ver- fixed bugs 1) in the windows query results from grouping by a nchar column could be inconsistent with that from taos cliEnt shell in the linux 2) query of last record could lead to server crash 3) both inserting data and creating dropped tables would fail if setting 'tables' option to 1 enhancements ) avoid repetitively parsing the same table when inserting records into multiple tables in a batch 2) accelerate the speed of writing into a database with multiple replicas by redirecting the request to the master vnode 3) clarify the error message when importing multiple files
ver- 1.#952 Logical error when setting read and write permissions for the user 2.#949 SQL statement `show connections` may cause crash 3.#946 Filter on all NULL value cause the server crashed 4.#928 Use multi-threading to import all SQL files in the directory separately 5.Asynchronous query loop too many times when pulling cache
ver- 1.Better support for publicIP 2.Use object reference to manage the life cycle for the QInfo object 3.The server crashed when tag group by 4.Some problems in join statement 5.Remove warning from compiler
ver- 1.Vnode may fail to recycle when deleting database 2.The error code returned by the aggregation calculation is incorrect
ver- 1.Dealing with duplicate vgroup numbers
ver- 1.The data of the original schema can still be written after the table schema is modified 2.Fixed bug when reading restful interface data 3.Modify the package name
ver- 1. #494 #478 fix the bug that the setLocale function return wrong value to cause both the TDengine and Shell fail to launch 2. #642 add druid pool support 3. #643 when aggregating by days, the calculation doesn't start from 00:00:000 in this day 4. #645 multi-db switch may cause the table created in a wrong database 5. #657 RPC module frees the msg body while other threads still access that struct to cause the SIGSEGV error. 6. #659 importing history data which spans multiple files may cause head file corrupte 7. #660 non-atomic allocating cache block and inserting data into cache block cause the check data in cache failure 8. #677 no client can connect to server since no free sessions available
ver- This version fixes the following bugs 1. #544 Fix race in jni initialization 2. #560 First/last query on metric may cause server crash 3. #564 Enables the grafana connector to support microsecond precision databases 4. #569 Fix the possibility of random memory access in http module 5. #568 Create table statement may cause server crash 6. #570 Failed to set the error code if client (taos) version is not matched with server(taosd) version 7. #571 Memory leak exists when parsing a "create-table" sql expression 8. #584 Enable the hash table of the cache to automatically resize as the elements of data added into the cache. 9. #604 Taos_print_row may put the null-terminal into the final string 10. #606 Add the UID check for each data block that is submitted to the vnode 11. #608 Int hash function is available for bigint that are greater than INT32_MAX and negative integers 12. #614 Import file cause shell crash 11. #619 Release taos-jdbcdriver.jar to maven central repo 12. #621 Update english single quote and less than or equal to <= 13. #623 Fixed bugs relating to timestamps for node connector New features in this version 1. close the monitor and clear client logs from taos client terminal 2. support group by the normal column 3. retrieve the metadata in a batch in the API 4. delete all tables under a super table by derectly deleting this super table 5. check the uid in the tables to be inserted and return the correct code 6. support the query on the column with the datatype "nchar" 7. support "or" in the "where" filter 8. support to transpose the query results displayed by adding "\G" in the taos client terminal Features in the next version 1. enhance the check of system memory 2. support arithmetric function on the aggregation query results, for example, Select sum(a)+sum(b) 3. support count(distinct x) through HLL algorithm 4. support histogram 5. support the window to display the changed state
ver- This version fixes the following bugs 1. #541 TSDB error: client no disk space 2. #542 Some false positive logs in JDBCDriver 3. #543 Log printing error for long SQL statements in Windows 4. #552 Modify the RPC Debug configuration item. 5. #555 Time window check may fail in Interval query 6. #556 Deleting a database will cause a deadlock if there is a write request coming
ver- This version fixes the following bugs 1. #506 Modify version number logic 2. #511 In the projection query of the super table with conditional filtering, the data cannot be obtained using limit offset. 3. #513 HTTP link leak may occur after client too slow 4. #514 Add function of writing one table with multiple threads 5. #516 Invalid timestamp filter expression bug 6. #525 spread on primary ts is not correct 7. #530 When the set locale fails, the error message is incorrect
ver- version