(handle func(*http.Response)) { api := fmt.Sprintf("%s/pluginManager/checkUpdatesServer", p.URL) req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", api, nil) if err == nil { p.AuthHandle(req) } else { log.Fatal(err) } if err = p.CrumbHandle(req); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } client := p.GetClient() if response, err := client.Do(req); err == nil { p.handleCheck(handle)(response) } else { log.Fatal(err) } } // GetAvailablePlugins get the aviable plugins from Jenkins func (p *PluginManager) GetAvailablePlugins() (pluginList *AvailablePluginList, err error) { var ( statusCode int data []byte ) if statusCode, data, err = p.Request("GET", "/pluginManager/plugins", nil, nil); err == nil { if statusCode == 200 { pluginList = &AvailablePluginList{} err = json.Unmarshal(data, pluginList) } else { err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: %d", statusCode) if p.Debug { ioutil.WriteFile("debug.html", data, 0664) } } } return } // GetPlugins get installed plugins func (p *PluginManager) GetPlugins() (pluginList *InstalledPluginList, err error) { var ( statusCode int data []byte ) if statusCode, data, err = p.Request("GET", "/pluginManager/api/json?depth=1", nil, nil); err == nil { if statusCode == 200 { pluginList = &InstalledPluginList{} err = json.Unmarshal(data, pluginList) } else { err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: %d", statusCode) if p.Debug { ioutil.WriteFile("debug.html", data, 0664) } } } return } func getPluginsInstallQuery(names []string) string { pluginNames := make([]string, 0) for _, name := range names { if name == "" { continue } pluginNames = append(pluginNames, fmt.Sprintf("plugin.%s=", name)) } return strings.Join(pluginNames, "&") } // InstallPlugin install a plugin by name func (p *PluginManager) InstallPlugin(names []string) (err error) { api := fmt.Sprintf("%s/pluginManager/install?%s", p.URL, getPluginsInstallQuery(names)) var ( req *http.Request response *http.Response ) req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", api, nil) if err == nil { if err = p.AuthHandle(req); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } else { return } client := p.GetClient() if response, err = client.Do(req); err == nil { code := response.StatusCode var data []byte data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) if code == 200 { fmt.Println("install succeed.") } else if code == 400 { if errMsg, ok := response.Header["X-Error"]; ok { for _, msg := range errMsg { fmt.Println(msg) } } else { fmt.Println("Cannot found plugins", names) } } else { fmt.Println(response.Header) fmt.Println("status code", code) if err == nil && p.Debug && len(data) > 0 { ioutil.WriteFile("debug.html", data, 0664) } else if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } } else { log.Fatal(err) } return } // UninstallPlugin uninstall a plugin by name func (p *PluginManager) UninstallPlugin(name string) (err error) { api := fmt.Sprintf("/pluginManager/plugin/%s/uninstall", name) var ( statusCode int data []byte ) if statusCode, data, err = p.Request("POST", api, nil, nil); err == nil { if statusCode == 200 { fmt.Println("uninstall succeed.") } else { err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: %d", statusCode) if p.Debug { ioutil.WriteFile("debug.html", data, 0664) } } } return } // Upload will upload a file from local filesystem into Jenkins func (p *PluginManager) Upload(pluginFile string) { api := fmt.Sprintf("%s/pluginManager/uploadPlugin", p.URL) extraParams := map[string]string{} request, err := newfileUploadRequest(api, extraParams, "@name", pluginFile) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err == nil { p.AuthHandle(request) } else { return } client := p.GetClient() var response *http.Response response, err = client.Do(request) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } else if response.StatusCode != 200 { fmt.Println("StatusCode", response.StatusCode) var data []byte if data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body); err == nil && p.Debug { ioutil.WriteFile("debug.html", data, 0664) } else { log.Fatal(err) } } } func (p *PluginManager) handleCheck(handle func(*http.Response)) func(*http.Response) { if handle == nil { handle = func(*http.Response) { // Do nothing, just for avoid nil exception } } return handle } func newfileUploadRequest(uri string, params map[string]string, paramName, path string) (*http.Request, error) { file, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } var total float64 if stat, err := file.Stat(); err != nil { panic(err) } else { total = float64(stat.Size()) } defer file.Close() bytesBuffer := &bytes.Buffer{} progressWriter := &util.ProgressIndicator{ Total: total, Writer: bytesBuffer, Reader: bytesBuffer, Title: "Uploading", } progressWriter.Init() writer := multipart.NewWriter(bytesBuffer) part, err := writer.CreateFormFile(paramName, filepath.Base(path)) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = io.Copy(part, file) for key, val := range params { _ = writer.WriteField(key, val) } err = writer.Close() if err != nil { return nil, err } req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", uri, progressWriter) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType()) return req, err }